Leah on the Line - Bonus 14: The SEX episode

Episode Date: September 8, 2022

Hey honeys! Welcome back to another episode. This week I am here to have open conversations all around the topic of SEX! Let's normalise these conversations and questions so we all feel more comfortab...le. Own your bodies people! Thank you so much for all of the love, you are the best friends in the WORLD! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lear on the line how are you how is everything how's everyone at home how's family? What's going on in your lives? It's Friday. Happy Friday, everybody. We are back with another The Blank episode. Now, I put up an Instagram story and I said, babes, what do you want from me? What do you want? Like, what can we talk about? You know, like there's so much potential with The Blank episodes, which I'm actually really liking. Like, I'm really enjoying this. I feel like we can really cover a whole range of areas and topics with this whole Thri, Thri, I said Friday with a TH, Thri-day theme. Maybe I was going to say Thri-day theme and get,
Starting point is 00:00:58 get the beginnings of the words mixed around. Anyway, I feel like we have so much opportunity to really cover some topics here. And I said, what do you guys want? What ideas do you have? And the two most popular responses were sex, the sex episode and self-love or confidence, stuff like that, the self-love episode. So the self-love one is coming, but the sex episode really did win by a long way. So we are here to talk about sex. I'm so excited. I'm really enjoying these episodes because I feel like it gives me a great opportunity to really cover some topics, really talk about things that you guys want to hear as well. And also be that sort of person to talk about the things that maybe you might not have someone to go to talk about it
Starting point is 00:01:41 or might not feel comfortable talking about it. And I can just sort of answer your questions anonymously, talk about things that maybe you don't have someone that you can go to for and make everybody feel a little bit more comfortable, you know, let's talk about sex, sex is so natural and so normal, let's talk about it, you know what I'm saying, fucking hell, everyone likes it, I mean, well, not everybody does, that's not true but I like it and I'm here to talk about it so I put up an Instagram story by the way before we get into it I love you all so much I hope you're okay thank you so much for all the love recently I'm so so overwhelmed by our amazing strong beautiful friendship group that we have here together I feel so lucky to have every single
Starting point is 00:02:19 one of you and I hope you know and I hope you genuinely feel deep down your heart that you have me too like I hope you don't feel like I'm just one of them people that's like yeah I'm your best friend follow me follow me like no no I am here for you and there's a lot of you that will be able to back me on this that if you dm me and talk to me about I don't know what do I do I want to go back to my ex blah blah I reply and I'm like babe like somebody messaged me the other day I actually asked her if I could play it out on the podcast um and I'm about to play it out but this is just an example of the fact that I really am your friend okay I'm not just saying it like I actually am here for you guys so she sent me a dm and I did say to her like do you mind if I play this on the pod and
Starting point is 00:02:57 she was like no of course not go for it so I'm gonna play it here we go this is this is a dm I received from one of you guys Leah I'm sending you a voice note because my ex has just texted me, well, messaged me on Instagram saying, bad idea, but do you want to catch up over dinner? And I'm like, I know that that's a bad idea. Full on no it is, but what would Leah do? And this is a great story for the podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So I'm going to go on this date. Amazing. Whatever it is, I don't know. And we'll just see how it goes. And whatever happens, happens. And it's all for the podcast. Thank you. Love you.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Bye. Love you. Bye. See, this is what I mean. And I replied saying, Leah would do it. Keep me updated, babes. Shag him. P.S. Can I play this on the pod?
Starting point is 00:03:44 And she said, i'm tempted to and of course you can and then we have this oh wait let me just add to this right so first ever boyfriend so when i was 18 and now i'm like nearly 27 so like eight nine years ago um i saw him on a night out last weekend and he gave me a lift home. But as we were leaving, we got pulled over by the police and he got breathalysed. Ick. No, not the breathalyser.
