Leah on the Line - Bonus 38: Would you rather...

Episode Date: April 6, 2023

Hey babes! In this episode we played a fun game of WOULD YOU RATHER... Some of these were honestly so hard, I even had to pass on one lol. I hope you enjoyed this episode and it made you giggle! Thank... you so so much to everyone that listens to Leah on the Line, I cannot thank you enough for your support. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:01:40 although I wish I was. All my niece and nephews are coming around and we'll be doing a giant easter egg hunt you best believe I'll be putting some of the eggs in my pocket darling yeah you better believe it anyway I hope you all do have a fun weekend planned whatever it is that you have planned whatever it is that you're going to get up to I hope it's amazing let's hope the sun is out this weekend because honestly the sun has been out quite a bit recently and I will say my mental health said yeah girl she said much better she said this is better this is better I just feel so much fucking happier when the sun is out oh my god guys I went to Longleat Safari Park oh it's the most incredible day all the monkeys were in
Starting point is 00:02:25 the car they were drinking the screen wash and i was a bit like uh they're gonna be okay but like all the safari workers were driving past us and like watched the monkeys like drinking and they didn't say anything we did try to do something that we probably would have been so told off for but basically basically right don't tell anyone but like we drove around the spire and it was fucking incredible yeah but there's some hungry animals i don't know animals just like to eat a lot i guess but anyway monk's my favorite animal so like it was just incredible and then we walked around like the zoo area well it's not really like i say a zoo let me get this straight no animals are in cages okay none of them it's all like a big open thing like basically you're the ones in cages and they're in like the free world of the longleat land like it's a
Starting point is 00:03:17 beautiful place for them and they seem so happy like the gorillas are in this nice private island that you like have to get on a boat to go over and see them. And you can't even like go anywhere near them. Like they're literally free on this open island on a lake. And you're just in a boat on the lake looking at them. And the guy doing the boat tour is like, you know, like when you watch films, gorillas come across really angry and aggressive. Like they're murdering like horrible, angry animals. But they're like, he said that gorillas are like just so peaceful and they're murdering like horrible angry animals but they're
Starting point is 00:03:45 like he said that gorillas are like just so peaceful and they just want a calm peaceful life so he was like they're unbothered over here you get a boat drive past every now and then and they looked like the most happy peaceful things like honestly and they're so beautiful like they're just amazing but anyway after we did all that we were like let's go back to the safari yeah and we had an ice cream and i was like let's just like accidentally drop like a couple of drops of ice cream on the front bonnet of the car and then the monkeys can come and lick it off i don't know if that is bad but anyway no one panicked because it didn't happen but we did have this idea and we splat we splashed ice cream
Starting point is 00:04:21 on the front bonnet of jamie's car yeah and then we went to drive back around the safari closed literally closed so we just got we got a bit of ice cream on his car just for nothing but anyway it was probably for the best we I don't like to break rules do you know what I mean but I just felt a bit rebellious do anything for the monkeys I just love them I love them so much they're so cute one of them did almost break the windscreen wiper but everything remained intact I can confirm I did get a lot of replies on my Instagram being like I don't know why people drive around there like they destroy your cars relax okay I will let I will let oh my god okay I will literally let a monkey smash the car window like I will let them
Starting point is 00:05:03 do anything I love them so much um one of my dreams is to cuddle a monkey like I car window like I will let them do anything I love them so much one of my dreams is to cuddle a monkey like I'm so envious of all the friends characters particularly Ross who got to just have a monkey sit on his shoulder every day he did say that he would like the monkey would touch all its like dirty grubby snacks and then put his hands through his hair and I was like you know what I would literally let a monkey do that to any any part of my hair whatever whatever you've put your fingers in poo put them in my hair I don't care I literally love you like do whatever you want I love you like I love monkeys I used to have a dream of owning a marmoset monkey or like a little finger monkey anyway I've been talking about monkeys for a long time this episode going to be a really fun one. We are going to play a little game called
Starting point is 00:05:47 Never, no, Leah, just shut up. It's not the game. We're going to play a game called Would You Rather. Why do I always go to call it Never Have I Ever? It's literally a different game. Anyway, I put up an Instagram story and I said, send them ines send in your best would you rathers a lot of them fucking vile like I literally will not be able to read them out but it's like the kind of humor that I secretly love and I will be sharing them with my sister but I can't read them on the podcast like it's it's just not right if I read them on the podcast like some of you we have the same sense of humor but I feel like we have the same sense of humor, but I feel like not everyone shares this sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So I'm gonna have to read, I will definitely read some bad ones out. Like some of them are so hard and very, very bad and disgusting. But I also put some up on my story to ask you guys what you would pick. And I had so many DMs from you guys being like, Leah, what the fuck are these questions?
