Leah on the Line - Bonus 59: I think I love my boy bestie & my ex got back with his ex!!

Episode Date: October 6, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lear on the line happy friday happy friday everybody oh I need to stretch oh oh god hi guys oh listen I'm ill again I'm so sick of it like I just can't catch a break with these little viruses at the moment I feel so flu-y and achy no not flu-y you know when you've got the flu do you know how you know right because-y, you know when you've got the flu, do you know how you know, right, because people always go, oh, I think I've got the flu, you know if you've got the flu, same as when people go, oh, I've got such a bad migraine today, no, you haven't, because you wouldn't even be able to tell me that, do you know what I mean, anyway, when you, somebody said this before and I thought, facts, right, the difference between a cold and a flu if you was in oh that was loud sorry if you was in
Starting point is 00:01:06 bed and somebody said to you listen i've put five grand at the end of your bed you wouldn't if you had the flu you wouldn't be able to get up and get the five grand but if you had the cold you'd get the fucking five grand i'd get the five grand now so i ain't got the flu but yeah not feeling slay to be honest not feeling my best but guys i made a tiktok the other day talking about habbo hotel who remembers habbo hotel did i talk about it on the podcast i'm not sure i feel like i might have but anyway so we was reminiscing on this TikTok talking about Fall Inferni, the fridge game, Cozzy Change, there was like a teleporting game um if you weren't a Habbo babe then this is going to mean absolutely nothing to you in which case skip a little bit but if you were a Habbo babe this is going to be very nostalgic because I just love talking about
Starting point is 00:02:05 the habbo days it was such a fucking good time and let me tell you I was rich on habbo back in the day okay my mum used to let me buy like I can't remember what it was back then but she used to let me like top my account up every now and then because you just had to send a little text and she's she used to let me do it right and I'll never forget mum if you're listening oh it eats me up to this day once I just took her phone out of her bag and just sent the text and just got my own credits and it's probably about three quid at the time but it ate me up ate me up for days I never told her be honest, it's literally three quid, or whatever, let's say, like, four, five pound max, right, back then, especially, and it just ate me up, because I didn't ask, this is what I mean, like, I can't, I can't, like, break rules, and
Starting point is 00:02:56 I can't do rebellious stuff, anyway, she used to let me do it, apart from that one time, um, so I had a lot of f funny on there back in the day and i was pretty big deal on habbo back in the day i had habbo club hc so i had all the nice hairstyles anyway the point in this is i made this tiktok right and people are commenting saying that you can play it on your phone and stuff now and i was like you're not telling me it's still a fucking thing right and then hab, the Habbo account, comments on my TikTok, because my caption was like, Habbo was the bobber, right? Because bobber is the word that would come up when you swore on Habbo. So obviously that was me saying like,
Starting point is 00:03:36 Habbo was the shit. So he just commented saying like, Habbo was the bobber, sounds about right, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, oh my God, hello, let me get my old account back, please. Anyway, because you've been active, when you've been inactive for over 10 years your account gets banned that's so unnecessary all that money I was so rich on there so yeah the account's gone so anyway I made a new account right because I was like fuck it I'm actually gonna see what it's saying these days like what is it all about? Because back then it was about like the cool people had like the little cute chubby cheeks and you wore like cute outfits and you had like all your rooms were cramped, like everything was cramped and cute and cozy, right? So I was like, let me see what it's about. Guys, it's fucking weird. Everyone
Starting point is 00:04:21 that is now rich on Habbo would have been an absolute noob back in the day like the way that they look honestly i was like you ain't rich what are you wearing what is what is your habbo wearing mate because you aren't you're not looking cool in my books anyway so i gave my habbo a makeover she had this i bought with my real money dollar dollar right i bought this cute ponytail because it's given ariana i thought it was such a slay and then i made these really nice friends on habbo like i've actually made some friends actually kind of fun guys not gonna lie and they were like okay leah we need to tell you your habbo looks fucking stupid i was like whoa whoa whoa whoa what do you mean it's given ariana
