Leah on the Line - 78: He has NUDES in his phone & my bf will not text me on his nights out!

Episode Date: August 7, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello! Hi everyone! Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lea on the Line. Happy Tuesday! Happy Tuesday everybody! Guys, I'm feeling really nervous Really stressed because I just looked at the calendar And my period's due like a week today And I'm petrified Actually maybe this is something you guys can help me with To all the girlies out there Is there like a painkiller I can get and take For periods like a strong painkiller
Starting point is 00:00:42 Because I do the double ibuprofen double paracetamol together A lot of people don't know you can take par because I do the double ibuprofen double paracetamol together a lot of people don't know you can take paracetamol and ibuprofen together so if you don't if you don't know that you totally can anyway yeah so uh I'm not a medical professional but a medical professional did tell me that just putting that out there anyway so yeah I feel like I need something strong you know like something that's just gonna knock me out which is because it's like the first couple hours of the period I'm just so I'm honestly so scared like I'm counting down the cramps start a couple of days before and I think oh boy oh shit here we go again and I'm so scared actually you know what
Starting point is 00:01:22 it's not gonna be a painful one this month it's not because it's my birthday month it's Leo season the universe is not going to do that why would it do that you know I'm going to have really a really good period this month bearable pain you know I'm okay with the pain I can deal with the pain as long as it's I can move and I'm not throwing up vomiting that's the same thing as long as I'm not like screaming as if I'm being stabbed in the stomach I can deal with that you know nothing a little hot water can't fix and I'm happy anyway hope you guys are all feeling really good whatever it's that you guys went up to the sun to my uk peeps the sun it's been a little bit more a little bit less shy these days it's creeping through the clouds not hot not hot
Starting point is 00:02:13 enough but you know also i saw this thing on tiktok right and it was like this time traveler i am a time traveler from 3041 like one of those right and he was like in 2025 something will eat the stars and in something and then we'll go on to eat the sun and i started to be like shit like oh my god the world's gonna end the world's gonna end and then i thought well you live to tell the tale hun you know you live to tell the tale so not sure if the maths is my thing at the moment but yeah that did shake me up a little bit what else did he say some interesting things he said 2023 24 and 25 were going to be like significant years for the planet and not sure what he means by that also who used to watch shane dawson's conspiracy theories on youtube because i was hooked like back in the day before we got cancelled although i'm not sure what
Starting point is 00:03:11 he was cancelled for i tend to stay away from cancel culture as it gives it just gives me negative energy into my life that i really just try to avoid so whenever someone gets cancelled i just try not to read into it because you know negative vibes stressful I just gotta stay just gotta stay focused and stay positive you know what I mean babes so yeah he got cancelled I'm not sure what for but he's back on YouTube and what was he cancelled for am I allowed to like watch his content also do you know who's smashing the YouTube content at the moment Joee weller fantastic video where he uh what's the word like explored a volcano seriously it was a film it was a whole
Starting point is 00:03:52 movie i was like wow director director joe weller director producer editor starring joe weller it was a really good video not that he needs any more like recommendations like shout out shout out would love to shout me out do you guys remember that recommendations like shout out shout out would love to shout me out do you guys remember that on instagram shout out shout out like for like hashtag like for like hashtag follow for follow remember that oh the good old days what happened to threads i downloaded threads you know the new instagram twitter thing i downloaded that i thought this is genius instagram are just ahead of the game right now. They are just copying everyone left, right and center. TikTok, reels. Twitter, threads. We got it all, you know. But
Starting point is 00:04:31 yeah, that fell off, didn't it? That fell off real quick. Who actually still uses threads? Let me know. I don't. Should I? I don't. I don't know. I don't like the algorithm of it. I don't like that I see threads from people I don't even follow. You know, should be a page like a for you page and a following page you know threads if you're listening recommend that okay guys um I honestly don't have much to report at the moment besides I'm gonna get my Botox filled in tomorrow filled in uh not correct um topped up yeah because my face can move and I don't like it joking although somebody did comment saying that my lips are getting out of hand and fair like i genuinely want to get them dissolved because the migration is she's migrating okay
Starting point is 00:05:17 and that's just it is the way the cookie crumbles of lip filler especially when you get top up you know filler on top of filler it's got to go somewhere so I do kind of want to get them dissolved and start again but not tomorrow honey nah two weeks of no lips I don't know if I could do it I don't think I could recognize myself I would have this is my job like being on camera filming tiktoks filming instagram reels taking pictures whatever that is literally my job so what would I do you know I'm gonna have to come up for a good time to get them dissolved but i'm petrified anyone that's had their lips dissolved please let me know how how it was experience wise but yeah i feel like i need to get them dissolved and start again because
