Leah on the Line - Bonus 3: Would you rather

Episode Date: March 18, 2022

Hey huns! Thank you so much for tuning in to the third bonus episode of Leah on the Line. Today we played "would you rather" and spilled it all. It was so fun! Please send me some DM's with your respo...nses to some of these questions... I think some were really difficult! Thank you guys so much for all of your support up until now, I can't tell you how much it means to me besties. Hope you enjoy this episode and have an amazing weekend! As always send in your thoughts/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey hey everyone happy friday welcome to a new bonus episode of leah on the nine did you notice anything different about the last couple episodes? Did you hear any ads by any chance? That's right, baby. I've actually managed to monetize this podcast, which I hope is not annoying, right? I hope there's not people listening to me and like, this bitch always has to make money from everything. Let me tell you now, I'm not making money. I've been not making money for a long time you guys know I've just started working again and it feels fantastic and I've done this podcast out of the love and passion and drive in my heart but you know if I can monetize it then I'm not gonna say no at the end of the day so I'm really excited I'm really proud of myself this podcast is way
Starting point is 00:01:05 bigger than I ever imagined um you guys are way more amazing than I ever imagined I never imagined people would would be so on board obviously this podcast is nothing without you lot so I just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate you and love you all I cannot stress it enough I know I say it all the time like love you love you love you I genuinely genuinely mean it like I really really appreciate all of you the fact that you on Tuesdays and Fridays or whatever day you listen you pull out your phone you go on Spotify or Apple or whatever you use and you search Leah on the line and you play my podcast like I cannot and you play my podcast, like, I cannot tell you how exciting I find that, like, I just love it, I love your emails, I love your DMs, I love your
Starting point is 00:01:52 responses, I just love all of your participation, this is nothing without you, do you know what I mean, so I just wanted to make sure that I mentioned that at the beginning, yeah, and also, I just hope it doesn't annoy people, I mean, I've had, listen, I've had a one star rating on Apple music and to that person, I just want to say, fuck you. I'm joking. I really don't mean that. Listen, not everyone's going to like me and I totally get it. I don't like everyone I meet either. And at the end of the day, people are so entitled to their own opinion and that is what ratings are for. Do know what I mean and if I said something that you don't like or if there is something about this podcast that you don't like you're more than
Starting point is 00:02:33 welcome to feel that way but I mean was it necessarily the ones I'm writing I'm not really but it doesn't you know it is what. I, things like that don't determine my, like how I feel about something. What I focus on is all your amazing messages and all your amazing dilemmas that you send me and your responses to the weekly debates and, and your messages just telling me that you, you love the podcast and you feel like we're best friends because we genuinely are like, I'm really, am your friend like I really am here for you and I mean it um yeah I just hope like my only aim with this was to just find some to find something to do that I love because obviously you guys know I've been so depressed the start of this year and I was just desperate to feel
Starting point is 00:03:22 passion again and motivation and happiness. And that is the only reason I started this. And then when I thought about it in terms of I could be that for somebody else as well. Somebody's escape, somebody's comfort and friend and just someone to talk to or someone to just listen to and distract you from whatever you're feeling or thinking or going through or just someone to like make you have a giggle and just like feel good for 45 minutes to an hour you know every week so that is that's enough for me like if I can make people feel good and make people happy and feel less alone and just feel stronger like you can get through things with me here in your ears by your side I've done enough do you know what I mean so yeah ads is amazing on top it means we can monetize it and you know I can call this one of my jobs now which is amazing I've actually got a lot of jobs so I'm working in the bar I'm now
Starting point is 00:04:23 also starting another job in another bar um hustle hustle do you know what I mean I'm also now monetizing my podcast which makes this one of my jobs I'm an actress I do TikTok so you know I'm pretty um I'm hustling pretty hard at the moment listen I'm I think the reason I'm doing so much is because I haven't got like one big source of income but for me it's like I just want to do things that make me happy I always stress this to you never do a job that makes you unhappy that makes you feel anxious and stressed to the point of it's genuinely ruining your life like never do it like of course work can be stressful it can it can cause anxiety it can be difficult at times but it shouldn't be like that all the time. And if it is like that, you don't have to put yourself through that, like at any age, I really just don't believe that. So for me, I do all these things and
Starting point is 00:05:17 they don't make a lot of money and I don't care. Like I just do these things because I love them so much. And that has made me so happy just starting this podcast has lifted me up so much so yeah sorry to ramble I know I've already been chatting for over five minutes and we're not even in the episode properly yet but I just I really wanted to take a minute just to let you all know how much I actually appreciate you because I feel like I don't say enough I know I say I love you and stuff, but I really, really do appreciate you, it's, it's, it's not even funny, um, and I hope you feel that, I hope you, I hope you feel like it's genuine, because it is, actually, a girl that I work with, she, um, obviously, I've just met these people, and she said that she found my TikTok,
