Leah on the Line - Bonus 27: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL

Episode Date: December 23, 2022

Merry Christmas besties!! I absolutely LOVE this episode and had the best time reminiscing with you all on all of the amazing memories of Christmas. We discussed all of your family traditions, how you... found out the secret about Santa and all of your favourite things about Christmas. I hope you love this and have the best Christmas ever! Thank you for everything you do, I love you so so so much. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line oh i hit the mic fantastic start happy friday guys it's the Christmas special. Gavin and Stacey over here. Don't worry, no Gavin and Stacey Christmas special. There's a Lear on the line Christmas special. Can't say it'll be quite as good. But oh my God, you know what I just thought? The next time I speak to you after today, Christmas will be over. Isn't that sad? What the fuck? but then it's new year's I've got a really fun new year's episode oh my god so you guys remember I said I really wanted to get a new yearly reading from the tarot reader that did my yearly reading last year for 2022 and it was scarily accurate I've spoken to her I'm gonna get another reading for 2023 and I'm gonna read it out on the podcast and also I'm going to go through my 2022 reading with her and reflect on that and what actually happened what shocked me what I didn't
Starting point is 00:01:12 see coming she said she said was coming and it happened it's going to be really really good so don't worry Christmas is over but New Year's is also approaching and that's a time for new beginnings new challenges new basically it's just a fucking other day really isn't it but we like to manifest it into something even bigger anyway before we get that Merry Christmas Merry Christmas imagine if you're listening to this after Christmas you probably wouldn't click on a Christmas special episode after Christmas that would be a bit psychopath I mean if you are hello but I'm really excited I feel like it's this is obviously going up on Friday and I feel like that's when Christmas
Starting point is 00:01:50 is going to begin once everybody leaves work on Friday it's fucking Christmas baby do you know what I mean it's gonna be fun I need to burp oh I didn't burp anyway we are gonna have I wanted to do a Christmas special and I was like right what are we gonna do like what is Christmassy about Lear and the Lion absolutely nothing like we can't do Christmas dilemmas because that's not a good vibe there's no good vibes in that do you know what I mean so I thought I want an episode that feels good gets everybody excited for Christmas reminiscing on all the amazing memories of Christmas and feeling positive, feeling excited about it. So I've put up like a ton of Instagram stories asking you a load of questions about Christmas and your memories and your stories and your traditions and we'll share all of them. I'll share my own and it's
Starting point is 00:02:36 just going to be good fucking vibes today, babes. You know what I mean? I'm so excited. Do you know what? I feel like Christmas just isn't Christmas in this year. Like I don't feel Christmassy at all. Anybody else? Like, I feel like I'm aware that it's Christmas period, but I'm a bit like, I sort of deep today. I was like, oh my God, it's Christmas literally in a couple of days, days away. Like it's Christmas Eve tomorrow. When you listen to this, it's Christmas Eve tomorrow. Oh yeah. Um it's Christmas Eve tomorrow oh yeah um I do want to say this now if there are children around when you're listening to this episode just maybe occupy them in another room because I wouldn't recommend listening to this um around children
Starting point is 00:03:19 you'll see why later in the episode I mean i'll be shocked if you listen to this around children anyway considering my language but you know we're going to talk about all the adult secrets about christmas if you know what i mean so yeah um love you kids but this one's not for you one of those actual children that tune into leo on the line there isn't there definitely it's not i hope there isn't jesus um but not I hope there isn't Jesus um but anyway Merry Christmas everyone um I love you guys I hope you all have the most amazing Christmas but let's have like a nice chat and talk about all our amazing memories so I'm gonna get creative you guys remember the Halloween special and I included like a little ghost sound effect like Halloween sound effect vibes I don't know what
Starting point is 00:04:06 Christmas sound effects I'm gonna be able to get hold of I couldn't even find a fucking ho ho ho I couldn't even find one I've had a look but I'm gonna try and get creative so um Christmas is gonna be over next time I speak to you I'm hoping I can find a big boo sound effect to put in there. If not then enjoy the silence. Okay guys without further ado let's get into the Christmas special episode. Okay I hope you're all in the festive spirit. If you're not that's okay but I certainly am. I've got my Grinch PJs on I'm loving life I'm sat on my bed I've got the LED lights on I feel cozy I feel Christmassy you know grab a
Starting point is 00:04:52 Bailey's if you've got some what do you what is your Christmas drink guys because mine is it's gotta be we spoke about this last week it's gotta be the Prosecco and orange juice in the morning honey and then I move on to the hard stuff this year I'm going tequila my favorite tequila I mean my favorite cocktail base is tequila I love tequila cocktails specifically a paloma and a margarita they're my favorite cocktails um but this year yeah I'm going on to the tequila after brekkie and then I'll probably stay on that for the rest of the night i do like to wind down with the babies in the evening but you know i haven't got any babies this year i don't think i will i'll probably buy a bottle of prosec for just to drink on its own as well because i love
