Leah on the Line - Bonus 49: It's QUIZ TIME round 2... Penises used to have spikes?!

Episode Date: July 20, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. Happy Friday. Happy Friday, everybody. Hope you all have warmed up your brains today Because we are doing quiz round two It's this round two So I have Jamie on the pod again Here he is Hello I know you're all sick
Starting point is 00:00:37 You're about to get sick of me Yeah basically So we actually did record a quiz part two But it was really bad Because Jamie wrote another quiz. The first one, slay, such a slay. But second one, you wanna tell them about it? Yeah, I'll tell them about it.
Starting point is 00:00:53 She got a lot of the answers wrong and she spat a dummy out and said, now I'm not putting it out, now I'm not doing it. No, that's not true. Stop the video, stop everything. Okay, that's partially the reason, but the only reason I got so many questions wrong is because the questions were shit.
Starting point is 00:01:07 They were class, actually. They were so stupid. They were good. They actually were good. And I was like, no one is going to enjoy this. And we actually bickered about it. We did.
Starting point is 00:01:16 We had nine minutes after. And I was like, I'm not putting this out. Like, this quiz you just made is shit. You do realize, right? So I know Leah's done this quiz right and she'll now know how long it takes it took me 10 minutes darling it took me like three hours 10 minutes to put this together and it's probably the best one so yeah and basically she just spat at me out and
Starting point is 00:01:36 was like it's not happening didn't speak to me and that was just uh that's a bit dramatic no you're like this this you literally walked out the room you're like this quiz is shit and then i was like all right anyway i wrote this quiz so i will not be playing today i am the quiz master for all of you guys and jamie jamie is going to be the voice of the answers but i'm sure you guys will play along and do a lot better than him now do you know what's going to make me mad is if you get those right i hope i hope i do i don't know how many you got in the first one i want it like four or something i got like 70 right okay can people just check that information and get back to us can we get var out please because i don't think that's correct so yeah it's quiz day i'm really
Starting point is 00:02:20 excited i love these episodes i feel like they'd be fun to listen to like i would enjoy this yeah i would especially say so myself yes same should we discuss love island in the intro while we're here yeah why not so listen whitney was the queen of my world i was like whitney through and through love you love you love you yeah however yeah she's uh taking a bit of a turn after that power trip she's getting a little bit too big for her boots she is she is the public vote might have got to her head because i've noticed her being a little bit nasty and i don't like that i wanted whitney to win and now i'm thinking ella and ty are my favorite couple to be fair ella and ty have been my favorite couple for a while like whitney's got some
Starting point is 00:02:57 personality i fucking love her i still love her do you know what if i was voted favorite couple it would get to my head as well. And I'd probably be telling everyone what I think about them. Yeah. Because I think I'm the queen of this villa. So I don't blame her, but... What do we think of Mitch and Ella B? Mitch is such a little dickhead.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I don't know what it is. He's so bitchy, isn't he? If that was my mate, I would just be like... Chill out, mate. What are you doing? And I know a lot of people don't like abby very much but i like abby she she i think they've portrayed her a little bit worse than what is actually going on
Starting point is 00:03:33 listen she's a hypocrite and she was a little bit nuts but she comes from a good place she's a nice person that's all that matters to me yeah it was just a little bit um rash when she started going on about i don't want to see you getting to know someone else and she'd just been getting to know yeah yeah facts but then mitch is a weird little snake he's odd isn't he like i'd want to get with you on the outside i don't see any yeah and he did say that he doesn't see a future with ella b i i rolled the tapes like he said roll the tapes babe yeah I rolled them babe and you did say that he did actually and I feel like you're talking to me and you did say that I know people like Mitch imagine actually just be a nice person just be kind to people just imagine you
Starting point is 00:04:17 could like record your whole life just I think that'll be a future thing you know I reckon I reckon people will be able to just they say your life flashes before your eyes when you die well if so i'm just gonna be sat at home recording tiktoks of myself yeah i was gonna say something then oh right do you know what i think could you imagine opening a book of all the nasty things people have said about you and reading them i mean i could imagine that is literally comments just tiktok comments but like could you imagine from like school days where people like oh she has such a fucking big nose she's such an ugly little bitch what like even in private not yeah no yeah all behind your back behind your back yeah that'd be brutal wouldn't
Starting point is 00:04:59 it like the things people have said about you behind your back bad enough hearing what people say to your face or in it yeah oh my god it would be crushing wouldn't it yeah that would be pretty brutal i'd love to know actually though would you i actually would guys and you would you read that book 100 yeah 100 what for what i just want to see what people actually think that is literally tattle life though yeah but yeah i avoid that website at all costs why would i do that but if like i would like to know if like old mates i used to trust or whatever they said like they're old mates so it doesn't matter why put yourself through it you'd get so insecure from reading that book you would but you'd want
Starting point is 00:05:35 to like call everyone out on it and be like what the hell i wouldn't i would i'd go on a rampage probably would you yeah oi i've seen what you said about me on page 147 yeah in 2007 yeah i saw that yeah i read it when i was 11 to save for yourself yeah i'm not happy about it no anyway let's get into the episodes thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leah on the line.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Okay. I hope you're ready. Hope you guys are feeling smart today. I will give you a little warning. This is basically a whole quiz about sex
Starting point is 00:06:19 and bodies and stats. Bring it on. So, I'm excited. I'm excited to just sit back and ask today. Be the quiz master for us. Bring it on. So, bring it on. I'm excited. I'm excited to just sit back and ask today. Be the quiz master for us.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Yeah, baby. So, the first 10 questions are multiple choice. Good. Mostly like percentage ones. What? So there's more questions
Starting point is 00:06:37 without multiple choice? Yeah, and then the other 10. So I've just got to know the answer off the top of my head. Well, if you let me finish, the other 10 are true or false.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Oh. Okay? Yeah. Everybody got that? If you want to open your notes up, stop looking. I'm not looking. If you want to open your notes up, get writing the questions down, or just play along mentally in your head.
