Leah on the Line - Bonus 52: 5 year plans, what you'd say to your younger self & weird food combos!

Episode Date: August 18, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic? Not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's Virtual Care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side. it's getting closer to midnight i try to get closer to you hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leah on the line happy friday happy friday everybody how are you who said the intro with me this week? I had quite a few of you message me like, you called me out last episode and you said, who says the intro with me? I love that. I love that
Starting point is 00:01:31 we all say the intro together, you know, besties for life. Anyway, I'm on my period. Yeah. I mean, grateful to see another period. So grateful. But boy, oh boy, was she painful yesterday. So but boy oh boy was she painful yesterday so I woke up in the morning and I was like oh that's weird because like there was a little bit of blood last night sorry Tia might but we're all best friends here do you know what I mean there's a little bit of blood last night so I really thought it was going to be this morning I was going to wake up like here she is anyway none I was like okay interesting and then all of a sudden this agonizing pain came from nowhere and i was in labor pain i was literally like like that bad the pain and it lasted five minutes normally it lasts at least 45 to an hour that's like the standard right five minutes I was like that's weird it's really weird
Starting point is 00:02:25 anyway still no blood then for the next few hours of the day still no blood I was like that's really weird because normally the pain that I get that I talk about all the time comes with the blood they come together they they come as a package right so that was really weird I was thinking okay that was strange and it was exactly the pain it wasn wasn't anything different. It was the pain. It's different to anything else. It was the period pain that I get. So I was really confused. And then all of a sudden I was sat on the sofa and I was like, oh my God, I don't feel right. I was saying to everyone, I don't feel right. I don't feel right. And I was like, I'm going to fucking pass out really weird. Like I just feel like I'm going to pass out. Went outside. It was so muggy outside. So it didn't even even help and then i'm laying on the outside bench in my garden jamie's holding my feet up so that i don't pass out trying to get the blood circulation all
Starting point is 00:03:15 good again and then my ears started ringing you know that feeling before you faint i get it when i get filler but yeah really weird it just came out of nowhere i didn't feel any pain in my stomach not even one out of ten pain i was like this is so weird and I was really panicking like scared I was like what the hell is happening to me and I got pins and needles in my fingers and my toes I was like god I'm gonna faint like I'm just gonna faint and then I was all right I didn't faint and then I thought let me just go and sit on the toilet is anyone else like this right when you get period pain I just want to be sat on a cold toilet seat. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I just want to be sat on the toilet. I have no idea. Anyway. And then the pain started. It started. And then I went into my mom's office, just laid in there. And she was like making me do breathing exercises. Like I was literally having a baby.
Starting point is 00:04:03 She was like, God, it's really weird. Like it's literally like you're in labor. was like oh there's another one there's another one and then it would go back down to like a two out of ten I'm like oh and then I'm like oh it's coming back oh and then I was shivering like it was really weird again only lasted five minutes and touch wood the pain hasn't come back since and today we've got bleeding oh my dog's barking I think my new set of aligners have arrived anyway and then yeah the pain literally disappeared yesterday after that that was about lunchtime and then didn't have any blood and then this morning went for my morning wee as as we all do and there she was
Starting point is 00:04:46 I was like ah fantastic but it's very light it always is very light my periods always so light which is so weird because I've got like every symptom of endometriosis apart from heavy periods which is so weird right anyway and then um yeah now I've just got like my normal period pains taking paracetamol and I don't know if it's helped because I'm still in pain but then I just think well maybe it would have been worse if I didn't take paracetamol but anyway that is the reason for the well still going up today still going up on a Friday but it's just not gone up at midnight it's gone up in the morning instead sorry about that guys so yeah that is the reason I've just I did warn you and I quite like that we have this
Starting point is 00:05:24 agreement you know if there's a late episode or a missed episode that's how you know it's bad that is the reason I've just, I did warn you and I quite like that we have this agreement, you know, if there's a late episode or a missed episode, that's how you know it's bad. But if there's a late episode around the 15th of the month, every month, you know why, you know, you know what's going on. She's been attacked by mother nature. But anyway, hope you guys are all feeling good. If anyone else is on their period I feel you babe we're in pain together I sometimes I just want to lay on the sofa and watch a typical chick flick like a Jennifer Aniston a JLo chick flick with a cup of tea a blanket a hot water bottle and just feel calm and safe and that sometimes there's just no better feeling than that