Starting point is 00:06:00 and she was like, after, like, watching your TikToks, like, it's, it's really nice to see how genuine you are, because you are exactly like that in real life, and I was like, after like watching your TikToks, like it's really nice to see how genuine you are because you are exactly like that in real life. And I was like, that actually means a lot because I know from experience that that's not always the case with people, do you know what I mean? So for her to see that, I really appreciated her saying that. So yeah, that was really nice to hear. Anyway, a bit of a serious deep start to the ep. This is actually a fun episode. It's going to be quite funny. I'm going to definitely expose myself a little bit too much. We're going to do a would you rather.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Let me know any other games or just little ideas you want to do for the bonus episodes. I really want to do an episode around being single. Someone close to me has recently come out of a relationship and she's never really been single and happy. I as well have always felt that being single was like a bad thing and it was really difficult for me. Like I said this in my episode of Zoe, I've never just been single and obviously I hope, fingers crossed, touch wood, I never will be single again. But I really think looking back it is so important and I wish I'd appreciated my time being single and I wish I'd actually taken more Leah time and focus more on who I am before I was jumping into these relationships I mean I've only had like two serious relationships but I was always talking to someone seeing someone um and I wish I was just not doing that for a long time because I feel like it's so healthy and so important so I really want to do
Starting point is 00:07:29 an episode around just being happy single um like I said somebody close to me is going through that right now and it made me realize I'm sure there's so many people going through that and what better place to talk about something like that than then on this podcast so yeah any ideas anything you want me to touch on I'm going to do a little bit of research find some motivational quotes and stuff to bring to you because obviously like I said I don't have the experience myself I wish I'd done it um so yeah I'm hoping that I can help somebody else feel a bit better if they're single and and see it as a negative thing like I used to. So that is definitely coming up. Also, I think the friendship podcast did really well. So if you guys would want another friendship
Starting point is 00:08:11 focused podcast, let me know. I'm going to stop chatting shit now and actually get into the would you rather. Let's just go straight in with the first one. Would you rather. Now, this question took up like 50% of your responses. They were all this, like everybody asked me the same question and it was, would you rather cheat or be cheated on? God, I'm going to make myself sound so bad here, but I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I'd rather cheat. I'm not even joking. I used to always say I'd rather be cheated on, fuck that, until I was with Jake and the thought of him cheating on me crushes me, breaks me, right? And this might be wrong to say, but I just feel like I would handle it so much worse with Jake because this, you know, this could be the wrong thing to say and it probably is,
Starting point is 00:09:02 right? But I feel like if I cheated on Jake which I would never ever ever ever let's just get one thing straight this would never happen I would never cheat I think it's disgusting and I couldn't think of anything worse than to actually do that to another person so if let's just say hypothetically I cheated on Jake I did not okay but if I did um I feel like Jake's response would be like fuck you like get the fuck out you piece of shit not not literally say that I mean he might but that would be his feeling I think I'm assuming I feel like he'd be very strong and just be like you've absolutely blown it like just get out of this place and never talk to me again and i would be like oh my god i am nothing i'm nothing i hate myself like i think i would take it so badly and
Starting point is 00:09:54 so personally and i don't i genuinely don't think i'd be one of those strong women that's like you have no idea what you've just done this is the worst mistake of your life do you know what you have i'm an absolute 10 out of 10 darling i'm not going to be that girl I'm not going to ever be that girl because Jake will never cheat on me okay please but that is that is my reason for saying I'd rather cheat because I actually think it would ruin me to the point of no return I would never trust a man again and I feel like Jake oh darling I would never cheat on you, I love him so much, I feel like he'd be obviously heartbroken and so hurt, but I genuinely think he'd handle things better, and it wouldn't ruin his life like it would ruin mine, how selfish am I, I, yeah, do you know what, I'm gonna have to
Starting point is 00:10:39 be selfish when it comes to that, I'd rather, I would never cheat, I actually can't think of anything worse and I know Jake would never cheat either but you know this is just a game okay so if any of you get annoyed at me for what I've just said it's a game it's never gonna happen the the actual reality might be different if it was real okay but I used to say I'd rather be cheated on because I'm like no I could never do that to a person like I'd rather you cheat on me and whatever but I just couldn't I could not cope with that maybe it's where I'm at in myself at the moment maybe my self-esteem's too low maybe if my self-esteem was a bit higher the answer would be like yeah I'd rather be cheated on you're fucking lost mate do you know what I mean but because my self-esteem is so low at the moment I'm probably like please don't don't cheat on me. It would ruin me. I think that's probably why. What about you girls?
