Leah on the Line - 35: This podcast helped me find out he was CHEATING!

Episode Date: September 26, 2022

Hey babes! Welcome back to a brand new episode. This was so fun, I cannot believe we caught out a cheater through Leah on the Line!! The power of us all coming together hey? ;) Thank you so so much fo...r all you love, you're the best friends ever. I love you! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone hi guys sorry about that oh my god i'm an intruder on the podcast today get away from us this is a girl's room no joking the boys are always welcome hello everybody happy tuesday welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line i'm currently curled up in a ball on a bed with a hot water ball on a blanket because on my period and i'm bleeding out of my vagina and it hurts honestly i'm in so much pain i keep getting shooting pain in my arsehole as well you know the pain as well don't you girls oh it's horrendous anyway happy Tuesday best day of the week how are you how's things right I'm gonna need you to keep it down if you're gonna sit in the room right sorry about that guys really causing chaos today how are you what's going on your lives um not much going on in my life apart from a very painful
Starting point is 00:01:02 period I went to a wedding the other day my dad got married crazy times I wore a beautiful bright yellow dress well it wasn't actually my favorite dress in the world like I've I've seen and worn better dresses but it was very pretty and I wanted to wear something bright in summery because I've really felt like summer's leaving it makes me so so depressed anybody else get proper depression in the winter oh my god literally just no one just no one waking me up honestly just let me know when it's summer because i'm over already it was like nine degrees earlier nine degrees how am i supposed to survive in that type of temperature i'm only little what do you mean i couldn't cope i was like get me out of there get me out of there anyway oh my god sorry if I don't
Starting point is 00:01:45 sound myself I'm just in a lot of pain so I mentioned it before I've got PCO right but I'm almost 1 million percent convinced I have endometriosis like I'm literally convinced and no one wants to give me the time of day like since I was 15 when I get my periods I literally faint vomit like I'm in labor the pain is like an emergency like call the ambulance somebody did call the ambulance on me once because they thought I was having a miscarriage I was like oh my god even I was pregnant it's crazy and then the pain just that she disappeared like she disappeared so then well she didn't actually call the ambulance I was in college and she was going to take me to the ambulance it was the first aid lady and then because my pain wrench never took
Starting point is 00:02:23 me in the end so I was like well thanks anyway and then it happened again the next month and they thought i was having another miscarriage i was like i don't know about that babe and then it happened again the next month they're like maybe she's pregnant maybe she's i was like or maybe i've got excruciating periods that somebody needs to do something about please anyone please they're like oh i've got a brilliant idea take the pill and it'll get rid of your periods i'm like oh yeah brilliant let's just disguise the problem shall we you idiot so now it's been 10 years i'm still suffering in pain and i had to have them what's it called what's it called an ultrasound remember i told you guys all about the ultrasound yeah
Starting point is 00:02:59 traumatic and they were like you've got polycystic ovaries I was like oh interesting but that apparently that a symptom of that is in painful periods so no explanation for that but brilliant they just sort of ushered me out well they did ask me to come in for blood tests to test my hormone levels and they never really called me with the results so um and I didn't call back because I have health anxiety and the results of blood tests it's just not something I want to be dealing with you know so I was just like brilliant must be fine but anyway enough about me and my vagina do you know what I mean happy Tuesday missed you all so much so happy to be back
Starting point is 00:03:38 I have a really fun weekly debate today it's's a little bit different. It's actually a would you rather. My sister saw it on TikTok and I thought this is such a good weekly debate. It is, would you rather cheat on your partner or snitch on your cheating bestie? What the fuck? Do you know what I mean? I actually found that quite hard. Apparently you guys didn't. You guys did not find that hard. and let me explain why i think it's difficult okay because when i think of my best friend i think of my best friend for the last 20 years jess shout out to you babe if she cheated on her partner i she has a child she is definitely going to end up marrying this man obviously i understand you cheat babe your fault i mean but at the same time i i it would be awful like for me to tell them that's the end of their relationship that's the end of our friendship like so many relationships will be damaged from me
Starting point is 00:04:36 snitching obviously i do understand she did she did the change you know i mean she's in the wrong not me but it would be hard and then i spoke to my mum about it and she was like well you could cheat on your partner and then they never know and then no one gets hurt your best friend never cheat on her partner again hopefully and he doesn't get hurt their relationship can survive your partner never finds out your relationship survived you just had to do it to take one for the team I was like yeah but yeah, but I just don't, I don't think I could ever cheat on someone, anyway, you guys are pretty much all, like, 99% are, I'm snitching, babe, I'm snitching on the bestie, so you're literally, snitch, I love my besties, but cheating is wrong, also, I could never cheat on my partner, wouldn't do either, but I would encourage my bestie to confess, because morally, it's so wrong, that's not's not an option babe that's not one of the options you have to pick um snitch on my cheat and bestie 100% cheat on my partner