Starting point is 00:06:05 but other times I'm like I just want to go out I want to go get my nails done I want to be productive I want to walk around the range I want to walk around B&M and my body's like no honey and like yesterday I just couldn't do anything so I was like cleaning the house I was like cleaning my mum's mirror I was just like cleaning the windows I wanted to do something but I knew I'm not in a well enough state because I could leave the house and this pain could come back out of nowhere because it just comes out of nowhere and I will be collapsed looking like I'm giving birth in the middle of B&M so yeah anyway I do need to get my nails done today I've ripped all my acrylics off if you know you know right and they're very sensitive like I just had a bath and putting them in hot water I was like ow ouch so yeah I really need to go and get them done but my nails are so fucked guys from acrylics like they're actually
Starting point is 00:06:55 atrocious and my mum's like why don't you take a break and let them breathe for a bit and get your nails nice and healthy I'm like because look at them like they're so unhealthy that i need to put acrylics on them which is going to make them more unhealthy but oh i just love my acrylics i just feel put together i wish i could be a biab girl but i genuinely have the hands of a nine-year-old boy so yeah acrylics almond shape acrylics all the way for me i don't know what to get i kind of want a red like a ferrari red i don't know if I would just want a plain red or if I want the red tips. I'm probably just going to decide when I get that. But anyway. All right, guys. So it's a Friday. We're just going to have a lovely little chat today. Talk about a few different things. Have a nice little genuine bestie catch up. So
Starting point is 00:07:38 yeah, I hope you're all feeling really good, whatever it is that you're up to. Thank you for having me in your company. Thank you for being in in mine let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates enjoy the episode love you okay so i did just put a little question box on my story just for anything you might want to add to this episode anything you want to ask anything you want to talk about anything you want to share um and it's really sweet because the very first one i got is how's jamie doing which i thought was so sweet he's much better now he recovered quite well to be honest like we were quite worried
Starting point is 00:08:20 at first because he was in so much pain for like a few days and then like he very quickly got better so yeah he's all good back to work and he's feeling good he's feeling relieved I think he's one of the people that he just couldn't cope with like being out of work and like not being able to do anything so like this operation was just a massive inconvenience to him but yeah he's feeling really good I think having that time off has left him feeling quite motivated to be honest you know that feeling like when you have time off from something or like something gets taken away from you and then you're like oh god I just want to fucking do something you know that feeling so yeah he's recovered very well thank you for checking in on him it's very nice someone says how are you which is so sweet thank you um I'm good I've just been really anxious I don't know why it's
Starting point is 00:09:07 really weird anyone else can relate but yeah I just feel like this constant underwhelming anxiety where I'm like you know in the middle of the day where you go like like that and it's just really overwhelming me so yeah apart from that I'm good like there's some really good things happening around me at the moment like my relationships all around me with my friends family partner like everything is just like in a really good place right now it's just this weird underlying like oh feeling and it's really unsettling and I don't know what it is which and then in turn like my health anxiety is like really just fucking triggered and I'm fixating on one thing after another again but I'm quite good at not allowing it to take over my brain anymore it's just that rather than it consuming
Starting point is 00:09:49 me it leaves me with this constant unsettled feeling which I can stay in control of which I'm very grateful for but it's just still there and I don't like it but yeah hopefully it'll pass it's my birthday on Tuesday this Tuesday coming so I'm hoping I can feel a little bit better by then I'm going out with Jess her boyfriend and my boyfriend this weekend for some drinks so hopefully I'll be in a good headspace for that because don't you hate it when you've got like something coming up and you know you should enjoy it but something is just stopping you something is just like telling you you've got this like impending doom and you've got something to worry about and you're just scanning your brain like trying to figure out what it is so yeah I think also like like I said
Starting point is 00:10:29 last week having my smear like really threw me off health-wise because it was just such a fucking big deal in my head and it didn't need to be and I'm like now I'm just anxiously waiting for results and I just keep seeing smear things on TikTok and I just I understand that like even if you do have abnormal cells like it doesn't mean the worst thing is going to happen to you it just means you need to get your smears checked every year smears checked your smear tests every year just to keep an eye on things but it's just like oh god I can't do like I just I'm praying everything is okay and yeah it's just I think I'm hoping that. I just, I'm praying everything is okay. And yeah, it's just, I think I'm hoping I'll feel relieved once I've got my results, but it's also that feeling of like,
