Leah on the Line - Bonus 47: Would you rather... RED FLAGS EDITION! (part 2)

Episode Date: June 22, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one! As alway...s send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line happy friday happy friday people it's freddie net who's out in the town tonight come on I sound like a DJ I'm a radio DJ you know and they like turn the music on like it's Friday night we got we got Leah and Jess out in the town hitting up hitting up Manchester tonight I'm not going out on the town it is actually my nephew's birthday party this weekend so I'm very excited we're having a pool day she said slip and slide who's surprised I will not be going on the slip and slide? I'm even scared of slip and slide. That's how boring I am. That's how much I don't like water. I do just like to throw water balloons at all the kids while they come down it.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Anyway, how are you guys? Oh, update, by the way. Don't let me me forget so the website where you can submit dilemmas and confessions I now own leahontheline.com so rather than having to like go over to my instagram click the link in my bio and then find where it says submit here you can just go on leahontheline.com and it's really straightforward you hit submit a dilemma or you hit submit a confession and I'm feeling like a professional babe now like learontheline.com I own that I own it she's a business owner like I own a business so anyway I just thought I'd say that because I feel like that might be a bit more useful for people you know but easier a bit more straightforward having said that please continue to hit the follow button at learontheline on socials because like I said that's where we do
Starting point is 00:01:43 the weekly debate where you send in things for episodes like this you know where we just have a chat in the dms and yeah oh isn't that cool she has a website I have a website oh anyway what do I have to update you guys on honestly not a lot apart from the fact that my tan is now peeling yeah I've never been much of a peeler like i was never really a peeling girl but my forehead said crisp and so did the tip of my nose and honestly i don't need to draw any more attention to this bad boy but um that's all that's all that's new in the hood with me what's going on in your lives oh actually i found a five leaf clover today yeah you best believe right I get loads of clovers in
Starting point is 00:02:26 my garden and we were just hanging out there this morning and I was like oh I'm gonna see if I can find a four leaf clover and mum negative Nelly she's like you won't find one you won't find one and I was like watch this yeah watch this I was like hold on a damn minute this one's got one two three four five yeah you best believe anyway so i found a five leaf clover and i was straight on google i was like is this bad luck like knowing me it's like doomed i was like oh god what does five leaf clover mean like what anyway it means extra good luck and extra financial gain so i've you i bought a lottery ticket i bought a lottery ticket i actually bought six
Starting point is 00:03:05 so i'll let you know if i'm a millionaire actually it's the set for life tonight not that i'm promoting gambling at all i just it's a lottery you know fuck them you've got to be in it to win it do you know what i mean if i leave clover and everything i thought better do it do you mean be silly not to anyway what have you guys been up to hope you're all feeling really good whatever it's that you're doing right now thank you for having me in your company feels so good feels so good to have you in mine this episode is gonna be the would you rather red flags edition so I put up an Instagram story I asked you guys to send them in I also put up a few of my own. And yeah, let's just get straight into the episode. Thank you so much for listening to Lear on the Line. Head to
Starting point is 00:03:51 learontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Okay, everyone, let's just get straight into the questions today. I feel like mine were pretty good. I feel like the ones I came up with were kind of difficult to choose, but I won't lie, a lot of these, we are pretty one-sided in our answers. So we're going to try and discuss them, even though it's probably going to be a little straightforward, but whatever. Okay, first one. Would you rather they've never had a girlfriend or they have a new one every six months? Now that is really hard because, and I'll tell you why because at my age 25 I need a little bit of experience I need I need you to have made some previous mistakes that you're going to learn from
Starting point is 00:04:55 because that's that's part of life honey do you know what I mean I've made mistakes you guys have made mistakes or you learn lessons you know what you don't want you know what what you deserve you know what is expected of you in a relationship you know so that when we settle down and we find the one we we know all of these things ideally i mean i like i like to think like that but realistically whoever really fucking knows what they're doing do you know what i mean but it helps to have that experience to just say that's not for me i will never do that again or oh i remember how that went in my last relationship i'm not gonna do that do you know what i mean so that's a difficult one however a new relationship every six months um it's giving can't be on your own it's giving um maybe a little bit of of trauma here which is fine you know we've all got traumas it's absolutely fine darling but i don't like the
