Leah on the Line - Bonus 50: Let's discuss RED FLAGS...

Episode Date: August 3, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leera and the line happy friday happy friday everybody how was your week guys not me leaving in a fucking clip in the last episode of me and jamie literally talking about booking a hotel so we're off to london tomorrow right and a lot of you clocked and for some reason i always check my dms especially on upload day but for some reason it didn't even cross my mind to check my dms this day and it wasn't until like midday and i got a message from someone and it was like babe you know you've like left in a clip that i don't think is supposed to be in there and i shit myself i was like oh my god what the fuck are we saying like this could have been anything it could have been we could have been arguing
Starting point is 00:01:01 it could have been bank details it could have been it could have been gnarly you know not that we're like we get naughty mid fucking recording but do you know i mean the worst came to my mind i was like oh my god what have i left in this freaking episode and we're like frantically going through it like oh my god where is it like how have i missed this what is this and i was like let's get into some dilemmas normally it goes doom doom doom right not today it was like jimmy was like oh babe i found this i found a studio and i'm like oh whereabouts and he's like yeah it was 400 now it's like 200 100 or something i was like oh that's cool and then i'm just like okay and I listened to it back and I thought I'm an absolute donut but you know what could have been worse could have been way worse so thank
Starting point is 00:01:51 you to everybody that actually did message me had to give it a little re-edit luckily I was home and luckily it wasn't even a bad thing you know not that like I would say anything bad but you know private stuff nothing private you know I'm saying but anyway yeah that was last episode so if you missed that I'm just glad to be honest but yeah hope you guys are all feeling really good we're going to London tomorrow I'm gonna go and take Jamie well yeah take him yeah I guess so to see a show a musical because he's actually never seen a show and he's with a musical nerd and he's never seen a show I have got him hooked on the musicals though like he's a big in the heights fan these days I got him to watch the um youtube versions of waitress totally illegal
Starting point is 00:02:40 but you know and we're actually going to go and see one in the flesh there's also michael jackson one coming out i think it's just called mj the musical if i'm correct and it's coming out in april next year and when i tell you jamie loves michael jackson so i really want to go see that with him but tickets i will literally have to sell most of my belongings for to afford a ticket but we'll make it work but yeah we don't know what we're gonna see yet i think i want to see i feel like greece would be good because like can greece be bad you like can you do a bad adaption of of greece i feel like you can't everyone knows the music you know everyone can sing along in their head honestly if you go to see a west end show and you sing along out loud i hate you what else oh mrs doubtfire the
Starting point is 00:03:32 musical bit of a sleigh that was like one of my favorite films as a kid i honestly loved it like i would love to see that i genuinely love to but i've had mixed reviews like when i looked at the critics ratings and stuff a lot of them are like four star four star and then you get the odd one star that's like uncharming and shit and basically there's been bad reviews for Grease as well so I don't really know we're just gonna wake up tomorrow and get some tickets and see how we get on but yeah that's my plan this weekend you guys I actually don't have anything else planned. I'm really taking it in my stride at the moment, but I just feel like I've been so busy. Like, I just feel busy, busy, booked and busy, baby. Booked and busy, is that the saying? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:04:16 But yeah, like yesterday I went to Bristol to go get my second scan with Diamond Whites. And honestly, the woman that she, it's the same woman that did my scan last time I feel like we were supposed to meet like I cannot tell you just she's incredible like we just have the like a belly laugh like I'm catching up with an old friend like it's so funny because I'm normally quite shy especially in those situations like appointments and stuff like that like I'm actually quite a shy person if any of you have ever met me like in the flesh I feel like you might agree that I'm quite shy and at least at first anyway but with her like we're like oh my god I went to see a medium they told me I was gonna have twins and she's like shut up
Starting point is 00:05:01 I love that shit and I'm like yeah yeah yeah and she's like full moon tonight I feel so tired today I was like tell me about it and then she's like no you make me die you make me die I was like oh I love you she's like can't wait like when you guys gonna get married I'm coming to the wedding I'm like yeah like I'm coming to your wedding honestly I just I had the best time really made my day anyway what else yeah and next week I've and I've also just had like you know I'm one of those people okay so I have a smear test booked in as I said I've also found out that you can't do it on your period right and I'm due on around the 15th as I've said and my smears on the 14th so fingers crossed
Starting point is 00:05:37 there's no bleeding because I didn't even think like can you do that on your period even though like I'm really really light like i literally bet i try to gaslight myself into thinking that i'm not on my period so like you know like after day three you just you gaslight your period like you're done and you stop wearing tampons and pads and stuff and you're like you're done and then you've just ruined knickers for the next three days but mine's like that the whole way through like obviously i wear tampons i'm not saying i don't wear tampons all the way through but like it's that level of light well I could probably pretend that I'm not on my period you know what I'm saying but yeah it turns out you can't apparently I
