Leah on the Line - Bonus 28: NEW YEARS SPECIAL

Episode Date: December 30, 2022

Hey besties! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! In this episode we discussed the lessons you learned in 2022, your highs and lows, what you achieved, our goals for 2023 and read out my YEARLY tarot reading!! Thank you ...to every single one of you that supported me throughout 2022, I am so proud of what we have built here at Leah on the Line and am so happy I could be with you through the dilemmas you faced throughout this year. I am so excited to experience this new year together and go on this journey with you all. Wishing you all a happy and healthy year. Here's to 2023!! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's getting closer to midnight. I try to get closer to you. Hello. Hi, hi everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. Happy Verano. Shake your titties, shake your titties. It's the new year special baby. Happy new year everybody. Is it like illegal to say that before the new year isn't that like bad luck uh-oh no I'm really looking forward to the new year 2023 even though 2022 well actually 22 is my lucky number so 2022 was a big year for me um like you know universe wise luck wise what I thought was coming my way and to sum it up I I am feeling very grateful, very lucky,
Starting point is 00:01:26 very different after 2022. I feel like I went on a fucking journey. Do you know what I mean? So this episode, I'm really excited. I have mentioned it, but if you didn't already know, I did a yearly 12 month tarot reading at the start of 2022. And when I read it, I was like, oh, like this is fucking crap. Like this is just not how my year's going to go. I was wrong. She was right. She knew better than I did. That's why she's a tarot reader and I'm not. And I am going to go through that with you this year and sort of tell you in more depth about about those events and stuff and she's also done me another one that we're going to go through I won't go through it all in depth because obviously it's going to be really boring for you guys
Starting point is 00:02:15 I'll go like a little bit in depth like I'll keep it interesting do you know what I mean honey but I'm not going to be really really really like okay and this is what's gonna happen because you'll be like okay yeah boring boring doesn't doesn me, does it, so I'm gonna do that, I've also put up a ton of Insta stories asking you guys what your, what your 2022 highs and lows were, what your 23 goals are, all these kinds of questions, I'm really looking forward to going through them with you all, how are we feeling about the new year? I don't know how I feel. I feel quite anxious. Like I'm ending this year on a bit of a rocky note. Like I'm a bit, I'm not in my best place mentally, but the tarot reader knew that. She knew that. What can you expect from these people? They're geniuses. But yeah, I'm not feeling my
Starting point is 00:03:03 best. So like I'm kind of going into the new year being like, oh fuck, like I'm anxious, I don't feel like I'm in control, like I'm worrying about things I can't control, but apparently it's looking up, which is fantastic news for me, particularly in March, but we'll get to that, but how are you guys feeling about it, are you anxious about it, are you excited, are you feeling apprehensive, are you feeling motivated and positive, are you excited are you feeling apprehensive are you feeling motivated and positive are you feeling like woohoo new year or do you just feel like it's just another day hun same old shit for me do you know what i mean just riding the wave of life out here honey whichever kind of person you are i love you all i really wish you all an amazing new year i hope
Starting point is 00:03:39 2022 was full of blessings and lessons and you know amazingness and good karma uh experiences that will carry us into who we're meant to be as human beings just shut the fuck up leah yeah how about that all right let's get into the New Year's special episode. Hope you're all comfortable. Oh, I wanted to have like a glass of Prosecco while I recorded this. I forgot. Oh, well, too late. Just pretend we're all having a little drink together. Hey, what are your guys' plans for New Year's Eve? What are you you actually up to i don't know what we're gonna do yet i don't know if we're gonna do like dinner go to a crazy bar like live it up like thing is when it comes to new year's eve i was talking about this instagram the other day i feel this pressure feel this pressure and like i feel like a fucking loser if i don't do anything