Starting point is 00:05:02 like what are you talking about and they were like that ponytail is not it like you need to have like the big beady eyes flat cheeks I was like oh you're joking not in my world no not back in the day that was not cute anyway but yeah I just wanted to reminisce because it is a wild so anyway I downloaded Habbo again and i may or may not have spent 15 pounds of my own money on it already in the last 24 hours i bought habbo club for 14 days because i thought i'm not going to play this longer than two weeks i'm going to go for a little spur of i'm more excited about it again and then i'm going to realize this game is actually really shit and what is the point in this game right so i bought 14 days habbo club for a fiver no for a tenner what was it five or ten pound I think it was ten pound and then I bought 14 days builders club for five pounds but it ain't bloody working
Starting point is 00:05:57 but get this right to all my habbo peeps back in the day if you wanted to buy like a single chair it would cost you like three coins and that was a lot right now you can buy this fucking thing that for bill it's called builders club it's like a hundred coins right you get unlimited furniture you can get whatever furniture you fucking want mate i was like oh i'll be downloading that so i'm gonna download it yeah and i'm gonna host some games on there honestly you can take the gamer out the girl but you can't you can take the girl out the game you can take the girl out the game but you can't take the gamer out the girl no right so we've got people like Talia you guys remember when i had talia on
Starting point is 00:06:45 talia mar she is big gamer slay like she plays the proper games yeah i will play habit hotel sims the craziest game i'll give a go is gta listen i'm a bit of a gta fucking legend like i'm not gonna lie like i'm actually quite legendary at GTA and you best believe when GTA 6 comes out I'm not leaving the house for at least 31 working days because I'm gonna be sweating that out mate but yeah oh honestly I'm just loving life at the moment oh also I didn't go to the Marriott First Sight event yeah um it was all a bit of a shambles and all ended up really last minute and i couldn't get anything sorted like an outfit or the hotel in london so like we just are this is not worth the
Starting point is 00:07:31 fucking hassle right now because we wasn't getting replies but it's totally fine so we didn't go to that which i'm kind of sad about because a friend that i've made over tiktok was going i was like oh my god we can finally meet but But yeah, I didn't go. But to the next one, you know, you never know. Also, I'm going on holiday next Sunday. Anybody else get holiday anxiety? Does anybody else? I've never heard anybody say this before. The only time I won't is if I'm with my mum. It really fucking weird guys I'm 26 years old and I'm so codependent on my mum it's actually a problem but it's really weird because when I don't live at home like I feel more like stronger oh I'm so pathetic but like I don't feel as bad it's when I'm living at
Starting point is 00:08:17 home it's when I'm I'm needier how weird is that so anyway me and Jamie are going to Tenerife my favorite place to go on holiday ever like I just going to Tenerife, my favourite place to go on holiday ever. I just fucking love Tenerife. You can do anything you want. You can have any kind of holiday in this place. You can have a party holiday if you want. You can have a couple's holiday. You can have a family holiday. You can have a relaxation holiday. Like it's just all the vibes and it's so fun. And I will be doing all those vibes apart from the family holiday because I don't have any children. But I will be be one night you better believe i'm going to be tearing up that strip hun at least for 10 minutes at least when i'm just walking past you know um we'll have our relaxation
Starting point is 00:08:55 holiday absolutely we got the couple's holiday for sure i'm really i'm just excited and looking forward to it but i do get that anxiety i don't know what it is. Do you know what it is? I think it's my fear of death. So I think about like, you're literally risking your life, getting on a plane. But I made a TikTok about it saying like, isn't it wild how we like risk our lives just for a fucking week in the sun.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And someone commented like, how about the fact I literally risk my life to drive to work every day? And I was like, facts, actual facts. But you are my people. Like, if you see things like that, we're the same. Like, I was talking to Jess about this the other week. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And I was like, I, at the moment, I feel like this is where my health anxiety was like overwhelming because I had like so much shit going on the other week, right? And I was like, every day is just a game of like don't die like I was just like every day is like hopefully it's not today you know hopefully today isn't the day I die hopefully today isn't the day I lose someone I love like and I was like that was my mentality and I thought that was normal she was like no darling most people don't think like that I was like oh but it's true like they don't and like when when everything's overwhelming me whether that's like someone near me's got like a health scare it can be something minor right or I've just
