Leah on the Line - BONUS 26: The ASK ME ANYTHING episode

Episode Date: December 16, 2022

Hello my best friends!! Welcome back to another episode. Today I sat down and had a really cute, intimate chat with you all and had the absolute best time. We discussed everything from mental health c...heck-ins, to pressure to have children, to my opinion on sexting/sending nudes. Thank you for all of your questions and for listening in, you mean the absolute world to me! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lear on the line happy friday it's friday how was your week guys i'm sick I'm just gonna milk this for the entire episode because basically I have COVID no I don't I just have a cold um but I like to be really dramatic in all situations scenarios circumstances possible no I actually do feel like a bag of shit guys I actually feel really unwell I feel like um my body's been dragged through a hedge by Dwayne Johnson that I would not be complaining about just got an evil stare from my boyfriend but he's had to adjust to my love for Dwayne Johnson because I tell you what right it's not even the even the appearance. It's just him. I just love him as a
Starting point is 00:01:05 person. He's so sweet and kind, the way he is with his fans. Like, it's the contagious smile, you know? You know what I mean? I love Dwayne Johnson. I love you. Anyway, how are you all? Hope you're all doing really well. There's so many people that are ill right now me being one of them as I did say um so if anyone else is ill I feel you babes I've got a green tea next to me some lem sip honestly who has lem sip my boyfriend is actually quite annoying when I'm ill because he's like right okay drink this orange juice take these tablets it's really sweet like it's so thoughtful and so sweet but for some reason it just annoys me like i'm just like i'm fine but then i also want to be like hold me i'm so ill do you know what i mean i'm just so conflicted conflicted do you know what i mean but anyway fuck him welcome back to a brand new episode not fuck him like fuck him
Starting point is 00:02:00 do you mean fuck him love him that's not what i mean anyway guys welcome back to a brand new episode today i thought we could have a nice girly catch up just me and you well all of us and just have a nice chat because when i did this not too long ago i had so many messages being like i absolutely loved that like it just felt really in smear and really casual and really nice so i was like we haven't done that in a while let's do that again so I don't know whether to call this what I'm going to potentially call it but I'm not I'm a stranger who knows but anyway this is right now it is the ask me anything episode so I wrote on my Instagram story I feel like we haven't had a proper bestie chat in ages in this episode you can ask me
Starting point is 00:02:41 anything whether it be personal questions you want to know about me or something you want some advice on or opinions on nothing is off limits here babes ask away i love you and i have picked out some cool questions that we are going to tackle today some topics there are a few dilemmas that you guys want some advice on just or just general scenarios you're asking what i would do asking me some some personal, intimate questions. And you know, nothing's off limits. Like I said, I'm really looking forward to it, having a bestie chat with you all, get cozy or whatever it is you're doing. I hope you're in a good mood. If not, hopefully this will improve your mood. I love you so much and let's get straight into the episode. straight into the episode okay guys so I hope you're all doing really well I've missed you so much I hope you've had a really good week I hope you're excited for the weekend anyone doing any
Starting point is 00:03:33 last minute Christmas shopping I definitely am like I feel like I have a lot to do but I have so much housework going on at the moment honestly whose fucking idea was it to do vlogmas while I'm doing my house up because my vlogs are so boring I know whose idea idea was it to do vlogmas while i'm doing my house up because my vlogs are so boring i know whose idea it was it was you guys on tiktok live do vlogmas do vlogmas it didn't take much convincing i was like no no no okay fine so here i am doing vlogmas and all i'm doing is painting the fucking walls do you know what i mean but anyway whatever i love you guys so much let's get straight into some questions so let's just kick it off with this one randomly oh very very relevant to the conversation are you ready for xmas bestie um i feel like i am
Starting point is 00:04:12 i wasn't a few days ago but i've done some last minute panic orders online i feel like i am getting there i feel like i'm ready um does my voice sound kind of sexy when I'm out? Is it given Phoebe in Friends? Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeling you? I sounded like Lady Gaga. I just sound just like Lady Gaga. I sound just like her. Do you guys see the Friends reunion? If you guys haven't seen that, little secret here. Remember I told you about the handmade sterile?
