Leah on the Line - 50: I'm pregnant with my BEST FRIEND'S EX...

Episode Date: January 10, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode. Today we debated whether you would stay with your partner if they said they were going travelling... That's a tough one right? The dilemmas this week were t...ricky but I hope I could offer some helpful bestie advice. Thank you so so much for all of your support, I can't even begin to tell you what you all mean to me! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lear on the line happy tuesday that never used to be a thing and it's just become a thing. My like really bad singing. Happy to use day. How are you guys? How was your weekend? What did you guys get up to? I miss you so much. What did I do this weekend? I stayed in all weekend which was nice because we had family friend come down which is I really I really needed it because basically she's the spiritual auntie right so she is like well in touch with the spirit world and she's like constantly go and see mediums and she taught me everything I know about tarot like she is the spiritual queen and we just got well into like telling all these stories and we got the tarot cards out it was really really fun and I was telling her about my um reading with you guys remember I
Starting point is 00:01:05 told you about it I had the reading with the guy um in Leeds who was really really good and it's inspired me to go back for another reading because it was really quite fantastic and I need to go back and hear what Mick has to say because he told me a lot he did tell me a lot and I just need a bit more clarification you know like he told me I was gonna have twins which is gorge but I've got more questions like when how you know when am I gonna be financially loving life do you know what I mean like when I need a house if I want to have a baby I'd like to have a house let alone from having two of them at the same time I've also been um I think I mentioned this but me and my boyfriend started Friends from the beginning and we've watched it like in order. I've never watched Friends in order. Like I've always just, it started when it would be on Comedy Central,
Starting point is 00:01:53 do you know what I mean? And you watch it and that's how I got into it. And then whenever I was just like feeling a bit anxious or down, I'd start watching Friends online, online, online, what am I, 90? On Netflix. And then like you just pick a random episode don't you my favorite episode is pivot pivot that's my favorite episode um but we like shall we start it from episode season one episode one and now we're on like season nine episode seven i want to say um rachel's had a baby right i've come to the conclusion that i feel very differently about the friends characters after watching it in order like i really highly recommend if you haven't actually watched friends in order like season one season two season three i don't know maybe i'm
Starting point is 00:02:36 really weird that i've never done it like that maybe everyone else has but i just haven't but if you haven't recommend because i look at everyone so differently joey is actually the most mature friend you can't convince me otherwise he's such a good friend like yeah he has his moments okay but ross got with fucking janice joey would never okay joey fell in love with rachel and he felt terrible about it and i'm gonna say it I fucking ship it I I wanted Joey and Rachel to end up together yeah I just fucking said it all right what are you gonna do about it and Monica's really annoying sorry I love you Mon but I found her annoying Chanda takes her for granted like she'll literally be there in a sexy lingerie and he'll just be like wow look at
Starting point is 00:03:23 you I'm sorry if I went through that effort and my boyfriend came home after being in Tulsa for a week and then he came in and he was like wow look at you I'm like yeah look at me look at me then and Phoebe is a horny horny gal I really love Phoebe and she's I used to find her just really silly and annoying sorry to say it but I did but I can't lie i really like her and i've always liked all of them i mean i love all of the friends characters but yeah phoebe's a horny girl horny girl but yeah love them all did i miss anyone no cover them all oh rachel love rachel rachel's my favorite she it's re-inspired my my love for the 90s and noughties fashion like I