Starting point is 00:10:17 seen something on TikTok that's really set me off I can go into this bubble of like every day is just a game of like how let's see how much longer I can live in that wild but it's not true sorry if I'm triggering anyone but anyway this episode guys it's a Friday it's a gorgeous Friday we are just going to do some more dilemmas because I put up a story again as I always do because I always want to make sure that I'm doing what you guys want on Fridays you know what I mean and I would say 70% of responses were we just love the dilemmas more dilemmas more dilemmas um and then the other 30% was like how about an episode with Jamie right and then actually to be fair maybe 29 because there was the odd other suggestion right and I was like oh okay so I put both up both answers up and said what do you guys want and then most people voted for the Jamie episode so I was like oh I'm conflicted now because in
Starting point is 00:11:16 the last story anyway I've decided we'll do both um I will do the episode with Jamie next Friday so send in your dilemmas if you want boy help boy advice boy opinions leahontheline.com because I thought you know what it's going to make more sense if I let you guys know beforehand because it is always helpful to have a boy's opinion and boy's advice isn't it so I was like let me let me tell the pod beforehand so you can get them in get them in also your reminder if you have a ghost story or any spooky story whether it be about ghosts spirits i don't know uh afterlife i don't know um what's it called in have you guys heard the stories about like where there's like a child and they're like i died i
Starting point is 00:12:00 remember how i died i remember what the event was i remember when it was i remember what i And then like, they'll go to their parents. They'll be like five years old. And they'll say like, yeah, I like died in this accident. And then they'll Google it. And it's like a real event that happened in like 1940 something. And they believe it's like, what's the fucking word when you come back? Reincarnated? Is knows anyway so yeah isn't that wild so any kind of spooky crazy stories send them in go to leahontheline.com and there is a halloween stories button on the get involved page so yeah i'm so excited for that you guys but yeah this episode we're just going to do more dilemmas today i love the dilemmas i can't lie so i'm so excited for that you guys but yeah this episode we're just gonna do more dilemmas today i love the dilemmas i can't lie so i'm more than happy to do it i'm thrilled that you guys
Starting point is 00:12:50 love them as well so yeah i'm over the moon and to be honest i don't really have anything else to say if you don't know anything about habbo this intro was probably so painfully boring for you which i can only apologize for but what else do i have oh my god right who's watching these senders at the moment because i'm fucking hooked i'm absolutely hooked on these senders so i stayed at summer's when i went to the in the style party right and we're talking about tv because she is the same as me we absolutely love a bit of tv right not really like out out kind of girls we're more like stay in and binge a series or stay in and watch your favorite reality shit tv show right we're talking about extenders she's like two months behind she will not miss an episode she watched about five in a row i can't hear another duff duff duff do you
Starting point is 00:13:35 know what i mean so anyway he said this is so unreal at the moment and you know what stacy slater lacey turner she is absolutely probably one of the best actresses ever. Like, I don't want to say she's wasting any standards because she does make the show. Like, it would be shit without her. But at the same time, it's like, you could literally be in an unreal film. Like, I want to see Lacey Turner in one of those unreal ITVX BBC iPlay player series drama thriller do you know what i mean you know a bit like happy valley i want to see her in one of them she'd be unreal someone make this happen because it would be it would go it would be famous it would do so well but yeah look at me acting
Starting point is 00:14:18 like i know anything about tv all right guys um yeah love you let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leah on the line.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates enjoy the episode love you okay everybody my voice sounds kind of nice when i'm ill don't you think smelly cat no i'm not ill enough for that last time i was i can't believe i missed that i should have done it anyway let's just get straight into some dilemmas guys you know let's not fuck around today um okay we'll kick it off with this one babe. Could really do with your opinion on the situation I'm in. Okay. I was with my boyfriend for three years and lived with him for two years. Things were
Starting point is 00:15:12 quite difficult at the beginning as his ex wouldn't leave him or me alone and was quite nasty to me. Oh my God, go away. Literally go away. We were together three years and last week I ended things as he wasn't loving me the same way i loved him and he never cared to see me that often in the end and it made me feel like a chore good for you good for you babe proud of you anyway this monday i found out he is talking to his ex again a week after our breakup i'm absolutely distraught and keep wondering if he wanted her all along and was just using me was i the rebound all along can a rebound even last three years how do i get through this he's completely cut all communication and just gone back to her any advice would be so appreciated love you lots oh babe that it sounds like it's really hurting you and to be honest i get it listen all i would