Starting point is 00:04:10 That is a new ick unlocked. His car broke down outside of my house. So yeah, just a wild series of events. Okay, new ick unlocked. Imagine being with a guy and he gets fucking breathalysed. Like, ick. I mean, hopefully no one's been breathalyzed with you in their car because then that is that means that they're driving is of some sort of concern to a police officer and then if so get out that fucking car
Starting point is 00:04:35 babe but also ick like imagine have you ever been breathalyzed i've done a breathalyzer not because i've been breathalyzed but my mum works with like alcohol and stuff so she bought breathalyzer home once and i did it and it's actually hard it's actually quite hard like i've run out of breath and i've got lungs of steel i'm a singer do i mean and i was like gasping for air from this breathalyzer oh my god ick imagine that you have to step out the car please mate just stay out there get out and stay out I can't drive but I'll figure it out do you know what I mean ew anyway what the hell so off topic yeah the point is I'm here for you and I love you and I I want you to feel like you can message me if there is something you need a friend for I will reply if I'm available and if I read it
Starting point is 00:05:21 I've got your back babes or if I have any advice if I if I read something and I think she's fucked then I'll just reply and be like you're fucked babe yeah you're fucked I'm joking I would never do that to you I would never have done this to you you know that TikTok anyway fucking hell I'm getting so annoying recently I mean I've always been quite annoying but I feel like I'm more annoying recently. Hopefully you guys disagree. I mean, I don't know. If you do, then I really am sorry. I mean, if you agree. But anyway, so we're talking about sex.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And I just said, send in any topics you want us to cover, any questions or advice. And I will just do my best. Like I always like to say, I'm not a fucking expert. I'm certainly not a sex expert. But I am your friend. And if this is something that you would go to for a friend then it's something we can talk about you know what I mean like I feel like I don't need to be qualified to talk about these things I'm not saying that what I'm saying is right it's literally opinion it's it's personal experience it's it's besties
Starting point is 00:06:20 having a chat all right that's all this is so please don't please don't take me too literally because i don't know what the fuck i'm doing but get comfortable maybe don't listen to this too loud if it's on your tv and your windows are open shout out to the girl who played it on her tv with her windows open and her neighbor complained about hearing someone talk about fingering shout out to me for that one yeah maybe if you're like around your parents and stuff i don't know how close you guys are of your parents, but maybe this is one for the headphones. Anyway, get comfortable and let's talk about sex. Okay, somebody says, how on earth do you squirt? My boyfriend is unreal in bed and I just can't. My boyfriend is unreal in bed and I just can't.
Starting point is 00:07:11 So I want to first point out that squirting is not a thing that all women can do. Like there is a certain percentage of women that can squirt. Let me look up how much that is. Okay, interesting result. It says anything between 10 to 54% of women can ejaculate. Why is it between that? Why isn't it just like haven't you just done a survey or a poll survey is that the word i don't think so anyway apparently 10 to 54 percent of women can ejaculate um and it says it produces a range between 0.3 mil to 150 mil. That's anything from a few drops to half a cup. That is insane. 150 mils of fluid. Where does that actually come from? Like if you actually
Starting point is 00:07:56 think about that, where does it come from? Like where do we store that? In our bladder? Anyway, don't feel bad about the fact that you can't squirt. It doesn't matter if you can't squirt, like you can still have an orgasm. Do you know what I mean? So I don't worry about it. And also like, there's so many people that say like on porn and stuff like it's fake, like it's not even real. Like when they squirt on porn, it's it's fake. So it's like this weird, horny fantasy when actually there is no difference between a woman that can and can't squirt on porn it's it's fake so it's like this weird horny fantasy when actually there is no difference between a woman that can and can't squirt like if you're having an orgasm and nothing comes out you're still having an orgasm if you have an orgasm and 150 milliliters
Starting point is 00:08:34 of fluid comes out you're having an orgasm you just got a big mess to clean up do you know what i mean so don't feel concerned about that definitely don't it's very common but while we're on the topic I also want to say a lot of women can't orgasm from penetrative sex and I've spoke about this recently and I can't remember what the result was but I did put up a poll on my story saying what percentage of you guys have ever had an orgasm from penetrative sex um which is coming in the never have I ever episode on Sunday so we'll get into that then but i personally haven't like i've never had an orgasm from penetrative sex why is that so hard for my brain to say um so like there's just everyone's bodies are so different and as long as what you're
Starting point is 00:09:16 doing feels good for you and you feel comfortable like don't compare yourself to anyone else and certainly certainly do not compare yourself to porn because fuck me is that shit fake so yeah that's my thoughts on that one next one sleeping with someone new after a long term relationship okay it's definitely weird isn't it like it's definitely like oh my god because you're used to that penis like you're used to that penis or vagina or body or hands whatever it is you're used to that so when you feel something different everybody feels very different as well and everybody everybody moves different everybody is just so different in bed so it's like when you're so used to a certain way it can be really