Starting point is 00:05:34 the prosecchi um yeah let me know your christmas drink guys i didn't put that one up i so should have but then i feel like we all probably drink what we normally drink although there are certain drinks that feel illegal to drink away from christmas or just winter like you will not catch me drinking a baileys in the summer like that's a bit that's serial killer behavior personally um and mulled wine i imagine somebody drinking mulled wine in the summer that's a little crazy i'm a sangria girl oh my god i know it's the christmas special but bring on summer trust me i'm over the winter i hate it i hate it here i hate it here i literally a few months ago i was daily sunbathing in my garden making um sangria making pims all day i was drinking relaxing sunbathing tanning
Starting point is 00:06:22 living my absolute best life now i'm freezing not the vibes for the christmas special anyway christmas special let's get festive let's get excited it's christmas eve tomorrow it's happening basically i know when i was getting anxiety right sorry to put another negative note but as a kid and and an adult to be fair I used to get anxiety the closer it got to Christmas because I was like it's going to be over and like I'd wake up on Christmas like Christmas Eve I was like oh my god it's tomorrow that's so depressing like what the hell like I'd be like oh my god all of this excitement the Christmas shopping the Christmas lights the festive days out the Christmas movies it's over tomorrow literally within a matter of it's over and then Christmas
Starting point is 00:07:03 day I'd be like obviously I'm really excited but as soon as i'd opened all my presents i'd get really sad i'd be like oh my god christmas is done like it's literally done now we'll just eat and chat and play games and then it's over and boxing day i'd be so down i'd be like christmas is over boxing day was a really sad day for me as a kid like i should be excited i've got all these new presents all these new toys i've had an incredible day i'm still full from the roast i was like no what have i got look forward to but yeah anyway really not the vibe today leah sort it out sort it out so positive vibes the first question i have for you on my stories today is what is your favorite christ memory? You know, I love that we all like simultaneously live the same lives. You know, I do love that every family has something that they do in their
Starting point is 00:07:54 family that's their family's thing. You know, you introduce it to the other partners as you grow up and then you do it with your children, your family one day. But I feel like we all basically live the same Christmas. Do you know what I mean? So I thought it'd be really nice to look through your Christmas memories because I'm sure there's a lot we can relate to. Okay. I'll start off on this note. Somebody says crying every year without fail. I'm really trying to keep this positive. I've dragged it down to the ground and then I've kicked off the first memory with a sad one okay it can only get up from here you know me and my bro having sleepovers in his bedroom on Christmas Eve getting all excited oh that is actually so sweet do you know I shared a room with my siblings until well me and my sister shared a bedroom until we was literally in secondary school
Starting point is 00:08:43 I can't remember when we stopped sharing a bedroom actually we shared a bedroom until we was literally in secondary school I can't remember when we stopped sharing a bedroom actually we shared a bedroom for a long time oh my god wait when would we have stopped oh when she probably moved out with her boyfriend anyway this is irrelevant no one cares but anyway I remember one year me and my brother I don't know what time it was because we was obviously young I didn't know the time but I remember this we woke up that early that we went into my mom's room was like wake up bitch and she was like no so we went downstairs and we watched high school musical and then we went back upstairs and was like wake up Santa's been like wake up and then she's like I don't know why we was American when we were children but we were apparently anyway and then we went back downstairs and watched high school
Starting point is 00:09:24 musical too and then we went back up and she was like and we were like can you get up now and then she was like yeah okay so god knows what time we must have woken her up it must have been like 4 a.m i know it must have been like 3 a.m because we used to get up so early as kids we'd be up opening presents at five six so for us to watch two films in a row we must have got up so early and i really vividly remember that anyway um the feeling of the bottom of the stocking i can't explain it it just brings back the nostalgia do you know what i never had stockings as a kid i've never had a stocking in my life my mom's just like no we're not doing that we're not doing that fucking shit tradition all right
Starting point is 00:10:05 you don't get stockings you get a big fuck off sack from Santa and that's what you get we were very lucky as kids we got absolutely spoiled but yeah I mean I'm absolutely fine with it I didn't really give a shit that I never had a stocking I was always a bit confused like how come Santa leaves stockings in everyone's bed and not mine and she was just like you just don't you just don't I was like okay fair enough that makes sense isn't it weird how like none of it makes sense okay we're gonna okay no no we'll get to the sound of the talk in a minute you just you just wait for that okay carrying on with your favorite memories being in the South African sun at my granddad's with a barbecue Christmas dinner that sounds absolutely stunning.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Do you know what? That is a Christmas that is so different to how we have Christmas in the UK. And that's what I just think, wow. Like think about like in Australia, it is hot. Christmas is hot in Australia, you know? Waiting in my room with my brothers for the bell to ring so we could open the presents. I've never heard of this present bell. I want a present bell. That's so fun. Imagine hearing the bell. I might do that when I have children, hopefully touch wood one day. That's a really cute idea. Going around my nan's house with all the fam, there would be about 40 of us in a little house. Oh is so fun there's a little italian flag oh that's cute i love that i love it when all the family get together you know like people you haven't you don't see all the time putting out cookies for sansa yeah see now i look back my mum it was so obvious right because we didn't put out cookies we put out
