Leah on the Line - 52: My best friends knew my boyfriend cheated and DIDN'T TELL ME!

Episode Date: January 24, 2023

Hey babes! In this episode we debated whether or not you split bills/rent evenly with your partner if one of you earns more. SUPER interesting and I absolutely loved all of your responses!! The dilemm...as this week ranged from recognising a love bomber, finding out your friends knew that your boyfriend cheated and being able to cut off a toxic guy. Thank you so so so so so much to every single one of you for listening and supporting this podcast, it means the world to me. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's getting closer to midnight. I try to get closer to you. Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back. to you. people had a really good weekend i actually went out this weekend it was pretty crazy i went out to weatherspoons okay i went to weatherspoons because me and my best friend jess right we're the exact same we we're not night out girls like we would much rather be at home with a cup of tea watching love island like to be fair it was only the unseen bit so it was all right but i would have gone out anyway believe me um but we had the best time like we had like deep chats we had so many like proper laughs it was well and truly needed and I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed myself
Starting point is 00:01:33 I did meet one of you guys actually which was fun also I met one of you guys in super drug shout out to you and I'm really sorry I didn't even get your name and this is why I wanted to talk about this on the pod I really feel guilty and it ate me alive for the whole day, because I was having a bit of an anxious day that day, like I was just feeling anxious, right, and she said hello to me, and for some reason, I was just like, panic, like, I just tried to smile and be really polite, like I normally am, but I was just, the guilt ate me alive, because I thought oh my god like I just wasn't just didn't give her the right energy and I just was riddled with guilt all day because I was just like oh thank you so much that's so nice thank you and now I'm like oh my god what's your name and I was just a bitch I was just a bitch so you know I just wanted to give a
Starting point is 00:02:20 public apology to her this is my first public apology and hopefully my last because it's actually a big fear of mine being cancelled you know when people leave like they do the big um public apologies just god forbid i ever have to do anything like that i mean i can't see why i'd ever be cancelled like i genuinely do believe i'm a good person do you know what i mean so anyway what the heck how are you guys feeling about love island what are you team zara or team live because i'm telling you i'm team live all day i'm not being funny if i was in there right and i pulled on for a chat she's like what was that what was that about what was that about i'm like relax okay first of all none of your fucking business bitch i wouldn't i would have been i would have been like basically uh what
Starting point is 00:03:02 you said was no i'm joking but i was But I was like, rude, so rude. And I felt bad for Liv because I think she handled it well. Like, she was like, okay, well, I like to be private and love that for her. Do you know what I mean? Like, to be fair, what's it got to do with you? What has it literally got to do with you? You can't even nick someone for me, love. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:18 I wasn't doing that when you pulled him for a chat. But, oh, sorry, I got hiccups. So rude, honestly, seriously. seriously but then also you never know that sometimes people just aren't coming across right you never know the reality of the situation when it comes to reality tv do you know what i mean reality reality reality how many times can you say that over reality reality reality reality do you know what i'm really good at red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry i can do it all night honey i can literally sit
Starting point is 00:03:47 all night doing that and unique new york new york unique oh i messed it up oh i fucked it up everyone try that unique new york new york unique unique new york new york unique unique new york new york unique unique new york new york unique do you know how i'm really good at that right i'm so good at it honestly pro i'm just a pro basically i'm good at that, right? I'm so good at it. I'm honestly a pro. I'm just a pro. Basically, I'm good at it because when you do singing, like, warm-ups, that's what you do to, like, warm up the tongue and stuff and the mouth movements, the tip of the tongue, the teeth and the lips. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:14 And my trick is I picture it written on paper and then I can just fucking smash it out, darling. Honestly, I'm just too good. But anyway, let me know if you're team Liv or team Zara, kind of scary, like, bitchy girls, like, when it comes to, like, the bitch off between the girls, you know, we've always, we've all been in that situation where you go, like, head to head with a girl, I'm petrified, honestly, I want the ground to swallow me up, I hate confrontation, if a girl came for me, I'd literally be like, oh my god, have him, honestly, you can have him, I don't even really fancy him anyway, do you fancy him anyway I'll just pack my bags and go like I can't
Starting point is 00:04:48 do a confrontation it's just not it's not in my blood I really hate it but then also I will tell you how I fucking feel love do you mean such a walking contradiction like I don't want confrontation but then also I will stick up for what I believe in and I will stand up for my friends like if I was in there and I was wits in that I love Lana for what she said like Lana was like you have to remember that you came in on step and stepped on her toes babe do you know what I mean love that from Lana I fucking love Lana but if I was in there I've been exactly the same I'd have been like Zara I think you need to relax like you know let's take a breather it's just a boy do you know what I mean I think I think you need to relax I think that's how I would have handled it. But then she probably would have bit my head
