Leah on the Line - Bonus 34: The GLOW UP episode

Episode Date: February 24, 2023

Hey huns! In this episode we discussed all the best tips, tricks and advice for an internal and external GLOW UP. Whether it be after a breakup, or just because you need to introduce some healthier ha...bits into your life. I hope you all enjoy this episode and remember you are AMAZING regardless. Thank you so so much to every single one of you for listening to and supporting Leah on the Line, it means the world to me. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line happy friday how are you guys how's your week been mine been okay. If you guys follow me on TikTok, you know, I, my mental health is slipping. I kind of mentioned it a little bit. When I say slipping, I'm not like, I'm depressed, you know, I'm not like down in the dumps, but I'm just, I've got no motivation. I'm feeling really uninspired. I'm really struggling to feel positive about the future. Like I'm just feeling a bit stuck. I am putting it down to my SAD, S-A-D, Seasonal Affective Disorder. I don't even know what it's called. It is self-diagnosed, but I 1 million percent suffer with it. I am
Starting point is 00:01:00 always miserable in the winter. I've just realized one of my eyes squints way more than the other. Basically, I've started recording on my dressing table just because it's comfortable when I'm not video recording. And I just squinted. And basically, one of my eyes is really small. I do have a lazy eye. My optician, an optician told me years ago, he was like, yeah, we've got a little bit of a lazy eye situation. I was like, okay, what does that mean? He was like was like basically like the wire that connects your eye to your brain just goes I was like stunning is that is that is that all right is that you know is that am I safe
Starting point is 00:01:36 but anyway I always have loads of eye floaters I know I know what you're thinking danger danger you're gonna die I know I also thought the same, but I've had them for so many years and they don't change. One of my eyes is actually really smaller than the other. Maybe it's the forehead Botox I had because it is a lot stronger on one side at the moment. I can only raise one eyebrow. It's kind of stunning. But anyway, how are you guys? Hope you had a good week. I missed you. Thank you so, so much to every single one of you that ordered one of you that ordered one of the Lear on the Line cups they will be available for repurchase basically we're just going to keep ordering them if you want one we're going to order them so if you didn't get one
Starting point is 00:02:14 obviously I know it's payday weekend today happy payday everyone obviously it's payday today so if you were waiting until payday I can't wait to see you with your cups I'm so excited um but I am going to stop going on about them because I know if you really just aren't interested in getting one that's probably really annoying to keep hearing about them so I will shut up about the cups I just wanted to remind you how grateful I am to every single one of you but anyway this episode is going to be a fucking feel good yeah because I put a story up and I said what do you guys want on Friday what episode shall we do and quite a few of you said you I put a story up and I said what do you guys want on Friday what episode shall we do and quite a few of you said you really want a glow up episode and I thought
Starting point is 00:02:50 gorgeous idea absolutely gorgeous idea from you so this isn't just going to be breakup glow up like I know I think a lot of you guys interpret it in that way when I put up the story after saying I was going to do it which like a lot of you guys are excited for. So it's not a bad thing. We are going to talk about breakup glow ups, but also just the general glow up, you know, like, like I said, I've been feeling a bit down in the dumps recently. So I need a glow up as well. And that's what I've been working on. It's, it's not just a physical glow up, you know, it's not about, oh, let's clear up our skin and drink loads of water and go to the gym. Like that isn't the only idea of a glow up. We're talking internal glow ups, mentality glow ups.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And we're going to talk all about that today. I'm really excited. Positive vibes, you know. And yeah, I'm really looking forward to it. I've asked you guys for your tips, your advice. I'm really, really intrigued because I need it as well. But I have written down a list of the things that I know really helped me with my breakup glow up with my mental health glow up when I was really really down last year you know all the things that I know and have tried and tested and I know work for me
Starting point is 00:03:55 hopefully you know not everything's going to work for everybody what might make somebody feel good might not actually help another person vice versa so you know I'm just hoping at least one of these things is going to be what someone needs to hear and have a positive impact on on you in one way or another so I love you guys whatever you're up to right now if you're on your hot girl walks if you're at the gym if you're at work if you're driving if you're tidying up like whatever it is I'm so happy and blessed to be with you on this gorgeous afternoon, evening, morning, wherever we are. I feel grateful. Thank you for putting me on. Thank you for tuning in to Lear on the Line. And I appreciate you all so much. I'm really looking forward to this episode. Just a little
Starting point is 00:04:36 reminder, again, it's not just about the external glow up. You are always fucking gorgeous, whether you feel it or not. But this is about the inside and the outside. Of course, we about the external glove as well because fuck me it does help doesn't it all right guys i love you thank you for listening and let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line remember to leave a rating on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leah on the line at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leah on the line and at leahovane to see visual clips of the podcast. I love you. Enjoy the episode. Okay, everyone, let's get straight into it today. We all need to hear this every now and then. If now is not the time you need to hear this, please listen anyway, just because we'll have
