Leah on the Line - Bonus 20: CALLING my listeners & answering dilemmas!

Episode Date: October 21, 2022

Hey babes! I finally got to talk to you guys on the phone!! Oh my god it was so fun and I absolutely loved putting real voices to you all. We should definitely do this again some time. ;) Thank you so... much to everyone that got involved in this episode and if I didn't call you, we will for sure do another episode like this I promise. I love you soooo much. As always send in your thoughts/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's getting closer to midnight. I try to get closer to you. Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. Happy Friday. How are you? Oh my God, I've missed you so much. How was your week? I love you guys. I'm so excited. We have a really exciting episode this Fridayiday i'm ringing you i'm literally about to call you guys on the phone i'm a bit nervous getting a bit shaky i don't get nervous but i'm getting a bit shaky do you know what i mean i have i have i do get nervous that's a tiktok sound i'm a bit nervous that like what if you guys are really awkward and like don't give a fuck like what if i ring you
Starting point is 00:01:23 and you're like oh sorry I can't talk right now I'll start sweating just know if this episode's 10 minutes long it's because I had about 50 failed phone calls and two successful ones I'm really excited though because obviously I get to talk to you guys every episode because you're you're you are Lear on the line you know you're the dilemmas you're the weekly debate responses you're the confessions you're you're you are leah on the line you know you're the dilemmas you're the weekly debate responses you're the confessions you're you're the ideas for every week like you guys are the the essence of leah on the line but i don't get to speak to you like on the phone i'm so excited though like i'm i'm fucking buzzing i've wanted to do this since I literally started the podcast like Lear on the line I was like obviously the vibe is like a phone call slash like FaceTime vibe with your bestie and I was like oh my god it'd be so cool if like one day I can actually call them
Starting point is 00:02:16 and like for some reason I've just put off the idea for ages because I was like I don't really know how I'd make that work I don't really I just don't really get that idea but like I'll definitely like you know revisit it and then the other day I was like you know what I can just ring them and we can talk about anything and then I put on my story like do you guys want to do debates or do you guys want to just like talk about something completely random do you want to do dilemmas um and you guys said dilemmas but I think it would be a really cool idea to come up with like a bunch of debates and ring you guys and get your response to like different debates I'll ring each person and give you all a new debate although I struggle to come up with a debate every Tuesday so that might be a little bit tricky but I feel like that's another great idea I'm definitely going
Starting point is 00:02:59 to do this again so if I didn't call you this week don't worry like if you missed the story you didn't get to put your number down or if I didn't if you weren't one of the numbers that I'm gonna call today I'm gonna do this again 100% because I just I'm so excited to do it I'm already assuming it's gonna go well if it goes shit then I probably won't be doing this again but I'm sure it'll go well we're best friends I mean I'm just gonna call my besties so yeah let's not fuck around anymore I'm so excited I hope you've had the best week ever I love you guys let me know what you want to see next week what the blank episode should be next Friday let me know I'm so excited and. What if I don't have good advice? Deep breaths. We're just
Starting point is 00:03:52 best friends, don't we? No one's going to be horrible to me. What if you, oh my god, what if I get a hate? What if I call a hater? Oh my god, well, it'd be great content, wouldn't it? Right, okay. I hope I give good advice. Apologies in advance if my advice is shit. That's all I have to say on that one. Okay, let's go with this one. Oh my God, I'm nervous. Please pick up. Please pick up.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Oh my God. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hi. Oh my God. How how are you i'm okay how are you i'm good i just rang you and then i had to hang up because my laptop was like freaking out and it was like disc full so i had to sort it out but sorry about that how are you i'm not too bad have you got a dilemma for me, honey? So I actually wrote in a couple of months ago.