Starting point is 00:11:12 you know, when you, you, you depend on something to make you feel better and then it happens and you're like, why do I still feel stressed about something else now? And then you realize, okay, I need to dig deeper here. What the hell is going on with me but yeah apart from that I hope you're good as well um somebody said any tips for caring too much about what people think of me I want everyone to like me so I've spoken about this quite a few times and I can definitely relate to that I am definitely better these days because I used to be so fixated on what people thought of me and if somebody was wrong about me especially I had to prove them wrong or not even prove them wrong I had to convince them like if somebody said to me like oh sorry I got hiccups if somebody said to
Starting point is 00:11:57 me oh oh my god one sec geez okay somebody said to me, spit it out, that I am really judgmental, right? I would be like, no, I'm not. I'm really not. Like, I'm genuinely not. And like, what can I do to convince you that I'm not? Because I need you to see that I am a genuine person with genuine intentions and genuinely love people. I just said love with love I genuinely love people like and I need you to know how how I feel inside and how much I love people like I need and then I got to a point where I was like but why do I need that like what issue do I have deep down that it matters so much like why can't someone just be wrong so I think maybe just remind yourself with that like some people are just going to be wrong about you.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Like we've all been wrong about other people before, you know, like I'm sure there's all people we've met where we've had a first impression of them and then we've learned that it's wrong. And you're like, oh, I thought this about this person initially, but then I realized blah, blah, blah. I was too, you know, I was too quick to have an opinion or I was wrong or I read a situation differently. And then you're like, oh, okay. So it's like, people are going to be wrong about you all the time. And you don't
Starting point is 00:13:09 really need to show them how good you are and how great your intentions are, because you know that and that's okay. And if this person has an opinion on you, doesn't make it facts. And I think that is one thing that I've worked really hard to understand especially going into social media it's like everyone is going to have an opinion on you and not everyone is going to like you and I don't I spent so long needing everyone to like me and feel good about me and I now I just focus on as long as my presence on social media is positive and it isn't fueled with negative opinions that I'm like dishing out and I'm getting involved in shit and I'm you know as long as I can sit there and say that I put out things that I'm proud of and I present myself in a way that is real and genuine and you know
Starting point is 00:14:01 if people perceive it differently that's okay people don't have to like you people can have people can find you annoying like this is the thing I find people annoying there's people on TikTok that are very successful and I find them irritating and that's okay like people will find me very annoying and not everyone is gonna get on with everyone so I think um caring too much what people think of you I think it's one of those situations where we just have to say people are going to be wrong. And even if they're right, it doesn't mean they're going to like you. Doesn't mean people are going to get on with you. It doesn't mean you're going to be everyone's cup of tea.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Just think about the fact that there's people that you've come across that aren't your cup of tea either. Doesn't make them a bad person. Doesn't make them doesn't make your opinion on them right it just means that you you aren't you know compatible with friends or whatever it is so and that's okay do you know what I'm saying everyone is so different when we don't get along with every single person we meet in our lives and as long as you can look at yourself and say do you know what I'm a good person I'm proud of myself I treat treat people well. I have a kind heart. My intentions are pure. You know, that's okay. So yeah, I love you. All right. Then I put up a question that said, do you have a five-year plan slash where you'd like to be in five years? Because I find this really interesting. I get asked this question a lot. Like, what's your five-year plan? Where do
Starting point is 00:15:20 you see yourself in five years? How do you picture your life in five years time and I've always really struggled with that question because I've always been like it's weird because everywhere I've ended up in life has been unexpected and unpredicted I could not predict a podcast you know I couldn't I couldn't it wasn't like this goal I had since I was 16 it wasn't even a thing until like not even that long ago and I fell in love with podcasting waited so long to find someone to do it with couldn't find anyone to do it with so I thought fuck it I'm gonna do it on my own because I love podcasts I love listening to it I love the thought of having a genuine connection with listeners and building like a real safe space a place where people can come to every week and relax and enjoy just like half an hour an hour of their day and not think about anything else and I love the thought of it and
Starting point is 00:16:13 I'm just gonna do it and I couldn't predict that and it's like the best thing ever like I'm so happy that my life made this sort of change direction and I'm so happy with that but if you'd asked me five years ago I would have said I want to be on the west end I want to be living in London blah blah I would never have said I want to be living at home spending time with my family having a podcast doing social media full time I would have I would have been like that I wouldn't have even imagined it would be possible I would have fucking loved it if you told me if you told me that's going to be the way my life panned out I would have fucking kissed you on the forehead and I would have said, thank you,