Starting point is 00:11:28 I feel like it's a difficult one and nobody really wants to answer that out loud, but I just fucking did. So you guys have to now. Okay. Send me your DM of what you would say. Okay. Next question. Be rich and single or poor and in a happy relationship. Now I'm assuming you mean you're unhappy single, because otherwise the question is, would you rather be rich and happy or poor and happy? So let's just say it's rich and like never found, never find love or, or poor and be in a happy relationship. I think this is really easy for me. I'd so obviously rather be rich. I'm kidding. I would obviously rather be poor and in a happy
Starting point is 00:12:06 relationship because listen, I've never, I've never had money. I'm not from a family of money. I'm from a working class background. Obviously I'm from a privileged background. No, I was born in England as privileged enough. I'm from a white family. We aren't from poverty. Like, do you know what I mean? I'm privileged in terms of that but being rich has never been something to me like it's never it's never been on my life lists life goals and never been on my like it's never been a thing like I've just never been like I want money like I've I've never had money and it's never been something I've ever wanted or I've put it this way I want to be an actress and the actresses get paid fuck all so there you go that
Starting point is 00:12:45 says it like I crave like love and connection um and that's what makes me happy so money like of course it's nice I mean money helps god it bloody helps it brings you so much more freedom it brings you opportunities to experience life differently but imagine having money but nobody to love and connect with and share it with it sounds fucking miserable so yeah I think easy for me I would rather I would definitely rather choose um poor and happy in a relationship would you rather be able to spend a day 10 years in the past or 10 years in the future oh okay I'd rather go in the past because I think I would love to spend the day with my nan so this is quite sad sorry to be so depressing on this Friday but my nan passed away when I was like two I think maybe three and I don't have
Starting point is 00:13:40 memories with her and I don't remember her at all and stuff like that. But I still to this day feel really loved and connected to her and really protected by her and surrounded by her energy and her spirit. So if anybody doesn't believe in that, you're probably thinking, shut the fuck up, Leah, but whatever. So I would really love to just go back and just give her a hug and just talk to her and and just ask her so many questions I have so many questions that I will never get the answer to unfortunately and I would love to just spend the day hanging out with her and getting to know her because I really feel her around me which is crazy I had dream I had dream about her like a couple of months back and I saw her like crystal clear she was like waving at me um and I woke up
Starting point is 00:14:25 the next day like crying my eyes out and I was like why am I crying and then I was like shit I just remembered my dream like I didn't wake up with it on my mind I just woke up thinking why the fuck am I crying and I was like oh my god shit my nanny just came in and said hello to me and I spoke to my dad and I was like dad like did nanny look like this and did she wear earrings like this and stuff like that and he was like yeah like that's exactly what she looked like and I was like that's fucking crazy like she genuinely came to see me and I really do believe that and if you don't believe in that stuff I totally understand it's completely fine but yeah um really um would love that I would love that and do you know why I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:15:04 want to go in the future, because imagine somebody going, do you want to have a look at 10 years in the future, and you go, yeah, skip ahead 10 years, you're dead, imagine that, and then I have to come back to this 24 years old, no, and I'm not even going to make it to 40, no, thank you, I'd rather, I'd rather not, and imagine if you skip ahead 10 years, and I'm still hustling, trying to get on the West End, I still haven't bloody made it it nothing would motivate me less than that I'd be like what's the fucking point I'm going to be doing this for 10 years and I just think it would really ruin my life looking into the future I would I'd hate to look into the future like imagine like you go you spend
Starting point is 00:15:39 a day 10 years into the future and like someone that is in your life now isn't there anymore and you're thinking what goes wrong like how come we don't talk or you you know that somebody's passing away within the next 10 years like fuck that no fucking thanks that is horrendous I'd rather go back to the past without a shadow of a doubt what about you guys um next question let's see oh have sex with your ex or never have sex with Jake again. Now, Jake, I'm sorry, but I feel like, again, this is quite easy. I'd rather just have sex with my ex quickly and then me and Jake can continue happily ever after. No, I'm not trying to lose my boyfriends out of just being like, I'm not sleeping with my ex. I'm not trying to lose Jake. Never have sex with Jake again. So I wouldn't necessarily lose Jake. It again so I wouldn't necessarily lose Jake it just means I wouldn't have sex with him but then our relationship wouldn't work we both really enjoy sex it wouldn't work it would