Starting point is 00:05:19 a good old girly chinwag together. I've said chinwag again. Why has that become part of my vocabulary? Oh, who do I think I am? Anyway, save this episode for when you feel like you might need to hear it again, because I feel like we all go through those phases where we just let ourselves go. You know, we don't prioritize our mental health. We start picking up habits that you know aren't good for us. We start dropping off all the positive things that we introduce into our life you know so come back to this episode when you feel yourself slipping and you you want to go through that little glow up again but if not if you're here let's listen anyway you know what i mean it's not gonna hurt is it everyone can do a little glow every now and then even when you think you're already fucking on top babe do you know what i mean let's get into it okay so i have a little list
Starting point is 00:06:02 and i've got like general tips like just the general things that are just helpful and then we're going to go into like the clearing out the refresh freshening up our life and then we'll go into the breakup um glow up and then we'll go into your tips from all from you guys which I'm assuming are going to be a mix of breaking up glow up from breakups I mean and then just all the general tips and advice and your little your little life hacks so I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys have to offer which is always a lot always a lot I never doubt it okay so my number one well it's not my number one it's the first one not number one I don't know if I have a number
Starting point is 00:06:39 one actually actually I think I do I'll let you know when I when I read it out okay so first one I want to talk about is the skincare regime now this isn't because I feel like clear skin means you means you're beautiful like obviously everyone feels better when our skin is looking better but for me my skincare is about this self-love it's about the process it's about the me time I love that feeling sitting at my dressing table with all my products in front of me just giving myself that love it's about that for me do you know what I mean let you wake up your skin looks so glowy let's stand and join me so basically I think a lash serum let me tell you now a lash serum will change the game for you. I've always had shit lashes. I've never been a natural long lash queen. Never, ever, ever in my life. I started using Rapid Lash. Is it Rapid Lash I was
Starting point is 00:07:31 using? Yeah, I think it was. I was getting confused. It was definitely Rapid Lash, the silver one. I was using Rapid Lash for, I've used that for about a year now, but I started to like stop seeing progress. Like I felt, I felt like even though I kept using it every night they went small again so I started to use UK lash because I've heard amazing things about it um I'm only on my second day but I can tell you that when I started using rapid lash and I saw it took me about three months to see any real progress but once I did I felt so much better about myself without makeup I don't know I don't even know why, like just curling my lashes and knowing that you can still see them. Cause I, I had one, I was one of them girls, like you can't actually see I've got eyelashes and I haven't got any mascara on. But also when I put mascara on now, I've got nice long lashes. So lash serum, definitely. Cause for me, it's all
Starting point is 00:08:19 about doing the little things that make me feel good without makeup. So like longer lashes, this brings me on to my next one. Brow if you don't have naturally amazing full brows like me i used to but i got bullied as a kid because i had really bushy eyebrows which now fucking gorgeous like when i look back at my my photos when i was a kid my eyebrows were fucking amazing like i'm not even joking and now i've like I shaved them off I shaved them with a razor me and my friend Georgina we both got bullied for our eyebrows she again had amazing bushy gorgeous eyebrows and because we got picked on we were at hers once and we was just like should we shave them off and we did and I continued to shave them and I had probably one
Starting point is 00:09:01 centimeter of eyebrows for a good two years and I'm still recovering from it to this day so and also I dye my hair like really dark compared to my natural color my natural color is like a mousy brown and my hair is like literally black now so I use a brow tint I use the eye law brow tint it makes me feel better like having my long lashes my tinted brows it's like it's like that little bit of semi-permanent makeup do you know what I mean so that makes me feel good like when I'm sat in front of my mirror I'm tinting my brows I'm doing my lash serum sometimes I'll tint my lashes and I just feel better the next thing is I put fake tan on my face now let me let me just emphasize this isn't
Starting point is 00:09:42 all going to be about aesthetic glow ups like it's we're going to get deeper than this it's just one of them like minor things that really help me so if you like to be tanned for me my face never fucking turns i could be on holiday for six months and my face will still be pale as anything i get like a little burnt nose the word little should never be in the same sentence as my nose put it that way but yeah my nose gets burnt I'll get like a little bit of red on my cheeks but I don't get that like nice tanned forehead you know it's annoying so I use the Bondi Sands One Hour Express self-tan for the face I put it on a brush and I put it where I contour and I'll tint my eyebrows sometimes my lashes if I'm feeling extra gorge and I'll put my eyebrows. Sometimes my lashes, if I'm feeling extra gorge
