Leah on the Line - Bonus 1: My first times

Episode Date: February 18, 2022

HERE WE GO... this is the first of the new Friday bonus episodes!! This week I told you all about my first time getting blackout drunk, getting my period, getting into a physical fight and more! I hop...e you love it and enjoy this new feature to Leah on the Line. Let me know any ideas you have for our Friday bonus episodes!! As always send in any thoughts/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com! Love you! xxx Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, welcome! Fancy seeing you this Friday, hey? We are here with the first bonus episode of Lear on the Line. Guys, I'm not going to lie. I'm starting to hate the name of this podcast. I'm starting to cringe at it. At first I was like, is it cringey, Leah on the Line? And now I'm actually thinking it is actually a bit cringe. Leah on the Line! Like it's so cringey, isn't it? But do you know what? I think I'm actually quite a cringey person. So to be honest, I'm just going to own it and love it because I do love it, deep down, do you know what I mean, love, hate, anyway, happy bonus episode day, you kept saying to me that one episode a week wasn't enough, first of all, they're not long enough, was the first problem I've heard, second problem was
Starting point is 00:00:57 that one a week just isn't enough for you, so do you know what, it's not enough for me either, I mean it is, I'm absolutely crawling behind in my schedule at the moment, but I'm going to make the bonus episodes work. I'm the kind of person that like, I will refuse to fail at anything in my entire life. Like I won't quit. I went to uni and I hated everything about uni from day one. I absolutely hated uni. I hated my first lecture I hated the the actual university I hated everything about it and I knew it weren't for me from day one but I knew I wouldn't quit so I knew brilliant got three years of this can't bloody wait and I didn't quit and now I've got a degree that's been really helpful and I've really used it and it's really gotten me places in life, you know?
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah, £50,000 in debt is where my degree's got me. Sorry to put all of you off that are at uni right now. Just, I just didn't need to do it because I did perform in arts. I should have gone to a drama school. I didn't understand back then when I was 18 and forced to make these decisions in life, you know? Why are you making me decide my future? I'm 18. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I was actually 17 when I had to make that choice. I was at college and my birthday's in August. I was always the youngest in my year. I didn't know what I was doing at 17. You want to choose my future at 17. Can we change that? That needs to not be a thing. Anyway, no regrets. You know what I mean? so the bonus episodes, how they're gonna work is,
Starting point is 00:02:26 they will work however we want them to work, there's no rules, no structure to them, they're just gonna be 20, 30 minutes of just whatever we want, they're gonna be a bit more personal, a bit more about me, because, you know, it's never, it's never enough, you know, it's always gonna be about me, I'm joking, but we can basically get personal, you can ask me anything, you can find out all my deepest, darkest secrets, we can, I don't know, we've got the freedom to do whatever we want on Fridays, so are you listening to this on a Friday, let me know on Instagram, I love to know what you're doing when you listen to my podcast, and if you listen to them on the day they come out, do you save them for like your gym day? Or like, do you save them for when you're
Starting point is 00:03:07 getting ready to go out somewhere? Are you getting ready to go out this weekend? You going out, girlies? Because I'm not. I actually, my plans this weekend, I will hiccup one sec. Sorry, I felt it coming up my chest. It's Jake's birthday on Monday, and he's going out with his friends on Saturday, they're all going to watch Arsenal, woohoo, Arsenal, I'm not going, but I do have a little surprise up my sleeve for him, so I will let you know what happens next week, because I can't really tell you just yet, in case he listens to this, or just, you know, you never know what might happen, so, yes, Jake's birthday this weekend slash Monday slash his birthday celebrations. But I, you know what, I will save the proper updates for Tuesday,
Starting point is 00:03:54 but let's just get into the bonus episode. So I decided that I wanted to do a my first time. So basically, I did a Instagram story, where you guys could send in all your questions about what was your first time doing this? What was your first time doing that? Or experiencing this? And you gave me some really good ideas. I think this was a YouTube video back in the day. But now it's a podcast bonus feature. I don't know. So let's just get straight into it, shall we? Also, let me know what other bonus episodes you kind of want to hear. I'm thinking maybe like a Q&A week, one week. Maybe one week I could just get a bit drunk and do like a sale or shot it. Although I can't really shot it because you're not going to be able to watch me shot. I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:41 it might still be a doable, fun experience because, you know, a drunk podcast is always fun. We could play Never Have I Ever. All I'm thinking is like, it's a Friday. Do you know what I mean it might still be a doable fun experience because you know a drunk podcast is always fun we could play never have I ever all I'm thinking is like it's a Friday do you know what I mean like you guys you will definitely be living more exciting lives than me most of you so you could be going out this weekend or if you're like me where you don't go out you could have like a night in with me and we'll just make out like we're having a night with the girls do I mean but really it's just me and you so let me know any ideas you've got for the bonus episodes, there's absolutely no boundaries, no rules, no structure, we can do whatever we want over here on Fridays, okay, so let's get straight into my first times, my first one is my first time clubbing, so I was not an underage gal,