Starting point is 00:05:54 the thing is i really don't want to become one of them one of them people where like you have lip dysmorphia and you think my lips are tiny my lips are tiny but they're like big fuck off big fat juicy duck lips and i keep getting paranoid like have i got have i got big silly lips and you think my lips are tiny my lips are tiny but they're like big fuck off big fat juicy duck lips and i keep getting paranoid like have i got have i got big silly lips and i think they're tiny because i was i was literally fully planning on getting more filler tomorrow and i don't think i will and if i'm saying i don't think one part of me is like get them dissolved start getting every part of me is like top it up yeah top it up so yeah nobody dm me telling me that they're bad because although i want good advice i just i don't need it okay let me make that decision on my own anyway i hope you guys are all feeling really good and i'm not gonna waffle on any longer hope you are busy today
Starting point is 00:06:42 whatever it is that you're doing i I hope that you're feeling good. If you're having a nice chill day, love it. Let's chill out together. Thanks for having me in your company. Thank you for being in mine. And let's get into the episode. Thank you so much for listening to Leah on the Line. Head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Okay, everybody. The weekly debate this week was inspired by one of our very recent dilemmas, okay? And it is, how do you navigate being set on a baby name, but your partner not wanting to use it and vice versa? So you guys remember the dilemma. Her partner wanted the name, right? He was like, no, I don't care what you say. I'm having the baby name. You can choose any of the rest. I'm having this one. You guys remember? So I thought, let's hear what you guys would do in that situation
Starting point is 00:07:42 and vice versa. if you were set on a name I'm using this name no we're not no don't like it yes we are no we're not what the hell do you do so let's have a little read um I would pick a completely new one that we both like or come to a similar name slash agreement yeah okay we have to, you know. We made a deal. Girl, I chose. Boy, he chose. I've two girls. Oh, I have two girls. Whoop, hee hee. You are winning. Fantastic deal. It worked out very much in your favor. We made us double barrel instead. Okay, that's fair enough. I mean, to be fair, what if like one of you were into like the kardashian names and the other one was into like traditional old school generational names
Starting point is 00:08:31 and you were like i want wolf and he's like i want dave it's like wolf dave dave wolf what do you do i mean i'm sure if it's double barreled i'm sure whatever the names were they worked well together for you to come to that conclusion um somebody says surely it has to be a joint decision you should both be in love with the baby name yeah i definitely agree um i just keep saying the name and their surname that will be the baby's name right so you're saying if i just put your surname in front of it i mean after it you'll just fall in love with it um we are carrying we are carrying the baby he is not so the final decision should be with us
Starting point is 00:09:17 do you know what a lot of you have said that a lot of you have said listen i'm sacrificing a lot here okay one i'm asking one sacrifice from you and it's to go with my name all right um try and find ways to use it or something similar that also makes your partner happy um it's a better experience if you both choose something you love yeah yeah you know life is just easier when everyone's happy innit um i name the babies he can name the dogs absolutely fair enough i don't see the issue there um somebody says um you don't use it what the fuck it's not just your baby it seems selfish you know what i'm with you on that i am with you on that um okay keep brainstorming until you both agree to love the same name i'd hate it if i named the baby he didn't like yeah this is what i think
Starting point is 00:10:14 i would hate it like if i decided i want this name and they're like i hate that name i would i would be like oh for god's sake well now I now I don't like it because you don't fucking like it you know um somebody says use my chosen name I pushed her out yeah well there you go middle names question mark or you both just have to find when you like together compromise can it be a middle name see this is the thing a lot of you think in middle names right but if my baby daddy says dave i'm sorry it's it's not gonna be a dave hun it's really not gonna work you know what i mean it's i don't think i could do it um my fella had a boy's name that i wasn't keen on luckily we had a girl our girl has his grandma's name and a boy's name that I wasn't keen on. Luckily we had a girl. Our girl has his grandma's name and a boy would be a new name if we have a boy next. Okay. Well, lucky you that you
Starting point is 00:11:12 had a girl. Um, he has to love it, but also I'm pushing it out. So if I'm pushing it out my tiny vagina, I'm naming it. Somebody says I'd get a new partner. lol. I don't know about that. If I'm carrying the baby for nine months I'm using the name. He can use it for a middle name. A lot of us are on that side of uh listen my vagina my name yeah. Um as the baby will be taking the father's surname you should have first dibs on naming it i mean that's traditionally i i personally didn't take my dad's last name but yeah sometimes you know whatever it's a good point it's a good point to be fair actually what leg does he have to stand on there it's literally got your name and you don't even want me to have a say in the first name it's literally got your name and you don't even want me to have a say in the first name it's literally got your name and