Starting point is 00:10:25 and I'll put my lash serum on so that when I wake up most mornings, I've got my brows, I've got my tan, you know, my face looks a little bit slimmer because I've done a contour effect with the tan. And these little things make me feel way more confident without the makeup on. So in term, I glow up on the inside because I'm confident and I think confidence is massive right so that's just one of the tips for me do the little semi-permanent makeup things that you can do or that you want to do that you know make you feel better about yourself whether it's you get your lashes done or you do you use a lash serum or maybe you've got really amazing natural eyelashes and if that's
Starting point is 00:11:05 the case skip that step you know what I mean but to anyone that's like me and doesn't a little tip for you okay next one similar hair care so I have always had my hair isn't very healthy I have such an oily scalp my hair gets oily within a day I literally wash it and I literally even think about touching it with my hands and it's greasy it's it's no joke so I'll always have a bottle of dry shampoo and I'll put it in before bed so that I'll wake up in the morning my hair looks fresh it looks bouncier so you know I wake up I've got I've got clean kind of clean hair my face is looking tanned and slim my lashes are looking long my brows are looking tinted and maybe a few nights a week go for a hair oil at the moment I'm using the one
Starting point is 00:11:51 that TikTok keeps shoving down all of our throats the rosemary oil honestly I really do rate it I genuinely think it helped my hair grow because I lost a lot of hair it snapped off really really bad and like all underneath the bottom layer of my hair is totally snapped and it's getting longer it is more noticeable now because now you can actually see it it used to be so short it was snapped so short that you wouldn't even see it because it was like shorter than my fucking neck whereas now it's come down to like my collarbone you can actually kind of see it but then it also means it's growing do you know what i mean so hair oils dry shampoo if you get oily hair like, just so that when you wake up in the morning,
Starting point is 00:12:26 you feel pampered already. It's like you were being pampered in your sleep. Do you know what I mean? That's my tip, hair care, look after your hair. Okay, this is moving away from the appearance now. I think healthy habits are so, so important. So for me, one of my biggest ones is I do not sleep in anymore this is the thing because I work from home and I work on my own schedule I used to wake up whenever I wanted I'd stay up till four o'clock in the morning and I'd wake up at 11 and
Starting point is 00:12:59 I'd have a really unproductive day and then I'd be really productive in the night in the evenings and it wasn't good for me like yeah I was getting the shit done that I need to get done but I'm missing the daylight I'm not hanging out with people because I'm asleep half of the day do you know what I mean no one's awake at 4am so the only person I was talking to was my boyfriend like because he's the same as me like he's such a night owl but the thing is he actually gets up at like seven half seven in the morning so he doesn't actually fucking sleep at all no but we don't stay up till that time anymore because I made a point of being like I'm obviously this is going to be a lion to a lot of you but I make a point of being like I'm not going to sleep in later than 9 30 and I don't and I haven't done for months I might
Starting point is 00:13:37 have the odd day on the weekend if I'm hungover or if I really just don't feel negatively about the idea of having a lion, if I feel positively about it, then I'll have a lion. But obviously, I know a lot of you guys, 9.30 is a lion. You'd be like, you're joking. I get up at 6, hun. I get up at 6. I've already gone for a run. I've done the fucking washing. I've hoovered the whole house and I'm still asleep. But whatever time for you makes you feel good waking up, my alarm goes off at 8 30 9 9 30 and whichever one i wake up to and i think right i'm ready to get out of bed that's when i'll get up um i try to avoid staying on my phone for too long in the mornings i did go for a phase where
Starting point is 00:14:16 i literally was like i refused to go on my phone until i've gone downstairs made my coffee and relaxed because especially like i said i work from home like all my work is on my phone so sometimes I'll wake up to emails because sometimes I'm waking up at half nine people are in the office at nine do you know what I mean so I'll wake up to like Leah I need this from you today can you get this done and I'll be like and I'll literally lay in bed and I'll reply to everyone because I don't like leaving people um on delivered or on read but I made a point of being like I'm just gonna have my half an hour in the mornings and usually I have to get up a bit earlier for that but I have been slipping back
Starting point is 00:14:49 into going on my phone in bed in the morning so that is something I need to stop doing I did really well this morning I was on my phone for like five ten minutes then I just got up I was like no because normally I have to check every notification reply to every fucking message check my comments here make sure I'm not getting any hate otherwise I have anxiety do you know what I mean whereas this morning i was like no five ten minutes that's enough get up go downstairs make your coffee so yeah if you feel like you have an unhealthy habit with just being addicted to your phone really try and kick that if that's if that's something you feel like you need to and can do um also very important i have done this for years
Starting point is 00:15:24 and now i can't imagine not doing it. I know a lot of you probably already do this, but in case you don't make your bed every single morning, I could not leave my bedroom without making my bed, putting, puffing up all the cushions, putting them on, you know, putting the throw on the bottom of my bed. If I left my bedroom without doing that, I would have an awful day facts I literally would feel really sad like I'm not even being dramatic it would it would really ruin my day so if you don't do that I never used to I started doing it when I was about 18 and have not gone back since I really recommend it because if you tell yourself I'm gonna make my bed every morning from now on