Starting point is 00:04:09 am now shopping online like for Rachel Green inspo I actually think I should make TikToks of like recreating Rachel Green's outfits because I love watching them what do you guys think to that but anyway yeah I really enjoy it literally every single night we watch like three or four episodes before we go to sleep and basically it's really helpful night we watch like three or four episodes before we go to sleep and basically it's really helpful because we're watching the devil's hour on amazon prime right now me the bf and the mum we're all watching devils the devil's hour it's scary it's really scary so i need a bit of joey tribbiani in my life at the end of the evening because it really frightens me but i recommend
Starting point is 00:04:45 you have to watch it like you cannot miss anything it is so fucking confusing but it's really really good you want me to explain to you what it's about don't you i can't because i don't get it and it's about to finish and i couldn't tell you what it's about okay i'll try so basically oh so there's like this these murders going on and there's this social social carer social worker i'm not sure what her job title is and she sees things like before they happen but it's like she has the memory of them happening basically like deja vu but she's seeing the memory before she's like before it's happened so she basically like can predict the future sounds fucking chicks i hate like supernatural things it's not really my my cup of tea if you described this show to me
Starting point is 00:05:28 i would have said no thanks and i wouldn't have bothered watching it but we just clicked it on click clicks just clicked on it put it on like on a whim and we're hooked we've watched the whole series in two nights well we've got one left but there's only six episodes they're an hour long anyway so she sees these things and then her boy her little boy he's so sweet Isaac I love him he's like um I don't know what the word is but he's like emotionless like he doesn't laugh or cry or smile like she'll just like shout at him and be like go to your room and then he'll just like turn around like I don't know I can't just fucking watch it right everyone watch it and tell me how you feel about it because it's really really good and everyone watch friends again so yeah that's that's me in my tv life at the moment
Starting point is 00:06:13 there's honestly not much to update you want to be honest guys um what else just oh i went back to the gym today first session back had to take it easy. Do you know what I mean? And I really enjoyed it. I feel really good. So I'll probably go back to the gym sometime in April, maybe. No, I'm joking. I'm going to try and stick to it. But I'm not going to be like, right, I'm a fucking gym bunny.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I'm going five to seven days a week, darling. No, I'm not doing that. I'm going to be like, I'm going to go for three days a week. Like, I'm not trying to change my body. Like, I haven't got this deadline I want to hit these hit these targets by, or like I want a big lifestyle change. I'm just trying to introduce a new healthy habit that I'd neglected, you know, cause I've always liked to keep up the gym and just made it part of my life. Um, but it's never been like a huge part. Like I've always just been like a few days a week, maybe three days a week twice if I'm like working extra hours when I was living in London so yeah since I moved
Starting point is 00:07:10 home I've neglected it so I've picked it back up and I'm hoping that I can keep it back up if I don't it's all right do you know what I mean I'll try again no pressure you know I'm just doing it for how it makes me feel rather than like anything else although I need to sort my flexibility out because since doing this for a job I can't I can barely touch my toes like I actually can't it's actually getting out of hand I used to be able to walk on the floor in front of me and now I can I'm touching my toes and I feel like I'm going to snap like it's not good but anyway I hope you guys are well send me a message with anything exciting going on in your life, any good news you received recently. Let me know. I love hearing it.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And yeah, I love you guys so much. Let's get into the episode. Okay, the weekly debate this week, I popped up a story saying, what do you guys think we should debate this week? And one of you sent in this idea and i really liked it i feel like the answers are going to be very like depends on this depends on this depends on that but that's that's a debate hun do you know what i mean so my question for you this week is would you stay with your partner if they wanted to go off traveling yeah hmm okay let's see what you guys are saying on this one lots of responses to this question so let's see i'd go with them it's important to let them try new things okay but what if you're not invited like what if it's just like i'm going alone