Starting point is 00:06:57 This would really get me through a workout, I think. It'd get me through a lot of things. I think drives, workouts. A bit of bath time. Oh, you love a bath, do you? No. Okay, right. Just thinking for your viewers.
Starting point is 00:07:10 All right, everybody. Are you ready for question one? Oh, I will let you know as well. There's going to be visual clips of this episode. I tend to record when I can think of something that's actually going to be interesting to anybody that doesn't listen to the podcast. Like, if I just clip dilemmas and
Starting point is 00:07:25 stuff people probably aren't going to find that interesting i don't know would they i think so i don't know but then i feel like factual a quiz a quiz is good it's like i can clip that that's interesting to people maybe i don't know but yeah just letting you know so head over to my tiktok at leo levain or leo on the line on instagram love you all right let's get into the quiz okay so i did say there's an ice cream van outside do you want an ice cream no i'm just gonna wait for it to pass okay you know memento por favor if anyone can't hear that you can now well anyway let's go question one so i did say that the first 10 are multiple choice and i've just realized my very first question is not multiple choice what
Starting point is 00:08:15 is it then it's just yes or no all right so there's your multiple choice yes or no okay question one. Is penis size actually related to shoe size? I'm going to go no. Because my thought behind this is like I have played football. Okay. I've played rugby. I've been in changing rooms. I know a lad's shoe size is before the penis size. I should hope so. You'd like to think when yeah
Starting point is 00:08:46 and i've known people with like size 12 feet and not a monster cock okay well correct the answer is no it is not related so you know when they say oh well big feet you know what they say big socks bullshit yeah literally just big socks or big shoes ben Yeah, there was a guy who I knew who had to get shoes made for him. His feet were that big? Yeah. What size were they? 14. Did he have a monster cock?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Tiny. Oh. Well, it wasn't tiny. It was average, I'd say. That's probably a bit mean. Okay. Anyway, next question. So now we're into the multiple choice percentages.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I'm one out of one, by the way. If anyone's keeping count, just make sure. Yeah, all right. Well, you try and keep track because I definitely won't be. Okay. What percentage of penises worldwide... Did you have penis on the brain by any chance? I sure did.
Starting point is 00:09:38 No, okay. What percentage of penises worldwide are circumcised? Worldwide. Yeah. So this is... Have I got multiple choice here oh yeah sorry yeah you just meant to get it to be fair i'm doing the maths in my head already okay i think it's actually quite hard what would you guess before i give you multiple choice what would you guess so america very popular however i mean culturally very popular in Asia as well. Yeah. A lot of Asia. We aren't that big on it, but it does happen. So I reckon that's quite a big amount of population already.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Mm-hmm. My brain is telling me it's close to like 50%, I'd say. You think half of the whole of the world have circumcised it? No, okay, I retract that. Probably 35% of them. Well, you're close to one choice okay keep going let's talk five percent okay 15 okay or 30 it's tough because they're lower than i thought you're doubting yourself now i am doubting myself the more the five percent's thrown you a little bit um how many people do you know that
Starting point is 00:10:45 have a circumcised penis like inspects people's penises i mean you can see is that like a conversation you have with mates not really i think that's is that not like a boy thing because i think if if it was girls that had penises we would definitely share that yeah but it's not like a group conversation it was like now then lads we are circumcised so we got how many of you have four skin men we got the skin it's not one of them raise your hand by by a razor hand so you don't know anyone no because like just from knowledge like anyone close to me uh like obviously we're not circumcised so like i don't know it's it's tough but i do know it happens i'm gonna say 50 i'm gonna go bang in the middle incorrect i threw you off tonight yeah it's 30 i should have stuck with what was yeah that was good though on it i would probably
Starting point is 00:11:33 guess 30 oh would you yeah would you got two out of two by now yeah okay okay another penis one, is it? I wonder how many people got that. Next. How many hairs are on the human penis? Ew. Penises aren't hairy. No, no. Are they? No. Are they around the bottom? Pubes.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Yeah. Okay. How effective are condoms at preventing pregnancy and STI transmission? 98%, 99%, or 99.8%? 99.8%. That's what you reckon? Yeah, it says it on the box. What?
