Leah on the Line - 57: My boyfriend downloaded Tinder on a lads holiday & I cheated on my boyfriend with HIS MUM!

Episode Date: February 28, 2023

Hey besties! In this episode of Leah on the Line, we debated whether or not you guys thing its okay to post bikini/underwear pics when in a relationship! The dilemmas ranged from your boyfriend downlo...ading TINDER whilst on a lads holiday (!!!) to a guy telling you he doesn't want anything serious but wanting to date him anyway... Thank you so so so much to every single one of you who listens to and supports this podcast, I love you more than you'll ever know!! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leah on the line happy tuesday happy tuesday everyone how are you i hope you've all had an amazing week and a Monday. What did you guys get up to? Who watched the Fury and Paul fight on Sunday? Because I definitely did. I was absolutely sweating. Like I was Molly Mae. Like I was literally sat at home with his baby. Like I was that nervous. But you know, he took home the win as he should, as he should. Apart from he did take a little bit of a tumble. And I know he's saying he slipped. And when you look at the footage, like, it does look like a slip.
Starting point is 00:00:50 But at the same time, I watch it and I think, well, you slipped because he landed a pretty, pretty hard punch. Do you know what I mean? And he literally tumbled. I was like, ah, Tommy! What the fuck was that? Do you know what I mean? I could hear Molly in my ears. Ah, Tommy! Yeah. I was like, get up. Get the fuck up now. And he did. And he still took
Starting point is 00:01:11 home the win. Not sure about the whole split decision thing. But you know, what do I know about boxing realistically? I'm just a big Molly Mae fan. That's the bottom line of it, Jeremy. I am. I fucking love Molly Mae. I live and breathe morning may but anyway I hope you guys had the best weekend maybe some of you received some good news this week I keep seeing them tiktoks like you are gonna receive amazing news you are about to get a promotion at work I'm like who's gonna promote me like what what do you mean who's gonna promote well to be fair maybe I'll maybe it means i'll get an incredible opportunity but it does say use this sound do not skip and i i don't want to use them because they keep coming up on my for you page and i'm actually getting a bit tired of them
Starting point is 00:01:55 so i try to skip them so they do stop coming up but at the same time i want that i want that luck baby also someone come up on my for you page the other day that was cleansing me of a curse and he was he literally did some like cleansing ritual and I fully sat there watching it and he was like take a deep breath in someone sent evil lies to you and I was like my boyfriend sat there looking at me like excuse me was this on your for you page or was it on mine why do I feel like we've spoken about this already? Maybe I told somebody, who knows? Anyway, I love you guys. I hope you all had the best week. I'm really excited to be sat here chatting to you again. I've missed you. The weekly debate is really fun. Like I'm shocked we haven't done this debate before. Like I don't know how we haven't. I really feel like we're going to be split on this one split decision yeah like i truly think
Starting point is 00:02:47 it's going to be a more of a debate than normal but we will see i might be wrong who knows maybe we'll all be on the same page i'm really looking forward to this episode i love chatting with you all it is my favorite thing my favorite time of week. And let me know what episodes you guys want on Friday. I love the Friday episodes because we get to do whatever we want. And you guys have all the say in the world. So let me know. And yeah, let's get straight into the episode. Thank you so much for listening to Leah on the Line. Remember to leave a rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and hit the notification bell. You can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leahontheline at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leahontheline and at leahlevane
Starting point is 00:03:28 to see visual clips of the podcast. I love you. Enjoy the episode. Guys, I am having a really gross day today. Like my armpits are sweaty and wet. I haven't showered. I've got rosemary oil, rosemary oil, why is it hard to say, rosemary oil in my hair, I look so pale and tired and run down, I'm getting really paranoid and insecure that my face is getting really chubby, but then I just keep telling myself, does it matter, do you know what I mean, like, so fucking unimportant, but yeah, I'm having one of them insecure days, like, I just look at myself and I think, literally, just get in that shower and sort your life out so I will be doing that after this episode but I just wanted to share that with you anyway the weekly debate this week guys let's get into it so my question for you is is it okay to still post bikini slash underwear slash
Starting point is 00:04:19 sexy outfit pics when in a relationship because I posted a TikTok recently where I said like it is disrespectful for your man or your woman to be liking other people's pics on Instagram obviously like your friends and whatever like that's that goes without saying but like you know you know just the ones they shouldn't be liking I I'm saying I think it's disrespectful and I use that sound where it's like no it's not and I was like yes it is no it's not yes it is I use that sound anyway and I had all these angry men angry men in the comments and they're like yeah but I bet you post bikini pics for other guys I'm like first things first nothing I post is for you okay let's get that straight David from Hull yeah no follow post is for you okay let's get that straight david from hull
Starting point is 00:05:06 yeah nothing i post is for you but anyway so it sparked my idea for this debate so before i give my opinion although i feel like it's probably kind of predictable what i have to say i'm so intrigued what you guys have to say so let's have a look i'm going to scroll to the bottom okay it says one of you guys say, yes, as long as it's not sent to anyone, it's totally acceptable. Oh my God. Yeah. Sending, sending these pics is a whole different catfish. Is it cattle of fish? Cattle. Isn't that like a farm animal? Like cattle. Is it cattle of fish? Kettle of fish. Kettle. What is it? of fish kettle of fish kettle what is it what is the saying oh but i'm not even close anyway i personally find it disrespectful unless it's your job slash you're getting paid to do it