Starting point is 00:06:43 They are impossible. Like I cannot pick one. So I'm really looking forward to it. I hope you guys really like, Leah, what the fuck are these questions? They are impossible. Like, I cannot pick one. So I'm really looking forward to it. I hope you guys really enjoyed this episode. I hope it makes you smile. I hope it makes you laugh. I hope it makes you feel a little bit lighter today. And without further ado, let's get straight into it.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Thank you so much for listening to Leah on the Line. Remember to leave a rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and hit the notification bell. You can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leahontheline at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leahontheline and at leahlevane to see visual clips of the podcast. I love you. Enjoy the episode. Okay, everyone. So get comfy. This is probably one you are going to want to listen to in private or with headphones in. Okay. I don't
Starting point is 00:07:21 know. It depends how close you are with your circle around, but let's just dive straight in with the ones that I put up on my story. I will try and pick an answer myself, but I'll also go with what the percentage is saying. So my first one is, would you rather cheat or get cheated on? Now I think it's harder than you think, because when I think about it, I'm like, I'd rather get cheated on all all day like I would just literally rather get cheated on because I'm like I could not live with myself I could not live with myself and then I think but imagine like being cheated on and do you know what I mean like being cheated on is fucking terrible and it's just like well they're both shit I guess that's the point in would you rather they're both shit I don't want to be a cheater and i definitely don't want to be cheated on because i don't think i'll ever go over it but i think my answer is i'd rather get cheated on because guys when i tell you
Starting point is 00:08:13 my guilty conscience is actually embarrassingly stupid like i feel guilty over the maddest shit i feel like i need to come clean i feel like i need to come clean up there's something really wrong i looked someone in the eye today. No, that's a bit dramatic. But like my guilty conscience is crazy. So I just know for a fact that like if something possessed me to cheat, I would never, ever, ever be able to live with myself. I literally look at myself in the mirror and go, you are a disgusting bitch. I hate you.
Starting point is 00:08:40 So I just couldn't do it. Like I couldn't live with the guilt. I'd rather live with being the victim do you know what I mean you can feel shit about it okay you're lost do you know what I mean the poll is with me on that one 72% is you'd rather get cheated on and 28% saying you'd rather be the cheater I can see both sides but yeah like I said I can't I could never do it to somebody else I could never live with that guilt of like hurting someone like that I just couldn't do it okay next one would you rather your family hate your partner or your partner hates your family so starting with the poll 39%
Starting point is 00:09:18 your family hate your partner and 61% so the majority are going with you'd rather your partner hates your family and I think I'm with you because when you think about the like when it comes down to numbers here if one person hates my family that's just you that's just your opinion right if my whole family hate you you're a bad you're not a good person like you're a bad person everyone else can't be wrong do you know what i mean so i think that's why i'd rather go with my partner hates my family either way it's not gonna work for me family are literally my number one so it's just it's not gonna work either way but if i had to pick i'd rather you didn't know my fucking family like you're one person do you know what i mean but if my whole family don't like you they see something I don't so yeah
Starting point is 00:10:06 I'm with you on that one guys okay next one is would you rather your partner is always on their phone or your partner is always going through your phone so this is a very split decision today 54% say your partner is always on always on their phone and 46 would rather your partner always going through your phone so like i said the point would you rather is they're both shit but they are both shit because it's like your partner always on your phone hello hello look up look up live a little yeah i have experienced that it's fucking shit it is so shit okay you feel so invisible you feel so abandoned and neglected like it's a horrible feeling but for your partner to always go through your phone it's like that is exhausting like trust
Starting point is 00:11:00 me already do you know what i mean like come on trust me already but if I'm being honest right I'm actually going with the minority on this one I would rather my partner always was going through my phone because if it was the other one that to me it's like you're not interested in me you don't enjoy my company you know when you're going to be around my family that's fucking rude that's embarrassing for me who the fuck am I talking to like what who you're going to be around my family that's fucking rude that's embarrassing for me who the fuck am i talking to like what who am i going to actually spend time with if you're literally spending time on your phone when i'm right in front of you whereas if it's the other way around it's like we we still have a relationship like you still talk to me and that to me is more