Starting point is 00:05:56 idea that if anything ever happened between us i'll gotta watch you move on real fucking quick and does that also mean our relationship isn't gonna to make it past the six month mark like am I going to be anxious as fuck when we're approaching six months do you know what I'm saying so um tricky one very difficult but I think I'm gonna go with never had a relationship because I have been with somebody who's never had a girlfriend before as their first girlfriend and they were lovely so it's not all bad do you know what i mean so yeah i'm gonna go never had a relationship and so did 88 percent of you 12 percent you guys you're fucking crazy a new relationship every six months to me that says like this ain't gonna last and also your disposables fuck do you know what i mean stress distress i couldn't anyway
Starting point is 00:06:45 next one would you rather he has a girl best friend or he occasionally meets up with his ex from a year ago i mean they're both shit we all know how i feel about the girl bestie situation okay like I listen I don't think a girl and a guy can't be friends I don't think that I get on with guys very well and I think one of the main reasons for that is like there's no competition there's no jealousy do you know what I mean you just you got nothing to compare you're just a girl I'm a guy oh wait I'm a girl you're a guy i'm a girl you're a guy you know we can't clash like that however best best friends you're telling me like what we have sleepovers or like how close we talking like best friends is a statement like best friends of course i'm your best friend you're really close you say i love you I love you bestie you know what I mean and in my experience the only time I've ever felt like
Starting point is 00:07:50 I have that bestie relationship with a guy it's always turned out that they had other intentions or one of you catches the feelings or you could get a little bit too pissed and probably sleep together do you know what I mean that's my idea of a girl bestie but the other one meeting up with ex like fuck off do you know what i mean enough already like what but then at the same time a non-toxic relationship with an ex is a good sign in some ways it's a green flag in some ways do you know what i mean like sure i get it it's a red flag because it's like that's your ex babe come should we leave it there perhaps but it can be a green flag because why do exes have to hate each other
Starting point is 00:08:36 you know i don't hate any of my exes they might hate me i don't think i don't think they do why would they i'm a lovely person but we ain't meeting up do you mean we're not hanging out so i think i am with the majority here 86 have said the girl bestie you'd rather the girl bestie and i am with you even though i'd fucking hate it i just would i don't mind like a girlfriend like if you're friends with a girl but if you're best friends like you're like inseparable and like you know when you meet and they're like oh like honestly he's he's a nightmare like he's just so like that like shut up I know him okay they're like they know him better than you vibes like shut up
Starting point is 00:09:18 so yeah it would be shit they're both both shit but I'm with you. 14% have said you'd rather they meet up with their ex. That's how against the girl bestie thing we are. But do you know what? I don't, I'm not, I can understand it. I can understand it to be honest. Okay. Next one. Would you rather they hate all of their exes or they still talk to all of their exes let me tell you why i think this is hard because why do you hate your exes do you know what i mean like what has gone wrong every single time that you hate them every single one you hate everyone how have they all ended badly you know there's got to be one in there where it's like you know lovely girl just went right you know it's a mutual breakup we both
Starting point is 00:10:10 agreed it was the end of our relationship but lovely girl wish you all the best why is there not one of those why do we all hate each other you know that to me is a massive red flag if i meet a guy and he's like all my exes are fucking pricks like i hate them all i'm like oh dear well it's gonna be me do you know what i mean but still in contact with them all fucking hell i i think being in contact with your exes is less of a red flag they're both shit in terms of like getting into a relationship with them. But I think if we're talking red flags, which is what this is about, being in contact with all your exes to me suggests that you're not a bitter person, you don't hold grudges, you have a big heart, you know, you're caring, you're kind, that no matter what's happened with your exes, you still care for them. Why do you need to care about them at the same same time it's kind of a green flag because it
Starting point is 00:11:05 shows that maybe you're a nice person or does it show that you like to lead people on even after you've broken up but the red flag for me here is if you hate them all like do you guys hate all of your exes because i don't. Like, is that like a normal thing to just look back at all your exes and hate them all? Because for me, that would be a red flag. I would literally be like, well, what the fuck's wrong with you? You know? So I'm actually going to go with the minority here. And I think I would rather they'd still be in contact with all the exes. Listen, let me reword that i wouldn't rather that i wouldn't rather it but to me it's less of a red flag about them as a boyfriend and what they might be like
Starting point is 00:11:53 as a boyfriend i don't even know if i stand by what i'm saying here to be honest okay but 12% of you are with me on that only 12 88% is I'd rather you hate them all, babe. And I get it because it's like peaceful. Do you know what I mean? Hate them, fuck them. Block, ignore. Hate them all. Nice.