Starting point is 00:11:47 chocolate digestives and we didn't put out oh yeah i think we did put out milk and we didn't put out a beer we put out a cup of tea no we didn't we wouldn't have put out a cup of tea but why do i feel like we did no we can't have it would have gone cold no we went up to bed she was like like skits um racing into the room in our pajamas to see if santa had been oh it's the pajamas for me like why is there something so cute about kids in their pajamas on Christmas morning I just love it I just saw the trauma Mick I just love it anyway spending time with family and feeling the magic oh yeah baby all that magic on Christmas it's a different kind of magic in it going to my nan's on Christmas Eve and opening all our presents wait you opened all your presents
Starting point is 00:12:42 on Christmas Eve oh you just mean your presents from your nan doesn't say christmas would have been boring christmas eve picky tea and watching christmas carol oh yeah what's your christmas eve traditions because every year my family we get chinese on christmas eve um i remember the first year i saw santa's footprints white flower all over the rug yeah i've seen this on tiktok again not something we did in my house now i look back my mom put in about 10 percent she was like whack a couple of digestives down and call it a day honey but we didn't we didn't know any different christmas was the most incredible time of my life i'd wake up we'd have like two giant sacks as kids we was really really lucky we were spoiled but then to be fair my mum wasn't the kind of mum
Starting point is 00:13:30 where you'd get toys and treats for no reason which I liked because if we got something good it was it was like a gift or it was a reward rather than just like yeah have whatever you want hun do you know what I mean so Christmas we'd get like everything we dreamed of so yeah I'm okay with not seeing the footprints I mean it would have been fun but whatever mum put a couple of digestives down and fuck off to bed no I'm not getting up watch watch High School Musical 2 it sounds like I had an awful Christmas Christmas was really fantastic for me and my siblings believe me waking up on in the morning and getting a new sims game or expansion pack oh literally me now yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:14:11 good times good times good times um being with all my family yeah opening high school musical dance oh dance along oh that sounds like a dream present watching the polar express every christmas eve shit i should have asked you what your favorite christmas films films are do you know what it is you know some films as a kid just gave you like weird feelings in your body like did anyone have used to watch that film madeline it's not a christmas film but it used to make me feel so weird and like she'd get her appendix out and I didn't understand what that meant. But for some reason, it really like scared me. Just seeing a girl in hospital, it was it was eerie and weird vibes that film. And the one with the actress from Matildrin, A Simple Wish. Oh, I hated that film. I watched it every night on my
Starting point is 00:15:00 VHS. It was like the weirdest film, weird film weird fucking vibes honestly she'd like it was this witch or whatever and she she would like cast a spell on you and she froze her dad into a statue and then also she made somebody flat like a pancake and he was like all wobbly and flat it was well scary honestly it's so scary cheating chicky chicky bang one was scary for me that fucking child snatcher i used to call it the goblin when i was a kid it was a child snatcher wouldn't have called it that though would we anyway the reason i'm saying this is polo express is one of those films that used to make me feel a bit weird i was like oh i don't know about this man shouting on a train like it's not a train i'd want to get on. It used to scare me. My all-time favourite Christmas film is, I can't choose between The Grinch and Elf.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I really couldn't. Gun to my head, I can't choose. I would probably choose. But I just love The Grinch, you guys know, and I love Elf. Santa! Santa! I know him! I love that film. They're my two favourites. I can't even think of any other Christmas films. Pernod Express, Grinch, oh, Home Alone. Oh my god, controversial opinion incoming, right? Home Alone 1, trash. Home Alone 2, trash. Home Alone 3, trash. home alone 2 trash home alone 3 trash home alone 4 best fucking film i know you're all thinking she's a psychopath i know there's people out there thinking i didn't even know there was a home alone 4 there is and it's the best and i'm i don't care what you guys have to say listen i for some reason as a kid i loved that film it wasn't even what's his name macaulay colkin or something like that it wasn't even him it was a whole new kid whole new story completely irrelevant to any of
Starting point is 00:16:51 the home alone i don't know why it was called home alone i really don't but he lived in like this magic house and he they were really rich and he was like open sesame to the doors and i thought that's fucking sick that is genius mate nothing to do with the other home alone films but I really loved them home alone one and two used to give me weird fucking feelings I can't remember home alone three I just know it exists because home alone four is my fave but anyway controversial opinion please do not report me um okay let's move on to the next question which is okay again children exits immediately when you were a kid how did you find out the truth about santa if you know what i mean okay how i found out was my sister my sister's two years older than me she came we were having an argument she's like Santa's not real by the way I was like well he is right mum she was like no
Starting point is 00:17:51 she just told me to hurt me to hurt my feelings Santa's not real by the way so you can fuck off I was like ouch oh that hurt that one hurt it really upset me but I think I was like, ouch. Oh, that hurt. That one hurt. It really upset me. But I think I was the last one to know. I don't know if my brother knew. I can't remember. But that's what I was going to say. So much about Santa doesn't make any fucking sense. It doesn't add up, right?
