Leah on the Line - 9: How to tell your bf he's boring & learning to be happy single... ft. MY BESTIE!

Episode Date: March 15, 2022

HEY BABES! Today we have my bestie Zoe on the line! The debate this week is "how would you feel if your partner was previously engaged?" and you guys made some great points with your responses. We had... some really fun chats in this episode from learning to set boundaries in your relationship to embracing the single life honey! I hope you love this super long episode feat. a quiz for dummies at the end. As always send in your thoughts/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello everyone welcome back to another episode of leo on the line sorry about the lack of bonus episode last week um basically i do talk about it at the end of this episode i'm like oh yeah i should be able to get my bonus episode out i was wrong and lie to you also ignore that um but i realized i forgot to introduce the guest to this podcast i just introduced her as zoe without actually telling you who zoe is zoe is one of my best friends um we met doing a show together in 2019 we did rent the musical to any of my musical peeps. I played Maureen and she played, what's her name? What's her actual name?
Starting point is 00:00:51 Mimi, that's it. So yeah, got my best friend Zoe on the podcast this week. I just wanted to bring someone on, have a chat. Do you know what I mean? Zoe's also quite wise. She's very good at advice, you know? One of those friends. So I thought she's very different to me, as one of those friends so I thought she's um very
Starting point is 00:01:05 different to me as you will see we're like best friends but quite different at the same time very similar but very different like my approach is like get rid of him we hate him and hers is like okay um you know I'm sorry you're going through that let's talk about it do you know what I mean she's like the gentle friend I'm like the brutal friend so I hope you guys love this episode and yeah, let's get into it. I love you. What's that? Where's that coming from? Oh my god, it sounds like it's coming from over there. It sounds like someone just bought it.
Starting point is 00:01:43 What the hell? Hi everyone! Hello! yeah it sounds like someone just whined wow hi everyone hello welcome today we have a guest on the line ring ring hello hello right like you're answering me okay ring ring ring ring hello hiya is that zoe it is for a chat, for a podcast. Of course, I'll be there. Hey! Wow! Hey, everyone! Happy Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:02:13 If you're listening to us on a Tuesday, that means you're the OG early listeners. We love you! We love you! We... Harmonize, Eddie. Three, two, one. We love... I didn't say no. No, you didn't.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Do it. I can't just... We... I don't know what you're going to do. No do we just got to be in sync ready one two three we we can sing actually a light just changed did you see that what was that did you see that it's your imagination okay we me and Zoe actually can sing. Should we do it? No. Ready? Tomorrow's, yeah?
Starting point is 00:02:48 I don't remember it. Okay, places people, places people. Okay. Ready? Three, two, one. Who's gonna count us in? I don't remember. Ready?
Starting point is 00:02:56 On the count. Ready? Ready? Ready, everyone? Sit tight, this is getting me quite beautiful. I'm ready. Tomorrow. No.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Tomorrow. Tomorrow. No. What are you? I don't remember. I did an age go. Tomorrow's. No.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Tomorrow. No. Oh, my lower. Tomorrow's. Tomorrow's never promised. Oh, that was it. Only yesterday is a guarantee. Oh, was that it? I don't know. Listen back and find out. That's not what this is about.
Starting point is 00:03:57 We are here to talk about you, girls, boys, penises, vaginas,inas friendships career changes we're talking about everything today but we're gonna start it off with the weekly debate the weekly debate do you know what i actually yeah i thought that i jumped that because i went was going to everyone. This is a mandela effect I was going to everyone this is the voice and then we go in that before It's the real thing and I was going yeah So weekly debate this week is how would you feel if your partner was previously engaged? I just realized I haven't cleared the air on something really important i got my lips done today and i look like a fish i look like chris jenner when she had that reaction i do look at that i mean you can't save up it's bad and i can't talk properly
Starting point is 00:04:59 and i keep doing this yeah you do because i'm you do keep doing that yeah you keep doing that you don't look because you don't know but you keep doing that yeah so um in all the clips from this podcast just please know deep down that my lips will not look like this like i literally got them done a few hours ago and i swell up like a motherfucker so don't panic do not be alarmed anyway back to the weekly debate how would you feel if your partner was previously engaged how would you feel zoe i just i can't talk should we read that first actually well yeah let's read yours first i need a um i need some thought inspiration because yeah all right i can't think so first one says depends who calls it off who called it off great point true because if she called it off yeah you're thinking do you still loki wanna do you wanna spend your life because if she didn't yeah they would be
Starting point is 00:05:51 married yeah yeah and where would we be where would that be me yeah not with you no great point yeah that is a good point okay getting engaged is a massive thing so i'd be worried about why it didn't work it's a bit unfair yeah a bit unfair yeah because sometimes it just doesn't difference between a relationship and then do you know what i thought when i picture like an engagement we broke off the engagement i imagine it to be like this drama like yeah we broke off her wedding like we cancelled the wedding um what's it called when you run away from the wedding? Got cold feet. No, like you literally run away from the wedding.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Yeah, got cold feet. No. What? Why is it? I don't know. I thought it was that. Oh, got cold feet and ran. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:06:39 So I was... Left at the altar. Like that. That's what I meant. Okay, yeah. I picture it to be like that. She left me at the altar. Yeah. But picture it to be like that she left me at the altar yeah but it's just a breakup yeah but you had a ring on your finger and you've gone you know what i am fucking marrying you love yeah that's all it is yeah it's the same and you're like this no steven don't even
Starting point is 00:06:58 like it i can't even get my ring off you can take it back yeah cheap shit anyway some of the bigger like more expensive big fuck off engagement rings are a bit like whoa a bit much yeah like i'd like a really something humble classy i don't know humble to be quite humble i'm not trying to be humble a diamond like i don't just want a band i want some diamonds yeah yeah a few diamonds so i would like for my engagement ring i would like the silver band with silver diamonds surrounding the band and a big diamond rock on the top and for the wedding ring yeah and the wedding ring i would like a band with little diamonds around the band that's cute i don't know what i want because i don't even think about marriage because it's not happening we'll get into the very day in life yeah who's that i don't even know why i'm a guest on the podcast because i might as well be
Starting point is 00:07:48 like one of the um because you could send in my dramas so you've got the great experience okay so next person's opinion i wouldn't mind that at all shows that they aren't scared of committing or does it show that they are scared of committing because they can get married do you know what i mean they don't follow through. Depends on, it does depend. It's annoying because I say that about every weekly debate, but it does actually depend. It just depends. Again, depends on, she left him, he left her.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Was it just like, we're not together anymore, so we, like, was you actually planning a wedding? Were you weeks away from your wedding? Yeah. Or was it like, have you been engaged for years? And then just called it off. Or was it like, you got engaged and then you thought, oh then just called it off true or was it like you got engaged and then you thought oh fucking hell actually because people get engaged for a long
Starting point is 00:08:28 time like they'll get engaged way before they want to get married yeah how when would you want to get engaged um and then i actually think i would want the gap to be like two years yeah i like a good two-year gap yeah so i'm getting a bit impatient true do you know what i mean no i'm 25 this year that's not no i don't want if jake proposed to me now i'm like well early but yeah but only but yeah come on i don't get that spot up now right next one someone says depends why the engagement ended. Not a deal breaker, but jealous that I won't have been the first girl he proposed to.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I think I would get that too. Yeah. I'd think. But the thing is, it's the same with exes anyway. True. Jake might have looked at his exes and thought,
Starting point is 00:09:19 I want to be with you forever. You were the one for me. Yeah. Fucking hell. So rude. So rude. So, the fucking odd thing. That's brave of him when you're with someone you remember like you're in a moment with him and then you think oh i bet they've done this with someone
Starting point is 00:09:33 else yeah i don't really think that well okay this is why when he's being really lovely and you think I bet you're fucking like that with someone else, aren't you? Yeah, that just explains the difference between. Right. People fall out of love, slash it fizzles out, so not an issue if they're not in contact anymore. Oh my God, yeah. Imagine being in contact with your ex-fiance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Oh no, she's just my ex-fiance. We're just pals. We're just friends now. You literally wanted to spend your life with her. We realised that it wasn't going to work and now we're just friends. Oh. Are you?
