Leah on the Line - Bonus 55: The STORYTIMES episode (virginity, meeting partners, cheating revenge...)

Episode Date: September 7, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic? Not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's Virtual Care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Leo and the Lion. Happy Friday. Happy Friday everybody. I'm sick. No, seriously, not to like bring all the attention to me or anything. I'm so ill. Listen, I'm one of them people that when I'm ill, right, I'll just crack on with it. Like I don't need to make it everyone's problem like I can just be ill but this time there's something seriously like something's changing me and I need everyone to know how ill I am like do you ever get that like I just I wake up and I'm like oh it's just so ill I had the worst sleep I couldn't sleep i was like 100 degrees i was just coughing all night like honestly i don't know what it is i don't know if it's covid who knows but i feel so ill
Starting point is 00:01:35 guys and i need you to understand how ill i feel to anyone that's got emetophobia you might want to listen to this don't worry i haven't been like being sick I don't have a stomach bug or anything but I felt really nauseous and I don't know if it's because I took paracetamol codeine right just because I was in so much like body pain and I don't know if that made me like really ill like really sick and nauseous and had Jamie literally sticking his fingers down my throat he was literally fingering my throat because i've got long long ass acrylics okay i was like i'm gonna scratch a layer of flesh off if i do it so i was like jamie i'm gonna need you to stick your fingers on my throat and i may throw up on your hand he's like literally finger blast in my throat anyway it didn't it worked a tiny bit but i just wasn't i wasn't relieved i was
Starting point is 00:02:23 craving that relief, you know, when, you know, when you feel so sick, your temperature goes up and you're like, oh my god, I need to be sick, and then you're sick, and it's such a relief, isn't it? Like, it's like, oh, so glad that's out. I just wasn't given relief. Anyway, I feel a little bit better today, but also, I know I was giving it the big one, Like, oh, where's the summer gone? Where's the summer gone? We had no summer. Come back, come back.
Starting point is 00:02:50 What the fuck? It's fucking hot. It's fucking hot. I'm literally claustrophobic in my own skin. I'm claustrophobic in my own skin. I'm like, I don't know where to go. It was so hot and I'm so ill. So I'm like, I really wanted to, like, soak up the sun, you know, like, really just get out there, enjoy it, but of course, I've had to come down with whatever this is, it feels like the flu, I don't even know, and I just don't even want to, I can't think of anything worse than to be in that temperature right now, literally, it's about a thousand degrees in my body, why would I to sit outside in 30 32 degree sun darling i just don't want to and i really wanted to like go to monkey world and just really enjoy it just it hit me out of nowhere to be honest but anyway
Starting point is 00:03:35 me me me me me how are you guys i hope you're all feeling really really good hope you're feeling better than me at least um to anybody that wasn't ready for the sun, I feel like this is my fault. No, Leah, the world doesn't quite revolve around you. Me saying, I wished for the sun, so the sun came out. Don't think that's how it works. But anyway, yeah, I hope you guys are feeling good anyway this episode is gonna be the story time episode I think that's what we're gonna go with title wise it's basically one of you guys sent in a really good idea of everybody telling their virginity story times and then another one of you guys sent in a really good idea of saying how you met your partner story time and I was like why don't we just do a story times episode we can get all the story times in one and i felt like this was a great funny also wholesome like
Starting point is 00:04:30 it's just going to be a mix of everything in this episode i'm really looking forward to it so one sec i need to burp sorry all right guys i hope you're feeling good um it's gonna be a nice episode today nice and chill we love the Fridays what's your favorite Tuesdays or Fridays I think mine are Tuesdays but I do love the vibe of a Friday episode it's a whole different vibe in it like it's just way more chill you know it doesn't tend to be that heavy every now and then every I mean all the time but it is every now and then and I kind of love the heavy episodes every so often do you know what I mean when we get real we dig real deep but a lot of the time it just feels like an actual phone call slash FaceTime
Starting point is 00:05:16 with a bestie and I love that I mean Tuesdays feel like that for me as well to be honest Tuesdays are giving sleepover you know like boy drama go to the besties for a sleepover or call the bestie I guess that's why we called it Lear on the line hey so yeah let me know what you guys prefer Tuesday or Friday it's just out of curiosity and yeah I hope you guys are excited thank you for being in my company today thank you so much for having me in yours whatever it is that you're getting up to so happy to be here with you throughout and let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow
Starting point is 00:05:54 on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates enjoy the episode love you okay everybody i'm just gonna apologize in advance if i sound horrible ow guys does anyone else get this when i rest my phone on my leg or something my camera feels like it gives me like a mini shock literally my camera it's really weird anyway i want to apologize in advance for how like snotty and gross i sound and if I'm coughing a lot oh look at me I'm so ill like everyone needs to know how ill I am honestly I am all right I need you all to know all right the first question is what's the story behind how you lost your virginity I am really looking forward to this because you guys if you've been here since day one, or if you listened from episode one, you already know my virginity story time. It's really classy,
Starting point is 00:06:49 you know, really classy. No, listen, I lost, if anyone missed it, I lost my virginity in a fucking travel lodge to a mate. There isn't actually much more to it. I mean, I could go into details, but I won't out of respect for that person just because it's like it's not really just my story to tell is it but yeah it is I was one of them girls that was like I want to lose it to my boyfriend like I want to be in a relationship I want to be in a safe space and it just didn't happen that way but no regrets to be honest like you know it's gonna happen for the first time at some point does it matter does the first time really matter as long as everyone's consensual and you feel safe then you know it is what it is at the end of the day so I thought about it and I was
Starting point is 00:07:41 like I don't even know anyone any of your times really, unless you sent them in as confessions. So when this girl sent in the suggestion, I thought, oh my God, you're a fucking genius, babe. Yeah, thank you. So let's have a little read. I'm looking forward to this. I feel like we're going to have some crazy ones, some cute ones. Let's have a look. In the woods with a boy who I hated in year 10. Haha, no romance there. Why are we sleeping with people we hate babe i love it why do i feel like it's like a it's a common thing for people to lose their virginity outside why don't i guess because most of the time like it's quite common that you're younger and you don't want to do it like in your parents house do you know what i mean oh i've just dropped
Starting point is 00:08:20 my phone so it's about that okay it was new year's eve we had just watched the fireworks in london was the first thing i did in 2018 it's kind of romantic i kind of love that for you bib zante with some random guy i met who is it zante or zante zante zante i don't know with some random guy i met who had seen me blackout and throw up the night before. Fucking stunning, babe. 16, drunk at a friend's party and slept with someone in the garden. Didn't see him again. Why does it happen outside a lot? It's so funny. Okay. I love it. I love it. A house party in a walk-in wardrobe. Everyone outside the door after going, woo. drove everyone outside the door after going whoa oh no no that's so funny whoa come on come on babe we were both 16 okay 16 seems to be a common age so far i was 16 too actually we were both 16
Starting point is 00:09:19 were together about six months at the time and was watching cool runnings do you know what i think it's like at the time you think you're not that young don't you you're like 16 i'm ready i'm ready i look back and i think 16 you're having sex at 16 and i know loads of people have sex way younger than that like i know a lot of people that lost their virginity at a much younger age and i'm like i was 16 i was like one of the last ones out of all my friends i think me and one other girl were the last last girl standing and like i look back and i'm like that's so young 16 you know um um okay short story i asked if it was in not because it was small but I didn't know it was supposed what it was supposed to feel like oh I mean I guess that means it wasn't too painful
Starting point is 00:10:15 if you're like is it in that's like every guy's worst nightmare I think to hear those words. He's like, yes, babe, every inch of it. I was 15 and my boyfriend and I had tried before and it didn't go in. One day he asked and I didn't think much of it and it went in. Oops, on his sofa with the door open. Risky. Okay. We couldn't get the angle right. So as Willie kept popping out. didn't get the angle right so as willie kept popping out oh no not the slip out such a vibe killer um but that's kind of sweet like the thought of like it being your first time like i'm assuming it was like both of your first time i don't know and like you're like just really trying to get the angle yeah right how about how about we try this right hold lift your leg up a sec do you know what i mean um this isn't virginity but my second time my mum caught me still makes me physically cringe and i'm 31 oh fuck oh my god um a guy six years older respectful weighted