Starting point is 00:08:39 to australia for two years or it's like i'm gonna travel south america with the lads for six weeks like do you know what i mean what if that's the case um depends on our stage in life early 20s i'd go with 30s see ya i need commitment okay a lot of you guys are just tagging along um i wouldn't stay at home while he goes and wait for him to find himself no way depends how long for but props not jealousy would kick him um yes if they wanted to travel with me otherwise they can go be single oh my god okay okay guys i like it yes and i'm going with him if he's not a fan of that idea then that's a red flag for me bye okay yeah i can see why you'd see it as a red flag to be fair that's a fair point no i'm too needy lol but also at the
Starting point is 00:09:31 point in my life of being settled so just wouldn't work fair enough i'd be thinking why haven't they invited me i'd want to be going with them not waiting for them yeah that's a great point like do you expect me to wait for you do you know what i mean yes my boy my boyfriend is raf absence makes the heart grow fonder he's worth the wait love it no if you want to experience different things you don't need to hold each other back that's a very very fair point as well me and my boyfriend about to do something similar to this he's going to the army and i'm going to uni but we'll be volunteering abroad every summer and i'm so excited for us we'll spend time together when he's home and facetime when we can i think it will really strengthen our relationship
Starting point is 00:10:12 positive fucking vibes i love that from you very positive yes i'd go with them yes i'd join them um no i'm not secure enough i would simply think the worst that would be me yes but depends how long they're going traveling for and how long we've been together depends on the stage of the relationship as they may now want different things absolutely not why should i wait around while they're living their best life i think it depends how long for i also wouldn't want to hold them back from enjoying it fully depends how long my partner went for two months when we first got together and we're still strong love it yeah i feel like two months is pretty good like that's workable for me i it would definitely be a let's just break up like i'm gonna be honest like i would just be like you know that's not what i want in a relationship it's not even just the whole like
Starting point is 00:11:04 would i be able to trust him and like will we get to speak to each other what will the time difference be how long are you going for who are you going with will you cheat on me what if you fall in love and move out there like mine would obviously that but my main thing would be like I just don't want to be in a long distance relationship with someone who's traveling the world do you know what I mean like I just that's just not what I'm looking for right now so yeah for me it would just I'd be gutted like if I was seeing someone or with someone and they wanted to go traveling that's that's the end I'll be honest like I I don't it's not what I sign up for when I commit myself to someone I think that's how I feel about it but yeah a lot of you
Starting point is 00:11:44 guys are tagging along which is fair enough but what if they what if you're not invited do you know what I mean because this is the thing I've never been someone that wants to travel the world like it's never I'm such a home girl when I got offered a job on a cruise ship I was like fuck most people would be like yes I get to travel the world and get paid and do what I love I was like why why god do you know what I mean um let's see what else you guys are saying yes 100% traveling would only be a fraction of the time we're going to spend together yeah I get that like if it was like oh I'm going traveling for a couple of months like 100% I wouldn't end the relationship I'd just be gutted
Starting point is 00:12:21 like I'd be like right okay and I'd also if it was two months I'd be like well can I come like are you you want to go this alone bit odd I want to be soulmates I mean but then also I get it like go and figure out who you are go and fall in love with life and fall in love with yourself so I'm not trying to hold anyone back I would just be gutted and I'd be a bit more like ah we're not on the same page but then I feel like when you when you're like getting to know someone these are types of conversations you have like I feel like when people go traveling it's something they've always wanted to do it's something they thought about their whole life and like if I was dating somebody and they said to me like I've always wanted to go traveling I'd be like ah yeah no I'm not your girl. I'm such a, I get homesick when I'm literally at the shop.