Starting point is 00:10:08 I'm sure there's a story about that though. Again, I't be bothered if as long as they didn't have any contact um i'd really struggle with the fact they had planned their life with someone else not me yeah but like just because they're engaged but they're with you now yeah and also somebody else that you were with who wasn't engaged was probably still planning his life with like all of your boyfriends now probably planned his life with his ex well you do because sorry sorry he did they discussed baby names does that make you feel yeah girls think about this your boyfriend discussed baby names with his ex um my best friend was with someone who was married and they both had an affair it would feel weird because engagement is a big thing but it didn't work out for a reason
Starting point is 00:10:59 somebody says mine was married oh imagine that oh that's so sad i hate it because you you'd like to think you only have one wedding yeah hopefully that's obviously the goal that's why you get married so imagine like planning it all and low-key deep down you've like you've fucking done this before come on expert how does it work then let me know so you've had so much practice at this go to venue should we go to then? Yeah, should we just do it all how you fucking, should we do it at the same fucking venue? I might as well fucking borrow her address at this rate.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I'll give her a message. What flavour was the cake? Should we have the same one? Just let me know the cake maker, we'll just fucking get to it again. They've already done it, they know how to make it now too. Yeah, since you've had so much fucking practice in this.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah. Wedding number two and everything. since you've had so much fucking practice in this yeah no wedding number two and everything um somebody says i would feel physically sick oh okay right yes but imagine if you'd found out like a year in true oh he's like oh then oh yeah i was actually engaged to stephanie oh like you knew that she was an ex but you didn't know they were engaged okay well you tell stephanie you tell stephanie fuck you no oh yeah well you can go tell him and his friends yeah fuck him fuck steven whatever it is i'm fucked a lot of them fuck your face i thought your face i would tell jemma
Starting point is 00:12:22 i can actually do an impression ready. Okay. What would you like to say to Gemma? Pretty much I will let Gemma know that she is a fat c***. And the shoes that she gave me were not something that I would particularly buy for myself. They were an old maiden type of shoe. And she said that those shoes are meant to be worn on a beautiful woman.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And if that's the case, she should have put them back on the rack. Was that so good? I just went on and on then. No, I didn't know you knew the whole thing. You were like, she's going to do the whole fucking monologue. And you just kept going. That's what was funny.
Starting point is 00:13:04 She's really loving the speech. And the actual thing, I was like, she's still going. whole fucking monologue and you just get that's what was funny in the actual thing i was like she's still going thank you that was actually really enjoyable i really enjoyed it can you do any good impressions yeah yeah well yeah yeah oh you've got ariana grande in the building we have you can do we can do justin bie Bieber when he was fetus Justin. When I met you girl, my heart went knock, knock. I always say to don't. Leah was doing this earlier and she was like, I sound like Justin Bieber of just, when I met you girl. I was like, no you don't.
Starting point is 00:13:36 My heart went knock, knock. Now I'm butterflies. I'm like someone's gonna stop, stop. She doesn't sound like him. You're like, you sound nothing like him. I was his biggest fan in the whole world and I know that you don't sound like him. You're like, you sound nothing like him. I was his biggest fan in the whole world and I know that you don't sound like him. I actually was a bigger fan.
Starting point is 00:13:50 How many reads did you have on your Justin Bieber fanfic? I can't remember. Because I had 1.8 million. It doesn't measure a fan. What measures a fan? That's a whole other debate. Let's make a new podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Zoe was a Selena Gomez hater. You know the Justin Bieber fans. You were a whole other debate. Let's make a new podcast. Zoe was a Selena Gomez hater. You know the Justin Bieber fans, you were either a Selena Gomez lover, you were a Jelena fan, or a Jelena, I hate them, I don't want them to be together. I wanted him for myself,
Starting point is 00:14:16 and I thought he wanted me. Yeah, but I, little 13 year old me. Yeah, I wanted him for myself, but I still loved Selena so much. I think it's because I wanted to be her. I secretly liked her and wanted to be her, but I went the other way, and I went jealous. Yeah, because we found your tweet, when you were like, I don't like Selena, but someone said I look think it's because I wanted to be her. I secretly liked her and wanted to be her but I went the other way and I went jealous.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah, because we found your tweet when you were like, I don't like Selena but someone said I look like her so I'm happy about that. So, actually. You were like, I will admit that she's fucking beautiful. Yeah, she is quite pretty actually. Yeah. She is quite pretty. No, I would never.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I really like her and I was just a sad little jealous girl. Just loved her so much. little jealous girl who just loved Justin Bieber that's so funny we love you Justin Justin I love you
Starting point is 00:14:51 Justin if you're listening do you know hand on heart whoa hand on heart I fully believed with my life that Justin Bieber
Starting point is 00:14:59 would see me and fall in love with me I believed it I kind of did as well and I always thought I was going to be the one less lonely girl yeah and I was the ugliest fucking teenager you've it. I kind of did as well. And I always thought I was gonna be the one less lonely girl. Yeah, and I was the ugliest fucking teenager
Starting point is 00:15:07 you've ever seen. I thought you were. I was ugly. And I really thought, no you weren't. I really thought he was gonna see me and be like, wow, that little nerdy. She is the one for me. Sweaty, spotty teenage girl.
