Leah on the Line - 81: I'm on holiday with a guy I don't even like! & I feel so behind in life...

Episode Date: August 28, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo and the line happy tuesday happy tuesday everybody how are you? Breaking news. Ariana Grande released the Yours Truly album. Again, 10th anniversary version. Oh my god. Guys, I cannot tell you, I was eating that up back in the day. Oh my god. On my bus to college every morning, my bus to college was an hour long. Ew, right? I soundedimmy fallon in the sketch remember remember those days ariana anyway yeah so i used to eat that up on the way to college me and my friend used to do the um harmonies and almost is never enough and we thought we were the fucking shit he was like i literally thought i could sing that ariana Grande I was like I literally sound like her
Starting point is 00:01:05 no you don't I actually thought she taught me how to sing though like I've never had singing lessons I'm a really good singer I'm really good no basically what I'm saying is I never had singing lessons but the way I used to practice because I when I tell you I was a really bad singer like I wasn't a good singer right not that I'm like incredible now especially these days and better practice cry but I definitely got better and I practiced by just listening to Ariana Grande and copying her and you know what's crazy I've never been to an Ariana Grande concert. I know. I would love, love, love to see her in concert, honestly. Ariana Grande, Jonas Brothers, they were the top. Well, and Justin Bieber.
Starting point is 00:01:52 But I did see him in the Believe Tour. But we won't talk about that era because he was a little bit off the rails. A little bit off the rails. Arriving to shows two hours late, darling. He literally drove past in the car. Like, we waited hours outside, right? And he just drove past. And I was like, excuse me. I the car like we waited hours outside right and he just drove past and i was like excuse me i've been out here for hours you can't even give me a wave
Starting point is 00:02:11 can't give me a wave anyway yeah him jonas brothers obviously check i did that recently and ariana she's the last one that's just on my bucket list although Adele would be major slay but you think I have the money to see Adele I don't know though to be fair I don't know what she would be charging if she was back in the UK because I would I'd love to take my mum my mum would love to go to an Adele concert we love Adele we were watching her videos earlier actually but yeah Ariana Grande she's released the yours truly 10th anniversary album album. And it's just incredible. It was such a good era, wasn't it? Like, if you weren't an Ariana Grande fan, like, 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:02:50 back in the day when it was, I looked in my rearview mirror and the Honeymoon Avenue, the tattooed heart era, baby eye. Like, it was good. It was just a good time. It wasn't just a good time. The ponytail era, it was good it was just a good time it wasn't just a good time the ponytail era it was a good time and oh it feels so good to listen to those songs again like it's really transporting me back also i cannot wait to watch wicked like i cannot wait to see her and cynthia arevo voice of
Starting point is 00:03:19 there is no word she's the most talented person human being on the planet like her voice especially when she sings I'm here in the color purple wow yeah incredible so kind of with that but anyway yeah guys hope you're all feeling really really good what have you been up to this weekend I went out oh my god let me tell you about this meal right so I went out for a meal in like a steakhouse I'm from and it was actually kind of terrible so my family very easy to please like we don't actually go out for dinner much as a big family like so wherever we go we're just happy to be there do you know what i mean it's all about the vibes all about the memories so we get there me and my brother and his girlfriend and my
Starting point is 00:04:02 boyfriend we all arrived together we're like hi I've got a table but they were just like okay yeah that's fine and then everyone else was arriving like two minutes behind us they were in a different car and then my mum and everyone else gets to the door and my mum's like oh yeah we've booked a table I'm not sure which name it's under it'll be like Leah or Aaron my brother's name and then the woman who we assume is the manager because she had like the the shirt on you know she was like well i'm gonna need a name otherwise i can't help you my mom's like okay leo or aaron she was like just the one will do my mom's like whoa sorry okay anyway we're like waving at them like hello like we're over here and then my mum points out like oh we can see them like they're over there so we sit down after the manager's been like majorly rude there was there