Starting point is 00:13:08 So yeah, I love that debate guys. It is definitely a tricky one and I'm sure so many people have experienced this. Oh, somebody said you called me in the first episode and I said my boyfriend was going to go to USA and now he isn't oh my god jackpot I love that for you congratulations your boyfriend isn't abandoning you anymore I think that's the feeling as well like you feel a bit abandoned you're like oh okay I'll just go fuck myself then shall I don't mean but then also my life doesn't your life doesn't revolve around me so go travel honey yeah tricky one but um love the responses very difficult i'm sure there's loads of people that have experienced this must be hell must be hell um but yeah thank you guys so
Starting point is 00:13:52 much for sending your responses send me any um weekly debate ideas that you have it's so hard to come up with some sometimes they just flow out of me and i make a whole list of my notes and then other times i'll literally just look at them and i'm like no that's crap that's crap and my brain's just not ticking so if you ever are just like sat anywhere talking about anything with your friends and then you go this would be a great weekly debate for you on the line you just quickly pull your phone out and send me that dm because I need all the help I can get it's just me over I actually mean anyway love you guys let's get into some dilemmas okay everyone get comfortable grab a cup of tea grab a glass of wine grab a bottle of water grab your lunch or if you're at the gym just you can do it really motivate in leo um i just really want to know what you guys i know
Starting point is 00:14:50 i say it all the time but it makes me laugh sometimes when i think about the fact that i sat i sit here like just chatting away and then there's people that are gonna have headphones in and my voice is gonna come out of them and like you're just a normal person like hello out there do you know what I mean it's so funny to me like all over the world too I'm missing one word do you know what I mean it's crazy hello Australia hello oh I love you I really want to come to Australia anyway I'm going off topic we're here to do some dilemmas and hopefully help some people I'll give it my best shot to be honest. Okay, let's kick off with this one. It says, hey girly, happy new year. Happy new year, darling. It says, I need some help. I matched with a guy on Bumble and we instantly clicked. Like,
Starting point is 00:15:37 I get bored easily, but the first night we stayed up till 6am chatting to each other. Oh, that's how you know. That's how you know. He mentioned that he was only six months out of a long-term relationship and wasn't looking for anything serious. Okay, fantastic. We chatted and he mentioned that he hasn't slept with anyone or even spoke to another girl since that relationship. I was the first proper chat he's had since. Okay. He's been in a couple long-term relationships and never really been single he mentioned that he hasn't really slept about wasn't sure about anything casual but really just downloaded the app for a chat okay so he's like he doesn't really know what he wants doesn't
Starting point is 00:16:15 really know what he's doing he just just went for it without really giving it much thought that's fair enough i said that i wasn't the casual girl and would be looking for a relationship okay fair enough let's set these um expectations early days do you know what I mean like this is what I expect from you if I'm not going to get it that's absolutely fine I'm glad we had this conversation have a great life do you know what I mean as you should anyway so clearly looking for different things I like him I don't know if it's just because I know I can't have him but genuinely his little messages put a smile on my face he keeps joking about giving things a go etc and it's annoying because I would love him to ask me on a date
Starting point is 00:16:49 why is that a joke why are you joking about it oh yeah maybe we should give it a go why is what's that what's so funny what's so funny I'm a fucking great girl anyway what would you do in this situation do I stop speaking to him or continue but accept it's not going to be anything it's so hard because i rarely like anyone thanks so much okay um that's tricky because i totally understand how you're feeling like it's almost that like you will change your mind about me like i will fucking convince you that i am everything you've ever been looking for in a woman like we do do that don't we like if somebody says like oh I'm not looking for a relationship we just think well that sounds
Starting point is 00:17:29 like a problem for future me I'm just gonna enjoy it right now do you know what I mean like it feels like that and even when your brain is going this is gonna end really badly this guy's told you early doors I'm not gonna make you my girlfriend and the heart's going but what if he does what if he does because it makes you feel better about yourself do you know what I mean it's like if I can change his mind that makes me a fucking babe a fucking legend do you know what I mean we want to change their mind but I want to say like if you have said I am looking for a relationship I'm not looking for something casual then we need to protect our feelings here but I will I do I do feel like he's confused like I feel like he doesn't know what he wants like I feel like he knows he