Starting point is 00:11:20 we had sex on a duvet on his mum's lounge floor i mean at least there was a duvet no carpet burns you know what i mean um was staying at my boyfriend at the times house and because we were quite young his mum made us stay in separate rooms which obviously we snuck back into the same room and we slept together and then snuck back out in the morning yeah like it's just not gonna work like the separate rooms i it's not gonna be enough babe You need to lock me in. We went on a little staycation to Cardiff. We were there for two nights. The first night he tried, but was too drunk and things weren't working. I remember messaging my friends. Where's the next bit? Oh, I remember messaging my friends. Anyways anyways the next day we were planning on going out then went back to the room and let's just say we didn't arrive at our dinner reservation
Starting point is 00:12:09 and woke up at 5 a.m starving oh my baby um i didn't tell the guy and we ended up covered in blood he pretended to not notice it not just oblivion just what are you talking about sorry about the blood oh oh yeah didn't didn't even notice oh my god yeah out of curiosity did you tell the person that you lost your virginity to that it was your first time i'd love to know that i should have asked that damn it too late sorry i just moved to a new part of the country and was like i'm never gonna meet anyone so i slept with this guy the first time i met him and he turned out to be the love of my life four years wow so you were like fuck it i'm never gonna fucking see you again and there was the love of your life wow babe I love that story in a hotel
Starting point is 00:13:06 room oh my god twins with my boyfriend at 18 went for like an hour fucking awesome oh my god your virginity was like a good time I should have also asked that like was it genuinely pleasurable for you because I know a lot of people it's just like I remember at the time thinking like is this what people talk about I was like is this the thing like but then I guess I literally just laid there I was like um I don't know what to do so you know it wasn't his fault but yeah I don't know many people that have lost their virginity and were like oh my god i can see the hype like fucking amazing you know um nothing special had a free house for an hour so i just wanted to get it over with it's so funny i feel like we get to a point where we're like oh do you know what i'm sick of saying like i'm sick of the fucking conversations about it i'm sick of the
Starting point is 00:14:02 questions in my head i'm sick of the wondering what it's like just fucking i just want to fucking get this over with okay love it in a bathroom at my best friend's house um it was an older guy in a bush when i was a teenager cringe at it now the bush yeah i love it the bush yeah i love it um okay lost it to an absolute knobhead who never replied or contacted me afterwards oh what dick oh my god i didn't know what was happening and ended up asking him is he done yet he couldn't stop laughing and i started crying out of embarrassment after 10 minutes we tried again and he was then like now it's done while i was knackered on the side oh sounds like a disaster it was with my ex while my brother was in the room over oh i lost mine in a church car park wasn't very good but makes for a good story it sure does
Starting point is 00:14:58 lost it in the passenger seat of my car in a walmart parking lot stun i love that walmart i feel like i need to say an american accent it doesn't sound good in a british accent walmart does it wakanda's walmart yeah um i was 18 and did it with a 27 year old guy that was in my uni course i question myself to this day geez um i was about to go back to uni and he was like, I might see you again, but if not, bye. Then ghosted. What the? Oh my God. I might see you again, but if not, bye. Brilliant. Thanks for that transaction. What the heck? The bed broke. It snapped in half. Snapped in half. How'd you explain that one? Wow. wow okay it was with my first boyfriend he lasted
Starting point is 00:15:48 two seconds and i accidentally said was that it oh no was that it is that yeah okay are you yeah okay brilliant um i lied for years about losing my virginity as my friends lost theirs so early yeah i know somebody that was lying about it but like i knew and we just went along with it together because she was like i'm sick of the questions i was like yeah fucking hell me and this guy just wanted to lose our virginity and so there was no sexual sexual chemistry so we went into each other and he was useless and couldn't even put it in. He Googled how to
Starting point is 00:16:27 and I nearly vomited. Worst experience ever. He Googled it. How? I mean, what is it going to say? Find the whole person in. Like, did it help? Oh, with my brother's best mate oh my god see my brother he's my twin right
Starting point is 00:16:52 but he is almost like an older brother like even though i'm 10 minutes older than him like whatever he's almost like an older brother you know that that vibe, right? If I even like kissed one of his friends. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Um, lost it with my current boyfriend of seven years. Love that. Seven years. Amazing. All right. Fantastic stories. We've got a whole range of stories there. A couple in a bush, a couple in car parks, a couple in a bush couple in car parks couple in relationships fucking love it babes um okay next question next story time is tell me the story behind how you met your partner okay i'm looking forward to this so i don't know if i've ever i don't know did i tell the story about how i met jamie because i made a tikt TikTok about it if you search Lea Levain Jamie
