Leah on the Line - Bonus 10: He's a 10 but...

Episode Date: July 9, 2022

Hey honeys! I hope you guys loved this episode, thank you so much for sending them in I swear we all have the same sense of humour it's the best. ;) Thank you so much for all you love and support ever...y single day, you are my LIFE! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's getting closer to midnight. I try to get closer to you. Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Leo and the Line. How are you? Happy Sunday. How was your Friday night? How was your Saturday night? What did you get up to? Did you go out? How unbelievable is this weather by the way? I'm currently sat in a bikini on my bed. It was my nephew's fifth birthday party today um and basically it was an excuse for everyone to get together have a couple of drinks i mean we love we love him and we celebrate him but at the same time it is always just a great excuse every summer to get the family together um we have like a kids
Starting point is 00:01:20 thing in the daytime like we had the swimming pools out we had like water fights we did have a slip and slide but we didn't actually get it out um like just food and kids stuff and then as soon as it hits the evening it's like right fuck off to bed adult party time all right um so i thought i'd quickly record this before we get to that because i don't really want to be recording a drunk podcast you know what i mean so i oh by the way sorry hope you're okay love you so much thanks so much for all the love recently I mean I say this all the time because you're just constantly giving me love because you're the best ones ever but do you guys remember when I was like oh I just posted an Instagram picture like I didn't really post on Instagram I just posted
Starting point is 00:01:58 one like beautiful orange dress from an incredible wedding I went to and I was like go and like show it some love you guys blew that up that pic and can I just say you're literally unreal not that that shit matters but it just makes me feel good you know I can't I can't even deny it I can't even deny it Instagram my validation comes from Instagram no it doesn't it doesn't it literally doesn't it literally doesn't do you guys hide your Instagram likes because I'm curious of how many of you guys do that and like what your reason is behind it should I be hiding my Instagram likes I'm not sure to be honest I don't get upset by Instagram likes I'm not gonna lie I actually used to like I remember if my Instagram likes were were lower than normal I'd be like I am ugly like I am worth nothing like it
Starting point is 00:02:41 would literally really get to me and then I just stopped posting on Instagram pretty much for like a year, like I posted maybe like, I don't know, eight photos in the space of a year, and now I just post them because I want to be active with, for you guys, because I love communicating with you all, and letting you guys know what I'm up to, I also love every time I post a picture, if you've commented or liked, not liked, but if you've commented on my photos before, then you may or may not be one of these people. But I love like clicking on all the people
Starting point is 00:03:13 that comment on my pictures and just like stalking you all and liking all your stuff and commenting on all your stuff. It's just like, I don't know, makes me feel closer to you. So anyway, what the hell is this conversation about? I have a really fun episode today. This was not my idea um but somebody gave it to me I can't actually say who I don't have a boyfriend or anything don't worry but um I am really excited it is the you know you guys have seen the TikTok trend where
Starting point is 00:03:36 it's like he's a 10 but blah blah right if you haven't it's essentially ics but you rate them so like for example he's a 10 but you guys know i i don't like boys that drink milk if you listen to my x episode you understand that i think that's strange behavior so for example be like he's a 10 but he drinks pints of milk i'll be like four do you know what i mean so that is essentially the rules of the game so i'm going to read a load out that you guys have sent in and oh my god i was actually pissing myself reading them out so we're going to do it together obviously i can't hear your reply but you can re-rate them in your head have a little laugh have a little giggle have a little chuckle to yourselves you know what i mean and yeah do you know what no more fucking around Let's just get into it.