Starting point is 00:16:31 be we'd just be friends pretty much so yeah I would I think me and Jake would probably both be on the same page there babes I'm gonna have to go back and have sex with him all right I'll think about you the whole time I will literally wear a blindfold um I'll put headphones in and you can you can oh no I was gonna say you can call me and just like talk to me in my ear but imagine that imagine being on the phone to your partner knowing they're having sex with somebody else and not only just somebody else their ex oh no and imagine that was the other way around, like, Jake had to have sex with his ex, or never had sex with me again, I'd be like, go ahead, darling, just go and do it, go and get it done, yeah, go and get it done, and then come back, I'm not touching you for a solid
Starting point is 00:17:14 32 days, um, and then we can carry on with our life, okay, yeah, that's my answer, what about you guys, is that, is that silly, I can't imagine anybody saying i'd rather never have sex with my boyfriend again that's crazy oh my god speaking of sex right next question would you rather only have anal sex or no sex of any kind listen there is no g-spot for women up the anus all right so that to me that question is essentially would you rather have shit painful horrendous uncomfortable horrible dreadful sex or never have sex and that's easy for me i'd rather not i'd rather not do you know what i mean anal sex no no thanks it's just not for me it's not for me does anyone actually enjoy that do women enjoy that is there any women listening right now that actually enjoy anal sex because how there's no g-spot
Starting point is 00:18:11 there's no pleasure in anal sex surely how it makes no sense i mean maybe a bit of clitoral stimulation i hope none of you listen to this in public by the way um hello to all the mums and dads in the background listening mum's just cooking dinner in the background you're playing this podcast imagine that although my mum listens so it depends on your relationship with your mum mum what would you rather hun um I feel like most people would probably say no like rather have no sex surely gross painful as fuck no thanks i'd rather just never do that all right jesus we're getting a bit explicit in this episode aren't we would you rather have the ability to move things with your mind or the ability to read minds
Starting point is 00:18:57 oh my god i'd rather i don't think i'd ever like to read minds. It'd be horrendous. Imagine you're just talking to someone and you can hear them going, she is so fucking annoying. She is so ugly. That spot on her forehead is making me feel sick. Imagine that. Oh my God, that'd be horrendous. But also it could be helpful. It could be helpful.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It could be a helpful skill to have. Just like looking at someone and reading their mind, playing them in their own game. There's so many things i'd rather not know do you know what i mean and i feel like if uh if you could read minds you'd you'd hear some things you just never want to hear oh gross it'd be horrendous and imagine like you're having sex with somebody and they're like thinking about someone else oh wow you'd know everyone's deepest darkest secret zone wouldn't that be fun sometimes you'd know a murderer you could solve crimes for sure you could really help the um the forensics here listen i'm telling you now he's just thought to himself in his head fuck they know i killed
Starting point is 00:20:06 mary he's a murderer lock him up yeah so you know there's pros and cons but being able to move things you'd put on a lot of weight put it that way because i'd never move my fucking ass i would pour myself a can of coke into a nice glass of ice from the fridge and float it over to me on the sofa i'd then pick up a packet of doritos off the side float them over it'd be amazing but you'd be so lazy you wouldn't even have to get up shut the door turn the light off anything you need to bring over you just bring it straight over if someone's like oh can you pass me the remote yeah let me just move it with my eyes i'm literally like matilda shut the curtains open the curtains in the morning i would like that i'd be very lazy but i would enjoy it i think reading minds would be hectic
Starting point is 00:20:54 as fuck you'd be like bruce almighty you know when everyone's praying in the film i'd be horrendous i'm sure there would be a way to turn it off if that was an actual thing. Wonder if it is. Nah, we'd know about it, wouldn't we? Would you rather have another 10 years with your partner or a one night stand with your celebrity crush? Oh my God, that's so easy. Come on. I'd obviously rather have a night with my crush. Kidding.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Just kidding. Who is your celebrity crush? I bet you guys are all like, oh, mine's Brad Pitt. Mine's, mine's brad pitt mine's mine's chris hemsworth mine is okay listen to this so i asked jake the other week who's your celebrity crush babe my blood was boiling i thought you better not have one but if he turns around even answers this question he's fucking brave right he answered the question he was like probably me lakuna's but that's just because you look like her i was like in what world do i look like probably me lacuna's but that's just because you