Starting point is 00:04:41 You can get it on Bflix, the website Bflix. You can also get the Friends reunion on Bflix, thank me later it's really quite fantastic like they all sit around the table and they do they read out the script together and then they play the seat the original scene over top it's so magical and amazing i honestly love friends but anyway lady gaga goes on and she sings smelly cat with phoebe but she's really giving it. Like she's like, smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? It's really good. Sorry, guys. I should cut out, but fuck it.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I'm not going to because I like everyone to know that I'm ill. Anyway. Anyway, am I ready for Christmas? Yeah, I guess so. I'm ready. I'm excited. All my niece and nephews are staying over for Christmas Eve, which I'm really, really looking forward to. Um, I'm on top of my Christmas
Starting point is 00:05:30 shopping as much as I can be. Um, and grateful for another year with my family, to be honest, guys. Um, and you guys, love ya. Next question. Hope you guys are ready as well um would you have a have a day with a viewer slash fan like shopping cocktails etc yeah I literally say this all the time um whenever I'm on TikTok live I literally say um because you guys comment like oh like I'd love to hang out with you and I'm like I'm not joking when I say like let's actually make a plan and do it like I'm not joking you guys think I'm like oh my god yeah yeah no I'm serious like I just feel like it'd be so fun if we all like met up somewhere not all of us but like you know whoever would want to actually go maybe two of you
Starting point is 00:06:16 and we could just hang out somewhere for the day maybe even go get drunk do you know what I mean who knows I guess it would have to be London somewhere reasonably in the middle that's not the middle though to be fair but it's you know easy enough to get to from most places not cheap though do you know what I mean but I feel like it would be so much fun if we all did that I did say about us all going to winter wonderland but I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to making plans so um somebody else you make the plan and I'll be there I love you okay next question um I'm in my third year studying primary primary teaching I hate it any advice to keep motivated so I would say do you hate it because you hate what you're studying or
Starting point is 00:07:02 do you just hate the course and the uni and the lifestyle and the people on your course? Because I've already mentioned a million times, I hated uni. Those two things that got me through. Number one, I can't quit anything because of my self-esteem. I feel like a failure. So I'm out of stubbornness. In my first week, I was like, nah, not for me. Absolutely hate it.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Get me out of this shit hole. That was me in my first week. But like I said, I can't quit anything because I will feel like a failure and I've never managed to quit anything in my life. Apart from when I worked at H&M because it made me absolutely miserable. But nothing against H&M. I shop there often. Just won't be working there again. Anyway, so that was the first reason. Second reason was because I was like, what else am I going to fucking do? Do you know what I mean? I was like, what else am I going to do? But I sucked it up for three years. And when I got to my third year, like you're in now, I was like, this is torture. I don't like anyone around me. I had one person
Starting point is 00:08:01 on my course that I actually really liked. Emmy, to you love you um everybody else I just could not connect with like I just felt like they had something massive against me and like we just did not like they was all like a big friendship group and then it was just like me um I lost my confidence like it was really not good for me but being in my third year like you what kept me going was I was like I'm in my third year like this is the last stretch do you know what I mean you can see like final push vibes do you know what I mean like final push I don't know if it's my headphones but my voice sounds so sexy and husky right now but I do have some new headphones so it could be that but do I sound really deep and sexy? Or is it just the headphones? It's me. It's just me. Anyway, for me, I would just say you're in your
Starting point is 00:08:51 third year. Yeah. You're literally so close to the end. If this is if it's just because you don't like the actual course and stuff. But if you do still really, really want to pursue this career, I would say final push imagine how proud of yourself you're going to be when you get your degree do you know what I mean no one can take that away from you once you graduate and you have your certificate no one can take that away from you so I would just say last push last push and you know how long's left what month are we in December you literally have like half a year left of how many months is that you probably finish in June You literally have like half a year left of how many months is that?