Starting point is 00:06:13 haven't actually looked into it but just word of mouth you can't so yeah but the point in that is when I even have like one thing like I've got an appointment for a smear right I've got one thing coming up it means I'm unavailable for the entire day like I cannot be double booked on the same day if I've got a meeting not available I'm afraid like I remember when I would be working in bars and I'd be living in London going to auditions I could have an audition at 11am and my shift doesn't start till four can't come in can't come in sorry busy like I can't my brain I cannot function I'm unavailable if I've got one thing it could be a 10 minute appointment 10 minute dentist checkup I'm unavailable can't work that day got big appointment big day just weird maybe that's just because I get
Starting point is 00:06:58 overwhelmed so easily seriously but anyway um who's seen the Barbie film I haven't actually seen it I've heard mixed reviews like I've heard a lot of people say like it's more of a teenager vibe you know but then a lot of people said that it made them really cry so let me know if you guys have seen it and what you think about it I might do a TikTok live soon and we can have a little chat about it I feel like I need to see it just because I don't want to feel left out you know I feel like it would also be great research because it sounds like it's a lot to do with um just what it feels what it involves being a woman do you know what I mean and the things that we face and I feel like it could be great market research for the pod you know it might spark some weekly debate ideas some Friday episode ideas you know what I'm saying so yeah I
Starting point is 00:07:44 hope you guys have had an amazing week it's the weekend let's all take a deep breath and relax unless you work weekends love you babe it was me I know the feeling and let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to Leah on the line head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates enjoy the episode love you okay everybody i just realized i haven't even told you what this episode is gonna be this is i don't know what i'm gonna call it yet but we're gonna be talking red flags and it's not
Starting point is 00:08:23 a would you rather red flags edition it is let's just discuss red flags from all angles so I popped up some Instagram stories okay and I'm coming at you with some questions today so if you miss them just answer mentally in your head you know see if you can relate agree whatever so the first story I put up is what are red flags that you ignored previously and what were the consequences so I wasn't sure how to word this but basically what I'm trying to say is you know what is say in a previous situation relationship friendship whatever you spotted a red flag and you were like oh bit of a red flag ignored it and what were the results of that you know where you look back and you go this was so fucking obvious do you know what i mean i saw it coming i ignored it it's just one more fucking red flag for the road do you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:09:14 so i wanted to hear some okay let's have a little read through um a lot of people said about this is the weirdest thing i've ever read and i did not know it's a thing and it's actually fucking disgusting um trigger warning talking about food and eating but so many people have said that their exes would hide food so they wouldn't eat too much like the fact that it wasn't just one person saying this, this is a common thing, is outrageous to me. Like I cannot even imagine the impact that had on you. So honestly, that broke my heart and it makes me mad. Like that actually makes me so mad. Like what actually goes through someone's head to hide food? Seriously, your boyfriend and girlfriend should be, have you eaten today, babe? Make sure you eat, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:13 Do you want some snacks? Should we, should we order a Casper's, get a dessert? Not sponsored, you know? We, I'm sorry. That is a form of love to me you feed each other okay fuck all of them seriously okay what else have we got a lot of love bombing I mean come on we know how the love bomb ends don't we I mean we know now everyone learns that the hard way yeah lots of them lots of the love bomb love bombing ended up being so moody and rude to me all the time after a couple of months, oh, honestly, so who is this, where did this person come from, um, my ex is crazy, then I realized he's a waste of time and called me crazy too, a classic, a classic, um, would always find a way to turn the convo sexual jesus christ think about something else there's more to me all right um he had online friends and assured me no flirting ever i saw on facebook that wasn't true they'd flirted previously i forgave his line because it was
Starting point is 00:11:22 before we were together after a breakup he admits he's been flirting with them throughout. Oh, you know what? It's one of them situations where your gut just tells you something ain't right. And obviously you believe them because you want to. You know what I mean? We just do, don't we? It's always the way. Behavior which I was told was caring slash protective looking back now it was so controlling yeah this is the thing it's it's very easy to be like oh my god like they love me so much do you know what I mean like this person does not want me out of their sight they love me so much you look back and you're like oh they ruined my life um Having contact with his ex despite saying how much he hated her. Honestly, if you hate your ex, like, especially if it's been a while, like, I genuinely think that's such a red flag.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Like, I hate her. Like, seriously. Honestly, relatable to a lot of us, I think. Oh, wait. The consequence was that he was seeing her behind my back for three years. Honestly. oh wait the consequence was that he was seeing her behind my back for three years honestly um putting his friends first that's a tricky one isn't it um avoiding to talk about the future together after several years together ended up wasting away five years with someone who didn't want the same things as me. Yeah, like five years. How come we're still not talking about the future, you know?