Starting point is 00:05:27 clean off. And then I would have cried and probably just jumped in the pool. Just probably not come back up. Anyway, hope you guys had the best weekend. How was your Monday? How you feeling about the week ahead? What have you got planned this coming week, the next few days? So I don't know if i've mentioned it here on the podcast but i did an ancestry dna thing my boyfriend got me a kit for christmas and my samples are being what's the word tested analyzed yeah so i'm really excited so i'll let you all go let all you guys know my speech has really let me down already and we've only been rolling for five minutes. So this could be a terrible episode. I can only apologize in advance.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Maybe I need to do some vocal warmup exercises. Red Laurie, yellow Laurie, red Laurie, yellow Laurie, red Laurie, yellow Laurie, red Laurie, yellow Laurie. Unique New York, New York, unique, unique New York, New York, unique. There's other ones. What are they? Oh, you're screaming them at me, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:06:27 Do you know what I'm really good at? I think I've actually said this. Riddles. Riddle me this. I'll riddle you anything. I'm genuinely so good at them. Someone needs to make a TV show similar to Catchphrase, but riddles, because I'll smash it out the park, honey. I would. I'm so good at Catchphrase, the TV show. If anyone's listening from Catchphrase, get me on there, Dore from catchphrase get me on there darling honestly get me on there I'll smash it out I'll smash it out to the jackpot love I'm so good at it I don't know why but then I'm I would definitely be that person that would be on the podium and like just wouldn't press my buzzer once because my brain would just be like like I would just suffer like I would just my brain would go to sleep and I'd be like I ain't got a clue I ain't got a clue but
Starting point is 00:07:06 the ones I don't get when when I've never heard the actual catchphrase but then the thing is I'm such a sore loser that when it comes up right when I'm playing it at home and they come up and I've never heard of it I'm like that's not a catchphrase never read that in my life it's not a catchphrase nah you've made that up it's not a catchphrase I'm very competitive so maybe I should never go on any game show ever but I would love to get me on catchphrase anyway should we just get into the weekly debate it's a really good one um it's it's a topic we haven't really discussed it's a little bit surrounded money and finance in relationships it's not something we've really touched on over here at leo on the line so
Starting point is 00:07:45 i'm really looking forward to it i'm really intrigued to what you guys are going to have to say about it so let's get straight into the episode thank you so much for listening to leo on the line remember to leave a rating on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leo on the line at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leo on the line and at learovane to see visual clips of the podcast. I love you. Enjoy the episode. Okay, everyone. Welcome. Let's get comfy. The weekly debate this week.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I'm really intrigued to how it's going to go because it's nothing we've ever really discussed over here on the podcast. But I get a lot of dilemmas similar to this surrounding topic so I felt like it was a really good idea for a weekly debate so I'm just going to read out get on with it shall I my weekly debate for you this week is do you split the bills etc rent mortgage blah blah evenly with your partner if your income is different right does that make sense do you guys get the question I've really struggled how to word it so do you basically do you and your partner split the rent mortgage bills whatever 50 50 if one of you earns more than the other yeah let's have a look what you guys are
Starting point is 00:08:57 saying my boyfriend always likes to pay but I always offer he does get more than me so I think he feels like he should but he doesn't have to pay for me someone says oh interesting yeah we do but never thought about pay differences interesting my fiance pays slightly more as his wage is higher than mine um yes it's you and your other half you you what oh yes it's you and your other half you use half so you pay half okay love it um i was a student using my student loan and he had a full-time income honestly never crossed my mind to break it down and pay separate amounts interesting okay me and my partner have just bought our first home and we plan on splitting the bills okay um all our money goes into a joint account and our bills come out of that okay so that makes sense so like oh wait yeah i guess
Starting point is 00:09:53 yeah so i guess whoever's putting more into the account is paying more does that make sense is that what that means i'm not very good at maths this isn't really my topic um myself and my partner split it so we have the same amount left over okay so that sounds like you earn the same right yes unless it's quite a big difference if so do the same percentage okay that's interesting see I'm not very good at maths to give examples here do you know what I mean but say your income was whoa oh my god what happened to me there say your income was like I don't know 2k a month and then your partner was on like 4k a month and your mortgage was a grand right 500 pound for you be a quarter of your wages is Is that correct? £500 out of £2,000 is a quarter of your
Starting point is 00:10:47 wages. Whereas £500 out of £4,000 would be an eighth. Fucking, I'm a mathematician. I'm a mathematician. The maths is mapping over here at Leo on the Line today. Do you know what I mean? So he's got, oh God, he's got seven eighths of his wages left. Is that correct? I'm like dabbing my boyfriend for reassurance. And you've got three quarters left. Do you know what I mean? Basically, why am I finding it so difficult?