Starting point is 00:04:49 was a lot more to the story than that but I wasn't there but yeah apparently she was really rude so we sit down at the table right and we get ignored for 25 minutes like no one even came over to us for 25 minutes and then I called one of the waitress over who was actually so sweet and lovely and she's i feel like it she was really new so i was like really trying to make her feel like don't worry like we're a nice family like please don't worry anyway i was like are we okay to order some drinks please yeah yeah ordered our drinks and then they took an hour to come we waited an hour for drinks there's eight of us right there's not like 20 of us we waited an hour for drinks this restaurant isn't that big right and we're deciding like should we order food like should we even bother like i don't know how if we wait an hour for drinks how long
Starting point is 00:05:37 do i mean anyway we were like it's our birthday we let's just stick at it like I'm sure everything will be fine order food which was kind of chaotic anyway but we move right order food that takes another over an hour and then we order more drinks and then they just half of them never arrived anyway it was just chaos and the food was I'm very easy to please to be honest like food is food I'm not like a big foodie anyway so I'm just like happy to eat happy to be there happy to be there with my family you know but yeah and then like when they were handing us all our food like they given us the wrong stuff like they would tell me oh this is that and I I was like I don't think it is like that's not I don't know whatever and then the waitress was like rolling her eyes at me and like like she would walk away and go to her colleague
Starting point is 00:06:23 and like whisper something and then her colleague would like look over and like laugh and I was like she's actually just slagging us off like what are we doing wrong I literally I'm here for a good time like please we're nice people like we just literally got there like I need a name at the door and then when we sat down it was just ignored for ages and then we was really annoying apparently but yeah so anyway and bearing in mind, as I've said loads of times, like I've worked in hospitality a lot. Like I know it can be so stressful,
Starting point is 00:06:53 especially on a Saturday night. So I kept giving them the benefit of the doubt. I was like, to be honest, it's a Saturday shift. Like this would be fucking chaos. Like let's just give them the benefit of the doubt. But then yeah, just more things kept going wrong. And I was like, oh my God, what is is happening here and then when we spoke to the manager she's like what do you want to do just void the whole bill it's so stressful and then we're still outside
Starting point is 00:07:16 like oh my god like and bear in mind we were gonna book there for christmas day but then we we've decided against that but yeah i'm sure it's just a bad night because this place actually has incredible reviews and some of the staff there was so lovely like really really nice but yeah I'm sure it was just like chaos you know like maybe they were being shouted at in the staff room who knows but hopefully not and you never know what it's like working somewhere so I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Because I've worked in some places where it's just hell. And you want to break down and cry on shift. So yeah. It was just so like. It was funny.
Starting point is 00:07:51 But it also weren't funny. Because we were just like oh my god. This is an absolute nightmare. But anyway. We had a nice time together. We enjoyed each other's company. And then we came back home and had some drinks. And played some games.
Starting point is 00:08:02 It was lovely. But yeah. Okay guys. It's a normal Tuesday episode today. Weekly debate and dilemmas. So love you so much. Let's get into the episode. Thank you so much for listening to Lear on the Line.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Head to learontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Okay, everyone. So thank you so much for being in my company today. Thank you for having me in yours. The weekly debate this week was actually a question that I got sent by one of you guys. And she said, I feel like it's a great idea for a weekly debate. So I thought, you know what,
Starting point is 00:08:42 it bloody is. Let's whack it on. So thank you so thank you to you babe it says what does it mean if someone likes all of your posts slash stories but never messages you know those people you know they're always heart and things are always maybe even a little reaction maybe a little heart emoji little flame emoji in the dms but then never words never hey how are you you know what i mean so let's have a look what you guys think that means um a lot of you are saying it means they have a girlfriend so that's interesting because at first i just thought like in my opinion it's either that they want your attention but maybe aren't sure if the fancying is like reciprocated and then they're looking for the signs before they slide in or they're not that interested they just think you