Starting point is 00:17:48 on TikTok I reckon it will probably come up but basically like there was loads of coincidences like we were in the same place at the same time like two years before we ever met we took an identical picture in the exact same spot right outside where I used to live um we were on hold for the same season of Love Island like I guessed his birthday as well like we were on FaceTime once and he was like oh I was like when's your birthday and he was like guess and I was like April and he was like yeah April the what and I was like the fifth and do you know what it's really weird I can't explain it because I just felt like I just knew like I could picture you know the calendar in your apps the apple apple app calendar right I could I was picturing that and something was I could picture the fifth and
Starting point is 00:18:36 I was just drawn to that number on the calendar April the fifth like I could picture it and something was just like I had no doubt about it I didn't even really have to think about it it's like when he said guess April the what I just saw it and I was like the fifth and he's like yeah it was really weird so like there's all these weird things of like how when we did me it was like we already knew each other it was really weird but we just met on um well we didn't meet on social media he came off on my TikTok and then I thought he was American at first like i was like we don't have guys that fit here like he's obviously not from the uk and then i went on his tiktok and there was a video of him and it's really weird because i always said i feel like i'm going
Starting point is 00:19:13 to end up with a northerner like i've just always said it i've always just loved the northern accent it feels like so cozy and safe and sexy like i've just loved it anyway I've always said that right and then I found this TikTok on his on his page and it was him talking and he obviously has a northern accent I was like oh not only is he from the fucking UK he's from up north fucking love it so I slid into his DMs basically I can't remember what I said it was something cringe like oh I really hope you don't have a girlfriend because I think you're really sexy or really fit. Like something really ballsy and cringy. Anyway, and then he says, still to this day, he promises me that this is true because I still don't believe him. He says that he had notifications off for message requests.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Like the only notifications he'd get is from people that he's already messaging. But if you don't follow each other, it goes straight to your message requests, right? Ow. Oh my God, I've got cramp in my finger and it really hurts ow what the fuck ow anyway um but he got a notification of my message and it was like 2 a.m and he just replied straight away and i was like whoa what the hell and we were talking like it was actually kind of psycho and toxic but it's like oh my god i can't believe i've met my soulmate like because i was not long single i was like two three months single at this point so i was not expecting anything serious but it just kind of all fell into
Starting point is 00:20:37 place it's kind of crazy really but that's how me and my boyfriend met just feel like it's only fair you know that i'm not just making you all tell your stories. So let's have a little look. I'm excited to read your stories. Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic, not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's Virtual Care has got your back with 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer. Okay, Tinder, he took me ice skating, lol.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Do you know what? I've always said that i skate and i don't think i could do it for a first date is the ick is at too high of a risk ice skating if you do the little slip with your feet even if you they just go whoa whoa left right left right left right and then you you manage to stay stood yuck if you have to stand and hold on to the side yuck if you if you fall on your ass if you even do that whoa and nearly fall and if you're actually really good at it and you show off so you literally can't win like if anyone took me on an ice skating day i am getting the ick whether you're good whether you're bad whether you fall whether you date, I am getting the ick. Whether you're good, whether you're bad, whether you fall, whether you don't.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It's ick territory, mate. And also, I'll give myself the ick. I'm so bad at ice skating. I'm actually really bad at it. But actually, I haven't been in years. And I learned how to roller skate. So maybe I'd be good at it now. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:22:17 But I love that. Okay. We met on a dating app. But he lives right around the corner from me. I moved here seven years ago. And we've never said hi or anything. And i had a huge crush on him since i moved in and he said he always did too but we were with different people and we eventually crossed paths oh that's actually such a romantic story i actually love that i was going out with his
