Leah on the Line - Bonus 63: CHEATING OR NOT CHEATING?!

Episode Date: November 3, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo and the lion happy forever happy pride everybody oh a bit clogged up in the throat just had some chicken satay guys what the fuck is this storm it's my uk peeps what the fuck is going on out there it is vile it's freezing i don't know what happened we had a lovely october i'm talking about the weather again it's literally like it's like it's awkward like we've got nothing to talk about but I've got to discuss it it's freezing it was all right in October it's like 16 degrees we had we had an October heat wave hun it's fucking freezing it is oh did you hear that bubble in my throat it is so cold I've got a full tracks suit on and i'm still freezing but it's kind of cozy i had um my pumpkins night the other night the other week in the night whatever remember i told you guys about
Starting point is 00:01:11 it everyone was coming over i was gonna carve some pumpkins and stuff and we i made everybody the most unreal bailey's hot chocolate apart from my brother's girlfriend she just had a normal hot chocolate because she's preggers and my 12 year old nephew just had a normal hot chocolate because she's preggers and my 12 year old nephew just had a normal hot chocolate because he's 12 but the rest of us had baileys guys it was unbelievable the hot chocolate i used to from was from marks and spencers because i'm rich no not really i'm broke but it was so stunning it was like literal real chocolate literal chocolate like grated chocolate that you melt in milk. Oh, stunning. With a bit of Baileys in there, whipped cream on top and like chocolate, uh, sprinkles of like
Starting point is 00:01:52 chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, milk chocolate chips, some fudge pieces. Oh my God. Who fancies one? Cause I fancy one. I ain't got no more hot chocolate though. Could go and get some. Also having pie for dinner. isn't that such a winter cozy dinner how nice what's your favorite pie my favorite pie is chicken leek and bacon i used to make the most unbelievable homemade chicken leek and bacon pie granted i didn't make my own pastry because i ain't got time for that i just use the ready to roll stuff do you know what i'm saying but i want to make it again right but i can't find the recipe online anymore so but it was effort it was really long like yeah I can't even remember where to start but also we made apple pies last
Starting point is 00:02:31 night I've never made apple pies before but I made like the little McDonald's style ones where it kind of looks like a sausage roll but it's an apple pie and it was yummy there wasn't enough filling inside to be fair but trying to narrow narrow. Do you know what I mean? I'm thinking of making some for Christmas Day. Because the last few years. We've gone out for Christmas Day my family. We've gone to restaurants. Because it's just so nice.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Like no washing up. You get like. I don't know. It's just so fun. The atmosphere is lush. Like I just love it. But there's nowhere to go around me this year. So we've decided we're going to do it at home.
Starting point is 00:03:03 The traditional way. And there's a lot of us this year my family's getting bigger and bigger all my siblings have had or are now having kids and yeah it's the table is getting smaller and smaller wait bigger and bigger the room on the table is getting smaller and smaller basically so it's going to be a big job so what we've actually decided is everyone that's coming around is responsible for a part of the Christmas dinner. So mum's doing the big bits. Mum's doing the meats, the potatoes and the gravy, right? And I am doing the pigs and blankets and the stuffing. Easy peasy, right? My brother and his girlfriend, they're doing creamy leeks and uh parsnips and carrots my my oldest sister's doing the oh i'm getting starving right now my oldest sister's doing the cauliflower cheese i said listen you can
Starting point is 00:03:53 only take this on if you are willing to deliver because that is my favorite bit you cannot you cannot mess this up right um auntie's doing the swede we haven't actually told her that yet so leanne if you're listening which you should be you will actually be doing the swede but that's because she's just so strong and you know like she just does it the best no it's because it's the worst job and she's just good at it who wants to do the swede it's the worst bit what's everyone's favorite part about the roast dinner like to eat mine's the collie cheese it's the best i could just eat a plate of that on christmas day also the bubble and squeak on boxing day bubble and squeak honestly
Starting point is 00:04:39 heaven some would say better than the actual roast dinner also we don't do turkey in my family for christmas it's just it's a bit shit like sorry guys to any of my turkey lovers but it's a bit dry like just not a big fan but we can't agree on meats because we were just like let's just go chicken you know it's close enough but my older sister's like chicken's boring and I'm like okay so she's thinking beef so yeah we're having a big Christmas uh prep we're having a lot of Christmas prep talk at the moment how has this turned into Christmas oh it's just fun isn't it who's done Christmas shopping yet November can you believe it oh I'm that person I'm literally being that person can you believe it's November it's like when it gets to four o'clock and people's like it's
Starting point is 00:05:30 getting dark already can you believe it's getting dark already ready dark well anyway we have the same conversations every year don't we but yeah guys this episode I'm really looking forward to it it is called inspired by one of you guys love Love you so, so much. Thank you for this. It is cheating or not cheating, right? So I will preface this by saying the examples we've used, which were all submitted by you guys. So thank you again.