Starting point is 00:09:58 strange and also you have this like weird guilt thing sometimes where you're like i only have sex with that person and now i'm having sex someone else and it doesn't feel right sometimes. But honestly, just do what feels right for you. Do it when it feels right. And if you do it and then you think, oh my God, that was wrong. That's okay. Like you don't have to regret anything. Like you can do something and process how it's impacted you and how it's made you feel and take that as take that from it you know what I mean so yeah it's definitely a weird one though I totally get you on that one it's weird the first person after a long-term relationship but then it's also like here we go new penis world or the new vagina
Starting point is 00:10:43 world do you know what i mean so enjoy it as long as it feels safe and as long as it feels comfortable do you baby girl or baby boy sometimes i forget i have male listeners because a lot of the people that actually interact with me are women but shout out to all my male listeners i love you so much um somebody says i need blowjob advice i asked my gay best friend and he gave good tips okay amazing see this is the thing because with gay best friends they're giving the blowjobs and they have the penis so that is probably the perfect person to ask i however i'm not a blowjob expert so i'm not going to sit here and be like okay everybody here's how you give perfect head like
Starting point is 00:11:21 jesus christ i think with oral sex and just sex in general it is so important that you communicate and it is all about understanding what your partner is into and what they like and what feels good because everyone is so different like this is the thing going back to like having sex with somebody after your ex it's like you're used to doing that to them because that's what they liked but then you could do that with a new person they're like ow do you know what i mean like it's so it's so interesting how everybody's bodies can be so drastically different so honestly like i could sit here and give you textbook advice on the most perfect blowjob but according to who like according to the one guy who's told me that the head I gave was perfect. And let me tell you, but what I'm saying is what feels amazing for one guy might not feel amazing for the other. So
Starting point is 00:12:13 if I'm going to give you any blowjob advice, it's going to be ask for open and honest communication. It doesn't need to be like, tutor me whilst I'm down there. Like, do you know what I mean? But it can be like, if it feels good, but it can be like if it feels good let me know if something feels uncomfortable let me know and let's have fun exploring each other's bodies you know like it should be fun it should be relaxed like it should be a relaxed environment and you should feel safe to do that and explore each other's bodies together so yeah my only advice is communicate and same with receiving oral sex or sex in general. Like if you, if something doesn't feel good, like you can tell them, like you don't have
Starting point is 00:12:50 to feel rude or like, um, that feels fucking horrible. Can you not do that? Like, you know, delivery is key, honeys. Like, yeah, communicate and, and you're supposed to enjoy this as well. Like this is the most important thing. I feel like as women, we've been raised to be like, we are here for men's pleasure do you know what I mean and also like when it comes to blowjobs like you should be enjoying it as well and if you're not enjoying it don't do it it's really that simple like I don't want any of you doing shit just for him like
Starting point is 00:13:18 obviously it is for them as well but you I want you to be able to feel like it's pleasurable for you or enjoyable for you do you know what I mean does that make any sense I'm not sure um somebody says how to feel relaxed during sex I often feel stressed so I feel like sex is such a mental game sometimes and if you're going for a shit time like if you're depressed or anything like that it can it can really get in the way so I would just say like work on your on your mental state outside of sex and hopefully it will feel like when it does come to going into the bedroom do you know what I mean because I feel like our our ability to get aroused why is that such a weird word, really does depend on our mental state. So if
Starting point is 00:14:07 you feel stressed, then maybe you're just stressed in life or I don't know if there's any personal experiences that might make it stressful for you that maybe you could unpack. Do you know what I mean? So I feel like work on that away from it so that when it comes down to it, it might feel a little bit light for you, but I feel like that is going to be quite personal to you because it will be a certain thing about it that is making you stressed you know what i mean so it's hard for me to kind of give specific advice on that one someone says normalize imperfect vaginas okay for sure like can i just say to you watch naked attraction like the difference in bodies on there is so comforting like everybody's bodies they look so different you know like what one person looks like it's not what you're expected
Starting point is 00:14:51 to look like at all like it's no difference to the fact that all of our faces are totally different do you know what i mean like you look nothing like me and i look nothing like you and i can guarantee our pussies ain't the same do you know what I mean and that's okay like there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way that your vagina looks if it's healthy and it smells good then fuck everything else okay honestly I again blame porn for this because it's given everybody the idea especially a younger generation of men or, do you know what I mean? Just like, this is what a pussy is supposed to look like. And it's just like, according to who? Like, this is what mine looks like. Do you know what I mean? And that's all I've got to offer, I'm afraid. So fuck off. Do you know what I mean? Does that make any sense? I don't feel like it does, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Okay, let's read out this one. Somebody says, I'm 23 and I've been seeing a guy for about seven weeks. I think we're getting close to having sex, but I'm actually a virgin. He now knows this and we've done other stuff, but I'm nervous as fuck. Is it going to hurt like fuck? Even when he fingered me, it was a little bit uncomfortable at times. Any advice to calm the nerves and make it a bit more comfortable? So I will go ahead and say I've never met anybody in my entire life. Shout out to anybody listening who is going to change my mind on this. But I've never met anybody in my entire life who has had a pleasurable virginity experience. And by that,