Starting point is 00:12:06 you want to pick the first name as well i'll just i'll just change my body completely being i'll be nauseous my tits will be in pain my tits will eventually sag my nipples will crack my vagina may slit may split to my arsehole and you won't even give me the name you have it all honey yeah you just sit back and have it all um i've loved a name for years but it's my boyfriend's childhood besties name so it's a hard no from him have to respect it though as i get it it would be weird for him yeah that's true like imagine if your partner was like i say you got bullied by someone called like mary and he's like i love the name mary absolutely not nope nope nope triggered sorry hiccup compromise there will be a name you both like rather than
Starting point is 00:12:58 one that only one likes this is the thing like there are so many names we could literally make one up you know like imagination it's gonna call Nation, I don't know how to call her Imogen Nation, Imogen and Spencer, they made up their baby's name. And it's a gorgeous name. You know, we can literally make one up. There are so many names in the world. Can we not just say no to the one that you really love and I hate? Although if they were saying that to you, it might be a bit like,
Starting point is 00:13:26 nope, nope, that's the only name I hate. Although if they were saying that to you, it might be a bit like, nope, nope, that's the only name I like. It's the only name. Don't like any other names. He'll be like, um, Molly, Mary, Lily, Rose. Nope, nope, nope, nope. How many of you, you guys that I just named there? Shout out all of you guys. Okay. So we are quite split. A lot of you guys okay so we are quite split a lot of you guys are saying less compromise a lot of you are saying listen you don't get fucking say all right this is my my body i'm putting i'm putting it through god knows what yeah i'm having the name and there wasn't actually any of you that were saying they can have the name which is interesting i mean there were a few of you saying like we'll do the middle name or we'll do the double barrel but still no one's saying if they love it that much they can have it it's okay so which i also get
Starting point is 00:14:15 i don't think i would be like that picking picking a name is a big thing like if you actually think about that right our parents they have that decision and that's it for life like obviously you can just legally go and change your name if you want but not many people really do that i don't know i'd love to know what percentage of people have changed their name legally i bet it's low but yeah like you've just decided i quite like my name i like the name leah i like our names i think our names are quite cute but you've just decided like you've decided that for me obviously I'm not going to decide that as a newborn baby I understand but isn't just weird like if you had to think about it like because you birthed me look at me like it's not a big deal
Starting point is 00:14:56 or what just because you birthed me love you mum thanks for everything but isn't it actually crazy when you think about that and you know what else I think about quite often you know like even a lot of us a lot of you guys we're all in our 20s a lot of you some some of you are older some of you a bit younger but on average the Lear on the Line besties around the 20s mark right I'm slap bang in the middle 26 and two weeks don't talk about it but isn't it funny how like even when we're this age our parents still refer to us to other people as like the kids my kids you know like which i get you're not going to be like oh my young adults like i can't get it isn't it just funny like like my mom could be chatting to someone they'd be like oh how are the kids it's like will it like i know i'm not making much sense right now but i have to
Starting point is 00:15:42 get to that point in my brain where i'm really deep in something for someone to really understand it and sometimes you will get to that level in your brain where you go oh that's so true that's so weird but when you're not at that level like when you haven't thought that deep into one certain thought it just sounds like I'm chatting rubbish but you have to get to that level of like deepness and thought and be like what the fuck but i find it a bit bizarre like my kids kids to me are 10 below actually like 12 below well i don't know yeah no because if i seen like a 13 year old i'd say like a teenager these teenagers i wouldn't say like the kids i don't know maybe i would oh this is actually so irrelevant but what i'm saying is isn't it funny how like you just get called kids your entire life like even when I'm like 40 and my mum will be oh like like 70 odd 80 odd I don't know I can't do maths but she'll still be calling me her kids
Starting point is 00:16:40 when I have probably grandkids you know well no I mean you never know but yeah isn't that crazy it's just crazy so yeah thank you so much for sending your responses to the weekly debate I thoroughly enjoyed let's get into some dilemmas okay everybody get comfy or if you're at the gym or whatever i mean you could get comfy you could do some stretching right now or you could turn up the treadmill and just fucking take it up a notch babe if you're cleaning crank it up let's fucking do this whatever it is you're doing love you thanks for having me in company so let's get into some dilemmas let's kick off with this one hi bestie sorry oh my god that was the weirdest feeling in my throat my throat like closed like my vocal cords just touched actually i bet they touch every time you speak don't they ew imagine being able to see your throat like