Starting point is 00:09:26 You probably finished in June, January, February, March, April, May, June. Six months. Babe, six more months of your life. What is six months of your life when you've already given two and a half years? You can absolutely get through to the end and then imagine how incredible you're going to feel. Because you can look back and say, I absolutely hated it. And I did it. And if anything, you're going to feel even more proud because you were more resilient. Do you know what I mean? You can do this. My advice to keep motivated is just remember
Starting point is 00:09:49 how close you are to the finish line, to be honest. I love you and you can do this. Okay, next one kind of made me want to cry. No, it didn't really. It really doesn't hurt my feelings. I actually laughed out loud when I read it. It says, have you ever considered a boob job? Not that you need it it but I have a similar frame and I have um I actually haven't like I've never considered a boob job because I like my itty bitty titties I can't lie I've never ever been someone that wants boobs like I think the last time I wore a bra was I probably was about 13 um when you was in school and it was like oh my gosh she's got vage got a vase
Starting point is 00:10:25 but at the same time none of my friends had boobs when we was in school like we all had tiny boobs apart from one of my friends who did have these big gorgeous juicy jugs but she also hated them so do you know what i mean so i was just always like whatever i've got what i've got um and i was also quite happy with my little bubble butt like i've always had like a bit of a peachy bum so i was always like i'm not really too insecure about my tiny boobs because I've got a little cute butt do you mean so honestly no nose job and abs are fucking lootly if anybody's got six grand I'll take it I wish you could get a nose job on finance oh wait you definitely can can you do that can you actually do that how much are we talking a month maybe over three years two years why am I acting like I've got that kind of money I'm not gonna
Starting point is 00:11:12 fucking fly out and get a nose job I would love to go to Istanbul and say chisel that fucker away but I'm also I am also a little bit scared of it going wrong because I've I know people person not personally but I know people that personally know people that have had major fuck up nose jobs but then I know people that had the most incredible transformations like I was talking to Talia because I put up an Instagram story saying like if anyone's had a rhinoplasty like hit me up I have so many questions and loads of you guys came through it sending me your before and after pictures like all your advice and it made me really really want to get one because you all have these new gorgeous beautiful noses um and then I spoke to
Starting point is 00:11:52 Talia and she she was basically telling me that she had her first nose job but she didn't feel like it looked that different she had that one in the UK and then she went to Turkey to get her second nose job and her nose is just the most gorgeous little thing so you know what me telling you the truth if I had the money to get a boob job would I do it like if I had all this excess money do you know what I mean we're talking like excess like I've already had my nose job I've already had my teeth straightened like let's say I've already got the things done that I'd like to. Why did I go really posh then? Would I get a boob job if I had excess money?
Starting point is 00:12:30 I think I'd probably consider it, but I've never considered it in my life. But I feel like if I had excess money, I might be like, fuck yeah, get them in. Do you know what I mean? But then it's one of those procedures that you have to get like topped up every few years. Like you have to get a new one every like 10 years. So I'm just going to play it safe and say, no, I wouldn't get a boob job. I like my small boobs and less chance for sagging in the future, you know. OK, next question.
