Leah on the Line - Bonus 53: Would you rather...

Episode Date: August 24, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line happy friday happy friday everybody how are you he said the intro with me this week. So I'm officially 26. What the friggly frick? Honestly, I can't believe it. It feels like I should be a mature woman. I remember when I was 18, if I met someone who was 26 I was like what you got like five kids like and here's me yeah it's just crazy isn't it like when you're younger like a certain age feels so much like it feels so far away and then you click your fingers hun so so all the 18 to 21 year olds live it up right now babes because time because time just flies. Isn't that depressing? Anyway, so it was my birthday and I had a really nice day.
Starting point is 00:01:08 We basically had a bit of a chill day. Like we did a bit of shopping, went for lunch. And then we went to the beach to go for a really nice dinner. I say really nice dinner. The food was actually kind of shit, like beautiful restaurant, like beautiful views. It was really nice interior the start was great the main course was bad like it's actually kind of bad but we were just laughing about it to be honest because i had a margarita and the margarita tastes fantastic so what can what
Starting point is 00:01:36 can you really say but we were saying like it's the most perfect first date so if anyone out there is needing a first date idea go to if you're near a beach ideally go to your nearest beach even if it's like an hour drive still you can have a nice hour late evening drive together go to the beach in the evening right you can go for a meal if you want but if you're like me and you find meals on a first date like really cringe and awkward and it's it's major ick territory isn't it first date meal so you can skip the meal if it's not for you personally it ain't for me i've just never done it i can't it's just too there's too many risks of icks being reached on a first date meal oh we haven't done icks in a while that'd be fun anyway yeah so go to the beach right have a lovely beach walk watch the sunset together go to the
Starting point is 00:02:26 fucking arcades we had the time of our lives the time of our life it was thrilling you better believe i was competing with these fucking kids next to me i was like i'll fucking get the jackpot for you mate i will get it no it was really fun though and the vibes are just fun like everyone's happy in an arcade you've got to be fair it's summer holidays at the moment but everyone's happy like all these happy kids and then you've got people like our age people older like you can and no one cares what you're doing like you can scream and celebrate when you get 300 tickets and it's fun and then you get to go to the the ticket thing where you pick something with your monies, well, tickets, and you have a souvenir from your first date. They can win you a teddy,
Starting point is 00:03:11 be so romantic. It's fun. It's chill. You can grab some chips from the local fish and chip shop, sit along the beach, sit along the wall, really get to know each other. Wouldn't that be the nicest first date? We literally had the best time time you're literally not on your phone at all you're just present breathing in fresh sea air together it's nice and warm if you go in the summer do you know what i mean and i feel like why has that never crossed my mind when you're on a date night you don't think oh let's go to the beach i mean maybe loads of people do but like we've done it a few times we've like last summer especially because the weather was much nicer to us last summer we spent so many evenings there's a beach near me called Chesil Beach right and it's the best most beautiful sunset if you're near Somerset you need to go like it's the most beautiful sunset right and we spent
Starting point is 00:03:59 so many evenings down there it is a pebble beach so not the comfiest to sit on or walk on when you go in the water and it's fucking deep and also i really don't like fish like when we was in portugal right there'll be the tiniest little fish it'll literally be a centimeter big and i'll freak out it's not for me i'm really not a water baby okay i'm a fire sign me and water we do not mix well but i will dip my toes in all right but anyway yeah we spent loads of summers there I mean loads of evenings there last summer and we we just had so many amazing memories like we watched the sunset and then you watch the moon come up and it was just like the best and then this summer we haven't really done it because it's not been warm enough the skies haven't been clear but then