Starting point is 00:04:29 First one is actually one of my favourites. I think this is disgusting behaviour. He's a 10, but he gets a prawn mayo sandwich in his meal deal. Yeah, did you hear me? Prawn mayo. I really struggle to say the word prawn. Prawn. I think it says I had lip filler. Prawn. I can't say P as well, especially a PR, prawn, prawn. Anyway, he's a 10, but he gets a prawn mayo sandwich in his meal deal. It's not criminal, but it's not ideal. I'm going to give that one a seven. I'm not going to lie. You lose three points, which is actually quite a lot considering it's just a sandwich. I might even go down to six, depending on how, depending on my mood. But yeah, let's go six on that one. Love it. He's a 10, but he's into Marvel. Now, I know I'm going to trigger a lot of you here, because I know so many people love
Starting point is 00:05:16 Marvel, and I'm sure so many of your boyfriends love Marvel. But for me, I can't lie. If he's a 10 and he's into Marvel, you're a seven. I can't lie. I literally can't lie if he's a 10 and he's into Marvel you're a 7 I can't lie I literally can't lie is that brutal I really that's my honest opinion he's a 6 but extra polite to restaurant staff and leaves a good tip I mean I'm not gonna lie 6 like you're still a 6 to me as you fucking should be polite and you know I'm not that bothered about a good tip but let's always leave a little tip do you know what i mean instead of six for me hum he's a 10 but he's a cat person oh i'm gonna go six i can't lie that's brutal in it but i'm not a cat girl i really ain't they're just fucking weird they get one minute they're clawing your fucking eyes out next minute they're getting all sexy with you and they thought no if you're a cat boy i think there's
Starting point is 00:06:04 something there's something going on up there it's not normal is it who's a cat person over a dog person raise your hand we ain't the same we're not the same people i think you're either a cat person or a dog person and the people that say they're both i just don't know who you are like why you sat on the fence with this one i just don't i don't understand you you types of. He's a 10, but he has fucked up feet and long ass toenails. I don't really, I don't know what to picture when you say fucked up feet. I mean, I can't lie. My toes aren't ideal. I will be honest. I've probably got some ugly toes. I really can't lie. My toes, if you could get a toe job, that sounds like a sexual thing doesn't it
Starting point is 00:06:45 it is a thing a foot job has anyone ever given a foot job be honest i have have you just admit it just admit it why are you lying you have um anyway fucked up toes i'm i'm okay with that one but long ass toenails he's a 10 um i'm gonna go five with that one um yeah he's a 10 but he lets his mom clean his room five grow up grow up honestly he's a 10 but likes to call you mommy in the bedroom no zero zero zero zero that is a sackable offense for me that is a deal breaker for sure he's a three but he's good with kids. I mean, still a three, you should be good with kids for me, personally. Like, yeah, still a three, babe. I can't lie. He's a ten but has no common interests. Two. Like, ugh. I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:43 depends what I'm after. Do you know what I mean, um, he's an eight, but all his insta posts are selfies of the same pose, three, no, honestly, it's a no from me, that's a straight three, what about you guys, honestly, he's a ten, but his mum acts like she wants to be his girlfriend, oh my god, these are the mums I was talking about in the last episode or the episode before i can't remember when it was um uh five like it's not his fault but i'm just not trying to get involved with that shit he's an eight but only eats from the children's menu zero what the fuck are you doing do you like what is going on there you're not you're a grown man no he's a two but he smells incredible too again you just should smell good i don't know you're still a two and if if you're a two i don't care how you fucking smell i can't lie is that
Starting point is 00:08:32 horrible is that horrible or do you agree is that horrible or do you or do you all think that as well you know i mean he's a five but he has a cute dog who loves the shit out of you i mean still a five dogs love me no they actually don't considering i love dogs they don't love me as much but i think it's because i'm so over the top especially with kids as well i'll be like hello hi and they're just like oh my god especially because dogs hear like 10 times louder and higher than people so imagine me imagine me to a dog absolute headache mate he's a five but dad's a 10 10. He's a five, but his dad's a ten. Ten.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Honestly. He's a ten, but he hasn't got his driving license. Oh, see, I'm such a hypocrite because I've never had a driving lesson in my life. Fuck off judging me, all of you. Listen, I can hear you judging me. It's pathetic, I know. I'm 25 years of age, almost. And I've never had a driving lesson.