Starting point is 00:05:53 if your partner finds it disrespectful then no if they're okay with it then why not okay so you're saying look if my man's like can you not post pics like this you're you're going to stop posting them okay i posted a holiday dump with a bikini pic and he was not happy. Will not delete. I look great. Period. Period. Okay. Yes. You should be proud of your body. Oh yeah, girl. Bikini, I think is different, but I think it's disrespectful posting a sexy underwear pic at home. Yes, but I don't think it's okay for your boyfriend to like other people's is that hypocritical no i don't think it's hypocritical so i will get into that part of the debate but let's carry on reading your guys responses um i think it's okay as long as
Starting point is 00:06:36 your partner's okay with it all about communication um yes do what makes you happy he should be showing you off and hyping you up um you're only young and hot once. Got to make the most of it. You know what I mean? This is the thing, right? So I never wear like skirts and dresses. Like I'm not like a skirts and dresses girl. Like I'm always like a baggy jeans, baggy jumper, like blah, blah, blah. And I was thinking like one day I'm going to be 70 and I'm going to be wrinkly. And listen, I don't have banging tits, but they're perky as fuck, right? It's hard not to be when you've got an A cup. Do you know what I mean? But there we go. I'll take it. A win is a win. And one day I'm going to be 70 and I'm going to think I had these gorgeous little pins, little pin legs, little legs 11. And I was wearing baggy jeans,
Starting point is 00:07:26 baggy joggers, baggy jumpers. And I'm like, I don't want to look back. Listen, I'm not going to start dressing like a little slut bag, right? That's not what I'm saying. But I don't want to look back and be like, I was so young and beautiful and didn't embrace it, didn't acknowledge it and appreciate it. Do you know what I mean? So yeah, basically, if you see me walking around town with my ass hanging out, mind your fucking business. All right, get yours out. No, I'm joking. I'm joking. Hopefully you guys know what I mean by that. It was just an interesting thought that I had recently. Anyway, back to you guys. Yes, if your partner is comfortable with it. If they express it, they're not then no every
Starting point is 00:08:05 relationship has different boundaries and that's okay with my ex he was fine with me posting underwear pics my current boyfriend would prefer i didn't and so i respect that boundary bikini pics etc on holiday he's okay with as that's more natural than underwear pics which makes sense to me okay as long as you are like not an an issue. Absolutely, do you know what I mean? I would say posting bikini is okay, but I'm not that okay with sexy underwear. 100 million percent and any boy who disagrees is controlling and toxic. Whoa, statement.
Starting point is 00:08:37 She's dropping bombs over here. Okay. I post bikini pics and boyfriend absolutely loves it. He still has photos just for him. Yeah, good. Okay. Yes yes with a million question marks he should be supportive of his girlfriend oh of his sexy girlfriend and be proud to say that's mine do whatever the hell you want somebody says underwear no that should be left for your man's eyes only um absolutely not i just couldn't but if the boyfriend receives one his phone would be thrown out the window oh my god of course that's a whole that's
Starting point is 00:09:09 a whole another fucking debate um underwear definitely more intimate than outfits slash bikini pics i'm married and would post outfit slash bikini also it depends if it's for work like if your job is social media or only fans and your partner knew that yeah that's fair enough um absolutely your body your choice your your man or woman should be proud yes but not not too provocative no it should be for your partner's eyes only um yes own it your body your choice i wouldn't mind if my boyfriend did shirtless yeah of course it depends on your reasons why, what your partner's boundaries are. You do you, but also respect and hear how your partner feels.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Find a happy medium. Yes, hell yes. Yes, be proud of who you're with. Don't post anything you wouldn't wear out in public. Oh, okay, that's an interesting side okay um it's about being respectful lingerie no because that's only for his eyes if it's for work 100 absolutely fine go ahead but if it's not and just to get attention then less so okay no for my eyes only don't want anyone else to have that chance to appreciate my person okay i love that yes absolutely fine but I'd have a problem if my partner was liking other girls pics yes in a relationship or not my body is my body okay so a lot of you guys are saying you know bikini is absolutely fine you're on holiday you're wearing that on the beach what's the difference between putting on Instagram yeah and a lot of you are
Starting point is 00:10:40 saying lingerie no underwear no sexy like too sexy of an outfit no um a lot of you are saying I would but if if my boyfriend or girlfriend said that they didn't want me to then I wouldn't and a lot of you saying yeah I'm doing whatever the fuck I want get over it babe so my take on this one is I think it's not an issue and I'll tell you why because I don't know if you guys agree with me but I post for the girlies okay there is not a single post on my fucking Instagram or any of my social medias that I am hoping for male attention like listen I and when men say that like you're posting it for attention like oh do I like your comment? Do I reply to your comment? Do I even follow you back? Whatever gave you the impression that this is for your attention? You know, it's for the girlies. It's for the hyping each other up. It's for the
Starting point is 00:11:35 confidence boost. It's for the, you know, we love each other. Like women, we love each other. We support each other. So when I see a girl posting a banging picture in her underwear, in a bikini, we support each other so when I see a girl posting a banging picture in her underwear in a bikini in a sexy outfit I'm like yes you look fucking fire you look flames you look sexy I want to be you do you know what I mean it's not like oh my god I bet her boyfriend is a little bit like I'm not being funny do you know what I mean like we I don't know about all girls but I feel like most of us girls we post for the girlies you know like we post for the girlies and there is not an inch of me that wants male attention on those posts or any of my posts really. You know, I've got my boyfriend, he gasses me up, but a girl gassing you up is different to a guy. Like if I'm out on a night out and a guy's like,