Starting point is 00:18:19 So you know how it's like, oh, don't let Santa see you. Don't let him see you when he's putting the presents under the tree. Make sure you're asleep. Don't get out of bed. If he sees you you he won't leave you in a present right i literally sat on his lap a week ago in walworths and told him what i want i literally met him i sat on his lap and now you're telling me i have to hide i can't see him doesn't make any sense none of it makes sense how is this man alive still hundreds of years you're telling me he left my granddad presence and his his grand how's he alive is this how old is this man do you know what i mean i've seen him and also i'll tell you what every time i see him he looks completely fucking different
Starting point is 00:18:55 so i don't get it it don't make any sense and you know what i i can't remember if i even had doubts that he wasn't real i think I did because I think my sister would tell me that it wasn't real and I'd I would be like wait is he real and then my mum would say he is so I think that's the only reason I had doubts but when you actually think about it what the hell it doesn't make any sense I literally met him I've met him and now i need to hide how he flies in the sky in a sleigh to every single country every single house every single one yeah and if you're not on the naughty list you get no presents how come i've never ever heard of a kid that's not on no presents yeah how come every kid in my school even the really naughty ones they get presents naughty this is bullshit anyway let's find out how you guys found out about santa
Starting point is 00:19:51 okay seeing my mum put the stocking on the end of my bed oh my god if my kid catches me in the act i'm convincing them it's a whole dream go back to sleep this is all a dream this is all no i think i'd just be like oh sorry i was just checking what you got i was just checking what you got just being noisy came back to sleep um somebody says some little twat in primary school no that's cruel if you're a kid and you tell other kids the Santa's not real my sister no but like actual kids in school you're just mean and you're bitter and upset that he ain't real and you want to ruin the magic for everybody else this one is so funny my dad came home so drunk from the pub on Christmas Eve and told us that is so funny imagine him like absolutely steaming he's like right kids kids come here come here
Starting point is 00:20:45 salary real i gotta get something off my chest salary real never been real ever me every year so then presents you've been getting every year you're welcome you're welcome oh that's an interesting one as well did your parents get you presents for christmas because obviously they got all of them. But my mum never took any credit. Like my mum was never like, oh, I got you that one. Santa got you the shit stuff. Like my mum said, we don't get you presents.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Santa gets them all. Like she didn't want any credit. Bless her heart. But obviously some people, they get loads of presents from their parents and then you get one or two from Santa. Some people, it's like you get 50-50 from Santa and the parents. Some people, it's like, do you know what I mean? And my sister cracks me up because she'll get her kids something that they've been dreaming of and she will not let Santa take the credit for that. She's like, just so you know, that one, yeah, that big Barbie dream dream house that's from me yeah santa didn't
Starting point is 00:21:48 touch it me my pocket me you're welcome do you know what i don't blame her don't blame her because as a kid i remember always going mom how come you never get any christmas presents all my friends get christmas presents from their mom how come you don't get us any and every year she was like oh god i don't need you because son it gets you loads inside of it she's like we just want to go i get you all of them you fucking little twats they're all from me but she didn't she didn't um okay let's see how the rest of you found out the wrapping paper it was always the wrapping paper i'm like oh mum that's funny some has used this red wrapping paper of white snowmen all over it white snowmen what other color snowmen would there be snow is white leah anyway look at the wrapping paper red wrapping paper snowmen all over it didn't you wrap up everybody's presents in that i'm sure i
Starting point is 00:22:45 saw you wrapping up your brothers and sisters in that wrapping paper she go yeah that's weird honestly my mum was that lazy with christmas she wouldn't even try to convince us he was real we just believed it a couple of biscuits no fucking flour no stocking same wrapping paper yeah he's real honey whatever believe what you want upon reflection she really didn't she didn't believe in the magic of Christmas she just let it all happen I love her for it anyway yeah wrapping paper I'm with you I used to always check the handwriting so I suppose I was suspicious for a couple of years if I think about it I remember always looking at the handwriting and being like that's your handwriting ma' mom because obviously i had three siblings i still do but you'd every morning we'd have our sacks and they'd have our names on a little tag
Starting point is 00:23:33 and i'd look at it and i'm like i know that right um i know that right mom she's like yeah weird she didn't even write with her left hand she could have um somebody says i found a hannah montana duvet cover in my mom's wardrobe oh but she should have just been like oh it's for your cousin it's for your cousin then she would have had to give it to your cousin though um my brother told me just before bed on Christmas Eve and I cried myself to sleep. That, your brother, I bet he had some bad karma for that. That is cruel. Oh, imagine waking up on Christmas, the magic was gone immediately.