Starting point is 00:16:07 say is it could be a few things you know it could be a case of sometimes people get into a habit of going back to a certain ex because it fills that void that rejection you know his ego's taking a hit he's been broken up with you know it's not nice for anyone even if you don't want to be with someone and then they end it with you sometimes it's a relief but you know sometimes it's a bit like whoa what do you mean you don't want to be with me it's like i mean i was gonna say no but why are you saying no you know it's like even the thought even the fact that someone doesn't want to be with you is it can knock your ego a touch right So it could be a case of he's feeling insecure. At the end of the day, she could be the rebound, you know, the ex could be the rebound just because she's his ex
Starting point is 00:16:53 and they had history before you doesn't mean that he's not rebounding with her from you, you know, let's think about that perspective. another perspective is maybe there is still something there between them maybe he does still have feelings for her but what you need to think is it doesn't matter you don't want to be with him he wasn't treating you right he wasn't loving you right and it is genuinely a case of you know that you deserve better right so regardless of whether he found someone brand new went back to his ex or stayed single for the next seven years it doesn't make a difference to you and your life and what what you're worth and what you deserve because it's irrelevant you don't want to be with him so
Starting point is 00:17:38 he can do what he wants you know at the end of the day they might be soulmates let them live you know who cares nothing to do with me i deserve better than this you did not make me happy you did not give me enough you did not treat me right if you want to go and get back with your ex maybe you're filling a void maybe she's a rebound maybe you're insecure and need a confidence boost or maybe you're still in love and she's your soulmate the love of your life no matter what the answer, it doesn't make a difference to me because I know I don't want to be with you full stop, you know. And I think it's so important to remember that whatever somebody does post breakup is not a reflection of you or how they feel about you because he could be begging for you back, begging for you back. And even that might not necessarily mean
Starting point is 00:18:25 that he loves you and wants to be with you that could still be a case of you've hurt his ego his self-esteem's taken a hit and he just wants that validation of you wanting him again however somebody acts isn't always a true reflection of how they feel about you so we have to detach ourselves from that situation from his life whatever choices and decisions he's making whoever he is spending his time with detach yourself because it doesn't matter we don't want to be with them you know we don't you could be soulmates and you know what if you are sorry i got in the way you know we have to change our our mindset you know and I've been oh I just dropped the mic and I've been there and to be honest my mentality is just like you're probably
Starting point is 00:19:13 soulmates do you know what I mean because when you get to the point where you're like well I don't want to be with you so whatever you do now it doesn't matter it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You can be happy. I don't want you to be unhappy. You can be happy if that's with your ex. Unreal, you know. Sorry, I kind of got in the middle of that. Sorry about me and the relationship we had in between. But, you know, that is the mentality you need because, like I said, it doesn't matter. You don't want to be with him. And that's what you need to remember. Obviously, I I said it doesn't matter you don't want to be with him and that's what you need to remember obviously I can understand it might be hurting you it might be making you feel insecure you feel like the rebound but at the end of the day even if you was the rebound which I personally don't think you were because three years is a long time to be
Starting point is 00:19:59 rebounding I don't really think that is the definition of a rebound so I don't I don't think that is the case realistically I think he was really into you he did love you or he did have really strong feelings for you and I'm sure you had an amazing connection and relationship at one time and I think it's just important to process things and just say you know what we went on the journey we went on you did the right thing you were so strong you put yourself first you were you recognized what you deserve what he was lacking and you said no i don't want to be with you and to be honest it's well it's obviously hurt self-esteem and maybe he has gone to his ex for that reason but even if it is because he's madly in love with her it doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't make you any less amazing doesn't make you any less worthy of a of an incredible relationship