Starting point is 00:21:45 look like her i was like in what world do i look like me lacuna's we just both have dark hair like that's literally we have no other similar features but i'll take it at the end of the day i was like oh that's really nice babe thank you he's like yeah yeah she's my crush because she looks he she looks like my girlfriend and i was like oh that's nice and he was like, oh, that's nice, and he was like, who's your celebrity crush, and I was like, Dwayne Johnson, and you look just like Dwayne Johnson, darling, you look, you look exactly the same, could be related, um, to anyone that doesn't know what my boyfriend looks like, he does not look like Dwayne Johnson, don't get me wrong, my boyfriend is sexy, he's beautiful, I'm so attracted to him, but I don't have a type, put it that way, I do not have a type put it that way I do not have a type the guys I've been with have been totally different I do have a type and um do I just fancy Dwayne Johnson imagine spending the
Starting point is 00:22:32 night with Dwayne Johnson wow he would do anything wouldn't he so strong pick you up with his little finger oh Dwayne Johnson but Dwayne Johnson's fingers would be huge oh ouch oh god Dwayne Johnson's fingers would be huge oh out oh god Dwayne Johnson is just a humongous human like he's just sexy it's just this it's the teeth and the bald shiny head just gets me just love him I think he's so sexy so yeah but having said that I would still choose Jake all day every day obviously a night with Dwayne Johnson would be great but I'd rather 10 years with Jake obviously I think that's obvious how many of you are be great but I'd rather 10 years with Jake obviously I think that's obvious how many of you are literally like oh I'd rather dump my boyfriend and spend one night with Chris Hemsworth oh my god okay next one would you rather be underdressed or overdressed
Starting point is 00:23:19 now I think underdressed because I'm embarrassed when I'm overdressed like imagine walking into spoons in like a house of CB dress and heels and everyone else is just like in jeans and trainers but then imagine the other way around imagine going to like an event and everyone's in a house house of CB dress and heels and you're there in like PLT ripped jeans and Air Force Ones that's also really embarrassing and also I feel like a kid if everyone's dressed up and i'm underdressed i feel like a kid like i feel like a child and i feel really intimidated so that's actually quite tough but i think i probably would go underdressed because then it looks like you just don't really care and you're like playing it really cool and if you're overdressed it's like you care too much which i think is worse which you guys think
Starting point is 00:24:02 but then i know there's so many girls it's like, oh my God, I always overdress. Like, I just love it. Like I'm always overdressed. It's just me. And I kind of love that for you. Do you know what I mean? So I suppose it depends on, on how you feel in social situations. I, I like to be center of attention sometimes, but I don't want to be the center of attention for a bad reason or like anything that's going to make me cringe. So yeah yeah that's my answer um would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef oh my god maid no I don't need a maid like I can I do need one because I'm lazy as fuck and my house is a mess but I would love a chef I would love a personal chef oh my god it would be incredible you'd be so healthy
Starting point is 00:24:45 like you'd be fueling your body with so much goodness and so much amazing tasty food that at the end of the day you're gonna sleep better your mental health is gonna improve you're gonna look better you're gonna glow you're gonna have so many health benefits from having a chef like if you have like gut problems and stuff you're not going to have these problems because your chef can just make you amazing tasty food hi simon good morning can i just get smoked salmon and scrambled eggs this morning please simon thank you is that a new chef hat looking very handsome today simon can i get a nice healthy snack simon i'm a little bit peckish what can you do um i can do you some sushi rolls maybe
Starting point is 00:25:25 i can roll up some sushi oh that'll be amazing simon you're the best thank you so much imagine that also i feel like having a maid would be quite annoying sometimes because imagine you're like where she put my fucking nasty girl black leather trousers where has she put my black leather trousers and you're like searching everywhere obviously she's tidy and we love her for it but imagine i bet there's so many places that i mean so many things we just don't know where she's put them and you're like oh what's she fucking done with it or she's thrown something away that she shouldn't have thrown away i'm sure it happens all the time so yeah i'm going chef girls all day every day okay would you rather be a genius and know everything or be amazing at any activity you