Starting point is 00:16:46 thank you, thank you, thank you. But I wouldn't have planned it because I didn't even know it would have been a possibility five years ago. So that's why I really struggle with it because I'm like, but you never know where things are going to go. And I think you can have goals. I definitely believe we should have goals, but to have a plan is different I think to have something where you're like this is what I'm going to do this is how I'm going to get there it can be helpful with your goals but don't be so dependent on it that's my personal opinion like right this is my plan I'm going to do this I'm going to do that sometimes it will help if it's like financially right this is my plan I'm going to save this amount of money every month and then by this time I should have enough to have a deposit blah blah blah that is a good way to
Starting point is 00:17:28 have a plan that's where plans are a good idea but to say like right in five years time I am going to be on the west end blah blah like it's like well you never know do you know what I mean so yeah let's have a look what you guys have said someone says mortgage engaged engaged puppy and pregnant moved in and engaged to my boyfriend and finished university um i'll be 27 so ideally in a solid relationship ready for children but most importantly happy oh my fucking hell in five years time i'll be 31 mate 31 and then someone goes how old is how old do you reckon she is and they'll go early 30s joking 31 holy shit that's not long guys i'm 26 on tuesday oh my god i think i need a minute that's crazy where's the light where's my life gone oh god
Starting point is 00:18:26 okay moving on um I want to be earning 100k plus be engaged to my boyfriend and be looking to buy a house wow babe I don't because the things don't happen how I've planned them I don't want to be disappointed yeah I understand but at the same time, you know, don't just not set yourself aspirational goals because you're like, well, I don't want to set them in case they don't happen because that is a mentality where these things won't happen. If you write them down, if you have your vision boards, blah, blah, blah, you will speak them into existence just that little bit better, you know. But I do agree. Sometimes a plan is just, you can can be disappointed um yes I have my whole future planned out because if I don't I get horrible anxiety about it um married one kid and pregnant
Starting point is 00:19:12 with second I would love to still be in my current job amazing I love that you love your job so much it's such a good way to feel live in the moment baby but yeah married please love that I'd like to be a little more financially free and independent I feel like that's a great way to see yourself in five years and it's definitely not like too high of an expectation you know you know when people like I would like to um have paid off my 600k mortgage um I mean it's fucking possible let's be real let's be real um for a lot of people not for everyone um married financially comfortable a pet or two i want to expand within my business and i want to be thriving babe i don't know what i'm doing next week never mind five years i feel you um have a phd a home car and a dream job lecturing and many travels around
Starting point is 00:20:07 the world wow babe i love that my family to be financially comfortable love that not really i feel like what is meant to happen will happen but i do have goals in there too that is me that is me to a t save money for driving license and get better job hopefully married by them lots of us want some weddings within the next five years i'd like to have a house be married and one or two kids not sure if that would be with my current boyfriend oh jesus babe yes and no i like to set goals but finishing but like finishing school living with the boyfriend and having a good salary um kind of i have to be flexible and open to new unexpected paths you can't plan for. Absolutely, yeah. Not at all, just going with the flow.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Love that. What a free, fun way to feel and live. Absolutely not. No idea what I want to do in life. I feel you, babe. That's fine. I did, but then I went out the window. Now I'm turning 26. I feel like it changes literally every day. Have some idea, but I think you just have to go with the flow sometimes. Homeowner and trying for a baby with my partner. I envision myself with my husband and our two kids and a couple of promotions. Amazing. A couple of promotions. Okay. I love that. Okay. Where do I picture myself? I honestly just want to feel, I want to be able to look around and say, I'm so lucky because I feel like that now. And I just want to look around and say, life is good and I'm grateful and lucky. And to be honest, that alone is a big goal because it's
Starting point is 00:21:40 like, I don't care what is happening around me as long as I can say that because it means that it's all good you know or mostly good but hopefully all good and you know one of my biggest fears is not being able to have children one day so hopefully who knows what age that will be as long as you know I just put my face in the universe the timing is always right and yeah I just want to be happy and healthy I want my family to be happy and healthy and that's all I can really ask for to be honest I know everyone else is like what you can have like proper goals and stuff but to be honest because that is like the most important thing to me it is literally what I focus on so yeah that's where I see myself in five years time okay the next story I put up is what is a quote that you live by?