Starting point is 00:12:22 you look really beautiful. I'd be like, oh, thank you. But if a girl's like, you look stunning. I'd be like, oh my God, I'm Cheryl Cole. Do you know what I mean? Like it means so much more when a girl compliments you. So genuinely hand on heart, that's how I see it because that's my experience with it. Listen, I'm not like, I don't post like anything majorly sexy. Like I might do the odd lounge pic every now and then like really really right I think I've done like two or three in my life um but to be honest it's nothing to do with men like it is all to do with the girls and wanting because I know when I post something I'm my girlies you guys my friends like you're gonna hype me up and vice versa do you know what I mean when my friends pose when anyone I follow post something I'm hyping you up even if I'm just liking it I'm just thinking flames fire sex is fuck that's not me thinking like oh my god this
Starting point is 00:13:17 is obviously for men she wants dick like come on do you know what I mean like it is is not about that for me but I listen don't get me wrong there are definitely girls and guys that will post sexy pictures for the attention of well that kind of attention do you know what I mean same sex or opposite sex it might be for that kind of attention but I feel like you know most of the time unless you do like only fans or like you genuinely are like an account that has a high male audience and stuff blah blah blah most of the time it's for the girlies so that's why I just think honestly if you think me posting a picture in my underwear is disrespectful
Starting point is 00:13:59 like I do get the size of like it's for your man's eyes only but like listen he sees a lot better than what what I put on Instagram yeah he sees my puss my puss it's just true though like it's a picture do you know what I mean and listen like I said it's for the girlies it's not it's not a sexual thing it's for it's a I am feeling good about my body this day and I feel this underwear set this bikini this outfit makes me feel really good and I'm proud of this picture it makes I feel confident when I look at this picture and I'm posting it all right period that's honestly my opinion on it you guys can totally agree I'm not offended if you guys if you guys agree or not like you know it's this is the debate but anyway I loved that thank you guys so much for sending in
Starting point is 00:14:49 all of your thoughts and opinions it is always so interesting because you know the point in a debate is most of the time we're not all going to agree and that's why we debate it and that's why it's interesting so thank you guys so much for sending in all of your thoughts and let's get into the dilemmas. Okay, guys, let's dive straight into the dilemmas. The one we're kicking off with is a bit of a longer one, but I love the long ones. I love the short ones, long or short, got no issues. They're all fine with me. Okay, kicking off. This one says, Hi, Leah. I hope you're on your way out of the winter funk. I'm really feeling the brunt of sad and I know you've not been a hundred percent
Starting point is 00:15:29 either. I can relate. Oh, I love you. Sending you the biggest hug. Okay. But this dilemma isn't, sorry. Oh my God. I will pull it together today, guys. This dilemma I'm in is also not helping. And I really need your advice on this. A bit of context. I'm 25 and for the past four slash five months I've been dating casually. As before then I've been in two long-term relationships. One was six and a half years and the most recent was three years and I escaped last year as it was a really toxic environment. It wasn't healthy for me and I realized I needed to get out and do me. Put me first. I gotta put me first. I gotta put me first. Look after me. So that's what I've been doing. I dated for the
Starting point is 00:16:11 first time ever, had loads of fun and really enjoyed it for a while. That's until I started getting past the early dating stage with this one guy. Let's call him Tom. I matched with Tom on Hinge in November and we didn't chat much until one day in the beginning of December, he randomly suggested going for a coffee. So that same day we met, love the spontaneity, and I was really surprised at how much I like him when I wasn't expecting to from his profile. We ended up spending the whole day together, starting with coffee and ending on a few drinks. Oh my God. I absolutely love that. Okay. You just couldn't get enough of each other. And he ended up coming. Oh, the word of this. The word of this. Are you ready? He ended up coming back to mine where I sucked him off.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Okay. Queen, queen shit. Twice, lol. It was my time of the month. He left saying he definitely wants to see me again and return the favor, so to speak. Oh, okay, Tom. Since then, we've been meeting up once or twice a week. So that's nearly three months. I feel like that's a really healthy amount of time to be seeing someone when you're dating.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I love that. We both agree that the sex is the best we've ever had. We have a lot of physical slash sexual chemistry, but we also have a lot in common outside of that stuff. Ah, love it. Important to note that our dates only ever involve dinner, movie and sex at his or mine. And sometimes we go for a drink at the pub, play cards, etc. Okay. I mean, that's dating. Do you know what I mean? Isn't that just dating? He's not stayed over and we have talked about this he's nervous too and I get why it's kind of a step towards something more serious okay so it's it's uh we're hanging out we're having sex he's heading off home or
Starting point is 00:17:56 you're heading off home okay okay Tom I've been getting myself in a tiff the past few weeks as I know we need to have that conversation as to where it's going I'd been getting myself in a tiff the past few weeks as I know we need to have that conversation as to where it's going I'd been seeing other people until a few weeks ago when I decided I wanted to just see where it was going with Tom as I do really like him okay okay so we're cutting off the other side pieces now we're there with Tom okay I was psyching myself up on several occasions to have this conversation with him in person about what this is, but I just kept pussying out. I felt like the past couple of times I've seen him, we've gotten a bit closer, a bit more affectionate with him kissing me on the forehead. Oh no, not the forehead kisses. Honestly, I'll be done. Cuddling more closely and even