Starting point is 00:17:37 internally when you speak also apparently right if you x-ray a baby you can see all their adult teeth like in their skull because they're there all your life i don't know what i expected like i didn't know if they like grew and just like developed over time but they don't like they they're there i think i just heard somebody else say that i don't know if it's true i believe everything i hear anyway hi bestie hi babe that's what i was trying to say need advice please i don't know if i'm being a literal psycho or if i'm valid here so my long distance boyfriend moved down to london finally after four years of long distance yippee oh my god that's amazing we decided it would be best if he moved in by himself first and then we would find a place together next year just so he can find his own fee and meet his own
Starting point is 00:18:22 friends get into a routine etc love that very healthy my issue is he's moved into a flat with two single girls and one guy this is literally two guys and two girls oh i don't like that when he first told me i was like la la la la all fine since i trust him and i know how hard it is to find a place to live at the moment. Yeah, facts, especially in London, Jesus. But the first like month or so, each time I went round, the girls would conveniently not be in or they would be in their room and not come and say hi. Anyway, I recently finally met them. One of the girls was on her way down to go to a festival and when I saw her, I was like, wow, slay girly. She looked so good. Brilliant. and when I saw her I was like wow slay girly she looked so good brilliant but there was something off about the meeting she was like oh my god I've heard so much about you and hugged me and I was a
Starting point is 00:19:13 bit like hmm I haven't heard anything about you and then my boyfriend proceeded to say a joke and she was like you're such a dick in a sort of flirty way like I don't know if I'm overthinking that but it made me feel a bit like okay anyway I met the other girl too and they seem nice enough but I do just feel something a bit off I've had a history of being in relationships with men who've cheated on me with their girlfriends which is why I'm a bit triggered I guess fair enough but now every time he FaceTimes me and they're in the background giggling or if he's going out with them I start to panic. Honestly it would drive me insane too. It sounds so stupid because he's allowed to have his own
Starting point is 00:19:55 circle and friendship but I feel so disconnected from that part of his life and it's making me so insecure. Am I being crazy? Here girl please help. Love you. Bye bye i don't think you're being crazy i think so many people would feel a bit like i don't like this very much but we have to think you know you've been together four years i'm assuming he's moved to london to be closer to you let's hope but even even if he hadn't you've been together four years you now live in the same city which means your relationship is potentially about to become the strongest it's ever been and yeah like we don't like the thought of it but at the same time I totally get why you'd be a bit like why aren't you introducing me you know like if I lived with guys I think it would be my natural instinct
Starting point is 00:20:42 to introduce my boyfriend just like straight off the bat so you know like don't worry it's all cool here like it's a bro sis energy they know all about you totally nothing to worry about hey guys this is my boyfriend boyfriend this is my flat mates blah blah like I feel like that would be my natural instinct just so everyone's on the same page you know so the fact that he hasn't is a bit like, oh great. But then also I just don't know if men think like us. It's nice to think that they might. But some men, they probably just don't.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And he probably just hasn't even, that might not even cross his mind that you would be suspicious. Especially if the reality is that they are just mates. But I do feel like you have the right to say something because I always say this, right? I don't understand why we're made to feel like we need to suppress feelings out of fear of like sounding crazy because we don't have to come out all guns blazing,
Starting point is 00:21:39 accusing left, right and center. You know, we can just say like, oh, I know I'm probably overthinking and please don't feel like I'm accusing you of anything or attacking you, left right and center you know we can just say like oh i know i'm probably overthinking and please don't feel like i'm accusing you of anything or attacking you but i just need a bit of reassurance about these girls because i'm getting a bit jealous you know and like hopefully a decent partner would just turn around and be like oh my god don't be silly you got nothing to worry about like literally you're everything to me i'll never do anything to hurt you it's me
Starting point is 00:22:01 and you for life and besides i've only got eight months left to live in here and then we're gonna move in together babe me and you don't worry long future ahead can't wait to get married have children one day maybe if that's what we want you know so I think it's temporary let's hope that the plan is still to move in together maybe start talking about that maybe start bringing up those conversations of like so when is your tenancy up maybe we need to start looking you know see what's out on the market what price we're working with you know make sure that we've got a deposit behind us blah blah blah and then hopefully he'll be like oh yeah 100 i'm buzzing for it i can't wait to live with you blah blah blah and then i think you'll just feel better you know what i So yeah, I do feel like you have a right to express some concerns.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Just like I always say, we don't need to go in on the attack and be like, is there something going on here that I don't know about? Because I'm not getting a good fucking vibe and she's fit as well. You know, it can just be,