Starting point is 00:12:58 How much should you spend on your partner at Christmas? Would love your opinion. So I feel like this is completely up to anybody else. Like you spend whatever you want to spend on your partner, whatever you can afford to spend and vice versa. I know so many couples that just don't even bother with Christmas, which I literally get as well. Personally, I think it depends on my financial situation at the time. Like if I'm doing well, oh my God, I've got shooting pain in my chest. Oh my God. Imagine I just died live on air. Oh my god, I've got shooting pain in my chest.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Oh my god. Imagine I just died live on air. Well, it wouldn't be live. This episode would never make it out. If I die on air, can you put the episode up for me? Thank you. Why am I joking about death like I don't have a fucking major fear of it? If I die on air.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Anyway, what was I talking about before I went into my trauma? What was I actually talking about? Yeah, if I'm doing all right at the moment at Christmas, then I'd like to get you a couple of bits, maybe like a few nice things that you really, really wanted. But I don't think Christmas is the time personally where I'm going to splash the cash. Do you know what I mean? Birthdays are a bit different if I can financially provide. do you know what I mean birthdays are a bit different if I can financially provide but otherwise I think it's all about being thoughtful you know like I've had people buy me all these presents they cost fucking loads of money and I think why have you got me that I never asked for that do you know what I mean whereas then there's someone that might have heard you say something
Starting point is 00:14:20 once and then they they get it for you or they make it for you and you think oh my god that's so sweet and amazing so they're actually the presents that mean the most to me personally so that's my thought on on that one um have you been converted to an electric toothbrush yet so this one really confused me because i have no recollection of even talking about electric toothbrushes like this actually made me laugh because I was like have I actually said to people I use a manual toothbrush have I ever said that why why did I say that so random anyway I love that you know that about me um I used to use an electric toothbrush no I used to use a battery toothbrush um but like it was one of the things that like the battery would run out yeah and then I'm like oh I need to get some batteries my toothbrush and then I just wouldn't and then I'm just brushing my teeth
Starting point is 00:15:07 with a battery-powered toothbrush and it's off and then I just thought let me just get a manual one and then I never went back to the electric life but I've never had like a plug-in chargeable electric toothbrush are they better is it a fact that they make your teeth white are you guys are gonna have to let me know no why do I keep going really weird my accent say oh a little bit plus okay next question um are you planning on moving out anytime soon i'm not loving the fam home life oh my god me too i am not planning on moving out anytime soon i'm really enjoying being at home um i love having my bestie around the corner. I love having my dog on my lap 24 hours of the day. I love having my sister and her kids around the corner.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I love living with my mom and just cooking dinner and feeling safe and at home and just like feeling cozy and in my safe space. Like, I don't know. I just feel like it's a really good thing for me at the moment, even though I dreaded it for so long, like when I realized this is what I was going to have to do. But it's really been good for me and I'm really enjoying it. And I love that you are too. Okay, next one is, do you and your boyfriend bicker and argue? So when we first got together, we was bickering like mad and arguing because this is a weird thing, right? It's like, you know, like it should be easy. Like it's the honeymoon phase. Why are you arguing so much? But I think that we just really had to learn each other. And also we both
Starting point is 00:16:39 had like insecurities at the beginning of the relationship where you're just like not secure. Do you know what I mean? And then now that things have like really settled you've been together like I don't know how long like five months we're like more comfortable and feel more secure in the relationship so now it's like it's way more rare um so yeah I think it's normal like to go through phases and you know then it's you also get the couples that just like never argue which is fine as well but listen I'm a fire sign so if I feel something I will be telling you about it um and he's also a fire sign so you know how that goes but yeah we get on like house and fire he's actually my best friend and yeah of course we bicker and we argue but we're very good at he has actually got really good at um admitting I'm always right and just
Starting point is 00:17:32 saying sorry so yeah next question um mentally how are you I am really good thank you for asking that's a really nice question um yeah I'm really good I have like good days and bad days especially when it comes to like um my fear of death like I've been talking about it a lot recently I don't know why sometimes I just joke about it it's like one of them things you know some people deal with trauma or like really awful situations by just like laughing sometimes I I joke about it to feel like I'm in control I'm not not. No, I am. I am in control. That was my two personalities arguing in my head, by the way. Yeah, I'm doing really good mentally. I feel, I get my days where I'm anxious and I think, what am I doing? Where am I going to go?