Starting point is 00:12:10 98%. That's bullshit. You think there's only a 0.2 chance? Yeah, and that's a lot for the amount of sex that is happening with these condoms. No. I'm almost certain. I need to check this. It's wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:22 The answer's 98%. So, one out of three. why do i have that in my head like i knew i was waiting for the night 98 point is it 98.9 uh i said 99.8 or 99 yeah there's a point there was a point i think that's the pill maybe they rounded it up all right okay 98 then i'll take the loss okay next one this not percentage one, but it is multiple choice, everybody. Okay. On average, sex burns the same amount of calories as what?
Starting point is 00:12:50 Okay. 100 star jumps, 200 push-ups, or running a mile. Now, when I read this fact, I thought, well, it really does depend because there are many ways you can have sex yeah there is you know what
Starting point is 00:13:07 i'm saying it's a bit of a weird question because it's like what are you going attics if you're going you're probably going to burn more calories than if you're just like having a slow slow intimate i love you i love you yeah but the reason that you do burn so many calories because your heart's racing so quick yeah i remember learning that in school so you could go slow and you could still be burning like yeah i remember i was in science right and my teacher was like anything that raises your heart rate is burning calories and then this guy was like does that count does wanking count yeah and i was like inappropriate but interesting i'm glad you asked and the answer was yeah i thought wow so yeah well it's a hundred start 100 jumping jacks 100 star jumps they're literally the same thing yeah yeah yeah 200 push
Starting point is 00:13:52 ups or running a mile so it's not 200 push-ups no i'm ruling that one out because that would burn more really because you're technically doing about 200 push-ups yeah but you know like it's difficult to do 200 push-ups just on on the bounds there that's a lot burns the same amount of calories 200 push-ups is ruled out for me okay one mile running takes about eight to ten minutes average person eight to ten minutes to run a mile not an average person sorry Sorry, like an athlete. What? Hey, Siri.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Roughly, how long does it take to run a mile? Here's what I found. Ah, a good mile run time is seven minutes. Yeah, so like an average person should be like... Fuck me, I thought it would be like half an hour. Eight to ten minutes. So, a mile, I would say, is burning more calories, even though some people, the average sex might last about ten minutes so mile i would say is burning more calories even though like some people
Starting point is 00:14:46 they like the average sex might last about 10 minutes but i think a mile is longest i'm gonna go 100 100 jumping jacks um incorrect running a mile yeah yeah baby i mean it makes sense yeah i don't know if it does i was really confused by that one but i thought let's whack her in did you like my multiple choice i thought yeah the mobile choices okay what else can i add in i was like i'd love to know fantastic idea for me yeah i'd love to know how much 200 push-ups would burn okay you ready let's go what percentage of men say that they can consistently achieve an orgasm with their partner? I think that's high. You get that? 55%, 75%, or 90%?
Starting point is 00:15:33 I'd say 90. 75%, though. Yeah. I'd say. Yeah. Okay. So you've got one right. Yeah, but like that, I think that's... This is not going well.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Do you know what? The multiple choice, I reckon... Isn't it a good quiz, though? It is a good quiz. I'm enjoying it. But yeah, like, 90% is still not that high. Like, you'd want, ultimately, 100% everyone to be satisfied. But same goes for women.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Yeah? Really? Well, that brings me on to my next question. I reckon women's is lower. What percentage of women say that they can consistently achieve an orgasm with their partner 29 40 or 70 40 29 29 so basically we're amazing because you guys aren't disappointed what it is is men is you can literally do most things on their penis
Starting point is 00:16:34 do you know what i mean so like it's yep the vaginas are complicated i will the vaginas are complicated however well to be fair i don't know if this is heterosexual relationships or not or just men and women in general but it is a fact that women in same-sex relationships orgasm more than women with men yeah like so you know your body girls yeah but you know what i'm saying yeah you know your body better i mean i suppose it makes sense it does make sense and i don't think, I still don't think it'd be as high as you think. It wouldn't be as high
Starting point is 00:17:06 as the guy one because guys... I'd say it's high. I'd say it's high. High, yeah. Okay. So you've got one right so far and we're on question...