Starting point is 00:11:19 He's got three and a half grand left and you've got 1500 quid. Do you know what I mean? I can't even remember what your response was why i'm even going into this right right so what we're saying is if we're paying percentage right okay you're paying 25 you're paying 25 wait so what would he pay he'd say oh anyway fucking out this is why i'm an actress slash social media content great okay i'm not a mathematician i just said i was that's why i don't work in finance all right fucking oh don't you find that like typically in school all the boys were better at maths and the girls was better english i just said the girls was better so really didn't back up my point now do you know I had to take my maths exam about
Starting point is 00:12:09 eight times believe it or not believe it or not it might be hard to believe but I did really well my English I did better in literature than lang and I feel like most people do it the other way around or do they or is it that way around I don't know fuck knows but anyway and I feel like most people do it the other way around or do they or is it that way around I don't know fuck knows but anyway and I was terrible at maths and I had I was really lucky because we was like the first year that it where it got introduced where you can do maths like a certain amount of times until you pass and I passed it on my very last attempt I remember when I went to pick up my GCSE results fuck me was I relieved when I saw that C yeah i got a c yeah all right laugh it up i got a c look at me now hey you know what you mean oh my god oh my god what's actually going on my
Starting point is 00:12:52 throat today am i okay let's not panic about that okay carry on with your responses um he pays the 2k mortgage and i pay bills 900 he has his his own company, so he earns a lot more. Okay, so this is stunning because, you know, he's paying to you, Gran, and you're paying 900. He's earning more than you, so he's paying more than you. Love it. Do you know why I'd feel anxious about doing that if it was me, right?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Because I wouldn't be able to help but feel like, well, this is your house. That water coming out the tap, that's mine. Yeah, these lights lights they're mine this electricity that tv channel you're watching you're welcome but also the house is yours like i don't know i'd feel a bit like oh like i want to feel like it's it's equally mine do you know what i mean but then i suppose when you come to that agreement both your names are on the mortgage it is equally yours and that is the agreement we've come to when it comes to paying for it.
Starting point is 00:13:48 So I suppose it's fine, you know, but yeah, carrying on. Um, we split it relative to our wage. He earns more, so he pays a bigger portion. My boyfriend's salary is double mine. Thankfully, he's happy to pay more. I'd like to know why all is all the men earning more i've not read a response saying i earn triple my boyfriend's wage so i pay i pay the bills you know what i mean let's look for one of them um yes we split most things 50 50 even though he earns oh quite a lot more than i do um god it's like paying tax if you earn more you pay more i mean you ain't wrong realistically um personally i think no but offers help support in other ways e.g cooking cleaning washing oh god no you're a fucking bitch you you're the breadwinner i'm i'm the maid of the house
Starting point is 00:14:43 no you know what it works for some people and it makes sense I get it um if the person earning more is happy to live somewhere cheaper so the bills can be split evenly then yes split them but if the person earning more wants to live somewhere more expensive the other person shouldn't have to pay even amounts to make up the other half of the money I have so many opinions on this yeah that makes a lot of sense like let's spin it here and I earn way more let's just say it's me the woman earning like three times the amount as my boyfriend let's just imagine that was happening right and I was like I want to live I want to live in a four bedroom house and he's like right well I can't afford that and I'm like too bad that's
Starting point is 00:15:27 where I want to live honey I can afford it so off we go it wouldn't be fair that I ask him to give up a fuck ton of his wages and be scraping every month just because that's where I can afford to live and also if we do want to split 50 50 and he's like well i can afford a two-bedroom flat in london which is fucking loads to be fair so fucking hell but if he says i can afford this but i can afford way more do you know what i mean like that's a really good point like it depends on what property you're choosing to share before you decide how much who's paying what that's a really good point i didn't actually think about that love that um ours isn't massively different i'm on slightly less but it's only fair we both we're both living there i'm sure there's a there somewhere
Starting point is 00:16:21 we take it in turns if he pays this time then i'll pay next time oh so you pay the full rent or mortgage some months wow i love that honey my partner earns 36k more than me and we split rent 50 50 but he usually pays when we go out for dinner etc okay so you're paying 50 50 but he's the, like, does all the treating and the spoiling. Okay, I can get on board with that. We've just bought a house and are doing it 55 him and 45 me as he earns more than me. Why are all the men earning more than us? Why are all the men earning more than us at the moment? 50-50 split, even though he currently earns more than me.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Ugh, what is going on here? I'm just really looking for a response where the girl is earning more than the guy just because i feel like that would be nice to read um i nearly always pay as i earn more but i like to be treated sometimes too oh stunning oh wait okay i think we're talking about a dinner bill there yeah i think we're talking about a dinner bill there yeah I think we're talking about a dinner dinner bill but you earn more which is gorgeous a little bit of a refreshing response which is stunning um of course you both live there I do this I do the savings and my partner does the
Starting point is 00:17:38 bills but same amount um I don't live with my partner but we have already agreed to put a percentage of our wages into an account for bills not first put the same number if you earn different i feel like that makes a lot of sense it does make sense um logically i understand the sense in this but i'm worried it would cause resentment yeah i'm with you on that like imagine like when the mortgage is paid off or imagine if you like broke up and it's like well who gets the house and they're like i fucking paid 70 of it darling off you go do you know i mean the stress how do you settle that i suppose hopefully if you're buying a house with someone
Starting point is 00:18:17 a breakup tends to you know preferably not be on the cards but who knows these days okay really interesting debate guys loved it very different for us we don't normally discuss money not for any particular reason i'm very open about money i'm not really one of them people that find it taboo but totally understand lots of people are um but it was really interesting to get all of your responses it turns out it is still a bit of a sticky one like we are all kind of unsure what is the right thing to do but I guess there is no right thing to do it's literally whatever works for you whatever agreement you and your partner can come to is just stunning do you know what I mean love it thank you so much for all your responses let's get into some dilemmas okay everyone let's get into it I hope you're comfortable i hope you're ready we've got some
Starting point is 00:19:07 good dilemmas this week what are you guys up to i wish i could see you like what you're doing right now i don't know i always say but i find it so interesting because i'm just chilling out at home recording a pod i know what you do when you listen to this lots of you are driving which is interesting but anyway i always have that conversation and it's just annoying to keep listening to. Just shut up, Leah. Anyway, we have an update. You guys remember, it was actually the last Tuesday episode. The episode was titled From This Dilemma.