Starting point is 00:20:50 because you just have to remember you don't want to be with him that's what you have to keep reminding yourself okay it's fine but i don't want to be with you so it's fine you know we have to find comfort in your decisions you made the right decision and what was right for you everything else is just background noise who he's with who he's spending time with who he's messaging who he who he has feelings for it's noise in the background and it is irrelevant to you and your life and focus on you because you did an amazing thing you prioritized yourself and you recognized yourself well and that is more than a lot of people have been able to do and wish they could have done so be proud of yourself and i'm proud of you we're all proud of you love you okay next dilemma okay guys i think i love my boy best friend
Starting point is 00:21:39 okay everybody this is a tough one he's like the funny hot one of the group who knows he's hot he laughs about everyone oh sorry he laughs about how everyone fancies him but he's so harmless we've been mates for around seven years now and i've got with each other a couple times in the last two years but nothing else okay so we've crossed the line already we've crossed the line already what do i say about male female friendships guys he's got with all my friends oh he's a bit of a player lol yeah oh i'm not sure about this we have an agreement to get married at 30 oh no no guys if we're both still single. So I'm hoping it comes true. There's only a few boys I'm fooling myself around and he's one of them. I obviously can't say anything to him because our
Starting point is 00:22:32 friendship isn't like that, but I don't know what to do. Okay. One thing I'm going to tell you now, and this might hurt. I'm going to listen. Tough love. Sometimes you're not getting married at 30. The amount of times I want to meet someone who has said that to their friend and it's happened. It's a flirty thing to say. It's like slowly, it's like low-key confessing that you feel something towards each other. It's like that confession of like whether that be fancying, whether that be that deep down I I'm low key in love with you. Like whatever it is that is deep down low key, you're feeling that is the way where you communicate it. How many, how many of you have said this to a friend in your life, but low key, you had this thing. It wasn't a deep thing, but you had a thing. You could have probably slept
Starting point is 00:23:19 with them, but it wasn't that deep, right? So I am gonna crush your dreams and tell you, let's not wait for this guy to wear 30 because it's not gonna happen. I mean, it might. I would love to meet somebody who has said that to a friend and they've actually got married because I don't know. I can't explain what that means,
Starting point is 00:23:41 but it's a universal conversation, isn't it? Everybody's had that. Oh, if we're still single at 30 let's just get married it's like i think the people that can communicate like that and say that to each other is like we fancy each other enough to the point where we could probably fuck like we could probably have sex um and i love to flirt with you and play around a little bit and it's playful but that's it it ain't that deep you know because otherwise we'd actually be talking about this seriously not not getting married but you know dating or whatever he slept with all your friends uh second red flag i'm actually
Starting point is 00:24:17 gonna go out there and say this guy is a walking red red flag and no matter what it's not gonna end well like he's done the classic oh if i'm single when i'm 30 i'll get married to you he's probably said that to all your mates to be honest but god i sound like a bitch i sound like i'm really not on your side i am i am on your side tough love babe that's all it is i'm just looking out for you all right so red flag number one fuck boy classic number one is if we're both single at 30 we'll get married he's fucked all your friends he knows he's good looking he's funny like he's the cheeky chap you know everyone everyone every person in this place fancies me it's given that and do you know what
Starting point is 00:25:00 that's fine like he's not well i don't know he might be hurting people i'm not sure but it sounds like he's not hurting anyone i mean although it sounds like he could be hurting you a little bit it's not fair to say those things like we'll get married at 30 and like getting with you and like getting with all of your friends like all of them so I think you might just be like into him like he's cheeky he's a little bit sexy like it's all a bit naughty like you're friends and you're sleeping together and you have this vibe and it's just like this unspoken attraction it's cheeky it's not that deep you don't know where you stand and it's the excitement of it right I think that's what we're feeling I don't think you're in love with him but you might be i don't i don't know obviously but i think it's really easy
Starting point is 00:25:45 to get confused between like infatuation and excitement over something that feels wrong and like not wrong but like oh sorry guys oh i'm tired tonight yeah over something that just feels a little bit like oh do you know what i mean i don't know but yeah i would just say we gotta let that one go baby girl like it is it's kind of dangerous i can't see it ending too well you know i would just say let's go out there and find ourselves a nice boy man you know all right babe let me know how it goes though though, keep me updated, all right, love you so much, okay, next dilemma, hey, queen, oh, my God, yeah, I love that one, okay, so this is an update, as I wrote in before about my ex, if you remember, it was in episode 43, and I was