Starting point is 00:05:30 there we go cheat on the boyfriend best friend will always be at the wedding but not the boyfriend but the boyfriend may not this is the thing your best friend is there through all of it do you know what i mean um snitch snitch snitch snitch snitch on my bestie snitch i couldn't live with guilt if i cheated snitch and cheating bestie cannot support cheating that's the thing as well like you haven't you haven't she done something majorly wrong here babe do you know what i mean um someone says is that even a question snitch of snitch on my bestie sometimes you need to call your close friends out when they're wrong snitch don't agree for dogging your friends but soz i can't cheat on my man i'd snitch i raised her better than that love it snitch on bestie snitch on cheating bestie my fiance is the only
Starting point is 00:06:16 person who's been all about me since i met him sorry to say it but snitch truth always comes out in the end anyway cheating is wrong sorry bestie but my man deserved better than that i would never oh yeah yeah you're right you're right snitch if you're gonna do someone dirty you gotta expect for there to be consequences yeah like why would i sabotage my relationship because you've sabotaged yours hand i mean i'd rather cheat myself lol such a difficult one um snitch on bestie I'm not losing my man and she shouldn't have done it yeah I'm with you I'm with you um snitch on my bestie I mean I am team snitch but I do I do see both sides um snitch on my cheating bestie for sure ew cheating is no snitch on my bestie nobody deserves that um shit either way but i couldn't betray the father of my kids and ruin
Starting point is 00:07:05 our family oh god jeff if he's like hubby you've got kids that's a whole that's an easy one you know um prob snitch i have fuck cheating i'd hate myself forever never mean to cheat so sorry bessie i wouldn't snitch though i would tell them to tell the partner that's not an option girl that's not an option you gotta snitch you gotta snitch i could never cheat the guilt would eat me up bestie needs to learn to be honest yeah you're not wrong you're not wrong i'm not jeopardizing my relationship for someone who's clearly not happy in theirs snitching my bestie in the long run i think i'll be able to forgive myself for it yeah that is true like you'd never forgive yourself for cheating on your partner i doubt but you could forgive yourself for snitching on your bestie
Starting point is 00:07:41 because at the end of the day she is in the wrong um I've just found out yesterday I was cheating on after four years so I'd vote snitch on your cheating bestie fuck oh my god I'd never snitch on my bestie so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cheat snitch I don't know if that makes me selfish but I'd rather be guilty of that than cheat um yeah it's definitely easier to live with isn't it snitch and cheat and bestie unfortunately they're in the wrong anyway shrug shrug emoji yeah i mean i do i do get it guys i'm on your side but i did think i did think you guys would be more team bestie like even though they are the cheating scumbag i mean fuck you but at the same time i did think part of you part like a big percentage of you would be a little bit more backing up the bestie.
Starting point is 00:08:28 No matter what she does, she's never in the wrong in my eyes. Do you know what I mean? So I'm impressed on that front. But yeah, it was literally 99%. I think there was about 10 people in total that said they wouldn't choose to snitch on their bestie. So really, really one-sided debate guys I mean well done I feel like that's probably the right thing to do isn't it but I mean this is the thing I'm the kind of friend where like I will lie for you like if my best friend rings me and she's
Starting point is 00:08:55 like didn't I say yours last night I'll be like yeah obviously I'll be a bit like I'll ring her straight back and be like what the fuck have you done? Sort it out right now. But my immediate reaction is like, I've got your back. Do you know what I mean? Like, I'm just that friend. But I mean, yeah, I'm quite happy with the response to that one. I think you all did really well. And let's get into some dilemmas. Okay, guys, I am going gonna start with the craziest fucking shit you've ever heard right lear on the line had a new level of power against men last week okay so i read this dilemma like just going through my emails picking out the dilemmas for the week and I was reading this one and I was getting some weird coincidences from this guy that she's talking about so I'm going to read it out to you and I'll tell you the story as we go along but basically it starts like this help needed I feel so lost I've been
Starting point is 00:09:59 dating this guy for around eight weeks now we met on a dating app and at the start he was what seemed to be the perfect guy we spoke 24 7 he made me laugh and we just got on instantly he works as an aircraft engineer in the RAF and I'm thinking that's so funny like my friend I'm gonna say no name here but my friend is dating someone what was was dating someone who was in the RAF. I was like, oh my god, how funny. He was an aircraft engineer in the RAF, how funny. And then she says, which meant his job and hours were all over the place. However, as time went on, he would go missing for hours upon hours, telling me he was working nights, but then he'd be active at 7am, when surely he should be sleeping. And'm thinking that's so weird he was exactly the same maybe RAF engineers are all the bloody same you know the last few weekends he had completely he
Starting point is 00:10:51 had completely ghosted me and messaged me again on the Sunday night I'm thinking god this guy I know was such a ghoster as well you know hot and cold which makes me think has he got a girlfriend and the my friend the guy who my friends date in let's give him a name um uh uh john right john we me and my friend were you know concerned whether john might have had a girlfriend because he would always just disappear and like his notifications would would be turned off like when john was around her house he turned off his notifications in front of her for whatsapp and then one night john was supposed to go around my friend's house and his notification her notifications didn't deliver to him on whatsapp and we were like he's turned his notifications off where is he maybe as a girlfriend right something that's so crazy