Starting point is 00:05:22 like I wasn't one of those fake IDs like sneaking into Weatherspoons with a fake ID like I never took my sister's ID anywhere like I was quite scared of everything as a teenager and going out getting drunk was like scary to me I don't even know why like why was that scary it just was um so I never went out underage drinking. I think my first time, like, in a club was, oh, well, my first time in a club, I went to my little hometown club. Oh my God, it's fucking embarrassment. Like, it is, they're just the shittest nights. You spend the whole time in the smoking area just with everyone that you went to school with. And everyone's like, oh my God, are you going, are are you going are you going uni what uni oh it's amazing we'll have to stay in touch you like
Starting point is 00:06:10 and you don't but anyway my first time like with a memory of clubbing was actually at uni and I'm not gonna lie I something just came over me when I went to uni and I was just like this new gal and I was like do you know what I love the club and the club loves me and I was out three four nights a week I used to dress up to the nines I used to wear like dress and heels all the time dress and heels baby like bodycon dresses remember when that was like a thing like knee-length bodycon dresses and like a little strappy heel I mean it's still a thing now but like that was just like the look of like your clubbing um and there was these clubs where I went to uni and the music was all like um R&B and a little bit grimy and I just don't know who I thought I was I was just turning up in the
Starting point is 00:07:02 club every bloody week I think it's because I hated everything else about uni so like the only thing I really enjoyed was going out with people and I was like seeing this boy at the time who I was like obsessed with and I used to love getting dressed up and like getting all his attention so I think clubbing is actually a lot about like the single life could anybody else relate like I don't enjoy going out when I'm in a relationship because I don't want to be spoken to like I'm not going to make friends am I like I mean it might happen rarely in the toilet but they're mostly drunk and then even if you do exchange numbers you never actually text each other because you wake up and you you have no memory of putting them in your phone you just might go down your contact list one one year and be like who the fuck is Leah
Starting point is 00:07:42 do you know what I mean so when I'm in a relationship I just don't enjoy the club it's just not for me I just I'm like get your sweaty body away from me like these sweaty teenage boys like gross and like everyone just stinks and it stinks of like Jager bombs and fake tan and like I don't know it's just not for me like I'm not a judgmental person like if you love the club I love that for you and I hope you're having so much fun and I hope you're being safe first of all but it's just not it's not my vibe but yeah I don't have like a crazy experience first time clubbing but yeah I was an older older gal I wasn't wasn't young and fun I was young and fun. I was young and smart and afraid. Um, but yeah. Okay. Next one is first time getting your period. Um, so I put this as an example in my story just to help people understand like what
Starting point is 00:08:35 sort of things I meant when I say like, send me in my first time situations. And I said, EG, like my first period. And people were sending me DMs like, oh my God, I would love to hear your first period story. And they told me theirs. And there's this one girl who actually let me find it. Okay. So this girl sent me her, she was like, okay, this is my first period. She said, I was at a friend's house and went to the toilet to find blood in my underwear. I literally ran out of her house. I didn even say bye got on my bike which we stuck cards to to make it sound like a motorbike I never did that that sounds fun though rode all the way home and asked my mum if I could talk to her she sat me on her lap when I read that I thought oh god like you've got blood in your knickers and you just sat on your mum's lap do you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:09:18 anyway then you said because I was hysterical thinking I was dying told her what happened and then she explained funny thing is she was planning on telling me all about periods that evening. If only she'd done it sooner because I was genuinely terrified. After this, I was waddling around like a little duck wearing my first sanitary towel. So cute. Like, just the thought of like a young little girl, like, what the fuck? And like, what is this fucking pad in my pants? But there were so many so many like I've heard so many stories of girls saying oh my god I literally thought I was dying I didn't know what was going on but when I got my period first of all I was quite old I was 15 like I was one of the last