Starting point is 00:05:58 The examples we've used, obviously your two options in the poll is cheating or not cheating. Don't get me wrong. A lot of them it's not that it's cheating but it's still fucking wrong it's still not acceptable so don't take the cheating answer too literally obviously we we understand that some of these things it's like well that's not cheating but still i wouldn't fucking have it do you know
Starting point is 00:06:19 what i mean so yeah just wanted to preface it with saying that but i'm really looking forward to it we also are going to read out some cheating stories as well because it just felt a bit fitting so yeah thank you guys so much for tuning in today I love you and appreciate you so much for taking the time out of your day to search Lear on the Line on Spotify or Apple whatever you use check for a latest episode and hit play I love you that means the world to me you guys will mean the world to me so yeah I hope you're all feeling really good today let's spend some time chatting together having a good little laugh and let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leah on the line.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember
Starting point is 00:07:00 to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Okay, you guys. So I hit on my Instagram stories today. Well, actually, it was a couple of days ago now with send in your submissions. And together, we will debate whether it's cheating or not cheating. But also, again, some of them, they're or not cheating but also again some of them they're obviously not cheating but we're gonna click cheating anyway all right okay so let's
Starting point is 00:07:32 just get straight into it guys all right i'm excited number one some of them as well some of them are a bit like really like are you serious leah but again they weren't from my brain okay some of these I did think oh I didn't know about that but I wanted to put them in anyway because they were from you guys so I wanted to see how many people think what you know so let's get into it number one your man kissing a girl on the cheek on a night out so we're thinking we're thinking we're thinking it's not a mate it's not your mate it's we're thinking, it's not a mate. It's not your mate. It's not someone you know. It's not a friendly face. It is, you know, maybe you've just got chatting and he's, for some reason, some bizarre reason, kissed her on the cheek, right?
Starting point is 00:08:17 And I don't mean like, I don't know, it sounds really babyish, right? On the cheek. Cheating, cheater. But what I'm saying is like, you have to imagine the scenario. We have to imagine it because when somebody sent this in, I thought, hmm, kissing someone on the cheek. But then when I pictured it, my blood started to boil a little bit.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It was approaching 100 degrees. And I thought, okay, I think we could use that because if you imagine a scenario, why are you doing that? Have a bit of respect. Why are you doing that? Do you imagine a scenario why doing that should have a bit of respect why are you doing that do you know what i mean and then when i think about it i think god am i really over the top and jealous i guess that's what we're here to find out for all of us all right so your man kissing a cheek kissing a girl on the cheek on a night out what do you guys think is the response because i am
Starting point is 00:09:07 quite surprised i'll be honest so 37 percent have said not cheating and 63 percent have said that's fucking cheating mate and you know what i think i'm with you because picture it like this picture it picture it whatever conversation is being had you're too close you're too close right because obviously the scenario is you don't know this person you've just met them tonight you're not there your boyfriend's on a night out or your girlfriend right they're chatting to someone and you don't know this person that they're talking to neither do they they met them tonight and for some reason they've got close enough that they've had a kiss on the cheek and I'll tell you what why I think is cheating is because that is over the line of flirting flirting is one thing a bit flirty banter is one thing you have then gone further than that
Starting point is 00:10:03 point and you're physically flirting with them you're kissing them on the cheek like I can't imagine what you'd be saying like oh um I don't know I can't think of a scenario but yeah I actually do agree and then some of these I'm thinking to myself and I think am I actually fucking am I a bit of a crazy bitch all right next one liking other girls other girls' Instagram stories. Now, of course, this is situational and some context would help with our answer, but we can't give context because how specific can it be, I guess. So you guys have said, you're very split on this one. 48% have said cheating and 52% have said not cheating. So