Starting point is 00:04:39 but at the same time it's like i'm quite happy and comfortable and safe inside, surrounded by people that make me feel at home. Do you know what I mean? So I'm torn between like, do I just make plans, like book somewhere, get really drunk and like be like, whoa, happy new year. I'm young and fun. Do you know what I mean? Or do I just wake up, hangover free, feeling good, feeling fresh, feeling positive, feeling healthy. Do you know what I mean I'm torn but then when I when I put it on Instagram so many of you are like me too sister me too because I feel like there's this pressure to like be crazy and like go out with all your friends and
Starting point is 00:05:18 like do this huge countdown and hug all the people you love like when you have a small circle like me new year's is a really overwhelming time like i'm just i have to be i have to confront the fact that i'm a very small circled girl and i'm like well my best friend that lives in my hometown has a son so she's going to be busy doing like all these beautiful family things and my mum's away she's in London this year crazy girl um my brother's going to his girlfriend's families my sister never does anything on New Year's so it's just me and my boyfriend and then we're like what do we do what do we do this is quite embarrassing but I don't actually have any friends in my hometown apart from one like I have friends but not like people that I actually like hang out with I guess that means I don't have any friends but like all my friends are in London also I've lived
Starting point is 00:06:12 for the last however many years so all my friends there's still only a handful don't get me wrong but like one of my friends um Zoe you guys have heard the episode with her she was going to come down but all the trains are fucked at the moment so yeah it's just me and my boyfriend we don't know what to do it's like we're not like big big drinkers like we like a nice little tipsy drink and we're not like i get overwhelmed in big like what's the word overcrowded spaces and i just don't think i would enjoy it so i'm like what do we anyway, literally just shut up, anyway, my question was, what are you guys up to, I hope, whatever it is, you guys have the best time, be safe, and be careful, New Year's is a scary time, there's so many people, and you never know people's intentions, out in these clubs, so be careful with spiking and everything, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:59 watch your drinks, do not leave them unattended, look after your friends, look after each other, don't get into any car with somebody you don't know or somebody that's been drinking. All right. Sorry. Boring, boring talk over. My stories on Instagram, my questions for you. The first one is what 2022 goals did you achieve? I'm really excited to read these. Positive start to the show. Yeah. Show. The Leah show. That's literally literally what i called it like how self-absorbed am i only i would start a podcast and need my name in it leah on the line do you know what i mean most people their names aren't in the pod i obviously had to do you know why because i'm a leo yeah that's what we do anyway let's see what your 2022 goals achieved goals are somebody says
Starting point is 00:07:42 i passed my driving test amazing that's definitely going to be my i don't know if it's going to be my 2023 girls i don't know about it it's not a list it's not on my list of priorities listen it's really not everyone judges me for it but i can't help it i'm not passionate about driving i'm i'm just not i've lived in london for so many years you don't need to drive in london and now i live in the smallest town ever you don't need to fucking drive because you can walk to the other side so yeah but i'll do it um congratulations i'm happy for you um started my driving lessons and found a job i love fantastic finally coming out and being myself whoa amazing so proud of you getting my nose done after years of saving oh yeah tell me tell me all about it sent me before and after pictures i'm so jealous it's gonna be me one day manifesting
Starting point is 00:08:33 it it's gonna be me one day um finally qualified as a dementia specialist nurse oh my god congratulations getting back into fitness and falling in love with crossfit yeah i love it um i use my wages on amazing memories instead of saving it all up fantastic yeah money come comes and goes why doesn't that sound right money comes and goes that doesn't sound like grammatically correct but whatever but forever, honey. You know what they say. I dumped my waste of a space X and trusted my gut with doing so. Love that, darling. Love that one. I understand myself more. I put myself first and I'm more selfish. Good for you. Good for you. I feel like I understand myself more than ever right now in my life. So I'm with you on that one, babes. Dream job in the ambulance service. Oh, but you you know my dad was an ambulance driver that's how we met my mum actually um she my mum is best friends with somebody who worked with my dad in