Starting point is 00:09:31 fit you know but when you guys were saying they have a girlfriend or boyfriend i was like facts like that's actually so true what else do we have um they're too scared to message maybe yeah they're just trying to show interest honey yeah um they're saying notice me yeah that's so true like hello do you see me do you see me maybe they don't know if they're like maybe they feel like you're out of their league so they don't know if they're if they're going to be like too brave sliding in the d. So they're waiting for that signal. You know, the come on in, slide on in to the DMs. They're waiting for you to message. Great perspective. That's actually so true. They like you, but don't have the balls to shoot their shots. So hoping you notice and message. You're supposed to like back. Yeah, but then you're stuck in the back and forth,
Starting point is 00:10:24 you're supposed to like back yeah but then you then you're stuck in the back and forth like like like for like hashtag like for like you know they have a partner and are trying to hide the cheating yes it's a possibility someone says it means literally nothing another one it means nothing they want to be noticed by you but they don't want to but don't want you enough to make a move yeah maybe they just want to give a little bit of attention maybe receive a bit of attention but no more than that they even like you but are not confident confident whoa are not confident okay enough to message or they have a missus they usually have a girlfriend they're definitely into you and want you to notice them it's flirty a boy could like every story then as soon as he gets a girlfriend they won't like a single one yeah it's flirting it's flirting for sure
Starting point is 00:11:11 it can mean they want you to make the first move because they're more introverted he has a girlfriend it means nothing probably got a girlfriend or waiting for you to make the first move they like you but they can't do anything about it for some reason yeah this is true yeah it's like every time they see you they're thinking fit fit and something is stopping them from messing you whether that be a relationship they don't feel confident enough they aren't sure if it's reciprocated they're playing hard to get you know they want you physically but not emotionally appreciate your body but cba with your mind yeah i mean it's you know what it's not it's not wrong sometimes they don't have the balls to message you waste of time even thinking about it so i feel like basically everyone is saying the same options
Starting point is 00:12:05 so i feel like that's your answer well not specifically there it's one of those you know they either are in a relationship they're either fancying you but not that into you to want a conversation or they don't know if you're interested they're flirting a little bit trying to test the waters dip the toe in a little bit see if they get any attention back if the likes are being returned maybe you're gonna slide in but it's like what am i gonna say oh i see you i see you liking on my post i mean that was actually pretty good message like i see you liking on my post you know when when are you gonna slide in the dm then are you waiting for me to slide into the dms or something i see the likes you know if you fancy them fuck it shoot your shot worst case scenarios it doesn't go anywhere you have nothing to lose babes unless you have a girlfriend or boyfriend but in which case i'm
Starting point is 00:12:55 sure you'll find out eventually we'll get that out in the open early doors you know so yeah i hope this helped to the person who wanted to know but But you know what? I thought it was a great debate because I feel like everyone has experienced that. It would be useful to ask the male perspective actually. But I don't have the male brain around in this current moment. So sorry about that. I actually want to give a heads up to the next weekly debate for next week. Because it's honestly a very good one. So get your brains ticking. Look out on the Instagram for the next one because it's honestly a very good one so get you get your brains ticking
Starting point is 00:13:25 look out on the instagram for the next one because it's this can you be friends with someone you know has a crush on you whilst you're in a relationship one of you sent that in in the weekly debate uh ideas on nearontheline.com hit it up if you haven't and i thought you fucking genius you're a genius i absolutely love it and we have a we have a debate that goes perfectly with it. So that's coming next week. I just had to share because I'm really excited about it. I'm really excited to have this discussion. I feel like we could really delve deep into that.