Starting point is 00:18:42 hinting at staying the the night oh okay but then the other day I get a long text from him also worth mentioning is that he hates texting social media etc and so do I I'm not on social media and prefer human contact oh my god I love it okay but it's meant that we really do not chat much in between dates oh okay so we're not like texting we're just hanging out in person okay i love that you know you like that this text this text was great thomas 32 and has handled the whole thing with a lot of emotional maturity which is fab gorgeous yeah he basically said he knows we've not spoken openly about us but he's been feeling shitty about it so wanted to open up okay tom where are we going here darling he said he's not seeing anyone else not nor does he want
Starting point is 00:19:31 to but he also doesn't want anything serious right now more context he's only had one long-term relationship which was two years ago sorry two years long during covid okay he said he doesn't want anything with anyone until he sorts himself out which i completely respect but is really happy with with this casual thing we have going right now he said he thinks i'm really cute literally the best sex he's ever had a nice company but he's not developed any strong feelings for me. Right. Okay. Well, what's wrong with me then, Tom? Why? Why do you not have feelings for me? I'm the best sex you've ever had. I'm funny as fuck. I'm great company. I'm really nice. You said I'm cute. So where, what more do you need, Tom? Okay. He wanted to make sure I knew where his head is at,
Starting point is 00:20:26 as he doesn't want to hurt me in any way and says I deserve his honesty. Okay. Basically, my issue is I have no idea what I want. Half of me wants to fall in love and have a family and find the person I want to spend my life with. Part of me doesn't want that right now. So the idea of a casual thing with Tom should be appealing, right? We carry on having fun, etc. But I am just so scared I'll catch feelings and he won't. Even if it's casual, the boy is beautiful. He's got his life together. I like so many things about him. I wish I could switch off my feelings and just enjoy it for what it is and not worry about the future. So what do I do? Carry on seeing this amazing guy risk catching feelings when he probably won't catch them? Or do I call it off now? I hate dating,
Starting point is 00:21:09 I feel like I've done that and now I just want to be on my own or seeing the one person, short term or long term, casual or not. Maybe I'm not admitting to myself how much I like this boy as I think about him a lot and no one else seems to even come close to him. I'm sorry this email is so long but I'd love to hear your take on it. Please just tell me how it is. I'm new to this whole date and situationship Friends of Benefits world. Uh, excuse me, what makes you think I know anything about the Friends of Benefits world, hey? Oh, actually, I've dabbled. I've dabbled in the Friends of Benefits world. But listen, this is not a Friends of Benefits situation because, listen, I've said listen. Okay, I think they're listening so in my opinion a
Starting point is 00:21:47 friends of benefits situation is there's no feelings involved a you know a good one you know if there's feelings involved then that's that I would consider that a situationship but ideally friends of benefits is I don't want to be of you you don't want to be of me we have great sex and we get on really well as friends and we have benefits to it. We have sex. Do you know what I mean? But I think this is more than friends and benefits. So it's tough because like you said, he's communicated it with you, but it's giving booty call. It is giving booty call because it's hard to tell if somebody is being up front with you because they genuinely don't want to hurt you or if because they are trying to he's pre-empting
Starting point is 00:22:34 the you know i'm probably gonna hurt this girl i'm probably gonna hurt this girl and i'm gonna say all this now because then she had she can't say shit to me he can sit there and go babe i told you i wasn't looking for anything serious i communicated this with you loud and clear but i don't have feelings for you so it's almost like are you just saying this so you can continue acting like this guilt free and technically you're not actually doing anything wrong and this was all my choice do you know what i mean is it that because seriously I think if you don't want anything serious and you feel and you feel like I'm catching feelings for you surely we should cut this here because let's put one thing straight he might be the best sex you've ever had but there's loads of
Starting point is 00:23:17 great sex out there you know he's not the most amazing shagger on the planet so let's not hurt our feelings for sex if you genuinely feel like you're really falling for tom and like you said i'm there's all these things i love about him okay like you didn't say you love him but all these things i like about him like you know he's got his life together blah blah blah you obviously have a really good time together it's almost like why are we in this i think that's what we need to ask ourselves like what how how might this end for me and am I going to be able to deal with that so if you can emotionally detach from it then I think great but obviously that's really fucking difficult and sometimes we convince ourselves we've emotionally detached and
Starting point is 00:23:56 we most certainly haven't so it's tricky because I almost want to say to you like babe you're gonna get hurt but then at the same time it's you might not. Because we always hold on to that possibility of like, but what if Tom changes his mind? Like, what if I'm the girl that can make him go, I didn't want a relationship, but fucking hell, she was so incredible. I just couldn't ignore it. And now I want to marry her. And I know we deep down, we like hope for that, don't we? And I know we deep down, we like hope for that, don't we? But he's literally said to you, I don't have feelings for you. So I do appreciate the honesty because I feel like a fuck boy would go, yeah, I really like you. I'm really into you. I just don't want a relationship. I do really, really like you. But he's literally said, I don't have feelings for you. I haven't developed
Starting point is 00:24:38 feelings for you. So it's like, okay, well, what am I going to do with that information now? Like, am I going to continue to give my time to this person? Am I able to emotionally detach and just take from it what he is taking from it, which is a good time, good company, good sex. If you're able to do that, amazing. But if you're not, I think we need to proceed with caution because we could end up really quite fucking hurt here. I don't have advice for you just like in terms of, I'm not going to tell you what to do because I have no clue how this is going to pan out, and neither do you, and neither does Tom, but, you know, there is obviously always a possibility that he could genuinely develop feelings for you, and this could go the way that you probably deep down want it to go,