Starting point is 00:16:03 right gonna open the blinds I was put some clothes on first, put some clothes on, open the blinds, open the curtains, whatever it is, make your bed, open the door, put the doorstop on, let all that air in, let the fresh air, the sunlight, daylight, let it all in, make the bed, not a messy, just fucking chuck quilt on, Let's make that bed gorgeous, nice fresh sheets, you know, nice flat quilt, not just a big chuck it on, whack the pillows up the top and they're just like half falling off the bed. We're going to make the bed properly, letting all that daylight, letting all the sunlight. You've already accomplished your first task of the day and you've been awake five minutes. It feels so good. So if that's not a habit you already do, I cannot
Starting point is 00:16:44 recommend it enough. Really, really, really recommend recommend that it's a major in the glow up okay next one when you get out of bed and you and you're up and you've made the bed the blinds are open we're up we're up we're out of the bedroom straight to the bathroom obviously you're gonna have a wee it's got to be done if you don't get up and have a wee in the morning i'm actually concerned but i every single morning again since i was probably about 15 i've done this so this is 10 years i i not just splash my face i wash my face with ice cold water i don't use facial face wash in the morning i just don't some mornings i might treat myself to it if i feel like my skin needs a little bit of a clean but i wash my i wash my face in the evenings, every evening, but
Starting point is 00:17:26 ice, ice cold, like run that tap till it is cold and wash your face. And I splash my face about 20 times. So I'll wash it, like get all the fucking gunk out your eyes, you know what I mean? Make your eyes feel like they're all cold. And then I'll get that cold water, fill up my hands with cold water, 20 times I will just rinse it onto my face and then I would literally just dry my eyes with the towel and then I let the air dry the rest of my face because the ice cold feeling on your face is so refreshing it's de-puffing it's so good for your mind like that ice cold feeling on your face first thing in the morning it feels incredible I cannot tell you and then I'll go downstairs make my coffee if you don't drink coffee it's probably good for you coffee gives you anxiety but I will get my ice roller out of
Starting point is 00:18:10 the freezer I really recommend getting an ice roller just roll it under my eyes along my jawline along the cheeks forehead nose it just de-puffs the face it wakes you up you feel so good and also it's the thought of just like doing it for yourself you know like i am glowing up i'm waking up i'm making my bed i'm letting the sunlight in i'm washing my face with cold water i'm icing my face you know it feels so so good i really really recommend it and the next thing for the next healthy habit drink water i know i know i know get a leer on the line cup honey i carry my confession diaries cup around all day with me it's always full to the brim with water i will not drink tap water i'm not being funny it's fucking gross it scares me like what is in
Starting point is 00:18:58 that it's so fucking gross i can't drink it i know it's bad i will get a filter a filter thing one day i need to do that but at the moment when I do my weekly Audi shop I get the big crates of massive like how many liters probably like two liters of water I just get one of those well no I'll get a huge crate of them keep them outside because it's cold enough I keep them outside my back doorstep and I'm constantly filling up my Leo and the Lion cup before the Leo and the Lion cups I was using a Love island bottle I love them I fucking love them highly recommend it's the straw it's just so satisfying but if you have a Leo on the line cup this is your sign drink more water if just use any cup to be honest you don't have to have a Leo on the line cup use whatever cup you
Starting point is 00:19:36 want use a glass use your gym bottle whatever it is just carry it round with you and I guarantee you'll just be sipping it and you won't even realize you're sipping it out of boredom. Just create that habit. Just fill it up and carry it. If you move into another room, take it with you. Do you know what I mean? Honestly, just try it and I guarantee it will help. Okay, the next thing I want to talk about is the clear out and the freshening up. Freshening up? Is that a word? Freshening? Yeah, I'm sure it is. Freshen up your life, right? It feels so fucking good. So the most minor one I'm talking about is like, even as minor as clearing out your Spotify. Okay, what songs do I not listen to anymore? What songs give me negative feelings? What songs do I have bad memories attached to what songs remind me of my ex what songs remind me of when i used to go out clubbing and then
Starting point is 00:20:29 now that gives me anxiety like what songs are not having a positive impact on me just even if there is no song in the world that makes you feel negative there's no song in the world that you have no negative attachment to just clear them. I don't like that song anymore. I'm bored of that song. Oh, I'm never, I never, I always skip that song. Get rid of that. Start a whole new playlist of all your feel good vibes if you want. Just making that little like, just completing that task feels good.
Starting point is 00:20:59 You feel like you're glowing up your Spotify playlist. It's minor, it's minor, but all these little things together feel good. So you know, like how I've just described the routine in the morning, you know, wake up, curtains are open, nice fresh joggers on, nice fresh clean clothes on, clean pants. Yeah, I've made the bed. My face is freezing cold. I feel fresh. My eyes are clean. I'm icing my face and I'm hitting play on my Spotify playlist whilst I make my coffee or do the washing up or whatever it is, whatever my first task of the day is. Second task, because first task was making your bed and completing it, mate. Second task, I'm hitting play on Spotify.