Starting point is 00:22:28 Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic, not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maples virtual care has got your back with 24 seven access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to- school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't
Starting point is 00:23:13 wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido, at your side. all semester long Fido at your side so we all know the quote that I live by is feel the fear and do it anyway ingrained into my brain by my mum so let's have a look at what you guys live by because I feel like I love a good motivational positive live by quote you know um you'll never miss out on what is truly meant for you 100 i truly truly believe that turn your dreams into plans and your can'ts into cans you know what chris jenner always says if if someone tells you no um it's not no you're asking the wrong person or something like that something along those lines
Starting point is 00:24:05 um treat people with kindness i have this tattooed on me absolutely so important you grow through what you go through absolutely everything happens for a reason everything happens for a reason what's meant for you won't pass you by the sun will rise again absolutely do you know what quote i really love okay i can't remember it specifically but I'll try and make it make sense. I saw it once and it was like at 3am. No, there was a 3am where you were crying in your bed, like hands, hands over your face, sobbing, crying, right? In the middle of the night, you can't sleep. And then there's another 3am where you're out, you're with your friends, you're laughing till your belly hurts you're having the best time and there is always another 3am waiting for you and I love that quote I think it's really it's really special very sweet okay um treat people
Starting point is 00:24:57 how they treat you I don't know about this one because like if somebody was just being a massive dick to me I wouldn't be a massive dick to them I would just like remove them from my life you know what I mean I just I truly believe that you should just be kind and polite and respectful to everyone and if somebody isn't that way to me I'm not gonna like mirror their actions because then I'm just gonna be someone I don't like, you know. Drunk words are sober thoughts. Oh, do we believe that? Maybe I should do that as a weekly debate because I kind of do think that's true. I haven't really deeped it enough. Maybe we should do that as a weekly debate. Great thought. Don't stress the could haves because if they should have, they would have. I love that I actually
Starting point is 00:25:45 really love that it is what it is a couple of you are saying that is what it is I guess that's a really good quote to live by because anything that gets thrown your way it's just it is what it is um lots of everything happens for a reason and what's meant for you won't pass you cliche but everything does happen for a reason if you don't understand it at the time yeah i always say like you should most of the time be able to look back and not even be able to understand why it happened but at least say that you took something from it do you know what i mean um you do you yeah every feeling is temporary yeah another one i love is my auntie taught me this worrying is the most useless emotion
Starting point is 00:26:25 and it is so true it's the only useless emotion like fear protects us you know like all the emotions have like some kind of purpose or reward or effect on our brain in a positive way or whatever it is right worrying nothing it does nothing for you. So if you're worried, right, let's say you're getting your GCSE results, your exam results, your dissertation results, yeah, and you're worried, oh my God, what if I failed? What if I failed? What if I failed? It's not going to change the outcome. And let's say you open your results, you've passed. You've spent the last however many months, weeks, stressing about something. it was a waste of time you took away the peace in your life the happiness contentment in your life for nothing or you open your results
Starting point is 00:27:11 and you did fail and everything you're worried about it did happen it didn't change it worrying about it didn't change it you know you've just spent the last however many weeks and months feeling shit about it and now it's in front of you and we're gonna feel shit about it again so it's like you just feel shit about it twice you know whereas the chances are won't happen and even if it does doesn't change it you just have to feel shit twice rather than just dealing with whatever is in front of you at the time you know um you can't come this far to no you haven't come this far to, no, you haven't come this far to only come this far. Feel the fit and do it anyway, thanks to you. Woo, I love that. Money will return, time won't.
Starting point is 00:27:56 This too shall pass, absolutely. Do what makes you happy. There's always a positive in every situation. Here we go. Worrying about tomorrow steals joy from today. There we go. Do it for the plot. Fucking love it. With a smile on your face and a song in your heart, everything will be okay.
Starting point is 00:28:15 My grandma. I love that. Do you know what? Nothing makes me more emotional when somebody gives you a hug and says everything's going to be all right. Like there is nothing that gives me that safety feeling than somebody just saying that to you everything's going to be okay you know what i mean even if it doesn't feel like it just somebody saying that to you is i don't know i can't explain how that makes you feel it's like my inner child you know um better than an better an oops than a what if oh okay yeah i mean for sure i definitely agree
Starting point is 00:28:47 to be honest although in some occasions maybe not it hurts to remove the ones that block your path the most so you don't see the other side i don't get that it hurts to remove the ones that block your path the most so i don't understand that for some reason. What is wrong with my brain? Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind always. 100%. Everything happens for a reason.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Lots of those. I love that. That was lovely, guys. We should do that again sometime. Love that. Thanks, everybody, for sending in your quotes. Okay, this is a different one. tips for someone struggling to make friends so i get a lot of dms about this if anyone doesn't know there is a pinned post on the atlier on the line instagram
Starting point is 00:29:35 page that says let's make friends lots of comments about where people are from what you're interested in leave your name whatever it is leave your own comment or just scan through the comments and reply send some people messages whatever it is it's just a little community over there so head over that's helpful to you let's have a look what people say um everyone wants friends but it's too shy to just so just think how you'd react if someone else approached you you'd welcome them and be so excited and they will too so true try bumble bff met my best friend on there i love that i have spoke about bumble bff before but i personally had a bit of a weird experience like i just felt like i was like dating like i don't know just felt a bit like deciding if i
Starting point is 00:30:16 wanted to be friends with someone based off the way they look which i understand the thought process because you tend to like have things in common whether it be like a sense of style or like this this scenario that they're in whether it be oh look they're out for cocktails I love going for cocktails or I don't know she's wearing a Jonas Brothers top I love Jonas Brothers I get I get that part of it's good but at the same time I was a bit like how can I decide if I'm gonna get along with somebody through pictures and I know you get like your little bio and stuff but most people on there when I was on there didn't like write much. Maybe I should give it another go. Who knows? Um, someone says you don't need friends.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I don't know. Friends, friends are definitely a massive part of life, I think. And it can be very, very helpful, um, and bring a lot of joy and happiness. And take away loneliness and stuff. But I get what you mean. You don't need them. So don't feel really, really shit if you don't have many. But yeah. Just be yourself. It might take time.