Starting point is 00:19:38 My boyfriend cheated on me with my ex. You remember he cheated on her with her ex-girlfriend. She found the messages on his phone and she was she was saying that she didn't want to leave him because she didn't want to throw away a two-year relationship and i was like babe this relationship's been a lie yeah you guys remember we've got an update it says hey babes back with a follow-up i didn't i did end up confronting my boyfriend but he lied to my face and when I checked his phone the messages were gone he deleted them and acted all innocent I'm not stupid I took pictures of the messages
Starting point is 00:20:11 and showed them to him stunning we've got the receipts babe yeah but he continued to lie honestly I was so over it I just ended the relationship can we just get a round of applause for the strength? She thought, do you know what? Fuck off. Yeah. I'm happy and single now. I love you so much, Leah. Have a great day, babe. Kiss. I love it. I'm happy and single now. Have a great day, babe. I'm having a better day now that I know you did that because good for you. We're all so proud of you. The strength of you to be like, I know you cheated on me you fucking twat and you know what see you later good riddance you two can have each other you're both gross cheating little liars yeah okay gorgeous let's get into some dilemmas okay kicking off with this one
Starting point is 00:20:57 hi leah i've only just come across your podcast and i'm obsessed i honestly don't know what i was doing before this i literally binged and caught up within three days. You're a beautiful person inside and out. I bet you guys hate that I read them bits out because like no one cares apart from me. Like I'm the only one that likes to hear that. I love you so much. Anyway, my dilemma. So I went on a group holiday with my boyfriend and our friends. We're all part of the same friendship group and when we were on holiday one night when everyone was a bit drunk my friend and my boyfriend got into an argument and my friend proceeded to say well why don't you tell her how you cheated on her in front of everyone oh wait okay wait okay i read that wrong it says there's no quotation marks okay so i had to make this up but i've realized my mistake she said one night when everyone was a bit drunk my friend and my boyfriend got into an argument
Starting point is 00:21:53 and my friend proceeded to say well why don't you tell her how you cheated on her in front of everyone so turns out my boyfriend cheated on me and the whole group knew apart from me the girls and the boys i'm not being funny fuck all of them like fuck off are you joking me wow how big is the group as well as you can imagine i was so broken and couldn't stop crying yeah i can imagine i love you the next day i booked myself a flight back and didn't tell any of them and left for the airport by myself while they were all asleep do you know what good for you that is such a dignified way to go do you know what fuck all of you take yourself take your bags get on a plane and leave no big scene no big fuck all of you just okay I know
Starting point is 00:22:48 what I need to know I'm gonna take myself out of this very proud of you well done it's a very dignified way to do it very proud the journey back was horrible I cried the whole way I'm sure oh my god and you're alone that's awful I love you so my question is am i supposed to be just as mad at my girl because i've broken up with the guy just for context we were together for three years oh he was a love of my life and i would never have imagined he'd do that to me as he was always so loving and affectionate and treated me amazing so i thought wow even the fucking good ones do it well yeah as you said so we thought the girl who blurted it out is also dating one of the guys in the group who was my boyfriend's best friend and is saying to me she found out through him and was encouraging my boyfriend
Starting point is 00:23:39 to tell me or she would she has apologized for it coming out the way it did I don't know whether I should make up with the girls or not considering she told me even it coming out the way it did I don't know whether I should make up with the girls or not considering she told me even though it was the most humiliating way no she didn't tell you for you like she didn't say that in that moment to be a friend to you she was doing that to hurt him like she was angry at him in their argument and she's said that out of spite not out of being a good friend to you so don't get that twisted carrying on or whether that would be unfair to the boys in the group since i've been ignoring them these are these people have all been unfair to you it's honestly one big mess as normally you'd go to your friends when a guy fucks you over but it's all one group
Starting point is 00:24:22 and they all knew i just feel like the girls should have come to me and told me straight away as I'd do it if it was them. Girl code? Disappointed with the boys too as I considered them as brothers. It's such a shit show. I feel so alone. Any advice would be appreciated.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Thanks, love you. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers.