Starting point is 00:12:13 What a peaceful life. But at the same time, that gives me the anxiety of like, well, you're going to hate me then, aren't you? What went wrong? And I'd have so many questions. Actually, I'm starting to change my mind like that does sound quite peaceful because at the end of the day if you do break up I don't really care if you hate me you know that sounds like an issue with you if you hate us all but if you're still in contact that is going to be a bit of a me problem so
Starting point is 00:12:39 actually I changed my answer I don't know what I was fucking thinking there. I'm going to go with I'd rather they hate all their exes. Okay, next one. We have, would you rather they never text you or they text you 24 7? And I feel like a lot of you that saw this or listen to this now are like, obviously, we'd rather they just text us 24 7. But the reason I thought this was a good one from one of you guys is because who really wants to be texting 24-7? And to me, that means every minute. We're replying every minute. Do you know what I mean? And if you haven't replied, it's like,
Starting point is 00:13:19 hello, hello, question mark, question mark, babe, question mark, Leah, question mark. Fucking hell! just can I live do you know what I mean but to never text me do you give a fuck do you give a fuck about me so I will say oh I don't know because if we never text like that's okay like we I'm sure everything's normal when we're in person maybe you're just not a texter that's not a red flag to me but if we're texting 24 7 it's given obsessed it's given possessive do you know what i mean and that just sounds really exhausting but okay i'm gonna go with you guys here and i'm'm going to say, I think I'd rather the 24-7
Starting point is 00:14:06 text in. 84% of you have said that. 16% have said you'd rather they never text. And I get both. I get both. It's very difficult for me, this one. Because, you know, ideally, bang in the middle, babe. But that's not the game. So shut up. So because never texting i'm i'm okay with that as long as everything's fine when we're together and we have trust then i'm i can do i can do that but 24 7 i guess you don't have the questions of like where are you what you're doing are you thinking of me are you cheating on me do you give a fuck about me do you know what i mean so yeah okay i'm going that one all right next one would you rather they get jealous really easily or they don't get jealous or don't care at all so the poll this is our most split one i put overly jealous or not jealous at all. 52% have said overly jealous. 48% said not at all.