Starting point is 00:26:39 struggling to get over him, I think so, is this one where I was basically saying that, oh, my God, I feel so sad, like, this is really horrible to read because you were like i literally cannot and i think it's been like quite a few years i can't remember i think that's the one okay um it's now quite a while later and i'm over him now oh slay we love that whilst i still have love for him as we are still really good friends okay interesting i know i'm not in love with him and I know we don't work and I don't want to get back with him we still message and occasionally meet up as friends as he's always there for me and we share friends that we have from uni okay this is this is lucky kind of confusing I'm not sure how you've gone from I can't get over him I love him I love
Starting point is 00:27:23 him so much too like we just hang out and we're just like really on the same page like we're just friends how did we get there I mean slow really however this is my dilemma I met this guy at work and he is amazing we've only been on three dates but I'm already falling for him and I know he's going to be in my future as he is perfect and for me to feel like this about someone so early is huge okay bye bye ex the new guy knows about my ex still being my friend but my issue is my ex oh sorry I know I need to cut my ex off in order for me to continue things with the new guy. I'm really struggling with this decision as I still have a lot of care for my ex and I know this will kill him. I think it's the attachment that needs to be broken. Yes, you took the words right out of my mouth but I'm also
Starting point is 00:28:15 struggling with the fact that he's going to be out of my life and that hurts so much to think about. The new guy says he's okay with me being in contact with him if he knows it's just friends. Oh my god, okay. But he also said in another conversation that it's a deal breaker for him. Okay, yeah, we got it, we got it. And thinking about it, if it was the other way around, I'd want him to cut contact. Okay, she's emotionally aware, we love it. So my question is, do you think it would be okay to cut contact with my ex,
Starting point is 00:28:41 as in take him off all social media, but to let him still have my number, in case he does ever need to message me i'm not sure if that's right and if it's not please could you give me any advice on how to do this it hurts so much thinking about this and the only reason i haven't cut him off until now is because i haven't had a reason to but now i really don't want to let this opportunity with the new guy go i feel i have to do this i just really don't know how and i'm so scared to do it for my own emotions and for my ex as it's gonna hurt us both any advice would be appreciated thank you so much for always helping me and all of us listeners you truly make my day oh i love you bye oh i love you what a lovely way to end your dilemma all right babes um do you know what you're you're bang on with the fact that it's the attachment that
Starting point is 00:29:25 needs to be broken one thing i want to say is when we break up with someone the thought of never seeing them again you're never going to be in my life again that is the most painful part that and the thought of them being with someone else but the most painful part of a breakup is i'm never going gonna see you again you know when I get good news I'm not I'm not gonna call you and tell you oh my god you never guess what it's all that stuff that makes a breakup so hard because they are your go-to person for a long time and then before you know it you're like god I don't even know what's going on in your life and I don't know where you live now I don't know do you have a new
Starting point is 00:30:06 job and it's that stuff that is so heartbreaking you look at them you think I don't want to be strangers with you we've been through so much you know you you were the love of my life I don't want to be a stranger to you and I think to be honest that is the hardest part a lot of the time in most breakups. So I would say you haven't actually done the hardest part of breaking up with this guy yet. And you say you're over him, you know, you finally over him. I don't know if you are until you make that big cut, because we all do it. You know, I think I've done it in every breakup I've never just gone right it's over bang I'm never speaking to you again I don't think I've ever done that you keep in contact for a while you know you it's hard to let go at first it's really hard to just
Starting point is 00:30:57 let go and then before you know it you just let go and I find that the time I've stopped communicating with somebody after breaking up with them is when I am meeting somebody new and talking to somebody new. And then I think, okay, this is over between us. You know, why are we still communicating? We don't need to be friends. You know, I've got friends, you've got friends. We don't need to be friends. There's too much history there. And I will just slowly fizzle that out and let the communication fade away it doesn't need to be a big deep conversation of like i don't i don't think i can talk to you anymore because it's just part of breaking up with someone eventually the communication will fizzle out