Starting point is 00:25:19 but there is also a possibility that that will not happen, so think I think we need to have a conversation with ourselves of like right is he so incredible that I'm gonna really risk being bloody hurt here you know is he that incredible um is it worth the risk because this is the thing falling for someone is always a risk regardless you know it's either gonna work out or it ain't so regardless of what Tom is going through right now where he's at in his head falling for someone's always risky but he's laid it out to you I don't have feelings for you I don't want anything serious I'm just enjoying this casual thing that we've got going on those were his words and it's like do you want to be casual do you want to be something like do you just want to be this casual thing to Tom and if you're okay with that I think fine if you're not
Starting point is 00:26:09 okay with that make a decision based on those feelings um and keep me updated because like I said I'm not going to tell you what to do but I love you and just remember like no matter what no matter how this turns out if Tom turns around and he's like, I've really fallen for you. I wanna be serious with you. Amazing. And if he doesn't, you're equally as worthy. You're equally as amazing. Do you know what I mean? It does not, like your self-worth
Starting point is 00:26:33 should never come from this situation. So please separate your self-worth to Tom and his intentions with you right now. But keep us all updated. This is a really tricky one. I do not envy you in your position right now, but you have the strength to get through it regardless. And we love you and just look after yourself. We love you so much. Okay, next dilemma. Guys, this one is fucking bad.
Starting point is 00:26:56 This one's really, really bad. Potentially one of the worst ones we've had, you might disagree. But it was really quite traumatic when I read this okay it says my boyfriend had tinder on a lad's holiday hey Leah so I've been with my boyfriend for five years we're 25 we have always been super loved up and never had any issues two weeks ago he was on a lad's holiday with a group of six of his friends, half of them single and half of them in relationships. I fully trusted him and he was messaging every day telling me how much he missed me. However he got back last week and the night he got back I had a message on Instagram from a girl who lives in my area with a screenshot of his Tinder account with his pictures on,
Starting point is 00:27:45 his age, the city we live in and his job, but under a fake name. See, this is the thing because Tinder is based off location, right? So it's got to be him. It's got to be him. Anyway, it also said in the bio, looking for a bit of fun. In brackets, she's put disgusting. Imagine. No, I'm sorry. You guys know how I feel about the hey girl messages and how it's so fucking scary. And I can't even imagine that feeling. But to see that profile looking for a bit of fun.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Are you fucking serious? You're not having fun with me. Am I not fun? No? Oh, my blood's boiling. I asked him about it and he was adamant it was a fake account and I believed him. Okay, we believed him because we want to. We want to believe them, don't we? However, the next day he came home from work with flowers and admitted that he had made the account whilst on a holiday as a joke because he was drunk. A joke? I'm not being funny. Who was laughing at that joke?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Who's laughing at that? I most certainly am not finding this funny. Okay. And I bet he isn't now. Buy me fucking flowers for it. Because he was drunk and felt pressure from his friends to do so. Okay. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Let me tell you something. My friends, they would never. But let's say I was friends with twats. My friends could pressure and pressure and pressure and pressure and pressure me. Make a Tinder account. Make a Tinder account. Make it. No. No. There's nothing in my whole entire body that would possess me to do it. No friend has that power over me. Oh no, the hiccups have started. Anyway on he says we were having a competition to see who could get the most matches i'm sorry you're in a relationship you're in a relationship what
Starting point is 00:29:54 the actual fuck is this competition all about grow up grow up he's admitted that none of his other friends who were in relationships took part in this competition only him okay well i'll be reaching out to them girlfriends and the guys and asking that as well to be honest although that we'd be breaking up some other relationships but then that's not you that's them if they are on the tinder accounts then that's not you breaking up the relationships that's the boyfriends anyway he has promised and promised that he never spoke to or met up with any of the girls he matched with i also pointed out that he must have been active on the app since getting back from holiday for someone in our city to see the account and he says he accidentally went into it has anyone else accidentally opened an app before unless it was like you you're used to clicking on it like I constantly click on
Starting point is 00:30:45 TikTok because it's like embedded into my brain my my thumb movement on my phone to click TikTok even when I'm and I open I think oh fuck what have I opened TikTok for I don't just randomly scroll through my phone and accidentally open the fucking Bolt app or the Uber the Uber app accidentally go into fucking H&M do you know what i mean i don't know if that's ever happened to anybody but does not happen to me anyway i'm really struggling to believe him i don't want us to break up because we have so much together so much history a dog together and we've recently bought our first home i just don't know if i'm being naive and i don't really have any good girlfriends so don't have anyone to talk to about it you have me I love you you always have me I'm feeling really hurt my
Starting point is 00:31:28 self-confidence is at an all-time low and I can't get the situation out of my mind thank you love you lots I love you so much so um I think like we want to believe him don't we like we want to because that's much less painful if we believe them but will you ever know no will you ever be certain no will you always have that question in the back of your mind yeah yeah you will next time it goes on a lad's holiday how's that going to feel for you you know regardless of whether he messaged anyone met up with with anyone, which I'm not being funny, I think he did, but that's just me guessing. I obviously have no knowledge on that. Regardless of whether he did that, we have the facts that he created an account and he's been