Starting point is 00:17:14 This is so embarrassing. I'm sorry guys. Oh no, seven. Okay. We're staying on the orgasm topic for the next two questions actually. All right, nice. What percentage of women say that they can orgasm topic okay for the next two questions actually um what percentage of women say that they can orgasm from penetrative sex alone okay so no clitoral stimulation right yeah six percent
Starting point is 00:17:36 18 30 so 29 women 29 can come. Right, that's not really relevant. It's about just being able to come from... Yeah, but clear rule is massive. It's massive to women orgasm men. Yeah, but just answer the question. I'm going to go slap bang in the middle. Yeah, that's correct. 18% can.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I'd say six is too low. Right. I only know one girl that can do that must be so great well done everybody glad glad happy for you what percentage of women say that they have never experienced an orgasm this is a really sad moment five percent fifteen percent or twenty five percent so what percentage of women said they've never they've never orgasmed from masturbation from sex from oral okay i'm gonna say what was the options again 5 15 or 25 5 percent you think only five wrong 15 15 i knew i should have gone 15 again but
Starting point is 00:18:41 you've done this right i i've heard of a lot of people and I've had a few dilemmas saying it, to be fair. So, yeah. Okay. On average, what percentage of women can fall pregnant whilst on contraception? 2%, 9%, 15%. This is a sticky one. Sorry, I said can fall pregnant. I meant what percentage of women fall pregnant.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Oh, yeah. Fall pregnant while on contraception. There's a lot of people having sex with contraception. 2, 9 or 15. 2, 9 or 15. I'm going to say 9%. Correct. Three so far. Three out of nine?
Starting point is 00:19:18 Three out of nine. Yep. We're bringing that percentage. Okay. What percentage of men watch porn 70 80 or 90 percent see i i actually it's weird you know because like i know a lot of guys who don't yeah and i think if it was up to date there's loads of research why it's bad for you really people get addicted yeah and especially for a man it you're ruining your hormones because yeah there's just so much science behind it like you
Starting point is 00:19:52 i have heard things about it what's the what's the male hormone again testosterone yeah so like that's why boxers aren't meant to like sleep with the partner before they go box because your testosterone yeah um i'm gonna say 70 percent correct yeah 70 yeah still high but i would have said like oh fucking all of them yeah no i would have gone like 90 i know a lot of people but like tiktok and that nowadays you get a lot of people just saying don't do this as a man don't do this as a man and it's so your choice but of course yeah there's a lot of benefits behind it really what are they what behind not no behind watching it no behind not watching it it's good to masturbate it is good to masturbate but you like you can do it in other ways you don't need porn yeah do you know what i mean yeah not a fan personally because you desensitize yourself as well and then you can't get excited with your
Starting point is 00:20:43 partner etc yeah and everyone says that it like creates a false uh what's the word like level of expectation yeah i mean because it's all fake i've watched so many documentaries where it's like the women are squirting right they literally put something up inside their vagina that just sprays out it's not actual real yeah so it's weird in it always keep that in mind it is weird but like like i said there's no there's not wrong with like every now and then and if you're in a couple or whatever if your partner's fine with that then fair enough but yeah thing guys you've also got to think of like um people in relationships as well yeah because that'll bring the percentage down definitely
Starting point is 00:21:19 okay so that is the end of multiple choice now we're moving on to the true or false round i got that one right didn't i you did yeah so i'm on four out of ten four out of ten that's actually so you're on a 40 we're on a five percent we're only ways up well yeah actually there is a way down but yeah if we're talking percentages you could get all of these wrong okay bring on okay true or false okay penises again penis penises used to have spikes all over them but somewhere along evolution humans lost that part of our dna i think that's like so random that like why you'd put that in and there is some mammals with spikes on the penis really what you what are they i can't
Starting point is 00:22:11 remember but i've seen it on the discovery channel interesting on the discovery channel i thought it was nothing but mammals. I thought it was nothing but trouble. How often do I just make up lyrics? Yeah, you do. I can listen to a song a hundred times and I'll still not know the lyrics. I'm like, what are you singing? Oh, that one, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:37 But what I say makes sense. It does. There's one from Jonas Brothers. Love Bug. Yeah, Love Bug. Because I thought it was like a bug, like a creepy, crawly bug, right? Which would make sense. So I was like, I never thought that I'd get bit by this love bug because i thought it was like a bug like a creepy crawly bug which would make sense so i was like i never thought that i'd get bit by this love bug again but it's actually get hit get hit or catch this catch this but you're saying because it's like a bug like i'm sick but
Starting point is 00:22:56 technically it's a bug like that's lyrical genius basically i'm a lyricist yeah basically i'm a metaphorical legend yeah sick yeah yeah okay true or false i'm gonna say false it is true no it is true chimpanzees mice and cats still have them mice and cats see i knew certain animals and cats and cats and cats and cats and cats and cats so yeah all right yeah pretty pissed yeah good job thanks next question wearing socks during sex can increase your chances of having an orgasm i know this one is true how do you know that it's been it's been like a oh okay legend why don't you wear socks then don't need to you're too good darling if i was How do you know that? It's been like a... Oh, okay, legend. Why don't you wear socks then? Don't need to.