Starting point is 00:04:49 You might remember the dilemma. Okay. This was about the holiday. Oh, remind me. So it was, we were going to go on holiday and I felt like I couldn't go, but I felt I had to go. Oh yeah, yeah, I remember, I remember't go but I felt I had to go oh yeah yeah I remember I remember yeah it was we went on the holiday okay so you went okay great we went on the holiday and it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be okay great like we've come back things have been
Starting point is 00:05:21 all right but now it's just I don know, it's just getting so bad again. Oh, is it? And then the thing is, right, he has booked another holiday. Oh, fuck. I know. Maybe it's because he thinks it's helping. Maybe he feels it too. I'm thinking now, I'm like, he is obviously thinking he can, like,
Starting point is 00:05:43 control me with thinking he's got this holiday book, so she has to stay with me. Yeah, or, you know what, it could be that he can feel the relationships on the rocks, but you had an amazing time on holiday. So he's like, we need to go on holiday again and have an amazing time together again, and then she'll want to be with me. Maybe. But I think I've had enough. Have you got to the realization I think I just I know my self-worth and it's just not it's just just not good for me it's just I need to yeah it's so difficult though because like you know you like have these good days and and the good days are all good and stuff
Starting point is 00:06:23 and then it's just yeah but the thing is at least because if in your gut you're like no I know what I want and this isn't it at least you can say I went on the holiday I gave it 100% I gave it my all and it still wasn't right do you know what I mean yeah so I think you know what you need to do honey just crazy how are you gonna do it how long have you been together literally on friday it's five months right okay so it's still early days it's still early days yeah are you in love with him no no i'm not i was literally speaking to my mum about this today i was literally i've just had like the worst day today an absolute breakdown overall it's just like I've tried I said to him like last night that I've never felt like so unappreciated and like never felt so unloved in a relationship didn't say that to him
Starting point is 00:07:16 but like right I was saying to him that I've never like you just don't appreciate me at all and he just I just feel like taking advantage of what he expects from me and stuff what did he say to that was he like oh I'm so sorry let me change or was he just like that's bullshit no he literally doesn't see he's doing anything wrong oh well that's that then isn't it do you know what I mean dickhead behaviour honestly like well if somebody can't even acknowledge your feelings then where are we going to go from here babes and he's just like
Starting point is 00:07:51 I'm sick of you telling me off and I'm like I'm not telling you off I'm literally expressing my feelings yeah do you know what it is though boys hear criticism when you tell them that they're not making you feel a good way they just hear criticism and they don't want to hear it that's're not making you feel a good way, they just hear criticism and they don't want to hear it. They do.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Boys, not men. Yeah, he is literally a boy to me. What are you going to do? How are you going to do it? I don't know, but I just know that I can't stay in this relationship. It's just, you know, it's so hard, like, breakups suck. Yeah, they I just yeah it's so difficult but do you think you'll feel a bit relieved though I think so I think obviously like you go from being with somebody and like so used to them being around and then it is like a form of grieving in a way because you're 100% even
Starting point is 00:08:42 though that person's like not died but you're grieving that the company and all the like normal things that you do with each other and all that well they say they say that going for a breakup is the same as like grieving somebody who's passed away because it's like you go through the same five stages of grief it's actually like a thing yeah it's just it is crazy and I just but you got this you're gonna feel so much better I already know I can tell you've already like checked out do you know what I mean that's always like yeah I feel like a lot of us girls do that yeah so it's it's almost easier when you leave physically because mentally you already weren't in it anyway and it's only five
Starting point is 00:09:23 months of your life I don't know how to do it though i literally don't know how to do it it's just i don't know what to do yeah it's never easy is it there is no good way to break up with someone no i just i don't know really how to go about it like and like because on friday like it's our five month anniversary whatever are you gonna do it before it's wednesday today like till tomorrow do it now do it live on the podcast no you're gonna be fine do it whenever it feels right you know i mean it might not even be for a few weeks yet but i feel like you'll get to a point where you're like okay I'm ready do you know what I mean yeah but don't don't let it consume you like don't get so like absorbed into it because it's it's one part of your life like it's not your whole life like
Starting point is 00:10:13 you're gonna be fine life is too short to let like people bring you down like no 100 it's not and life's too short to be unhappy for sure 100 you're right honey well good luck you got it i can't believe you rang really why i don't know i just every time i do stuff like this i never like seem to you know get picked or anything so I was just like you're the first one I've called oh my god say hey to the listeners hey listeners it's doing well and everyone's happy yeah and not going through what you're going through right now but if you are like I feel you girl basically what you need to do is when it feels right end the relationship and then listen to the breakup episode yeah that's the plan i will and keep us all updated tell us when you do it tell us how it goes and then i'll read it out to
Starting point is 00:11:18 everybody yeah we're all invested now okay Okay. Thank you for ringing. I absolutely love your podcast. Love you. Love you. Thank you. I love listening to your podcast. It genuinely makes me happy. Oh, yay.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Keep doing you and just, yeah, thank you. Oh, I love you so much. Okay, good luck. You're going to be fine. Thank you. I'll keep you updated. Yeah, definitely do. Okay, I'll speak to you later okay bye bye oh my god you guys oh she sounds like she's really going for it doesn't she she's like
Starting point is 00:11:55 hello when she picked up the phone I was like oh god oh god we've got a real dilemma honestly get into that realization where you're like I have to end my relationship how shit is that I mean you have all the strength in the world remember listen to the breakup episode you're gonna be fine you you have everything it takes to get through this I love you so much okay let's move on to the next call all right let's go for it let's go for it I'm scared hopefully I I'll stop getting scared. Please answer. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Hello. He's in the mirror on the line. I've been waiting for this call all evening. Have you? How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm really good, thanks. Where are you from?