Starting point is 00:23:00 like I said, sorry, this is probably silly of me. I just want to be at reassurance if, you know, if I'm being crazy. And hopefully that conversation, you'll feel a million times better. If not, get back in touch. We'll go from there. Love you, babe. Don't worry about a damn thing.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Okay, next line in more. Hi, Leah. Love the pod. Thank you. I love you. I'm in a sticky situation and I don't know what to do. I've been in a relationship for over a year. We're long distance, too long distance in a row here guys. I would say around three hours long distance. We both work and only see each other once a month due to the fact that we both don't drive. Oh, that's difficult.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Once a month was good at first, but now i feel i'm lacking the right attention if you know what i mean i love him but once a month isn't a lot to maintain a good sex life with your partner i don't want to end things because things are good but then he says he's too young to move down to me by the way he's 19 and i'm 20 please help that is so difficult long distance is hard and listen part of me thinks I'm sure most long distance relationships go through the phases of like oh god this is hard I don't know if I can do this and then before you know it the universe throws a curveball you have a job opportunity you're even closer or something just clicks and one of you's like let's move in together or let's
Starting point is 00:24:23 move into the same city let's move to London together like whatever you never know what is around the corner especially in a long distance situation you never know however on the more negative side it could be a situation where it's just not working and I think only in your gut you will know the true answer to that so you know imagine what your life might be like if it stays like this because this is the thing especially long distance it's hard when when you don't see a way out or an end to the distance it can feel like what is the point in this you know because once a month ain't gonna cut it forever is it so where are we going with this and he's saying what he's too young okay so well when are you gonna feel like you're at a point which to be honest i agree 20 is very young
Starting point is 00:25:18 it is very young i don't i don't think that's unfair of him to say at all but when are we gonna get to a point you know what 25 so we're going to be long distance for how long we've been together for over a year so we're going to do long distance for six years and don't get me wrong there are loads of people loads of you guys have sent in situations where you've been long distance for like six seven eight years it totally happens but i think it's up to you whether that's just the relationship that you want because at the end of the day it's just a decision do I want to be with someone long distance where I see them once a month or do I just want to end it here leave it in the hands of the universe maybe one day you'll find your way back back to each other it might be in years time when you're older and it is the right time you
Starting point is 00:25:57 know or it could be that this is just the end and you'll find someone and they'll be in your area and you'll have the relationship that you're craving and the end and you'll find someone and they'll be in your area and you'll have the relationship that you're craving and the attention that you're craving from this person. And I just think in your gut, you probably know which way you want it to go. And either way, like it's just scary, you know. But I think in these situations, you have to be brave and you have to do what you feel is best for you and it's never easy like ending relationships are never easy but I think just do what is best for you if you want to do the long distance relationship knowing that it could be years before the distance ends you know just keep going with it and then one day things might change and it might be a year or two
Starting point is 00:26:43 years down the line where you go actually I don't want to do this anymore or could be five years down the line and you go we're stronger happier than ever still together and now we're moving into the same city or you literally never know next year things everything could change so yeah I just think maybe pay attention to your gut a little bit in this situation because it's not something anyone can really tell you what to do besides my only advice would be maybe do the thing I always say write down the pros and cons of your relationship weigh things up a little bit and ask yourself write down what you want in a partner and how many is this relationship ticking you know all right but definitely have these conversations.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Like, you know, it's all about communication, open, honesty, you know. All right. I love you. Keep us all updated with that one. There is a dilemma upstate button on leahontheline.com. Okay. Love you. Next dilemma.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Hi, Leah. Absolutely love the podcast. I listen every week. Thank you. This isn't a major dilemma but it's really annoying me and I wanted a second opinion I consider myself such an easygoing girlfriend I don't ask or moan about much other than this one thing my boyfriend of nearly four years practically acts like I don't exist when he goes out he barely texts me and doesn't text me when