Starting point is 00:18:20 doesn't want a relationship but also same as you he can't help that he does actually like you. You know, I feel like his feelings towards you are genuine, but then there's the brain part of him that's like, you know, be single, mate. Live your best life. Because apparently, I don't know how true this is, but there's a theory that women are emotional thinkers and men are logical thinkers, right? So you're listening to your heart that's going i just want to be with him i just want him to change his mind about me and your head's saying it's not going to happen babe walk away and we're ignoring the head and listening to the heart and the guy his heart's going oh i really do like her to be fair but he's
Starting point is 00:18:59 listening to his head that says it's a bad idea you want to be single you know don't get into something you might regret it you know like I feel like that's probably what's going on here so it's choosing between do you want to take that risk is he worth taking that risk of you know you could get really hurt here you could put your heart on the line and hope that he changes his mind or do we go it's not worth the risk i'm gonna protect my feelings protect my heart protect my self-esteem because it does take a fucking hit doesn't it and just go you know it's been really nice chatting to you but we are on different pages we do want different things you know if it's meant to be he'll come back into your life when he's ready for a relationship
Starting point is 00:19:42 so i feel like that's it that's a decision only you can make um let me know what you decide to do I love you so much next dilemma okay hey lovely you guys always say that hey lovely I never say that hey lovely I feel like that doesn't suit me does it hi lovely I'm just like hey hey, hon. Do you know what I mean? But I like it. When someone calls me lovely, I'm like, oh, you sound like a wonderful woman. Wonderful. Okay. Let's read your dilemma. Love the pod. Love you. And have been a listener right from the beginning. Keep going. You're doing amazing. Ah, thank you so much. Okay. Sorry, this is going to be a long one. Never apologize. Looking at it, it doesn't actually look that long. Anyways, I did a dilemma a couple of months back saying I lost feelings for a situationship and I didn't know how to tell him and you helped so much. So thank you. Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:37 I was about to be like, oh, well, yeah, that's what I do. Anyway, but now I got with his best friend and now have a situation with him he's crazy about me but is super jealous when I talk to other boys even though we're not exclusive I feel I don't have the same feelings for him but he's done so much for me and I don't know how to tell him oh by the way we have the same friends as we both do the same in uni most of the friends don't know sorry most of the friends don't know so that's not a problem but i just don't know how to break it off i've been quite dry at the moment and we all went out for a couple of drinks and i just didn't talk to him oh no not the ghost the in-person
Starting point is 00:21:16 ghost we got back and he messaged me about that saying that i was talking to this other guy too much i've also known him to lie to me and I'm so stuck. Please help me. Sorry, this is really long. Love you. Bye. I love you. Okay. I feel like you know what you want and you're not actually doing anything about it. Like you've made the decision. I don't, I don't actually really want this fucking guy. Maybe it feels really good to have a guy crazy about you. you know like it's all toxic it's all toxic what we do but sometimes even when we don't want to be with someone we like that they want to be with us do you know what I mean so maybe it could be a little bit of that but it might not be but I feel like if you've made your decision let's not mess with the poor boy any longer like
Starting point is 00:22:03 going dry with him and giving him the cold shoulder and a night out. Like, you know, let's just have a nice normal chat and just say, you know what? I've really enjoyed whatever this has been, but I am going to call it a day. I'm going to call it a day there. You know, I think he deserves a little bit of honesty. He sounds, you said he's really jealous um so i think he's kind of scared of you know it's almost like that gut feeling like he he knows that you're not into it anymore he can sense it you know he's not silly which might enhance the jealousy
Starting point is 00:22:38 and stuff um but he should listen to his gut here because he's right. And I think you could just be honest with him and you know, you're, you're the better person when you're just honest with somebody and just say, look, I've really enjoyed this, but I'm not really looking for anything further. Um, but thanks for everything. And then you can go out and live your best single life guilt free. Do you know what I mean, babe? Let me know how it goes. Love you. Next dilemma. Okay, guys, this one's a fucking big one. Okay, you ready for this? I'm pregnant with my best friend's ex. Yowch. Okay. Hey, girl, I need help. Please don't judge me. Okay, I promise I won't. I will try to cut a long story short