Starting point is 00:32:16 accidentally opening it since he's been off this holiday. We have the facts, right? That on its own is a sack of bull offense i am breaking up my boyfriend over that like i i'm not i don't want to be with someone like that i don't want to be in a relationship where you have fucking competitions with your friends but i can get the most matches you're in a relationship it's your ego that fucking small that you need to match with a load of single girls on your lads holiday like what the actual fuck does that say about you i don't want to be with someone like that so i think that those facts alone are they have weight to them they are heavy and they are really important for you to wrap your
Starting point is 00:32:58 head around do i want to be with someone like that do i want to accept that for myself in this relationship do I deserve that do I deserve better you absolutely deserve better I can tell you that for free and I've never met you like you deserve better than that it's not acceptable in my personal opinion it's a sackable offense just from what we know he's done but this is all up to you and what you think you can believe and work through and move past together and in your relationship because you know I don't know your relationship I don't know your boyfriend I don't know how convincing he is and how good you think this relationship can can turn around from this
Starting point is 00:33:38 so I just think please don't think just because you have history with someone and because you have a house with someone and a dog with someone that you should accept this level of disrespect. Like, it's disrespectful as fuck. It's not acceptable. And I think we need, you need to back yourself more in terms of like, I'm not being fucking funny, babe. I'm, I'm amazing. Like I, I offer so much. I'm an incredible woman. You are so lucky to have me. And you think it's okay to risk our relationship, risk all the trust that we've built over the last however many years. I can't remember how long you've been together. Risk everything that we've built so you can match with some girls on tinder on your lads holiday you you genuinely think that low of me you're going to disrespect disrespect me on that level like let's just
Starting point is 00:34:36 remember how amazing you are like please look in the mirror and just have a session gassing yourself up like oh my fucking god I'm i'm insane i'm actually insane i'm beautiful i'm smart i'm an incredible friend i'm an incredible daughter i'm an incredible girlfriend you know you have so much to offer and he has taken you for granted cheated or not cheated messaging girls or not messaging girls he's disrespected you it's a fucking violation it's not acceptable so i just think you know you've said your self-esteem's at an all-time low we need to work on that self-esteem so that we can make the right decision for you because sometimes we stay with people after they've hurt us so much because they've took
Starting point is 00:35:22 or they've ripped away all your self-esteem. Listen, sorry, my phone just went off. Oh my God, I haven't got my phone on silent near, Jesus. It's easier to stay than it is to leave. Facts. It is easier to stay and try and convince yourself you believe someone, even when deep down you don't. It's easier to stay than to leave because leaving hurts. Staying hurts, but leaving hurts even more. but let me tell you something right you could end this relationship and go through i don't know how long it would take six months of heartbreak and pain and you will recover from it and you will be fine and you will meet somebody again one day that will love you right and make you feel so good about yourself and make you feel like there is not another woman
Starting point is 00:36:05 in the world that compares to you because that is what you deserve in a relationship. It's what we all deserve. So everybody deserves that. That's how they deserve to feel too. Or you can stay and there is a possibility that you could genuinely move past this together. He could do everything to rebuild your trust. You could have this beautiful relationship that you so badly want of course you do you love him so much that could happen one million percent it could happen or you could stay with him and you can never get this out of your head he could learn right i've disrespected her she's forgiven me i can get away with this sort of behavior i fucking enjoyed it there were no consequences to my actions I run the fucking show you know I wear the trousers and there could be more disrespect or even if he doesn't do anything
Starting point is 00:36:52 again you could still just never find it in you to let it go you could still because you're never going to get the answers you could be in a situation where it's going to eat you alive it's going to eat you alive what happened on that holiday what happened on that holiday for years do you know what I mean there are so many different ways this could this could turn out but what you have to remember is you are in control you get to decide how you want to live your life you get to decide what you are willing to accept and what you're not i think if you're going to forgive him there has to be consequences there has to be consequences like he cannot just get away with
Starting point is 00:37:25 that. It can't just be, oh, I've told you what happened. Because at the end of the day, you wouldn't have a fucking clue about it if this girl didn't message you. He cannot just do this to you. No consequences. Yeah, I told her about it. I told her what happened. She believed me and everything's sweet. Do you think he's going gonna respect you anymore like no he already doesn't that's very clear he's disrespected you and he's made a statement to say i have no respect for my fucking girlfriend because i'm a piece of shit and if you make it so easy for him he will have that same level of disrespect for you if not more so there has to be consequences. You need to just show examples and just show him that you have too much self-respect to just let this one slide. You know what I mean? There needs to be evidence
Starting point is 00:38:15 that you love yourself enough and you know you deserve better. You know, I know I deserve better than this and I'm choosing to forgive you, but it can't be, okay, fine, I believe you. How are you? Love you so much. What do you want for dinner? Like, like I said, there's got to be consequences if you do, if you do decide that you want to stay with him and forgive him. What a dick. I'm so sorry that he did that to you. You, you deserve so much more. Like, please do not let it affect your self-esteem because we have to remember the way that he's acted is not a reflection of how amazing you are it's a reflection of how not amazing he is and how insecure he is and he needs female attention to feel good about himself and that's a fucking him problem and you're amazing it's not a reflection of you you know