Starting point is 00:09:19 But listen, life just hasn't gone that way for me. But it will. I one million percent will be a driver one day, okay? Just watch me. But this is what i'm by being a hypocrite even though i can't drive i'm not interested in a guy that can't and i think that's just because i can't so how are we going to do anything how are we going to get anywhere i just want to be passenger seat princess listen and if he can't drive what we doing walking everywhere getting cabs and that it's not ideal um five that's horrible ow i just did you hear that i hit myself on the stomach with my phone
Starting point is 00:09:52 he's a 10b irons his socks i think that's nice listen i don't iron my socks i barely iron any of my clothing but if he irons his socks i just think he's a bit of a neat freak and i could do with one of those to be honest um so 10 he's a 10 but he's got his ex-girlfriend's name tattooed across his arm oh zero zero across his arm as well like not even just like a little wrist one or like a little accidental got carried away when i was 18 thought it was the love of my life across his arm yeah no zero um he's a 10 but says mummy instead of mom zero zero zero zero honestly strange behavior strange strange strange don't tell me your boyfriend's do that please message me if your boyfriend calls his mum mummy because i'd actually love to know
Starting point is 00:10:37 he's a 10 but he shaves his legs okay listen i'm not against it. I don't like a hairy, hairy man. I love a smooth, shaven, clean, soft, buttery man. Buttery, oily man. Buttery, oily, muscly body. Like, listen, I'd rather you didn't shave your legs, but if you do, I'm not holding it against you. So, 10. You're all going to think I'm fucking weird, aren't you? But listen, I am who I am. I am who I am. You're all going to think I'm fucking weird, aren't you? But listen, I am who I am. I am who I am. You've embarrassed me.
Starting point is 00:11:08 You've mugged me off. I pretty much cried in front of you and you didn't even say, are you okay? Walk away then. Walk away because you don't want people to think that you're a bad person. I'm getting carried away with my impressions again. He's an eight but calls his mum and dad daddy and mummy. Okay, mummy is one thing, but daddy? Daddy? You get minus points for that. Imagine a grown man
Starting point is 00:11:27 being like, all right, daddy? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Minus 100 for that one. He's a 10, but he collapsed on the plane land. Okay, if he's doing it to be funny, nine. If he's doing it to be deadly serious, zero. He's a 10 10 but eats cereal with a teaspoon see i'm weird because i do find that an ick as we all know but at the same time i find things like that when boys do certain things like that i just find them fucking weird and then i kind of like it about them i'm such a hypocrite um i'm gonna go seven he's a 10 but he never lets you finish in the bedroom minus a thousand minus a million no it's not sustainable he's an eight but he never lets you finish in the bedroom minus a thousand minus a million no it's not sustainable he's an eight but he wears underpants with holes in them oh you know when
Starting point is 00:12:11 they're like ripped at the at the waistband oh my god um he's an eight okay but he's got holes in his boxes um listen it's not the end of the world i'm gonna go five he's a 10 but his mum makes his bed every morning fuck off zero he's a 10 but he smacks his hands on his thighs and says right then when he leaves okay so i'm not against it because you know when you're in a situation you're like oh fuck sake i'm over this now like i really would like to leave sometimes when you hear those words i remember as a kid when you'd just be dying to go home and then you hear your mum or your dad go, right then, you think, yes, we're leaving. Yes, knew I could do it. Get me out of this shit hole. That's literally what I think.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So I'm going 10. You take the reins. Get me out of there, hon. He's a 10, but his mum still washes his bedsheets. Yeah, still again, zero. He's an 8, but he takes his own carry bag to the supermarket. 10. 10. It's sexy. It's mature. own carry bag to the supermarket ten ten it's sexy
Starting point is 00:13:05 it's mature it's good for the planet ten a million um he's a three but he says be ready at eight i'm taking you out oh but he's a three see i'm three i'm still going three i expect this behavior i expect the behavior from you i can't lie um he's a seven but has a mullet or how many of you find mullets attractive be honest because i've never ever ever ever ever ever in my life looked at some of the mullet and been like flames hot spicy fire sexy man no he's a seven but has a mullet three can't lie listen i'm being honest i'm being honest and he's probably only three because his face is a seven so three get rid of the mallet and we're back up to a seven honestly he's an 11 but does a baby voice all the time okay i've experienced this and i didn't realize how much
Starting point is 00:13:59 it bothered me until i met somebody that didn't do that so I don't mind the odd baby voice um I can't lie I think most guys will put it out every now and then fuck off lying fuck off all the boyfriends listening in the background going oh I don't I don't yeah you do yes you do yeah you do and you won't admit it but you do um but all the time like I said i have experienced this and you just you feel like you're in a teenage relationship after a while so i'm gonna go five he's a seven but follows no girls on insta i mean it's nice but also i'm gonna go eight like it's not it's not major but it it's a bit nicer you know so eight what do you guys think of that one um but do those boys exist i'm not sure he's a 10 but he rubs fake tan all over his body weekly oh see i'm not i'm not opposed to a man that likes a sunbed even
Starting point is 00:14:58 though they're bad for you or a man that likes to fake tan because i take pride in my appearance and i have absolutely no problem with the guy. And we've taken pride in his appearance as well. So I'm going to go 10 as well babe. As long as you're not orange. As long as it's like a nice colour tan. And it's not too dark. I'm going to still give you a 10.