Starting point is 00:11:38 all raf guys are all the fucking same right anyway continuing on i've caught him out a few times where he's blatantly lied to me one being so recently his nan sadly passed away and I'm thinking that's so funny John's nan passed away recently as well right continuing on his nan passed away and one Friday evening he said he was cleaning out her house and that's why he couldn't come over but after looking on his friend's Instagram he was at a wedding and I'm thinking John was at a wedding the other day right okay and then she goes on to say he works in Yeovil during the week okay if anyone doesn't know that's where I live and where my friend lives and tells me he goes back home to Newport on the weekends and I'm thinking that's fucking crazy John works in Yeovil and lives in Newport right anyway continuing on I've asked him if he's dating or seeing anyone else but he's
Starting point is 00:12:41 adamant he isn't right I keep on chasing him and allowing him to come over because i don't have the proof am i going insane or should i listen to my gut and block delete and move on my friends don't know i've continued to see him and go back they thought i'd cut it off the first time this happened okay so basically i'm reading this dilemma and I'm thinking, RAF, God, I know an RAF guy, John. What a guy, right? He disappears. He goes as well. That's so funny. Maybe they're all the same. Oh, his nan passed away recently as well, actually. John's nan passed away. And then John went to a wedding recently as well. And then John works in Yeovil and lives in Newport. John works in Yeovil and lives in Newport. So I knew the guy in question is John. John is who we're dealing with. I know it. So I put on my story saying, whoever sent me this dilemma,
Starting point is 00:13:35 DM me immediately because I've got some information for you, honey. She DMs me and I was like, hi, babe, babe, babe. Just first question I need to ask. Is his name John? Obviously, it's not actually John, guys. Is his name John? She says, yes. I said, I'm so sorry. I've got some information that is going to hurt. Okay. He's been dating my friend.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And he's been doing the exact same fucking shit. And John had been having sex with both of them. And telling them, no, I'm not dating anyone else bear in mind my friend said to John hi babes I've been fucked over recently quite significantly by a lot of men every guy I've spoken to their intentions have been shit and I would just like to know what your intentions are like I'm not asking you know are we going to be boyfriend and girlfriend I should know I see other people if you are that's absolutely fine with me if you just want to have sex with me that's absolutely fine if you're honest about it john right john says no no honestly i really like you i'm not seeing anyone else i really really
Starting point is 00:14:38 like you really like you to my friend john is a major major pussyhole that's what john is because he didn't have the balls to say yeah i'm dating other people that's absolutely fine with me john thanks for letting me know thanks for the transparency darling so i'm not going to get too attached you know no john's a selfish lying little freak and he led them both on so if you're seeing anyone girls to listen to this and he sounds a bit like john uh just be warned all right there could be hundreds of you out there all right who really knows to be honest because he works all over the uk and he's still on dating sites he's probably got one in every city at this rate you know what i mean which is fine if you're honest with the girls do you know what i
Starting point is 00:15:20 mean you don't need to be locked down to one girl it's absolutely fine if you can if you want to date around you do that honey but be honest I mean get some balls anyway thought that was crazy had to tell you guys all about it um I did already give her advice in the email and I was like um I know this kind of goes without saying but sack it off do you know what I mean which she did and so did my friend but my friend actually sacked off a couple of days before because of the red flags. And because he ghosted for a second time. The first time he ghosted, he was like, oh, I fell asleep. And she was a bit like, I mean, it's fucking rude.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And it's very out of order. But like, what if he did fall asleep? And then I was like, okay, if you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, give him the benefit of the doubt, honey. And then he did it again. And the notifications went off. And he ghosted. And she was like, nah. Fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. So that was it.
Starting point is 00:16:09 She was like, bye, John, bye, John. And yeah, that was the end of my friend and John and said, Lear on the Line listener and John. So that is the power of Lear on the Line. So if there's any little fuckers listening to this and you're playing around just be careful they don't write into leo on the line okay because i might read it out and someone might listen to that and go that sounds a lot like the guy i'm seeing so you be careful out there everybody all right the power of leo on the line we got each other's backs that's why honey do you know anyway let's move on to the next dilemma this is called dilemma ah so it sounds really scary okay let me read it out. Hi Leah, can't believe
Starting point is 00:16:47 I'm actually sending you a dilemma over, but would love to hear your opinion on what I should do. Just going to get my little feelings out. Hee hee. Let them out, girl. So a wee backstory. When someone says wee, I just know you're Scottish. Does anyone say wee if you're not Scottish? It's just Scottish people, right? That say that? Yeah, so I would do a Scottish accent, but I can't. So I've been with my boyfriend properly since December 2021. However, been seeing each other for over a year. I've been in two previous relationships before, only one I would count as serious. My previous boyfriend was extremely emotional and my current boyfriend is extremely unemotional. I think the drastic change between both convinces my head that he doesn't care due to the change.