Starting point is 00:13:54 So yeah, that's the weekly debate this week. I mean, it was short and sweet, but I feel like we all agree. So where's the debate when we all agree, you know? Fantastic, everybody. Glad we're all on the same page. Love you. Let's get into some dilemmas. Okay, everybody.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I hope you're all feeling really, really good. Who's ready to get into some dilemmas? Who's ready to mentally give advice, you know? Because I do that. When I listen to any podcast where they do dilemmas and stuff i'm thinking i'm giving my advice in my head is anyone else doing that when i'm talking you're like no leah terrible advice or are you going i totally agree with everything she said all right let's start with this one it's kind of brutal okay help on a holiday with a guy
Starting point is 00:14:42 i no longer like this girl is giving savage okay but we got a hit we gotta be here for the support all right guys so I've been seeing this guy for three months and we were getting on well and it's my birthday on the 9th today okay so we're a little bit behind in the schedule for answering the dilemma but hopefully we can still add some help to the situation happy birthday by the way oh my god happy birthday leo my fellow leo so we originally booked this holiday for my birthday as i don't like being the uk in the uk for my birthday mood anyway everything about him is pissing me off and i look at him and I just think, ugh, savage. That's so savage. Yesterday, I told him I needed some space and went off for about four hours on my own. You're on holiday as well at this point. That's crazy. When I got back, he was just avoiding the elephant in the room and
Starting point is 00:15:39 was asking me very forced, weird questions. Anyway, I had enough enough so came out with at least three things that pissed me off and to be honest he took it very well as he's very nice maybe too nice he's bought me presents for my birthday and done a birthday post for me on instagram talking about the future and in brackets she's put vom this is major level ick like this is off the scale ick i'm just not feeling it he's not my kind of guy how do i approach this when i get back i still have two more days until we fly back okay so we've been back a while now we've been back like two weeks i'm pretty sure i still have two more days until we fly back also we met at the gym and going to be seeing him all the time hiccup sorry all the time there so you don't want it to be awkward sorry it's so long love you bye love you okay okay brutal she's a brutal babe but you know we can't knock the
Starting point is 00:16:42 honesty we love that we have to be honest over here listen if you haven't done it already i think we just need to let this guy down gently like i'm begging you don't tell him what you told me like i'm begging you don't say you just everything you do makes me ugh you know the post you wrote about me on my birthday made me want to throw up the reason i spent four hours out of the hotel on holiday couldn't stand being near you none of that okay what we're gonna do if we haven't already is look babe i have loved our time together loved it i've had the most amazing you are an amazing amazing person. I cannot fault you. Such a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:17:27 You said he's too nice. Don't tell him anyone's too nice. You're such a nice guy. Honestly, it's not you as me. It's one of them, you know? It's not you. Listen, you're great. It's just not working out for me at the moment.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And I don't think we need to tell him there's anything to do with him because at the end of the day you say he's a nice guy so it isn't him he's just not for you but i think we don't need to be hurtful we don't need to you know we don't need to tell people the whole reason we're ending it sometimes sometimes you just ignorance is bliss especially for this poor guy. So I just think, babe, we've had an amazing time. I loved it. Thank you for my presents. Thank you for the holiday. Thank you for the presents. But it is going to be the end of the road, I'm afraid. It's like he's been kicked off the X Factor. It's going to be a no today,
Starting point is 00:18:21 I'm afraid. You know, let's not hurt the poor guy let's not make him think that he needs to change anything about himself because he doesn't he's a lovely guy he's just not the guy for you and that's okay you know I pray if you have already ended it because this has been two weeks now if you have already have already ended it I'm praying you let let the guy down gently because he sounds sweet. And yeah, sometimes we just don't need to say what we feel. You know how last week we were saying, would you want to read someone's thoughts?
Starting point is 00:18:51 This is why I don't want to read anyone's thoughts. Love you, babes. Love the honesty. Love you, proud of you. Let me know. Please send an update on that one. Jeez, I need an update. Love you.