Starting point is 00:15:15 You deserve to feel bronze like me. Just because you're a boy. You can still wear fake tan. Don't worry about it. He's an 8. But his back hair creeps up over his... Oh, his back hair creeps up over his T-shirt collar line. Ew, hashtag sweaty jungle.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Ew, yeah, one. Honestly, that's not... Like I said, I don't like a hairy man. But I know so many girls that actually do like a hairy man. But for me, like, hairy bumholes and hairy balls i hate it just get the fucking v out get the hair removal cream give it a shave or something but back hair creeping up your collar no that's a one for me he's a 10 but he wears speedos 10 i don't really care oh no actually i do nine um he's a 10 but he's oh again fake tan i don't mind that one oh she
Starting point is 00:16:07 says hashtag tiger bread that has definitely given me the ick imagine a boy with tiger bread skin obviously we all get tiger bread skin have you seen those tiktoks where it's like my toxic trait is thinking that this looks better than my natural skin color and it's like the proper tiger bread crusty fake tan and like that is me like I will go out the house with crusty dusty tan, but I will not go out the house with my pale ass fucking skin, and that is a problem, um, but yeah, now that you mentioned the tiger bread, he's going from a 10 to a 7, I can't lie, he's a 9, but has a YOLO tattoo, oh, if it was a joke, no, childish, 4, he's a 10, but he has road rage at literally nothing then is a pussy when people shout back every fucking guy under the sun okay not true some guys will just literally bollock
Starting point is 00:16:52 somebody and then actually stand by it but i'm gonna go seven he's a 10 but moans his own name during sex okay no you haven't witnessed that that's not a thing imagine having sex and being like leah leah no that's not real i actually refuse to believe that's real if that's real minus a million honestly please tell me the story if that's ever happened to you he's a 10 but he's best mates with your mom 10 love it he's a 10 but he texts he he okay so i saw a tiktok the other day of a guy being like so i've just found out that when i text my girlfriend saying just had uh fried chicken he he i mean like just had some fried chicken and she reads it as like just has some fried chicken and i i don't know if i read it like he i hee I think I just more really it's like hee hee hee how do you
Starting point is 00:17:45 guys read it um but yeah ick for sure seven he's a nine but he's in the back of his mate's insta story posing for a pic when it's a vid ew I mean it's happened to this happened to us all hasn't it happens to the best of us um you lose a point eight you lose one point he's a 10 but he used to pay for tinder gold fuck no that's disgusting three i mean yeah no because it gives me player vibes because you're that keen to like get chatting to girls on tinder like i don't mind if you're on tinder and you're taking it quite like just chilling like just chatting just swiping but if you're like on fucking gold being like who's fucking liking me then like no that honestly gives me the x03 he's a 10 but uses a manual toothbrush i use a manual toothbrush oh i use a manual toothbrush is that do i give you all the ick i didn't know that was
Starting point is 00:18:43 a thing i used to have an electric toothbrush but i just it just was always fucking out battery always um so i ended up going back to a manual fuck off judging me you bitches yeah with your electric toothbrushes sorry over here with my manual are they really bad for your teeth manual toothbrushes to be fair since moving back to a manual toothbrush i have been moaning about my teeth not being very white so maybe i should go back to an electric okay anyway um he's a 10 but using a manual toothbrush i still give you a 10 babe we can be those fucking losers using manual toothbrushes together he's a 10 but oh again it was about his mom he's an
Starting point is 00:19:26 eight but his label was sticking out of his boxes i'm okay with that i'm okay that i'll just poke it back in and maybe poke him up the bum hole while i'm at it is it just me or is it so like if your boyfriend or a guy you're seeing has just bent over you you're instantly poking them up the bum hole is that just me? select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over don't wait our back to school offers are only available for a limited time go to fido.ca or a final store near you and save all semester long fido at your side because i swear boys never do that to girls like i don't think i've ever just bent over and like genuinely say you drop something on the floor bent bent over to pick it up and my boyfriend or