Starting point is 00:28:04 he gets home from nights out. I've communicated this with him so many times and that's all I want. A few updates and a text when he gets home even if I'm asleep just so when I wake up I know that he's okay. We're sort of long distance to oh my god is this long distance week? This is three in a row. I did not plan this guys. We are sort of long distance two hours so communication is really something i need because we can often go three weeks without seeing each other i know this isn't a big dilemma but having to repeat the same things over and over and nothing changing is really draining me i guess my question is is it normal for your boyfriend to not message on a
Starting point is 00:28:39 night out and am i being dramatic thank you so, listen, this is the kind of thing that drives me crazy because it's so fucking simple what I'm asking of you, you know. You've said I've had this conversation with him so many times. So at this point, there is no good excuse why you're not doing it. I have communicated with you. I don't need you to text me all night. I don't need you to send me pics. I don't need you to call me. I don't need to know which bar you're moving to, what fucking drink you're having, how often you're going for a piss. You know, I don't need to know
Starting point is 00:29:12 anything. All I want to know is, you know, text me when you're off out. Off out now, babe. I'll pop your text a bit later. I love you, right? If you fall asleep before I get in, love you, sweet dreams, yeah? Call you in the morning, text you in the morning, FaceTime you tomorrow, whatever. And then, has a great night out, you're relaxed, you're not stressing. And then he gets in a cab, texts you, hey babe, just jumped in the cab, not sure if you're awake, love you. Yeah, gets home, gets into into bed has a piss hey babe just got into bed about to pass out talk to you tomorrow i love you done free messages on how many hours we can even skip the cab one if it's that fucking hard right it's really not hard listen put him on the phone i'll talk to him right now do you know what i mean it ain't that hard so the fact that you've communicated it so many times and he's still
Starting point is 00:30:05 not doing it i want to know why like why is there a lack of respect are you just not even thinking about me when you're out just forget like i'm sure there's other people messaging their partners right set an alarm on your fucking phone if you're if your reason is i I forgot, right? Set an alarm. 12 a.m., 1 a.m., whatever it is. Whatever your usual late night time is. Send an alarm. Text the wife, yeah? Just send me a fucking voice note. If you're that drunk, send me a voice note.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Hi, babe. I'm just sitting, you know, I'm on my way home. I'll message you when I wake up. I love you. Right? Whatever. Just send me a fucking voice note if you want. know i'm on my way home i'll message you when i when i wake up i love you right whatever just let me fucking voice it if you want just so i wake up in the morning and i've had communication do you know how stressful it is that you go on a night out all i hear is i'm off out it gets to
Starting point is 00:30:54 fucking 10 a.m i've still not heard from you i'm stressing i'm panicking where is he is he all right is he passed out in a bush somewhere then you decide to text me at 12 o'clock hey just woke up don't put me through that there's no need one text i need i need 30 seconds of your night if that's okay you know it's really not that much to ask so the fact that you've asked him and asked him and asked him he's not doing it it's actually at this point not acceptable because you're not asking for much there are people that want their boyfriend or girlfriend to message them constantly on a night out okay we've had those friends where they're constantly texting their boyfriend or girlfriend on their phone and it's like hello
Starting point is 00:31:28 just enjoy your night enjoy your night so if there are people out there that are doing that and you can't even text me when you got home you got into bed you have no distractions we shouldn't you definitely shouldn't you've got no distractions you're not busy anymore you've just got into bed you've you've whipped your kit off had a piss and you've got into bed how are you too busy to send me a text saying i've just got into bed it's no sorry well i'm very passionate about this there is no excuse and i think you honestly you put it bluntly like that, it's unacceptable, if anything, play him this, yeah, all right, let me know, give me an update on that, just tell him, look, this is something you need to work on, this is something you're going to have to put in the work, the hours, put in the shift of, right,
Starting point is 00:32:18 on my next night out, I'm going to make sure, I just make sure I send that one message to tell her I got home. All right. That's all. That is my mission of the night. And the next night and the next night and the next night until it's habit. All right. Let's just change the behavior. Okay. I love you. Next dilemma. Hey, babe, just wanted to tell you, I listened to your podcast religiously and I'm loving them. Oh, I love you. Thank you so much. So here here's my dilemma I've been with this guy for almost two years and he's the most loving kind generous soul I've ever met and treats me like an absolute princess he's kissing me when I sleep buys me chocolate flowers cooks for me cleans the dishes even buys me tampons I mean we're saying it's very sweet but it's the bare minimum okay buys me
Starting point is 00:33:06 chocolate that's sweet kisses me when I sleep that is sweet okay but cooks for me and cleans the dishes as you should darling I'm not your mum you know let's not give them credit for that even buys me tampons I mean that's that's nice that's a nice gesture however I've caught him texting this girl after a lad's night out saying how hot she looks they exchanged a few messages but nothing more he was basically texting his mate like she accepted his follow request and he's talking to this girl and she's so hot and stuff but how he's concerned she'll send a screenshot to me and that he has to delete the chat so i've literally just read that you know what you're doing is wrong i've