Starting point is 00:12:46 What accent is that? I am from Bermondsey. I'm from London. I literally live 15 minutes from Westfield. I thought you were going to say you're from Essex, babe. Oh my God, I'm so excited to talk to you. Have you got a dilemma for me? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:04 This is where you're like, no, I just wanted to talk to you no yeah so this is nuts this is something you've never ever discussed oh my god I'm excited okay so I was with a guy for five years oh blimey we was really like we lived together everything and then i found out i was pregnant okay so like my daughter's here and everything and then i was pregnant and his cousin who had a kid come to me and was like i think you should know so straight away i was like hold on a minute bitch what are you gonna tell me oh my god so she's like oh it's his kid and i was like excuse me wait she had a baby with her cousin yeah she had a baby with her cousin and they kept it a secret
Starting point is 00:13:57 what years four years so it's when you was together? Yeah. Fuck off. So then we was like, I was like, hold on a minute. I don't know if any of this is true. So I got them to do a DNA test because I was like. Yeah, I would. So then I got him to do a DNA test. It come back and I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Did they know they was cousins when they slept with each other? Yeah, they knew they was cousins.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Oh my God. And I was like like what the fuck and then a little a few months later i had my daughter and then she had something come up on her eye so i took her back to the hospital and because he was sleeping with her behind my back and it didn't come off on my test results he actually gave me chlamydia which then passed on to my daughter into her eye no so then when i said it to him he was like oh but you can get chlamydia through stress i was like uh i don't know about that darling i don't know where you're getting this from i googled about chlamydia and i sent it to him and i was like tell tell tell me now that i get
Starting point is 00:15:03 through stress yeah he's like you probably give it to her and i was like, tell me now that I get a fresh dress. And he's like, you probably give it to her. And I was like, yeah, because I am. Oh, my God. It might be the fact that you're dipping your dick in your cousin, mate. Could have been that. This is what I'm saying. Are you still with this guy? No.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Oh, okay, good. He's back with his cousin. They're having another baby. Oh, my God. This is chaos. This is madness. This is madness. Yeah, okay, good for you. Oh, shut up.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Oh my god but don't want me bringing men around her you don't want to be around her himself next you'd want to be around his cousin an insider by the sounds of it dirty dog in their mom's bathroom was you heartbroken though surely yeah i was heartbroken but then I had to get through I was pregnant I couldn't I couldn't afford to be upset I was pregnant oh oh my god you're amazing I don't know how you would have done that no trust me once you once you have a baby things just change so much like your perspective on everything changes like yeah my mindset had to be you know what fuck him he's fucked
Starting point is 00:16:25 his cousin like that's the end of it right he's fucked his cousin so oh my god focus on the baby yeah oh my god you're an incredible woman that is insane it doesn't feel incredible no no I bet it don't. My issue now, Rijette, is meeting someone now I've got a baby because it's so much harder to meet someone when you have a baby because some people understand, like, yeah, you've got a baby, but then other people don't understand that. They just think, oh, well, who's going to have your kid? And listen, my child comes everywhere yeah of course
Starting point is 00:17:06 but do you know what you're just gonna meet the right person like when when you do meet someone that wants to be in your life and your daughter's life that's gonna be the person that you deserve and if they're not that person then see you later honey do you know what i mean they probably have it's so true though like if somebody don't want to get involved in your life because you got a daughter then good riddance do you know what i mean yeah you're a package deal unfortunately sorry hon sorry hon see you later sorry hon you're lost well get out there and keep us all updated because we definitely want to hear about your future man as long as he doesn't sleep with his cousins or any family members no thank you i'd rather skip that stage yeah i've done that
Starting point is 00:17:53 oh my god i can't believe you went through that that you are right that is something we have never covered on the podcast i wonder if his cousin listens hey babe hey fucking bitch peace and love peace and love and she's no no peace and love we don't have me and her don't have peace and love no i'm not surprised oh i'm so sorry you had to go through that though i mean at least you could laugh about it. Listen, it has to be something you laugh about otherwise you will cry and I'm definitely not going to waste my tears over that. Well, thanks so much for talking to me and giving me the best story ever.