Starting point is 00:12:50 They needed to be liked by everyone. He ended up having an affair at work. Oh, okay. Being told what I love about us is that there's no pressure just for him to mess me about. Seriously, that is a polite way of saying like I love that I get to have you and still do whatever the fuck I want in a um didn't drive pure lack of ambition and motivation life hey me no fucking driving lessons in my life it's true though like couldn't date someone who doesn't drive either babe so
Starting point is 00:13:30 what are you what are you 14 do you have do you drive a moped such a hypocrite um my ex was very clingy and whenever i went out with any of my friends even girls he would get so angry and even threatened to end things i thought it was normal honestly they're threatening to end things when you like leave their site end it then don't i mean his ex gave me all of his passwords and said i could trust him he cheated oh my god the have all my passwords have all my passwords it's like i don't need all your passwords what what are you trying to prove here like honestly have you can have my instagram login you can have you can have this you can have that you can have my phone like i don't i just want to believe you okay his girl bestie who was like a sister ended up sleeping with her 24 hours after we split. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Oh, I'm not looking for a relationship. Pretty sure he thought it was okay. It was then okay to see other girls the whole time. Yeah, that's the thing. Because they quite literally said it, they give themselves like, you know, you haven't got a leg to stand on. I told you.
Starting point is 00:14:45 But it's not the case. Like, don't treat me like I'm the, you have got a leg to stand on. I told you. But it's not the case. Like, don't treat me like I'm the person you want to marry. And then say things like, I'm just not looking for a relationship. You know? Girls at work ended up cheating with them. Slagging off certain girls deep down they actually fancy them. Amen. Facts.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Honestly. Slagging off certain girls deep down they actually fancy them. Amen. Facts. Honestly, if somebody's slagging someone off, like clean off, like got so much to say about them. Bit passionate. Bit passionate about this person, babe. Fuck boyfriends. They're a reason they're friends. Guys who get angry drunk. This is a good one and very true obviously now looking back but deaf folks shouldn't have ignored if you are dating someone and you're getting drunk and within the first few times you see a whole nother side to them and that side is anger run for your
Starting point is 00:15:39 life because it is underlying feelings and alcohol just brings them out like if you don't if you're not deep down angry about something or have some sort of negative feeling deep down that you're pressing down you're not going to get angry when you're drunk you know you're just not what what you're angry about where's it coming from if there is something that you're suppressing it's going to come out when you're drunk sometimes you know um gaslighting but i didn't know what it was at the time so i guess i just went along with it see this is the thing like a lot of these things we just have to learn the hard way um cancelling every weekend plans we made to hang out with his friends instead we only saw each other once and then he'd see them and every other day the consequence was me thinking i wasn't important but don't worry i know my worth now
Starting point is 00:16:30 slay love you for that yeah when they're like obsessed with their mates like i love that you have friends please hang out with them it's it's great for everyone but when they're like obsessed with them it's a bit like oh my god why don my God, why don't you just shag them? What's the need for me? You know? His mum made his bed, packed his bags, ironed his clothes, checked on us in the night. Jeez. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Checking on you in the night. Imagine that. You're fast asleep and all you hear is like, knock, knock, knock. You guys okay? Everything okay? Just pokes her head in the night. Imagine that. Just fast asleep and all he hears is like, knock, knock, knock. You guys okay? Everything okay? Just pokes her head in the door. Get out! My tits are out! That's crazy. He gave me unasked, wait, he gave me unasked for lists of things I couldn't eat and drink in case I gain weight. Honestly, fuck off. That's all I have to say to that prick. Love bombing and then being stuck with an emotionally abusive narcissist for three years.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Seriously, I'm so happy that you got out. I love you. all the signs of narcissism lol lying gaslighting attention seeking anger management consequence found out he was messaging girls the entire time so i ended things good for you babe um lying to make himself look better so many female friends run besties okay so many female friends why are you getting on so well with girls oh he explained how him and his ex ended and he did the same thing to me yeah this is the thing sometimes there's just a pattern you know okay and then my next story was what is your number one red flag that you will never ignore right blatant toxic masculinity sexist mindset 100 i'm with you on