Starting point is 00:23:48 You're too good, darling. If I wore socks, I'd probably last two seconds. Oh, you really do. Okay, so yeah, that is true. Here's an interesting fact. According to the study by the University of... I don't know how to pronounce it, but it's in the Netherlands. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Couples were 30% more likely to orgasm with warmer feet. So it's about your feet being warm. Because I thought it was about like pressure. I thought it'd be like a sensual thing because your feet slide about. Right. You know, in the bed and that, like you can move easier. So I don't know if it was like moving my feet. It's noisy, yeah. All right. So you've got one of those, right? move easier so i don't know if it was like a like a i'm moving my feet and sorry yeah all right
Starting point is 00:24:25 so you've got one of those right so i've got five out of eleven five out of twelve yes correct three a vagina can expand up to 100 when aroused up to 100 what the fuck's that mean to me so you double your fanny size yeah i suppose if you expand to 100 because like yeah that's true it can actually expand by 200 when aroused though because when i first read this i thought fuck me it expands a bit more than that when you have a baby but then i I thought, wait, no, when you're aroused. Yeah, because it relaxes, doesn't it? So it gets intense. Yeah, it's intense.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Sometimes it hurts. Like the feeling of like your vagina stretching, like it hurts or like aches for me. I don't know if anyone can relate to that. If not, there could be an issue with my vajayjay. But like sometimes it's like an ache. It's like, ow. Yeah. Like just literally like like not like the sex or anything 200 so you're funny like big puss big puss pussy it is that's a big plus yeah i love it
Starting point is 00:25:35 babe imagine you ready yeah let's do it only three percent of men have a penis longer than eight inches three percent no that's false what do you reckon that's it like i have seen it is i think it's like eight percent wrong it's one percent one percent so all of you man out there again yeah big eight inch cut liar one percent unless you're in the three percent club okay next question number five so what's your score let's keep track i don't know probably like five or six you've got the socks one correct oh that's it so well in the second phase not yeah yeah okay orgasms can lower a risk of heart disease sorry or gag or gaggums or gagging orgasms can lower a woman's risk of heart disease stroke breast cancer
Starting point is 00:26:29 and depression true it can indeed it's good for you that means girlies get your rampant rabbits out get them out and we gotta look after these bodies honey charge them up get the double a's right so that was correct so you've got two ups five that's all right we're getting that back let's do it number six number six men cannot orgasm without ejaculating so when you come there's always the actual liquid otherwise you don't orgasm so i'm gonna say false is it what is it men cannot orgasm without ejaculating. So you think it's true? True. False. It's false. They can.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Bloody hell. Yeah. Who knew? Fair enough. That shocked me. That is different. Number seven. Vibrators were first developed as a medical device.
Starting point is 00:27:18 For what? I don't know. Maybe you can figure that one out. Give it a little thought. What do you reckon? Massaging. That's a good call. What do you reckon? Massaging. It's a good call. I'm going to say false.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Okay. You're wrong. It's true. This is so annoying. And I have some facts for you. Go on then, bring it on. It was invented in 1869 as a treatment for women who were reported to be mentally or emotionally upset and was considered an illness. They were given them to massage the genitals to induce hysterical paroxysm,
Starting point is 00:27:56 which is the Victorian term for orgasm. Yeah, I knew that. So if a woman came to a doctor and was like, I'm really upset, I'm stressed mentally, not doing great. They go, take this, massage the clitoris and let me know how you get on with that. Imagine now going to your GP and saying, doc. And they hand you over a fucking rampant rabbit. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Stick this up your puss. Let me know how you get on. Let me know. Yeah. I thought fantastic. I love that. I love that for all the women fair enough you know what i mean that's a long time ago to have that kind of thing
Starting point is 00:28:29 1869 yeah yeah as they should yeah fair enough okay number eight we're flying through these on average three in every 10 women watch porn true it is true yeah which actually doesn't surprise me because i don't know anyone as a girl that really enjoys porn maybe like two people yeah but three out of ten makes sense because some might like that truly enjoy it yeah and i mean obviously most women have i don't know oh yeah i'm probably seeing something do you know what i mean so okay question nine um using two condoms offers extra protection incorrect oh you're doing well that's false because i remember even i think it was in sex education okay go on and we were like well you know as lads do it's one of them things why don't you just double bag it ew that's just one of the lads things double bag it double bag it double bag it and the teacher
Starting point is 00:29:29 was like that would actually make it happen make it less protected yeah correct it says it can actually offer less protection than using just one using two condoms can cause friction between them weakening the material and increasing the chance that the condoms might break yeah and slip off or whatever yeah i mean it doesn't make any sense why somebody would think that because it's like well if that was the case everyone would just wear two well yeah but that's just lads for you and just think yeah just put an extra layer on yeah i see where they're coming from it's like it makes sense we're logical thinkers but really it's just not not gonna happen is it yeah okay um this one's very random the inside of your nose swells during sex i'm gonna say that's true because it's true
Starting point is 00:30:19 why because what the fuck are you gonna say no sometimes you look at me and you think look at them fucking nostrils but after sex yeah well actually this is this is just a side fact there's you've got a lot of blood vessels in your nose that's why it bleeds whatever ah interesting so like i can imagine with arousal with arousal like the blood flowing in your body you would make them swell do you actually have a like the blood flowing in your body you would make them swell do you actually have a lot of blood vessels in your nose we've got two blood vessels but the big and so nose drops must be well dangerous it can be yeah but like the your nose like if even if you like squeeze a spot it bleeds more than it would on your face because there's a lot more
Starting point is 00:30:57 blood in your nose it's cold though it's like when i read that i thought brilliant i don't think my nose could get any bigger well Well, it does swell. I'm pretty sure it would. Yeah, it does. And also, weirdly, I don't know if anyone else, but I get really blocked nose after. Okay, let's not expose our sex life onto the internet. Let's cut that one. So, you mentioned sex education, right?