Starting point is 00:17:33 However, if I felt as though I could speak to my current boyfriend, I know I'd feel so much better. In my previous relationship, I felt as if I was needed by my ex and this current relationship, not so much. There's no fight for the relationship. Only recently, in the past couple of months, my current boyfriend has been showing some serious narcissistic and ego problem traits. Laughing at me while I'm crying after telling him I felt mentally unwell and needed more support. Doesn't seem to be fussed whether or not I'm with him or broken up. Ew. And there is simply no talking to him or even communicating,
Starting point is 00:18:08 trying to explain the way I feel without it turning into me being the problem and my emotions being disregarded. Oh, fuck you. Do you know what I mean? It's all about you. I hate people like that, honestly. You deserve better, but continue on. We will have a full-blown argument. He will wind me up until I say something he can hold on to and end things over which ends up with me spiraling as all I wanted was to express my needs yeah and you have you're allowed to do that okay
Starting point is 00:18:31 arguments are always spiraling out of control as I find he winds me up rather than calming me down it's making me resent him I want it to be him very badly but can't see it being him without any chance change I think she means however my boy best friend ah so meanwhile meanwhile sorry meanwhile I've been so upset due to my current relationship crumbling I found myself seeking comfort in my boy best friend he's extremely good looking I've all I've always found him stunning as well as his amazing personality I've told you what I think about boy best friends and this is exactly what I say. He listens to me and genuinely has my best interests at heart. Me finding him good looking is nothing new to me as I've always had these thoughts towards him.
Starting point is 00:19:15 As most girls would think the exact same just from observing. However, even if the chance came up, I would never want to ruin our friendship of eight plus years. However, since cracks in my relationship have started to show, I've been asking my boy best friend to see me more. The other day, I found myself fantasizing over what could be something I've never thought about before. Is this because I feel so insecure in my relationship and it's so easy to speak to my boy best friend and deep down all I want is the emotional support my boy best friend can give me. Emotional support my boyfriend quite clearly cannot. I've never ever cheated on a partner before and when me and my boyfriend are good we are good but I constantly have this sense of I can do better. I've never had this before
Starting point is 00:20:01 being treated badly. My head's gone to be honest. I asked my boyfriend for more emotional support and I just want him to say to me, you can speak to me and can't even get that without it being an argument. I'm too much, but I've never been told this before. Am I just needing to ride this wave and see if my boyfriend can change? Or can you even change a narcissist? Is he even a narcissist? Or could my trauma from past relationships be telling me he doesn't care as my ex was so overly emotional oh leah my head's gone this was free therapy got my rant out even if
Starting point is 00:20:31 this doesn't make to the podcast or anything feels though i have something i've got something on my chest good love your opinion on life and really value your opinion on oh sorry sorry love your attitude on life and really value your opinion. Love you, love you. Please keep confidential, but I must show you. She sent me pictures, guys. This is my boyfriend. I'm seeing a pic of the BF. They look like they're at a festival. So you clearly have some fun times together. Okay. He looks terrifying. I'm not going to lie. Like when I'm zooming into his eyes, he looks like he would ruin your life but never mind my boy my boy best friend I feel so bad but here oh he looks sweet and kind he was very young but I mean you're gorgeous by the way love that love the lashes got some gorgeous lashes going on here guys sorry you
Starting point is 00:21:18 can't see these photos it's probably really fucking annoying for me to look at them and you're not looking I'll explain them though so boyfriend they're in a festival having a great time she's given a little pout she looks gorge second pick she's in a car with the boy bestie he looks very sweet and kind looks like his name's probably like Justin or something like that hopefully it's not I've just exposed them anyway so some some opinions on this I think you need to um get out of that relationship I can't lie you know I don't often say that I don't often tell you to end your relationships because I don't want to be part of that that's a big decision do you know what I mean but listen let me tell you when you're in a relationship with somebody who quite literally tells you I do not care about your feelings
Starting point is 00:22:05 they do not matter to me I'm not going to do anything to change how you feel they will never ever ever give you what you want they will never treat you how you want them to treat you they will never care about you the way that you want them to care about you and honestly it is a long painful road from there like it is so it can the more it goes on it damages your self-esteem even more it damages your confidence you feel you take it all very personally now I wouldn't blame the fact that your boyfriend was overly emotional on why this hurts I think even if you've never had a relationship before this would still hurt and it should like you have every right to be hurt and upset by somebody saying these kind of things to you and treating
Starting point is 00:22:47 you like that. So don't look for an answer. Like don't look for like, oh, but maybe it's just because my boyfriend was so emotional last time. Maybe this boyfriend isn't even that bad. No, honestly, if somebody can't show their emotions on its own, that's a red flag. I do understand like a lot of people need some support with that and they have reasons for that but for him to literally sit there and wind you up and say nasty horrible things to you give you the impression that he's a narcissist is very scary to me and I just think run for your life honey like literally run and don't look back now when it comes to the boy bestie I would say you know it could just be that your vision's a bit cloudy you know because of the situation you're in with your