Starting point is 00:15:18 That is what I wanna marry. Oh, the fan fix. Yeah. Where like you just get taken backstage and then he like Falls in love with you Yeah Really got in my head Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:27 What was his assistant called That used to pick the one Listening girl Oh yeah I do know her name That fucking bitch Never even picked me No she never picked me
Starting point is 00:15:33 It's because I was sat at the back And you know when he comes out On the lift In the audience Yeah For that song Yeah What is it
Starting point is 00:15:40 The acoustic number at the end What when In the heart Or the other? No, it's like a crane and he comes out and he sings a guitar song. What's that song? What song is that? I used to love that song.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I can't remember. But I do remember at my concert that I went to, he didn't go on the lift because he was late. Yeah, he did. It's a human. But anyway, I really felt him staring at me. I really felt the connection. I really did.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I was like, look at you. Look at me. Look at us. The sparks, the chemistry. Look at us here. Just me and you. staring at me. I really felt the connection. I really did, I was like, look at you. Look at me, look at us. The sparks, the chemistry. Look at us here, just me and you. Look at us. Just look at me and you, just here. I did actually. I did actually.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I did actually. I'll have that to me. I'll give an uppercut to him. I will actually. Well then I'll just give an uppercut to him. Punch him, punch his beard off. Beard off. Somebody says, sick, if they didn't propose to me after so
Starting point is 00:16:27 long i think they didn't like me as much i would i would agree that i'd feel more like fucking proposed to me now then yeah do you know what i mean i would feel a bit like well you'd be like well you've done it before so do you not like me enough yeah and also like if they've been together two years and then he proposed and we'd hit the two year mark i'm like where's my ring unless he realized that was too quick to get engaged and he didn't want to rush it and he really and he doesn't want to ruin it he probably have a fear of proposing now because he's like i don't like how the last time like i don't want another failed engagement i really want this girl to be the one like i need this next proposal proposal to be the the last and final one yeah um so yeah oh she says it's just an x most proposals i
Starting point is 00:17:09 feel don't mean as much these days oh really so she's just saying people just get willy nilly engaged no darling what no darling it's it's not a pomegranate what what does he say oh you've got a pomegranate in there as well no darling it's not a pomegranate what do you have to think it is give another go it's a grapefruit yes there we go i don't know my fruit okay let's see what else we've got actually let's head over to the dms because that's where we get longer responses somebody says i would feel like it's a competition i would feel like why was he ready to marry her but not me am i not good enough does that even make sense well it depends how long
Starting point is 00:17:55 you've been with him versus i guess that's kind of what we just debated in it yeah but we've got to give the boy some credit he's probably thinking i can't do this again yeah i can't do this again he's panicking i can't tell my mom that i've called off my engagement again i can't explain this to my family yeah i can't put two thousand pounds down for another wedding no because imagine you get engaged and then you have to we've called off the wedding the wedding's off that's an awkward conversation scott cancelled the wedding call off the wedding what was it i saw something maybe it was a film where like they had to call off the wedding What was it I saw something Maybe it was a film Where like they had to
Starting point is 00:18:25 Call off the wedding Like really last minute Anyway I don't remember I've never called off my wedding It's happening I'll go on my own I will be there
Starting point is 00:18:34 In the dress I will be there In my dress I will slice that cake Get some nice photos Cool Yeah Imagine
Starting point is 00:18:41 Your wedding You get the photos back You hate them all What do we do about that i would do yeah we see the kind of people i would be like can i see that can i see that before can i see that angle carry on i'd get the photographer in in my position to do the test shot and i'd be like just exactly like this you know like what people do on instagram like they'd say i would take a photo of you and then i'd show you and be like retake that i'll do that my photographer but like give me the camera hand let me show exactly what i you and then I'd show you and be like, retake that. I'll do that with my photographer.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Give me the camera hand. Let me show you exactly what I'm after. Let me just show you what I want actually. Bit lower, bit lower, bit higher. Bit lower. Making me look like Slenderman down there. Up you get. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to be intense.
Starting point is 00:19:18 No, I can't. Nothing a bit of face-shaming can't fix. I guess. Nothing a bit of Photoshop. Jake's very good at Photoshop. He can literally take my face and say there was a picture where i liked my body and another picture where i liked my face you could put that face on that body that is so don't worry if you ever have that problem our kids will be looking at our wedding photos like mom that looks nothing like you shut up bobby i don't want to
Starting point is 00:19:46 hear it bobby that's such a good name for a kid bobby um let's see what else um i think i'll be a bit curious at the start but after getting to know them properly and becoming serious it wouldn't bother me he didn't actually marry the girl so she clearly wasn't the one i guess it would just take him longer to propose again if you ever wanted to marry me yeah like we said this girl oh she's passionate about this okay absolutely nothing wrong with it i think maybe depending on how it ended if i could or not but i would just always think he must have really loved her to propose. That's a really pure way of thinking. Which is of course what you would expect
Starting point is 00:20:31 from someone who proposes to you, so I don't think I could get it out of my head if he still loves her, especially if it was her that broke off the engagement. I didn't want to continue with the marriage. I'd always feel like it has to, like feelings have to still be there 100%. Really?
Starting point is 00:20:45 Realistically. What's she saying? She's to, like, feelings have to still be there 100%. Really? Like, realistically. What's she saying? She's basically saying, like, I refuse to believe that he doesn't still have feelings for her. But, realistically, what's the difference between if he had a ring on her finger or not? Yeah. Realistically. Realistically. I know he's like, I want to spend my life with you.
Starting point is 00:21:02 But. But you say that anyway. Exactly. Do you know what i mean it's a tough one because if he was engaged because he was genuinely in love and wanted to spend the rest of his life with someone then that's a sign he actually wants a serious relationship but it could also mean that he jumps into stuff too quick and i don't like the idea of that that's what i said relationships need to flow nicely you've got your whole life to have oh to have kids slash get married what's the rush but then also is she saying it's a bad or a good thing she's saying um do you know what i mean she's saying it could also mean he jumps into stuff too quick and she doesn't like the idea of that yeah um yeah i see what you mean i do see that
Starting point is 00:21:46 could be red flag could be love bomb on our hands could be oh yeah what if they were engaged after like yeah i know some people do get engaged after not very long but yeah and they get married and they're together for like 50 60 years and they're like we just knew and yeah that is the dream obviously yeah but some some people you know like the love bombing it's like i love you i just know i want to be with you forever what if somebody took that to the extreme and fully proposed 100 it happens yeah could be a love more bummer i can't say that with my lips love bomber on our hands yeah it's it's actually then that would be, if I think. Right. Good riddance.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Oh, well, if he's with you right at the beginning, being really full on, maybe that is a red flag that he's a love bomber. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. He's like, you know, he was engaged and now he's with you. He's like, you are everything to me. And if he's getting to you, I'm going to be with you forever. Yeah. Do you?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Can we call our kids blah blah blah how many times have we been engaged here yeah Steven how many engagements have we how many rings have you bought are we recycling this jewelry
Starting point is 00:22:53 yeah I wonder how many people right have like say this is my engagement ring yeah broken up with Jake I've given the ring back
Starting point is 00:23:01 he's got a new girlfriend and proposed with the same ring it's happened I wonder if how many times it's happened they given it the same ring it's happened i wonder if how many times that's happened they propose with the same ring it's been on someone else's finger cost effective you're not wrong no but you want it yeah it's very like bottom of the barrel behavior yeah below the barrel below the barrel in? It's not even in the barrel. There's no barrel. There's no barrel in that.
Starting point is 00:23:27 The barrel doesn't exist, actually. The limit does not exist. It doesn't exist. What's that? The limit does not exist, Mean Girls. Oh, yeah. Trust me, I know. Because I'm going to be a Mean Girls fan.