Starting point is 00:18:35 It's alright. It was a pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed it. But I am sorry you had to go through that but great content. It's my life. I love you so much. I hope you meet someone amazing
Starting point is 00:18:45 good luck in the dating world and just keep being an amazing single mum because you're smashing it and you don't need no man remember that yes you could do with one though that's what I'm something, that's right, hun. Do you know what I mean? Get on Love, Honey. No, it's not as good as Alzheimer's. Really?
Starting point is 00:19:11 I think for transgender girls, Alzheimer's is better than Love, Honey. Well, you heard it here first, folks. All right, thanks so much for talking to me. Bye. All right, I love you. Bye. Oh, my God. right thanks so much for talking to me bye all right i love you bye oh my god is that the most crazy fucking story god i swore a lot on that one um apologies to anybody who's had sex with
Starting point is 00:19:35 their cousin and they feel severely judged right now um you just gotta have your listeners back do you know what i mean peace and love peace and love but wow what a story oh my god that was insane I'm so sorry you had to go through that but at least you've got your beautiful daughter who's now just all yours do you mean you get to enjoy her so you win do you mean you get to have a life with her so lucky you and good luck to the two of them. Do you know what I mean? Let's call the next person. Wish me luck. Please pick up. I love you so much. I'm getting a bit more confident now.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I'm getting brave. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side. Hello. Hello. Is this Miss Lear on the line?
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yes, Miss Lear on the line. How can I help you today? Hey, girls. Hey, babes. How are you? This is so fun. How are you? I'mes how are you this is so fun how are you i'm good yeah i'm really good have you got a dilemma for me um yeah okay so i moved home from uni right where did you go to uni did you say where yeah in leeds where oh leeds right okay got ya got ya okay continue
Starting point is 00:21:27 so i moved back here from uni and like graduated and stuff and my boyfriend like graduated as well amazing we had like a lovely summer like just living life doing like fun things and then he's like got himself like an adult job and then I just don't have an adult job yet like that's okay I don't have friends at home anymore that's okay I just don't really know what to do with my life I moved home and I'm like like he just can't spend time with me like he did in the summer I and like I think I just have like PTSD from like feeling my friendship so I just don't really like oh I get you I was exactly the same when I finished uni I didn't have any friends from uni and when I moved out of uni I didn't
Starting point is 00:22:17 have any friends there and my ex now ex but boyfriend at the time got a proper job i was in the exact same position as you it feels shit hey like how did you like like what did you do i just sort of rid the wave you know and it like it just sort of life just figures itself out like you just find yourself in a different position before you know it like you just gotta just keep pushing through and like you'll just figure it out and also like don't don't base your happiness around your relationship I think that's like a crucial part like if my boyfriend can't spend time with me then I'm worth nothing do you know what I mean like I know this is this is like what I'm struggling with like I was like I don't want to be that girl that just like and her boyfriend yeah thing is it's so easily done in it but it's hard to undo but you can and like you
Starting point is 00:23:07 don't need to have like friends around you to still feel like independent and happy because the thing is you can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely and you can be completely alone and not feel lonely so I would just like find things in your life that make you feel happy like even if are you are you working at all at the moment well I got two part-time jobs because like basically I want to go into fashion but like it's so competitive yeah um I got a job as a waitress and I was like I literally can't deal with like the weird men and then I got a job in you know like spa like the supermarket like spa yeah um I got a job there and then like i was seeing too many people from like where i live that like i went to school and i was like i cannot do
Starting point is 00:23:51 this would you move out of your area what did you say sorry would you move out of your area at all well i i want to i want to move to manchester but like i kind of need the job for that or like london but i need the job for that so yeah, like, London, but I need the job for that, so. Yeah, but the thing is, like, with moving to a city like that, it's such a risk move that it can just be done, like, you can just be like, fuck it, I'm just going to take a risk here, like, get on Indeed, get a job in one of the cities, once you've secured one, yeah, like, that's what people do, like, you just go, right, fuck it, I'm going to get a job in Manchester, go on Indeed, do, like, Zoom interviews, and be like, oh, I i don't live there yet and then they give you the job might literally one of