Starting point is 00:21:38 No matter what song comes on shuffle, I'm loving it. Love that fucking song. Love it. Not bored of this song. Yeah, it feels good. It feels good. feels good okay next one again on your phone just cleaning your phone out okay clean clean going through your camera roll any screenshots that you've still got from like fucking months and months and months ago years ago all these old pointless screenshots of like receipts or something
Starting point is 00:22:00 you saw on facebook marketplace that you sent to your sister and you never actually bought or you did bought you don't need a screenshot anymore cleaning through these screenshots cleaning through the photos any photos again negative feelings bad memories let's just get rid of them all any apps you don't use let's clear it out you know so that when we pick up this phone it feels different believe me it feels different you've every every app on this phone i'm using i've got them all in a folder so for mine i've got four folders at the top so obviously you've every every app on this phone I'm using I've got them all in a folder so for mine I've got four folders at the top so obviously you've got your first screen with like your messages your calendar your clock your maps your weather your camera app store wallet blah blah
Starting point is 00:22:34 and then on the on the next slide I've got my beautiful background and my beautiful boyfriend and at the top there's four folders so I can see my background it my phone is completely clutter free I've got four folders okay the first page is it's tidy but it's like the apps that I need but aren't like interesting you know like like I said the weather blah blah but the next page is all my downloaded apps so the first one is socials we've got YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Snapchat but I don't even actually use that so maybe I need to have a clear out of my phone and then the next folder is little camera emoji so the first my four folders just have one emoji they're not titled anything it's just an emoji and
Starting point is 00:23:16 I understand what they mean so the first one is the little speech bubble with the dot dot dot that means socials the next folder is a little camera so this will be anything that i use for content so we've got remini oh my god highly recommend anybody that doesn't have remini it makes your pictures hd trust me sometimes it fucks them up and gives you like weird teeth but you can always try it and it makes your photos hd then we've got photo retouch so if i need to remove something from the background that's the app pixart that's my favorite for like adding sharpness or making a photo more hd or adding like a little more warmth blah blah adding like little subtle filters and then i've got light room um prequel
Starting point is 00:23:51 which is really good facetune splice splice is a video editing app if anybody needs a video editing app it's really good and then we've got snap seed which is for expanding the background of a picture like say you take a picture against a white wall but you want to be more center and make the background bigger you can spread out the background and then we've got feed preview so I used to use this I don't really use it anymore but it's just so that you can see what a picture is going to look like on your Instagram feed before you upload it if you're one of those people that like your feet to match and then we've got in shot I don't know what that is and cap cut on it oh that's the tiktok video thing okay so that's my content camera editing blah blah um album and the next one has a little
Starting point is 00:24:34 credit card so this is like all my shopping my banking apps deliveroo amazon pretty little thing uber shein asos my club card the train line app pure gym app super drug h&m starbucks um costa subway weatherspoons like those apps the shopping apps the money apps the ones that take all your money right and the last one is a star so that's just like miscellaneous app so we've got today ticks where you get cheap western tickets if anyone doesn't know duolingo um the zoom app google drive um ancestry the app for my neon lights um games like wordscapes crossy road i fucking love crossy road anyone anyone else um and yeah so that's my phone and it's tidy I know where things are if I need them I know there isn't loads of fucking apps on this phone that I don't even use it feels organized
Starting point is 00:25:31 and that's good for me okay and then the next habit is okay the next clearing out habit your wardrobe okay so when I moved home when I left London and I came back to Somerset I obviously had to move all my stuff in and when I did that I went through everything I own every single item of clothing my sister did it with me she'd pick it up hold up a top and say keep or delete and I was brutal I was like right have I worn that more than once no when was the last time I wore it probably about a year ago that's that to me says I'm not reaching for that let it go yes it's gorgeous yes it's gorgeous but I'm not reaching for it let it go and I give bags and bags of clothing to my best friend and she goes through them all takes out the bits that she likes and then she gives them to charity for me it's it's a real great deal for me because she gets to take she gets to do the
Starting point is 00:26:31 drive to the charity shop because as we all know i can't drive and there's bags bags and bags of clothing but she gets to have a little rummage through see if she wants anything and then the charity shops get to go tam with all my wardrobe and believe me a lot of the shit that i give away has tags on and everything i am that brutal I'm like oh fuck I bought that but I haven't worn it I bought it a year ago and I haven't worn it just except you you're not that you're not that into it anymore so having a wardrobe clear out feels so amazing for me right because now every time I open my drawers I had a I had a second clear out about a month ago I I'm constantly having clear outs okay it makes me feel good because now every time I open my drawers, I had a second clear out about a month ago.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I'm constantly having clear outs, okay? It makes me feel good because now every time I get dressed in the morning, I open my tops drawer. I know every single top in this drawer I like. Every single top in this drawer is an option rather than, I fucking hate that top. Oh, fuck, I forgot I had that. Every single top, I know what's in there and I know I like it all I could do another clear out to be honest because I think I kept a few tops thinking I'm going to wear them and I've decided I'm probably not going to but you know I look forward to them moments of having my clear outs because it makes me feel motivated to get dressed the next day it
Starting point is 00:27:40 makes me feel motivated when I'm going into town or when I'm going on a night out I feel more motivated I'm just like ah when I pick an outfit it's going to be easy it's going to be organized I know I've got loads of good options do you know what I mean so I highly recommend that and the last one in the clear out freshen up category is redecorate your room I know it sounds a bit drastic it's like fucking hell you want me to give my whole fucking room a decorate I mean a makeover and yeah I do so it doesn't have to be drastic like even if you just change the color scheme you know if you maybe you've got a touch of baby blue in your room and you've had that for like a year or you know especially if you've just come out of a relationship and your boyfriend or
Starting point is 00:28:25 girlfriend has spent a lot of time in that in that room with you it's really important for me to change that space because then I cannot connect that space with that relationship with these memories it feels like a new space a new room that that person hasn't ever been in before do you know what I mean so my room now I redecorated it I made it all neutrals it's all like white and beige and browns and creams and it feels clean it feels new it feels fresh I used to be obsessed with baby pink I still am but my mum's like Leah you're not 15 anymore we've got to get rid of the pink bedroom okay it wasn't like pink walls or anything guys don't panic but like I'd have like a white bed my bedding's always white it's the only thing that I can feel genuinely clean in like I don't know what it is it's a weird
Starting point is 00:29:08 weird uh this is this thing I have this thing anyway and I'd always want like a little pink throw and pink cushions a little pink bin a little pink laundry basket and I was like I need to actually grow up like this is it's not it doesn't feel good in this room anymore. So I made it all neutrals and it's brand new. It's, you know, no previous relationships. It's mine. It's new. It's fresh.