Starting point is 00:11:40 important like obviously it's not it's not okay like in an ideal world neither do you know what i mean but if i had to pick i'd rather they went through my phone all the time because quality time is very fucking important to me so yeah i'm with the minority on that one i'm usually with the majority i feel like in these kind of games okay this one i feel like it's kind of easy, but I thought I'd ask it anyway. Would you rather never find love or never have sex? So what do you guys think the answer is going to be? 81% said you'd rather never have sex and 19% say you'd rather never find love. That's crazy to me. You like i for me love is like one of the only things of life that makes it like it upgrades life do you know what i mean like you're i guess you love your family and you love your friends but i guess we're talking about you never find a companion you
Starting point is 00:12:42 never find that soulmate twin flame connection do you know what i mean and you guys are saying i'd rather have some of you guys saying i'd rather have sex and never find love which is crazy to me because love is just the most amazing thing but you know i get you so sex sex is really fucking good as well do you know what i mean again very important part of life release them endorphins honey do you know what i mean again very important part of life release them endorphins honey do you know what i mean so i understand but i am with the majority in this one i would rather never have sex and still find love because love is amazing wait but then you can't have babies i mean i guess you just have to do it the other way of just like inserting it you know it's
Starting point is 00:13:22 just that we can we can't ever have can you do foreplay well yeah I'm still sticking with my answer never have sex okay next one would you rather okay this one's funny would you rather your partner cries when they orgasm and I don't mean like because I know it happens to all of us every now and then or you know maybe not all of us some of us well sometimes you have an orgasm and after like you'll just cry like it's really emotional and it's for some reason tears can just be released it's like oh god i feel a bit emotional but i'm talking like they're literally like mid orgasm and then all of a sudden they just start sobbing so i mean like i'm gonna come i'm gonna come and she's like
Starting point is 00:13:59 like not in like a oh god sorry wow that was amazing like not in that way in like a bit of a strange way like a kind of sob right would you rather that or your partner barks like a dog when they all cast no imagine he's like yeah i'm gonna come then he's like oh my god okay the poll is 71 would rather they cry oh i'm with you on that don't bark in my face no i couldn't do that i wonder if like it starts with a growl you know like no i'm with you guys i'm with you like cry honestly cry please like no barking in the bedroom in any circumstances please no barking in the bedroom. That is so funny. Okay, 29% would rather they barked than cried. That is so funny to me.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I love that from you guys. Okay, so those were my ones. And it took me a while to come up with them, but I do feel like they were kind of good. Let's have a look at your ones. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido, at your side. Okay, these are fucking brilliant. Can I just say thank you so much to everyone that sent these in. I don't know if you made these up or like if you've heard them before, but some of them are really quite fantastic. So, okay. Would you rather ugly and good in bed or 10 out of 10 and crap in bed? So I'm not sure if you mean like the person that you're sleeping with
Starting point is 00:16:16 is either ugly and good in bed or they're 10 out of 10 and crap in bed. Or if you personally would rather be ugly, good in bed or 10 out of 10 and crap in bed okay so I'm assuming it's the partner situation now I don't believe in the word ugly okay I think they're your type or or they ain't they're what you're attracted to or they ain't right so I'm going to reword it to not attractive to you and good in bed or that you're fucking 10 out of 10 ideal person and crap in bed i actually do think it's hard because no matter how good you are in bed i need to fancy you right i need to fancy you and on the flip side no matter how fucking good looking you are we need to have a good time when we get down and jiggy with it do you mean jiggy with it so that is really fucking hard what the hell do you guys think
Starting point is 00:17:11 on that one i think because crap in bed is like well i don't we're not going to be in a relationship and i'm assuming this means a relationship okay oh my god oh my god oh my god i don't know like a part of me goes right i'd rather than be 10 out of 10 and crap in bed but then the other part of me's like no thank you like what that i'm gonna take that for the rest of my life okay i'm gonna go ugly and i'm good in bed obviously we've we've reworded the ugly situation but yeah i'm gonna go with the good in beds but not my type situation to be honest okay next one you smell permanently like rotten egg or all you can smell permanently is rotten egg so either all i can fucking smell 24 hours a day is rotten egg or everyone that fucking comes near me goes oh my fucking god she stinks she stinks of pure egg she thinks of pure egg mate
Starting point is 00:18:14 i'm gonna go if i'd rather smell the egg myself than anyone else because then at least no one else knows you know do you know what I mean guys are you with me on that one I feel like a majority of people would rather that okay oh my god would you rather your boyfriend falls for my best friend because that's my sister she's in my life forever do you know what i mean i mean so is my best friend my best friend nothing can come between us we've established that but i mean i'm related to you we have the same parents you know christmas whatever you're there i'm their best friend if you betray me i'm not gonna see you at christmas do you know what i mean so yeah i'd rather you did it with my best friend i mean ideally neither okay this is fucking awful would you rather lose all your memories and future ones or lose your voice completely forever