Starting point is 00:24:28 my friends did it she lived like basically miles away from london and then she was like i really want to live there applied for loads and loads and loads of jobs was like feeling really low really depressed like oh my god i live in a shitty little village and then one of the jobs she got so then she sorted out her like she just got a flat somewhere found some girls on spare room got a flat in London started her job now she's still in London loving life I should say do that yeah it's like it's just like scary isn't it like yeah like it's what I wanted you for it's so scary but the thing is like you don't have to stay there like you could go right I'm thing is, like, you don't have to stay there.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Like, you could go, right, I'm going to get a job. And I don't know how long, like, your contract would be. But, like, say you got, like, a flat somewhere or a house or whatever. And you're like, right, I'm just going to give it six months to a year. And if you hate it, you can come home. Do you know what I mean? So true. Absolutely so true.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah. Just, like, take a risk, you know? I think I do need to just do something crazy where does your boyfriend live he lives so i live in liverpool so like i live on one side of liverpool and he lives like right the other side so it's like oh it's so dumb it's actually like 45 minutes away i'm literally acting like he lives like 10 10 million miles but he doesn't but right um he has so many friends as well like he's so like popular boys just do though don't they like i feel like boys have like all their lads and girls it's
Starting point is 00:25:51 like i can barely hold a friendship down do you know what i mean no same like i'm literally like afraid of girls like literally i'm with you on the ptsd hun as soon as i start getting close with a girl i'm like oh great we're gonna have a big fallout we'll never talk again i'm saying i'm like if like you know when you say bye to someone and then like you walk away from them i'm like oh my god they actually hate me like even if we just feel lovely like reaction i'm like they literally hate me yeah paranoid you're paranoid babe you got loads of friends here at leo on the line we love you we're the biggest friendship group ever i know it's pretty amazing to be fair you're so popular look at all these listeners they're all your friends i know my boyfriend can
Starting point is 00:26:45 but don't i just think don't worry like to be your boyfriend and like to get out of uni and get into like a full-time job it's actually uncommon like most people leave uni and then they're like now what the hell do i do like it's very common to be in your position like don't feel shit about it yeah I think like yeah it is so true I'm like I think a lot of my friends for me they've like stayed on and done like masters or like their medicine so they like longer courses like I don't really have any other example like apart from him to go off but you know what loads of people that i know that stayed on to do masters and stuff they still graduate their masters and then they're in this position do you know what i mean it's like it just puts it off yeah exactly more debt yeah well maybe i'll just move to
Starting point is 00:27:39 manchester sometime soon hopefully well just like i just think even if you stay where you are just don't get stressed about it like it's fine just keep reminding yourself like how old are you I'm 22 right okay do you know what you mean like you're 22 you've got your whole life ahead of you some people don't even start uni like until 21 22 my mum didn't even start till she had four kids so like like you know like I'm just like so like ready to like have like this like first job yeah you're like itching for it so it feels like more painful not being there yeah it's like all I think about yeah which probably making a lot of yeah I think just try not thinking about it because it's one of them things it's like you know when you're single and you really want a boyfriend you can't get one and then when you when you're like right fuck it i just want to be single that's when they will come
Starting point is 00:28:31 flying at you so it's like i think maybe just try and switch your mindset into something different so that it's not your main focus and then things will just fall into place that is yeah that's a really good way of putting it, actually. Like, at the end of the day, leave it in the hands of the universe. Just do whatever you can do, whatever you have the power to control. Otherwise, just focus on it every day and just being happy and doing what you need to do to be happy. That is really good advice, actually. Thank you, honey.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I should start a podcast. Thank you so much for calling me oh don't be silly keep us all updated okay i will all right i love you so much you'll be fine okay bye bye oh honestly i know there's so many people listening right now in the exact same position. Coming out of uni is a shell shock, hun. You spend three years being like, I'm going to come out of here and I'm going to boom into the real world. And then really, you just literally kicked out the back door with a cap on your head. And they're like, good luck. Good luck out there. Yeah, I'm going to need it, darling.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Do you know what I mean? I graduated nearly five years ago I've still not got a job in that industry sort of packed it in at this rate no I haven't I'll never give up singing guys okay I love you so much you're gonna be totally fine do not stress totally normal way to feel and let's move on to the next call okay wish me luck on this one guys I hope it's a good one. Make it good, girl.