Starting point is 00:15:08 So not at all. Why do I sound really posh then? Not at all. So yeah, that's a close one. Do you know what? I'm really struggling with this one because I don't want someone that doesn't even get a little bit jealous. Like, come on, give a fuck, babe. Do you know what I mean? I'm sure you guys have had that. I have. It's like, give a fuck. Do you know what I mean? But it doesn't mean they don't. It just means they're secure and as they should, as they should be. But overly jealous is a fucking nightmare. It is a fucking nightmare. I'm actually gonna oh my god I don't know I don't I really don't know because I'm gonna say I'd rather they don't get jealous at all but then I would I was also I also think Jesus I also think that would probably make me quite insecure but then if they're overly
Starting point is 00:15:58 jealous that would make me really fucking exhausted and I'd probably just get sick of it fucking exhausted and I'd probably just get sick of it oh this is tough what do you guys think well I know 50% really so 50 50 split essentially okay oh my god I literally I want to say one thing and then my mind switches so I I actually understand why it's 50 50 because I want to say it's literally about to come up my mouth I think I'd rather them overly jealous. And then I think, oh, fuck that. I'd rather you weren't jealous at all. And then I think, oh, fuck that. So I'm going to pass on this one. I'm going to plead the fifth.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I honestly don't know. Okay. Would you rather body count is zero or body count is 100 plus? Now, obviously, having a body count of zero is not a red flag in terms of like what that says about you that's not what this means for me when you when one of you sent this in i thought what's wrong with having a body count of zero and then i thought to be fair the only reason i think i would find this i guess a red flag is because i would feel the fear that they deep down might want to explore and like feel another vagina one day do you know what i
Starting point is 00:17:06 mean they might want to see another pair of titties one day and if your body counts over a hundred to me it's like well you've had your fun you're settling down i'm the one do you know what i mean so they're both difficult because if your body counts over a hundred it's like well wherever we go there you know if we live in a small, there's a possibility someone's going to be in that room that's had sex with you. And that makes me quite mad, to be honest. But if it's zero, I will have that insecurity of like, what if deep down you don't want it to be you've died and your body counts one. You don't want to be an old man with only having me sexually. Do you know what I mean? I'd have that fear. And you can convince me over and over. I don't want to be an old man with only having me sexually. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:45 I'd have that fit and you can convince me over and over. I don't want anyone else. I don't care about exploring. I don't care about having that, you know, the fun time, the crazy years. I never wanted them. You could say it to me all you want. And deep down, I think you're missing out on just like that crazy years of just like experimenting whether it be a one-night stand a threesome whatever it is even just different vagines you know you're telling me you're not gonna think that so i think the only reason that would feel like a red flag is because i would feel like well i'm obviously not going to be the only one, am I? But then there's loads of people that have only had sex with one person. So it's tough.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I think I'd rather the zero, to be honest, because I was going to say, then I'm not left with the insecurity of being compared to other girls, but I am left with a whole different insecurity of like, well, what if you look at other people and think, I wonder what it's like to have sex with you do you know what I mean well what if you get to an age where you're like well I want to experiment at least before I settle down so that's a tough one I think I would still rather the zero just because oh I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:03 because I always say I don't care about body count if you're on a high body count i really don't care as long as you i genuinely believe you when you tell me that you're done with having sex with people and you just want to have sex with me and you're done with that single life and i genuinely believe you and trust you it doesn't mean anything to me it really doesn. But I'm sure that would come with a lot of insecurity. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to go with the zero. I'm just going to fucking say it. All right. It's not like I'm actually choosing for my life. Am I Leah? It's a game woman. Anyway, 81% of you have said you'd rather the zero and 19% have said you'd rather the 100 plus body count.