Starting point is 00:23:37 So, what's your thoughts then? We've read the piece. I don't know where I stand. Look, I'm not not gonna not be with someone no it wouldn't be uh what's it called deal breaker yeah it's not it's not but i think i would sometimes think about it and i would think oh you loved someone else that much that you wanted to be with them forever and i want to be that person but now i am so that do you know what i mean i would like to think it was just a silly little i would think yeah like what we were saying earlier
Starting point is 00:24:08 about um him going into it too quick and now he doesn't want to rush it so it's almost like he's trying to do better yeah with you do things a bit more sensibly yeah but there's nothing wrong with engagements ending like obviously no it's just no different to a relationship and then i don't think but if if somebody like i was dating someone and he was like oh like i was previously engaged but she called it off yeah that i'd be like okay when like how long ago if it was like five years ago i could i could get over it yeah but imagine it was like a month ago still attached or even like a year ago I'd be like not getting involved with that yeah I'd go nope
Starting point is 00:24:47 I'm not getting involved because he was ready to be a husband yeah and she didn't call that off we wouldn't be on this date mm-mm
Starting point is 00:24:55 you probably knocked her up by now yeah do you know what I mean pregnant yeah pregnant pregnant pregnant
Starting point is 00:25:03 pregnant we're very big fans of Maddie Grace Jepsen yeah my posture's horrendous Yeah. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. We're very big fans of Maddie Grace Jepsen. My posture's horrendous. All right. Great weekly debate, girls and guys. I think we read, what was the majority then? What would you say the majority of the responses were?
Starting point is 00:25:20 The majority was kind of the same as us. Was like, it's not not like it's just like not nice to think about but then it's also everyone's basically said it depends yeah it does and i know that's not really a straightforward answer but it does depend yeah so basically thanks for nothing yeah a lot of people say oh but this girl says who the f cares she don't give a oh this is an unfair comment she says red flag why did he propose before being sure like who says he wasn't sure she might have ended it and he might have been sure and then um what's the word inshore and then um what's the word true colors start to show you know yeah yeah it could have been like well it's almost like what could happen is you could get engaged and then they're like
Starting point is 00:26:16 great so i don't have to try anymore i'm like shit now yeah yeah so let's not you know calling off engagements does not make you a bad person if anything it makes you very strong i think if you can walk away from engagement you are doing what's best for you and i i applaud you you are because it's hard enough to walk away from a relationship yeah imagine you're like set to get married yeah or planned a wedding that's so much like more higher state an engagement party or told even told your family i'm gonna marry him and then you're like yeah no i'm not yeah actually um that's embarrassing i take that back i didn't actually like i'd be embarrassed and really like ashamed i would so i think i think i would i would end up going through with
Starting point is 00:26:54 the marriage like backstabbing because i just wouldn't want to tell anyone back out now yeah no yeah but then you tell me and i'm like zoe you're gonna have to you know do you know what i think i i mean i always see we'd call it off but i think me a few years ago takes a strong would have found that really difficult takes a strong man and woman to walk away from an engagement it does well done if you have good for you good for you good for you you look happy and healthy rock Rock on. Rock on. All right. First dilemma. Let's get into some dilemmas. I'm excited. I don't know what these are. First one.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Okay, we're going to kick off with a bang. It's nice and short. Okay. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year. One thing that bothers me is that he follows a lot, exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark, of girls on Instagram. And is always exclamation mark exclamation mark of girls
Starting point is 00:27:45 on instagram and is always liking bikini slash sexy pictures of girls should i just move past it or confront him right so she doesn't even fucking confront him right so she's seen it and said nothing this so can i say this happened to me in my first relationship first one yeah right um so you've not had any relationship experience no i didn't know you didn't know what's normal what was normal what wasn't normal how old were you 17 right okay good or 18 yeah yeah um so he used to do this he used to i used to see him scrolling all these bikini like we're doing'd do in front of you. Double tap, yeah, and then, this is what he would also do. In front of you.
Starting point is 00:28:27 By the way, yeah, and by the way, I would never ever accept this now. No. So, I'll get into that in a minute. So he used to be like, oh, but like, you've got nicer eyes than her. Or like, oh, but you're prettier than her. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:28:39 He used to like compare me, and I'd be like, yeah, obviously, that's what you think. Yeah, I know that. Yeah, and I, when when i so when i would try and confront him about it he would make me feel like it was my problem like basically gaslighting me and i think if you haven't confronted him and it's bothering you are you feeling like he's going to make it feel like your fault in which case yeah he might be gaslighting you and actually if i think you have a right to say something
Starting point is 00:29:06 because it's not nice it's basically saying i like this i found i and it's not like it is his friends photo yeah because we had this discussion have you yeah oh you have i did listen i did no i actually did yeah and we spoke about liking pictures yeah and look if you don't like it don't fucking allow it no i think what i've learned is when you have a problem with something and you feel in your gut that it's not just like like really really insecure and you're just gonna blow up over nothing if it genuinely feels like it's affecting you and it's a problem you have a right to bring it up yeah and i feel like well i used to feel like i didn't have like i don't know why i thought i felt like oh but i used to make excuses for him yeah and you want to make excuses for him but
Starting point is 00:29:59 actually like it's not acceptable behavior it's not and. And we're not gonna accept that. No. The difference in our approach, you're like, actually, you're being really sensitive towards her feelings. I'm like, we're not fucking accepting that. You're the one that's really nice and sweet and that's how you feel and that's, I'm like, yeah, and we're not fucking
Starting point is 00:30:19 accepting that. Yeah, and we don't actually want that. Yeah, no, but we don't though. No. Realistically. Is that what you want? No. And you've got to put your foot down. You have to.