Starting point is 00:18:36 that honestly if you even come out with anything that is just sexist you fucking like anti-feminism you remember that guy on love island who was with camilla we love camilla what was his name he had that voice and um she is just the most intelligent incredible woman and feminist as she should be i've ever come across in my life and he was just a bit just just not quite on her level um cognitively and they were talking about like getting the bill and he was like no no i couldn't like there's no way like i'd actually feel a bit emasculated whatever the word is demasculated one of them and she was like what so like she was so taken aback by it and yeah it was all downhill from there and i thought i mean listen slay that you want to treat the woman yeah but to say like no way like i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:19:47 feel like a man it's like okay relax calm yourself down right pathetic um okay a man whose whole personality is the gym how boring yeah no i'm not being funny love it the gym how boring yeah no i'm not being funny love it like get to that gym it's good for your mental health i love that that's your thing good for you but if it's your whole personality i mean to be fair like that is someone's ideal man like if you love the gym you live and breathe the gym and working out and taking care of your body and gains like perfect pair perfect pair but for me and clearly not for you either it's just like fucking hell anything else you you're interested in you know um someone that is insecure and has find my iphone on 24 7 um moving on that's me but i've already explained this why i have found my iphone
Starting point is 00:20:52 on me and my whole family have it it's just ideal it's convenience like is there really shouldn't be anywhere that i'm not allowed to know that you're there does that make sense like surely there shouldn't be secrets of where you are but then it's not like I need to know where you are at all times because I'm not checking it you know it's more just like oh I wonder if he's on his way home from work yet and then I don't have to like text and be like you're on your way home I can just see it you know look at me trying to justify it it works for us all right milk drinkers amen yeah agree um not being able to drive yeah same agree being defensive in a disagreement yeah come on let let your guard down. Too stubborn? No. When he follows thousands of girls on social media.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, honestly, not for me. Calling all the wrecks as a psycho. Definitely. Bad relationship with their family or speaks disrespectfully to their mum. Honestly, seriously. Being disrespectful with other girls. i think as well like if you talk shit about other girls that you've been with that says more about you than it does them
Starting point is 00:22:14 do you know what i mean like if a guy was like oh you know like oh hopefully he's not just coming out of it but like say you were on the topic of ex-partners or whatever and you were asking questions and if they're like yeah she was a lovely girl like yeah and then you ask why it Like say you were on the topic of ex-partners or whatever and you were asking questions. And if they're like, yeah, she was a lovely girl. Like, yeah. And then you ask why it ended and it's a valid reason. Or even if it was like, oh, you know, I did fuck up and I did cheat on her or whatever. Like, oh, I made a mistake. Or like, oh, I probably wasn't the best version of myself or I didn't prioritize.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Take accountability. It's not a major green flag because you do have your walls up thinking okay i'm gonna take that with a pinch of salt and you know what might that say about you but honesty is so much nicer than someone going because she's a fucking psycho mate she was a bitch i hate her i hate her i hate her got blocked on everything i hate her so whoa a bit passionate you know um rudeness yeah like agree come on just be polite just be a nice kind person that's really not a lot to ask um long replies so do you mean like slow replies or long messages i'm assuming you mean slow replies um being distant and doesn't care for some reason it's attractive to me
Starting point is 00:23:36 oh my god it's like oh my god he just doesn't want me like i just fucking love that shit he just doesn't give a shit about me i just love it um if his bedroom is filthy yeah gross um talking badly about someone they've been with or slept with especially about looks 100 so so true um high insta following versus followers yeah if they're following like 1247 people like you don't know that many people not that i know everyone i follow but but... Girl best friend. Yeah. Well, we know how I feel.