Starting point is 00:24:15 With immediate effect. My dad walked in and put my stocking at the end of the bed. Just didn't even try and hide all right just popping this here all right hand just popping this on the end of your bed nothing to see here nothing to see here you keep watching the grinch um um um i don't even remember i was never told about him not being real i think about this all the time yeah see i i'm still a bit confused like when was it did my brother know what did my mom say when i told her that my sister had told me you know um i saw my mom and dad building my doll's house by accident. Oh shit. Siblings, my older siblings.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I had suspicions so I asked my mum and she just couldn't lie to me. My nan told me by accident, I feel like nans probably do that a lot, like they're probably like, come on love, come on, you're 10 now, you know. They like get over it oh look oh my god as i'm saying that my nan said you don't still believe in santa do you and i very much did oh no imagine that is so bad although to be fair my brother's girlfriend was talking to my nephew literally like a year or two ago when he did believe in Santa and everything else she went oh my god I remember when I used to believe in the two fairy and I was like shut up I was like shut up and he's like huh and I was like yeah what do you mean would you like to elaborate
Starting point is 00:25:59 on that one used to so I can see how it's easily done, to be fair, um, from people at school when you're five, Zoe Sugg in one of her videos answering this question, shit, Zoe, Zoe is Christmas, oh my god, okay, my mum broke the news to me over maths homework fucking hell couldn't have been a worse time i'm already having the worst time in my life right now i hate that i hate maths and i hate homework and now you want to tell me son it's not real jesus can i live um oh my god laying in bed my dad dropped all the presents down the stairs and screamed fuck um my friend's brother my friend's older brother told us we were so young i went home and ruined it for my brother honestly is when you have siblings
Starting point is 00:26:53 it's dangerous like my nephew we had to tell him last year he doesn't have any siblings so he didn't have a bleeding clue we had to tell him because we was like right he's getting to that age now like we can't let this go on. You know what I mean? Because otherwise, someone's going to tell him and someone will laugh at him because he'll be at that age. So we had to tell him before he was like too old. Do you know what I mean? But we told him at a really good time where he had years and years of the Christmas magic.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And he didn't have a clue. He was like, what? Bear in mind, he's such a smart kid and he's like you wait you tell me oh yes time i was like yeah well no to be fair i didn't tell him my sister his mom did but she told him in a really nice way she found this thing on facebook about like a really magical way to break it so it's actually quite cute um my brother literally just fucking told me like you know he's not real right prick um school my big brother told me i woke up for a wee in the middle of the night and saw mum being santa oh no i found all the letters i'd written for santa in my parents room oh my god what they
Starting point is 00:28:03 didn't even post them i used to go to the letterbox and post them they couldn't even be bothered it's like yeah yeah i'll drop that off for you i'll drop that off for you just shoves it in a cupboard at least they keep them that's actually really sweet like imagine how cute would be oh i'd love to read back my christmas wishes my christmas wish lists oh i actually like your parents idea i think i'm gonna keep my children's christmas wish lists like how cute would that be i wonder what i wished for i remember my favorite present was this little it was a brat's case the shape of brat's lips and you zipped it open and there was the mini brat dolls inside and that was the best present i was like wow I sat on the stairs playing with them I used to just sit alone in the corner of the stairs and play with my dolls not just this one time all of the time
Starting point is 00:28:54 like that was just me as a kid I was a little bit weird a little bit strange but whatever you never know um okay next question what are some of your family traditions now I love this because I love the thought of everyone has their thing like for me the last four or five years me and my family do a secret sentinel instead of getting everyone presents because basically my sister my one sister has three kids and another sister has one kid it sounds four bleeding kids right my mum also has one two three four kids i literally couldn't count how many siblings i had then yeah she has four kids so that's four kids and four grandkids to buy for the same goes for my auntie she's got four nieces and nephews and wait what the hell would they be great nieces and nephews god gold nose i don't know what
Starting point is 00:29:48 the term is but anyway so it was just getting out of hand and you know what i mean we're not made of money so we came up with this really good idea where all of the adults like me all my siblings my mum and my auntie and the partners basically we do a secret center so this year I can't tell you who I've got I would if this was coming out after Christmas um I mean they ain't gonna listen oh they might actually better not um yeah so what I what we do is we all get we pick out the names in like October to give us plenty of time and And we set like a budget. It's normally like around 60 quid and we all do a secret Santa. And then every day, every day, I wish, no, I don't know. It costs a lot of money. Every year we all sit together. We put all the sacks in the middle, but you have to do it in private.