Starting point is 00:24:52 They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a fido store near you and save all semester long fido at your side oh i love you and i'm so so sorry what we need to get straight is none of these people have gone about this right i understand she's saying i was saying to him you need to tell her or i do i would want to know how long have you known because if that was me if that was my if i was the friend i would give him a deadline and i would say look you've got 14 working days
Starting point is 00:25:36 do you know what i mean to tell this fucking girl what you've done if you don't have the balls you have the balls to cheat on her if you don't have the balls to you have the balls to cheat on her. If you don't have the balls to be honest, I'm doing it. Because that girl deserves to know. I don't care what this means for our friendship. I don't care what this means for your friendship with my best friend. You should have thought about that before you cheated on her. Because we're all a group. So it is going to have an impact on all of us at this point.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Because I've got loyalties to both of you. And you've got this amount of days to tell her. And if you don't you better fucking believe I'm telling her that's what I would have done so I want to know how long she knew if she only knew for a few days then I can I can understand to be honest I'm not I'm not trusting you the same as I did but I think I could understand and forgive. I don't know if I'd ever forget that, but I could forgive the girl, the girl, by the way. I think if she has only known for a few days, like I said, I can forgive it, but it would change the way I feel about that friendship
Starting point is 00:26:36 forever and everyone else involved forever. I would know, okay, you haven't got my back. Do you know what I mean like I can't really really really trust you when push comes to shove right because I get it she could have been talking to the to her boyfriend saying someone needs to tell Molly I made up the name by the way someone needs to tell Molly what Dave did do you know what I mean Because Molly's our friend as well as Dave, right? And her boyfriend could have been like, no, nah, Dave will kill me, Dave's my boy, you can't tell her. They could have had an argument about it, but if that was me and my boyfriend and that happened to our friends, I say, I don't care how pissed off you're going to be with me if I tell her,
Starting point is 00:27:22 I don't care how pissed off Dave's going to be with me if i tell her i don't care how pissed off dave's going to be with you he should have thought about that this is all this all comes back to dave okay i don't care what the repercussions are when i tell molly because it's not me it's not my fault molly deserves to know and if it all fucking blows up into shit you can have a go at dave for cheating on molly don't have a go at me for telling the poor fucking girl so that's what I'd want to know how long did she know did she actually intend on telling you because she's gonna say that ain't she and to be honest even if that is the case right I think the way she went about it is really spiteful and she did it to spite him Dave she did it to spite Dave because they're having an argument and she knew she had something on him and she stooped low and she outed him in front of everyone including
Starting point is 00:28:13 you and that was so cruel to you and so unfair to you and that is not what real friend does she could have known that in that moment and a real friend would not have blurted out with it because it would have been at your expense and she knew that and that's why she said it because she knew that she would have won over on him and she'd win the argument do you know what I mean it was horrible it was brutal and I just think you deserve better friends like I get it it's really complicated when you are in a big group because your loyalties lie with more than one person but like I said this is no one's fault but his and if I was your friend which I am but if I was that friend I would have been willing to deal with any consequences of telling you because
Starting point is 00:29:04 you knowing the truth would have been way more important to me than any argument that comes off the back of it because like I said it all this all stems back to Dave and his cheating ugly little ratty ass do you know what I mean so yeah I think have a have a chat with her if you really want them in your life I think these are the questions you need to ask if not I think move on and and build new friendships I know it's easier said than done but it is it can be done and surround yourself with people that you can trust and will support you and have your back and care more about what's right than falling out with their fucking friends do you know what i mean so yeah i love you so much you're gonna be fine you have all the strength in the world that it takes to get through this and you will we are all here with you every step of the way
Starting point is 00:29:55 and yeah i love you so much keep us updated with that one that's a big one we love you okay next dilemma hey girly i love your podcast so much you're the best ah thanks thank you but anyway down to my slight issue i matched someone on hinge maybe two months ago now nothing came from it it is what it is fast forward to two weeks ago and i saw him in a local bar slash restaurant thing they're the best best. They're the best venues. I was in the background of a photo he posted and swiped up when he left. He replied straight away telling me to come to where he was and he thought he recognized me. He's really well known in our city because his ex is an influencer. Tell me who? Oh my god, message me the girls. Message me the girls. We spent the night together and a lot of girls were literally throwing
Starting point is 00:30:45 themselves at him like, oh my god, you're blah blah blah's ex, you're so fit and he was literally holding my hand telling them I'm his girlfriend when I'd met him five minutes before. That's a bit weird. Do you do this often? Fucking hell. I ended up going back to his house but I'm not like that so we didn't sleep together and just ended up falling asleep he messaged me the next morning and then the day after he went away for a week so we didn't speak a word um okay i was your girlfriend the other night but whatever when he got back three days ago he messaged me straight away and has been non-stop messaging me for the past three days showed me he went home on his own drunk on saturday but he's been really really full on like telling me everything i want to hear oh you know what i'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:31:31 you know what i'm gonna say three two one love bomb all together now love bomb i was meant to see him last night and just chill but then it got to 8 p 8pm and he was out for food for his friend's birthday. So I told him, it's okay, do another night. I don't want to be one of those girls who just comes around late at night. And he got defensive telling me, I know I'm not like that to him. He doesn't have eyes for anyone else. I feel almost, ah, I feel almost love bombed because we've not even been on a proper date yet. And of course he's still speaking to other people because I