Starting point is 00:16:15 I mean, it actually felt good. I don't mean it was like bad. I just mean, I've never met anyone that was like, Oh my god, I just lost my virginity and it felt fucking good like I don't know anybody that it was actually genuinely great like oh my god that felt great do you know what I mean everybody I know is like oh it was just weird and like I was really tense or like it hurt or like I bled or it was it was awkward do you know what I mean so I feel like don't worry too much if you feel ready and if you feel like you're safe to lose your virginity with this person and you're comfortable to lose your virginity with this person do not overthink anything else like it may it may hurt a little bit some people it does for me personally it didn't I didn't bleed like I was okay but I know loads of people that was like
Starting point is 00:17:01 really uncomfortable and that there was a little bit of blood and stuff so like I said everybody is different but again I'm gonna keep saying this I feel like throughout this episode communicate if it hurts please tell him please tell him and you know he knows you're a virgin so I'm assuming he's gonna go easy on you Jesus Christ um and I think sex gets better with experience personally personally. Like, I feel like the more sex you have, the more you understand what you like and you feel more, it feels less alien to you and you feel more comfortable having it. And you experiment more and it gets more pleasurable over time. So I feel like take it nice and easy. Do you know what I mean? Like, make sure that you're communicating.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Make sure that if it's uncomfortable, you let him know and take a breather. Do you know what I mean like make sure that you're communicating make sure that if it's uncomfortable you let him know and and take a breather do you know what I mean if it's only a little short time that's okay cut it short don't feel like you just need to go until he's satisfied do you know what I mean um and if that if there's a moment where you're like oh that actually felt quite nice do that you know what I mean so yeah, you'll be absolutely fine, like, honestly, it's, we build it up in our minds to be this, like, really daunting, oh my god, it's gonna be so painful, and I'm gonna bleed everywhere, and it's gonna be so scary, and it's just, like, you do it, and then you think, what the fuck was that, do you know what I mean, and then, before you know it, you're shagging someone's fucking brain off their shoulders, do you know what I'm joking And then before you know it, you're shagging someone's fucking brain off their shoulders. All right, next one. Somebody says, for someone who has never had sex ed,
Starting point is 00:18:33 how to do it, foreplay, orgasms, everything. So like I said, I cannot tell you how to do it, because for everybody, it's going to be different. And what feels good for me might not feel good for you. Do you know what I mean? Or what feels good for me might not feel good for you do you know what i mean or what feels good for you might not feel good for for somebody else and stuff like that so i feel like um what's really important is that you're comfortable because like i said good sex comes with communication it comes with being comfortable and it comes with time and getting to know someone's body like if you think about it the first time you have sex with somebody where how often does it happen where they give you an orgasm really quick or they just know what your favorite sex positions are and they just know how to make make you feel good and you just know how to make them orgasm like it's it's it takes time when you sleep with somebody new it
Starting point is 00:19:21 takes time to really learn each other's bodies and I think enjoy that process like don't don't feel like oh my god I haven't made him come in within 10 minutes so I must be shit like no we're gonna enjoy this I'm gonna enjoy learning his body and and what feels good for him and what he doesn't like and that's this is what's pleasurable for me do you know what I mean so yeah it's hard for me to really give any particular advice. Like I feel like a lot of you are expecting me to be like, grab the cock. Do you know what I mean? But I'm not because what feels good for one person is so different for somebody else. So all I will say is communicate, make sure you're not doing anything you're not
Starting point is 00:20:01 comfortable with and yeah, enjoy, enjoy the learning of somebody's body it's it's an enjoyable process and it should be pleasurable okay um somebody says i'm so scared i'm so scared to do it i'm like petrified by the way i'm 18 how do i get over this like i said we all have this build up in our head of like oh my god sex is going to be really fucking traumatic and i'm going to my god sex is going to be really fucking traumatic and i'm going to bleed and it's going to be agonizing and i'm i'm going to be shit in bed and it's like listen your priority should be feeling comfortable like that is the main thing and if if you're not in a position where you're like i'm horny and want to have sex do not do it like don't be like oh i'm in bed with somebody and they're horny and want to have sex, do not do it. Like, don't be like, oh, I'm in bed