Starting point is 00:23:26 my best friend was with her ex-boyfriend for a few years but broke up because she moved abroad they didn't break up on speaking terms okay it was a pretty bad breakup she's currently abroad a drunken night out led to me chatting to her ex-boyfriend at the club then one thing led to another and we slept together i am now 12 weeks pregnant ouch okay all right i've decided i want to keep it but do i even tell my best friend her ex-boyfriend is very supportive and even though we aren't together or haven't seen each other since um we are going to co-parent we speak weekly i don't even know how to tell her this is such a messed up dilemma and looking for any advice i can get i've cut the story short as otherwise it will go on and on from a very nervous
Starting point is 00:24:15 confused gal love you bye oh i love you i wish i'd give you a hug okay i don't criticize you for what you did like you said you know it was a drunken night out she was abroad so it's one of those things where it's like she's out of sight out of mind you're not really thinking straight you've had sex with him and now we're in this situation and that's okay I think you need to tell her personally do not let me make these kinds of decisions for you by the way this is a big fucking life moment like you're having a baby do you know what i mean like do not just let some random girl on a fucking podcast make these kind of decisions for you but i'm just giving you some bestie advice so if i was her
Starting point is 00:24:56 sorry my voice is really fucking up tonight if i was her i'm sure she's gonna find out do you know what i mean like she's gonna find out you're pregnant and one of the first questions is who's the dad and if you then lie to her and it comes out, which I'm sure it will, like if she ever was home, which I'm sure she'll come home at some point, like I'm sure all her family are there, I'm not sure, but you know the truth always comes out but you know the truth always comes out and she will feel so much more betrayed if you have this baby in your life she's been part of it the whole time like you know talking to you said you guys talk every week if she's been part of your life this whole time and not known the truth i think that would fucking hurt in a way that is sort of unforgivable because it's then the secrets and the lies and the betrayal I think this is my opinion if I was your best friend
Starting point is 00:25:53 and somebody had done this with my ex-boyfriend I would just rather you were honest with me and told me about it and you know what you can say I'm so sorry I know it's so wrong like I never wanted to hurt you blah blah I really hope you can understand one day I hope you know I understand you might need some time to process this um I really don't want to lose you from my life like however you feel I think you just need to be honest and apologize for well sleeping with someone's ex isn't very nice so you can say sorry for that but then at the same time you're having a baby and you want to have this baby so even though it comes with all this hurt towards another person you also have to think about the
Starting point is 00:26:39 future now because things are about to change for you you said that he's been really supportive which is amazing and I'm really glad that he is um well not amazing like you know as he should and yeah I just think my advice to you is to tell her and be honest um even though that might be the hardest conversation you may ever have to have um but I think if you lose a friend over this which is a possibility like we have to be honest like you may lose a friend here at least you've been honest at this stage like I think if you keep it a secret and then it comes out that's sort of way harder to forgive do you know what I mean so yeah but like I said do not let me make these decisions for you I'm just giving an opinion here you make your decision let me know how it all goes down
Starting point is 00:27:28 I'm here for you if you ever need a friend to talk to pop me a message or send in something for the podcast and we're all here for you you're gonna be amazing mom and you know what even though it's coming with all this upset and confusion, congratulations, you know, there's something beautiful come from this and I'm excited for you. So hopefully you can be excited. Like maybe once you get it off your chest, you can start to be excited about it. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Let me know how it goes. I love you so much. God, that sounds really stressful and upsetting. You can do this though. You the strength okay next dilemma okay this one says hi babe love you on the pod brings me joy every week oh i love you you bring me joy okay and it says i just want your opinion really so me and my boyfriend are both college age and we've only been together for around a month and a half. We're the type of people to use Snapchat a lot and I saw his ex's
Starting point is 00:28:30 name on his recents a few weeks ago. I just ignored it and waited until I could see it again. I've seen her name a few times now so I decided to say something to him and just ask him and ask about it. He's the type to just keep the pointless streaks with people. And he told me that this is what he does with her and they never have conversations. It would just be like one plain snap a day. What's the fucking point? Honestly, I know I talk shit about Snapchat all the time. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:28:56 The whole streaks thing, like for what? Do you know what I mean? I don't get it. Anyway. Yeah, so they're plain snaps. I've seen him open her messages in front of me and there's never been any conversation that i've seen but he reassured me that i have nothing to worry about but he's gonna do i mean and he doesn't think about it and it means nothing as he does the