Starting point is 00:31:17 But you will find your people. I moved to a new town and used Bumble. Made two really good friends. Join a group like book club or some some sort of sport there will be girlies you'll like absolutely Bumble I've met up and made so many friends with people from the app okay join clubs make friends at work join a gym try Bumble BFF okay guys Bumble BFF seems to be very successful so maybe we should all get back on there I met some of my best friends on Bumble BFF when I met my housemates for the first time I just acted like I already knew them and it works oh my god like I haven't seen you in ages I know you
Starting point is 00:31:57 don't mean that I know you mean like just be yourself and be relaxed um cliche but just be yourself and do activities that you love make convos with people by replying to their stories slash posts where relevant yeah it's true like slide into people's dms and just be like you know if someone's at the jonas brothers concert be like oh my god i'm so jealous like did they sing this blah blah you know just like make convo with something if someone posts something that you can relate to or connect on never never try and be someone you're not. The right people for you will find you. Keep pushing yourself to compliment strangers.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Challenge yourself to five a day. That is a great one because even if friendships don't come from it, you feel good because you're brightening someone's day. And that's always a positive thing, you know. What would you tell your younger self was my next question. So I was really intrigued by this so let's have a little look life doesn't go to plan and that's okay if somebody told me when i was young life doesn't go to plan i'd probably be like what what do you mean why are you saying that you've got this sis do whatever you want despite what others think it's your life and only you
Starting point is 00:33:01 live it sure that is 100 true that no matter what you do or decisions you make it is enough and always will be enough i love that i was so terrified of offending people tell the dickheads what you fucking think of them whoa girl let's not be out here insulting everyone okay no i know what you mean i know what you mean always be kind worry less it doesn't change the outcome of what will happen. Oh my God. A hundred percent. Stop rushing and enjoy the moment. Oh, that's so true. So true. Don't worry about your body. Yeah. A hundred. School is really not that deep. Once you leave school, popularity is not a thing. Yeah. Don't get a boyfriend until 21.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Life isn't so serious. Enjoy life. Don't sweat the small stuff you have zero responsibilities do you know what used to annoy me when i was in school and everyone go school was the best days of your life i would do anything to go back to school you got nothing to worry about school was actually the worst period of my life i'd say like it was not enjoyable for me and it used to really annoy me when people would say that to me school's the best days of your life how the fuck do you know that um hang out with your friends more instead of staying at home I was such a stay-at-home girl like me and my friend Summer like she used to come around my house we used to run home after school go straight on the sims and have a hotel and go hang out in my garden because i had ducks and chickens and
Starting point is 00:34:28 rabbits and guinea pigs when i was a kid so we just used to literally hang out at my house and do nothing together and everyone else would be like out hanging out at the park and stuff and i wouldn't change that looking back because that's where i felt safe and comfortable and where i was happy you know not everyone likes you so stop worrying and do your own thing anyways um to stop thinking for people because no one cares um trust the process you've got this don't worry so much about grades spend time making memories with the people you love yes it won't matter when you're older so so true don't take people's opinions about you so seriously work harder at school and do something with computers everything works out you've got
Starting point is 00:35:11 everything you've ever wanted to think for yourself and not for what other people expect or want from you also to stop worrying about things that haven't even happened yet um stop doing things because you're trying to impress others be better with money unfortunately it matters yeah we're all out here just like cleaning up our financial mess don't let people take advantage of your kindness the right people won't yeah stop posting on facebook to save the future embarrassment mood you're gonna love yourself so deeply one day i love that once you leave school you never see any of the nasty girls again and they become so irrelevant to you it's so true like people used to say that to me like trust me
Starting point is 00:35:57 this girl thinks she runs the fucking shit around here but when she leaves school she ain't gonna run nothing and i was always like that literally doesn't matter to me because it's still hell in here it's hell in here do you know I mean yeah it might be over in three years time but I've got three years of this what would I tell my younger self I think I would tell myself to just stop letting people scare me. Like I was terrified of people in school and that's why I got like fucking bullied by my best friend. And I wish I could go back and just not, not give a fuck. And like, cause at the time I was like, well, I can't stand up to her because she will physically hit me. And I wish I could say could say like well even if she does who