Starting point is 00:19:46 So yeah, I can see both sides. Okay, next one. Would you rather he doesn't get along with your family or you don't get along with his? Oh, I'll tell you why this is difficult. Because I love, one of my favorite parts about relationships is you get a whole nother family, and I love that, but if you don't get on with my family, it's a bit of a deal breaker, to be honest, and I get it, because it's a bit like well are you just gonna break up with somebody over that but for me it would just say a lot like you know if you don't get on you don't even get on with them like you can't get on with them for me I would rather I didn't get on with theirs sadly selfishly that's what I would rather. And I think that's
Starting point is 00:20:46 selfish, but it's true. Let's see what you guys have said. Okay. 75% have said you'd rather you didn't get on with their family. And 25% have said that you'd rather they didn't get on with yours. So I guess it honestly depends on how close you are with your family, how often you see them, you know, like if you're still living at home, like whatever it is, whatever the situation is, definitely situational. But yeah, selfishly, that's my answer. I'm with the majority there. Okay, next one. Would you rather their parents pay their bills or they can't cook clean, etc? or they can't cook clean etc so i've already said this before if you cannot cook or clean and you're obviously around my age if we're dating absolutely get away from me i'm not trying to raise somebody else's son i'm not trying to do his laundry cook his dinner every night okay i'm not your mother
Starting point is 00:21:47 we are partners we look after each other like you need to look after me like what if i'm not very well i've got to then cook my own dinner because you can't fucking cook and i don't want to eat takeaways all the time talking from experience guys and it is fucking hell you don't feel like even though acts of service is not up there in my love languages you don't feel loved the same if they if they can't look after you and like just cook you a nice dinner or just do a bit of the cleaning for you not for you you see your fucking house as well mate i mean but just do a bit of the cleaning to so that you wake up in the morning and you've got a nice clean space you know they've cooked you breakfast yeah I want that so for me I don't I honestly don't think I don't know what you could compare that to and would
Starting point is 00:22:37 you rather but I would pick the other one like it is the other one for me because that is so important to me and I've realized that from not having it, having it to having it is really important to me. But if your parents pay your bills, listen, if your parents have got that shmoney, I'm happy for you. I'm happy for you. Right. But have we learned, like, you know, I want to check, have we learned gratitude, like you know i want to check have we learned gratitude you know appreciation do we still work hard you know the parents just doing it because they can and why not why not help my son you know or are we lazy because you know the parents are just going to sort you out because if that's the case we're dealing with two lazy situations here and i don't like laziness so i would rather your parents paid your bills listen it ain't gonna fucking hurt is it your parents pay your bills gorgeous that is fantastic news And you can cook and clean. This is getting better about.
Starting point is 00:23:48 But like I said, honestly, if you can't cook and clean, I can't work with that. Seriously. Like, come on. Okay. This was a close one to be fair. 38% have said you'd rather they can't cook or clean. Oh my God. I'm actually quite surprised by that i thought most of you would would just be like i'd rather their parents pay for everything fucking sweet do you know what i mean but only 62 of you went for that one so 38 of you would rather they can't cook or clean fuck that babe you're gonna be cooking and cleaning up after your man every night no baby no baby girl all right would you rather oh this is a difficult one okay because it's like it's almost the same but it's different okay not the same to the last one you'll see what i mean would you rather they leave you they always
Starting point is 00:24:40 leave you on red or they always leave you on delivered so i think that these are so different right and i'll tell you why if i'm leaving you on delivered it means i'm not feeling much like i just can't really be bothered right it's not deep jess if you're listening we leave each other on delivered all the time and the reason we do that is because we know whatever's in that conversation nothing stressful nothing to worry about if it's normal just girly chit chat unless it's like um help then obviously i'll read it straight away but anyway if you leave me on delivered to me that says you don't even care what i've got to say you don't care what i've got to say to you i could have just broken