Starting point is 00:23:31 boyfriend like you're you're going out with your boy best friend having a right laugh you're obviously attracted to him from what you say um and then you go home and you're upset and your boyfriend makes you feel like a piece of shit. And obviously you're going to compare those two experiences and be like, oh, I'd rather be with you, obviously. But I wouldn't worry about it. Like, first of all, I would solve one problem at a time. First issue is your relationship. Now, as your best friend, I'm going to give you the advice. What I would do if I was you is end the relationship.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Obviously, I can't make you do that. I think listen to your gut. If you really genuinely think this is who he is he's not going to change I would say listen to that and you've said you know you deserve better and I think that is the main thing like do not waste your life with someone that does not deserve you but then I also understand especially in these kind of relationships you cannot walk away until it's ready until you're ready sorry like one day I think I said this in my narcissist episode I saw on TikTok you a guy was like how do I know if it's over like how do I know when to leave like should I leave and he said if you're still asking yourself those questions it's not the right time
Starting point is 00:24:40 you will literally just wake up in the middle of the night to go for a wee and then you'll be like do you know what i'm i'm done like it's over i've had enough i don't want to be with you anymore you know like i've you've pushed me too far this is it this is it i'm done so until you get to that point it's okay don't kick yourself don't don't stress about it like you're going to be fine whatever decision you make whether you want to still stay with this guy and work on it which no one's going to blame you if you do if you do hopefully it would work out and I would love that for you but if in your gut you're like this is not a relationship I want I want to love my life I want to feel good and do you know what you need to think would I feel better going to bed alone than going into bed and feeling like shit with you because sometimes the answer is yeah honestly I'd rather be in bed on my own and make myself happy then
Starting point is 00:25:31 you can't fucking hurt me you can't make me feel like shit I mean you can't reject me like this so if you decide you want to leave that relationship leave and be strong and you've got this and listen to the breakup episode if you do but then I wouldn't worry about what you're going to do about your boy best friend situation because if you're you know if you do have if you do decide I do really have feelings for him you'll still have those feelings once you've grieved this first relationship so I'd give yourself time to heal from that relationship get through the breakup properly and then if you still have these thoughts and feelings towards your boy best friend you can pursue it then I
Starting point is 00:26:09 think make sure that you've like put that first experience with your current boyfriend to bed emotionally so you know that the feelings are genuinely for your best friend and not because of him do you know what I mean does that make sense, but really just don't worry about it, like, you are going to be so fine, you're a gorgeous girl, you have an obviously great friendship with this guy, and you're already winning, just by having a great friendship with him, and I think he fancies you back, to be honest, I can just tell from that one photo, that's all I need to know but honestly don't worry about it like you're literally gonna be fine you have the strength to get through this
Starting point is 00:26:49 if you do decide to end the relationship like I said listen to the breakup episode honey do you know what I mean and honestly all I have to say to your current boyfriend who's treating you like shit is fuck you leave my friend alone all right I love you so much okay next dilemma it says hi Leah I'm a new listener and I'm obsessed just a quick one so when my boyfriend goes on a night out with his mates he barely texts all night if I'm lucky lol I'll get one message when he's home at like 4am do you think this is normal like am I allowed to be annoyed um Yes, you're allowed to be annoyed. I think that's actually just a form of disrespect. I can't lie. Like, have you communicated with him? Like, I would just feel better if you texted me once or twice, maybe three times throughout your night, just being like, just so you know, we're here thinking of you. Love you. Just so you know,
Starting point is 00:27:39 I'm on my way, like blah, blah, blah. Just in the cab now, babe. Just moving bars now. I don't need you to be having a normal conversation with me. Just keep me in the loop a few texts you know what I mean I don't I don't need you to be like oh you watching TOWIE what's happening in TOWIE like just be like oh I'm going on to the next bar love you thinking of you miss you can't wait to see you next weekend wish you were here like I think that is normal from a partner and a night out and if you've communicated with him that you you want that and need it from him and he's decided not to do it then that's actually a form of disrespect so if you haven't communicated that with him first step is do that say look I'm not asking you to text me all night I just would