Starting point is 00:10:46 let's just say pretty much 50-50. And here's what I think. If it is a random story, it's nothing. That isn't like a way, okay? If it is a selfie of them and you've liked it, I don't think that is cheating because even if it was a feed post and you've liked it I don't think that is cheating because even if it was a feed post and you've liked it I don't think that's cheating I actually think liking somebody's story is deeper than a feed post and you guys are going to think I'm fucking nuts right you guys been going to think I'm nuts I'll tell you why because if you're liking a feed post your intentions appear more innocent because you you're not a feed post, your intentions appear more innocent because you're not doing it in secret. You know I can see it if I want to and everyone else can
Starting point is 00:11:31 see it. But liking their story, you know I can't see it. You know no one else can see it. The only person can see it, that can see it, is you and them. That's why I feel like it's deeper why you doing that it's it's a signal of I think you're fit I think you're sexy and to me I don't I don't know if cheating is the word but it is it's deep I actually think that's deep like if I posted I don't know a lounge ad and I'm in my sexy lounge underwear right and I've put it on my story and some guys liked it and I know him and I know he's got a girlfriend I I would just think like oh shouldn't be doing that do you know what I mean like so that's the other side of it is that girl will probably know you and know that you have a girlfriend. And then that's embarrassing for me.
Starting point is 00:12:28 So not only is it like you're giving somebody else that attention that is inappropriate, you're actually embarrassing me, you know. So, yeah, it's 50-50. But I can see why. Because obviously, if it was just a random story, it doesn't matter. If it's a picture of her dog or if it was like a picture of her coffee or food or whatever if it was she just looks 10 out of 10 sexy and you're liking it what are you doing it for all right that's my opinion okay cheating or not cheating following a girl from a night out that he doesn't know on insta so imagine this your boyfriend or girlfriend is on a night out that he doesn't know on insta so imagine this your boyfriend or girlfriend is on a night
Starting point is 00:13:05 out you've checked the following because for whatever reason you know we were worried okay you've checked the following who the fuck is that who the fuck is that you click on their profile you watch their story they're in the same fucking club your mind is running a hundred thousand miles an hour you think you've met in that club you've exchanged social socials why why so the polls 28 percent have said not cheating 72 percent saying that's fucking cheating and i am with you i am 100% with you because that for me I would never do that in my right mind if I was on a night out and for whatever reason I'm spending enough time talking to someone to even get to that conversation of what's your Instagram it feels like it was probably already inappropriate to get to that point and for me to give somebody my Instagram or ask somebody else for their Instagram and fucking follow them.
Starting point is 00:14:06 What? But at the same time, we don't know the full story from that point. Like it could be, oh, you know, this your best mate has started seeing someone and you met that night and you followed them. Actually, to be fair, the girl who sent this in did say he follows a girl from a night out that he doesn't know so it is a total stranger which in that case no i'm it's not acceptable for me so i'm with you guys on that one okay cheating or not cheating buying a girl a drink on a night out so i asked my mom this i was like mom do you think it's cheating if if you was with someone and they bought a girl a drink on a night out she was like no I was like what what fucking hell for me I just I will deep everything right so if somebody said to me like
Starting point is 00:15:00 oh I saw Jamie out last night he bought someone a drink he bought a girl a drink my mind would run so crazy I would just imagine like what did you spend the whole night together how did you know her what were you talking about what made you buy her a drink did you fancy her was she single did you kiss her like I just for me I keep saying that it's actually annoying for me buying someone a drink you are flirting you fancy each other you know like no one's ever bought me a drink unless there was a vibe there was a vibe anyway can I get you a drink can I get you a drink and if I'm saying yeah listen I can't ever be one of them people that just takes free drinks and runs away I've got such a guilty conscience I could never do it all I think about is the fact that someone's hard-earned money why would I ever do that but I know there's so many people that do
Starting point is 00:15:47 that but it's fine each to their own I mean who cares but I just couldn't do it so from my perspective the only time I'm ever accepting a drink is if I fancy you so you fancy each other moral of the story you fancy each other all right you guys are saying 79% are saying that's cheating yeah I'm not having it put it that way I'm not fucking having it what's the fuck but then you do get these people that are so friendly and so bubbly and lovely and chatty and nice and kind and they have no fucking idea do you know what I mean they are so blind to the fact that that person they're buying a drink for might actually take that as you fancy them like there are people like that i know people like that so i do think in situations it isn't as bad as it