Starting point is 00:24:30 When a man is heavily insecure, he will bring you down to make himself feel better. Oh, ouch. Rude to his parents or siblings. Yeah. Speaks badly about the Barbie movie. Indication of a a much much bigger problem i need to see this movie guys um i know this is bad but i feel like no social media is a big red flag what are you hiding do you know what i kind of agree i can kind of see where you're
Starting point is 00:24:59 coming from i definitely definitely do believe that there are definitely situations god take a shot every time I say definitely there are situations where it's not a red flag and they're just maybe it's better for their mental health and they prioritize it if they found it to be quite a toxic space for them if it had a negative impact on them but if they're one of the people that's just like nah just don't have it just don't use it just don't use it red flag I agree sometimes okay let's move on to the next question I said let's be self-aware what are your red flags I want to know what traits you guys have that you can hold your hands up and say bit of a red flag from me i'll admit it okay let's kick it off with this one i literally want to live in the person's skin if i'm seeing them i mean i love it to be honest um i'm jealous as fuck yeah we have a lot of people saying I'm very very jealous I get very jealous
Starting point is 00:26:06 over girlfriends even though a lot of my friends are guys you know what I'm gonna say my red flags are um I can be a hypocrite so like that kind of reminded me of it you know like I'll be like seriously I do not get out like for girl or but then, like, I know for a fact that I consider guys, especially when I've done shows with them or whatever, like, if I've seen them now, oh my god, I'd be like, oh my god, babe, like, it's so nice to see you, like, how are you, give them a big hug, and I'd be like, oh, I love you, if my boyfriend, if my boyfriend went up to a girl and was like babe so nice to see you i'm like whoa steady on hold your horses the fuck is she
Starting point is 00:26:57 but i know from my own perspective that it ain't like that but it just feels shit on the other side doesn't it it's not nice so yeah that's my red flag holding myself accountable here okay checking his location more than i should that's a that's a uh downward spiral sometimes because you can just get addicted can't you i feel like that can just be sometimes a reflection of how you're feeling in the relationship though do you know what I mean like it doesn't always mean that like you're the red flag sometimes it just means that you might have your doubts or they're not making you feel secure enough maybe they might have hurt your trust in the past or somebody else might have
Starting point is 00:27:39 you know um yeah someone says I should probably say sorry more often you know what jess if you're listening to this you're not alone we we laugh a lot because we both struggle to say sorry in our relationships i am not as bad as her i don't think oh my microphone just just has a little bit of a seizure sorry about that so yeah i wouldn't say i'm as bad as her but yeah we we both laugh about it like we will have even like the slightest little bicker and they will come they'll come waddling over sorry for earlier and we know we should just go me too me too but we just go thank you thank you me too me too but we just go thank you thank you
Starting point is 00:28:34 but yeah i'm i would say i'm very good at acknowledging when i'm in the wrong like i genuinely would say that with my chest that i can say i that was outline or I can see your perspective or you know whatever you're wrong but I can see it do you know what I mean okay what else have we got um I have no trust and tend to make bad things up in my head we can all do it babe I still speak to my ex way too much um I get overly upset over minor things and react inappropriately I mean I feel like I don't know if I would consider that a red flag because I don't think that means you're out to hurt anyone or you've you've got any bad intentions you know um I'm super argumentative and sometimes do things for a reaction. I'm working on it. Listen, you're working on it.