Starting point is 00:22:38 friend but fancied him we broke up two years later he messaged me oh my god that's actually crazy how did your ex take that i'd love to know um okay met in portugal body shots and the rest is history baby yeah oh i love that what a fun story we went to a class at the gym and he was the pt we moved in together six months later oh i love it the pt i want to know how you like got talking when you exchange numbers who spoke to who first you know we met at uni and we bonded over looking at his spotify in the corner of a club seven years ago that's so sweet i love that um through through mutual friends I went abroad for six weeks and we talked every day and fell in love oh that's a hiccup sorry and we fell in love whilst on opposite sides of the world the day I came back I asked him out that is actually a beautiful story
Starting point is 00:23:41 that's actually really lovely we We met through our sport, but we were both in relationships at the time. Wow, guys. At a rave, asked him how to get to room two and I asked for his number. Now we're engaged with a house and dog. Oh my God, it's beautiful. Met during lockdown and FaceTime dated.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Three and a half years later, dog and a house. No, that's actually wild to me. The people that met in lockdown have now been together for three years. Like actually deep that, guys. This couple met in lockdown. They now live in a house with a dog. That's how long ago lockdown was. Where did my life go?
Starting point is 00:24:22 That's what I want to know. That's beautiful, though. It that's beautiful though it is really beautiful i'm really happy for you i was working at a festival and he came up to me and asked for a cigarette oh and the rest was history love it online gaming met when we were 12 and reconnected all these years later at 27 that's beautiful he entered the room and my bestie knew he was the one for me three years broke up this week oh babe get on get on the on the line the breakup episode darling love you working at a school we ignored each other for years because we fancied each other and was too scared then went on a night out with work people and cheated on our exes but now have a baby together
Starting point is 00:25:05 my my ex and him have the same name awkward lol oh lots of people met when they were in other relationships kind of crazy i actually think i'd be kind of infuriating like if someone cheated on you and then they like ended up soulmates it's a bit like you know like when people come back from casa on love island and they've picked somebody else from casa and you stand there and you're giving it the big and like oh i hope you're happy with your decision and they're together for years do you know what i mean um what else do we have we met on a train literally the love of my life it was an incident but i love our journey that's actually really romantic that you met on a train i don't know what that is
Starting point is 00:25:48 like were you like oh is this the right coach to get off at waterloo you know what i mean oh beautiful um at college but you had a girlfriend thankfully they broke up and i shot my shot we met in a coffee shop we worked at we've been in the best relationship for five years now so stunning met on tinder seven years ago got married on saturday oh gorgeous congratulations we work for the same company but different branches i went to his branch to drop something off and i saw him and was completely infatuated i managed to convince my colleague to find out his surname and a year later we're happily together that's fucking amazing you just saw him and you were like yep i want that one
Starting point is 00:26:35 um we met when we were 11 and hated each other met again at 16 and loved each other since do you know what's really funny is i feel like a lot of best friends hate each other met again at 16 and loved each other since do you know what's really funny is i feel like a lot of best friends hate each other at first like me and jess we was really young like we met in infant school or primary one of them we basically we've known each other since forever but when we first met like her friendship group and my friendship group we were like enemies we did not talk to each other and we didn't like each other and then when we went to secondary school we just became literal sisters it's so funny and we used to hate each other i was like oh i hate that bitch i was like but i was like
Starting point is 00:27:16 five i was like i hate her um steaming on a night out i kissed my brother's friend we're now backpacking together how did your brother feel about this i mean it's a bit of a slay because it did work out for the best and i'm very happy with you hinge yep hinge is a great one because you actually get to see what they're like before you decide if you're interested or not that's one thing i think hinge is really great for do you know what i mean it's not just about the pickies although it just being about the pickies can be a good thing because then you have so much to chat about you have all the questions but then hinge is great because it has the prompts and stuff do you know what I mean um we met at Gatwick where we worked together now