Starting point is 00:09:36 the ambulance service and that's the reason I'm here today you never know you could meet your future partner for life you never know um i had and won my first boxing match oh my god you crazy girl that's crazy i got my dream job waiting for my start date what an amazing way to go into the new year that's amazing i bought a house these are all so fun doing a pt course living in the moment being more present waking up earlier amazing gave birth to my gorgeous baby boy congratulations graduating and and getting my first grad job in marketing stunning stunning getting a promotion stunning getting a job in my dream job field wow so many big career steps in 2022 i got a dog oh god what dog um consistency
Starting point is 00:10:28 with exercise stunning i got a permanent position as a cabin manager i'm an air hostess oh yeah living life in the sky um giving birth to my beautiful boy and creating such happy memories with him stunning passing my driving test before i was 25 yeah all right don't rub it in went to my first concert at 24 went went to work nights out nights out godlier and a friend's party didn't know anyone oh i love it living life on the edge yeah i love that i got a work-life balance. Gorgeous. Stunning. I achieved healthy hair. Amazing. These are all so fun. So positive. I love that. Okay. Now let's move on to what are your goals for 2023? Okay. Somebody says to not be late. Okay. That's a good one. To pass my driving test and to get a better job, read more books, put myself first,
Starting point is 00:11:26 buy my first property, make some new friends, work on my anxiety. I know I'll never be anxiety free, but cope with it more. Yeah, stunning. Let's get that control back. Stand my ground more. Oh yeah, let's set some boundaries. Be consistent with everything I do. I get that, but it's also okay to not be consistent. It's okay for feelings to change and passions to change. Somebody says no clap. Okay, well, I'm wishing that for you as well, darling. Get a first, travel, have fun, only do things if I want to. Yeah. Do what makes me happy. To buy a house and have a baby. Oh, yeah. To run the London Marathon. to buy a house and have a baby, oh yeah, to run the London Marathon, oh my god, could never be me, move to a new city, be happy and confident with myself, yes, that's an amazing goal to have,
Starting point is 00:12:21 to graduate, yeah, you will, you will do that, having a baby after losing my son at 21 weeks this year, oh my god, no, we're manifesting it for you everybody let's manifest it for this girl you will have your beautiful baby i love you um to work on myself and put myself first yeah so many people saying this i love that um take everything in my stride i got this oh my god i love that i love the energy yes We all need a bit of that. To buy a house. Amazing. I'm getting married. Want to come? Absolutely. I want to come. Appreciate my health. Yes. Here's to that. I'm with you on that one. Improve my positive self-talk. Great one. Let's be kind to ourselves. To make my total savings 20k for a house deposit gorge buy my own home get engaged manifesting the ring we are manifesting that for you stick with therapy
Starting point is 00:13:12 yeah go to the gym be more adventurous get ready to be 25 i mean is there any way to get ready you know you got this to work on my insecurities within my relationship with my boyfriend, P.S. he's incredible, yeah, you know, but always self-work, self-development, love it, love it for you guys, um, oh, we've done that one, make some more friends, yeah, so many of you guys are saying make some new friends, I'm with you on that one, Jesus, we've had the chat about my friends, I definitely need to create some strong friendships because no more lonely new year's eve's police okay i love that okay moving on to the next one what were your 2022 highs and lows okay this may be a touchy one but let's hope there's lots of pies okay lows my boyfriend deployed a lot he's raf hi first class honors in my mt degree amazing congratulations i got my dream job but also had the worst breakup ever a year of huge
Starting point is 00:14:14 highs and the worst lows oh no i mean at least you got your dream job i'm so happy for you let's focus on all the highs um going to italy with my girls was a massive high, my breakup was a low, lots of lows, I mean, lots of breakups this year, lows, finding out my ex cheated on me the whole duration of our relationship, fuck, um, being closer, closer than ever with my friends, amazing, um, struggling with my mental health was a low, High, learning a lot about myself through those struggles. Absolutely. I qualified as a midwife and married my best friend in Vegas. Also got to be at the birth of my niece.