Starting point is 00:20:27 whatever's just come poking me at the bum hole I don't think that's ever happened to me but if my boyfriend or whoever is bent over in front of me I'm poking you at the bum hole I am and it's like something comes over my body I honestly can't there's no way i'm i'm not doing it but the thing is you boys they just find it funny don't they they're just always like fuck off i can get a fucking bum all the time i'm like sorry but only do that to your boyfriend okay guys don't just go poking boys at the bum hole um he's a nine but a literal textbook narcissist 10 absolutely 10 that is my type on paper um he's a 10, but he listens to alpha male podcasts, okay, I don't know what you mean by this, so I'm actually going to
Starting point is 00:21:10 skip that, because I don't really understand, what's an alpha male podcast, I know what alpha male is, but like, I can't think of an alpha male podcast, like, is that a thing where they teach men to be alpha males, because if so, three, because just be yourself, if you're not alpha male, I don't need to be an alpha male, babe, I love you the way you are, yourself if you're not alpha male i don't need to be an alpha male babe i love you the way you are but if you're like listening to a podcast being like how do i be alpha how do i be an alpha male no no it's a three um he's a four but knows every hannah montana song word for word i feel like you want me to be like 10 love hannah montana and i do i do love hannah montana but i don't need my boyfriend or hannah my boyfriend so yeah you said a four babe um he's a four but is never spontaneous
Starting point is 00:21:50 sorry oh sorry sorry i just read the wrong number he's a 10 but is never spontaneous or romantic to never ever ever settle for that shit okay we need a little bit of romance a little bit of spontaneity in our lives all right um he's a 10, but he doesn't want to watch Mamma Mia. Okay, listen, you guys are going to really hate me, but as a musical theatre girl, I am actually quite embarrassed to admit I've never seen Mamma Mia. Yeah, I know, I know. Relax, relax. I've never seen it. I like ABBA, okay? I like it. I like ABBA music, but I've never seen Mamma Mia. So 10. Nine, but he does happy birthday messages to his friends on Instagram stories. I think nine. I love that. I love seeing your friendships with your friends. Um, he's a 10, but he's on Instagram for his car
Starting point is 00:22:38 and gives it she, her pronouns. Honestly, how much time do you have on your hands that you have an Instagram account for your car the only reason i'm going to give it this low of a number is because i don't understand anything about cars i'm not interested in cars i don't care what car you have so i'm going to actually give you a zero you go from a 10 to a zero if you do that for me but that's because i don't give a shit about cars honestly i'd rather you just didn, didn't put your time into that. And that's just me. I guess we're just incompatible. Hey, um, he's an eight, but he can't swim. I mean, it's usually not their fault. So I'm just going to go seven. We can teach you. I mean, I am the worst swimmer known to man. Do you know, I can't do, um, front crawl. No. What's the one, what's the one where you put your
Starting point is 00:23:23 arms over one at a time? It's that front crawl. Cause I can only do the one where you put your arms over one at a time? Is that front crawl? Because I can only do the one where both hands go forward and out, like breaststroke. Is that called breaststroke? And I can't do the one where they come over like a swimmer. I can't do that. And I'm 25 years of age almost, and I can't do that. So I guess we'll both just drown together so said um sorry if you're driving i just probably made you almost crash your car i hope you're i hope you're all okay um he's a nine but he's got pushed back corners what does that mean what does that mean everybody pushed back corners what does that mean is that a hair thing push back, is it, is it a hairline thing? Oh yeah, it is. Um, um, yeah, I don't know. I don't know how about that. I think, I think that just means like
Starting point is 00:24:15 receding hairline, right? Listen, it's not their fault if that is the case. If that is the case, I'm okay with it. Um, I don't know. I don't know. You're still a nine. Sorry, it's not your fault. If it is a hairline thing, I'm not really understanding the question, but if it is a hairline thing, you're still a nine. That's not your fault. I love you. He's a 10, but leaves his toe clippings on the bathroom floor. I'm okay with it. I'm not going to lie. I'm disgusting. Seven. He's an eight eight but he has football team pajamas okay weird no is that not weird pajamas first of all i don't think i've ever met a guy that owns a pair of pajamas let alone a football team one um five he's a 10 but he believes he's so