Starting point is 00:19:28 well i'm screwed because i'm a podcaster and a fucking singer so my voice is quite crucial to the path i've created for myself but memories what the fuck can i i'm actually gonna pass i'm allowing myself one pass i'm gonna give you all a chance to think about what you would pick on that one but i'm actually gonna pass on that i have no i cannot choose i cannot choose for that one okay would you rather your best friend sleeps with your boyfriend once or you sleep with your best friend's boyfriend once oh my god oh my god would you rather your best friend sleeps with your boyfriend once or you sleep with your bestie's boyfriend once oh no that's not good at all i think i'd rather she slept with my boyfriend again it's the guilt it's the guilty conscience thing i can't live with
Starting point is 00:20:25 that i can't look you in the eyes ever again um yeah i'd rather she slept with my boyfriend if i'm being brutally honest with you guys what the hell what would you guys pick okay i've got a question for you it's not would you rather i think i might have said it before would you sleep with your boyfriend's best friend to save his life i've definitely said this before but i think it's such a funny question because when we were in a group um my boyfriend was like i was like yeah of course i would and my boyfriend was like what the fuck and i was like excuse me if i'm ever in that situation please shag my friend i'm not dying for a bit of fucking loyalty. Are you joking? I can live with that. I don't want to die. Okay. I'm not dying for this. You know? Okay. Please, if we're ever in
Starting point is 00:21:12 that situation, please shag my friend. Do not let me die. Okay. Next one. Would you rather your boyfriend calls his mum mummy or calls you mummy absolutely easy call your mum mummy absolutely call your mum mummy fucking hell call me mummy see what happens yeah see what happens clip me around the ear oh mate all right would you rather win the lottery or find true love easy find true love easy come on i feel like everyone's on the same page there. Do you know what I mean? Okay. Would you rather your partner lies all the time or your partner is brutally honest all the time?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Brutally honest, definitely. I mean, that would be fucking shit. Because can you imagine? We like walk past a girl and he's like, she's good looking. I'm like, eh, eh quiet but if he lies no i fucking hate lies i hate lying hate lies hate liars no i'd rather you be brutally honest okay this one is kind of gross just a little warning would you rather okay um to any emetophobics skip ahead would you rather vomit while sucking dick or poo while in doggy are we talking like full blown vomit like a full-on chunder or is it just like a sick burp
Starting point is 00:22:48 because that's already happened to me and it wasn't even a dare like that's happened to me before okay um i would rather be sick i do i'm not pooing and doggy no no yeah i'd rather be sick sorry guys why am i apologizing? Okay. Absolutely fucking not. Ready? You ready for this one? Oh my God, I feel sick. Would you rather suck a used tampon? Do you fucking remember that girl that did that? Do you remember that girl that just did that? The tampon girl years ago? Do you remember that? Why did you do that? I'd love to talk to her. tampon girl years ago do you remember that what why did you do that i'd love to talk to her just out of curiosity anyway would you rather suck a dirty used tampon or lick a really dirty used public toilet seat used obviously why i don't she didn't even put the word used i just added it as if it wasn't obvious okay suck a used tampon or lick a dirty
Starting point is 00:23:46 public toilet seat oh my fucking god the tampon i don't think there is anything that could make me do that i would rather such a meaningful sec i would rather lick the toilet seat oh my god that's disgusting sorry for the gags that is disgusting no but yeah there is nothing that could ever make me suck a tampon are you joking me oh okay i'd love to hear your guys responses right now okay would you rather only have penetrative sex forever or only have oral sex forever okay so I feel like this is really dependent if on if you're a girl that can orgasm from penetrative sex because we've established only a very small percentage of women can um I'm not one of those women so I'm going for
Starting point is 00:24:36 the oral all day baby do you know what I mean it would be a sad thing but if I had to pick do you know what I mean okay let's do one more oh this is hard okay would you rather have a life rewind button or a life pause button oh my god that's so hard because it would be so good to pause your life wouldn't it but then what does that actually mean would you mean pause my life? What do you mean? Like when I think about that, I'm like, wait, do I stop living for a bit and then I continue living in like five years and I'm still 25? I don't know. I don't really get that. I'm kind of too dumb to work that out. But to rewind, oh my God, it'd be incredible because my memory, as we've discussed, someone smashed me in the head as a child and I have no memory so it'd be quite nice to rewind and understand first of all what happened there and second of