Starting point is 00:30:11 She's not going to pick up. Oh my goodness. Hello? Hello? Who's this? It's Leah, babes. Leah on the line. Oh, you're good, really?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Yeah, how are you? I? Yeah, how are you? Good, how are you? I'm good. Did you not recognise my voice? No. Are you even a listener? Yeah, of course I am. I'm joking, I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Oh, I'm happy to talk to you. Have you got a dilemma for me? Yeah, right, basically. Okay, let's kick it off. Wait, let me catch my breath. Catch your breath, basically. Okay, let's kick it off. Wait, let me catch my breath. Catch your breath, honey. My ex from just over a year ago, yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:52 I randomly caught feedings again. Great. Yeah. And now she's given me really mixed signals. Oh. Like, she keeps on flirting with me but there's also not the head fuck yeah right there's also this other boy that fancies her she's bisexual and i think she isn't saying anything just to wait second. I think she's just trying to, like...
Starting point is 00:31:27 She's playing the field. Yeah. So now we just don't know what to do. Right, OK. Well, I think you should just talk to her and say, what do you want from me? Because I'm falling for you again. Where do I stand?
Starting point is 00:31:43 Do you know what I mean? I think that's a fair thing to put on someone because she also has a responsibility to consider other people's feelings here babe you know don't you think yeah 100 do you think you haven't said it because you're might scared of what you you're scared of what she might say yeah I'm really scared of like rejection yeah but you always have to remember that when somebody rejects you it's never it's never about you yeah thank you do you know what i mean like if she decides that that's not what she wants from you see you later babe do you know what i mean i can get i can get whoever i want thank you remember that serious thank you so much don't
Starting point is 00:32:23 be silly definitely just put your cards on the table and tell her tell her what you want from her obviously you don't have to be like i want to be with you be with me or fuck off like it doesn't have to be like that but you can be like look i'm falling for you i just want to know where i stand i hope that's okay and then thank you so much don't be silly let me know what happens yeah 100% will% will. Keep me updated. Keep me in the loop. Good luck. Thank you so much. Just remember, you're amazing. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I love you so much. I love you so much. Keep me updated, okay? Okay, I will. Okay, I love you. Love you. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Oh, I can't. I can't. Oh, my God. That is the worst feeling, like, when you need to approach someone and be like, I have feelings for you, but I don't know how the fuck you feel about me. Like worst feeling in the world. But you know what, babe? You got this.