Starting point is 00:29:17 same with many other people too but i explained to him that it's not the fact i'm worried about anything i just find it disrespectful and she probably gets a confidence boost knowing her ex still talks to her even when he has a new girlfriend yeah so true he asked what I wanted to happen and I said that I'd never tell him what to do or who to speak to so that's his call to make he never told me he'll stop snapchatting her but obviously I'm hoping he has do you think if I see he still talks to her that I should bring it up again is it a big deal is he in the wrong or am i just overthinking i just don't know how to go about the situation if i find out that he hadn't taken my feelings into consideration anyway sorry this was a long one love you bye god you absolutely have the right to be pissed off all right that that would not just fly by me like i'm not being funny why it's so fucking rude so rude like the disrespect like what you said is spot on like
Starting point is 00:30:15 i'm not being funny she'd be loving life with that do you know what i mean because she's literally witnessing her ex-boyfriend disrespect his new girlfriend for her at the expense of you do you know what i mean it's rude i would have a massive problem with that and i'd be like i'm not being funny it's not acceptable you don't need a fucking streak with your ex girlfriend first of all grow up yeah with these streaks yeah but also i've told you i don't like it i've told you it makes me uncomfortable i told you it's giving me these negative feelings and you're going so i'm gonna worry about it it's not good enough i'm not being funny i'm not happy with it i don't like it i feel disrespected and you've just told me don't worry about it i just do that okay yeah i i think you should ask
Starting point is 00:31:07 him i don't think you should wait until you see it on his phone again i think you should you have the right as his girlfriend to say like are you still snapchatting your your ex-girlfriend do you know what i mean like what the fuck let her go you're with me mate like let her go what is this so yeah i would ask him are you still snapchatting your ex girlfriend this is me this is not me telling you what to do this is what i would do are you still snapchatting your ex girlfriend if the answer is yeah i am i'll say well i don't want i don't want that in a relationship so i'm not interested that's that's me being completely honest i'm not accepting that these are the boundaries i'm setting in place and if you're not respecting
Starting point is 00:31:43 them it's not gonna work see you late darling that's me being totally honest a daily thing fuck off literally so rude sorry about that but i'm just trying to validate your feelings there because i'd be feeling the exact same way honey oh god let me know how it goes if you do bring up which I would personally if you do bring up let me know what he says let me know how it goes down we love the updates that you're on the line if any of you ever have any updates send them my way we love them we live for them ah thank you guys so much for sending in your dilemmas let's get into the confession diary okay the last week's confessions were some of my fucking favorites like they were so good i don't
Starting point is 00:32:42 know if we're ever gonna top them but I'm hoping you guys have been up to no good just for the sake of clear on the line so let's have a look what you guys have got to tell me this week okay I have such a weak bladder that I have to wild wee everywhere I go I mean that actually sounds like a massive inconvenience like I don't I don't think that's a confession I actually feel like that's a dilemma like I actually feel stressed for you like that must actually be quite stressful um okay this is a good one to get revenge on my ex who treated me like literal shit for months after our breakup I signed him up to loads of hair transplant bbl breast I never know how to say this aug augmentation and penis enlargement
Starting point is 00:33:28 consultations they called and texted him for ages okay i like it it's petty and i like that could never be me like once i'm broken up someone that's it like I'm not trying to fuck with them like you might have the couple of weeks where you're still arguing and digging each other out but that is a lot of effort you've gone through there and I feel like a lot of people listening may run with that tip and do it to their nasty ex um so you may have inspired a few people out there but for me personally when I break up with someone like I could never that that honestly feels like so much energy that I'm just trying to put into myself but I also love that for you like I I kind of imagine that that was very entertaining for you just imagining but did he know it was you like were you getting texts from him like can you stop signing me up to dick enlargements please and you're like i just thought you might