Starting point is 00:24:59 switched on and different to everyone else i mean that's what she made i literally i'm like i'm not like other girls no i'm not i'm not that girl i'm not like oh you know i'm not you guys know me i'm not like um five like just get out of here do you know what i mean um he's an ape that puts pineapple on pizza 10 listen what's your problem with pineapple on pizza it's fine it's normal i think the only thing that's so horrible about it is it gets fucking hot like lava explodes and burns your mouth but i'm okay with pineapple on pizza what What's your favorite pizza? Mine's like the super, super, super thin, like Italian crispy base. We're not talking Domino's, okay? Domino's is dog shit. Fucking come for me, okay? I think Domino's is shit. I'm not a big fan of it. I can't lie.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'm not really a pizza girl, but if I'm going to pizza it's gonna be like an italian stone baked pizza with cheese obviously tomato cheese duh and then just like pepperoni or salami and black olives that's me and i'm happy and some chilies and i'm a happy girl um he's a nine but he wears white skinny jeans oh my god literally a two is that shallow like imagine being nine out of ten good looking like that is a very very attractive guy no i'm not gonna give you a two is that shallow like imagine being nine out of ten good looking like that is a very very attractive guy no i'm not going to give you a two i'm going to give you a five because it's something we can work on together if it's something you're not willing to change it's going to have to be a two because i'm i'm literally that turned off by white skinny
Starting point is 00:26:16 jeans and i'm not afraid to admit it guys i'm really not um he's a 10, but he puts hashtags on his Insta posts. Hashtag like for like. Imagine a guy putting hashtag like for like. Oh, hashtag like for like. Hashtag follow back. Oh, what did you say he is? He's a 10. Oh, imagine being a 10 out of 10 and letting yourself down by doing that. Oh, I still give you an eight because if you're a 10 i'll just be like babe maybe stop with the hashtags i mean do you know what i mean maybe maybe let's leave the hashtags in 2010 shall we um he's a 10 but he picks you up on an electric scooter no no no i would honestly pass away i'm not getting on that i'm not getting the back of that hun i ain't getting on the back of that scooter darren no way you're gonna have to scoot on without me because i'm not getting on that um two it's the end it's the end
Starting point is 00:27:17 of our relationship if you're picking me up on a scooter no um he's a 10 but his mum runs him baths um he's a 10 but his mum runs him baths oh my actual god are you guys all right no three i mean it's kind of sweet looking after your son maybe the footballer maybe his muscles really hurt and if he's a footballer then i don't know do, but, yeah, run your own bath, babe, we, we all know how we feel about men in baths as it is, if your mum's running it, it's only getting worse for you at this point, we're on dangerous territory already having a bath, yeah, three, he's a ten, but only eats food if it's aeroplane into his mouth minus a million that is strange don't tell me you know somebody that does that um oh god here we go he's a 10 but he orders milk when you go out to a restaurant zero i will not be seen in public with a man i'm sat with a glass of wine or a
Starting point is 00:28:21 cocktail or a gin and tonic or a coke zero and you're sat there with a glass of milk absolutely positively not minus a million um he's a five but he rubs your feet five do you know what i mean you should be rubbing my feet you don't get more attractive because you're a nice person okay you should be nice be a nice person. He's a 10, but not good at sports. I'm okay with it. Like if you're good at other things, I'm okay with it. But still, my type is somebody that's a little bit sporty. So I'm just going to go nine. I'm going to go seven, actually. I'm going to go seven. He's a 10, but says his ex is a psycho. Oh, it depends. I need explanation. Like, what do you mean she's a psycho? says his ex is a psycho oh it depends i need explanation like what do you mean