Starting point is 00:36:45 fucking cares she's not just going to come and beat you up every day even if she battered you for a day just which she probably wouldn't have do you know what i mean because you just feel you fear the worst even if that happened worst case scenario you that's it then you can just leave them alone for the rest of your school life and i kind of just wish i could go back and just say to this person like why are you bullying people like does this make you feel good do you not just want to make people feel calm and relaxed in school because do you realize we're all dreading it every morning like do you realize that and i wish i could go back and have those conversations and to be honest i know it doesn't ever come from like a really evil place when
Starting point is 00:37:30 people are nasty in school and stuff and I know it usually just comes from like real deep issues and like whether it be insecurities or something deeper than that but I know that this person like isn't an evil nasty person so I would never want to I'd never say like go back and say like fuck off like I'd say like go back and just have a genuine conversation like you don't have to be this person like school would all it'd be nicer for all of us even you if we could just all get along and be nice to each other that's what I would genuinely want to go back and do to be honest and be brave enough because I know that if I did that she'd probably go fuck off what the fuck but then I don't I don't
Starting point is 00:38:11 think I could ever look back and say that was the wrong thing to do if I just said like you know we all like pretend we're sick before we come to school because we're terrified of what you might do and say and just to sort of make this person aware of how bad it was because I don't think we ever made them aware so that's all I would do just go back and just try to do something about it and in a kind way to be honest or at least just leave that friendship group sooner but yeah back, I would probably just want to give myself a hug, to be honest. That's quite sad. Like, yeah, but I would. Okay, last one. Really random. But I made a TikTok the other day about my weird food combination, which I didn't think
Starting point is 00:38:58 was that weird. And I've asked you guys, what is the weirdest food combination that you enjoy, right? And my food combination is sweet chili sensations crisps with dairy milk chocolate buns in your mouth at the same time. It's fucking stunning, mate. It's stunning. And apparently, according to the TikTok comments, it's actually criminal, which I don't think it is. There's quite a few of you that were like, I love crisps and chocolate I was like you are my kind of people but a lot of you were like what like no why so I was intrigued because I was like there's definitely weirder ones like that is not that weird right so let's have a little read um crisps and salad cream I get it from my mum I don't think that's that weird but yeah i wouldn't want to try it personally tuna and cheese
Starting point is 00:39:46 and onion crisps okay are we talking like in a sandwich because if that was in a sandwich i think it would actually be a bit of a slay like tuna mayo cheese and onion crisp but if you're like using i'm picturing like you've made a tuna mayo bowl and you're using it as like a dip because that is nasty ketchup and carrot sticks random um frozen peas in my mouth frozen peas and my mouth oh my god i'm so confused mash sandwich that's interesting okay that's very interesting, do we have butter, do we have ketchup or anything, like, okay, I don't think, I'm sure that would be all right, like a really buttery mash, I love that for you, babe, um, feta cheese in tacos, oh, yeah, that would be a major slay. I love tacos and I love feta cheese. Warm fruit. Okay. Pasta, baked beans and cucumber. That's weird. But I don't know, like part of me thinks that would kind of be nice. Chili Doritos dipped in Philadelphia cheese stunning that would be fucking stunning I'm
Starting point is 00:41:07 gonna try that that actually sounds insane cucumber with salt I used to have this when I worked at the pub we used to have sliced cucumber for the cocktails and obviously you have salt at the bar and my what they called colleagues why did that word leave my mind my colleague Andrea who's this hilarious Italian guy, he was just like my favourite person in the world, he would always have cucumber with salt, and I was like, that's fucking weird, like, what are you doing, and he made me try it, and it's really good, like, I can't explain it, it's really good, and cucumber with sugar, we also used to have, also good, um custard no darling no i can't get on board with
Starting point is 00:41:48 that porridge and jammy dodgers okay if it's like hot porridge and you're like pressing the jammy dodgers in i feel like that would actually be good pasta cheese ketchup and mayo i know sounds gross right okay let me picture this because when I was a skid when I was a skid when I was a kid after school I used to have plain pasta with grated cheese on top and it was just done like it was just the best so we've got that and then I also used to have pasta with ketchup right so there's three together and mayo and I also used to have pasta with ketchup right so there's three together and mayo and I also used to mix ketchup and mayo this is all separate so we've got like that fake thousand island the pink sauce ketchup and mayo on a pasta with cheese on top I think that's that's