Starting point is 00:31:20 I don't remember sex education. I only remember little bits. I don't remember it at all. I remember learning about how not to get pregnant. Well, it was weird, right? Because in school so much rubbish gets put about and it's like... Yeah, I remember all the lads was like,
Starting point is 00:31:35 I think you should learn it separately. Yeah, well, we did. Actually, no, because it is good to know about the male body as well as the female body. Why did I get American then? then body regardless of your own sex well this is how my school did it right and i don't know if it's the same for anyone else but males and females went in different rooms yeah yeah i know a lot of schools that did that mine didn't learn about your bits and we also learned a bit about the women like i think there was something about
Starting point is 00:32:04 periods but we didn't really pay much attention, I don't think. We didn't. I don't remember learning about periods. I'm sure we did. We got like a diagram of the pus. Yeah. And ovaries and all that. Diagram of the pus.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah. And then we all came together and... Learned about sex. Yeah. Let's talk about sex, baby. I don't know. Let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be. Let's talk about you and me let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that
Starting point is 00:32:26 maybe let's talk about sex let's talk about sex a little bit a little bit let's talk about sex baby all through the night i'll make love to you do you even know what that is is it just a mix everyone that listens will definitely know it's from pitch perfect yeah baby i don't see nothing wrong no no it's it's the riff off they have to start the new song on the same word so let's talk about sex baby all through the night i make love to like you want me to. And I guess that's just the woman in you that brings out the man in me. Bye bye. It feels like the first time. It feels like the very first time. It feels like the first time.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Finished? Yeah, I guess. I was going to go straight into No Diggity, but it's fine. It feels like the first time Finish? Yeah, I guess. I was going to go straight into No Diggity, but it's fine. I'll do that, actually. Shut it down, good lord Baby, got them open all over town Hit it, hit it. The place I don't play around
Starting point is 00:33:37 Cover much ground, got game by the pound Getting paid is a forte Each and every day True play away I can't get out of my mind Oh I like the way you work it That was good, wasn't it? You like that?
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah, you like that? I'm sorry Anyway, what the hell We just really went off on one Sorry Sorry about the performance Simon Just gave that away for free
Starting point is 00:34:02 What do you think? I didn't like it i loved it thank you all right guys that is the end of my quiz so what did you actually end up getting i think i got four out of ten in the last maybe five i don't know okay i did well in the last you did well in the last few questions but they were pretty easy i think i got ten out of okay you didn't get the um spiky penises one you did get the socks you didn't get the expanding vaginas so you count okay so far one um you didn't get the uh penises longer than eight inches no you actually did no you didn't you said you said it was i said it was falster
Starting point is 00:34:39 oh so actually that's two i said i thought it more, but then obviously I found it was less, but I still got the answer right. Okay, right. And then you did get that women can lower a woman's risk. Blah, blah, blah. Men cannot orgasm without jacking. Incorrect. Vibrators were first developed as a medical device. Incorrect.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Every three in women, three in ten. Oh my God, three in every ten women. Which porn? Four. Using two condoms five the inside of your nose six so you got six out of ten on the last one that's decent and i think and you got four out of ten in the one before so you got 50 i think i got more than four didn't i no you didn't because we said 40 so you got 50 overall i think that was better than you in the first place i disagree but you you know what you think is fine you can think right well i want
Starting point is 00:35:32 to put it to the audience and see if they remember yeah maybe we should do an ask the audience question and get one of the get some of the listeners phone numbers yeah and i think this could be a good suggestion right if it is equal or a tie or whatever the hell we should get them to make questions for us yeah but how would they how would they send us a question without telling us the answer that is true you know unless we unless anyway figure it out maybe did you enjoy my quiz yeah it was good quiz i mean yeah really good i hope you guys enjoyed i thoroughly enjoyed this it was enjoyable to sit back interesting facts in there actually
Starting point is 00:36:10 right rate my quiz out of 10 um i'm gonna say a tenant because i'll probably get beat up good boy yeah it was good wasn't it it was good did you learn anything interesting well there's some interesting facts in there that i think would shock a lot of people and i want to learn let's think let's have a recap i am here to educate the people their pussy expands by 20 200 that doesn't surprise me i'd say more well obviously because i've got a gay thing no literally it's i mean i would expect it to expand but not by like 200 which is like three times yeah so there's the original size so i was confused because i don't really understand maths right so i was a bit worried that when i said it expands by 100 does that mean it doesn't expand no when it expands by 100 it's just double isn't that 200 no? No. Yeah, because that was my thought process. Maybe 100% means
Starting point is 00:37:05 your size of your vagina 100% again. Yeah. So, I mean, they should have just said you finally doubled in size. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:37:13 but yeah, I thought it would confuse you and it did. It did confuse me. So here's to big old gaping pussies, everyone. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:37:25 Anyway, let's wrap up the episode okay everybody well done today well done today class thank you good job everybody thanks