Starting point is 00:16:35 seems but yeah all right next one controversial one we have kind of discussed this before cheating or not cheating going to a strip club and having a dance 75 are saying cheating and 25 are saying not i'm surprised by that because when we did the weekly debate of like are you okay with your man going to a strip club a lot a lot of you said yeah i'll fucking i'll come with or i'll pay for it like go babe that's fun it's fun night out but today 75 of you are saying no but to be fair we are talking about if you get a dance which to me it would make me so mad it would make me mad it would make me so angry listen i know they're so so i know them personally so many people out there that couldn't give a shit it's like it's a strip club it's a dance it's a laugh
Starting point is 00:17:31 it's a bit of fun like whatever who cares that's that's it's not that deep i'm one of them people that i would feel so mad and jealous like what you what you actually doing, honey? It would make my blood boil. Yeah. So I'm with you guys. Okay. Next one. Cheating or not cheating. Liking the girl I'm worried about pics. Oh no, sorry. Liking the girl I'm worried about sexy full on thong bikini pics. Missed out crucial detail there. So it's the girl you're worried about your boyfriend has liked pictures of her in a fucking thong bikini and he's so he's told you not to worry about her um yeah fuck off you're cheating you're cheating bastard like for me that that that is cheating to me like that's cheating that's not even a bit like oh it's unacceptable it's not like
Starting point is 00:18:32 you've cheated on me like i don't find that cool at all the liking bikini pics is one thing liking pics of the girl you told me not to worry about in her fucking bikini that's cheating you cheat on me what the fuck because you don't have to do that you know i'm worried about it you know you cannot do that out of respect for me if you have respect for me and you care about how i feel and how i'm perceiving things you will skip that pic do you know what i mean you will leave that one like the rest but that one you can skip you know so yeah 91 have said cheating 91 and i'm fucking with you i'm with you all right cheating or not cheating sleeping in a bed with another girl and not doing anything cheating cheating that's fucking get out what are you
Starting point is 00:19:34 doing what are you actually doing no being in a bed with another girl is far too intimate for me you're way too close for comfort no no no no no no nothing in my right mind would allow me to get into bed with another man whether we were back to back top and tail it feels so disrespectful and so wrong that I could never oh my god I would never live with that guilt it would feel so fucked and if I found out that Jamie was like oh yeah yeah, we blah, blah, blah. Me and someone, we ended up sharing a bed. You're fucking out of here. No way. No way. Okay. What do you guys think? 90% have said cheating. 90% and 10% are saying not cheating. Oh my God. That's wild to me. I could never. Okay. Next one. Cheating or not cheating. Having a work wife.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Let me talk from experience. My work husband from years ago, years and years and years ago, we ended up sleeping together. We were single might i add and your work husband is because there is sexual chemistry there is some sort of connection whether it be sexual chemistry you have an emotional connection you know whatever it is your work wife or your work husband you may not even realize it at the time but it's because there is chemistry you are drawn to each other you feel a bond with each other that is different to your other colleagues and most of the time it is sexual chemistry and in my experience yeah it doesn't end innocently we were both single again my god so if Jamie told me he had a work wife,
Starting point is 00:21:27 oh my God, no fucking hope, not a hope in hell, not a hope in hell. Am I crazy? Because actually I'm realizing most of these, I'm like, that's cheating, that's cheating. Yeah, cheating, cheating. But to be fair to myself, the cheating is winning the poll on 99% of these so I'm not alone oh my god sorry I'm not alone so yeah okay what do you guys think to this one 58% have said cheating and 42% have said not cheating I think it's a case of like you know when you get really close with someone at work you might not even call each other your work wife or husband but you love being on shift together and he might walk you home if you finish late or you know he might look out for you in certain ways around the workplace blah blah he's got your back it is because you have this thing and I don't think