Starting point is 00:20:45 with somebody and they're horny and I'm at an age where I could lose my virginity. So maybe I should, or I'm in a relationship and he's getting horny. So maybe I should give him my virginity. If you're not aroused, that word's making, giving me the ick. If you're not horny, right, then don't have sex. Like you should have sex because you want it, not because you feel like you should have sex because you want it not because you feel like you should or because it's expected of you never ever ever do something you don't want to do that is the main thing i want to make very fucking clear from this episode never do anything you're not comfortable with and you're 18 that's so young like don't stress never ever stress and if you never stress about what age you're having sex or losing your virginity and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:21:25 like make sure you're comfortable that is my number one piece of advice for everybody sex is not pleasurable if you're uncomfortable it's not pleasurable for anyone so I don't know if you're petrified I would just say you know it's not the time for you and that's okay um and when you feel when it feels right and and you feel ready to do that with somebody you will and that's okay. And when you feel, when it feels right and you feel ready to do that with somebody, you will. And that's when you'll do it and everything will be fine. Like you have to understand it is not this big scary thing. Sex is great. Like I love sex and you will enjoy it over time. Like it's one of those things that gets better over time. Nobody, not nobody, but I'm sure, I'm sure there's people that have. It's rare that your virginity is just like fucking amazing like oh
Starting point is 00:22:10 my god is insane i fucking came everywhere do you know what i mean like it's it's usually like it's scary and it's uncomfortable and it's weird and it's new and and it feels wrong because you're like i've never done this nobody's ever been been inside me before. And it's overwhelming. But it should feel like you're in control. And if you do not feel like you're in control, I cannot stress enough, do not do it. If you do not feel like you're in control, do not do it. That is my number one piece of advice for anybody listening who hasn't lost their virginity yet. Okay, next one. Any tips on overcoming stigma of increase in body count, please? Love your podcast. Thank you so much. So yeah, I feel like every time we have sex with somebody, we go, fuck, got to add that one to the list in the notes. How many am I on now? Do you
Starting point is 00:22:59 know what I mean? But at the end of the day, I always say this on my podcast what the fuck is body count like if you actually think about it right let's say I've been in a relationship for seven years and I've had frequent sex with this person for seven years my the amount of times I've had sex could be thousands right and then I'll compare it to somebody a friend of mine who's been single for seven years and has had casual sexual partners maybe I don't know two a year so her body counts 14 and my okay let's say three a year her body counts because that's that's likely isn't it you can have sex with three people a year do you know what I mean over seven years but because that's likely, isn't it? You can have sex with three people a year, do you know what I mean? Over seven years. Fuck me, that's low, really. If you're single and you're not in a relationship, three a year, Christ. So that's 21. Your body counts 21. Mine's one.
Starting point is 00:23:55 You've had sex 21 times. Maybe some of them, there were a few times. So we'll say you've had sex like I don't know 50 times maybe I've had sex like thousands of times but I'm the good one and and you're the dirty bitch apparently do you know what I mean it makes no fucking sense just because they're different people why does that make a difference as long as I'm being safe and I'm not not catching or spreading anything what the fuck is body count all about what is the stigma all about it makes no fucking sense to me I don't get it and you know what else I don't get why people give a fuck about anybody else's like why does it concern you how many people I've had sex with I don't care how many people you've had sex with I couldn't care less I'm not I couldn't be less interested in the amount of willies you've had could not care less do you
Starting point is 00:24:49 know what i mean like what is it the judging i don't get it like can i just say this now women love to have sex women love sex sex is fucking brilliant what the fuck is it why does it belong to men why is sex like a man thing and we are the object that gets fucked no i'm fucking you babe do you know what i mean no like actually think about like when you actually deep body count and how people get judged for it it's like oh my god you know she's had sex with like 40 people who cares why do you care like when i hear people say things that i literally say like um like why is that of a concern to you like just out of curiosity why do you care if she's having safe sex if she's wrapping the penises out before they go inside her vagine why do you care like why do you care what is wrong with that who is she hurting no one do
Starting point is 00:25:43 you know what i mean though actually deep that but while we're on the topic somebody said i'm really curious to know how many of you um sorry uh the body count of your listeners so i put up a poll saying what is your body count and first option was below five second option was between five and ten third option was between 5 and 10. The third option was between 11 and 20. And the last option was 21 plus. I want to put another one saying fuck knows, but you can only have four options. So the poll actually stands at, let's have a look. The winner with 53% of votes is below five. is below five. And then in second place, we have 25% of votes, we have five to 10. And then 15%, we have 11 to 20. And then 7%, we have 21 plus. So interesting, most of you, like more than half of my listeners have had sex of less than five people. Now, I'm not going to say my specific body count, but I'll say I am not in the 53%, put it that way. Everybody has like their story. And I feel like that is