Starting point is 00:04:39 because it was my birthday we did it we went to a different beach the sandy beach near me and it was so fun and so romantic but playful at the same time you're spending proper quality time together and time just flies in the arcades guys yeah i'm 26 i spent my birthday in arcade yeah i'm what hon so yeah and then this weekend we've got all family down because obviously it's like my brother's birthday as well like whatever so we do a shared celebration so we're gonna go out for a lovely meal have some drinks back at the house you know a little party see I'm really looking forward to that I'm like that's mainly our that's the main celebration but yeah thank you so much to every single one of you that sent me a message saying happy birthday i i'm so sorry if i didn't get around to replying to everybody but i appreciate you i love you more than i can ever explain it is so nice and so kind and so sweet that you took the time out of your
Starting point is 00:05:34 day to send me a message and i just want you to know that i appreciate it and love you so much so this episode is gonna be a would you rather so we were playing it the other night we were out for drinks with me jamie and a couple of friends right and we were doing would you rathers and i was like oh i've done episodes of would you rathers and then i realized i haven't done one in ages so we're bringing her back today for a little would you rather session so i hope you guys enjoy reply mentally in your head if you didn't get to answer the polls on instagram hope you guys enjoy reply mentally in your head. If you didn't get to answer the polls on Instagram, if you didn't send one in in time, you can still play along here and now. And I'm going to play along as well. I, I personally feel like these questions are actually kind of hard. So it's going to be fun. But yeah, I love you. Hope you're all feeling good today.
Starting point is 00:06:20 If you're not right now, hopefully by the end of this episode, you might be feeling a little bit better. So happy to be in your company company thank you so much for being in mine let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leah on the line.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Okay, everyone. So it's Friday and we're here to play a game. I was going to say this is a drinking game. It's actually not. I mean, I'm trying to think of a way you can make it a drinking game, but I suppose there isn't. Anyway, not everything has to involve alcohol. Not really much of a drinker anyway. Okay, let's just
Starting point is 00:07:02 get straight into the questions. Question number one, one everybody get your thinking caps on it's gonna be tough today so would you rather spend two years in prison or never have sex again i this might surprise you but i actually think this is kind of difficult i the thought of going to prison gives me the fear. Like, it would scar me for life. So that is technically a life sentence. Yeah, you might not be in prison for life, but the trauma, it would change you as a person, I reckon. And then also, never have sex again, also a life sentence, you know? So they're both bad, but I guess that's the point in the game.
Starting point is 00:07:45 However, never having sex again. Sex is great for so many things, right? Mental health, connection in relationships, self-love, like all these things, okay? Two years, like all these things okay two years if I went in now I'll be 28 when I come out young youthful got my whole life ahead of me you it's so easy to say because it's a game but playing the game I'm like I'll go to prison for two years because it's over in two years whereas never having sex again is for your entire life and I'm very young to be giving that up you know but I feel like if you were in prison you'd probably go I'd rather never have sex again you know like if you were in prison you probably be like let me out tomorrow and I'll never have sex again so um I don't know why I actually wrote this question because I want to pass it can I have one pass maybe two passes because I can remember another question I wrote
Starting point is 00:08:51 all right I'm just gonna say pass fantastic start looking really good I'd love to know oh wait I haven't actually read out okay let's read out your response prison 41% and 59% would rather never have sex again that is very close that shows it isn't just me that finds this very difficult you know we're very split across the board here 59% of you. So most of you, no, not most of you, the majority would rather never have sex again. So, but 41% of them, I'll go prison for two years, hon, as long as I can have sex as much as I want when I get out. Yeah. You know what? I don't blame either answers to be honest. Okay. Would you rather, oh, this is a tough one. Okay one okay cheat on your partner once and no one ever finds out or find out your partner had a year-long affair that's fucking shit in it