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's part of my new beginning, new chapter, new habits, new way of life. It's part of that. It's not part of the old version of me. Do you know what I mean? So I highly, highly highly if that's something that is accessible to you I really recommend it even if it's minor as buying yourself new cushion covers buying yourself a new color scheme or I don't know um getting yourself a nice new lamp that creates a really nice atmosphere in your room like I use the Himalayan salt lamp
Starting point is 00:30:01 it releases positive energy it feels good for me. I really, really, really love it. Okay. So yeah, I hope those tips were helpful. The next ones I want to go on to are the breakup glow up. Okay. So for me, I said this before, okay, when I break up with someone I have this mentality of like I am fucking amazing and listen you have to fake it until you make it okay you have to just talk to yourself you have to talk to yourself like this because if if someone's broken up with you or you've been cheated on or if you've ended your relationship whatever the reason you're now single and it's it's painful and it hurts if you're sat there and you're going no one's ever gonna love me like him i'm never gonna have that connection again oh my god he's gonna meet someone and they're gonna be so much better than me right that
Starting point is 00:30:59 mentality fuck that mentality okay we have the fake mentality that that leah has and the mentality is this is the biggest mistake of your life it fucking works it actually works i promise you now just you just lie to yourself this is the biggest mistake of your life i am about i am i am so addictive. I am so addictive. Everyone that comes into my life wants me. Okay. Everyone that comes to my life is addicted to me. I'm so addictive. Like this is the mentality. You just have to talk to yourself like this. There is no harmony. Okay. Obviously we're not going to be really egotistical and really arrogant and be like, I'm fucking stunning. No one is better than like, I'm fucking stunning.
Starting point is 00:31:49 No one is better than me. I'm the best fucking thing on the planet. It's not like that. It's not like that. I promise. It's more like we have to be so sure in ourselves that just because a relationship has ended does not take away how fucking incredible we are. That's, that's the mentality. Okay. It's not an arrogant mentality. It's a, okay, just because this relationship didn't work out doesn't mean I'm not fucking amazing. Yeah. And it's all about the, I'm about to elevate, you know, this relationship has ended. It was only holding me back in the end. I am about to elevate. The universe removed this relationship from my life, removed you from my life because I need more. I am better without this person. This is so exciting for me. I'm about to fucking elevate through the roof, baby. I am about to glow up. Amazing, incredible things are on their way to me and they couldn't
Starting point is 00:32:43 get in whilst I was in this relationship the universe said no universe said end of that one an end of that relationship you know it's had its time it's time for you babe what the fuck is that noise oh my god one sec okay what the fuck sorry about that guys sounded like somebody was landing on my roof anyway so that's my next tip it's all about mentality i'm about to elevate this is better for me this is the best thing for me i'm fucking amazing biggest fucking mistake of your life you're gonna regret this baby watch me yeah but it can't be i'm about to glow up and be this incredible person so that you regret it it's i'm about to grow up and be this even more of an incredible person because i already was incredible and you're gonna regret it like not i'm doing this
Starting point is 00:33:30 so that you regret it it's a fake mentality okay there's plenty of situations where people have broken out of me and they're probably fucking bouncing off the ceiling this is the best i'm free i'm free from that psycho bitch right but it doesn't it doesn't matter to me that doesn't hurt me because i go to sleep at night thinking they're crying their eyes out and that helps me sleep i sleep with a big fat smile on my face it sounds so fucking like egotistical and fucked up maybe it's the leo energy in me but what helps me deal with rejection is pretending that they regret it even if they don't if I tell myself you know you're gonna come running back you're gonna come running back and it's gonna be too late I go to sleep feeling so smug
Starting point is 00:34:21 honestly just try it it's not gonna work for everyone of course but just try it honestly it works for me not in just not just in relationships but in any any feeling of rejection or somebody hurting you and not feeling good enough just say that well i'm about to fucking elevate baby and again not because of them not for them not for revenge it's about you and be excited about I'm single I'm free the universe is putting me on a brand new path and I'm so excited to see what that's going to look like for me because I know it's going to be amazing okay and next thing I want to say for a breakup glow up is journal summer fox I spoke to summer fox when I was going through my last breakup and i spoke to
Starting point is 00:35:05 her and she said i really recommend journaling so i did and i would write down my feelings every single day and it was just so good for me because it means you're not texting them you're not you know romanticizing anything you're not getting caught up in shit you're literally laying your feelings out and i would even say like oh I spoke to them today and blah blah blah it made me feel like this and then the next day I'd be like I feel totally different now and it's so good for just releasing your feelings and letting them out because that is so important when you're going for a breakup okay guys part of the glow up is going through those emotions and healing and sometimes if we're somebody that can't express our feelings
Starting point is 00:35:46 you know if you're somebody that finds it really hard to open up to somebody else or reach out for support or doesn't really have that support system around you journaling can be so good because you can process your emotions with you and a pen and a piece of paper and you can reflect on that and be like wow I've come so fucking far because sometimes it's really easy to forget isn't it like sometimes give it three weeks and you're loving life and you probably won't give yourself enough credit for how difficult it was at the beginning so if you have that written down you can reflect and be like wow I'm actually really fucking strong and I'm actually really fucking proud of myself for rationalizing my thoughts and processing them slowly and carefully and in a really healthy way