Starting point is 00:29:30 That's all I can ask. I'm an insane people pleaser. Commitment issues. Someone says I'm never the issue. Slay. I'm delusional, lol. Yeah, but do you know what? Sometimes delusional is for your own good okay
Starting point is 00:29:47 um stubbornness right i am gonna sound like i'm being stubborn here but i don't think i'm stubborn i really don't think i'm stubborn i really genuinely don't. Like, I can just, you know, let's sort this out. I can do that. Do you want to know the most stubborn person you've ever met in your life? Jamie Russo. So fucking stubborn is a joke. And I'm a Leo and we're meant to be stubborn. And I'm not. Okay. I'm really not. Because do you know what it is is i don't care enough to drag things on long enough i just want to be living life happy honey you know i'm here to enjoy myself right gc style jamie is so stubborn but he he doesn't work with me because i would just literally wind him up and i'll be like you're literally being so stubborn like get over it
Starting point is 00:30:45 um oh we've got a good one here I've cheated before yeah I mean I would consider it a red flag but doesn't mean that you're gonna cheat again um I can be very emotional I act on emotion I think I act on emotion but not as much as I used to for sure, I used to be very like that, like I would not take a minute to process what I was feeling, I would just react to that feeling but now I think I'm much better as I've gotten older to just be like how do I want to react to this, how do I want this situation to, what's the word, unfold? And how are my actions going to impact that, you know? Someone says, insecure with hot hands.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I find it hard to express how I feel sometimes. I'm working on it. Stalking social medias, getting territorial, picking up too many faults in people and my replies. Well, this, this babe has a whole list. I love you. Um, I can be irrational sometimes. I need reassurance all the time. I can get jealous easily. I've never had a long-term boyfriend. I'm a Leo is being a leo a red flag it's definitely a personality trait at this point like i feel like us leos we make it known any little personality trait we're like it's just the leo in me any little thing oh my, I'm such a Leo. I want my boyfriend to find everyone ugly in the world except me. I mean, as he should, you know. Need constant attention and reassurance. I think
Starting point is 00:32:33 the world revolves around me and I'm lazy. I love these. They're so funny. Okay, let's do the next one what do you consider red flags in friendships okay um when they don't celebrate your successes that has to be the number one you know it has to be like I can't remember who I saw say this I think it was Nella I love Nella she did a YouTube video and they were talking about it and they were like, you can share like Molly Mae's giveaway, but you can't share my lash business. I was like, that is so fucking true. Like there are friends like that, you know, like when I released this podcast, like my real friends sharing it to their stories, Bestie has a podcast, go and listen. friends sharing it to their stories bestie has a podcast go and listen see the ones that didn't post didn't share the pod yeah um not being able to apologize when they're in the wrong
Starting point is 00:33:35 yeah it definitely makes it difficult only hanging out or talking when they sorry when you make the plans and getting zero in return. Yeah, that is shit. Convo is only ever gossip about other people. No, no, no, no, no, no. Run. Feeling suffocated. If they feel we have to message every day for it to be a real friendship. No, I couldn't do the everyday messaging.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Honestly, I couldn't. What else do we have? People who are only there for you when they have no one else. Big one. Big one. Someone who has a lot of friends but no best friends. Okay. I find this interesting because I kind of see your side but then I do kind of think it is hard to have a best friend. You know everyone's their bestie yet they talk about them to you behind their back they're defo doing it to you I agree like if my friends were slagging off like their best friends I'd be like I'd hate to think what you tell them about me you know especially like if they tell you their friends secrets I've experienced that and then you sort of low-key learn okay I enjoy your company
Starting point is 00:34:46 we have fun we have loads in common but I'm probably not going to tell you my secrets from here on out you know jealousy you know um the ones that bitch about every other friend yeah lots of that I definitely agree um if they if they take advantage of your kindness yeah if they make fun of you in front of other people yeah what the fuck is that no way um doesn't show up to your birthday party and makes excuses yeah if they just don't show up for you I actually understand because when it comes to like social anxiety and stuff i totally get it but when you sort of know that these are just kind of excuses at this point you know like it's just because you don't give a fuck then yeah i get that one when they're only there for you when it benefits them yeah some of those um what is it? You know when it's like you're filling their cup
Starting point is 00:35:45 and they're not filling yours kind of friendships. Getting jealous over other friends. Yeah, that's weird. Like if that was happening at this age, at our big age, guys, your friends are getting jealous. I'd be like, what is going on here? You know, doesn't reach out first. They're not there for you.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah, they're basically, oh, don't pay you back. That's a difficult one. When you lend friends money and having to ask for it back. That's a shit one, you know, because you never want to have to ask. You just don't. Anyway, guys, great day discussing the red flags. Thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you so much for sending them in. Thank you for opening up and being honest about your own red flags. I feel like it's very beneficial. It's been like a little therapy session. Let's get some things off our chest today. Everyone have a little think right now. If you didn't send one in, try and name your number one red flag that you need to work on on yourself. I've admitted mine. A lot of you have admitted yours. Your turn. Over to you. Say it out
Starting point is 00:36:59 loud. Good job. That's a great red flag. Well done. All right. Let's wrap up the episode. good job that's a great red flag well done all right let's wrap up the episode okay everybody if you got to the end of this episode I love you thank you I appreciate you more than you'll ever know actually go and drop a little cloud emoji on the latest reel on Lear on the Line if you got this far. So I know you're the real ones. Love you. All right. I hope you all have an amazing weekend, whatever it is that you're getting up to. Don't drink too much. Be responsible. Look after each other. Look out for your friends. If you're getting drunk, don't text your ex. Text me instead. And I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right I love you bye

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