Starting point is 00:26:52 your body, your body count tends to be a result of that. So, you know, if you're somebody who's been in a long term relationship for years and years and years, you're probably in the under 5%. Sorry, under five. If you're somebody who's been in a relationship for a long time and then you realize I want to live my life I don't want to settle down at this young age you might be you might be in in the seven percent do you know what I mean and if you are as you fucking should you know I mean do not explain yourself to anybody yeah that was an interesting one I actually was quite shocked I expected the numbers to be higher I can't lie um so yeah I mean that was fun I enjoyed hearing about all of your body counts so very interesting so now I asked you guys to send me your worst sex stories so I'm really
Starting point is 00:27:37 excited I haven't read any of these and I'm so intrigued to hear what disasters you guys have had. So without further ado, let's get into your worst sex stories. Okay, so this first one is actually quite sweet. She says, I came on my period during sex once and afterwards he went to get me toilet roll to clean up lol. I think that's really sweet sweet do you know how many people have uh-huh how many of you have said that you came on your period during sex that's never happened to me you know it's never happened um like that would be so unlucky like out of all the hours in the day to start bleeding it was when there was a fucking penis inside me do you know what i mean but then maybe you were already bleeding a little bit but hadn't come out yet and then the willy has gone up and made the
Starting point is 00:28:29 blood come out with the willy do you know what i mean but i feel like it's quite sweet the way he like got you some toilet rolls clean up it's sweet okay somebody said um after giving head he finished in my mouth and i sneezed and cum came out of my nose. Oh, I bet that would burn. Like, I bet that would actually sting a little bit. Oh, has that happened to anybody else? Out of curiosity, how many of you guys have thrown up on a dick? I know there's loads of you.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I know it. I know there's a few of you that have burped and a little bit of six come up on a cock. Cock. Oh. It's such a like horny word, isn't it? Cock. Do you know what I mean? Not horny as in like sexy. It just feels like a dirty word. I feel like you only use that in a dirty way. Cock. Oh God. This podcast is going to get taken down. Spotify is going to be like, no, no, can't enter the internet. But then if you've heard
Starting point is 00:29:25 someone call her daddy podcast i'm nothing compared to that do you know what i'm saying um somebody said so gross but i had a bogey falling out when me and my boyfriend were having sex so i picked the bogey out and held on to it the whole time i couldn't let him see it oh that is shit mate i mean i suppose what else you're gonna do could you not just like put it back in and hide it up no what are you gonna do there you could have flicked it miles away was it a wet bogey was it a crusty one oh god that is that is kind of gross i can't lie but like well done you for getting around that sneakily i like i like the plan of action that we had there first time a boy went down on me he had a nosebleed and
Starting point is 00:30:12 thought it was my period oh and you're like no babe your nose is bleeding oh that's so awkward isn't it how awkward is that he's like um I think you're on your period and you're like why didn't you go and have a look in the mirror oh god that is so awkward but to be fair if somebody was down on me and their face had blood all over it I would assume it was my period as well I would be like oh my god what would you do because I wouldn't want him to know so I'd probably try and like wipe it off of his face. I mean, they would know. Surely they can taste blood. Oh, God, fuck. That is so fucking awkward.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Let's see. His sister, eight years old, walked in on us. I slid off next to him, but my ass was still out of the covers. So his little sister seen my arse oh no that's so awkward I caught his foreskin with my ring ow oh that would be a killer surely um somebody said he was eating caramel ice cream and then licking down there calling it my kitty saying he was soothing it he then took off his hat and i've never had the ick so bad in my life why did he have his hat on
Starting point is 00:31:31 when he was down on you first of all he took it off while we were having sex so i couldn't exactly stop then but i had to close wait what does she mean his his hat? I'm so confused. Then she says, I had to close my eyes and imagine someone else. I asked him to bend me over to make it easier for me. He was also moaning my name like a girl, then processed, oh, proceeded to talk about Kitty after. The actual sex wasn't even bad, but everything around it was. That is horrifying. Like, imagine having sex with someone someone they're calling it your kitty oh oh no no and no again imagine your kitty kitty i imagine like a boy from chelsea says that
Starting point is 00:32:17 kitty because i i like the word kitty is gross like how i'd naturally say it is kitty but that i can't imagine somebody saying kitty. So I imagine kitty. And then I imagine it's a boy from Chelsea. Kitty. Do you know what I mean? I mean, whatever. Each to their own.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Somebody says, when I lost my virginity to my boyfriend, we were both so drunk and didn't realize I had my tampon in the whole fucking time. Was not discovered until the next night. Shit. How many of you guys have had sex with tampons in? Because I hear that story a lot from you guys. That is honestly a horror of mine. Like sometimes even when I'm not in my period, I'll be like, do I have a tampon in? Like I'm so scared of that. Oh my God. Horrifying. Because it can be very dangerous. A lot of Magaluf stories here, guys. Moral of the story is don't have sex in magaluf because it's where a lot of you guys get your horror stories from i had sex with a guy in magaluf which is already bad slept with a guy and then not long after slept with his brother like half