Starting point is 00:30:27 You have to set those boundaries. Yeah, because you're teaching people how to treat you essentially. You're showing somebody what you're willing to put up with. Yeah. And unless you say, I don't know who you think you are
Starting point is 00:30:39 tapping these fucking bikini pics, hun. Yeah. He's going to tap away. Tap, tap, tap, tap. Yeah. No, I think as soon as you see that you need to set a boundary you need to do it because otherwise it's it's just gonna he's gonna start doing other stuff i'm not i'm like he might not but big claims no but i've been there yeah so and i agree i think
Starting point is 00:30:58 it's about boundaries and you know like some girls will be like oh i don't give a shit like he likes the pictures but you don't like it no and that's what that's what i mean it's like i feel like we try and like just make all these excuses for guys but they're not making any what am i trying to say like for us they're not thinking about us in that way because he's liking all these pictures so you're being so considerate of him not wanting to bring anything up and yet he's disrespecting you he's not considering your feelings for one second so why are you making excuses you should yeah we're not gonna know that no all right love you love you sorry he's doing that it's not nice it's really not it's really not nice of him this one is single gal problems
Starting point is 00:31:41 okay hi leah sorry for the novel that is about to come just wanted to know your opinion on changing the mindset about being single means being a failure okay this is interesting i'm one of those girls that's so independent and happy in my own company however everyone around me has their boyfriends who they all do their date things with i'd love to go on a nice cinema date nice meal but like who do i do this with my. All my friends are doing these type of things with their boyfriends and I don't have any single friends to do single things with. I often find myself third wheeling their dates, but then I just feel like a little pest. I've been single for coming up to five years after quite a traumatic relationship when I was 17. And I think I definitely have trust issues that I have to work
Starting point is 00:32:20 on. I try to go on lots of dates with these lovely boys but i literally only go on three or four before i get the ick there's only so many times i can do that it's not me it's it's not you it's me it's not me it's not me it's actually you but it's not me i'm amazing it's actually you're the problem no no she says it's not you it's me you know it's come to the point where i'm scared to go on dates because i know that i'll end up having to have the difficult conversation with them on why i'm not feeling it and i hate any form of confrontation i dread it and all these men i've been on dates with i literally couldn't fault they've had flowers delivered to my office got me nice thoughtful gifts and they all have been so lovely i can't help but feel like shit every time i have to let them down even my own mother is like i think you might need to lower your standards do you think i have to wait do you think i have to have a serious chat with myself
Starting point is 00:33:08 on my standards and what i'm really looking for or do you think the right person will come along at the right time did i send in this dilemma i think i did zoe is single by the way to the listeners wondering if she's a single girl or not she's a single girl and are you loving it thriving or not yeah yeah yeah you're not trying to be in a relationship no you're not on dating apps are you nope i'm just saying i've never been on a date now like i've never just been single well i do sometimes want to download them because it's just like the entertainment of it and i get bored but then i just i delete it after all because i'm like i've never done it i've never been single and not been entertained by at least one boy well it's because i do normally no i do talk to people but it doesn't
Starting point is 00:33:57 really like go anywhere and sometimes i do have periods where like i literally won't speak to anyone and then i'll meet someone and then i'll talk to him for a bit and then i get bored makes sense yeah well she's saying the same thing yeah she's like i just get the ick after like four or five days are you emotionally unavailable yourself sounds like you're seeking emotionally unavailable people because she said that she's been through a traumatic relationship and she has trust issues that she has to work on so she's probably not very available emotionally you're emotionally unavailable and you yeah because people are coming to you with love and affection and you're rejecting it yeah which tells me that it's a good thing that you're single yeah oops i um she said something
Starting point is 00:34:40 that brought up yeah i don't really answer the question she was like her friends she doesn't have anything to do with her friends so do they only see their boy that's exactly what i was gonna say i was like can they not go out without their boyfriend yeah did they not like can't they spend the day with just you do their boyfriend have to come why are their friends why are your friends not hanging out with just you do you know what i mean yeah that's what i do know what you mean like you don't need a relationship just for your and i have a friend i get how like sometimes it's like obviously they're gonna probably spend more time but that's quite normal you should be able if they're not spending any time with you and only with their boyfriend and that's kind of strange she's like oh they do date things with their boyfriend and i would be
Starting point is 00:35:23 annoyed at that i think i think i'd be like hello i'd be like can you get away from your boyfriend for one second i would be like i haven't seen you for ages yeah why is fucking steven gotta be there every day yeah i don't even like him he's so annoying he's just always there he's just so annoying and tall i hate how he was all over he kisses you all the time it's so annoying to watch so rude when i'm over here single that's actually me um so she's basically saying definitely do not lower your standards no this is when you read it i said where your standards are yeah yeah no because do not how are you meant to be interested in someone that you feel like you've lowered your standards for um that will go away for the right person i think but yeah it feels like we need to do a bit of inner yeah do you know what you need to do is like basically what you said sorry i just interrupted you yeah like in our what's the word in a work in a self-healing yeah because you've
Starting point is 00:36:20 had a traumatic relationship and sometimes that affects you like even just subconsciously more than you think it does yeah and like she's struggling like journaling i know that just get it all out what you're thinking you might discover some things about yourself and then you might think oh my god i'm so glad that i'm single right now a bit of therapy and i'm so i'm so glad that i've got myself you know you're gonna appreciate this time looking back it i think this is gonna make you know yourself know yourself and love yourself as a woman more which when you do get in a relationship is gonna serve you better yeah a hundred percent yeah i think it would be dangerous for you now to jump into something
Starting point is 00:37:02 yeah that's what i'm saying like Jump into something with trust issues and trauma and just jump into someone else. That's not going to make a good girlfriend. No. And you're going to do more damage to yourself that will be harder to reverse. So I think you should be proud of yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:19 For being single. Yeah. Well, it's hard nowadays to be single because, I don't know. It is hard. It is hard like you're surrounded by couples yeah and even like i like loads of my friends are in long-term relationships and sometimes when we meet up as a group i'm the only one that's there without a couple and i'm just a bit like great i don't know but it's not like a jealousy thing because i don't want to be
Starting point is 00:37:41 but it's almost like i don't know what it is loneliness because it's a different type of connection yeah that's it that's it that's the perfect way to describe it it's like yeah you can be so close with your friends be able to tell your friends anything or your family or whatever but they still your relationship with a partner is still very very different it is and it's a whole nother hole and sometimes you do seek that i think that's normal yeah yeah but if you can be happy in your own company and content and confident in your in yourself alone you're probably a lot stronger than a lot of us in relationships yeah because i think yeah because just because you're in a relationship it doesn't mean that you're thriving no a lot of
Starting point is 00:38:24 people in relationships aren't. It just means you've got someone to spend time with. Yeah. And cuddle. Yeah, exactly. And also, who says that you can't go to the cinema on your own? I went to the theatre by myself. What did you watch?
Starting point is 00:38:37 Bonnie and Clyde. It was really, really good. I was rating all the shows that I've seen in the West End out of 10 on my notes. And you know the one you took me to watch for the last five years? Yeah. It's actually the lowest. Is it? Well, that's one of my favourite musicals.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I know. And I wasn't in love with it when I saw it. I did like it. I enjoyed it the least. I liked it. Out of everything I've seen. But I was underwhelmed. Sorry to say.
Starting point is 00:39:02 But anyway. Anyway. Hope you... Do you know what? Good for for fucking you that's what i say stay single she says i'm so independent and happy in my own company i don't hear a problem no i don't hear i think you're feeling the outside pressure of like being in a relationship because you're seeing everyone you're seeing everyone else's yeah and you're thinking oh god am i missing out on something no you're not no you're actually doing really well you've got years ahead and you're gonna you're gonna look back and be so grateful for this time yeah trust
Starting point is 00:39:29 me yeah all right love you love you moving on okay next one i've been with my boyfriend for two years now i love him but he's very serious and i feel like i don't have fun with him but when i see pictures and vids of him elsewhere he looks like he's having fun i'm not sure if it's because he's scared to be his goofy self around me in case i think he is weird or if he just doesn't enjoy spending time with me anymore help a girl out okay surely he's not embarrassed to be himself around you after two years oh it's been two years so yeah they've been together two years okay because i was about to say how long have you been together but yeah she says he's really serious why lighten up yeah that's what i think i can't be a really serious person i just think can you just do something funny
Starting point is 00:40:11 can you just entertain me for one minute literally just fucking lighten up can you just make a joke or something loosen up a bit loosey goosey please loosen up of it yeah um okay maybe that's just what he's like in a relationship maybe the way he is around his friends is all an act maybe it's like he's insecure inside and he puts on that and when he's with you bravado no it's it's i was so confident to compensate yeah for the fact that he feels quite shy inside that's what a lot of people do if they feel like insecure they compensate by going over the top and being so silly it's so crazy oh my god i can't see true really like outgoing but it's not real whereas maybe when he's at home with you he's relaxed he's not trying to impress like he can just be himself he knows who he is he knows you love him
Starting point is 00:40:58 he's just true yeah because it might be like you know when you're hanging out with someone but you don't actually have to like yeah do anything or like say anything because you're just like chilling yeah but then she says he's pretty serious but he's serious all the time sounds like a fucking boring guy to me yeah are you bored is he boring you i he sounds boring to me i would be so bored i'm sorry i'm sorry no i'm sure he's really nice do they they have fun? Yeah, are you having fun? Oh, she does. Yeah, I feel like I don't have fun with him. Oh, she doesn't?