Starting point is 00:22:28 there's words for it but you have like an emotional connection that is genuinely my thoughts on it because I'm just talking from experience that's all I can kind of relate but yeah so for me I don't necessarily know if it's cheating but it's definitely a humongous red flag of what you're feeling you know okay cheating or not cheating asking porn girls for a video or photos 97% that is our biggest result yet 97% have said that is cheating and I fucking agree if it isn't obvious how I am about all these fucking things I'm crazy that to me is cheating hell yeah that is cheating asking a girl for fucking videos and pics it doesn't matter if that's her job the fact is you want it from somebody else and it's it's not acceptable it's inappropriate and it's disrespectful and it's cheating yeah next okay cheating or not cheating a snapchat streak with another girl
Starting point is 00:23:47 now I have made this very clear I am I stay well away from snapchat and um so in because of that I don't know how deep the whole streaks thing is I do know that a streak means you've messaged at least once every 24 hours to keep your streak going so if that is the case if I don't know who she is and I'm talking if that's not your best mate's girlfriend or a relative I'm not happy about it I'm actually crazy jealous no I'm not I'm actually so chill I ask ask Jamie I'm chill he doesn't do these things so he's lucky really no all right let's get to the results 60% have said cheating and 40 have said not cheating so yeah i'm not sure why i stand on that one because i don't know how the snapchat situation is i don't know if people do snapchat loads of randomers all the time if that's like quite common normal you know so all right next
Starting point is 00:24:57 one he sees a girl who used to have a thing with on a night out and hugs her for 10 plus seconds. The way you worded this just cracked me up so much. I'm shocked, really shocked by the poll results. I'll be completely honest. So 61% have said cheating and 39% have said not. So that really surprised me. A girl he used to have a thing with, guys. They've probably, right, we're talking they probably fucked. He's fucked this person and they've seen each other on a night out and they're that happy to see each other that it's been 10 seconds and they still haven't let go guys 10 seconds is a
Starting point is 00:25:46 long time one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yeah that's long imagine that imagine you had to see it whoa whoa break it up break it up, break it up, break it up. The fuck's going on here? No, but am I, am I the drama? Because I think that's really wrong. If I bumped into someone that's an ex or someone I used to have a thing with, and I'm wrapped around them for 10 plus seconds, I'm happy to see them. I want to feel their body. I want to smell them. If I'm on somebody for 10 seconds, I'm sniffing your neck. I'm feeling our bodies touch. Why? Why are you doing that? Do you know what I mean? Am I crazy? This episode has made me really question my sanity. Wow. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:52 So 39% of you are saying not cheating and 61% are saying cheating. So listen, I don't know if it's cheating, but it's fucked. Okay, next one. Untagging himself from Insta photos I posted of us together because of other girls. Now this one has shocked me more. 91% have said cheating and 9% have said not cheating. So 91% of you are saying you are cheating now I get it because in the in the question you did say because of other girls and if that is the case he's untagging himself because of other girls yeah that's cheating you want people to think you're single you want to keep me a secret well that's cheating or you are already cheating but if it wasn't that and it could just be a case of
Starting point is 00:27:42 like oh I don't like that picture of me. Untag. Then you could maybe excuse it. But yeah, every photo bit sus. So, yeah, I am with you guys. That is really fucking weird. Like, especially because, you know, it's for other girls. So, yeah, he's cheating. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Cheating or not cheating. Keep an intimate photos of an ex or ex fling. keeping intimate photos of an ex or ex fling 87 have said cheating and 13 saying not cheating i'm with you i'm with you if it was a case of like you just got together and you've gone through their camera and you've been like whoa the fuck and they were like oh shit i i genuinely didn't know i had any of them or like i forgot i have it hasn't crossed my mind to delete them now that we're together blood and then they delete them you can move you can move on from it because you know you just got together he hasn't had time to you know think about cleaning out the camera roll just yet whatever whatever mate right we