Starting point is 00:37:38 I'd love to know how you did on the quiz so send me a DM with your score overall anything that shocked you I bet a lot of people actually did really well.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I may. Listen, these facts, I found them on the internet. They could be bollocks. They could be bollocks. So don't hold me to anything I've said. Well, this is the thing, right? So when I was finding the questions for you, there was like loads of different results.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah, because like I would Google what percentage of women have never orgasmed. And one website would be like 1% and one website would be like one percent and another website would be like 15 percent yeah and then i just went with the majority number where i found that the most so you made up your own yeah right so that's how so basically i want to see the actual answers actually i reckon she's gone yeah that's wrong no i put all the right answers in bold look i'm very organized with my notes yeah but like i'm not gonna remember lurksy all right fair enough you know you get me so yeah i hope you all enjoyed this episode
Starting point is 00:38:30 thank you for coming on it was nice to be on it's very useful having you to do quizzes with yeah you're very useful i'm very useful for quizzes you're handy yeah to have in my life it's actually coming up to our one year anniversary soon guys it is and my birthday it's my birthday soon yeah don't worry i'm planning it yeah got a couple of ideas well that would be telling yeah it's almost leo season baby to my fellow leos it's our time to shine we love this shit we live for leo season do you not believe I'm going to soak up the whole of August? Well, obviously, it's that one year anniversary coming up, yeah? And I knew you straight after your birthday. And she had a birthday for like two weeks.
Starting point is 00:39:13 It wasn't just like a one-day thing. Did I? Yeah, because we went to Manchester. And then we came back. Yeah, I had a birth week. I had it with the family. It's like Trina on Victorious. Yeah, it's just like...
Starting point is 00:39:24 It's birth week. It was literally birth birth week for the yeah yeah as it should and she loves it and i love it too yeah babe who knows you might get more than a birth week this week this uh this time around really it's my birth month oh these hiccups are actually crazy today all the time by the way like literally i know she says it on a pod but she actually does it is it is not a lie i get them i reckon seven times a day and i don't mean the odd like i mean to the point where i have to literally like hold my breath because um i can't get rid of them and i will have that like seven times a day it's actually crazy and all my family are like i was talking to all my family about it the other day and they were like, I don't think I've had hiccups
Starting point is 00:40:05 in the last three years and I was like, I don't think I've had hiccups in the last three hours. Yeah. Tops. Not even that. And I've had it since,
Starting point is 00:40:14 my mum told me that because I'm a twin, right? And she said one of the twins in her womb would always have hiccups and it was definitely me. It makes so much sense. It definitely is.
Starting point is 00:40:22 So I don't know what's going on with my diaphragm because it's a spasm in the diaphragm. Do you know that? No. I'm not even fat. It's what the hell? Oh so much sense. It definitely is. So I don't know what's going on with my diaphragm because there's a spasm in the diaphragm. Do you know that? No. I'm learning new facts. What the hell? Oh yeah, I'm full of them.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Every day's a school day before you're on the line. You've got clever now. You know. Well done. You know. You need to push upon them sayings though. What sayings?
Starting point is 00:40:37 Like in your pod, you're like, oh, what did this say? I don't do that so much anymore actually. No, you don't actually. You've got better. Yeah. It's been a while since any of them. The brain is braining a little bit these days the brain is braining although um
Starting point is 00:40:50 i still can't read well it's random yeah you can no like when i read a dilemma i just get i just get bothered it is weird isn't it it's one of them things where someone asks you to read or you know you're a little bit oh my god right Was you the kid in school that would raise your hand to read? Would I? Me neither. No way. And I was really bitter about the people that did. I was like, all right.
Starting point is 00:41:11 All right, fucking hell, get out of our house. And it was always the same people, wasn't it? Yeah, but I remember getting picked. Can we get any volunteers? Yes, me, me, me. I will. Yes, miss, yes. I was like, all right.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Go on then. What do you want? Read the whole fucking book. I don't care. I don't want to read. We're all fucking 14. I don't even want to read. We can all read. We're all fucking 14. I don't even want to read. Well, no, not at all.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But it was annoying because in like year 10 and 11, I was like brave enough. And I would put my hand up to be like, I'll do it. So you were one of them. Well, in like my GCSEs because I was actually really good at English. I bet it was history. I did it in history, actually. Sir, sir. I used to try and see my history teacher. a lot me and jess we were talking about the other day with
Starting point is 00:41:50 both of the boyfriends we was all having drinks and we started talking about our history teacher yeah where is he now and you do realize right we found the age of this teacher and he was like 40 at the time yeah he's a sexy silver fox he was fair enough whatever although he did chat with me once and i cried and walked home and no one said anything it was the first lesson today i said she left first lesson did i say lesson yeah lesson sorry i just go i get all hot and bothered when i think about him soon as this clip finishes soon as soon as this podcast finishes, I'm going to storm off.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I'm going to go downstairs and not speak to you for at least five minutes. Oh, that'll be tough. Well, I might start teaching history. I might just become a teacher. Yeah. Then what? Don't know. What are you going to teach?