Starting point is 00:41:29 No. Okay, so maybe you need to say, what am I getting from this relationship at the moment? And what are your priorities? What would you want? What are your main, what do you want from the relationship in order of priorities? So number one, is it a laugh? Is it, I just want to be able to relax,
Starting point is 00:41:49 come home and have a nice relaxing chat with my boyfriend? Is it, because this is what my mum said when we got my mum on the line. She said, people want different things in relationships. Your number one might be, I want someone that's just going to make me belly laugh every day. That is my number one. And my number one might be,
Starting point is 00:42:05 I just want someone that's just going to look after belly laugh every day. Like, that is my number one. And my number one might be, I just want someone that's just going to look after me and cook for me and run me a bath. And, like, we could have a boyfriend. Like, your ex could be my boyfriend, right? Yeah. And for him, he just, he was not funny. He's not funny, but he really always cooked for you and ran you baths.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yeah, and I was like... Yeah, and you're like, oh, he's just not making me laugh. He's so boring. And I'm like, oh, my God, he's so lovely. He's he's so lovely he's so sweet yeah i would like him to write me a laugh yeah but i know what you mean yeah priorities in order so yeah maybe being like entertained and having fun is one of your top priorities and he's not fulfilling that so let's not we're not just gonna go cut cut no i'm not saying you're gone but you're done can you how do you approach
Starting point is 00:42:46 that uh david you're fucking boring i'm not being funny david but you're just really serious when's the last time you actually had a laugh david you never laughed what do you say though i don't know i'll be like maybe you enjoy my company i think i approach it from a is it me angle true do you know what i mean yeah i'd be like am i is something i say like what's going on in your brain are you not feeling that what's going on in there no i wouldn't say that i'm there honey no i would say i've just noticed babe that you seem a lot happier around your friends than you are of me like do you enjoy my company do you find me a bit boring am I boring David am I really boring am I really boring to be around I won't even be upset about it and then he'll be like no I find
Starting point is 00:43:35 you so funny and then that's when you go really it doesn't seem like it because I don't remember the last time I saw you laugh. I really don't. You are so dull. Do you know what? If I were to describe you, the first word that comes to my mind is vanilla. Beige. No.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I don't know how you approach that without being rude. Do not say any of the things I've said, by the way. I'm joking. No. I hope he never hears this. Well guess it is just i probably would approach it from like a i just noticed that you don't really seem like you're having much fun with me yeah i'd approach it from that angle yeah i think it is a conversation but it's the way that you approach it because you don't want to go in there saying you're just fucking dull.
Starting point is 00:44:26 But... Okay, so I'm your boyfriend and I'm boring as fuck. I'm a role player. I'm boring. No, I'm... What do you say? Oh, no, I'm sure he's lovely, but she says she's not having fun. We need to be having fun with our boyfriend. I know we do.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Day found. Yeah, okay. You look beautiful today, by the way, darling. Thank you so much um you're fucking boring i don't know how to say this but you're fucking dull lighten up you are boring as fuck seriously when was the last time you laughed, you're so boring. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Um, yeah, good luck with that. I've got nothing. Right. Um, you're going to have to say something. Surely.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Just say, just say, babe, I love you so much, but it's really on my mind. It's really playing on my mind recently that we're not like having a laugh like we used to like how can we how can we maybe approach it from like like how are we and it's been two years you know i feel like we're not laughing as much and i really i used to have such a laugh didn't we yeah i really david remember actually that time oh my god that's
Starting point is 00:45:38 funny let's start right now yeah that's the angle. All right, good luck with that. Love you. All right. Excellent. Okay. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Ooh, ooh, ooh. This is a juicy one. Uh-uh, uh-uh. You're not gonna like this. Am I not? Right. So, I've been with my boyfriend for two years. This is the two-year mark, girls.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Wait, isn't that a thing? Like the three year switch? Four year switch. There's something like that. Potentially. Anyway. So I've been with my boyfriend for two years. After a full year together, he had asked two girls for nudes. And I consider that cheating, obviously.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Yeah. Obviously. For sure. For sure, yeah. Yeah. What makes it worse is that one of the girls is his family friend so she's still in our lives oh so you see we'll still be in our future somehow at his family events that's right okay what are you looking at picturing her naked oh my god wait so he's
Starting point is 00:46:38 messaged he messaged them asking for nudes yeah and they still have to see each other yeah i was friends with this girl too and have only found out from her a year later they both lied about it and both girls told me they never sent back but it doesn't stop me feeling insecure so why did they not tell if they never said i think they must have because he lied about it oh no they both lied about it but they didn't send anything back well you're not gonna go yeah i fucking sent him a picture of my fanny no i know not you i mean for her they might off yeah and did you send anything yeah i did i put on a fucking sexy red lingerie set i got my light and sexy i got in that mirror and i snapped a pic and i sent it to
Starting point is 00:47:24 your boyfriend yeah i did that's not gonna happen is it they're gonna go no no no no no I actually didn't he just like came between I didn't know I didn't even know who that was I didn't even read the message
Starting point is 00:47:33 who even is he actually I don't even know him I'm sorry but there must have been something going on there you don't just pop and go alright can I have some nudes do you know what I mean hello love
Starting point is 00:47:42 I love how are you can I have some nudes how are you how's dave i was on dave calc up on you get your funny out exactly do you know what i mean right um and she says this is not funny by the way what we're laughing about it's not funny at all no we're not laughing at the situation no anyway but it doesn't stop me feeling insecure it's a year later after it happened so she's looking back she forg insecure. It's a year later after it happened. So she's looking back. She forgave him.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Oh, no. It's a year after it happened, but it doesn't change that it happened. But we are so strong now and talk about marriage and our future. Advice, please. But you're saying it doesn't... You're saying it doesn't change that it happened. But then you say, but we've moved on and everything's great. So what's the dilemma?
Starting point is 00:48:22 So the dilemma is... Oh, she feels insecure. That you're insecure well oh yeah i would be i would also be insecure i would not be taking him back i'll tell you that well yeah i was gonna say i wouldn't do that i don't think i would i'm not doing that but you have and here we are do you know i have oh no not you her yeah but you have taken it back and here we are yeah and now we deal with this yeah and how are we going to deal with it though well i don't know because i was going to say that you you have the right to go i'm i'm going to need a bit
Starting point is 00:48:59 reassurance honey because you asked these girls to lose i'm feeling insecure i'm going to need you to really boost my confidence again after you've ripped it out but at the same time i do also believe that if you choose to take someone back after they've cheated on you or something yeah you also have to agree to put it in a box and let it go well that's what i'm saying about her saying you know you can't change that it happened but everything's fine it's like well you're still saying you can't change that happens who you are still you're still holding on to that yeah she can't forget about it no which is understandable but if you're willing to take him back you have to be willing to have that conversation this should have happened a year ago hopefully it did
Starting point is 00:49:37 yeah should have had that conversation got out everything you needed to hear uh needed to say sorry and and heard everything from him that you needed to hear uh needed to say sorry and and heard everything from him that you needed to hear yeah so that you felt a hundred percent i'm i believe in this relationship yeah give it another go yeah because also did you get like not that you would want every detail but like do you know the whole story are you still thinking this doesn't add up this doesn't add up oh my god yeah i don't know what to say because i think it might be worth bringing it up again yeah and saying look it's still bothering me it's still affecting my self-esteem i'm just gonna need a bit more from you to help me get through this because i really love you and
Starting point is 00:50:17 i want this relationship to work but i'm dealing with a lot right now yeah and if he cares then he's gonna understand oh god yeah so yeah i feel like uh a conversation can be brought off again yeah and he he should be like oh my god yeah okay i know i'll do whatever it takes yeah i think that's what it needs to be it needs to be like a um what can i do for you yeah if he turns around and he's like, are you fucking serious? It was a year ago, babe. Yeah, if he reacts badly to you bringing it up, I think, I don't know. What does that say about him? What does that say about him?