Starting point is 00:28:22 really feel better if you just thought about me a bit and just sent me a couple of messages anytime I sort of cross your mind at all if I fucking ever do you little prick do I mean um but if you already tried that route then it's difficult because I I think he's just you know not acknowledging your feelings and not acknowledging the impact of his actions. And that makes him quite a selfish person. And that's not really good enough, unfortunately. Maybe you should go out and not text him all night. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe just try that. See how it makes him feel. Text him in the morning. Sorry, phone died. Sorry, my phone died when he knows it didn't. I mean, I was posting Snapchat stories all night. Sorry, my phone died when he knows it didn't.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I mean, I was posting Snapchat stories all night. So we've got three options. Talk to him if you haven't. Talk to him if you have and say you're disrespecting me. Have some fucking respect, you piece of shit. And then if those two don't take your fancy, play them at their own game. Okay, I don't normally recommend playing games. I recommend we all be adults about things. But, you know, sometimes it's healthy to give someone a little, game okay I don't normally recommend playing games I recommend we all be adults about things but
Starting point is 00:29:25 you know sometimes it's healthy to give someone a little this is how you're making me feel because sometimes they can't really understand how you might feel unless they feel it themselves so maybe do that but then maybe you have done that and he doesn't really give a fuck um difficult but yeah honestly I'm not sure it's a difficult one babe I would just communicate if you haven't already I know that sounds obvious I'm so sorry but you're amazing you don't deserve that you deserve better I love you so much next dilemma hey Leah love the podcast been a listener since episode one oh my god I love you thank you so my dilemma is that I'm recently single congratulations about two months and only in the past month I've
Starting point is 00:30:06 started to feel myself again. Amazing. I've been going out every weekend and living my best life. Amazing news. So there's this boy, let's call him Sam. I've known him since school. He's in the same friendship group as my ex and he's always been flirting with me even when I was with my ex. This is trouble, honey. this is trouble honey this is trouble the last three weeks we've grown closer we've spoken every other day and he's just been a really good friend to me and he'll always give me advice I'm sure he does right because he wants you all right last weekend he was buying me drinks and dancing with me. The issue is that... Oh, fuck. Okay, major issue.
Starting point is 00:30:48 The issue is that he has a girlfriend. He's been with her a few months. However, in our conversations, he's told me he's not happy and doesn't want to be with her anymore. Okay, end it then. End the relationship with that poor girl. You prick. Okay. His friends have even told me he's not happy happy he told me he rushed into the relationship as a
Starting point is 00:31:07 distraction from his previous ex god anyway this weekend he came to mine after a night out after flirting with each other all night oh god we didn't have sex or even kiss but we spoke for hours and fell asleep cuddling each other he cheated on his girlfriend that's cheating that is stone cold cheating you're cuddling another girl in bed you're going back to another girl's house cheating you're getting rid of her cuddling all night cheating okay we have a cheater on our hands everybody i really fancy him and i think he feels the same way i don't know what to do he's also still in love with his ex. Oh my god. We spoke about this before I realised I fancy him.
Starting point is 00:31:48 He flirts with her on nights out too. Oh, what a nice guy. What a nice guy. I can really see what you see in this guy. I don't know whether I'm being stupid, and he's just leading on three different girls. I've told him he needs to figure out what he wants, and he said he needs time to think.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I'll be seeing him next weekend. I just need advice on how to deal with this situation. I bad for his current girlfriend and I know I shouldn't have brought him back to mind but I was drunk please don't judge me I don't judge you I don't judge you thanks for the advice love you bye okay I'm gonna go back to the beginning because there's a few things I don't like about this guy first thing being he was flirting with you when you was with his friend like you're dating his friend and he's flirting with you okay and then you break up with his friend and he's straight in there flirting with you going on nights out with you buying you drinks dance with me that instantly makes him a
Starting point is 00:32:35 shit friend to his boy right that's a shit mate next issue he has a girlfriend. Major issue, right? First issue with that is he's cheating on his girlfriend by even flirting with you in my books. Fuck off and get a life, yeah? And then he's going back to yours and cuddling you, cheating. And then he's sat there going, I don't want to be with her, I'm not happy. Is she holding you at gunpoint end the relationship then you fucking pussy honestly nothing annoys me more i don't want to be there
Starting point is 00:33:11 no you do you just want the best of both worlds mate you want the relationship and you want to run riot in the streets mate that's what you're doing okay he told me he rushed into a relationship as a distraction from his previous ex this is the next problem i have with this guy okay so you've got no problem admitting that you're using somebody and you're not happy with her you're flirting with other girls on a night out and you and you're okay with that you think that's fair to do to someone let that poor girl go okay that's what i have to say to him if he's listening let the poor girl go you've done enough all right i think you've done enough damage and the next one is he's in love with his fucking ex-girlfriend honestly my question to you babe bestie to bestie is what is it about this guy
Starting point is 00:33:58 that you actually like he's a shit friend he's shit boyfriend he's selfish he's a scumbag and he can't he can't make a choice because he wants a bit of everyone and he's just greedy that's what he is he's greedy okay he's he's he's fallen out of love no no no he's in a relationship but he's still in love with his ex so he's like i can't be on my own i need someone to validate me so he's run he's run to the next girl she's obviously fallen in love with him validate me. So he's run to the next girl. She's obviously fallen in love with him, I'm sure. And he's out with the lads going, oh, I don't even want to be there.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I don't even want to be there. And then you've come along, his friend's ex. And he's like, I really like you. I really like you. Because he wants a bit of all of you. And he doesn't want to pick because then he has to lose two of you. Oh, I'm going to keep her. I can keep my ex stringing along