Starting point is 00:18:18 How am I going to have children? How am I ever going to buy a house? What am I going to do for my long-term career? Am I ever going to be on stage again but I'm very good at just taking a deep breath and enjoying the now because you never know what is around the corner but it's true so I'm like why spoil the piece like I have an amazing family an amazing boyfriend a roof over my head I'm doing a job that I absolutely love and adore what is the reason that I need to find to come up with an excuse of well you should be panicking do you know what I mean so like yeah I'm just doing better at staying in control and appreciating and being grateful for everything I have so yeah how are you guys doing mentally let me know send me a dm your opinion on sexting
Starting point is 00:19:02 slash sending nudes to your boyfriend what is the limit so i feel like this is totally personal to you guys like you decide that you know you decide your your limit um and i oh and the partner as well you know like they might not want to see your tits five times a day but whatever fucking crazy if they don't but joking joking but yeah I think it's up to you it's like nobody else's opinion should really matter and that's up to you and your partner um is him being single for only three months a red flag or should I just be positive that it's good right now um we spoke about this recently we did a weekly debate where I said like how long is no how soon is too soon to move on after a relationship I think we actually
Starting point is 00:19:45 did a recent dilemma about it maybe even in the very last episode um sorry guys just milking it um I yeah I stand by what I said if you missed that episode basically I just feel like you know people can check out of relationships before they end um and fall out of love with that person before they separate from them. So, you know, the time that they've been separated can be different to the time that they've been emotionally unattached. So I don't think it's a red flag. I would look out for other red flags for sure. Like it would definitely put my guard up a little bit and I'd be a bit like, well, are you over her? When was the last time you spoke to her? Are you still friends? Are you in communication? Do you know what I mean? Why did you break up? Whose decision was it?
Starting point is 00:20:31 But no, if it's truly a case of like, well, you know, the relationship ended emotionally before it did physically, then yeah, I don't think it's a red flag at all. I love you. Enjoy it. Okay, next one. Do you feel pressure about time scale in life, relationship slash kids slash career? I don't feel pressure because nobody around me applies pressure. Like my mom doesn't, nobody's asking me like, oh, do you reckon you're going to have kids? Like when are you going to have kids? When are you going to move out? Like my family are really good at not doing that. So I don't feel pressure, but I do feel anxiety because I can't see it so when I can't see something that's when I feel like it's not going to happen but obviously I can't see it because I
Starting point is 00:21:11 don't I never know with my whole life I've never known where I'm going to be in the next year like I might not be living at home this time next year or I could be and things I'm not going to know until this time next year I could be I could get an incredible job opportunity and be mega fucking rich money bags stunning girl queen life yeah move out buy a house it's just not going to happen buy a house me and my boyfriend I'm just still madly crazy in love and we go let's have babies you know it could happen you literally never know um but recently I've definitely been like I am so excited to have children one day but I'm also terrified of doing it at a time where it's I'm not going to be able to do it right like I want to there is no right
Starting point is 00:21:57 way to do it but I just really want to make sure that when I when I get to that position in my life I am the best version of myself for said baby oh my god that's terrifying you know I always have a huge fear that I won't be able to have children because of all my period problems but you know let's not get into that next question how would you deal with the regret of past sexual partners so I don't have any regret and I feel like no one should like if anyone you've decided to have sex with who cares you know it honestly is so like unimportant to who you are as a person like you could have had sex with one person in your life you could have had sex with 300 people you barely know any of their names it doesn't matter it doesn't define who you are as a person.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Like you are who you are right now. The past is the past, you know? Like you said about the regret of past sexual partners. Why regret anything? Why regret the past, you know? Especially when it comes to sex. Like it doesn't shape you as a person. Like who fucking cares, you know?
Starting point is 00:23:03 Just make sure you like who you are, you treat people well, and you know, you like who fucking cares you know um just make sure you like who you are you treat people well and you know you like who you are today that's what matters okay how long should you wait at all to decide that they want you or should it just be simple oh my goodness um that's a tricky one because i feel like it's situational but I do feel like um I'm not waiting for anyone to decide they want me like you either want me or you don't it should be simple in terms of whether they think they want you or not um and you know we did this discussion before whether we think guys can play hard to get and I said, oh my God, what the heck is happening to my throat?