Starting point is 00:50:51 Do you not understand what you did to me? No, clearly not. No, that's a lack of respect then in that case. Yeah, he's not acknowledging your feelings. In which case, do you want to be with somebody who is not respectful? No. No, we don't.
Starting point is 00:51:04 But yeah, I think just maybe let him know again say i'm just gonna need a bit more from you it's the feelings are just coming back up recently and i'm struggling yeah i forgive you but it has taken a toll on my self-esteem and i'm gonna need your support to build that back up since you're the one that fucking ripped it out of my chest. Anyway. Okay, I love you. Moving on. Okay, let's make this one the last one, but I love it, okay? It's not a dilemma, actually.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It's not actually a dilemma. Oh, it doesn't matter. It's not actually a dilemma, this last one, but I want to read it out anyway. All right. She says, break up with your boyfriend. Trust me, lol. When I saw that in my inbox, I thought, Jake's cheating on me. Oh, my God. I was like, she's coming up with your boyfriend trust me lol when I saw that in my inbox I thought Jake's cheated on me
Starting point is 00:51:46 oh my god I was like she's coming through with pics she's coming through to your podcast email telling you yeah
Starting point is 00:51:54 with the receipts no and she's gonna be like Jake's cheating on the girl I was like trust me break up with him anyway
Starting point is 00:51:59 it was not personal to me I just was shocked when I saw that in my emails I was like me why what's happened anyway she says hi leah absolutely love your podcast thank you so much for making
Starting point is 00:52:10 eps every week us girlies can enjoy oh you're thriving gal and best of luck with the new job thank you love you oh wait the camera's not rolling anymore i sound like jimmy carl okay just wanted to give you an update on my week i broke up with a boyfriend of four years this week this week bye see you later i don't want to be with you anymore yeah i'm over it no hatred necessarily no screaming and shouting but we had just been on a roller coaster ride and my heart just was not in it anymore. She's like, you know what? This is not for me. It's too up and down.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I can't do this. I can't do this with you anymore, Ryan. Ryan, I'm tapping out. It's over. Tap, tap. I'm out. I'm out. See you later.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Anyway. Yeah. I wanted to be free to live the life I wanted to live without worrying about upsetting anyone else. I wanted to experience free to live the life i wanted to live without worrying about upsetting anyone else i wanted to experience teenage years on my own so i could find out who i really am i'm 18 by the way she says she's 18 she's living she's about to live four years since she was 14 wow um i had contemplated the decision for so, so long. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Women, we check out mentally before we do physically. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see. And was petrified to initiate the chat as he was all I had known. But now I'm so, so happy and a complete weight has been lifted. I'm just so excited for a new chapter. She is so excited to be single.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I love this. Poor boy. I think more people should be excited to be single. Oh my God. So true. And I always think like you go through such a big transformation after a breakup. You become like the best version of yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Every time. Yeah. And you don't get the opportunity if you rush straight into another person. This is a shout out to all you into another person. This is a shout out to all you girls, okay? This is a message directly from her to you. To all the girls
Starting point is 00:54:10 who are unhappy and are dying to have that sense of freedom, the ones who keep contemplating whether this relationship is for them or not, please, please, please
Starting point is 00:54:18 rip the plaster off and end it for your own sake. Once the doubts come, they don't go away. Hope you have the best week here. You're an absolute queen. Wow. I love you. So, let's round of applause for her. I love that. Good for
Starting point is 00:54:32 you, girls. Get out on them clubs. She's going clubbing. She is. Did you, was she ever a clubber? Like, did you ever like the club scene? Me neither. No. Remember when we went on Halloween? That was actually so fun. But we'd start singing in the middle of the dance floor like we go like up three octaves to the fucking vocal
Starting point is 00:54:48 but anyway congratulations and yeah hopefully if you were looking for that sign if you're in a relationship going oh my god i just need not sure this is your sign it is because if you think if you're looking for a sign that's your sign if you're looking for a sign to leave your relationship that is your sign if you're in bed at night think please just give me a sign for what i should do that's your sign that's it wow that was quite stunning i love that i'm actually really happy for you. I think yeah, I think the amazing. Yeah, how's your boyfriend? Ex-boyfriend Ex-wife spot
Starting point is 00:55:31 How's he feel is he like devastated and you're there like Free you Wow Wow Good for her good for her. I think you did amazing. Yeah. Okay. My back is breaking. So is mine. I've been trying to fight the pain sometimes.
Starting point is 00:55:54 What was your easiest breakup? I don't know. Because they've all been very different different do you have a worst breakup? you didn't say any names um they're just so different they're good and not good
Starting point is 00:56:13 they're bad and worse they're bad in their own way they're bad and really bad they're bad and really bad and also really bad how many relationships have you been in? three three? yeah I guess we don't count
Starting point is 00:56:26 because it was never i had a lot of dilemmas saying like how do you get over someone that you was never your boyfriend when you find out let me know oh no no i think yeah well yeah i think you are advice on that it's a work in progress no i am it's more that's more of a complicated thing yeah i think that yeah true there was a lot of layers to that there's layers there's layers onions have layers yeah all right should we wrap up the app okay it's been a good long episode i hope you guys enjoyed um i don't have a weekly debate for next week have you got any ideas so not off the top of my head, but I'll think of something later.