Starting point is 00:34:45 by flirting with her when I see her I'm gonna keep my girlfriend because it's nice to go home to someone and I like someone being in love with me I'm gonna keep flirting with my best mate's ex-girlfriend because I like it when people fancy me so what we're dealing with is someone that's very selfish is hurtful and nasty a shit friend a shit boyfriend and that's very selfish, is hurtful and nasty, a shit friend, a shit boyfriend, and that's not someone you want to be with, I'm telling you as a friend, okay, because the way I see it is, when I talk to people who are in the situation where they're like, oh I really like this guy, and he really likes me too, but he's got a girlfriend, I'm like, do you not think he's going to do the same thing to you, do you not think he's going to be in a relationship with
Starting point is 00:35:23 you and do the same thing to you, he has think he's going to be in a relationship with you and do the same thing to you he has no problem doing that a guy with with a conscience with good morals with respect would end the relationship he's in because he's realized oh shit i've actually caught feelings for somebody else i'm not going to lead somebody on i'm going to end the relationship and be selfless and be a good person he doesn't have respect he doesn't have good morals and that's not someone you want to be with you deserve better than that honestly my advice to you is walk away from the situation babe i can't lie i can't lie i think the first red flag is that you're his you're his best mate's ex like we we don't want anything to do with these people anymore okay honestly as your friend that's what i'm telling that's what i'm telling you i've really
Starting point is 00:36:05 been quite bossy this episode i'm like uh ends up with your boyfriends um walk away from this guy no but like i always say i'm not an expert i chat shit every week but i'm your friend and if you were my friend sat around my house right now with a glass of wine i'd say listen to me we're not getting involved with these boys anymore they're weak selfish boys they're not men they're boys okay and we we want men and we want someone that's sure about us someone that meets us has feelings for us and goes I want that one and no one can change my mind not I need some time to think what you want to sit at home and wait for you to just to decide which girl you want because you got that many options you fucking piece of shit i bet he's got
Starting point is 00:36:48 more options as well no you're not good enough honey at the end of the day it's not good enough it's really not but i love you so much you deserve better there's many more men out there men that have respect for women men that have respect for their friends men that aren't attached to your exes. Men that aren't in love with their exes. And I think you should opt for one of them. Honestly, if I was going to be brutal, I think go, Ew, you can't even decide if you want to be...
Starting point is 00:37:17 Ew, ew, no thank you. Thank you. Next. Thank you. Next. Okay, I love you so much. Let's get into the confession diaries. Okay, first confession is I created a fake Insta to test my boyfriend. This is crazy to me. I cannot even imagine the anxiety you must have felt. Like, imagine, hey baby, hey cutie.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And my dude's like, hello you sexy, sexy girl. No, I would never, I could not cope with that level of anxiety I hope he passed the test I'm sure he did because otherwise I'm sure that would have been part of your confession but I'd love to know how many of you have done that maybe you guys should go and do that and then let me know how it all goes no don't do that don't do that it's toxic let's not do that but I mean i'm glad he passed the test at the very least next one first lesbian experience on holiday and her boyfriend watched and i had to call my boyfriend the next morning to tell him i honestly i've said this before it baffles me how you guys don't see that as cheating like that for me is cheating no
Starting point is 00:38:49 that's cheating you know okay next confession i've been sleeping with my boss for over a year and we both have a long we both have long-term partners holy fuck oh my god do you know what's crazy like i have this information and could ruin your relationship like isn't like i could message your your partner right now i would never oh my god guys i would never ever ever ever ever ever ever do that but isn't that crazy like when you actually deep that you've been sleeping with your boss for over a year i could definitely just click on your insta find your tagged partner and just send him a screenshot of that i would never like please just get this straight i would never do that okay but that is the power of leo on the line like that is how much you guys trust me don't get me wrong i would never
Starting point is 00:39:40 betray you like that i would never i would literally never live with myself okay I went to my sneaky links when I got there his parents were in so I ran out and drove off no explanation I mean that's pure fight or flight mode isn't it like um get me out of here immediately don't blame you did you explain it to him though um interesting okay next one this is the last one this is gross but a few years ago i was about 12 or 13 i was absolutely desperate for a wee while shopping i had one pair of jeans i needed to try on in primark and then i was going to run to the nearest toilet that that is your first error when you need a wee you do not go and try clothes on because that immediately makes me need a wee even when I don't need a wee does anyone else get that like when you when you take clothes off I think it's just because it's cold and you just feel