Starting point is 00:09:57 did i come up with an absolute belter there or what because that's so hard. Okay, I'm actually going to start with your responses. So 64%, have a little think now what your prediction is for the poll results. Okay, 64% have said you'd rather cheat once and 36% are I'd rather find out my partner's had a year-long affair. Now, let's look at both sides, okay? Partner has a year-long affair, you're heartbroken, you're betrayed, you're crushed, your soul's been ripped out, the relationship's over, realistically. Cheat once, no one gets hurt, apart from you, realistically. You're the only one that has to live with that and relationship lives on to see another day so it's very difficult but I oh my god I actually can't pick I want to pass again but I won't it's so hard because option two partners had an affair relationships over your heart breaking a distraught
Starting point is 00:11:06 option one it lives on you get married you forget about it hopefully one day only you have to live with that guilt your partner will not be hurt you know whereas on the other hand you are severely hurt i don't know how your partner would feel they've had a fucking year long affair so prick so i i'm gonna go out there and say it guys i'd rather cheat once is that bad well 64 of you have said it you You know what I mean, though? I'm hoping you guys can understand me there. Because let's say the shoe was on the other foot. And this was my boyfriend answering this question. I would, yeah, I'd kill him actually, if he said he'd rather cheat once. Selfish prick. So selfish. But if I had a year long affair, selfish prick so selfish
Starting point is 00:12:05 but if i had a year-long affair relationship's over whereas cheap ones no one knows listen obviously in an ideal world neither but it's a game of would you rather so don't worry this is not the reality i would never cheat never cheated could never cheat could never cheated, could never cheat, could never be me, will never be me, all right? Let's get one thing straight. But if I had to answer the question, I'd rather they didn't have a year-long affair because I don't know how I'd recover from that. So, whereas I know you could recover from cheating once, that's it. I'm just thinking of you, babe, all right? Okay, next question. Would you rather travel to the future for a day or travel to the past for a day so I feel like for me this is a really easy one personally I'd rather go to the past because the future frightens me like what if I'm dead firstly and second of all
Starting point is 00:13:02 I feel like if you know the future it's it's not right that's not how it's meant to be the universe is all aligned for you to get there no matter what so seeing it it it shouldn't change it and it doesn't matter because you will get there anyway. The past, we could go back to an incredible moment to see someone who's past. Like I would rather go back to the past personally and just, I think I'd quite like to sit and observe like a family holiday from when I was like 10 and just sit on a bench and watch it, you know? Oh wait, but does the question mean like you live it for a day because if so um i'm not sure what day i'd like to go back to specifically but if we're talking sit and observe so if we're sitting if we're talking you can either sit and and sit in
Starting point is 00:14:01 the scene say we're at a park me and my siblings my mom we're at a park, me and my siblings, my mom, we're at a park and I can sit there and watch us all. Or I can go to the future and sit there and watch me with my future children and blah, blah, blah. I don't want to do that because that's yet to come. I will actually get to do that. You know, does that make sense? So you guys guys have said 57 you'd like to go to the past and 43 goes to the future so again it's quite close it's quite split but yeah love that question all right next one would you rather you win 25k or your bestie wins 100k and you can't share so my poll responses are i need that 25k sorry bestie or for fuck's sake enjoy the 100k yeah 88 have said i need that 25k babe sorry sorry bestie and to my bestie sorry hon but same same i'll take the 25 listen listen and i'd expect you to do the same
Starting point is 00:15:08 bestie do you know what i mean i'd expect if my bestie was in that position 25k or leah gets 100k i expect you take that 25 babe that's all yours and i'll be doing the same most definitely so 88 of you 12 you're either very generous or you're financially doing all right because you've said enjoy the 100k bestie and you know what i love that for you and i think we should be friends okay next one would you rather be able to read minds or be able to control people's minds? Now, for me, I kind of find this difficult because read minds, absolutely, positively not. That to me sounds like hell. Can you imagine? So there's a reason we don't say certain things out loud. Someone could be talking
Starting point is 00:16:05 to me looking at me going god haven't you got a big nose you're gonna fucking say it why would you say it but i would hear that no thank you i don't want to hear what people don't say you'd consciously decide not to say it because it's gonna hurt someone's feelings and I'm just gonna hear it however it would be useful in a lot of situations you know like um in when you're dating someone and you don't know if they're that into you they could be looking at you thinking oh shit this is really difficult because I've actually got a girlfriend back home excuse me I heard that I heard that in your brain you cheating little prick you know you could get yourself out of some hurtful situations there but I don't want to hear it I don't want to read people's minds but controlling someone's mind I'm not sure what I would do with that power like in what sense