Starting point is 00:32:05 know what he's like. I told him I trust him and obviously we are only messaging so until he shows me I shouldn't trust him then I will. But when I facetimed him tonight his best friend was like who is it? And surely that's a massive red flag. Yeah maybe, maybe. I can see how it would feel like a red flag. I can't get off my mind who his ex is because she's really well known everywhere in the uk now tell me who she is tell me i wonder if i know her tell me you have to message me and tell me anyway and it almost makes me nervous i almost just feel love i almost just feel love bombed as well and scared to give him the chance because I can feel myself falling for him. Sorry it's long and hope you can help. Love you, girly.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Okay, so what we need to ask ourselves is what is it you're falling for? Because this guy hasn't taken you out on a date. This guy hasn't taken you on a date. He is way too intense because this is what I say about the love bomb, right? People can really fall for someone really quickly facts they can but I think the difference between that and a love bomb is the overexpressive like passion and desire and love it feels weird like you're like why do you feel like this about me like if they say things like you're everything i've ever wanted i've only got eyes for you you're the woman of my dreams that's a bit like
Starting point is 00:33:31 holy fucking shit you don't even know me like how do you know i'm all you've ever wanted you don't even know me we haven't even been on a date how and you think i'm everything you've ever wanted like hold your horses but I think a natural way to be falling fast is they say things like honestly when we when we hang out I just don't want the night to end I love spending time with you I think about you all the time like I've spoken to my friends and my family about you I'm really excited to go to go on a second date with you I think these are normal healthy ways of feeling really into someone early days but when they're like I'm your phone I've only got eyes for you I love you like that's a bit like whoa hold the fuck up yeah foot on the brakes do you know what, like, to be meeting people and be like, this is my
Starting point is 00:34:25 girlfriend, it's been like, whoa, was I on board with that, no, so I think ask yourself, because you're saying, I can feel myself falling for him, what is it you're falling for, like, what is so great about this guy, do you know what I mean, because I think it's so easy to get swept up in the love bomb, like, and people go, because he's so into me, it's like, yeah get swept up in the love bomb like and people go because he's so into me it's like yeah okay but there's a ton of guys that will be into you oh but he's so nice yeah okay bare minimum do you know what I mean oh he's I'm really attracted to him okay great but you can be really attracted to loads of guys like what is it about him that you are so into and you're falling for. You know.
Starting point is 00:35:06 We need to ask ourselves these questions. You said you feel love bombed. You haven't even been on a proper date. And you know what. You said like. You know he's still speaking to other people. Like we're only talking. I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And a classic love bomber will give you the whole. I'm not talking to anyone else. I'm not talking to anyone else. You're the woman. You're the woman I've been waiting for. I'm not interested in anyone else. Honestly. I've anyone else you're the woman you're the woman I've been waiting for I'm not interested in anyone else honestly I've deleted all my dating apps it's like fucking hell I've not deleted mine I'm I'm talking to other people like whoa you know um I would just say proceed with caution you know like we can't just assume oh you're a love bomber see you later like you know maybe he's just well into you but i would just say if the behavior feels unnecessary
Starting point is 00:35:52 like i don't need you to stop talking to everyone i don't need you to be like reassuring me i'm the i'm the woman of your fucking dreams i don't i don't need that if it feels like that i feel like that tends to be what a love bomb can feel like when you're a bit like what the fuck so don't ignore that um look for the red flags and also don't ignore them and just proceed with caution i think when it feels weird listen to that gut feeling um and don't get in too deep when it feels weird because the more you just go along with it and go well if it gets too crazy I'll leave by the point it's too crazy you're in too deep and it's hard to leave so proceed with caution don't get too deep until you know it's
Starting point is 00:36:39 safe okay be safe out there guys all right next dilemma okay I'm in need of some serious oh sorry wait I love you I hate finishing a dilemma without saying that next dilemma I'm in need of some serious advice hey Leah I love the pod so much I love you so much so I'm in an extremely difficult situation about six years ago when I was 20 I met this guy at work when we both worked at the local pub. When we first started working together we kind of had an instant connection. We would always end up working the same shifts. He ended up taking my virginity and I really really liked him. I was 20 at the time so it was kind of serious but he clearly had other ideas. About a year into working together and flirting he got got himself a girlfriend. However, the flirting didn't stop and neither did the sex.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Ah, so he was literally cheating on his girlfriend with you. Um, okay. As awful as it is, I just really, really liked him and he knew that. So he knew if he asked me, I wouldn't be able to say to say no okay what I want to ask you is why do you really really like a guy that's cheating on his girlfriend like that's what I want to know like he's cheating on his girlfriend and you go I really really like him that's not a nice guy like that doesn't sound like boyfriend material like if I described somebody to you and I said I've got this really nice guy for you he's really good looking you're gonna get him really well but he does cheat on his girlfriends you wouldn't even want to get to know him you'd be like oh no thanks doesn't