Starting point is 00:14:53 What a year, what a year. Okay, finding out I can get pregnant and learning to love my body and be thankful. Oh, yes, darling. My low would be the fact that I lost myself my high is the fact i pushed through and made it yeah i love this my high was finding the pod love you leah oh i love you um lows were my mental health and highs were getting help and working through it love it I love how you guys are turning the lows into a high I really like that mentality um my lows were losing friends once having a baby you honestly hear about that all the time and I literally hate that um becoming single that's right for both yeah it was a high
Starting point is 00:15:39 I love that um I went through the most traumatic breakup physically and mentally but had the best summer with my girls to make up for it yay okay last one my nephew was born high went through a breakup low okay was 2022 the years of breakups or something because wow we all ended some relationships in 2022 okay moving on to a positive note what lessons did you learn in 2022 i'm excited for these ones okay always trust your gut yeah for sure um that i am loved no matter what size or shape i am of course you are of course you are i'm not disposable and i deserve love stunning a positive mindset can change your life yeah for sure it really can um not everyone has the same intentions as you you can never rush your healing yeah that's a that's a really good lesson to learn and very very true um don't ever beg for someone to be in your life if they want to
Starting point is 00:16:37 they will be patient with yourself and give yourself the break you need make the most of the time you have oh Oh God, that's triggered me. Jesus, I'm scared. Use protection. Was this the clap gal? Because your parents often know best and their wisdom is invaluable. Yeah, they do. They do often. Not all the time, but often. Always know that you will always be okay. It seems like it won't, but it always know that you will always be okay it seems like it won't but it always comes around yeah a hundred percent i was having this conversation with my boyfriend earlier like when something goes wrong in your life we so often just go oh my god fuck fuck everything's shit everything's bad and then it's not until like sometimes a week sometimes six months something sometimes a year
Starting point is 00:17:25 couple of years later that you go oh thank god i thank god that happened thank god i went through that because if that didn't happen i wouldn't i wouldn't have experienced this and i wouldn't have ended up here and i wouldn't have met this person do you know what i mean like when times fall hard this is a quote i love sometimes things are happening for you and not to you like if you go for a breakup you feel like it's the worst thing in the world the universe will will remove something from your life if it's holding you back from where you're destined to be okay yeah think about that okay what else um what else did we learn um oh when you say goodbye you will be granted a new hello
Starting point is 00:18:07 love it love it say no more often to protect my own peace no one is more important than yourself always put yourself first men ain't sure how to navigate moving to a new city as an adult not knowing anyone yeah that's a difficult thing to go through like especially if it's a big city because you feel like this tiny tiny little bean in this big big big world and it can feel very lonely um to never force things to happen there's always a reason behind everything 100 um mistakes are how we learn yeah period you're the only person who can truly make happy make you happy so don't solely rely on anybody else yes agreed who really is there for you yeah to stop people pleasing and respect my own boundaries that it's okay to break up with friends i'm still so young
Starting point is 00:19:01 live in the moment be grateful for the now don't stress about the future. Yeah, I'm with you on that one. I need to learn that as well. I'm a really good person and deserve happiness. Yeah, two. Fucking right. Okay. I'm just going to end it with that one because I think we all need to remember that. We're good people and we deserve happiness. We deserve love. We deserve success. We deserve to go on these beautiful adventures. Okay. We deserve success. We deserve to go on these beautiful adventures. Okay. And remember, like some, one of you already said, we learn from mistakes. So, you know, 2023, we're all going to make some mistakes. I'm sure we're all going to mess up. We're all going to go through things. We're all going to feel moments of guilt and regret, but these are the experiences that shape us into who I am. The universe always knows what it's doing remember that speaking of the universe
Starting point is 00:19:45 and the spirit I am ready to share my tarot with you so I'm gonna read my not the whole thing because it's very long this this page is incredible I will tell you all the details in two seconds um so it's very very long she does it in like three four month chunks I can't think I think it's four months four eight twelve yeah four months at a time because there's three different chunks and she will break these down in the big paragraph um but it just makes easier to reflect on as you're going through the year um and she gives you like your personal year number she pulls oracle cards she's really amazing so her instagram is at home of tarot this isn't sponsored or anything like that um but she has given me a discount code for all of you guys so if you use leah20 you can