Starting point is 00:17:02 would I want to control someone's mind maybe like if you had a manager you could be like Leah deserves a payroll Leah deserves a pay rise you know you could go to your manager or like if you were asking someone for a favor you could say yes say yes you know it's all manipulation at the end of the day you just it's all very selfish but how else would you want to control someone's mind I can't actually come up with a scenario however I will choose that one I would I would rather control someone's mind because that seems less problematic than being able to read minds because fucking hell would you hear some shit, I reckon, you know? Let's see what you guys have said. Okay, 69% would rather read minds and 31% would
Starting point is 00:17:55 rather control. That's interesting. Okay, love that. Next question. Would you rather question would you rather marry the person of your dreams or get the job of your dreams so are we love or are we money baby love or money love or career you know 75% I'd rather marry my dream person and 25% I'd rather my dream job. And I think I'd rather marry my dream person because at the end of the day, if the marriage works out, which ideally it does, that's why I get married, that is the person you're with till the day you die. Whereas dream job, you're going to retire at one point, hon.
Starting point is 00:18:42 You know, whereas your marriage, that's till the end of time. So I would, I'm with the majority there. I'd rather marry my dream person. Okay. Would you rather never have an orgasm or never find true love? Okay. Do we think this is a difficult one or not? What do you guys predict on the poll there? So for me, I think it's easy. I'd rather never orgasm because what is life without love, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:13 That's the purpose in so many areas of life is to feel love, to love, you know? Family, they make your life go round, okay? And a relationship is, the love in a relationship is something I would not want to sacrifice in life. I think it's one of the most beautiful parts of living in this human form, you know? So I'd rather never orgasm. I think love is way more important to me than an orgasm. However, would be sad, would be very sad to give that up. Very sad. And 87% are with me, you'd rather never orgasm. But 13%, you dirty bitches, But 13%, you dirty bitches, would rather never find love. You say, fuck love. I want the orgasm, babe. Fuck the love. Love it. Love it. Horny, horny babes. All right. And then I said, all right,
Starting point is 00:20:19 guys, your turn. Send in yours. Okay. This is the first first one i chose would you rather drink a liter of vinegar okay or a liter of gone off milk i drinking a liter of milk would be challenging enough it's gone off though you know but vinegar i get acid reflux from a fucking pickle right so if i had a liter of vinegar surely you die like that can't be good for you you would die surely your heart or something one of your organs would fail like right a fucking liter of vinegar the acid reflux can you imagine the amount of rennies you'd have to chew on for the rest of your life leave you with some damage i think so but gone off milk oh my god it's not hard realistically it's not hard but wait a fucking minute are you kidding me i've just read the fucking poll guys 81 would rather drink vinegar are you guys all right 81 of you
Starting point is 00:21:37 would rather drink vinegar you you're telling me vinegar you put on your chips you'd rather drink a liter of it the heartburn are you kidding because that would just burn for the rest of your life i think whereas the milk yeah you'd probably be sick but then it's done it's done then we move on we let it go it's done it's over elite i can't i actually can't believe that you guys actually crazy 19 said milk and i'm with you on them actually no i think about it would it be that bad would vinegar actually be that bad because milk i'll be lumpy you ever accidentally poured moldy milk into your tea you know when it's like a couple days out of date and you think i'll be all right you pour it into your tea it's not all right it goes plop plop plop into the into the tea and you think whoops now i've got to start again that was out of date and you give it a whiff and you go smells all right plop plop plop