Starting point is 00:39:01 it never is like disrespect cheating it's never a reflection of you it's always a reflection of you you know it never is like disrespect cheating it's never a reflection of you it's always a reflection of them so do not take it personally you are more than good enough way too good for him just put it that way period okay i love you please keep us all updated i honestly need updates on this one i'm desperate to know where your head's at in a month or two like please keep us all updated we love you so much i know you say you don't have many girlfriends that you feel like you can talk to about this but just know you've got all of us here at leo on the line and we love you so much okay next dilemma this dilemma links so closely to our weekly debate so let's get into it it says hey leo firstly i just have to say how much i love and adore you and the pod you have such a sunshiny aura and make the best big sister oh my god I think that's the best compliment I've ever been
Starting point is 00:39:50 told my aura is sunshiny that is the impact I want to have okay well that's the best thing anybody's ever said to me I love you thank you thank you I desperately need your opinion on something that my boyfriend and I have polar opposite views on he has certain boundaries on how much of my body is acceptable to show online out of respect for him aka bikini pics short short skirts mirror selfies when my butt looks 10 10 cleavage etc and also what i should wear on nights out he believes in dress single be single act single single. But is that acting single unless I'm actively going after other guys? What does that have to do with my potentially little outfits? Is this a boundary I should respect for him or is it something that needs to change?
Starting point is 00:40:36 Okay, I will be honest, even after the debate, I am torn because it's like, I do believe in respecting people's boundaries. I do. do but like I said he's saying that you're going after no he's saying you're acting single and you're saying like how am I acting single if I'm not actively going after other guys and like I said we don't post oh sorry sorry about that background noise we don't post these things for guys we don't want the male attention we want the girlies saying babes you look you look amazing bestie wow bestie you look amazing your bum looks amazing bestie like that's that's what we do it for because we love when girls hype each other up and when i feel good about myself i look at a
Starting point is 00:41:17 picture and i'm proud of it i'm gonna post it okay and you're obviously the same so look it's a tricky one because it's like are you going to see my point of view I don't know probably not but to say like act single be single like bit dramatic babe do you know what I mean I'm not really acting single am I so you're telling me every girl that posts bikini underwear pics is a single girl no I'll tell you that for free they're not right so I think we need to have a serious, mature conversation together where you can be like, look, I totally see your perspective, but you need to see mine as well. I don't want male attention. If I do get male attention, I'm not responding to it. It doesn't mean anything to me. I'm not interested in anybody else.
Starting point is 00:42:01 The only male I want to gas me up and give me attention is you babe everything on social media is not for men okay it's different it's separate it's his own thing and listen I think it's just trying to communicate trying to get him to see that perspective of just like look it's not about that it It's not for that. It's not, I'm not interested in guys thinking I look sexy. It means it doesn't mean anything to me. I don't give a shit. It's about more than that. It's totally separate. Um, and maybe just really try and get him to see that and just do, you know, it's going to be a long conversation of, I totally get your perspective. I totally understand it. I can really see your point of view, but you have to be able to see
Starting point is 00:42:48 mine. This is why I post them. I'm not interested in male attention. I don't respond to male attention. Babe, you're the only male I give a shit about. And you know, you need to know that, babes. You need to know that. So maybe just try and reliterate the fact that you, look, you have nothing to worry about. Okay. I understand you're uncomfortable. Maybe there is some compromises we can make. What is it? What, what's the most uncomfortable thing? You know, is it the, can you see my nipples through my laundry? It's okay. I'll blow, I'll blow the nip. I've got no issue blowing the nip. Do you know what I mean? I don't know't know whatever it is you guys have all your different opinions on it and i know there's going to be people listening like um he doesn't like it don't
Starting point is 00:43:30 fucking post them i totally get that perspective as well um but if you like at the same time you're like i don't want to feel controlled like i don't want to feel like oh my boyfriend doesn't want me to do this so i can't do it anymore like i don't want that fucking feeling so yeah really just try and reiterate like you have nothing to worry about it's not about that at all i love you i'm not interested in male attention you know i'm not acting single i'm not seeking male validation that's not what this is and maybe just really try to get him to see your perspective and if he doesn't then i don't fucking know really i genuinely don't know uh get over it everyone's listening like um would you be saying this the
Starting point is 00:44:07 other way around? Yeah, look, I always encourage my boyfriend. Look, I took some sexy pictures of my boyfriend in the sea with his sexy abs and he was all wet in the water. And I was like, post it. You look hot. Because I'm like, do you feel good when you look at that picture? Put it online. Like, feel good about it. You're young and sexy, you know? And I'm also do you feel good when you look at that picture put it online like feel good about it you're young and sexy you know and I'm also like that's my boyfriend that's my boyfriend do you know what I mean I'm not concerned that of course listen this is the thing topless or not girls are gonna look at you and think sexy same as with you bikini pics or outfit pics people are gonna look at you and think sexy.