Starting point is 00:20:33 get 20 off if you want to read him she just threw that in for you guys so yeah she did um give me this reading so thank you so much i love you so much. She's really, really good. Like I'm not just doing this for the free read-in. Like I did this last year. And when I tell you how accurate it was, you will be able to see. She predicted the breakup before I did, hun. Do you know what I mean? So we'll go through it, but I just wanted to let you guys know that she does have a discount code if you guys do want to read in. But I honestly recommend it so much because the last one she gave me was scarily accurate. I was not ready for it. So, yeah, let me get it up and I'll go through it.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you next time. door near you and safe all semester long Fido at your side okay so I got this in January of 2022 and it was the 12 month ahead yearly reading and when I tell you she was so fucking right about my year it's actually crazy so she said my personal year for 2022 was the number nine I didn't really know what that means but there is like I think I can't remember how many it goes up to but there's like different not there's different numbered personal years basically
Starting point is 00:22:13 so mine was nine and it said um something must come to an end and you might have things you need to let go of and when she said that to me I was like no thanks no thanks because obviously I was in I was in a whole different relationship and at the time we were living together I was like whoa what do you mean I was like well it ain't gonna be about that it's not gonna be about the relationship it was do you know what I mean so I had January to April okay and it says um in the beginning there's a huge worry about something that could be getting you down affecting other areas of your life um about finances okay and at this time if you guys remember when I started this podcast in January I was unemployed like I was
Starting point is 00:22:56 broke broke and so stressed about money and what I was going to do with my life because musical theatre was the forefront of me of my everything and it wasn't working out because COVID sent me back to square one and I was screwed right and she says um by the beginning of March you're in a different position and by the beginning of March if you guys remember if you guys go back to the episodes you're not going to do that because it's just absolute effort but I had a job and I was making money so she was right about that one and it says a new idea changes things slightly during this however I don't think it pays off straight away I think by November this year is where it will be really thriving so long as you stick to it and I started my podcast in January and November was like my most successful month with the podcast yeah Yeah. So honestly, I was like this,
Starting point is 00:23:47 oh, what's my new idea going to be? Crazy, right? Okay. And then in the next bit, it says that this is going to be a crazy time for you if you've been waiting for big changes, transitions, or to be pushed out of your comfort zone. This is the time. Firstly, I think when sudden things happen, you're going to feel very anxious and overwhelmed however once you get those feelings get over those feelings and work out how to push use these to push you further and view it more as a challenge things explode with positivity it says it's a time to put myself first um don't worry about how things might make somebody else feel and this is when i ended my last relationship, moved home, that had a whole 180 on my life that I was not expecting. So when I read this, I was like, oh my God, what does she mean? It's going
Starting point is 00:24:31 to be a crazy time for me. And there's going to be a big change and I'm going to be at my comfort zone. What is this? And she said, it's going to explode with positivity. And like this whole summer, like this next section was like one of the highlights of my life like I had the most incredible time and like I mean like personally and emotionally like it was such a big transition for me into I feel like I really blossomed as a person and like I did not I just did not see that coming when I read this I was in a I was rock bottom at the time um and then it says an opportunity could come up in your career even something you've always wanted to do but never been given the opportunity it will be where it's between you and someone else
Starting point is 00:25:10 um and then this is the time where the whole love island thing came around came around and obviously like as i'm reading this in january i'm thinking what is she talking about what is she talking about and it's so weird because i've always said like i'd love to do something like love island like i would love it and like she said it's something you've always wanted to do but never been given the opportunity and it's between you and someone else and then like if you guys listen to the story I think I've told on the podcast I might have been TikTok about how me and my boyfriend was both on hold for the show and was like oh oh god and we weren't together at the time obviously fucking hell we'd literally just met
Starting point is 00:25:42 but it was crazy anyway so she like told me all these things were gonna happen and then it says I genuinely believe this is your time to just go for everything you desire you're more supported than ever right now um basically be prepared um that things are about to like feel really good and be amazing so and it was like the best time ever and then in September to December it says um in in October especially the secrets people have been hiding from you will come out now I don't think now bearing in mind there's still a couple of days left to December I don't think this part has happened like I I'm a bit scared now because I don't want to jinx it I'm just going to touch wood real quick I don't think any secrets have come out and now there may be something that