Starting point is 00:09:57 out of my friends if not the last I think um so I knew all about periods and i have two older sisters which means i knew all about the female body and being what it meant to be a woman and like i had those examples around me thank god but i cannot imagine going for a wee and there being loads of blood and you actually not understanding what that is that must be really scary like that much that must actually be so terrifying um bless you like jumped on your bike like left your friend's house that is so sweet um my first story was I went for a wee and I was like oh there she is mother nature finally she's picked me because all my friends had it and i just was like you guys got your periods yet because i haven't and i was in year 10 like what the hell
Starting point is 00:10:52 never had it until then and then i shouted my sister and i was like jode come here and she came looked and i showed her we're very close i showed her I was like look at that she's like Leah's got a period mom Leah's got a period I was like yeah hey you heard that bitch right I have my period and my mom was like oh you best put a pad in then and I didn't wear a tampon until years later but now they are just a game changer god pads just make me feel so uncomfortable like cutting my thighs and shit so yeah that was my first period story um nothing crazy all right next one is first time you blacked out drunk now this is quite funny because it wasn't even that long ago it was actually last year or it might have been the year before but it was last year let's say last year me Jake and our friends went to a bar and I was
Starting point is 00:11:50 all right like I thought I was handed and myself thought I was fine and um I was just drinking like drinking my cocktail I was like taking my time and then I think we did a few shots and whatever and then all of a sudden we actually know what happened was we got in a car with one of our friend's brother who drove us and he drove a bit sickly put it that way and I literally something snapped in my body where I was like, hold the fucking fridge. Like, I am not okay. And that was the last sort of memory I have. I remember, like, my head hanging down in the car and Rosie, who we were with, Miss Rosie, she's so much fun. She was like, Leo, what happened to you?
Starting point is 00:12:43 And she was laughing at me like what has happened to you like why is your head hanging because I was fine in the bar and it wasn't till this journey just knocked me dead and she was laughing at me like why is your head hanging upside down and then we got into Jake's mum's house she was obviously fast asleep because we've been hitting the town and Jake knew I was going to go straight to the bathroom to be sick and I did and then in the morning because I blacked out by the way I this is the first time in my life I've blacked out now I thought blacked out was just a saying of like oh she got so drunk do you know what I mean I fucking blacked out so drunk I fucking blacked out no you actually lose your memory there are cells of your brain that are no longer there in the
Starting point is 00:13:29 morning. Like you have caused brain damage. You blacked out. You were not Leah. You were unconscious, right? And Jake was like, the next morning I was like, oh, what a night, hey? And then Jake was like, yeah, you're right. And I was like, yeah, babe, you? And he was like, oh, what a night, hey? And then Jake was like, yeah, you all right? And I was like, yeah, babe, you? And he was like, do you have no memory of what happened? I was like, oh, fuck, well, what have I done? And he was like, you threw up in the bath, all over the bathtub, all over the toilet, in the sink. And then apparently I left it all there,
Starting point is 00:14:04 just left it all, vomit all round, his, oh god, trigger warning to, um, emetophobics, one of my besties cannot even stand the topic of vomit so I'm really sorry, you might want to skip about three to four minutes of this part, to four minutes of this part um yeah so then okay we're safe yeah so then Jake was like you threw up everywhere and you left it and he was like I went into the toilet like a bit after you and luckily he went in and not his poor mum who would have probably had the biggest fright of her life just the her bathroom covered in vomit she probably I don't even know if she knows this story but she does now I mean it's fine because Jake cleaned it up bless him it's just not like me at all like I'm not someone that
Starting point is 00:14:55 leaves sick anywhere bearing in mind actually it must have been quite a while ago it must have been year before last because me and Jake hadn't been together that long like we've been together a few months I didn't know Jake's mum that well so yeah I threw up all over his bathroom and then he said that I got into bed and he was already in bed and he he lays on the side I basically I sleep on the side closest to the wall so I have to climb over him to get out and he has like the super duper king beds and he said I just like crawled across the bed and he was like oh my fucking god she's gonna be sick I don't know how I had enough vomit left in my body and then he opens this carrier bag and I just apparently threw up in the carrier bag and yeah and then I went back to sleep and woke up feeling fresh as a fucking daisy so that is my first and last time blacking out touch wood I