Starting point is 00:42:41 fine I think it would be good to be honest strawberry jam and cheese oh yeah I can get on board with that it's like um it's like a scone but you know that's like strawberry jam strawberry jam and cream cheese which I know isn't the same I know it's clotted cream but strawberry jam and cheese I can imagine would be good. Pasta and gravy. Yeah, my sister used to have that with cheese as well. Fried egg sandwich with cheese and onion crisps on it. That sounds fucking stunning. That sounds really good. Nutella and celery. Nutella and celery. Whoa, girl, that's actually crazy. Rice from Chinese mixed with salad cream. Okay, what kind of rice? Because the Chinese takeaway for me, the rice from Chinese takeaway is banging and I get vegetable fried rice because
Starting point is 00:43:34 I will normally get the meats in the other dishes. So I'd get like vegetable fried rice, right? Salad cream does not sound good. But when I go to nando's i get spicy rice right and i mix in a pot of mayo with the spicy rice and it's fucking unreal so yeah i can probably get on board with that to be honest beans and tuna mixed together that's interesting what made you do that what made you do that darling was it like a jacket potato you know when you have like tuna and beans on a jacket um banana sandwich has to be white bread with lure pack okay rich no cost of living crisis over here darling um jam Jam and Marmite on toast. Do you know I've never tried Marmite? I think I might have tried it once, but I was drunk, so I don't remember it.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I should try it. I feel like I would like it. Pretzels and yogurt. Okay. Honey and cheese sandwich. So lovely. Oh, I bet that is good good because i love i know it's not the same but i love a bit of honey and um halloumi um silver skin onions with salt fucking hell they are the most they give me the worst acid reflux you've ever seen like are we talking pickled right you know like pickled onions the silver skin ones right with salt on it fucking hell babe go careful with that one all right guys that is enough because i'm actually getting quite hungry now weirdly might go and have myself some tuna and beans all right guys i love you i love this little cozy chat today thank you so much for joining me i hope you enjoyed this episode let's wrap it up, shall we?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Okay, everyone, I hope you all really enjoyed this episode. If you made it to the end, I'd love you so much. You are the best friends in the whole world. Hope you all have an amazing weekend. I will be out. Oh, I'm on my period. Hopefully I'm not in loads of pain. I'm normally all right after the first couple of days. So hopefully, fingers crossed for me, everything will be fine. But yeah, if you're going out this weekend, hope you have an amazing time. I, oh my God. Whoa, sorry. I actually hate listening to people cough in their podcast, but I'm not going to edit that out. Sorry guys. I, what do I have planned coming up oh yeah so this weekend because I'm a Leo so we're having a birth week this weekend we're doing the pre-birthday drinks
Starting point is 00:46:11 with the friends and then on my birthday I'm going to the beach to go to a nice restaurant meal over the seafront it's meant to be a really nice day as well I mean it will be going in the evening so I don't know what I'm going to on the day because everyone's gonna be working so I'm gonna be quite bored on my birthday so never mind anyway and then on the weekend after I'm going for a meal with my whole family because obviously it's my twin brother's birthday as well so like whatever so I did invite him I said Aaron we're going for a meal for my birthday if you want to come like so yeah i'm really excited i'm really looking forward to that and yeah i don't know what my presents are this year everyone always asks me what do you want for your birthday and i'm like i don't want to pick like i'm not like
Starting point is 00:46:55 a teenager where i'm like i really want this new like justin bieber merch like i the thought of a present for me is like the thought i don't care how expensive it is like what like I just even if you handmade me a present that means the world to me like it's about thought for me I feel like when you get to a certain age it's like I don't know I just want you to come to my meal like that's enough and if you if you do want to get me a present like there's like a prada bag that I really want no but I just want something thoughtful if anything, or don't worry about it. Like I really don't need presents, you know, I'm just happy to be here. So yeah, love you guys. I hope you have an amazing weekend. The next time
Starting point is 00:47:37 I speak to you, it'll actually be my birthday. Just saying, just saying, episode on my birthday. Was my, was my birthday on an episode day last year? I don't think it was. Lucky us. We get to celebrate together. Hope you all enjoy it. And I'll speak to you on my birthday for a brand new episode. All right.
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