Starting point is 00:30:40 So no one sees who's got whose, and then you'll get your sack and you open your presents and you have to guess who got you it's really fun so i really recommend that to families who like you're all so there's a lot of kids now you know christmas is about the kids when once you've got kids around it's not about the adults so that's like our way to make it fun and cheaper for the adults you know what i mean so let's look at some of your christmas traditions your family christmas traditions so let's start with this one one present on christmas eve we do that we also do that is that a universal thing does everyone do a present on christmas eve um i don't know we do i love it it's really exciting whenever i now as an adult, I always say to my mum,
Starting point is 00:31:25 mum, I know you've got me pyjamas. And every year she goes, I haven't got you none this year, Leigh. I've not got you none. And I'll go, mum, just give me the PJs. Because when I get my Christmas Eve present, I want it to be my pyjamas so I can go to sleep in my new PJs and wake up in my new PJs on Christmas morning. And every year, I ain't got you none this year, Leigh. I ain't got you none. She has. She keeps telling me this year she ain't got you none this year leigh i ain't got you none yeah she has she keeps telling me this year she ain't got me none she has if she hasn't i'm gonna hit the roof this will be the first year of my life honestly oh kick off if she hasn't oh wait really obviously okay what are your family christmas traditions why is it hard to say christmas traditions it's quite hard we still put reindeer food out and a mince pie
Starting point is 00:32:05 oh that's what i'm that's what i was thinking earlier you know when i was saying we didn't do it properly the putting out stuff for santa we not once in our lives but i'm mince pie and now i know why my mum fucking hates mince pies nah he gets enough mince pies at all the other houses let's give him something different let's give him a chucky besk houses let's give them something different let's give them a chocky besk bitch i see lover okay new pjs christmas eve always we were matching pjs and read the night before christmas on christmas eve oh that's so cute games games games love it um this is so sweet i'm starting a tradition with my little fam to go place flowers on a random grave in the cemetery that's so nice i love that oh well done i love that for you cousins photos every year since we were babies i love that i love that so
Starting point is 00:33:03 much i'd love to look at them all side by side. Please send them to me. You don't have to send me photos of your entire family. That's a bit weird. You need to ask that. Watching the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special. What's the song when he's in the car? He's like, come on, dickhead.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Do they know it's Christmas? Yeah. How's it go it's christmas time there's no need to be afraid it's christmas time what the hell are the lyrics that song and then what's his face gavin gets involved in a world of plenty what's your favorite christmas songs oh we're talking about this earlier i don't know what mine is what did i say what did i say it was i can't remember must be so annoying when i'm on my podcast and i think what is it can't remember that is annoying but i literally can't i know what it is oh i wish it could be christmas every day i love that song tune tune
Starting point is 00:34:11 okay let's go back to the traditions um bucks fizz and smoked salmon bagels for christmas what do you guys have for breakfast we never really had breakfast it was normally the selection box that's a tradition every year my mom didn't get me a selection box she'll be buying me selection boxes forever forever um yeah we never had breakfast well we did eat christmas does sound terrible my family didn't put mince pie out didn't get stocking starving all morning christmas was just like do whatever you want day like whatever i wanted chocolate for breakfast yeah go crack on hun um what other traditions have we got drinks and games on christmas eve my mum always goes too far with the tequila shots
Starting point is 00:35:01 we go to my dad's family for a big turkish breakfast and open our presents there that sounds lush um salmon bellinis and bucks fizz for brekkie love it everyone loves the salmon for breakfast um pancakes for brekkie distributing presents out from under the tree and opening them in order saving best to last i love it um christmas day brekkie with bucks fears everyone loves the bucks fears with breakfast waffles for breakfast um xmas pjs and games on christmas eve and a chilled christmas day dressed up not in pjs that's a good question do you guys get dressed on christmas or do you stay in your pjs all day i stay in my pjs for like half the day and then i i get dressed but this year we're actually going out for dinner we've done we've done this once and it was so good because you know what you don't
Starting point is 00:35:56 have to wash up you don't have to wash up you don't have to cook you it's you go out you get dressed up you go out you get waited on by incredible waiters in the best moods they're all happy because it's christmas and the place we go is this italian restaurant and they're all just like the nicest people and they're always in the best vibes and they always say how much they love it and like before they're like we can't wait to see you on christmas and when you get there they like kiss you on the cheek and they're just they're like, we can't wait to see you on Christmas. And when you get there, they like kiss you on the cheek. And they're just, they're the best. And the vibes are incredible.
Starting point is 00:36:29 You get a little bit tipsy. Then you come home and you got no mess. Just carrying party in the night away. Listen to this. No presents until after dinner. Did you guys have to wait until after dinner to open your presents? Because if so, that's actually hell. That was the first thing. Actually, we had to make sure that my mum had a cup of tea
Starting point is 00:36:48 we weren't allowed to open presents until my mum made herself a cup of tea that was the rule okay next question it says be honest do you prefer to give or receive presents okay now looking at the responses 99.9999% say give and that is me saying I can only see one that says receive honestly everyone says give I get so excited to see people opening them it's such a nice feeling getting oh okay here we go this is a receive i'm not gonna lie it's such a nice feeling getting a present when they've really thought about it i agree like for some reason when somebody buys you a present that you think huh that's so random i'm a bit like did you really think about this like not in an ungrateful way but like you're just like oh i love it thanks but then you could write me a letter like Amazon do these little books right