Starting point is 00:38:12 really sound like that's gonna go very well for me do you know what I mean anyway it says five years later we still speak right so this guy you've been available to this guy for five years I bet he's loving life right it's been so on and off but we haven't had sex for about a year now so you've been sleeping on and off with this guy for like four years wow okay as i know how bad it is yet he still asks we have both had the conversation that we clearly have a very strong connection as we keep getting drawn back to each other he tells me he doesn't want to be with her but he doesn't do anything about it so he's still with this girl oh my god he's been with her a few years
Starting point is 00:38:55 i'm not being funny again why are you attracted to that i'm cheating on this girl and also i don't want to be with her but i'm with her like this guy's a cheater and he's selfish he's got no fucking balls do you know what I mean okay um any advice do I move on and block him or do I give him an ultimatum that he has to either be with me or be with her or am I just being stupid and blind hope you can help love you so much you're definitely not stupid and blind it's so easy to get wrapped up in feelings for somebody but i think when you come away from it and you look at it and you think what about this pig let's be honest this guy's a bit of a pig i'm actually a bit brutal these days aren't i fuck it i mean fuck him he's a bit of a pig he's cheated on this girl he's been with her for years now he doesn't he slags her off to some other girl
Starting point is 00:39:45 that he's cheated on her with saying like i don't even want to be with her i don't want to be with her have sex with me have sex with me vile that's not a nice human being like that's not a nice person let alone someone you want to be with so i think try and step away from it look at the reality of the situation and think is that someone I'd want for myself absolutely not I think it comes down to like you felt rejected by this guy because in the end he picked someone else over you and what he's done is he's continually showing you attention which helps it feeds into that rejection makes you feel a little bit better takes away that rejected feeling because you're like oh but he does still fancy me he must fancy he must think i'm so fucking fit because he just cannot stop having sex with me he really wants me even when he's got a girlfriend it makes you feel better
Starting point is 00:40:34 about the rejection that you felt initially but what you need to understand is you're gorgeous beautiful and an absolute catch to a good guy like do not settle for a cheater and a liar and a selfish little pig like this guy just wants his cake and he wants to eat it five tier cake like he's this guy's greedy and he's selfish and he's a liar and god oh my god i just realized i'm talking about a real person that's someone's son i'm talking about oh my god i feel really guilty now oh you're gonna fucking listen to it am i fuck him fuck him let's think about his poor girlfriend here fuck that guy and you that you're stringing along for years um your question was do i block him and move on or do i give him an ultimatum we're not giving him an ultimatum okay I know I don't often sometimes I do but I don't often tell you
Starting point is 00:41:31 guys what to do we're not giving this guy an ultimatum okay because I'm sorry you've had five years to decide if you want to be with me and I do think it just comes down to that feeling of being rejected by this guy and I think that's the only reason you're even so interested because you want him to want you because him not wanting you feels shit but let's spin the narrative I don't actually want you I don't actually want you and yeah it'll probably crush him it'll probably crush him but that will make you feel good you'll feel empowered you'll feel strong you'll fall more in love with yourself for doing it and i just think prioritize
Starting point is 00:42:10 what you deserve as the beautiful gorgeous woman that you are and a good person stop having sex with him i know you haven't for a year now i'm really proud of you well done but never do it again because this guy doesn't deserve you do you know what I mean I'm just repeating myself now but I feel like I've made my feelings very clear on this one do you guys agree with me I'm sure many people would be listening thinking she could give him the ultimatum you never know but for me I just think somebody should just choose you and it should just be easy and if they don't good riddance darling And if they don't, good riddance, darling. Like, if you don't choose me, I'm not waiting around five years for you to change your mind.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Fuck off. Do you know what I mean? I'm an absolute catcher. How many people would be lucky to be with me? Anyone? Yeah? Do you know what I mean? I love you.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Keep me updated. Obviously, you always decide what you want to do. I'm just giving you my opinion here and my advice as your bestie so let me know what you decide to do i'll back you all the way i'll be here for you no matter what the outcome you got this i love you oh that's a big one wasn't it i'm clearly very passionate about that topic for some reason okay guys let's get into the Confession Diaries. Okay, everyone, I hope for the sake of the podcast, you guys have been up to no good. The confessions recently have been a little bit crazy. Some of them are so different as well well they're either about sex or about cheating they're about your bladder and bowel movements
Starting point is 00:43:48 we haven't had many shit confessions in a while do you remember when every confessions episode was just about people shitting themselves in public and that could you remember that what's happened to all the shit stories bring them back that's what i say, this one's similar. We'll kick it off with this one. I pissed on the floor at the gym doing very heavy hip thrusts. Love it. Honestly, love that for you. Really giving it some of the gym. Okay, this is a longer one. So funny, but vile story time, she says. I was sleeping with two friends. Let's call them jack and joe jack knew about joe but joe didn't know about jack i saw jack one morning we had sex and didn't use a condom oh you guys know what i have to say about that one i went to joe's a couple of hours later i didn't have time to shower
Starting point is 00:44:39 jesus how quick were we getting down to business? He went down on me. We've had a very similar confession to this before, but it was with a one night stand and her like situationship. This is like a two time in situationship situation. Situationship situation. Anyway, he went down on me. So unknowingly would have probably had tasted his besties come. Oh shit, I forgot they're best friends. Oh my God's that's awful