Starting point is 00:36:25 that was beneficial for me so i really really recommend it guys honestly even if it's just like opening your notes app and letting out your feelings and then closing it or writing out a message you wish you could send them but you know you don't want to you know you're doing the no contact i don't want to go back write out a message that you would send them even if it's like fuck you blah blah and then just delete the fucking delete the note and that's it the emotions are out no one you know no one is no one's getting in no one's affecting your energy it's it's you and your healing process so whatever it is just let out your feelings journal reflect and give yourself credit okay
Starting point is 00:37:03 so they're my tips i hope you guys found even one of them a little bit helpful i'm gonna have a look what you guys have what advice you guys have so one of you guys says fake tan always yeah definitely understand that feeling of when you're feeling like externally like you need an external glow up fake tan can really elevate that it can really feel fucking good when you wash it off in the morning and you're like oh god i look stunning like my muscles are standing out more my abs look better you know my my face looks like more defined and i just feel sexier yeah if you're one of them people that feel better with a tan I'm 100% agreeing with you on that one somebody says I focus on eating lots of fruit and veg it
Starting point is 00:37:52 makes the skin skin glow and you get ill less frequently really good advice diet can definitely have a massive impact on your mental health like I know if I eat loads and loads and loads of shit i feel shit not just about my body but like just mentally i'm like i'm tired my skin feels oily i feel dirty and gross i feel like greasy you know that's obviously fine like fuck me i love a mayo chicken extra mayo with with some cheese i love a kfc wrap of the day don't get me wrong I fucking love eating junk food but if I need a glow up I know I'll just eat a bit less of it and I'll eat food that makes me feel good on the inside like I had a ginger shot this morning I felt like a fucking babe I actually felt like a gorgeous stunning legend I was like ginger shot listen I'll probably have another ginger shot for
Starting point is 00:38:43 another six months but it started my day off good put it that way so I'm with you on that one um somebody says start yoga slash pilates and do 20 to 30 minutes a day it's life-changing I know so many people that really love it and I did like a six-week yoga course with my mum because one of her closest friends was um doing like a course in teaching yoga so we attended it for six weeks and my favourite part of it wasn't actually the yoga it was like the meditation part of it at the end and it felt so good and I would leave those sessions feeling lighter, more in control, more at peace and yeah I can totally totally see how that can have a really positive impact. So if you are somebody that feels like you could really pick up that habit, I recommend. Somebody says, oh my God, gym.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I hate going by. I always feel super sexy and proud of myself after. Yeah, I understand. Like the gym isn't for everyone. And also I do want to say that like being slim isn't my idea of a glow up. Like I don't want to just promote like eat really healthy and go to the gym because if you're not slim then you're not fucking glowed up like fuck off you can be whatever size you want and be the best version of yourself like it's not about that i go to the gym i don't haven't been last week not even once but when i
Starting point is 00:39:59 go to the gym it's because of how it makes me feel inside do you know what i mean like i'm reasonably content with my body like i'll have the odd day where I'm like, oh, for God's sake, like, why don't I have an hourglass figure? Why is my bum that, like, fucking flat? Why is it square? Why do I have hip dips? But overall, it's not something that I, you know, I'm really, really, really obsessed with and down about. Don't get me wrong, I definitely have a bit of body dysmorphia because one day I'm like, oh my God, I look like a fucking legend. And next day I'm like, wow, I look look totally different but i think it's totally normal as a young woman that we have these issues of our bodies but i never ever want to promote the
Starting point is 00:40:33 idea that glowing up means being skinny or being slim or having a fat ass like having a fat ass is nice but that's not i don't have a fat ass i just pretend i literally call myself big batty gal i don't have a fat ass i just say i do again i just lie to myself and i feel good about it i just literally gaslight myself god i don't know if these jeans are gonna fit me because my bums are fucking big i'm literally gaslighting myself i'm okay with that um wear clothes that fit you well and suit your body type rather than what's in fashion yes like wear what makes you feel good what what you look in the mirror and you think i feel sexy i feel good i feel hot or if you look in the mirror and you go i look comfortable i feel happy in this do you know
Starting point is 00:41:19 what i mean definitely with you on that one um let's have a look a walk whilst listening to your podcast oh love it i really hope i am part of some of your glow to be honest guys somebody says shave the vagine yep i actually agree like if if i've got pubes why do i why did i feel embarrassed to say that pubes come on we all get fucking pubes unless you get laser but most of us we get they grow okay when I when she's clean shaven down there I feel so much better I feel so much better I'm gonna shave my puss tonight vision boards help work towards a life you want to create for yourself I love that one 100 agree brow lamination hair done fake tan good skincare routine loads of you saying a bit of fake tan yeah i love that um daily walks and drinking enough water regular social media breaks yep love that detox your phone drinking water
Starting point is 00:42:22 getting into a routine yeah i agree like like I was describing I have my morning routine and it has been that way for so long and I know for a fact if I didn't have that routine my mental health would be worse the way I look at myself would be worse the way I feel like I would just feel worse so I I agree. Cut out toxic people. 100%. I can't believe I haven't said this already. 100%. If there are people around you in your life that are dragging you down