Starting point is 00:37:46 and they're so cute and it says like all the things I love about you from blank and the questions in the book they have to fill it out themselves and it says things like um you always inspire me to blank or I love how we always blank and you could just get me that and I would cry real tears in comparison to like a macbook do you know I don't know but do you know what I mean receiving them presents mean so much do you know what I mean um much prefer to give presents the joy on people's faces is unbeatable nothing is better than the feeling of watching your loved ones open in presents i love it give i get so excited i end up given to giving them to people before that's actually my boyfriend
Starting point is 00:38:36 he's given me 80 of my presents already and when he when he orders me or buys me a present he's like got your present today want to know what it is no just wait i want a surprise on my birthday he was like got your present want to know what it is want to know where i got it from guess like no can i just wait until i open it and the other night i was on my period and i was in pain he was like do you want some christmas presents i was like oh my god yeah yeah yeah he brings in two presents and they're like incredible presents i was like oh my god thank you so much let's figure it out he's like do you want some more do you want two more I open like five presents it's literally like a random Tuesday and listen I'm not complaining um give I get so cocky thing and I've got them the best things
Starting point is 00:39:20 since I spread that's it she me I'm like wait till you open this wait till you open this i'm gonna get all glory this year um i genuinely love both if it's a great surprise then i'm buzzing to see their face give i hate when people give you a present and expect you to open it in front of them yeah if i got if i give someone a present and they just went oh thank you just put it down open it i went i'm working hard to find that spend my hard earned money my hard earned cash on that present you can seat it down next to you open the fuck up no i'm with i'm with everyone else on that one but i do get it i know loads of people hate opening presents in front of people personally it doesn't bother me at all like that's because i love being self-attention but my brother hates it and obviously we're twins so obviously we share a birthday and
Starting point is 00:40:23 he would just love it because we'd get birthday presents and i'd be like i'm about to open my presents everyone i'm about to open my presents so if you all just want to gather around and he would just be like yeah everyone look at leah everyone look at leah because he hates being the center of attention and he hates honestly he can't think of anything worse than to open presents in front of people and i don't mind it i'm just i'm just excited to see what's in mind it I just I'm just excited to see what's in the wrapping paper honestly I'm just really happy and grateful that somebody's gone out their way to go and think of me and buy something thinking of me thinking Leo will like
Starting point is 00:40:54 that and I'm excited to see what that is my brother just thinks I want the ground to swallow me up so he can ask for a better twin really could he um I love giving gifts especially if I know I've got the perfect present I give but no I love to give I also love it when someone knows you well enough and gets you a perfect gift getting them is great but it's a fab feeling getting some someone something they really want um I actually prefer I actually prefer giving because I'm a great present giver. Go on, girl. Go on, girl. Give. I hate opening presents in front of people. So awkward.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Give. I can buy what I want, but I love treating other people to nice things. Okay, but do you know what this actually says, right? You all love giving presents. We. We all love giving presents because we love seeing their face. They prefer giving them as well so they're not actually enjoying receiving it so we're sat there all excited because we're
Starting point is 00:41:50 giving them presents they'd rather be giving you a present so so lose lose really no i'm kidding it's a win-win listen presents are the minor part of christmas it's all about the magic and the family and the memories and the getting drunk okay what are your favorite family Christmas games so a lot of you are saying Monopoly now I won't lie to you I couldn't think of a worse way to spend my Christmas day than play Monopoly I fucking hate that shit it goes on forever it goes on forever I don't get it I'm not smart enough I'm not intelligent enough that game I just want i don't get it i'm not smart enough i'm not intelligent enough that game i just want to quit halfway through if i'm not doing well then i want to quit but i have to ask everyone is that good what i've just done is that good should i have
Starting point is 00:42:34 bought that property somebody wants my property yeah you can have it i could have two out of three i'll buy it yeah have it have them have them all do you know what i mean i'm shit of the game cludo is it charades or charades that's the question either way love that in my family no one else likes it apart from me and my nephew so we literally just play it together and everyone else watch everyone else watches it's just us two i really i really enjoy it um but i like to just sit down and let him run and i just guess all the films and books and stuff um monopoly logo quiz board game cards against humanity oh playing up the family hey that's something my family would definitely play as a kid we always played
Starting point is 00:43:18 twister not i not a good idea for grandparents after a roast the shop game oh is that like i went to the shop and i bought we play that we play that but it gets me quite mad because i'm crap i'm actually quite shit games i actually am guys do you know what i'm fucking good at i'm really good at riddles my boyfriend was testing me in bed the other day i got them all okay not all of them but it was almost a clean run that's not that's not saying clean run clean sheet what am I talking about there's no such saying as anything clean sheets in football I know what that means means didn't let any goals in huh yeah I'm a football girl yeah I watched the world cup yeah I watched the world cup do you know what annoys me one thing
Starting point is 00:44:03 that annoys me about my boyfriend right half of his family's italian half half's british he's like i don't support england i don't support england i'm like it's not even in the world cup darling they're not even they don't even qualify is that well i'm not supporting anyone not supporting anyone i was like literally you're literally half english is that you're literally english you're literally english he's so triggered looking at me right now and you can't say anything so you don't have a microphone you don't have a microphone so you can't even stick up for yourself anyway back to the christmas special guys okay next question what do you enjoy the most about christmas okay i love this question being