Starting point is 00:25:24 everything off in that message and you you don't even consider that you don't care what I've got to say to you I could have just broken everything off in that message and you you don't even consider that you don't worry about that you're just gonna leave me undelivered but if you leave me on read to me that says to me you at least have that feeling of like well what she said what she said do you know what I mean that you give a bit more of a fuck if you read it. However, I can totally understand why some of you might think if you've read my message and then chose to ignore it, you don't give a fuck because you've read it and then seen what I've had to say and decided to ignore me. But if you leave me undelivered, you haven't actively chosen to ignore me but if you leave me undelivered you haven't actively chosen to ignore me yet do you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:26:09 but if someone leaves me undelivered i'm like open my fucking message do you know what i mean i could have some crucial information here open the message so, I'd rather be left on read because at least I know it was bothering you that much you had to open my message. You care a little bit. Do you know what I mean? So 35% of you have said you'd rather be left on read and 65% have said you'd rather be left on delivered. So yeah, I completely understand both because I really think it depends how your brain's wired because like i said if i read someone's like if i'm gonna ignore someone but i've read their message first that means i'm bothered it means i'm bothered about what they had to say i had to see it i couldn't just go oh shut up i don't care what you gotta say do you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:26:59 i care if i've read it okay next. Would you rather they reply to your stories with the flame emoji, but keep ghosting you? Oh, not the mixed signals. Seriously, we all know one of them, don't we? Or they love bomb you? Oh, now this is hard because they're both pretty fucking serious. Like if you're giving me mixed signals, what the fuck? You're taking me for a prick. Yeah. But if you're love bombing me, it never ever ends well. If you've been love bombed, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:37 It's bollocks, mate. It's fucking bullshit. But replying to my stories, flame, flame. And then not replying to my stories flame flame and then not replying to my messages you literally just think i'm sexy and you don't care about my feelings you're not interested in me you're just interested in my puss right that's what that's giving the love bomb always gets retracted okay it starts with oh my god i feel like i've never felt like anything like this in my life you're different to anyone else i've ever met i've never had feelings like this in my life you're everything i've ever been looking for why have you not replied to me where are you can i see you tomorrow
Starting point is 00:28:22 can i see you on saturday Can I see you on Monday? And then it's, I'm busy. Or putting you down slightly. Or the messages get blunt. And you didn't even ask for that level of affection in the first place. But because you had it and then you've retracted it, now I'm taking that really fucking personally and now you're stressing me out thinking, what's changed? Why don't you fucking feel the same about me anymore?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Because it was a bomb. You left a bomb at the beginning it's fake sorry guys however if you just fancy me and you're just popping up to my instagram stories and you're in you go to me have a bit of respect darling do you know what i mean but i am actually gonna go with i'd rather the flame emojis and ghosting because you can't damage you can't do that much damage to me with that but with the love bomb you can seriously fuck me up so i would rather the flame emojis in the ghosting because i'm not going to get attached to you do you know what i mean this one again really close 48 would rather than mixed signals and 52 would rather the love bomb now i'm gonna assume if you hit love bomb it's
Starting point is 00:29:35 because you've never been love bombed right but let me tell you it ends it always ends in tears. All right. It can't end in tears with the, with the emojis. Can it? Not that bad. Not as bad, surely. All right. Let's do another one. Um, would you rather all his friends are cheats or he doesn't have any friends? Now, we did this recently didn't we about all his friends being cheats and i don't think it makes them a cheater i really don't but it does stress me out a little bit because as we discussed previously i'm not friends with cheaters not not purposely it's just that the friends i have don't cheat on their boyfriends but if they did it wouldn't make me a cheater but I do wonder you know there's a reason I'm not cheat and neither are my friends you know but then I'm sure there's loads of you guys listening where you would never cheat but maybe your friends do so it's difficult it would definitely cause me
Starting point is 00:30:43 anxiety but it's definitely not a confirmation of like well he's going to cheat on you but to have no friends is a little bit like to be honest I get it because I know friendships can be really difficult and if you know you can just be unlucky you might not have gone to school with people that you maintained a friendship with for years or maybe you never got into like sports or something and you know that's where most people make friends sports work and school so if you know your life just hasn't led you into solid friendships that's probably not your fault but sometimes and only sometimes someone not having any friends is a bit of a red flag like where why why is there no one who wants to be your