Starting point is 00:25:33 all just be able to remember things because I'd be able to go back I'd be able to see my nan again make some memories of her so yeah I'm going for the rewind defo defo the rewind what about you guys that's a really nice question i like that one okay guys what a fun game i love would you rather they they genuinely get your brain ticking don't they like what the fuck anyway i'm glad it's all just a game everyone thank you so much to everyone who sent in your questions and taking part i hope you guys enjoyed this and i hope you played along mentally in your head let me know if i said something that you totally disagree with like you were like leah how can you pick that one i would much rather the other option and let me know why i love this i love it's such a fun game
Starting point is 00:26:19 okay guys i love you Let's wrap up the episode. Okay, everyone, I hope you loved this episode. I hope it made you laugh. I hope it made you cringe. I hope it made you freak the fuck out. Because these are hard. These are hard questions. Literally reading them, I was freaking out. I was like, oh my god, I don't even know because this because's like i wish i could read out some of the other ones but i just don't i just don't i think people would literally just block me and be like leo you're actually weird like you're actually weird to find that entertaining but i feel like we're all like deep down like just find like weird shit entertaining guys i'm watching money heist again so i watched it before yeah but it was years ago and i kind of forgotten it all and like i'm watching it again because i didn't really watch part four or five
Starting point is 00:27:11 like i had it on but i wasn't following it properly and money heist if you know you've got to watch it properly haven't you so i'm watching it again and i can't remember anything that's happening so i'm i'm genuinely it's like reading your favorite book all over again you know you can't normally do that but it's all i'm not remembering it i thought i'd put it on and i'll be like oh i remember this bit and like it you wouldn't be able to get into it but i'm still like oh fuck even i've seen it before i'm really enjoying it i fucking love it i love nairobi so much i know what's coming up with nairobi though oh it's gonna kill me torture the second time but yeah hope you guys have an amazing weekend i have an eye appointment today so everyone manifest good fucking news for me and hopefully i should need
Starting point is 00:27:52 a pair of glasses or something it's not fucking annoying that you gotta pay for them like if i'm like if i'm a bit blind i've got paid to be blind like i don't why why why do i have to pay for the glasses if i want contact lenses i gotta pay i listen i just want good work and eyes but i know i know they're not like they used to be and it's freaking me out and obviously my brain's like this is bad like this is really bad but it's not people go to the opticians all the time don't you don't you guys and it's just yeah you could probably do some glasses if if you are getting a headache so if you'd like to read a bit better i've just got mad anxiety about it but i am proud of myself for booking the appointment i will be honest i've just really avoided things you know what i've realized right i thought not
Starting point is 00:28:40 going to appointments like doctor's appointments and eye appointments i thought that that was me in control of my health anxiety right because I always thought about it in a way of like oh it's just my health anxiety like I don't need to go I don't actually need to book a doctor's appointment like that's just my health anxiety I don't need to go but actually that was just like my safety behavior of protecting myself and you think it's protecting yourself but actually I'm just more emphasizing the idea that going to the doctors is really bad and really scary and it means something's really wrong with you when actually it's really normal to just go to a gp and i need to actually switch my mentality on that one i have signed up for some counseling again guys because i have mentioned it quite a lot recently
Starting point is 00:29:19 so you've probably been able to tell my i my whole health anxiety and fear of death has been quite bad recently not like really really really bad like it used to touch wood but it is like it's consuming my mind a lot more than it normally would like when i'm falling asleep at night all i can think about is the fact that i'm gonna die one day i'm trying not to think about that anymore but i'm like no leah you're not in control like you used to be let's get let's get some support let's get a bit of help and i'm really excited i'm on a waiting list right now i've got a what's it called kind of it's not consultation assessment assessment i've got assessment coming up the waiting list is quite long but you know what i'm on the waiting list
Starting point is 00:29:55 i'm proud of myself this is your sign if you've been meaning to get a bit of therapy a bit of counseling jump on that waiting list babes it's not gonna hurt getting on that waiting list have an assessment do you know what i mean so yeah i'm feeling really proud of myself for that yeah i hope you're all doing really well i hope you have an amazing weekend we have so many exciting episodes planned um but the next one i really want to do is going to be a quiz like it has to be you guys love the quiz i love the quiz so let's do that on friday um but obviously the usual tuesdays they always stay the same any weekly debate ideas send them my way all right i love you so much have the best weekend and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode all right i love you We'll see you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.

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