Starting point is 00:19:04 All right, next element. Okay. please send an update on that one. Jeez, I need an update. Love you. All right, next LMR. Okay, I need help to stop overthinking in a new relationship. I've been with my boyfriend for five slash six months now, and I have a huge problem with overthinking. I've had one relationship in the past, which lasted two years, and I was young at the time looking back I still remember hurtful things that were said and have stuck in my mind one big thing was that he called me naive a lot then proceeded to cheat on me and tell me that he was worried he would trust me less after what he had done in fear I would get revenge and then she's put in brackets question mark question mark question mark question mark question mark I feel you mark i'll fill you i didn't think it
Starting point is 00:19:46 i didn't think it would but it is affecting me in my current relationship as i often think that the small things are lies and feel silly when i find out they were in fact truth my current relationship i believe is very healthy and my boyfriend is great he has never snapped snapped back when i expressed my feelings and I've never felt judged when I try to tell him how I'm feeling the overthinking is making me feel crazy and that one part of my mind is telling me one thing and the other part is saying the opposite I really don't want to come out of all my thoughts to my boyfriend just yet as I tend to keep things to myself even with friends and family I've always learned to deal with things in my own way I need advice on how to stop my mind
Starting point is 00:20:23 going into overload and not potentially ruin or scare my boyfriend away or ways to deal with things in my own way. I need advice on how to stop my mind going into overload and not potentially ruin or scare my boyfriend away or ways to deal with it. So this is really tricky and I feel like we've spoke a lot about like bringing past trauma into new relationships and how common that is and please don't kick yourself for that. Like when someone's hurt you and especially your first relationship like when you don't have an example that is healthy and strong to look at and go no that's what i deserve i know what love feels like i know what a healthy relationship looks like and this ain't it when you don't have that initially to begin with it's really hard to like recognize what's right and what isn't and what's acceptable isn't what's what's like normal you know not that i like to use the word normal but you know so don't kick yourself all right unfortunately your
Starting point is 00:21:10 first relationship was a shit experience but that doesn't have to define you and your future and all your not all your future relationships you know but this future relationship hopefully this is the future relationship you know what i would say to you is you're you've already recognized that it's come from a past relationship so that is already one step at helping you separate it from your reality now in your relationship now you know understanding that this isn't you and how you're making me feel this is something that I've carried forward which although it might feel like that doesn't change anything I think it's it's nice just to know that you can acknowledge that it is thoughts from past hurt and pain because even that is just a little bit of reassurance you know like
Starting point is 00:21:58 when you start to overthink the little things and you think they're little lies and stuff you have the ability to go but I know why I'm thinking like this i know why i feel like this what i would actually say is maybe try some books okay there's a book called love me don't leave me it's about um fear of abandonment and building like healthy long long-term relationships basically when you've dealt with like someone being shit pretty much or even if it's like not your past relationships this goes for anyone listening that might relate to this whether it comes from childhood or past relationships or wherever this book i've never read it myself but i've heard really good things about it it's like i i don't know i think you can
Starting point is 00:22:43 get it on amazon well you can get most things on amazon these days but yeah um and i'd recommend just like having a read and being able to like understand yourself more i think that might really help you like just to understand yourself and and like process your thoughts and feelings and separate them from the reality and understand that they're just thoughts hold on my mom says this to me she says there is no there is no there is no emotion without thoughts is it that basically she sent it to me the other day and it reminded me of something that i'd heard which was like there's there's thoughts without feeling but there's no feelings without thoughts does that make any fucking sense I have no clue but anyway what I'm trying to say is being able to um acknowledge that like
Starting point is 00:23:37 you sitting here and going is that the truth though did you just lie to me you know or is this going to go wrong one day are you going to cheat me one day being able to acknowledge that that is just a fault you're having not something that is really in your reality and happening to you is one big big big thing so yeah I would just really work on like understanding yourself and processing things and separating your past experiences from you and who you are and the life that you're like worth having do you know what i mean so yeah i would recommend having a little read of some books and journaling getting thoughts and feelings out your partner honestly sounds like a great person to communicate with like you said that he doesn't judge you for like your thoughts and stuff so
Starting point is 00:24:25 that he doesn't judge you for like your thoughts and stuff so yeah I would just say that what you're doing now is you know acknowledging I know that this has come from my past experience and they've stuck with me the things that they said calling you naive and stuff like that just remember that what somebody says to you doesn't make it true just because somebody called you naive doesn't make you naive that means that's their opinion and that is irrelevant to you so yeah I would just say like look inwards give yourself more love and then that way you allow love in like when you look at yourself and say I deserve love and I'm a good person and I deserve to be treated well you allow it in whereas because somebody said to you that you're naive and cheated on you and made you feel like you're not worthy you you maybe you might not be allowing that love in because somebody told you
Starting point is 00:25:11 that you don't you're not worthy of it and you don't deserve it so yeah I would honestly love me don't leave me I want to read it myself to be honest just because I would love to do more like reading of just like psychology relationships like self-love self-development like I would honestly maybe we should do it all together I don't know but if anyone has any book recommendations send them my way on Instagram and yeah I yeah that that's my advice to you but honestly I love you just remember that you're incredible and I'm happy for you that you are in a relationship with somebody that makes you feel safe in terms of your feelings and stuff and just really work on communicating with that because you said that you like shut
Starting point is 00:25:49 down and stuff and so many people do that so don't kick yourself for for finding it difficult to communicate and that you do just switch off sometimes but yeah you sound like you're in a position with somebody who is emotionally available and able to communicate with you so yeah look inwards have a read whatever whatever works for you if you don't like to read obviously you like listen to podcasts so you could listen to self-love podcasts there's loads of podcasts about anything you could ever imagine i'm sure there is one about dealing with past relationship pain trauma cheating anything and there's probably an audible book of of uh love me don't leave me so yeah honestly i love you you have every strength in
Starting point is 00:26:36 the world that you need to get through it never forget it and i'm always here for you i love you so much all right next dilemma okay hey my lovely I'm a new listener yeah I love the new listeners welcome everybody and I think I've listened to about 10 podcasts already this week I love you oh my god I love you anyway I'm stuck in a bit of a rut I just turned 26 and I feel like I should have my life together and it's really getting me down I have my dream job which I'm so grateful for but I've recently had to move back in with my mum because I couldn't afford renting alone and I needed to save money and I've been single now for nearly two years. I just haven't met the right person for me. I see all these people plastered all over social media with the perfect lives and houses and partners and it just makes me feel really shitty.