Starting point is 00:33:15 hour later i didn't know it was his brother and said about how tiny the first guy's dick was he goes uh that's my brother went on to have sex with his second brother every night of the holiday. No. Why do boys have no problem sharing girls? Like, how come you're having sex with a guy and then his brother is happy to put it in after his brother just did? That, to me, is weird behavior. Like, you've just had sex with a guy and then his brothers had sex not from you i mean it's interesting maybe from you but i don't find that as weird what i find weird is like
Starting point is 00:33:51 a guy putting his penis where his brother's penis has just been like even if it was years ago i'd still be like weird like your brother's penis has been in there like, the fact that it was like literally five minutes later, I find, I don't think that's all right. I actually don't. Somebody said he said another girl's name whilst he ejaculated inside me. What would you do? Because it's too late then. He just came in you. Nah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 What would you actually do? What would you do? Oh my God. Imagine that. Okay, let me imagine this. I'm having sex somewhere and then he goes, oh, Millie. I'll kill him. I would kill him. I think I'd go prison for murder. I wouldn't. I actually wouldn't. Don't arrest me. That is fucking horrible. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. I'm not going to lie. Somebody said I started crying when I had my first orgasm. Oh, I feel like it's overwhelming though. It's probably overwhelming. It's like that feeling of like, oh my God, I've never felt this feeling in my body before. I think that's really sweet. I think that's sweet. Um, somebody
Starting point is 00:35:09 says I had sex in a lift. That was fun, but I swear every lift has a camera in. And also it's kind of terrifying because those doors could open at any moment. And that's kind of scary. Like very scary to me. I'm not really a risky sex person though like as we've discovered when I read when I read out your confessions and I'm always like wow I've never done that I've never done that I'm I'm not really someone that has public sex it's not something I do um but you guys are doing it all for me so I don't feel so bad about it but you guys are doing it all for me so I don't feel so bad about it. A guy I met on a night out had a nosebleed on my cat emoji, on my kitty. I wanted to die. What is it with guys nosebleeding on the puss? That is insane to me. What is that all about, hey?
Starting point is 00:36:00 Any guys listening? How come your noses are bleeding on the purse i mean i feel sorry for you i don't think i'd feel that embarrassed i mean probably cringe meow like all all the blood from your nose is just pouring down my clitoris do you mean clitoris i'd be a bit like oh yeah i'd be a bit scared but i wouldn't feel awkward i don't think because like i said i'm not having I'm not comfortable with in the first place. So if they did have a nosebleed, I'd probably just be like, oh my God, are you okay? Oh my God, are you okay? Jesus. That's scary. I got a vibrating bullet lost in my vagina. He let go and bye-bye never put a bullet in the puss okay i have heard so many horror stories i watched a documentary where it literally got so far up inside her because obviously it vibrates so it like wiggles have you ever just held a vibrator in your hand they move it's like a
Starting point is 00:36:59 hamster right that up in your vagina it's wriggling its way up scary like do not put a bullet in the hole the bullet is for the clitoris okay the dildo is a safe size there is literally somebody in the room next door to me right now and they're probably thinking what the fuck is she talking about um somebody said i broke my bed in half when i lost my virginity lol jesus christ hun like when i lost my virginity i was like oh don't move don't move don't move please don't move you're breaking beds okay babe you do you look at me again nobody enjoys their first time it's because i didn't i bet you all loved it actually didn't you you all listened to me thinking leah what are you talking about everyone enjoys their first time and i'm the minority i'm like oh yeah and i say yeah i loved it i had such a good time loved it felt really nice um somebody said during a one night
Starting point is 00:37:59 stand he had no foreskin and was literally the size of a finger it was not enjoyable he then told me he loved me during it what one night stand he told you he loves you this boy has some issues i think or he was imagining somebody else called me baby and took an hour to finish worst thing was i knew who was from all of high school and came from the same small town let's just say i can't look at him the same oh i mean imagine having a one-night stand he's like i love you i would just think he was a bit of a psycho and i'd probably enjoy it like i'd probably be like oh my god this guy's a fucking freak he's crazy the love bomb he's love bombing me he's a narcissist I love it this is just my type okay I mean that is kind of alarming to me I feel like maybe he was picturing somebody else what do you guys think to that one am I a bitch for saying that am I a bitch so honestly that was really fun I really enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:39:00 okay I'm gonna finish off with a couple more of your questions before I wrap up the episode. So somebody says, losing sex drive in a relationship, is it normal and how do you get it back? So I feel like sex drive is such a difficult thing because it can come down to so many things, like your hormones, your mental health, as I always say, your stress levels, your tiredness, your mental health, as I always say, your stress levels, your tiredness, your sexual connection in your relationship, like so many things, your self-esteem, your confidence, anything. So it's really difficult to pinpoint it. And I feel like there's no way I can sit here and be like, oh, it's this, you know, because everybody, I had a lot of people sending that when I put this story up. I cannot tell you how many people said losing your sex drive in a relationship or my partner has a higher sex drive than me or my sex drive is higher