Starting point is 00:40:32 like I'm gonna wee myself does that happen to anyone else please tell me it does anyway long so short while getting undressed I started weeing myself and just couldn't stop literally in the changing room I obviously didn't try on the jeans I wanted no I didn't get wee on them cleaned up what I could with the packet of tissues I had in my bag and then left as quickly as I could never felt so ashamed in all my life okay so this I actually read this out in the episode that got deleted remember I told you that I recorded an episode last Tuesday and it got deleted anyway I didn't mean that I hate saying about my life you guys know I have a fear of death I actually always have to touch it when I say that I didn't mean it I really didn't mean it anyway I actually read this out and I'm fucking ashamed of my response because I spoke to my
Starting point is 00:41:18 mum about it and I realized there's actually something wrong with my brain because I was immediately like I've never bought a packet of tissues in my life I've never carried I've never been one of them girls I don't carry a packet of tissues so thank the lords above that you had tissues and then I was saying what would you have done if you didn't and my stupid stupid brain was like right I would take off the t-shirt that I'm wearing let's spread it on the floor soak up all the wee in the t-shirt and put it back on and run out the shop and run home that's what i said i would do and i said to my mum what would you do mum she's like um just run out of the changing room and leave and i was like oh my god you're so right they literally have mops like they literally
Starting point is 00:42:01 have blue roll they could just clean it i know i know it's bad i know it's bad that someone's gonna have to walk in and see wee but it could have been a child do i mean i'm sure it's happened it could have it could have been a pregnant lady could have been a child do i mean i'm sure it's happened before or oh no i know what you could do you could go to the staff and go i'm so sorry i've just gone in that change room and there's a wee all over the floor I just noticed it on my way out there's a wee all over the floor there and my stupid brain was like I take off my top and soak all the wee up in the top and then pull it back honestly my mum was like there's actually something wrong with you you just leave it just leave it and run I was like oh my god yeah i would have done that i would have i would have done it and then i've got home and i've got mum my top's covered in piss i've just
Starting point is 00:42:50 soaked up all the piss that i pissed myself and she would have been like why didn't you just leave it and tell someone that you just found it and then i would have been stood there stinking like we and gone oh yeah you're correct actually honestly fucking idiot mate anyway guys I can't shout the love you bye tonight because there's people asleep so it's going to be a quiet one tonight all of us together um but yeah let's wrap up the episode I really enjoyed this week it was very cozy I'm sat here with my blanket my hot water bottle got beautiful candles around me I'm very cozy my pain has has really reduced no shooting arsehole pain during the whole episode it's really quite pleasant actually oh my god who's watching that is it dharma yeah about jeffrey dharma
Starting point is 00:43:46 oh my god lunatic have you guys watched it it's on netflix highly highly recommend he's a serial killer and he would like take guys back to his home no not his hotel his his apartment and take photos cut their heads off cut their heads clean off mate clean off and then like bend them into weird positions and take photos of them it is so scary it is so sad you have to watch it if you love a psychological thriller it's a true story by the way i didn't mention that it's true sorry it's true sorry you're all listening to this going leah do you think we live under a rock i can't get away from that fucking program it's everywhere mate but just in case there's somebody that hasn't heard about it you gotta listen hun you gotta listen highly recommend uh did you hear
Starting point is 00:44:28 the spit in my throat then disgusting do you know what really bothers me the sound of my swallowing on this podcast and like when I listen to other podcasts I'm like why can't I hear you swallow like what what is it with me and my swallowing anyway I'm getting the eye right now anyway guys i think that's my cue to leave um i'm gonna go and actually watch this the serial killer program maybe make some popcorn a bit peckish yeah yeah all right guys thank you for joining me on this lovely cozy chat it was really nice to sit down together while i was on my period i really needed to get together with the girls do you know what i mean and the boys shout out to the boys love you always forget about you i don't forget about you that was so rude i don't mean i forget about you just because
Starting point is 00:45:09 like 99 of my listeners are female do you know what i mean well not 99 i think it's like 86 i don't want to make you guys feel like you're irrelevant you're so relevant we would be nothing without you but anyway this podcast would be nothing without any of you and you're all the best friends i could ever ask for you're the center of my world my world revolves around every single one of you and i love you all so much especially you and yeah you're the best thing ever and i will talk to you on friday oh what are we gonna do we haven't decided what episode are we gonna do the what episode you guys need to send me some ideas because you can't just expect me to do this all my own every week you can't expect me to come up with ideas every week all right it's hard i need your
Starting point is 00:45:47 help some of you really throw some amazing ideas at me and i'm so thankful for that so yeah keep them coming what you want to hear we can do a whole episode on whatever you want isn't that fun okay guys send me your ideas some of your confessions some of your dilemmas send me any thoughts you have any weekly debate ideas and yeah i love you guys so much and i will speak to you on friday for a brand new episode i love you

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