Starting point is 00:33:13 You're just going to go in. Ball's deep. Tell her how you feel. All right. Keep us all updated. We love you so much. Let's move on to another call. Let's go. Pick up hello hello hello is leah who leah oh hey
Starting point is 00:33:36 why are you on no caller id i can't be giving up my number babe how are you i'm good thank you yourself i'm good i'm hot and sweaty because this is really scary ringing all these strangers joking best friends best friends for life how are you how you feeling i'm really good have you got a dilemma for me i got so confused on who no caller id was i was like who the hell yeah and i'm like leah you're like who the fuck is leah i don't know leah i'm just like completely zonked out i was completely zoned out i was watching someone get like face filler on tiktok that's kind of love it i'm getting my lips done tomorrow oh that's quite exciting yeah fill them up babes that's what i'm saying yeah no i have a virgin face so oh good for you good for you
Starting point is 00:34:25 that's a good thing no because i want them done do you yeah well only do it if you feel like you really really want to and don't listen to what anyone else says you know that's absolutely bloody correct have you have you got a dilemma yes okay hit us okay okay go on basically okay well oh my god i've got loads i could tell you my life's really problematic perfect content right so yeah no perfect my life is literally all content for everyone okay so basically oh my god i'm really contemplating but you know what i'll tell you both okay so my boyfriend is moving to america oh fuck in over a year we're a year deep into our relationship everything is absolutely great crazy great times great but i'm scared on where it's going to go and also it's there's like people that i feel like will get in the way and i'm now just like really really confused on what
Starting point is 00:35:38 to do because i don't know whether to end it or keep it but then i love him and it's but like i wouldn't end it now but I'm contemplating just doing it when he goes so that it sees me the heart but then I don't know whether to go out to America to go see him like I'm literally I have just turned 20 and I feel like I am in a very very very committed relationship that's tough because if you obviously you don't want to leave him now because it's like I've got a year of you I'm'm not going to leave you now. But then if you wait another year, you're going to be balls deep in love. No. I know.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Then it's harder. I know. That's what's really going to be quite dramatic. How long is he going to be in America for? He's going to be in there for six months. Oh, that's fine. Really? Yeah, for sure. Oh, my my god you can definitely survive six months away
Starting point is 00:36:28 oh my god I literally when he goes right so he's a he's a uni student in my hometown yeah and when he goes home like to back to where he lives I literally I don't I can't stand it I have mental breakdowns I am crying down the bone to that boy i'm like can you just can you just come back for like a week or something he's like no no no because it's my time with my family i'm like yeah but you've got a girlfriend can you come please the thing is you just adjust though what part of america is he going what time difference are we talking oh yeah that we're not sure yet so we he's going. But he's also saying that he's looked into Australia as well. Oh, no, that's not, that won't do, I'm afraid.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yeah, this is going a bit too much. And every time he tells me that, like, he's looking into other things, I'm like, oh, my God, just shut up, shut up. Let me be happy because literally the most... Let me live. Can I live? I'm just trying to be in a happy relationship and you're making me sad.
Starting point is 00:37:34 The thing is, is like he's young. How old is he? He's 20 as well. Right, yeah. So he's young as well. So it's like he has to do these things in this stage in his life. Do you know what I mean? Because if he if he stayed for you like he would look back and resent
Starting point is 00:37:49 you for it so like you have to let him go but at the same time it's like don't go literally pick me who do you think you are leaving your girlfriend like yeah like do you know what you've got here in sunny england you're gonna walk away from that i just think i mean what are you gonna do have you thought about what like do you want to stay with him yeah obviously like this is someone that i've literally so i was in something quite toxic and then literally I almost put that toxicity from my last relationship into this one and I'm like super clinging I'm like yeah and then even if like even I have a text if I misread something like in my own head you know when you read a message yeah and it just
Starting point is 00:38:36 doesn't it doesn't sit right with the way you're reading it and then you get in a mood that's me and then if he says something that i don't like i go into a straight mood but like yeah i'm just i will stop him from doing these things it's yeah that's good excuse you yeah i mean bit rude but whatever i think you like these issues that you have like you obviously have like anxiety in the relationship for whatever reason from your past relationship whatever these things you can work through together like he needs to work through them with you because that's going to be like a prevalent issue if you're doing long distance but i also think like six months of your life is nothing like out of your whole life six months is nothing and if you can make it through that then you'll make it through anything