Starting point is 00:42:51 and fucking with your energy, they have got to go and you do not have to feel fucking guilty about it. Your life is about you. Your life is about you. Don't keep someone in your life because they've been in your life for 20 years. You've known them since you was a kid.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Blah, blah, blah. If they have a negative impact on you they gotta go yeah investing in yourself skincare makeup or books for a mental glow up 100 percent um applying castor oil to your lashes every night and a good skincare routine okay so i feel like a lot of us are on the same page of like just taking care of myself makes me feel better. And listen, we all do it where it's like, I haven't showered in two days, literally. Or like you have them days where you're like, it's literally 4pm and I haven't even brushed my teeth. Don't lie. You have had them days. Okay. It's normal. And if you haven't, good for you. Must
Starting point is 00:43:40 be nice. Okay. And it's so easy to just neglect yourself and stop taking care of yourself and that's okay it is okay believe me I made a tiktok the other day because I let my room get really out of hand it was such a mess so bad my space was just it had it was surrounded with negative energy and I cleaned it all everything in my room is now fresh and clean everything has a place and I feel better like I went to bed last night and I walked into my bedroom and there's not a bit of clutter on the floor, not a bit of rubbish on the floor, not a piece of clothing, not a pair of pants, not a dirty thong in sight. Okay. And it felt so good to wake up there this morning. And I, oh, this is another thing thing I always lay out clean clothes the night before
Starting point is 00:44:25 bed even if I've worn them that day and you know they've got another couple of hours in in the morning before you get showered and get dressed I leave them out joggers a little crop top or joggers and a hoodie and I fold it I don't just chuck them on the floor I fold it ready for me in the morning that is me looking after myself looking out for the tomorrow version of myself so that i wake up and my day is already starting easy you know my clothes are waiting for me all i've got to do is whack the whack the blind up make my bed wash my face blah blah blah roll the face with with my um ice roller and i'm already feeling fresh and clean do you know what i mean so yeah oh i love you guys thank you so so so much for all of your love and support all the time I am so so grateful I am so scared that it's just gonna be taken away from me one day so I just
Starting point is 00:45:14 really want to enjoy every second we have together and yeah thank you for all of your amazing advice you guys have always have really good advice I need to start doing it where I put the dilemmas on my stories more because I really love getting your advice on on people's dilemmas you guys have always have really good advice. I need to start doing it where I put the dilemmas on my stories more because I really love getting your advice on people's dilemmas. You guys always help me see things from like other angles. It's really, really quite amazing. But yeah, if you are having a shit time at the moment, that is so okay. I hope this gave you a little bit of motivation just to give yourself a bit more love, cut yourself some slack, give yourself some credit for continuing to do things that scare you and getting through every day and getting up in the morning, you know, and don't feel bad if you don't
Starting point is 00:45:50 do any of these habits. Do not feel bad at all. Like you can decide the person you want to be. And I understand sometimes it's really hard to even make your bed and brush your teeth and wash your face. Like I'm sure there's people listening going leah are you fucking joking me i'm not washing my face 20 times of cold water i can better get out of bed listen that's okay i totally get it but it doesn't have to stay like that and even if you can motivate yourself to do one of these things i guarantee it will elevate you just even one percent and you know we will take it do you know what i mean okay guys I love you sending you all a massive hug and remember like it's not just about what you look like on the outside it's about how you're
Starting point is 00:46:29 treating yourself how you're talking to yourself you know the life that you are giving yourself because you deserve an incredible life and you you deserve to feel good about yourself because you're amazing and don't let anybody else tell you different ever I'm telling you now all right I love you Let's wrap up the episode. Okay, everyone. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I hope you all enjoyed it. I hope you're feeling positive after this. If not, don't worry. Like it's not as easy as we're making it sound in this episode. I understand. especially if we're like anxious and depressed, like it is so much harder than making your fucking bed and splashing your face with water.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Okay, do not get me wrong. But these are the little habits that we can do just because we love ourselves enough to take care of ourselves and you should. And this is your sign to just look after yourself because you deserve that, you know, you're amazing. Like give yourself credit for getting through all the things you've got through in your life. You have the strength to get through whatever it is you're going through right now.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I'm with you every single step of the way. I love you no matter what it is. And you're never alone. Like you've always got me and all of the listeners. We're all here. We're all best friends. We all got each other's backs. It's all positive vibes over here. Well, you know what? It's not. Sometimes I will just lay off all my
Starting point is 00:47:47 negative feelings because it's okay to feel negative sometimes. And it's okay if you can't look at anything in a positive way. It's okay. We're human. It happens. It's life. But yeah, I just wanted to say that you're all so incredible and never, ever, ever doubt it. Don't let anybody, any boy, any girl, any job, any boss, any boss any manager any family member whatever it is any fake friend if i'm saying friend make you feel less than good enough because you are good enough and nobody gets to decide that nobody gets to decide that nothing you know your self-worth does not depend on somebody else okay okay? It comes from you and we all know you're an amazing person, okay? If you listen to Leo on the Line, you're instantly
Starting point is 00:48:30 incredible. It's facts. All right, guys, I love you. Have an amazing weekend. Look after yourselves. If you're getting drunk, don't text your ex, text me instead and I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. All right. I love you. Bye.

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