Starting point is 00:26:05 tried? So I actually think I've gotten more unintelligent as I've gotten older and it's really bothering me. My vocabulary is struggling. I say, how many times in my podcast do I go, what's the words? What's the words? Oh, you know what I mean? What's the word? I just don't, I can't get my words out. There there's like I have like fog in my brain and it's just like it needs oil in like it's all rusty it's like so rusty in my brain and I would love to be really really intelligent and know everything but then also it'd be everyone would be so annoyed to be like oh shut up Leah we get it you fucking know everything so that would be kind of annoying for everyone else but it'd be really nice for you do you know what I mean oh my god you could literally go on who wants to be a
Starting point is 00:26:47 millionaire and just literally be a millionaire easy but I would still choose to be amazing at any activity you you tried because we all know I want to be a performer so imagine you go to an audition and they're like we need strong tap dancers and somebody that can belt a top something and you're like yeah I can do that I can actually do everything I can actually smash all of this really easy for me so like you'd get so much so many shows you'd get so much theater work it would be amazing you would just be like a western legend yeah i can tap dance yeah i can street dance yeah yeah i can do ballet yeah no i'm a fucking incredible singer actually so i'm definitely gonna go that but i suppose it depends on your like life goals and what would benefit you more
Starting point is 00:27:35 in the long in the long run you know okay last one would you rather experience the world beginning or ending i feel like I just dropped my phone, but is it just me or is that fucking easy? Like who wants to experience the end of the world? Absolutely nobody. Imagine that I'm going to die. We're all going to die. My family's going to die. Everyone's going to die. Fucking hell. Like that would be hell on earth. So yeah, obviously I'd pick beginning of the world, but then are you like a baby are you newborn baby because if so that's fine do you know what I mean but are you just like an adult in the beginning of the world you're just like oh I'm an adult what's going on here because
Starting point is 00:28:16 if that's the case you lose half of your life but then I suppose if the world ended now I'd lose more than half my life so yeah I'm gonna go beginning of the world um I'd literally be a Neanderthal though wouldn't I you know like do you know I find that so fascinating like Neanderthals like the evolution of humans is so interesting like it's actually crazy like they never used to have eyelashes and eyebrows and stuff and then like they developed over time because we need them to keep like dust and water and stuff out of our eyes it's really quite impressive like really quite amazing so let's wrap up the episode it's been about half an hour which is a good length for a bonus app
Starting point is 00:28:54 i will be back on tuesday as always my darlings um send me in your dilemmas i've got some really good ones lined up for next week but still I constantly add to them every day leave a five star rating if you can and if you want to because it really helps honestly it helps so much um share it with your friends I've had so many messages saying that they've just found me and like they haven't come from Jake they haven't come from TikTok like they've just found the podcast and they really love it and I'm fucking buzzing with it I love that so I just love that the friendship group's getting bigger and bigger make sure you're following me on tiktok because I'm live over there and I feel like that's where we really have our face times and we we always have our like group
Starting point is 00:29:33 face time and you guys always make friends in the comments it's really friendly really positive vibes over there so yeah make sure you're doing that or you know you don't have to follow me just catch me on live if you want it's not about the follow it's about the live all right so yeah i love you guys so much just to let you know i had to record this twice i've had to fucking enough with this microphone technology shit i have had so much bad luck with recording this podcast it's not even funny it's an actual sick joke to be honest but like i said i do it because i love it and for you and for me and just hoping that it brings us some positive energy and some joy um what are you guys doing this weekend you going out if you're going out be safe okay don't text your ex um don't have unprotected sex
Starting point is 00:30:18 um don't go around your ex's house at the end of the night um text me instead send me some of your drunk voice notes ready to play out on tuesday's episode it didn't work on the last week i tried to play out one of the voice notes on last week's episode and for some reason just wouldn't let me play one so yeah make sure you're sending me them and then i'll just screen record one in case it happens again where it only let me play it once it was really weird i'll screen record it and then i'll insert it in so it doesn't sound so like like last time anyway love you so so so so much let's have a big group hug group hug group hug do you guys need that sometimes you need a hug don't you hugging you hugging you love you um yeah that's it then
Starting point is 00:31:00 I suppose I'll see you guys next week for a new episode thanks for everything you're the highlight of my life and just everything to me. All right. I love you. Bye.

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