Starting point is 00:27:57 engaged with a baby on the way oh my god I just love him do you know what I always think right I always think things like this if somebody could go up to you back in that day when you were working at gatwick if somebody if a psychic had come up to you and went in two years time i don't know how long it's been but in two years time you're going to be engaged to that guy over there and you're going to be pregnant with his baby i always think that like if somebody had said to me the day that i messaged jamie thinking sexy boy if somebody said to me that's gonna be your man i would've been like get on fucking get on mate you know what i mean yeah and i always
Starting point is 00:28:41 think that so that's why i love reading about like or hearing about when somebody's first met their partner because it's like well imagine if somebody told you that that day like the day you met when you were on the train with this guy if somebody random psychic was sat next to you and said that guy in seat 12a that's your future hubby you'd be like what do you know what i mean um met through tinder but when lockdown happened so we had to wait eight months to meet oh but then it's nice because then you know that you genuinely really like each other do you know what i mean if you can make it through lockdown you're good babes we both have sausage dogs and bumped into each other on dog walks oh my god you bonded over the dogs oh look you got a little friend oh hi what's your name how old is he oh he's two oh so is mine
Starting point is 00:29:35 what's his name oh he's so gorgeous oh oh are you from round here yeah oh yeah me too i'm just up there oh no way and then you see each other again oh hello hi again hiya hello sexy boy why am i making a whole story about that all right guys thank you for sharing those stories i love them the next one i am so excited for this guys this is a great story time. Cheating revenge. Have you ever got revenge on someone for cheating on you? And how did you do it? I'm fucking excited for this, guys. Okay, let's have a look.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I didn't personally, but the universe did for me. They were having an affair at their work. And six months later, they'd both been individually fired from their workplace. No idea why, but calm as a bitch. Oh, love it. Yeah, I love that babe. I purposely met up with and slept with him so I could send the messages to the new girl. Oh, it's right right right got you got you um i sent the evidence i found on his phone including the nudes i found to his own mother kiss the little to his own mother it's genius it is genius oh listen to this we i set up a threesome but his ex slash sorry guys slash second girlfriend came and then we called his third girlfriend on his phone and told her
Starting point is 00:31:14 fuck he got cornered he thought fucking threesome best Best day ever. Best day ever. Cornered mate. Red handed, darling. Yeah, I got with his best mate the day after I broke up with him. Yes, my mum's ex-boyfriend. We rubbed hot spicy chilies in the crotch of his underwear. Guys, you want to know what I've witnessed, right? Somebody that I used to live with, he, I don't know if they fully broke up but like they must have had a big argument i don't think he cheated on her but anyway they had like a big argument him and his girlfriend she came round when he was on holiday she came round and put glitter all over his room in all the pockets of his clothes all in his bed glitter everywhere i thought
Starting point is 00:32:08 of his clothes all in his bed glitter everywhere i thought genius do you need a hand i love that so if anyone needs a tip um oh i handcuffed him to the bed and put all my dirty socks in his mouth that's crazy we've lost the plot there, darling. No, I mean, deserved, if you ask me. Oh, here we go. Shagged his best mate. Classic. Fucked his bestie. I was told he was on hinge talking to other girls, so I got it.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Reported him. Now he's banned. Yeah, as you should. Guys. This is my favorite one this is my favorite one this is fucking hilarious i held him at gunpoint with a nerf gun and i shot him with a nerf gun safe to say i went mentally insane babe the thought of you being dead serious with a nerf gun like like pure evil in your eyes like you've actually lost the plot lost the plot nerf gun to his head he's thinking what the fuck but that would actually hurt though so i would
Starting point is 00:33:21 actually i'd hold my hands up i'd be like like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Drop the gun. Drop the gun. I just want to talk. I just want to talk. The fact there's a Nerf gun. Is the way you worded it. I held him at gunpoint with a Nerf gun.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Oh, it was fucking hilarious. The Nerf gun for me. Oh, brilliant. All right. oh it's fucking hilarious the nerf gun for me oh brilliant all right so my last one is what would you say is the worst or most regretful thing you've ever done okay so this could be you know cheating on someone or betraying a friend I wanted to know your biggest regrets or your biggest oops moments okay number one cheated yeah not exactly the worst thing I've done but with my ex for two years and I regret staying that long yeah this is the thing I think we can all look back and say oh i wish i left sooner do you know what i mean but at the end of the day you always gotta remind yourself that you just weren't ready you just weren't ready and you can't force yourself to be ready to leave sometime so