Starting point is 00:33:52 literally said you know you're you're being a prick and you're up to no good so don't try and tell me that oh nothing wrong with it nothing wrong with it i've just seen that you think there's something wrong with yourself honey anyway. Anyway, but now he's concerned. Okay, yeah, I just read that. When I confronted him, he literally went into survival mode, crying, saying that happened on a night out, that his mates, oh, honestly, this guy's 14, I'm telling you now. His mates were pushing him on texting her and he didn't want to do it oh my god that is the most
Starting point is 00:34:29 pathetic excuse i've ever heard honestly they're pressuring me they're pressuring me i really don't want to do it get right first of all let's not pretend any of us believe that it's bollocks right they might have been egging him on but they weren't pressuring him and they didn't force him to do it you just said twat right take some accountability i'd have a lot more respect for you if you were just like you know what i'm a prick for that you know oh i'm sorry i'm sorry oh anyway um and it meant nothing we ended things for a week and then we started talking again. I decided to give him another chance as he looked so desperate. I thought, damn, he must feel really bad for what he did. Everything was calm for a while.
Starting point is 00:35:15 We booked a vacation to Italy and girl, just when we boarded that plane, he had taken a photo of me, sleigh, airport pic, and I wanted to see it so i took his phone and just like a gut feeling was telling me i went and checked his deleted photos honestly the gut just doesn't lie i mean it does if you have anxiety but you know there was a half naked girl oh shit there was a half naked girl. In the deleted photos. Just as the plane took off. Someone's gonna have to land this plane now. Emergency landing please pilot.
Starting point is 00:35:56 We've got a serious issue on our hands. I was fucking caught on the plane. With him going to Italy for a week. And shit had just hit the fucking van. I asked what the fuck is that and he just froze like it's nothing it's nothing it's nothing this guy what is this what the fuck do you mean it's nothing i was fuming he later on told me he was jerking off okay i think this girl's american slay i actually love that he later on told me he was jerking off this girl's bikini story is this something i should consider cheating
Starting point is 00:36:25 or am i overreacting thank you for your opinion love you abso-fucking-lutely babe nothing could make me feel more sick than that i mean yeah to be fair there are plenty worse things that would make me feel violently sick but your boyfriend one can over a girl. Get a fucking life. And especially after all the last shit that he did. And you've forgiven him. Oh, the fact that you were in the air though. What an absolute nightmare, babe. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Okay. I don't think you're overreacting. And I'm going to be very brutal. And I know I hate it when people do this. But I'm doing it. Break up with them. Honestly, I hate when people do that like yeah great advice thanks really easy break up with them you deserve so much better okay we cannot forgive someone for occasion number one and now occasion number two you don't get to keep doing that to me you don't get to keep taking me
Starting point is 00:37:20 for granted and keep fucking wandering your eyes everywhere else when you've got all this in front of you you don't get to do that leave like what the fuck to be honest babe that's my advice i know it's shit advice because you're just thinking i really don't want to do that because i'm actually in love and my feelings really hurt and this is the thing right i think it's actually really hard to leave someone who's cheated because they've taken away your confidence they've taken away your self-esteem you feel like oh my god you never loved me like why was i never good enough for you you fancied other people like blah blah and you want them to validate you by going it's always been you i love you i want to be with you and then you want to have this happy long-term relationship
Starting point is 00:38:02 with them because it takes away that rejection and that pain but believe me you will find a lot more strength and power when you look back and say i fucking love myself for walking away from that i love myself i didn't need him to love me i didn't need him to see my wife i didn't need him to know that i was better than whoever else is fucking wanking over because i know that you know that was actually such a slave from me like everyone record that and wake up to that on your alarm every day because facts do you know what i mean like you don't need him to think that you think that and listen whether someone cheats on you whatever it doesn't it's never a reflection of you it's never reflect a reflect whoa try to say
Starting point is 00:38:43 that never a reflection everyone try and say that it's never a reflect it's never reflect a reflect whoa try and say that never a reflection everyone try and say that it's never a reflect it's never a reflection of you never reflect guys that's actually driving me crazy let's slow it down it's never a reflection of you okay it never is it's always a reflection of them i've realized i struggle just with the word reflection. Oh no, just like, okay, just killed it. But yeah, it is always a reflection of them. It's always, listen, the fact that you've done this to me says nothing about me, but everything about you. I'm going to Italy, yeah?