Starting point is 00:26:31 hasn't come to mind maybe it wasn't major but when I read this I had anxiety I was like fucking hell because I was with someone at the time and I was like well they're obviously cheating on me do you know what I mean but that relationship relationship ended, so, you know, who knows, but I still now have no clue what these secrets are, and I hope I never do, I hope I never do, to be honest, and it says, I would also say, if you're in a relationship at this time, make time for them, it will be about you for most of this year, and it's important to make sure you have time for your partner, otherwise I can see your partner or someone close you feeling slightly less left out um manifest manifest manifest for some reason during this time you're like a magnet attracting what you want so try to focus on the positives and be careful not to attract anything through negative thought patterns it's a great time to
Starting point is 00:27:18 think big and achieve big so go for it and then she gave me like messages from my guides and it says being vulnerable brings you freedom there's a lot of healing energy around you and at the time I was like healing what do you mean healing I'm so went for a fucking breakup um find a balance between work and fun if you need to rest rest open your eyes and find the magic and possibilities in the unknown and so many people are proud of you so that was me just like sort of summarizing it it's a very long reading that she does like they're so in depth but honestly it was so accurate like to the point of months down to a t she gives you like specific dates that will be of some sort of significance to you as well um yeah like it was just insane like when i read it in january i was like what you talking about what do you mean what am i gonna have to let go of and like what do you mean I'm gonna have a big lifestyle change oh and also
Starting point is 00:28:09 the thing it said like um something around my career will intensify around my birthday and literally the day after my birthday I signed to my social media management so yeah I'm all very accurate but anyway I have one for 2023 and I'm not going to read for it in like major detail, because I feel like that's just really boring to anyone else. But I love shit like this. So I feel like if I was listening to somebody else, I'd be well intrigued. And obviously, as we go through the year together on the podcast, we can talk about obviously, I share everything with you in my personal life. So if something significant stands out in this reading reading you guys will probably notice before I do like Leah this is happening to you right now but remember your tarot reading said that do you know
Starting point is 00:28:50 what I mean so I'm really excited to share it with you guys so my reading this year looks very positive for my career so let's start the January to April stuff um It says by the start. I'm sorry. At the start of the year, you could be feeling anxious and unsure. This won't be helped by something being paused or cancelled in terms of your career. Here's me thinking my management are going to drop me or my podcast is going to just get completely removed of the internet. This is out of your control. And due to the retrograde, expect this to happen between the 7th of January and 7th of February. All your doubts and worries are there for a reason.
Starting point is 00:29:24 However, the situation makes a lot more sense by March. I'm scared. I'm scared for that. But anyway, like I said, I'm feeling anxious and like uncertain about shit right now. So she said that the start of the year, this is how I'm going to feel. So that's okay. Cause she said just right. It literally says, um, where is it? February is a much better month for you. So ride the wave of January. And that like gives me enough comfort so that if things do get really difficult for me over January, I can say to myself, like, things are going to improve, like things will get better, like just like she said, just ride the wave. And I love that. It says, January looks like an
Starting point is 00:29:59 exhausting month for you emotionally, it doesn't affect your motivation in terms of your career. I see exciting ideas coming to you and also being brought to you this month um spirit doesn't want you to self-sabotage and act on something you don't know the full story on there is a high chance of miscommunication but how it is handled is important hold back from accusing someone until you have the full story oh my god stress honestly stress march is one of the best times of year for your career you get recognized on a wider scale yeah baby and get rewarded for it in some way it also looks like an opportunity to either go away for work or work with someone important comes up that you cannot refuse this helps you massively in the long run oh my god i'm excited honestly fucking roll on march roll on march that's what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:30:45 it says my love life feels great um focus really focus and put everything into yourself in april a shift in power is coming you will gain back some control over your life after losing your foot in get ready for the wheel to spin in your favor whether you believe in destiny or not things are lining up for your benefit fantastic okay and it says my key dates are january 17th january sorry january 17th february 9th february 18th march the 2nd march the 22nd april the 25th so let's see what happens there i have some oracle cards as well but i won't read it all for you because you guys will just fall asleep May to August again it says you focus heavily on your career and finances this period of the year is the most important what you do during this time can benefit you for the next few years it looks like you have done everything you can do internally
Starting point is 00:31:39 and now is the time you reap the rewards of your inner work if you have felt like you have reached the bottom in the last three years you'll finally feel confident that life is going your way again and you're aligned with your higher self i really fucking hope she's got this one right because i need a bit of that to be honest um in may there's a lot of other people's energy that could be interfering with yours protect your social media and online details in general oh my goodness i'm gonna get hacked um someone you once trusted could start showing their true colors oh my god i'm scared oh spirit wants you to know that you have done the hard work it gets easier now thank you spirit believe me um i see some celebrating for you in june some good news comes in this is a gift from