Starting point is 00:23:46 All of the guys that we spoke to in that episode said, guys, don't play hard to get. Like if a guy wants you, you'll know about it. And I feel like a guy will decide pretty quickly if he wants to be in a relationship with you. He might not not make that clear I might not disclose that with you but I feel like it's very uncommon that I'm not saying it doesn't happen but I feel like it's uncommon that a guy will be seeing you sleeping with you dating you and then later down the line go actually I do want to be with you like I feel like at the beginning you even know your intentions with that girl or you don't I could be wrong i'm not the male species but this is my personal opinion and i just don't think um i don't think you should wait for anyone to decide um they either want you or you don't and if they don't then
Starting point is 00:24:36 see ya okay um what to do if i'm attracted to my boss but have a partner? Oh my goodness. I'm going to need to save that for Tuesday. So send me in a full dilemma with all the deets and we will tackle this on Tuesday, baby girl. Do you get anxious and insecure about your boyfriend's exes? If so, how do you deal with it? I actually don't. Like not hises um because I respect that everybody has history and everybody like I also respect that like you went through journeys with people and like that also shapes you to who you are as a person um I don't get anxious about it like I might get a bit nosy every now and then but more at the beginning do you know what I mean curiosity do you guys like to ask your partner about their previous relationships because I know Sophia like Sophia Tuxford
Starting point is 00:25:31 she says ignorance is bliss and I am that way in some areas but I do like to know how many partners have you had how long were you together you know because I like to get judgment on someone and fair enough you can't judge someone by their past but it gives you an idea what you're working with um to be honest I feel like quite confident in saying I'm not actually that majorly I'm not that of no whoa how do I fucking word this I'm not majorly jealous like I'm not a massively jealous girlfriend um I never really have been. Like I've always been very, it's weird because even when my confidence is rock bottom, I don't get jealous of my boyfriend with exes or other girls and stuff. I more just think,
Starting point is 00:26:17 oh, I'm shit. Like, I don't know. I can't explain it. But no, I guess the answer is just no, I don't really get anxious about exes um how hard a healthy relationship is after a toxic one ps love you and your podcast I love you so much um it's hard in certain areas so I think arguments that's when it's hard because you're used to them going a certain way and you're used to being treated in a certain way and having to respond in a certain way and like you go into that like fight or flight mode that you're like used to and it's almost like um I can't even I can't even put it into words but yeah in arguments that's when it's difficult because you're not used to healthy like communication and and having your feelings
Starting point is 00:27:01 heard like you're used to oh my god I'm so sorry for how annoying this is to listen to you're used to having to like fight your point to the ground like listen to me listen to my feelings but yeah it's difficult but then also I've always been so lucky in terms of I know I know the whole time like my whole life I've known what I've deserved fair enough I might not have chased it but like I've always been so aware of what a healthy relationship looks like what doesn't look like what I'm willing to accept oh my god my voice I'm so sorry so having a healthy relationship I'm like yes thank you like my boyfriend now he cannot do enough for me he cooks he cleans he massages me he compliments me touches me all the time and my love language is physical touch so that's quite fantastic for me he spends so much quality time with me like he this sounds so annoying I
Starting point is 00:27:58 know this is annoying people when I'm saying this I know it's annoying but he really is just like really really a really really really good boyfriend and like even though I'm not used to it I also have this feeling of like yeah yeah babe yeah you fucking you wash up I love you do you know what I mean like I'm I'm like so appreciative of it like I love and acknowledge it so much and I always say to him like oh my god I appreciate you I love you like thank you but I'm also I've also been very cautious not to lose sight of like that that is just how you should be treated and what you should like get from somebody so yeah it's really hard but at the same time I feel like I know what I'm worth. You guys should know what you're worth so that when you do get it, you feel like, yeah, finally, I love this. Thank you. I
Starting point is 00:28:51 love my life. I love my boyfriend or girlfriend. You know what I mean? Okay. Do you believe the one that got away can be a real thing? This is a really good debate. Shit. Should I answer this now or should we debate this on Tuesday I feel like I should save this for Tuesday guys I'm gonna save that I love that question thank you Abby I love you I'm gonna save that for Tuesday that's literally an amazing question so head over to my Instagram stories and we will debate this on Tuesday okay let's do one more question oh this one says have you fallen out of love with the podcast a little I hope you say no no no no no no no absolutely not I will be honest I feel like you guys might