Starting point is 00:22:43 lumps of milk in your tea anyone ever done that imagine it a whole pint no a whole liter how many pints in a liter not too sure not sure about that anyway maybe a couple pints fucking gross hun so actually now i think about the grossness of it vinegar would be nowhere near as gross I love vinegar I love a bit pickled egg pickled onion gherkin like I love just the vinegar flavor my concern is is the impact it would have on my body and if I would die okay if I found out that like I wouldn't die I'd probably go for the vinegar i'm gonna move on to the next question now okay would you rather okay be submissive or dominating now i had a prediction of what i felt like the response would be just from how well i feel like i know you guys
Starting point is 00:23:39 and i was right 81 percent submissive. Daddy. Daddy. Yeah. 19% mommy. Where am I on that scale? I'm with you on submissive. Dominating would get real tiring, I think. Like, real boring, real quick. Like, do something. do you know what i mean so i'm with you but 19 yeah okay dominate tricks okay i love that i fucking love you guys right next one would you rather break a bone every time you have sex or have an orgasm every time you fall over loudly. Now listen, I know you probably think that's easy. If you think about it, it's actually not. So break a bone during sex. How about you just never have sex? You know, we can, we're in control of that situation. However, that'd be painful, very painful. Orgasm when i fall over that's out of my control i'm a very clumsy
Starting point is 00:24:47 girl so and to have a loud orgasm is fucking embarrassing like imagine that in the middle of fucking audi in the middle of a supermarket in the middle of a fucking library in the middle of an exam well i'm not sure why you'd fall over in an exam maybe if you on your way out on your way in anywhere you could be anywhere completely inappropriate and fall over it's game over then you know but break a bone during sex i can decide if i if i even want that to happen i could just never have sex so I'm going to break a bone during sex and I'll never have sex again and I know you're just thinking you said you'd rather spend two years in prison than never have sex again but the thing is I genuinely think orgasming loudly
Starting point is 00:25:37 every time you fall over for the rest of your life is hell so yeah I'll do the break a bone hun and sex is just off the table unless can i decide which bone i break if so maybe like a finger or toe or something although breaking a toe can be actually kind of lethal what would be i'm not going to talk about breaking bones because i'll fucking break one i'm just going to touch wood real quick okay the poll is 84 percent would rather orgasm when you fall over guys you obviously must not fall over much and if so i don't blame you for that i mean to be fair as i'm saying this i cannot remember the last time i fell over in my life everyone try and think when was the last time I fell over in my life. Everyone try and think, when was the last time you fell over? Like you actually fell over,
Starting point is 00:26:34 like you fell on the floor, like not just a trip, you fell over. Because now I think about that, it doesn't actually happen that much. You know, after this, I'm going to fucking face plant tomorrow. I'm going to face plant, crack my fucking head open and break a bone. Wait, I need to touch wood because i'll break a bone and fall over okay now i've thought about that about the fact that you don't actually fall over that often i changed my mind i'd rather orgasm when i fall over because how many people fall over often yeah yeah i'm with you actually guys makes sense sense. Makes sense. All right. Let's do another one. Would you rather live the same day on repeat or never remember the day before? So I know this is a difficult one. Can I pick the day I'm spending on repeat? If so, not sure why I even said that because I have no clue what
Starting point is 00:27:28 day I'd want to choose I suppose it doesn't matter what day you choose it'll get boring so I was gonna say like oh maybe like your wedding day or something fuck me imagine walking down the aisle every day for the rest of your life like there is no day that anyone would want to do over and over and over and over and over and over and over again has anyone ever seen happy death day that's literally what happens to her she has to live the same day over and over and over again it's actually quite a good film like it sounds shit it's actually a good film recommend but anyway right or never remember the day before now how severe is this never remembering is it a case of i don't know who you are i don't know
Starting point is 00:28:07 who my boyfriend is i don't know who my mom is like or is it a case of like what did i do yesterday i have no idea what i did yesterday because that means no memories ever you don't have a single memory but then also that's kind of nice in some ways. Because I bet you wouldn't be very anxious. Because if anything bad happened, you just forget about it. You know? It would be very easy for someone to, like, treat you bad. Like, cheat on you or something. And then the next day, they're just like, morning, babe.