Starting point is 00:27:25 the perfect lives and houses and partners and it just makes me feel really shitty I guess this isn't really a dilemma more of a rant lol but yeah should I have more of my life together at the age of 26 or do I still have time before I buy 100 cats and accept the fact I'll be alone forever thank you and love you I love you listen I can relate I'm 26 I live at home and you know what I went through a phase like at first when I first moved home I felt like I was going backwards I was like no like I can't go home like I was living in London and I'm moving home and before I knew it I was like this is where I feel safest I feel the happiest I'm surrounded by people that love me and will take care of me emotionally protect me you know like all those feelings that you get from home I was like why would I feel like this is a bad thing why would
Starting point is 00:28:12 I feel like this is going backwards like and I also I always think to myself now like I love living at home because I think I saw this thing on tiktok the other day and it's actually so sad right so all my siblings have moved out and I have four siblings I have three siblings I literally just made up a sibling I have three there's four of us and obviously we all grew up in the same house right I don't know why I felt like that was obvious it's not obvious basically we grew up in the same house and my I saw this TikTok that was like it was a poem right and this girl was like cooking in her kitchen it's obviously like her own flat that she has like very successfully paid for so and the poem was like I'm not gonna even get it slightly close but basically it was like you put the key
Starting point is 00:29:01 in your door and like you no one's home it was called no one's home I think and it was like you put the key in your door and like you no one's home it was called no one's home I think and it was like you would hear like your brother in the room next door and your sister in the room next door blah blah blah and now no one's home and I was like it's so true like it wasn't that long ago it was so long ago but it doesn't feel that long ago but then it kind of does where I can hear my brother swearing his head off playing xbox in another room my sister's on the phone to her boyfriend up on the top bunk of our bunk bed my other sister's out late she's eight years older she's out late probably drinking with her besties my mum's calling me down for dinner and I was just like wow like life just goes and this is really sad actually it's actually so sad and I was like you know what why would I wish the time I have home away like one day I'm gonna leave
Starting point is 00:29:56 and not come back to this bedroom oh I actually feel sad? Ew. Yeah. All right. Slay. Right. But like, one day I'm going to leave. Oh my God. I can't fit. And this won't be my bedroom anymore. And it never will be again oh my god that's so so sad so like when while I'm here rather than seeing it as like oh my god I'm 26 I live at home I think I feel really lucky that I get more time here because this is my safest place on the planet and I feel so lucky because for so many people home doesn't feel safe home isn't a safe place and I feel so lucky because for so many people home doesn't feel safe home isn't a safe place and I feel so lucky that my home has always been a safe place for me so every day that I get to wake up here and get into bed and say night to my mom and just walk upstairs I feel so lucky and I just think why would I ever wish this away because one one day, obviously, that will come to an end, and I will
Starting point is 00:31:06 live somewhere else, alone, well, hopefully with a partner, but, you know, and it's like, I, you know, people aren't going to be, oh god, I'm not going to, that's a bit morbid, but people aren't going to be around forever, not to be morbid, but like, I think when anyone that is living at home, and you feel like you're too old or everyone else has moved out blah blah blah enjoy it and appreciate it and and live in it and because before you know it this time is gone so what I would say to you is don't feel like oh my god everyone's here everyone's there I wish I was ahead'm so behind, live in the moment that you're in, and enjoy it, and soak it up, because before you know it, you will miss this, you know, and you have so much time, you're 26, I'm 26, we're 26, it feels old when you're 26, but it's