Starting point is 00:57:07 It's really hard. Send me in any ideas that you have, girls. We need them. Yeah, I'll think of something. Thanks so much for listening. Thank you. No, I'm realistically not going to get a bonus episode off on Friday.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Why can't this be the bonus? Because this is the Tuesday, honey. Oh, I made it to the Tuesday. Yeah, girl. Woo! No, actually, I think I might try and get a bonus episode i should be able to because i'm off tomorrow so i should be able to yeah this is by the way this is a waste of everyone's time because this will be up after the bonus episode so so it's not your time but i'm thinking of doing a um would you rather yeah fab said the most disgusting would you rather to me earlier of course i can't say it on here
Starting point is 00:57:45 it's so disgusting but it was bad but i'm gonna try and get some good ones yeah i'm gonna get you to answer actually that's so funny okay um oh you guys have been asking how the job's going yes going really well actually quite like it oh i'm about to do like fucking 40 hours across three days so i'll think of the money i'll get back to that on get back to you on that next week yeah think of the dollar dollar dollar dollar dollar i'm going on holiday mate yeah guys i had an audition yesterday and no you haven't actually i had an audition yesterday right and it's for a week no it's for a commercial for vaseline and if i get it which i will need to find out pretty soon but i go to turkey for a week on monday jet setter jet setter look at me go look at me go look at me fly
Starting point is 00:58:35 literally yeah i'm walking a jfk i'm not walking a jfkK but hopefully I've got that if I haven't I'll be in Turkey when you listen to this true realistically a sweet podcast I get the feeling
Starting point is 00:58:53 I haven't got the job no no they might fly you out like two days before you don't know you never know I mean I'll definitely
Starting point is 00:58:59 have to lose my job if I take it if I take it I haven't even offered it if I take it you know if I take this if I you know I've got a debate but i don't even know what to do like what should i do should i take it like bar works actually like acting work like yeah and it's a nice little fat paycheck not gonna lie so yeah hopefully when you listen to this i'm out in istanbul
Starting point is 00:59:22 do you know what the capital of Turkey is? Is it not that? It mustn't be because you've asked me. Guess what it is. Everyone listening, guess what it is. Guess what the capital of Turkey is. Is it something... Istanbul.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Cairo. Ankara. It's Ankara. I don't know that. Yeah, guess what the capital of Australia is it's not what you think it's um I know this one
Starting point is 00:59:48 everyone listen and play the game um what's the capital of Australia oh my god what's it called because it's not um
Starting point is 00:59:54 people always say like Sydney or whatever but it's not Sydney it's um the other one I can't think but I do know it
Starting point is 01:00:00 I want to say Queensland but that's not it Queensland no but that's not it Melbourne I do know what it is nope it's not Melbourne wait you keep saying them I'll tell you know it i want to say queensland queensland no that's not it but i do know what it is nope it's not melbourne wait you keep saying them i'll tell you when it i've run out so you don't know it i did well keep saying them oh you've run out of other places that you know canberra that's it
Starting point is 01:00:16 i did canberra yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah how many of you knew that me me i'm smart i know it's again camera yeah camera is camera camera camera no i didn't know that i just couldn't what it's called but um yeah i hope you guys enjoyed that geography lesson got any more geography questions i'm just not even talking about anything i've quite enjoyed listening okay um what so you're good at geography yeah i'm good at spanish oh god like the language like the language as if it's like the spanish what else the spanish history the history of spain civil war um geography of spain okay um what's a couple of spain couple of spain go on who's saying this one what's a couple city of espana well is it what i think it is deny you know what you think it is well i think i think it's obvious it's barcelona no so i knew you were gonna do that so what is it
Starting point is 01:01:24 no i know this Madrid oh fuck sake I knew that I think right you're not putting this in because I sound really stupid don't put this in Leah
Starting point is 01:01:31 she didn't know who Sadiq Khan was did you huh the mayor of London and I told it to you last time I saw you no I do know who that is
Starting point is 01:01:39 I was like Sadiq Khan's even in you and you're like who's that it's so funny alright I do know countries and i do know i know where sadiq khan is i know where he lives actually okay last question what's the capital of italy
Starting point is 01:01:59 no i don't know this because i'm under pressure i don't know the capital of italy well why are you asking me? Rome. No. Hey, Siri. Probably. How many people's Siri did I just hit off them? What's the capital of Italy?
Starting point is 01:02:13 It's not Rome, is it? It probably is. Okay. To be fair, I did history. I did history, not geography.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Ask me a historical question. I didn't do geography either. Well, what is the capital of Italy? It's rome it says yeah oh my god i'm a fucking georgia genius there's literally no stopping me today i'm so intelligent and smart i'm beautiful and strong you're the best person in the world actually the most smartest most beautiful most talented person in ever strongest bravest the most okay let me give you one more no what's the capital city of poland oh um oh no that's norway fuck poland yeah i don't know i don't really travel i've never been poland i'm trying to come up with excuses kath what was it in poland should i give you the letter yeah w is that was is that wash i don't
Starting point is 01:03:11 know oh i sound really horrible i know what it is yeah that one i don't know how you say it i mean either do i that's why i just said warsaw warsaw that's like when people come to London and they call South. South Walk. South Walk. I actually used to call it that. Or Greenwich. Greenwich. Greenwich. Woolwich. Woolwich. Woolwich.
Starting point is 01:03:31 That's a classic. All right, anyway, thanks for listening. If you guys enjoyed the history, I mean, geography test. Got any history tests? What year did World War II end? I'll tell you, 1945. Thank you. I do know stuff, just not not geography i don't actually know that
Starting point is 01:03:47 incorrect darling it's 1945 it's incorrect it's not it's correct thank you it is nine i was sure what year did world war one end 1917 oh yeah because that's that's what a movie's called well i haven't seen the movie i just know fab was in it yeah good fam fab's been in a fucking film and neither of us have and we're both actresses right wait if you're putting in anything about the geography can you put in me getting the history arts please yeah of course i will i'm not cutting anything out on this episode ah no never come forward hated it um one more one more quiz because i feel like if i was listening to this i'd really enjoy this yeah this is fun um how do you spell okay i'm good at spelling but i'm scared now geographical g-e-o-g-r-a-p-h-i-c-a-l
Starting point is 01:04:48 geographical can i hear it in a sentence please give me a spelling word okay um necessary necessary this was hard what i was for it was hard because it's the definition please definition can i hear a sentence wait what's that don't worry n e c i don't know c is it double c double s no i think it's one c two s but i might be wrong actually because this is what i always get confused oh it's one c two s yep thank you I really stumped me there I gave you geographical and you gave me necessary yeah well you gave me a wasp count we played this game earlier where I give Zoe like a sound from a jessie and she was trying to tell me that it was bad but it was actually so good. She went like this. No it was, wait what was it? No it wasn't dun dun. No that's even better. It wasn't even, there was no melody it was. No you were giving me. Yeah everyone listen to this and tell me what song it is, go on.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Yeah, everyone listen to this and tell me what song it is. Go on. Yeah, does that sound like a song to you? No. Does this sound like a song? Wow, wow. Yeah, that does. Yeah. And I got that one right.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Nice. Yes, I did. Just to show I was there. I didn't know it was all that matters. Did I get it right now? So angry, so competitive. Yes I did, I actually did get that one right. Actually got that perfectly right.
Starting point is 01:06:30 I got it in second actually. Actually I punched him. Actually I gave it up a cut to him. All right, let's actually wrap this up now. It was Justin Bieber's birthday eight days ago. It was. Do you know what? It's been all these years.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I sent you that TikTok of him and I said I might have to change my username back to Kid Rule, Rave on whatever it was do you know what it's been all these years what i sent you that tiktok of him and i said i'm about to change my username back to kid rule wave on whatever it was after all these years even though like i'm not like a die-hard fan every first march i think oh it's just me yeah every every year what time was he born i actually know this i used to know 12 56 yeah that's sad that i know that 12 56 on the first of March 1994 and it's raining and it was on a Tuesday. I didn't know it was raining. The more you know.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Mm-hmm. Love you, Justin Bieber. I love you, JB. Yeah. Fuck you, Hailey. I'm joking. I actually love Hailey Bieber.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Yeah, she's so amazing and beautiful. All right. Love you guys so much. See you guys next week for another episode. Love you. Love you! Bye!

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