Starting point is 00:39:49 than my partner's. And what I will say is if you are a woman and you're on the pill, it could be that. Have a look if it's one of your side effects and stuff like that. But what I will say is try and think about what it could be for yourself personally um because obviously this is very situational like what what one person's um reasoning for this is could be so different to anybody else's so I can't tell you what that is but I will say that it's really common and it's really actually quite normal and especially for it to go up and down like if you're struggling with maintaining a high sex drive so normal but if it's been really low for a long time have a look into what you think that might be you can actually talk to a gp about it as well so i really recommend that if it's something that is quite bothering you a lot or if it's been going
Starting point is 00:40:39 on for a long time and it's loads of different reasons but i will say that it's actually really common and really normal so please do not feel stressed or upset about it moving forward from that one somebody's actually sent one in saying I feel like being on the pill has a really negative impact on sex drive any advice so I feel like my only real advice for that would be to talk to a GP about what other options you might have that it might not have that impact on you because you know if that isn't working for you then there are other options um and you can explore them but also hopefully your body can adjust like if you're new on the pill um your body can take up to like six months to really get used to it and stuff and then it might come back so yeah definitely talk to your gp about
Starting point is 00:41:22 them because it is obviously a medical thing and I'm literally so unqualified to give any advice on that so somebody says what is a healthy amount to have sex in a relationship so I feel like my response to everything is just going to be it depends on the person everyone's different but it really does everybody is so different especially sexually so I feel like whatever works for you is what works for you. And do not let anybody tell you that it's too much or not enough. If you and your partner are both happy and you're both on the same page and you're both feeling satisfied sexually, then that is the healthy amount. Do you know what I mean? So as long as you're communicating, oh my God, I'm like a broken record. You're communicating with
Starting point is 00:42:04 your partner and you feel, you with your partner and you both feel satisfied and you both feel content with the amount that you're having sex. That is a healthy amount, in my opinion. And fuck everybody else and fuck the people that are like, we've been together 10 years and we have sex twice a day.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Good for you. That sounds amazing. I'm happy to have sex with my husband once a month and that's how we work and he's happy with that. Whatever you're happy with is what's going to work for you. Personally, once a month wouldn't do it for me. But like I said, everyone's different. Okay, guys, let's wrap up the episode. Okay, thank you guys so much for listening. This such a good episode i feel like i really enjoyed
Starting point is 00:42:47 just being able to talk about things that i didn't really have anyone talking about when i was growing up do you know what i mean like i had my sister to talk to about this stuff and if i didn't have a sister i would have had no one like we were so scared to talk to each other about it in school and we're all going through the same thing we're all scared like none there was no older figure to be like don't worry about it babe do what you want to do do it when you're comfortable do you mean like sex is fun i didn't have that it was like don't get pregnant you know like in mean girls and i was like don't get pregnant because you will die no don't have sex because you will get pregnant and die that's essentially what we're taught in school so like there was nobody there to be like sex should be pleasurable for women too so
Starting point is 00:43:26 I hope I can be someone's friend who needs a bit of support needs to need someone to make sex sound and feel way more normal because like I said when I was younger sex belonged to men and it didn't matter if it was pleasurable for women and I'm telling you it does matter and it does matter if you're comfortable and it does matter if you feel safe so yeah I love you guys so much this episode was really really nice what should we talk about next I feel like the next one will do the um the self-love episode so get in any any um yeah dilemmas we can do self-love dilemmas actually any dms any dilemmas. We can do self-love dilemmas, actually. Any DMs, any dilemmas, any questions, any specific topics surrounding self-love that you'd like me to cover,
Starting point is 00:44:10 send them in to me on Instagram DM at learontheline or learontheline at gmail.com, whichever you'd prefer. And yeah, I've absolutely loved this episode. I hope you guys have the best weekend. If you are having sex this weekend, make sure it's not with your ex. Don't text your ex, text me instead.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Always have safe sex, first of all. And second of all, not with your ex. Okay, fantastic. I love you guys so much. And I will speak to you on Sunday for our bonus episode, which is gonna be a fun little game of Never Have I Ever. All right, I love you so much. I will speak to you on Sunday. I love you. Bye.

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