Starting point is 00:15:52 never want to experience that level of drunk again but um yeah I mean it was funny I suppose okay next one is your first physical fight now I touch wood have never got into a physical fight they are honestly one of my biggest fears I am petrified of being like beaten up on a night out or something like that but me and my siblings were quite the fighters we got a bit physical back in the day when we were angry it was like it was like world war three in my house bearing in mind we were pretty similar in age three of us so I have a twin brother and a sister who's like two two and a half years older than me and then another sister who's eight years older so she was probably not involved I don't really ever remember having a physical fight with her. But yeah, it was pretty intense. So I was apparently the psycho child who everybody was afraid of because when I would switch,
Starting point is 00:16:51 I would just switch. And I would genuinely grab my brother by the throat, look him in the eyes and be like, your life ends now. Like it was, I had something wrong with me as a child. Like I was the sweetest girl. Like I was so good. I was never naughty. Like I always wanted to be with my mum. I never wanted to go to the school disco because I was so shy. I was too shy to go to dance classes. I was such an introvert. But when I was angry, it was like something took over my body and I could go to prison for murder like it was I'm surprised I actually never ended anybody's life in my house back in the day but my sister was kind of the same but she like she once smacked me around the head with a scooter that was painful I still remember that pain and it was in front of that girl that I told you about,
Starting point is 00:17:45 Molly, last week. Do you remember Molly? That's not her real name. So that was humiliating. But yeah, never been in a physical fight with anyone apart from my siblings, but we don't fight each other anymore, luckily. Okay, somebody said, your first time ever smoking a cigarette. So I actually have a funny story. my sister was a very crazy off the rails teenager like she was like drinking and smoking young like she was one of those and I was the opposite and I caught her smoking a cigarette out of the window in our bedroom and I came in I was like I'm telling mom you're smoking that is so naughty you're you're gonna be in so much trouble and she was like no no come here come here come here makes me smoke the cigarette
Starting point is 00:18:32 like literally it's like you smoke it and for some reason I was like okay like I knew it was wrong obviously because I was like I'm gonna tell mum and then she tells me to do it then I'm like okay like why did I just like what is with me and peer pressure so then I did and then she tells me to do it then I'm like okay like why did I just like what is with me and peer pressure so then I did and then she was like haha you can't tell mum now because you smoked it as well and I was like what on actual fuck did just happen like what what on earth so that was my first time smoking a cigarette it was black blackmail. I don't even, well, that's not really blackmail. It was just being stupid. So interesting. Like what, what an interesting girl for me to be like, I'm telling mum, you do it. Okay. Like what? Am I right? So yeah, that happened. Next one is your first time meeting Jake's mum. So me and Jake used to go to a bar near his and we used to love it and we always get
Starting point is 00:19:26 bottles of wine and we used to do about two sometimes three bottles of wine if we was feeling crazy sometimes a couple of cocktails and we used to just get really drunk together and then just go home and it was the first time I'd met his mum and we got pretty drunk not like blackout smash but I was a bit drunk and we went home to Jake's and I was actually really really excited to meet his mum because he said to me like he was like she will love you like she is the nicest woman ever and like he was not wrong so I was really excited to meet her and I was just drunk so I was like fuck sake like what have I done like I'm gonna be such an idiot and then we got back to his and we got kebab
Starting point is 00:20:05 like what the actual it's so weird like I would never really eat I would still eat a dirty greasy dripping with fat kebab but anyway we're like drunk sat on his mum's sofa and I'm spilling my kebab all down my white jumper and she's going to me you've got kebab on your jumper I was like brilliant of course I have so that was my first time meeting her but we had a real laugh from day one really she washed the uh the grease out my jumper for me don't mums just know how to get all stains out like why is that I'm not gonna have that knowledge when I have children like if they're like mum how do I get rid of the stain I'll be like um you put it in the bin and buy a new one and that's just wrong it's not good for the environment either so I have to just probably learn or we'll go let's
Starting point is 00:20:55 take it around let's take it around um grandma Michelle's yeah she'll get it out so that was my first time meeting Jake's mom I was drunk and spilling kebab down myself but nonetheless had a brilliant day and was really happy to meet her all right next one is your first pregnancy scare so I get pregnancy scares quite a lot because I think I might have mentioned it before I'm on the mini pill which stops your periods altogether and yeah so every month I'm like is my pill working or am I pregnant like what is so I have a whole drawer of pregnancy tests I actually really recommend this I think it's a very smart thing to do because it's like one of my biggest fears I told you about the girl that I went to uni with who found out she was eight months pregnant.