Starting point is 00:28:41 And you're like, good morning, my love. But no memory of what i found out yesterday they're both shit that is the point of the game leah i'd rather never remember the day before but ideally neither obviously and 86 would rather never remember yeah i'm with you okay let's do one more would you rather this is actually probably the hardest one. This is the hardest one. Your bestie sleeps with your boyfriend or you sleep with hers. What? Why did I pick this? Honestly, this is tough. Because bestie seats with my boyfriend I've lost two people two very important people in my life I sleep with my bestie's boyfriend I've lost my best friend I
Starting point is 00:29:35 would never want to do anything like that to my best friend if it also means I'm in my relationship I've obviously lost my relationship as well and I'm the dick so I think I'd rather my besties set with my boyfriend because then I can live my life guilt-free knowing I'm not a shit person you know that I picked that one yep I picked that one and I stand by it I thought i was gonna find that harder but yeah when i think about it properly i don't want to sleep with my best friend's boyfriend i don't want to be her i don't want to be that bitch you know you can do it to me you can live with that babe but if they run off together could you imagine the pain oh the fact that this actually happens is wild it is wild it happened to me back in the day i was only a teenager
Starting point is 00:30:26 to be fair we broke up but only been like a week or two and one of my best friends slept with him yeah it was wild but anyway let's have a look at the poll 58 oh my goodness it's very close to be fair but I'm surprised this one I'm surprised this one took the whim 58 percent would rather sleep with their besties boyfriend that's crazy I mean I guess like it's one of those selfish things isn't it like where you you just want to be selfish because you don't want to be the one to feel pain and I guess I'm also being selfish by picking the other one because the only reason I pick it is because I don't want to have to live with guilt so I guess it isn't either way your answer is going to come from like well what is best for me that is the fucking game really isn't it so you know what I don't blame either side because I think they're both understandable
Starting point is 00:31:20 why you'd pick them so yeah tough one I feel like these ones were like harder than normal like they were tough this one like this episode i feel like the last one the poles were very one-sided this time around and this round of would you rather they were pretty split and i struggled to be honest oh god i'm gonna fall over and break a bone tomorrow. I'm so worried about that. I'm just untouchable again. All right, guys, thank you so much for playing along with me. Thank you if you sent in a would you rather. Thank you if you voted on the poll, if you played along in your head. I hope you enjoyed it and love you. Let's wrap up the episode. let's wrap up the episode okay everyone if you made it till the end I love you I appreciate you so much oh my god I cannot believe how quick the year's going it'll be Halloween before you know
Starting point is 00:32:16 it we will click our fingers and it's going to be Halloween and there's going to be November and that means it's Christmas period and then then what is it? The most depressing time of year. January, February. Seriously, I wish I could just click my fingers and it was just sunny. Like, I... January, February. I'm going to be suffering, guys. Just giving you a heads up.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I'm going to be struggling. No, I'm not. Why would you put a negativity out there, Leah? Literally. Literally. So self-detrimental. It's not the word. Maybe it is.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Who knows? Anyway, yeah, I just can't believe it. It's flying. It's just flown so quick. Where was the summer? What summer, realistically? Anyway, I love you guys. Thank you so much for making it to the end.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I appreciate you so much more than you'll ever ever even be able to wrap your pretty little head around and yeah i can't wait to speak to you on tuesday for another episode of dilemmas weekly debate it's going to be amazing if you have any weekly debate ideas send them in leahontheline.com if you have any dilemmas confessions leahontheline.com i will do a confessions diaries bit at the end of next week so get them sent in stop what you're doing right now and send them in and yeah I can't wait to speak to you guys hope you all have an amazing weekend be safe if you get drunk don't text your ex text me instead and I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right I love you. Bye.

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