Starting point is 00:29:33 have fallen out of love with it which I don't know it could be it could be me being really insecure and paranoid and having imposter syndrome but I just feel like I like I have anxiety all the time that I'm like people are just gonna wake up one day and be like I fucking hate this podcast and like I get really scared like as soon as it's doing really well and I have like a really good month that's when I'm like fuck tough shit it's only downhill from here like I just have major imposter syndrome so like even when it's doing really well I'm like oh my god they hate me they hate me and like if I don't get many dms for like a week I'm like oh my god everyone's over it everyone's over it they're sick of me they're sick of my accent they're sick of my stuttering in my
Starting point is 00:30:12 words I need to start editing my stuttering out I need to stop swearing so much like I need to stop talking about my new relationship like I literally just feel like I'm annoying everyone so no the answer is no I absolutely haven't fallen out of love with the podcast i fall more and more in love with it and you guys every single week but i just have this fear that you guys are just over it and it scares the living daylights out of me to be honest so i'm just asking for some love just for my just for myself i'm kidding um while we're on the topic leave me a rating i love you guys i'm joking well i'm not i'm actually um while we're on the topic leave me a rating i'm joking well i'm not i'm actually not joking i don't know why i said joking i'm not i would really really
Starting point is 00:30:49 appreciate if you did leave a rating um but yeah oh my god i loved this chat we should do this we should do this again sometime we really should um if you guys have any more questions let me know if you do and i'll put up another story and we can literally do this again because I really enjoy it not just talking about me like not talking about um it's not just all like a Q&A like I love when you guys ask me my opinions on certain topics and like I don't know it's just fun you know it just feels more personal it feels more like a bestie sleepover chat and I love that I love that with you guys so yeah let's wrap up the episode okay thank you guys so much if any of you sent me in questions or just for listening just for anyone like like I said I have this fear that you guys are just over the podcast now but if you do oh my god I'm really joking I really quite bad. If you guys do continue to listen,
Starting point is 00:31:45 even if it's every couple of episodes or this is your very first one or if you've listened religiously from episode one, I love you, like I appreciate you. I can't ever even tell you how much it means. Like I'll never be able to. I hope the excitement's still there for you. Like let me know what I can do if it's not
Starting point is 00:32:02 and we can bring back the hype whatever it is you guys feel like is missing from the podcast just let me know well obviously one day I do want to get guests on again but that's just something I need to look at probably in the next year probably in 2023 I think is when we can start looking at that again but yeah just had to spend the last like eight months getting back on my feet you know life did a bit of a 180 and turned out to be incredible but we're back on our feet I feel like I'm right back on my feet now like I feel like December I'm doing really well and that's kind of perfect timing because it means I'm going into a new year ready to just like smash it make you guys happy be best friends for life and you will see me on near in the line until i'm 70 years old
Starting point is 00:32:45 okay guys i love you have the best weekend oh my god hopefully i sound fucking better by tuesday i'm sure i will have the best weekend um how long till christmas when this comes out it'll be seven eight days do you count the 25th no eight days till christmas when this comes out it'll be seven, eight days. Do you count the 25th? No. Eight days till Christmas when this comes out. It'll be a week tomorrow. No, it won't. It'll be a week on Sunday. Okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Yeah, a week on Sunday. Crashed. But yeah, amazing. So excited. Let me know what you have in... Stupid, I can't even speak. Let me know any ideas you have for a christmas themed episode a lot of you guys did say about doing a um a gift guide but i feel like it's a bit late to do a gift
Starting point is 00:33:33 guide do you know what i mean like i feel like everyone's probably got their presents now it's only a week away so any christmas themed episode ideas let me know um and we'll definitely do the new year's theme idea okay guys i love you so much and i will see you on tuesday for a brand new episode i love you bye

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