Starting point is 00:21:47 It's one of my biggest fears just one day being like, oh, I'm four months pregnant. Because I would never know because I don't get periods. I mean, I'm not supposed to get periods, but I've been getting periods this month. It's so annoying. I've had two this month. Anyway, yeah, so I don't really get them very often. So sometimes I can go eight months with no period and like how do I know I'm not eight months pregnant if I'm not doing tests so I do them
Starting point is 00:22:10 often and I really recommend if you have periods that aren't frequent or if you don't get periods because you're on the same pill as me or for whatever reason or even if you are on the pill because these periods aren't real periods by the way they're fake periods if you didn't know that so yeah honestly girls have a draw full of pregnancy tests it gives you peace of mind if you're feeling different to normal if you have change in your breasts which is also really important to monitor you know it's good to have these pregnancy tests in the drawer so you can just rule it out all the time all right let's be safe girlies yeah all right let's finish with your first audition so my first professional audition after uni was for a casting company who are pretty profound is that the right word profound
Starting point is 00:22:56 they i don't even i'm so dumb anyway i mean like they they were well known and successful. And it's for a brand new musical. And I went and I'd never been to an audition before. I'd never understood because I didn't go to drama school. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know what they expected from me. And I just remember seeing this girl there who looked amazing. She looked so confident and she was like hi and I instantly was really intimidated by her and I was like hello and she's
Starting point is 00:23:33 like where did you train like what where did you go like obviously talking about drama school and I was instantly like I don't belong here but I was just like oh um I I didn't I actually didn't go to drama school she's like oh I was like yeah this ain't for me this is not for me um but anyway I obviously walked into the it was in a theater the audition which I've never experienced since so very bizarre um walked into the theater onto the stage and was hi, and they were like, hi, Leah, what are you gonna sing, and I was like, oh, I've bought, like, this, and this, and this, because they said to bring, like, a book full of choices, so I did, and they said, oh, can we hear, and they asked for an Ariana Grande song, and I was thinking, what the fuck, because it said,
Starting point is 00:24:21 bring, like, a backup song from just just a pop song Popeyes and I was like okay Ariana Grande can't go wrong anyway like just messed it up completely was so embarrassed and then they asked for another song which I'd put in my book because I played that role I'd basically it was Vanessa's solo from In The Heights to any of musical people that that makes sense to and I'd played Vanessa and In the Heights before so I knew the song inside and out messed it up completely sounded absolutely horrendous and then they were like oh okay thank you Leah thank you it was it was a horrendous experience and then I said okay thank you and they said thank you Leah and she went you're very pretty though I was like right can't sing then brilliant so then I leave and as I'm walking off the stage she goes
Starting point is 00:25:08 god she was very nervous and I was like I never want to experience this again that one girl was like where did you train oh you didn't oh interesting and then I go on the stage and then she's like well at least you're pretty and then she's like god how bloody nervous was she hey um and also my agent who represented me at the time who I'm no longer with absolutely petrified me and I was so scared to tell her how it went so yeah that was my first audition experience great, but don't let it put you off. If anyone is an aspiring musical theatre, actress, dancer, singer, whatever, just don't let the bad experiences put you off. You learn the most from your worst auditions and that is a fact. Every time I go
Starting point is 00:25:56 to an audition, my mum goes to me, what did we learn this week then, Leah? And we have to come out of something every time and we always do. So don don't worry don't let these things get to you all right then how was the bonus episode was it nice i mean it was nice and short i guess but i enjoyed it let's um let's get chatting on instagram give me some more ideas what we can do get a bit more personal anything you want really i guess these are just a bit more chilled a bit more laid back it's not about the dilemmas. It doesn't have to be serious chat. It can just be whatever you want, really. Any sort of YouTube video trends that we can bring into a podcast series, not series, episode. Anyway, love chatting with you on this Friday or whenever you're listening to this. I hope you have the best weekend. If you are listening to this before the weekend weekend if you listen to it in the week have the best day have a relaxing bath if you're in the bath keep keep it up at the gym if you're at the
Starting point is 00:26:50 gym enjoy your walk look around look up take a deep breath be present if you're having a walk right now if you're on a nice long drive be safe don't be so distracted by me, you know? Be safe on these roads. All right, guys. Love you so much. See you on Tuesday for the next episode and next Friday for the next bonus episode. I have no idea what it's going to be yet, but let's do it. Also, the weekly debate on Tuesday, I'll tell you now,
Starting point is 00:27:18 is how do we feel about our man going to a strip club? Now, I've had a read through of the responses and can i just say what the actual fuck okay some of us are not on the same fucking page okay but we'll we'll get into that on tuesday so stay tuned for that remember to turn on the notification bell if you're on spotify i don't know how the other platforms work to be honest uh remember to hit follow or subscribe remember to leave a five star review five star only um share it with all your friends and yeah make sure you're following and subscribing if you're listening every week make sure you're following and subscribing it really really helps and makes a big difference to how successful this podcast
Starting point is 00:28:01 is going to be and we want to be successful don't we girls i hope you actually replied then out loud all right i will see you on tuesday for the next episode of lear on the line see you love you so much

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