Starting point is 00:44:49 with the family family time and food quality family time family time the festive vibes the food quality time with family and great food so family and food um seeing my son happy playing with all his toys pigs and blankets oh god get Oh, God, get them down my throat. Honestly, I can't wait. What's your best bit about the Christmas dinner? Mine's the collie cheese. Love the collie cheese. And I love the pigs and blankets.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I love the stuffing bars. I'm not really big on the meat, whatever. Do you know what I mean? It's all right. Oh, what meat do you have? Should have put that up. I've got a lot of questions I didn't even think of. I never have turkey ever driest most shit is me i get it it's a big bird so it's the easiest to feed a big family
Starting point is 00:45:34 not for me it's not it's so boring it's just like chicken but shit do you know what i mean i really don't like turkey we have chicken or we have a few things that we might get roast beef i mean might get a bit gammon on the go and a slow cooker with with a bottle of coke in there yeah um the build-up see this is kind of what i was saying at the beginning like one of the best bits about christmas is the build-up and then all of a sudden it's christmas day and you think fuck so's like i mean the pretty lights everywhere yeah i love it watching tv with the christmas tree in the room so cozy oh the christmas specials is always a good one just sitting together with the family playing games drinking wine love it the food the
Starting point is 00:46:17 food the food the drink spending time with family being with loved ones pictionary i don't know if that was meant for the last question or that is just your favorite thing about Christmas you know what my favorite thing about Christmas is Pictionary you can play that anytime um do you have any embarrassing Christmas stories I'm just gonna read this one out because this one is really really funny and we're on 45 minutes already okay it was my first christmas with my boyfriend he was around our house and broke slash fell through the dining chair then next christmas the same exact thing happened and he fell through a different dining chair he's not even big he weighs less than me such an odd coincidence that is that is an odd coincidence like he's fallen through a chair he was probably mortified
Starting point is 00:47:08 the next year year later he's falling for another chair honestly that's the universe i'm kidding i'm kidding i love it it's funny you should get him a chair for christmas how do you and your partner work around seeing each other's family over christmas i feel like this is a really good question because i feel like everyone struggles with it it's like oh where are we going this year we're going your mom's we're going my mom's do you mean i go to my partner's family on christmas day and and fam and oh my god and my family gather on boxing day we are long distance and his parents are divorced so at the moment we do separate things then have our own little christmas just after we always spend new year's eve together to make up for it okay that works i'm seeing him on friday as i'm working christmas eve christmas
Starting point is 00:47:55 day and boxing day oh girl no spend christmas morning and dinner with my own family and then christmas even i go to his oh fun fun my boyfriend doesn't get on with his mother and my family live abroad so we spent christmas together stunning you have each other when you're at his when you're at mine you can never please everyone though that's the thing like i feel like you're something like oh you're there you're there this year are you oh i want you up you're at billy's this year, are you? Oh, you at Billy's this year. Right, okay. Yeah, well, we can't because Hannah's at Billy's this year. So, Hannah's ruined all the plans because she's at Billy's this year.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Ouch. If I had it my way, I'd rent a huge house and have both sides together. Gorge. Spend Christmas at my house, see his dad Christmas Eve. gorge spend christmas at my house see his dad christmas eve um we do a morning at his and night at mine and then reverse it every year we all spend it together or what so both sides of the fam come together wow that's quite stunning actually my family in the morning slash lunch his family in the evening slash night gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous oh and that's all my questions guys wow christmas is here it is christmas eve tomorrow that is crazy thank you so much for all
Starting point is 00:49:16 your responses to all of my questions thanks for sharing all your beautiful christmas traditions and stories with me i loved them all it's made me really excited it's really made me reminisce on my childhood and my amazing memories of christmas them all it's made me really excited it's really made me reminisce on my childhood and my amazing memories of christmas i hope it's made you reminisce on yours and we're at the end of the christmas special guys which means christmas is over okay let's wrap up the episode okay guys it's the end of the christmas special i hope you guys enjoyed this episode i really loved it i've had such a laugh today it's really put me in the mood for christmas i literally love this episode i just want to do specials of the time what other specials can i do new year's
Starting point is 00:50:00 eve special we've also got that on the way what's next can't we do an easter special can i valentine's yeah day of love what are your valentine's day plans guys do you how do you guys feel about valentine's day i know a lot of you like you should show love on every day of the year get a life i'm partially like that i'm partial to a married man remember that who's that Chloe but anyway I don't know how random anyway Merry Christmas Christmas is here guys I'm so excited I hope you guys are excited I'm actually not that excited if I'm being honest I'm excited to give my boyfriend and do my give my boyfriend to give my boyfriend presents and do my secret center and watch the kids open their presents and i'm
Starting point is 00:50:50 excited for the mail so i suppose i'm and i'm excited for the games and getting drunk so i suppose that's you quite fucking excited now i think about it i am i hope you guys are excited if christmas is a difficult time for you i love you i'm thinking of you and i hope you can make it a good day no matter what your situation hope you guys have amazing christmases every single one of you make amazing memories get everything you wished for and yeah you know what guys i'll see you on the other side of christmas have the best time oh what i feel so sad feels like christmas is over no it's not even started it's christmas eve tomorrow baby you might be listening to this on christmas eve santa's coming tonight how exciting
Starting point is 00:51:31 can't believe he's gonna make it around to every single house mad mental that busy busy man okay guys have the best christmas and i'll see you on the other side and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode. Have the best Christmas. I love you. Bye.

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