Starting point is 00:34:30 want it anyway next one i've been with oh i've been in love with the same guy for 10 years we used to sleep together and now talk daily he has a girlfriend of six years and a kid i have a boyfriend of three years and a kid oh my god i don't think you should be in these relationships you've been in love with him for 10 years oh my god i wrote sex stories that got published and on a popular sex blog fucking love it babe can you send me some i'd love to have a read um i had sex with three guys out the same friendship group honestly it doesn't surprise me men are just terrible friends to each other okay oh when my boyfriend and i broke up i wasn't heartbroken about him but rather about his younger brother who i always admired and crushed
Starting point is 00:35:25 on even when me and my ex-boyfriend were still strong oh my goodness that's some crazy shit my ex cheated on me so I kept his passport so he missed Ibiza last year he doesn't know I still have it genius okay here's a sex one a little filthy one my ex tied me up a few weeks ago consensually in brackets and i was also blindfolded okay it sounds terrifying to me we were in 69 when mid blowjob he accidentally farted in my face best be sure oh my god you're tied up literally you can even scatter away best be sure i told him to get off and untie me so i could get away from the smell oh no it's a smelly one as well i then ended things a week later it may have
Starting point is 00:36:13 something to do with that but i had other reasons too oh god he's gonna tell himself it's that forever it's disgusting he's farting your face gutted i'm gutted for you and him to be honest my colleague slash best friend is having an affair with my boss's husband wait my best friend is having an affair with oh your best friend and your boss's husband shit it's so awkward at work it's as it's such a small team of people we're often all in the same room fuck oh my god how can you do that like how can she be having an affair with someone like just look his wife in the eyes oh that's stressful that honestly sounds really stressful oh god thank you guys for sending in your confessions i love them every week i just you some of you live
Starting point is 00:37:06 some mental like crazy lives like the things you experience are just like movie experiences i really enjoy listening to them i hope you guys enjoy listening to them what if it's just me what if everyone skips this part if that's the case you'll be happy to hear that we are about to wrap up the episode. Okay. Thank you guys so much for listening. What day is it? Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Oh, God. What should we do on Friday? The world's our oyster. What episode should we do? I have a little thing. You guys did send me some really good suggestions, so I'll go through them and pick one out but i'm really looking forward to it i love the friday episodes because we get to whatever we want i really want to do another call in my listeners episode so i will plan that thoroughly this time the boyfriend will be
Starting point is 00:37:59 appearing very soon maybe on the next tuesday if not that one then it'll be the Tuesday after so should we do the normal Tuesdays like do the dilemmas and he can give us his advice and stuff I'm also thinking we're gonna have a boy on the mic so it's gonna be a great opportunity to throw in a weekly debate where we want to hear the boy's perspective so any ideas send him over because hear the boy's perspective so any ideas send him over because he's I will say he's quite wise like I do think he is he does enlighten me to the male brain sometimes it's fucking crazy in there honestly so yeah that's coming let me know anything you want to hear from us two together let me know anything you want to hear from Leah on the line i'm always open ears to your suggestions and feedback as long as it's not extremely critical because i say repeatedly uh lear on the line i am extremely sensitive and fragile i will cry and delete every episode so yeah i hope
Starting point is 00:38:58 you guys have an amazing week let me know what you're up to what your plans are how's it being how well oh my goodness what just happened to me how is it being back at work is what i was trying to say i hope you've all settled back in all right if you didn't really get much of a christmas break i love you and i'm thinking of you who's on a holiday this year january's the month that i book my holiday so i want to go on more than one holiday this year i just it's not too much to ask i really want to go to paris and i keep saying it? I really want to go to Paris. I know I keep saying it, but I really want to,
Starting point is 00:39:28 I'm hoping the more I say it, the more I manifest it into my reality. Do you know what I mean? Not I really want to. Hey guys, I'm going to Paris this year. Guys, I'm going to Paris this year. I'm really excited. I'm thinking around April time.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Really looking forward to that. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you, universe, for blessing me with my trip to, I nearly said April, with my trip to Paris. Can't wait to tell the listeners all about it. Anyway, manifest an amazing holidays for all of you guys this year and amazing memories and just a beautiful life, honeys. Have the best week. Be safe out there be careful make good decisions
Starting point is 00:40:07 any bad decisions send them in as a confession all right i'll speak to you on friday for a brand new episode i love you

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