Starting point is 00:44:53 So fuck them. Oh, it's a difficult one. It is tricky. I don't envy you. It is difficult to sort of be respectful, but also it's about him understanding your perspective. I think, I think that's all it is. I'm going to leave that one there because I'm just repeating myself, making the same points over and over. I do that a I've noticed must be really annoying sorry guys okay let's oh one thing I need to apologize for is I have been forgetting to do the confession diaries just literally slips my mind and it's not until I'm literally editing and uploading the episode I'm like fuck I fucking forgot the fucker again god my swearing's getting out of hand again recently, isn't it? Oh, wow, I am who I am. Okay, guys, so for the first time in a few weeks, let's get into the Confession Diaries. Okay, guys, what have you been up to over the last few weeks let's have a little look i shared a bed with my friend's ex because she gave me dirty looks the night before i don't think that warrants
Starting point is 00:45:59 that sort of behavior personally personally i don't know i don't know it sounds like there might be some issues between you guys but um i'll leave that one for you to figure out because it's not a dilemma it's confession always forget that you don't actually want my opinion you just want to let it off your chest congratulations i'm glad i'm glad you could let that one out you know okay um i weed myself on the bus the other week I was very drunk and it wasn't loads of wee ah okay you weed yourself was it like um I'm really desperate for a piss I'm gonna piss myself or was it like uh you was laughing and weed because I've definitely laughed so much that I weed but like you said it wasn't a lot like sometimes we like a little dribble don't mean
Starting point is 00:46:43 like oh I just pissed has that ever happened to Like sometimes we like a little dribble. Don't you mean like, oh, I just pissed. Does that ever happen to anyone? Are you like, oh, just weed. Does that ever happen to anyone? Oh, just weed. Anyone? No? Do I need to do some pelvic floor exercises? Okay. Amazing. My ex broke up with me three weeks ago and I actually feel the best I've felt in so long. Oh, amazing. This is a positive confession. Love that. Congratulations. Okay. Oh, another positive. Not really a confession, but just found out I'm pregnant. So hard not to tell everyone. Oh, I love it. You guys actually message me a lot when you find out you're pregnant and I fucking love it. And I'm always like, okay, when you find out the gender, you better fucking let me know. And you always do. I love it. I love pregnancies. You guys are the best. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I'm confronting a toxic friend this week, but I hate conflict. Scary. Okay. This was, these are quite old now. So you've definitely already done the confronting. So I'm going to need an update on that one, please. Okay, okay guys this was actually sent as a dilemma on the dilemmas form on my website but i'm genuinely i'm gonna have to read it as a confession because i i can't get my fucking heed around it wait till you hear this guys okay so me and my boyfriend have been together for six months now and this whole time I'd never met his parents I did think it was a bit weird at first but I let it slide all his friends used to go on about how hot his mum and dad are in the pub I used to see photos but he would always get shy
Starting point is 00:48:15 about it basically we organized a weekend away to meet his parents like a staycation with the dogs which I was so excited for to finally meet them. This is where it takes a turn. So we arrived at the cabin. And when I tell you these parents are absolutely drop dead gorgeous, like out of a fucking movie. I came out as bisexual at 15 and I've been with girls in the past. My boyfriend knows all of this. with girls in the past. My boyfriend knows all of this. Just going to get to the nitty gritty. His mum, MILF. The minute I saw her, I had fanny flutters. I can't think of anyone but Maura when I hear the words fanny flutters. Troubbing. Okay. I messed up big time. As my boyfriend drifted off to sleep, I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. There I see his MILF mother. I don't even know what happened, but all of a sudden we were
Starting point is 00:49:11 kissing and one thing led to another and I can't help but feel guilty. Is this why he didn't introduce us? Oh my God, I bet you never saw that one come in holy shit oh my goodness me you snogged your boyfriend's fit mom fucking hell that was sent as a dilemma but i had to save that one for a confession because i i don't have any advice for that I don't know what to tell you to do there babe oh my goodness me that confession has blown my head off of my shoulders like I I genuinely am speechless you snogged his mom but then also like if you snogged his dad equally as fucking crazy but it's just the fact that you got funny flutters over his mom like you got funny flutters over your boyfriend's mom i
Starting point is 00:50:11 i have no words you are completely alone on that one sorry listen you don't want my fucking advice there because i'd say run off together anyway let's wrap up the episode okay guys I love you thank you so much for listening to a new episode of Lear on the Line I love you all so much I hope you all have the most amazing week tell me what you guys have planned this week what should we do on Friday? The world's our oyster. We can do whatever episode you want. If you want to do like a fun game, we can do a game. If you want to do one of the blank episodes. What was the last one we did? The glow up. How did
Starting point is 00:50:56 you guys like that episode? Did you enjoy? Did you enjoy the glow up episode? Did you feel good after listening to it? I hope so. But anyway, let me know what you guys want on Friday. Let me know any weekly debate ideas that you have. As always, send them in. You guys can send in your confessions and dilemmas to learontheline at gmail.com. Or you can hit the link in my bio at learontheline on Instagram, where there is a link to my website and it will take you to my page where you can click submit a dilemma or submit a confession it's really easy and yeah i just want to let you guys know how much i love and appreciate you to anyone that has ordered cups i'm so excited because you'll all be receiving them like really really fucking soon which is so exciting um and yeah i hope you guys have the best week
Starting point is 00:51:39 and i will speak to you on friday for brand new episode. All right. I love you. Bye.

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