Starting point is 00:31:28 mate do you know what i mean however fucking hell this is this whole episode you know however do you know what i mean however but what i'm saying is i have been really unlucky with friendships in my life and i've got my solid bestie and I've got a really solid friend who's like a like a distant sister to me only distant because we don't live near each other but other than that my friendships have usually been like short term like I feel like we're like best friends oh my god like besties besties and then it like we we lose touch so I'm a bit of a hypocrite if I say not having many friends is a red flag because I consider myself a kind person and a good girlfriend but I only have like a very small number of friends so that's difficult well I'm
Starting point is 00:32:19 talking best friends here obviously I have lots of other friends but i'm talking like besties but if all your friends are cheats fucking hell like what every time you're gonna night out i've got to deal with them feelings i've got to deal with that god i think i'd rather you had no friends to be honest it would give me less anxiety it really would as long as i can look at you and say do you know what you're a lovely person i don't know why you don't have any friends because you're so great and so funny and so kind and an incredible boyfriend it doesn't matter do you know what i mean so yeah there's my answer let's see what you guys said 25 have said you'd rather their friends are cheats and 75% are with me and
Starting point is 00:33:06 you say you'd rather they have no friends. I get it. Okay. Let's do a couple more. Um, would you rather, um, a bad first date or a bad first kiss? this i have you guys had many bad first dates that have like turned out to be good like like you maybe went on a first date and it was really bad and then you thought let me give him another go and it turned out to be really good and you might have ended up together because if so i would love to hear about that in my experience like a bad first kiss i know a lot of people say like oh if you have like a bad first kiss I know a lot of people say like oh if you have like a bad first kiss like you're doomed um I've had bad first kisses and then like they're fine after that so I personally would rather a bad first kiss because I don't think it's that deep
Starting point is 00:33:56 sometimes you know you might caught me off guard or like I might have been a bit I might have been a bit pissed do you know what I mean but a bad first date is we didn't get on it might have been awkward you know maybe there wasn't any sexual chemistry maybe there was just absolutely no connection between us and I feel like that's harder to come back from than just a bit of a bad snog do you know yeah 64% of you are with me you'd rather oh god I got hiccups you'd rather a bad first kiss but um 36% of you would rather a bad first date which I think is kind of crazy but then I do hear people say a lot of the time like when you kiss someone you it tells you everything do you know what I mean okay let's do this one would you rather oh they flirt with your friends or hate your friends?
Starting point is 00:34:50 Wow. If you hate my friends, that's going to piss me off really bad. Like if Jamie hated Jess, that would get me mad. I would not, I would not be able to let that go I would constantly be like what's your fucking problem with her do you know what I mean but if you're flirting with her to be honest I actually think I'd rather the flirting I would rather the flirting and I'll tell you why because I can shrug that off as a bit of banter you get on so well you know maybe it's just a bit of banter if it's like seriously flirting like where i'm actually sat there looking at you both thinking are you are you gonna kiss do you know what i mean if it feels like that i'd rather you hate the bitch but if you're just like bantering flattering yeah you're like you look pretty tonight no
Starting point is 00:35:41 that's gonna piss me off as well actually um well i don't know like obviously complimenting is one thing compliment all the way do you know what i mean but if you're flirting like what is flirting i can't remember like what is flirting where you're like oh giggly and bit touchy feely get off that's my friend i think i'd rather you hate her to be honest yeah i would i actually would. I actually would. Even though that would piss me off because I'd be like, well, you need to get along because she's definitely going to be at my wedding, you know, and you might not, my friend. I'm joking. Okay. 80% are with me. You'd rather they hated your friend. Okay. And 20% is you'd rather they flirt.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I get it. I do get it. Okay. Let's do one more. Would you rather they were fresh out of an eight year relationship or they have commitment issues? Now, fresh out of an eight year relationship is fucking hard. It could be all right because it could be a situation where, you know, maybe you fell out of love. Maybe you had a feeling for a couple of years that you should have left, but it might have just taken you quite a while to finally do it. Maybe you turned out like friends in the end. Maybe you stopped having sex like ages ago and all like, you know, whatever. But eight years, like you're definitely going to call me her name. you're definitely gonna call me her name you're definitely accidentally gonna call me her name one day you're definitely gonna think about her when you're having sex with