Starting point is 00:32:23 the universe for completing one of your karmic lessons gorgeous watch out for negative people around you trying to bring you down or lower your vibration this is mainly in july there could be someone showing you red flags don't ignore them oh my goodness lots of people trying to suck the energy out of me this year clearly um okay honesty and communication will be really important in august it is an emotionally heavy month oh please give me breaks my birthday it's literally my birthday in august however once you get through it you will feel so much more free whatever the outcome you decide in august it looks like you're walking into the sunset by the end of it yeah i literally love a summer sunset as well i hope that's quite literally um it says i'm getting strong leo energy from you at this time you use this to your advantage absolutely okay the final part of
Starting point is 00:33:10 2023 is where you'll be feeling most in the flow and in control sorry hiccup this will be when you have the best routine and steady growth things will feel more manageable at this at this point and you'll be able to slow down and think whilst this is still an important point for your independence and self-growth you'll find it a lot softer and smoother okay incredible basically i'll take time take time out to be grateful in october yeah i will i definitely will i promise spirit is showing me someone is jealous oh nothing new no i'm kidding i'm just gonna fuck myself honestly november brings a sense of new beginnings and a fresh start a risk pays off massively this month see i'm not much of a risk taker so i'm looking forward to what 2023 leo is up to because she seems like she's living a little bit more on the edge um december you will have to trust the universe and take something as a lesson and
Starting point is 00:34:05 learning experience oh fuck fuck um it looks like one of your goals for 2023 gets reached here something that you have been manifesting but it doesn't look like it comes in the way or form you expect and then she's told me the crystals that could benefit me in 2023 carnelian citrine however you say it tiger's eye and i have no clue how to say this last one malachite maybe who knows and then it tells me my aura below is the main colors of your aura and what these mean pink naturally magnetic to others yeah um it can be quite sensitive blah quite sensitive and non-judgmental that's me honey green fun loving and quick wizard and able to make money whilst providing value to others oh yeah i need some money honey blue open-minded connected to the higher self and intuitive gorgeous okay and my personal year this year is one it says
Starting point is 00:35:07 it can mean new beginnings feeling really independent the things you start slash plant now will grow over the next nine years you may be feeling fatigued at the beginning of this but keep going it will be worth it time for a clean slate so yeah in summary lots of new beginnings lots of lessons lots of career focused energy success um and apparently i'm reaching a wider scale so see you on big brother hun oh my god could you imagine if that actually happened that would be weird that i've literally just planted that. So I need to get manifesting. I need to get creating a vision board urgently. So yeah, I just wanted to share that with you
Starting point is 00:35:51 because you guys know how much I love tarot and just spiritual readings and stuff like that. So I was really excited to do this and I thought it'd be so fun to share it on the podcast. I highly recommend you guys do them and let me know what is predicted in your year coming and we can all reflect on them together like how fun would it be if at the end of 2023 we can do this episode again and we one of my questions can be how was your reading was it
Starting point is 00:36:17 accurate what happened for you did was something predicted that you didn't see coming and actually happened like I just feel like it'd be I just i feel comfort having that reading like i feel like i'm surrendering control and that brings me peace like if it's not in my hands whatever happens is out of my hands and it's always meant for me the universe is always working in your favor what's meant for me will never pass me by what is bad for me the universe and spirit will remove from my life for me and you know I find comfort in not having that control do you know what I mean does anybody else get that so yeah oh that was fun I'm really looking forward to 2023 I'm really career focused this year like it's the first time in my life I genuinely feel independent like I'm in a beautiful relationship and I've really worked hard to
Starting point is 00:37:13 not lose myself do you know what I mean like that has never been a thing for me I've always lost myself in my relationships and it's the first relationship I've ever been in where I feel content and I still feel like Leah and I feel like I haven't surrendered any part of me like I haven't been like I'm all yours take me like I'm me you're you let's be me and you together like it just feels really good to feel like I know myself better than ever I feel really um independent is the. I'm really proud of myself. Like 2022 for me, at the start of this year, I was financially fucked. I had no idea what I was gonna do with my life.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I was so madly in love with musical theater and also with socials, but neither of them were working for me. And then I started this podcast and it's been like the best thing I ever did. I love it so much. I've made all of you guys as best friends. I feel like I've gained so many like valuable people around me just by having you guys.