Starting point is 00:42:42 Don't say PE. I'm not going to teach PE. Why? Because who the fuck fancies a PE teacher? Everyone. What are you talking about? What, you fancied your PE teacher as well? No, like, we didn't have a good-looking PE teacher, but I wish... Well, I'll just do any...
Starting point is 00:42:55 I wish my history teacher did a bit of PE. I'll do any teaching. I'll be the head. I'll be the head. The head. Bet you would. Yeah. Have your little office.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yeah. Calling all the supply teachers in oh yeah yeah nah you better relax right now well you wound me up
Starting point is 00:43:15 alright guys so I'm gonna alright guys thank you so much for listening to this episode I hope you all loved it thank you for coming on darling thank you very much
Starting point is 00:43:23 for having me did you enjoy I did do you feel smarter no i actually feel worse and i'm you did well i'll give you that you got half of them right they were hard yeah they were like you threw me off with some of the multiple choices yeah i was trying to yeah i could tell you're giving me the eye and i was thinking and sometimes really trying to throw you off of my face you'd speak louder on some of the options i was trying to get in your head i was trying to be like or 30 30 and there'd be a pause yeah and it'd be like 15 5 yeah or like i'll be like 100 jumping 100 jumping jacks you can't speak now 100 jumping jacks 200 push-ups or running a mile we've actually done that quite a few times actually 200 push-ups or running a mile we've actually done
Starting point is 00:44:05 that quite a few times the switching of the first layer yeah we used to do that a lot didn't we yeah well but no it was it was good but you definitely threw me off with some of your tactics and i could i could tell but i didn't know if it was a double bluff or what so it was just stuck with my gut on some of them yeah don't look me in the eyes spiky penises eh who knew thank god that left what the hell would happen if we had so humans used to have spiky yeah and it just like left through evolution we lost that part of our dna thank heavens imagine that okay guys have i already said last let's wrap up you said it about three times already okay well then in that case i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode no that you've ruined everything you've just ruined it okay i just want to put my little spin on it okay and i'll speak to you on tuesday right you're gonna get banned from
Starting point is 00:44:57 leah on the line i'm gonna put your face on the wall on the wall yeah please put me on the wall actually i love that don't let me this person's bad cash reward yeah i'll pay good money would you how much we talking 80 quid that's not good money oh what the hell oh you know actually i've seen it before we go i've seen a tiktok recently and it's come up quite a few times you know when people ask stuff in the street sure and there's all they always pick on like a couple and i don't know if it's planned on how did you meet no no this one is like how much money would it take for you to cheat on your partner they obviously asked what do they say well it was like really loyal couples. He was like, no, no, nothing. But then there was like one girl who was like, 10,000.
Starting point is 00:45:49 That's not a lot, is it? And they've been together eight years. Oh, it's not a lot. But then there was another girl who was like 1 million. And like the boyfriend was like, I wouldn't do it for anything. And they started like getting a bit whatever. And she was like, no, let me explain.
Starting point is 00:46:04 And she was like, I'd explain and she was like i'd take the one million and you'd have that one million with me and he was like well yeah but okay what about this someone's offered me 500 million pounds to have sex with him and i say i'll tell you what babe i'll take one for the team here you'll take one for the team here. You'll take one for the team? Yeah, I'll take one for the team. You have 250 mil. And I'll have 250 mil. I'd say no. It's five minutes.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I honestly would say no, because I would never go back to you. Yeah, to be fair, I didn't think I would. Imagine a girl called up to me saying, I would pay 500 mil to fuck your boyfriend. And I'd say, babe, don't worry about it. I'd go 500 million dollars or gbp gbp because conversion rates and stuff like that like yeah no but like if that happened i know you would never like it
Starting point is 00:46:53 would just never be the same i know 250 million great british pounds for five minutes yeah for five minutes what do you think i am okay anyway no anyway. No, anyway, it's not happening. No, I don't want to sleep with anyone else. Good, that's the answer that I actually wanted. No, I don't. Guys, oh, weekly debate. Would you let someone else sleep with your partner for a million quid? That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I'm doing that next week. Stay fucking tuned. I think a lot of people would because it depends how serious you actually feel about them. It does. Yeah. I mean, if you're like swingers or an open relationship, you're like, absolutely. Yeah, take it. I'd never get paid that. Do it for free. Yeah. I mean, if you're like swingers or an open relationship, you're like, absolutely, baby.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I'd never get paid that. Do it for free. Yeah. All right, guys. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I hope you loved it. I hope you learned something. I did.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I hope it kept your brain ticking. And I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. I love you. Bye. I love you bye

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