Starting point is 00:45:06 that's actually terrible i awkwardly started laughing and he argued with me what are you laughing at you're like you really don't want to know trust me you're better off not knowing the answers that question he still doesn't know not my proudest moments oh i love it though do you know what i mean babe okay next one first time i ever slept with anyone now my girlfriend of two years she snapped my banjo oh ouch virginity as well that would have traumatized me oh it's like the last one the girl she snapped his banjo well he snapped his own banjo during her virginity a lot of banjos go snap during the virginity hey oh my goodness okay this is a longer one but i kind of love it
Starting point is 00:45:53 it says i went on a night out sorry yeah i oh sorry am i oh my god i was on a night out went to a club near where i live me and my mate met a couple of boys. We ended up getting a taxi. I ended up back at the boy's house the next morning. Okay. There's no punctuation in this. So I'm really fucking struggling. Okay. I struggle when there is punctuation. Okay. Let's give it a go. I'm going to start from the beginning, from the top, from the top. I was on a night out, went to a club near where I i live me and my mate met a couple of boys we ended up getting a taxi i ended up back at the boy's house the next morning oh no sorry i ended up back at the boy's house full stop the next morning i woke up thinking what the fuck i thought
Starting point is 00:46:37 the whole time the boy was someone i went to school with turns out the boy was 19 and just looked the double of a school friend i was that drunk i thought i slept with someone else to add to my fear i went to work on the monday and walked past the boy he actually oh sorry the punctuation babe come on now to add to my fear i went to work on the monday and walked past the boy he actually worked in the building across from mine never seen him in my life what the chances love you that is honestly what are the chances of that like you've never seen him in your life you have sex with him
Starting point is 00:47:17 thinking he was someone else and then you see him like that's crazy oh my god my girl okay finishing it off with this one me and my boyfriend were having sex in a room at his dad's wedding oh my god okay his whole family realized we were missing and knew we were shagging in our hotel room as we were missing from the top table with our food waiting babe you couldn't have timed that any worse but i kind of love it can't resist each other love it it was all the all this champagne the wedding champagne got straight to the head you was like i need it now love it babe love the confessions this week guys thank you so much continue making these decisions and i will continue reading them i love it so so much you guys are the best you guys are just wild crazy fun and wild and free fun wild and free
Starting point is 00:48:06 young dumb and full of you finish that one okay guys let's wrap up the episode okay guys thank you so much for listening to this episode i had a great time chatting with you all today i really just enjoy the every episode. Oh my god, I'm like, there's like a scratch in my disc today. Like I just keep repeating a word. I'm like, I just love every, every episode. I don't know what's going on. Maybe I need to see a speech therapist because I'm really struggling with my speech recently. No one diagnosed me with anything because I will fucking hit the roof. I swear to god, I swear to god. Anyway, I've really missed you you guys I can't wait to chat to you on Friday we're going
Starting point is 00:48:48 to do the phone calls episode it's going to be so much fun you guys are going to help me with the dilemmas I need the help because sometimes I'm just really clueless and then I think back and I think was that really bad advice or I'll think back to a dilemma and I'll think of it in another perspective and something I should have said. And you guys are so helpful with that. Because whenever I do the stories where I put up a dilemma and you guys send in your thoughts and advice, I think, oh my God, so true, I didn't even think of that. So I'm really looking forward to getting you live on the line with Leah on the line. And getting into some dilemmas together.
Starting point is 00:49:22 So that's coming on Friday. The BF is coming on the podcast as well. some dilemmas together so that's coming on friday the bf is coming on the podcast as well hopefully that's next week we need to figure out because i want to video it obviously because i need to get the clips going again but we've redecorated my house we're not redecorated but we've just like refreshed it like we had to paint all the walls we had like the ceilings plastered and shit like that i don't know it's been hell to be honest so i need to sort out um a new film and location so once i've sorted that out we't know it's been hell to be honest so i need to sort out um a new film and location so once i've sorted that out we will get it done the studio is coming everyone
Starting point is 00:49:49 fucking manifest the life out of it please please okay i need all of your help the universe is really aligned with me at the moment though like i i will say something sorry a little scratch on my disc again there i will say something and like I'll literally say god like the other day me and my sister in the car and I was like imagine we rode like a motorbike together like me and you just was riding on a motorbike motorbike pulled up next to us as I said it and the other day me and my friend was talking about somebody somebody so random that we haven't seen in years this is when we went out saw him so crazy and something else happened oh i can't say because i don't want to jinx it but i've got a potential really exciting
Starting point is 00:50:32 opportunity coming up and i keep seeing signs that the universe is telling me it's going to happen but fingers crossed i'm going to have some fun news to share it's not that fun like it's not like an exciting thing for any of you guys but it would be fun for me so fingers crossed everybody manifest some great things for all of you as well i'm aligned with the universe at the moment so if anyone wants me to manifest something for you send me a dm and i'll get on it babe do you know what i mean i love you guys so much hope you guys have the best week what are you guys up to anyone working monday to fridays who works weekends i was always a weekend worker and in the week as well but like my shifts were all over the place so whenever people like happy Friday I was like yeah maybe
Starting point is 00:51:09 for you not for me these are my longest shifts bartenders you know don't mean happy Friday no it's not one of the worst nights of the week for me and I'll be back here tomorrow but anyway thinking of you all this week coming ahead i love you so much and i will speak to you on friday for a brand new episode all right i love you bye hi it's fido start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data We'll see you next time. even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido.
Starting point is 00:52:14 At your side.

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