Starting point is 00:39:23 and it's almost just like leave it in the hands of the universe if you're meant to be together you'll get through it do you know what i mean so true day at a time babe you know it's it's gonna be a it's gonna be a rough one to the least yeah it will be hard but then focus on yourself like you're so much else away from this relationship like you're so much more than just his girlfriend you know you're like yeah I'm really not literally do it's even worse right is because I I have my own friends in my own hometown yeah but like it's almost like I drift away from them not on purpose but I almost drift away from them to hang out with like this whole new group because I'm basically I'm friends with his whole house yeah I see my boyfriend's there so I have this whole new friendship group which is so exciting to someone
Starting point is 00:40:16 and then you've got your boyfriend as well and they're all freaking off to oh sorry I don't know if I can swear at sauce of course you can't i it's just it's like word for me at this point and yeah so he's he's going to america they're all going to do placement years and i'm like oh my god i'm losing everyone at the same time i'm like it's only six months i can get through this literally it's six months out of your whole life it's only six months of just hanging out with my girls i'm like i'm gonna miss my boyfriend yeah i'm really gonna miss my boyfriend i just think you're gonna miss him 100 but come up with things to do together like have like your set face times and like things that you can do together over the phone if you can go out there then definitely do maybe like halfway through if
Starting point is 00:41:00 it can only be once maybe like halfway through because then the way you have to think about it is like you have to get through three months and then you can see him and then it's just three more and then it's over. Well, I will put the suggestion forward as if in, hey, do you mind if I get sugar daddy, then I can pay to come out and see you. Yeah, absolutely. And if you aren't willing to support that, then don't go.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Exactly. Problem solved. I mean, he'll probably be like if i can have half then yeah i'm like no i mean where is he gonna stay can you stay where he's living i don't care i'm going to be sleeping under his i will spend six months in america thank you very much i seem like a psychopath no no i've been there've been there you spend so much time with someone you're like I'm nothing when you're not around I don't even know who I am it's embarrassing
Starting point is 00:41:52 it's not embarrassing but it feels miserable to feel like that it feels horrible I've been there it's not okay I'm going to thrive but my way of thriving is
Starting point is 00:42:07 i'll just be drunk and or a lot no don't drink yourself for it okay get yourself through one day at a time and before you know it month will be over then it will be another month and then before you know it's like oh my god you're home in four months and it will fly yeah that's a good way of putting it and and rather than being like counting down the days because then it's just going to drag i think just accept right i'll see you in six months like say you can't figure out a way to get out there just be like right it is what it is rather than being like okay this many days this many days this many weeks because then you're just going to be miserable and torture yourself and it will be hell and it doesn't have to be yeah
Starting point is 00:42:46 like you're so much more than the relationship just remember that and at least you've got loads of friends do you know what i mean at least you've got loads of friends that's true you have the strength just remember that like you the universe is always at work babe you know that's true and if it's meant to be it will be and that's all you can really do all i can say is the universe is testing my bloody patience at the moment yeah but enough already keep us all updated and good luck you're gonna be fine all right i love you so much speak to you soon okay bye that is horrible I could not cope like I did that though like I was off on a cruise ship once but that didn't turn out to be six months but if my boyfriend turned around was like I'm going to
Starting point is 00:43:42 America for six months I think I'd have a fucking breakdown. I could not deal with that shit. But, you know, it's six months. It's six months out of your whole life. That's what we've got to keep remembering, yeah? Okay, I think we should wrap up the calls. I'm sweating it out. I'm literally sweating.
Starting point is 00:43:58 It's really overwhelming. I'm really not racking, you know? But honestly, I've had a great time talking to you. Let's wrap up the episode wow that was so fun I'm like I want to do more and more and more and more and more like I want this to be a regular thing but then I say that all the time I really do though like let me know if you guys would be interested in reoccurring, calling my listeners feature, like, not every week, because they'll probably get old, wouldn't it, but we can definitely
Starting point is 00:44:30 do it frequently, because it's so fun, it's so nice to have an actual, like, voice to my viewers, to the messages, to the DMs, you know, like, it's so nice to have a voice to it, and it's so nice to just have someone to talk to, because I'm just normally sit on my own talking to myself, do you know what I mean? It's so nice to have someone to talk to. I've literally loved this episode. It was so fun. God, do you want to say that again, Leah? Jesus Christ. But honestly, to anyone that I didn't call, we're going to do it again. Don't worry. I'm so sorry that I missed your number this time, but we will do it again. I love you. I'm so excited to talk to you, all of you, and we're going to have so much fun. Next time, have an amazing weekend.
Starting point is 00:45:07 If you're drinking, getting drunk, don't text your ex, text me instead. And I will see you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. I love you. Bye. Maybe I adore you. Yeah, I adore you. I adore you. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year.
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