Starting point is 00:31:59 in the grand scheme of things, it's so young, it's so young, and there is no rush do everything in your own pace at your own pace in your own time and just live in the moment that you're in and enjoy it like just take a deep breath and just enjoy life like you know that we're we're in a phase of our life where it's so fucking stressful everyone's in their 20s trying to figure out we're just thinking what the fuck are we supposed to be doing and just look around and just go i'm here i'm present i'm grateful i'm enjoying it you know and i feel really lucky and i know that's easy for me to say because i know for a lot of people like home isn't a safe space and it never has been or they they were forced to leave home and stuff like that so hopefully for you home is a safe space and if if that is the case then live in it and enjoy it you know because one day when you go to bed you won't say night to your mum it'll be to
Starting point is 00:33:03 no one or to your partner or to your cats but either way people think oh i want to live on my own i want to live mine and i want to get my own place i want to get my own place and obviously there's so many incredible parts to that so many things to look forward to about that but that doesn't mean there isn't so much to enjoy now where you are, you know? So that's why I would say to you, God, that got emotional. I don't really get emotional on the pod, do I? Considering I'm actually such an emotional person, I don't actually get very emotional on the pod. That's so true. I've never actually thought about that. I think normally when I get upset I cut it
Starting point is 00:33:45 I don't cut it out I mean like I'll press stop and I'll I'll like bring myself back together and then I'll come back into it I guess no one wants to hear someone like crying on a podcast I don't know maybe they do but yeah that's what I would say to you babes like I'm proud of you you have your dream job like focus on all this incredibleness around incredibleness that's definitely not a word but we need to practice some gratitude maybe i feel like write down i have my dream job i have a safe space have a roof over my head this is my it might not be a childhood home but you know just for the plot it's my childhood home my family are with me i'm safe i'm secure i'm saving money you know like all these the plot. It's my childhood home. My family are with me. I'm safe. I'm secure.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I'm saving money, you know, like all these things that are good about where you are in your life right now. Focus on all the things that are good about it, not about how someone else is ahead of you, what you're saying is ahead of you. Somebody can have their own place and be miserable. You have no clue what things are like. Like social is social media you have no idea they might live in the most gorgeous flat in the middle of london they could be miserable you have no clue but either way even if they were on top of the world the happiest they've ever been on rock bottom lonely it makes no difference to you and that is the reality of comparison like you have no idea what someone else is feeling and even if you did know what they're feeling it doesn't change your situation it doesn't make yours worse it doesn't make yours
Starting point is 00:35:08 better everyone is just on their own path and i'm happy for everyone no matter where they are and i want the best for everyone and just be present where you are and enjoy it that's what i would say to you babe all right oh god bit of mosh bit of mosh, bit of mosh. I love you guys. Okay, let's wrap up the episode. Okay, everybody, I hope you've all enjoyed this episode. I hope it resonated with you in one way or another. It was even a little bit helpful whether it be something you related to something you needed to hear something or you just needed some company you just needed to switch off from whatever it is around you right now you just needed to switch off think about nothing and just breathe breathe in the air let's do a deep breath it's been a while
Starting point is 00:36:02 since we've done a deep breath let's all take a deep breath oh i really needed that that was lovely all right guys i love you so much thank you so much for listening to this episode i appreciate you more than you'll ever understand remember you can send in your dilemmas confessions weekly debate ideas dilemma updates to leah on the line.com get them in if you have two minutes right now give me a little bit of your time babe please and yeah follow leah on the line on instagram and if you want to follow my personal it's at leah levain l-o-u-v-a-i-n-e okay guys hope you all have an amazing week can't wait to for a brand new episode all right i love you

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