Starting point is 00:37:10 me because it's gonna be like oh my god this is the first person i'm having sex with in eight years like this is so crazy like oh my god like this feels so wrong but if you have commitment issues i'm absolutely royally fucked do you know what i mean like you it's just a recipe for disaster like that's impending doom so i think i'd rather you were bang out of a relationship and let's just hope if if you checked out before you physically did yeah um 72 percent are with me you'd rather they were fresh out of a relationship and 28 and rather the commitment issues you guys are fucking crazy babes because if someone's got commitment issues that they can't commit to you that's hell that's gonna be hell babe do you know what i mean but then i get it
Starting point is 00:37:54 i get it you don't want to be the first person you don't want to be the rebound you don't want them to be thinking about their ex-partner when they're with you do you know what i'm saying so i do get it i get i get all of these answers to be honest I think they were all pretty hard okay that was such a fun game I honestly love this like I could just do this all fucking day all right I love you guys thank you so much for sending them in you guys came up with some really really good ones let's wrap up the episode okay thank you guys so much for sending those in thank you to everyone that gets involved with these episodes thank you if you just lay back and listen i appreciate you all equally you're all amazing i hope you all have an amazing weekend oh by the way mcdonald's have
Starting point is 00:38:42 some new summer items on the menu and we all need to go and try them because i just tried the mozzarella bites um it's just giving mozzarella dipper in a ball shape i don't know what i was expecting it's literally the same taste and i don't really like them do you know what's the best ones the jalapeno nacho ones or is it is it nacho or is it just jalapeno no they're not nacho ones just jalapeno cheese bites whatever it is basically the jalapeno ones fucking hell they're unreal like i just love spice i'm just really fucking cool i just love spicy food like shut up but they have a biscoff mcflurry what the fuck you better believe i'm gonna be getting that after dinner tonight yeah and they have a double
Starting point is 00:39:26 chocolate pie so you know like the apple pie they have a double chocolate version and i saw a tiktok so i was expecting like it would just taste like cheap chocolate probably just be like really sickly and shit but apparently it's fucking beautiful and i have an idea that i'm gonna get the mcflurry and the double chocolate pie and dip it into the ice cream so I've got chocolate pie and ice cream yeah so this is us all agreeing that we're all going to go out and eat that today if you can eat dairy that is and if you don't have any allergies what am I actually talking about to be honest does any of you guys have any crazy allergies have you seen this thing like sun poisoning oh so scary what the fuck where did that come from
Starting point is 00:40:05 also there's something wrong with the chickens in um i can't remember the supermarkets i know lidl and asda are two of them they're getting like some sort of chickens from poland and they're spreading like super bugs or whatever that means so um sorry if i freaked out any emetophobes everything's gonna be fine don't worry about it you hear about this stuff all the time jeremy but we're shopping at aldi and tesco from now on guys okay or are we trolls and m&s if you're a fucking rich bitch slay if you are anyway so yeah what else is new on the mcdonald's menu they have the double big mac but i think that was already there like i don't mean that i mean i think it's been around before and it's just back
Starting point is 00:40:44 they also have a caesar wrap um i tried that it's just it's exactly how you'd imagine it's literally just a Caesar wrap it's nothing special um but yeah let's all go out and try the McDonald's menu and let's all feed back on Tuesday how it was all right guys hope you all have an amazing weekend enjoy the sunshine it's going to be really nice here in the UK. But wherever you are, I love you guys so much. Have an amazing weekend. Have an amazing Monday. New week. New fresh start.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I'm going to win the lottery tonight, just remembered. Fantastic. It's the set for life. 10 grand a month for 30 years. Could do with that, babe. Do you know what I mean? All right, guys. Well, I'll speak to you on Tuesday when I'm a millionaire.
Starting point is 00:41:23 All right. I love you. Bye.

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