Starting point is 00:29:05 she's a psycho are you a fucking idiot did you make this girl crazy or was she just straight up acting psycho um but if there's no explanation involved minus a million red flag run for your life um he's a 10 but he wears white socks black Um, I don't know how to feel about that. Pass. Um, he's a 10, but he makes you sleep in the wet spot. Okay. I think I know what you mean. I think I know what you mean, girl. Um, this has happened to me many, many times. So five, you fucking sleep in it. let's do all the action on your side of the bed that's what i say so it's your problem um he's a 10 but says he could have been a pro footballer but got injured i mean five five he's a, but he's so bothered about how much money he has.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Two, honestly. He's a 10, but loves anal. It's going to be a one. It's not going to work for me. Honestly, we're not going to get on. If you love anal, I'm not the girl for you, honestly. He's a 10, but puts the milk in his tea first. Okay, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. Zero, zero, zero. He's a five but he's rich
Starting point is 00:30:34 as fuck. Five, I could not give a shit. He's a 10 but bites his toenails what on earth get your crusty dusty toes out of your mouth immediately um he's a 10 but won't post you on social media i mean i've experienced this i've experienced this four all right four it bothers me a lot and listen i don't need to be there all the time but we've all seen with experience that there's a fucking reason why all right there is always a reason why they don't he's a 10 but he watches you send us omnibus honestly i can't no zero what the hell how do you love phil mitchell that much who's watching you send us at the moment i haven't watched it since 2011 and the other day my mom had it on and i actually got into it because i thought phil mitchell died
Starting point is 00:31:27 i was like oh my god they've killed phil mitchell this is crazy phil's dead but he's not spoiler he's a lot he's not he's alive um he basically got given a time that he was going to die in prison and then it hit six o'clock and everyone's like oh my god is he dead and then they rolled like a body bag out of the prison cell and everyone's like it's phil mitchell and i think to myself phil mitchell is the biggest legend in these tenders he's the only legend left on this program at this point bar cat slayer love you love you cat slayer i wasn't a little bit of a schlag i was a total schlag but phil mitchell has got he's got to be the top legend of these tenders at this point right his death isn't just going to be on a random Wednesday episode being rolled out of a prison cell. It's going to be a Christmas special at the minimum.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So I was like, he ain't dead, obviously. But then he rocks up to his big opening night of his new nightclub called Peggy's. Love you, Peggy. And he showed up and he's like, is this my welcome home party? And I was like, wee, go on, Phil. Anyway, back to you. He's a 10 but hasn't changed his bed in three months. Fucking vile, minus a million.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Disgusting behavior. Do you know what's disgusting? The smell of old, dirty bedding as well. Honestly, if you don't wash your bedding frequently, I hate it. It's so disgusting. He's a 10 but he's 5' six i hate to be that bitch because i don't really care about height i really don't like i'm as long as you're taller than me i couldn't give a fuck and five foot six is taller than me but i have gotten to a point where since i've dated like tall guys i want you to be six
Starting point is 00:33:01 foot at least sorry i actually do so if you're 10 and you're five at six I'm gonna give you a six no I'll give you a six yeah I'll give you six sorry um he's an eight but drinks Stella I'm okay with Stella eight um he's a 10 but his friend group group ignores him when he speaks oh cringe that is such an ick i'm actually gonna go five like honestly that's actually such an ick for me it's so minor as well but that actually is a bit of an ick um he's a 12 but he gets that gross white stuff on the corner of his lips oh fuck the the spit bubbles fuck that. Four. He's a 10 but he doesn't believe in love languages. Zero. Pathetic. He's a four but he wears a backwards cap. Oh fucking hell. So you're saying that's a good thing? You're saying it's a good thing to wear it backwards? I
Starting point is 00:34:00 don't think that's a good thing. I don't think I fancy a guy that wears a backwards cap. I think you're still a four. I don't know how I feel about that. I don't think that's a good thing I don't think I fancy a guy that wears a backwards cap I think you're still a four I don't know how I feel about that I don't feel particularly passionately about the topic so I'm gonna if you're a four and you're wearing your cap backwards you're still a four um he's a nine but he goes and gets his eyebrows oh god I can't speak he gets his eyebrows eyebrows threaded um i mean six seven because i think a guy should be able to take pride in his appearance but for some reason getting threaded is a bit of a bit of an ick i'd rather you got them like tweezed or wax having sex oh that's a bit weird yeah but i'm not again i'm not really passionate about passionate about it so i'm just gonna go seven um he's a two but tickles your back and plays with your hair still a two guys if you