Starting point is 00:38:15 I went through so many amazing experiences that taught me so many amazing lessons. Like my summer was incredible. I literally spent the whole summer just falling in love with myself and loving life and the sun and just who I am and the body that I'm in and the life that I'm living and the people around me and I just feel powerful without being a cringy little bitch like i just feel like strong i feel like a strong woman honey i actually do don't get me wrong i'm anxious and i feel like it could be taken away from me at any moment and that kind of puts me on edge but i also just keep having to remind myself if something gets taken away from me it's because i'm not meant to have it yeah and everything will always make sense
Starting point is 00:39:06 in the end and I will always be okay like this thing this is what we need to remind ourselves okay when we go through our times we need to remember we're gonna be okay like it's okay to go through really low lows because we're gonna be okay we're gonna come out the other side even when it seems impossible even when you cannot even imagine light at the end of the tunnel, we will find it. We will get there. You know what I mean? Because we just push through and push through and we will continue to do it. And then we'll receive our rewards and our good karma and blessings, you know, like it's all part of life and let's just try and enjoy it and love life and love the people around us. You know, tell tell people we love them tell people we appreciate them tell yourself how much you love yourself tell yourself how much you you're proud of yourself and you appreciate yourself you know be proud of yourself
Starting point is 00:39:53 this year um and let's all have an amazing 2023 so let's wrap up the episode okay everyone thank you so much for listening so 2023 is approaching this is coming out on the 30th so we've got one more day of 2022 i don't know how are you feeling about it i feel all right i feel okay i good. My goals this year are to number one, maintain good health and happiness for myself and all the people I love and care about and all of you guys. To put my all into the podcast and my socials and, you know, just build a career that I really, really love and just live a life that I enjoy and wake up and feel happy to do it I want to find a studio to get guests back on the podcast I'm talking to somebody about that at the moment so incredible I have so many guests I spoke to a few people I spoke to Maddie she's
Starting point is 00:40:59 keen to come back on Talia's keen to come back on. Imogen Nation is keen. Ella from Married at First Sight. Yeah, get this, guys. I'm talking to Ella about getting her on. And you fucking bet I'm going to be talking like this the entire time. No, I won't. She would literally just be so offended and probably just never talk to me again. But yeah, Sophie and Jasmine, the best sisters on social media they're keen so we have so many people that are keen to come on and and chat with me and all of
Starting point is 00:41:33 you guys so I just need the fucking studio space do you know what I mean I literally just need it so yeah that one is a big big big one for me um make more friends get better with money like i i'm finally financially better but i'm i'm not in a position where i'm like okay let me start saving so when i get to that point i thought i think i feel really good um say yes to more things but also say no to things i really don't want to do but say yes to things that scare me but i want to do do you know what i mean is that making sense and travel more and travel more they're my goals i will write them out properly um what quotes are we living in living by in 2023 i'm gonna live by the same quote i always live by you guys know it feel the fear you guys finish it and do it anyway that's
Starting point is 00:42:23 right well done everyone that is my quote of life. My mom taught me that. She didn't make it up. Like there's a fucking book called Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, but she loves that quote and she tells it to me all the time. If you can't get over the fear of something, just do it scared. I love that. You know, life is about those feelings, life is about those feelings that anxiety and fear and like being scared and anxious to do something is part of life and let's it should just make us feel alive you know like say like I've got a big audition or I'm about to meet somebody to film a podcast with him and I feel really intimidated life is about feeling that feeling and, you know, I'm alive. I'm alive. Do you know what I mean? I'm living. This is my life. I'm living. I'm alive.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You know what I mean? I feel these feelings. I feel anxiety. I feel scared. I feel nervous. I have a big audition. I'm petrified. I'm going to fucking go in there and I'm going to do it. Yeah. So let's all take that energy into 2023. I love you guys. I'm so proud of you for getting through this year. I know it was a really difficult year for so many of us, but I'm just proud of you for making it. And we're going to go into the new year and we're going to do this again. And we're going to just keep doing it every year. I'm so proud of you. I'm manifesting good health and happiness for every single one of you and myself i just had anxiety then if i didn't say myself then i would jinx it so i had to just add myself onto that i
Starting point is 00:43:48 wasn't trying to make it about me um but yeah i love you guys you're so strong you're amazing you're beautiful you're talented you're funny you're kind you have good hearts you're good people and just remember that you know life's about lessons and blessings and experiences and and have the roller coaster of life yeah let's do it together i love you guys so much i'm proud of you for getting through every single day let's do this together i hope you guys have the best new year's eve be safe be careful look out for each other and i will see you on the other side i'll see you in 23, honeys. I love you. Bye. With Busy Heart
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