Starting point is 00:39:18 I'm going to find myself a sexy Italian man. Walk around the gelato shops. Buy some gorgeous, cute jewelry from the italian shops and i don't need you okay i'm moving my plane seat on the way home and you can piss off yeah when we get home just know it's it's over i mean so it's over in italy it's over whether whether we're in italy or wherever it is that you guys live it's over okay because fuck you and even though it hurts it hurts it hurts it really hurts okay you look back and you think I bossed that shit I like sometimes I'm sure so many of us can look back at situations where you've forgiven
Starting point is 00:40:00 someone or just allowed repetitive behaviors and then when the relationship's over you look back and you think I wish I stood up in their face and said you do not get to do this to me over and over again I'm done with you like don't I'm sure we've so many of us have had that feeling of like I wish I did that I wish I could go back and do that. But it doesn't matter because we live and we learn, hun. Do you know what I mean? So if you do want to leave, okay, don't leave. Never break up with someone because Lear on the line told you to.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Okay? I'm not trying to get myself in any trouble here. But this is me giving best friend advice to you, bestie. Leave here this. Okay? Fool me once. What's that really cringy saying? this is me giving best friend advice to you bestie leave hit this okay fool me once what's that really cringy saying fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me no that ain't it fool me three times oh i don't know fuck knows but yeah honestly that's my advice babe i'm sorry if it's brutal sorry for sure you don't have to listen to me you really don't i would never judge you no matter what you do you know i'm here for you no matter what i'm here to pick up the pieces whether
Starting point is 00:41:15 it goes good or bad i love you and i've got you back send us an update definitely send us an update on that one we're all dying for it aren't we i am collecting some updates by the way so if you have any send them to me they're all going into a folder at the moment and then I'm going to start doing some odd episodes of just dilemma updates I think so get them sent in all right guys thank you so much for sending in your dilemmas some great ones this week very long distance themed let's wrap up the episode okay everyone wow I feel like this was very um negative like lots of negative experiences today but then I guess that's what dilemmas are they're never going to be like I hope like my life is so great right now I wish it was I wish the dilemmas were like that I mean I'm sure people how many of you out there are like my life is 10 10 that wouldn't change a thing that is sick
Starting point is 00:42:12 honestly I fucking love that for you life is amazing though like I'm so grateful for my life I feel like one of the luckiest people ever and we always have to feel like that you know it's very important to feel like that show gratitude also apparently the 8th of August which is today is a very important day for manifesting i really recommend athena's crystals on tiktok she's really good at giving um manifestation advice for like special occasions days portals and stuff like that so shout out babe lover and yeah she said to do like a um you write a letter to yourself but no no no you write a diary entry on like 8th of august 2024 that is the date and it's like dear diary today i woke up opened the curtains of my gorgeous
Starting point is 00:42:55 house and i walked downstairs made my iced coffee to start off my day my day involved going shopping and i bought a designer handbag okay i'm just giving an example if you're manifesting like living an independent rich girl life i'm just making a story up here i'm so grateful thank you love from leah like that is that's the vibes and then you fold it towards yourself so really sealing that energy yeah i think she said sleep with it under your pillow i need to re-watch it i'm going going to rewatch it tomorrow because this is currently the day before and yeah let's all do that manifest amazing things and yeah i hope you'll have an amazing week can't wait to catch up with you on friday i still don't know what i'm going to do on friday's episode i will definitely
Starting point is 00:43:38 figure it out um yeah love you guys have an amazing week and i'll speak to you on friday for a brand new episode all right i love you guys have an amazing week and i'll speak to you on friday for a brand new episode all right i love you bye

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