Starting point is 00:34:33 don't regret things like that i think um let's have a look what else have you guys done i did bits with my best friend's ex situation shipituationship. Had to get him out of my system. Never told her. Fucking hell. Oh my God. Your best friend. I'm assuming you're still best friends now. Oh God, it's like the dilemma last week.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I bet that one was a hard listen for you, babe. When I'm going, it's unforgivable. I got with my childhood bff's boyfriend he told me they broke up but they but they hadn't but still a big regret yeah because even if they had broken up babe it's still not ideal you're like yeah thanks leo i feel bad enough you know you gotta forgive yourself for these things everyone makes mistakes everybody has those days um i once messaged an ex because i was bored and feeling low to get attention selfish i know see it depends if you were in a relationship as well i mean i guess you mean you're selfish because you weren't actually interested and you were just bored. Oh, we've all done it, haven't we? Everyone does that every now
Starting point is 00:35:49 and then when you're feeling, when your self-esteem's low or something and you just need a little self-esteem boost, you know. Going on a break from my long-term relationship to see if there's anything better out there. Oh, I mean, that is the fear when someone says they want to go on a break you know that is that is what we all fear it could actually be about um an emotional affair with a colleague who's twice my age oh babe what do you guys think's worse, sexual affair or an emotional affair? Is that a weekly debate or what? I'm going to write that in my notes right now because, um, is that a hard one though? I don't know. I'm going to write it in my notes and we can discuss that. But then also,
Starting point is 00:36:39 what was the one that I said last week? Oh, please, if anyone can remember, please message me because I really can't remember. Oh, that's going to annoy me. I said, week oh please if anyone can remember please message me because I really can't remember oh that's gonna annoy me I said oh what a brilliant idea for a debate blah blah blah I can't even bloody remember my mind is so bad with that shit I'm so forgetful it's a joke anyway I there's a lot on there that I I physically can't read just because it's a bit deep or I don't want to trigger anyone so yeah there's a lot of one there's a lot of things on there that I'm not actually going to read just out of respect for the listeners and for the people that sent in just because it doesn't
Starting point is 00:37:17 feel right to read it out I don't know a lot of you are on the edge of your seats right now dying to read it aren't you dying to know but I know. But I just can't, guys. It doesn't feel right. Anyway, love you guys. Thank you so much for listening. Oh, what a fun episode. Story time. We should do this again sometime. What other story times could we come up with? I'm sure there's loads. Send them in if you've got any ideas. All right, guys, that was so exciting. Thank you for sending in your stories. Thank you for listening to my stories. Oh, I didn't answer that one. What's my biggest regret or worst thing I've ever done? I guess my biggest regret doesn't involve like a big decision or like anything I've ever done that's like hurt somebody that I really regret. I guess I really regret how I handled my first breakup if I'm being brutally honest
Starting point is 00:38:07 yeah I feel like I was quite selfish I was very young well I wasn't that young I was 21 but it was my first breakup and I do regret how I handled it I was very selfish um and yeah if I if I could go back and do something differently it would just be that I think that's very raw and vulnerable of me to admit go me all right guys I love you let's wrap up the episode okay everybody thank you so much for listening to this episode to anyone that sent in their stories thank you so much to the girls who sent me the idea for this episode i love you i appreciate you you're amazing you are the making of leah on the line and remember if you have any dilemmas confessions dilemma updates weekly debate ideas send them in to leah on the line.com go to the
Starting point is 00:39:03 website all the buttons are there it It's really easy, really straightforward. Everything is always kept anonymous. Don't ever forget it. And yeah, oh my God, love you so much. Thank you for listening to this episode. If you made it to the end, you are my best friends in the whole world. I appreciate you more than you'll ever know.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And yeah, I will speak to you guys on Tuesday for a brand new episode. All right, I love you. Bye.

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