Starting point is 00:31:39 don't get me wrong there are obviously situations and circumstances where people stay friends for life with their exes but most of the time I feel like there does come to a point where that communication just slowly fizzles out and everybody's accepted the situation we are finally letting go and that person is in the past and it it's easier to do it slowly because you can get your head around it your attachment gets less and less, you know, you get used to not seeing them much. You get used to not talking to them as much. And then before you know it, you're not talking at all. So I would just say to you that this is, I think necessary. You were insanely attached to this person, which is obviously very normal, but you were so attached to this person. You have very normal but you were so attached to this person you have met someone who you think is incredible right you think you know look if it was she was
Starting point is 00:32:31 on the other foot you're cutting her off mate i don't want you talking to your ex what we're gonna be friends with her for you got friends you know and if you can say that I think you know it's the right thing to do and also what this ex has given you whether that be a friend emotional support blah blah blah that is what your new boyfriend will provide you so don't feel like there's going to be a hole and a big void because that is what your boyfriend and relationship should provide for you. They should be your, you know, support system if you need them. Or the person you talk to if you have amazing news. If that's what you want to do, you know.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And eventually, the communication needs to fizzle out with the ex. I don't know if you need to do this big like conversation of like, hey, I'm seeing somebody new. Like, I don't think we should talk anymore. But here's my number if you ever need me. Like, I think we let it fizzle. And yeah, I think just let it fizzle. I think don't try to keep up communication.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And it doesn't need to be this big deep thing where, you know, you send something that's going gonna upset someone and hurt someone I think just let it fizzle out and focus on your relationship with this new guy because he sounds lovely and it sounds like you really really really like him which is amazing so yeah I would just let it fizzle to be honest let the ex go slowly naturally you know we've accepted it's over now I don't want to be with you i found someone i really like it's actually really normal and really common to still be in little mild contact with exes and eventually we just let them go and eventually it's like thank you for a lovely relationship thank you for a great time i think it's time we let each other
Starting point is 00:34:25 go but you don't have to communicate that it's just the unspoken rules you know so yeah congrats on the new relationship I'm so excited for you I'm so excited I hope you are so happy and I hope they treat you amazingly if not you know what to do and yeah you know what don't worry about it you got this babes and like you said you're worried about it hurting them unfortunately this is just part of breaking up it does hurt but they'll get over it don't worry you got your thing all right babes love you so much okay you guys i think we're gonna stop it there with the dilemmas today i really enjoyed those ones i feel like they were really good i just love dilemmas like i don't know i enjoy them so much so if you do i'm over the moon because you guys asking for more dilemmas on fridays i was like
Starting point is 00:35:18 i'm so fucking neat i can do that i can do that not a problem so yeah let's um round up wait i don't say this let's round up the episode do i say that i can't think of what i say guys i say it every week twice a week let's let's round up the i don't say round up guys i just had an absolute brain fart i had to listen back to my last episode i say let's wrap up the episode who was fucking shouting that at me then how does that happen in my brain isn't that weird i say that twice a week and i could not remember what i say i was like round up doesn't make any fucking sense how weird is that anyway let's round up the episode okay everybody if you made it to the end you're my favorite masses i love you so much thank you so so so much for listening today thank you for being in my company thank you so much having me
Starting point is 00:36:16 in your company whatever it is that you're up to so happy that we got to do this together today what are we doing what am i doing this weekend oh to be honest holiday prep starts now to be honest i've got a lot of shit to sort out i need to start actually thinking about this it just creeped up on me without even thinking i will be sweating it out on habbo hotel though so everyone this is your sign everyone download habbo my name is literally leah levain so you'll know it's me everyone's got cool names like it doesn't make any sense kind of name and my name is literally my name it's really not cool but whatever let's play habbo together all right guys i hope you'll have an amazing weekend if you're going out getting
Starting point is 00:36:56 drunk this weekend you know the rules don't get too drunk and text your ex text me instead have the best time be safe look out for each other look after your friends and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode all right i love you

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