Starting point is 00:35:01 tickle my back and play with your hair my it doesn't make you better looking. Okay. I just expect that behavior from you. Um, he's a three, but you've seen the rock his nan has passed down to him. Ten. No, I'm joking. You're still a three, honey. You're still a three. He's a three, but he's a banging cook. Oh, five, five. Um, let's see. He's a 10, but goes to car meets. Oh, fuck that. Zero. Not for me at all. He's a 10 but goes to car meets oh fuck that zero not for me at all he's a 10 but his friends are all 11s oh my god 10 he's a nine but his mom tidies his room we've had that love that um he's a three but he's six foot four six foot fours on the tall side though that's very fucking tall i'm i'm five foot three so that's over a foot taller than me um and i feel like i should save those girls those guys for the tall girls or guys whatever um and i'd be selfish to take
Starting point is 00:36:00 somebody six foot four do you know what i mean like i'm five foot three i'll save them for the taller gals so he's still a three to me um he's a 10 but he has an i heart mum tattoo i mean it's sweet but also a bit like all right we get it don't mean you and your mum are close i'm still okay i'm just gonna go nine i don't think it's the end of the world, but it does, I'm not a fan of those, um, he's a ten, but orders a fillet of fish from McDonald's, um, you said he's a ten, I'm giving him, I'm giving him a eight, like, I don't rate it, I don't rate it, but I think you're still a sexy man. Let's go for one more. Let's go for one more. Some of these are actually just too funny. He's a 10, but he can't use a knife and fork properly.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Okay, so I actually use cutlery on the wrong sides. Like, I hold my fork in my right hand and my knife in my left. But you know why it is okay? Because when you're a toddler and you're learning to use cutlery, you start with a fork, obviously. You don't start cutting things up when you're literally like one years old, two years old. So you start with the fork and that goes in your dominant hand, which is like typically your right hand. So for me it was.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And I would just stab the food shove it in my gob and then you get introduced a knife when you're older and I would obviously just put that in my spare hand and that's just the way I've carried on in life and people think that's really strange I'm really dumb because it's you know incorrect and you know when I sit down at a restaurant my the first thing i do is swap my cutlery over i'm like wrong side but whatever and for some reason people think it's really really like just not not normal and they're like are you eating your right hand are you cutting with your left yeah i am is it affecting you no it's not so relax eat your fucking pizza while i cut my food in the wrong hands
Starting point is 00:38:08 okay but anyway oh god i'm tired anyone else tired that was fun though i liked i guess it's essentially x isn't it this episode is basically x but he's a 10 so we just re-rate them with an ick or with a positive in mind and then they they go up but not not usually apparently according to me they stay the same so yeah let me know if you guys would like a part two to this one because i feel like it would be so fun to do this with another person like i wish i had a second microphone i'd love love love to this with my sister it'd be so funny but yeah i am gonna go it is 10 past seven so i'm gonna go and enjoy my evening and i hope you guys have a lovely sunday or whenever you're listening to this have the best day ever and stay safe make terrible decisions ready for the confession diaries um or make good decisions if you don't want to get involved with
Starting point is 00:39:03 that and i absolutely i absolutely respect that all right well, I'll see you in a couple of days. I'll see you on Tuesday. Um, send in any dilemmas you've got, leahontheline.gmail.com. Make sure you follow me on Instagram, Instagram, Instagram. Do you guys, nobody says that. That's not how you say it in any accent. Is it Instagram? That just fell out of mouth sorry um at leah levain or at leah on the line and i will talk to you on tuesday honeys i love you so much have the best day ever i love you bye We'll see you next time. stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back to school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido, at your side.

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