Starting point is 00:28:41 we can get past that if you are deeply into a relationship and you find this content on their phone fuck off you know so yeah 87 said cheating all right next one re-following a girl on instagram he previously removed because you asked him to him too no no no no no 91% are saying she in I am with you I'm with you to be fair I wouldn't ask somebody to unfollow someone but if we've had conversations and you've said to me look I'll unfollow her and I've said no no no, no, no, it's fine. You don't have to. And you've done it. Perfect. But, you know, if that is the case and then you followed her again, nah, you're cheating little bastard. What are you up to? What are you up to? Yeah, I'd think he's cheating or he wants to and he's thinking about it. I was just thinking about it. You know, that's my personal thoughts on that one. All right, guys. Wow. I pretty much said cheating to all of them. So I think I need some counselling.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Listen, you get told enough lies in your lifetime to know when someone's just a bit dodgy. Like, I just think we don't have to accept certain behaviors and obviously when I'm saying cheating it doesn't technically mean cheating it just means I wouldn't accept it you know so yeah thank you guys so much for sending all of them in you guys did such a good job on this episode you did not disappoint you never do let's read out some cheating stories to finish us off okay guys we are gonna start with this one my boyfriend was talking to a friend that was a girl for a while in feb 2022 he was working night shifts i was suspicious of it but he reassured me what's my phone doing he reassured me that they were just friends showing me their convos i moved on and they
Starting point is 00:30:54 ended up not talking anymore he told me last month that she randomly sent him nudes so he stopped talking to her okay I said that sounds a bit weird yeah I mean I don't know many people I mean it definitely happens but it's uncommon that someone just randomly sends you nudes okay a week later he told me that he's oh my god that makes me want to throw up he told me that he's oh my god that makes me want to throw up he told me that he's guys this makes me livid guys imagine this was your boyfriend or girlfriend just imagine this he told me that he saved them and wanked to them you fucking for real are you okay oh my god guys are you kidding really a week later he told me he fucking asked for them do you consider this cheating I do yes I do too yes I do but I'm just now clocking that
Starting point is 00:32:00 you started this message with my boyfriend so I'm just gonna assume you guys are still together um absolutely absolutely I think if that was in the question box today the the response would have been a hundred percent babe you deserve way better love you you deserve so much better than that ew we love Okay. She got his name tattooed on her as friends. Little did I know they were sleeping together. It was all in the tattoo really, wasn't it? Also, even if you're just sleeping with someone, why are you getting their name tattooed? That's crazy from her. But oh, I hope you're all right, babe right babe love you it's not really a story but i found another girl's underwear in my ex's uni room he said they're yours but they were not my
Starting point is 00:32:53 size and not the brand i wear no not the gaslighting they're yours babe really because i'm size 10 and these are size 8 um no they're definitely yours really because I wear Victoria Secret and these are pretty little thing nope they're definitely yours okay brilliant oh okay yeah fair enough all right this is a long one guys I'm excited for this my ex took me on a night out to meet his friends and see his city i was from a different city he took me home and got a pizza on the way after the night out and then whilst i was getting ready for bed he said his mate is in some drama and said he's just gonna go and check they're okay so he left me at home i then went to bed but i didn't fall asleep they came back and I left him to sort things with his
Starting point is 00:33:45 friend I came out of his room and saw he'd set up his sofa bed and him and a girl friend were in the bed together eating my pizza he asked me to join but I just said no I'm too tired I just want to sleep then I was woke then I was woken up by the sound of them shagging on the sofa bed which was literally against the wall my head was against in his bed I couldn't even go home because I was drunk and lived an hour and a half journey away so I just went back back to sleep. He tried to shag me the next morning. She's put loads of vomit faces. Oh my God, the absolute cheek of him. That's so disgusting. Oh, I feel so sad for you that you were stuck there. One thing I want to know is where did you get your willpower and where can I find that because I don't even know what would take over my body if I was in your situation I would absolutely fucking fume there's no way I'm staying in that
Starting point is 00:34:57 room I would literally lose my mind so good on you for keeping your call okay another one let's finish off with this one shall we it wasn't me being cheated on but i spoke to a lad for a few weeks we went on a few dates to then find out he has a whole girlfriend who has been with for years found out through facebook and messaged the girl to tell her not the hey girl oh my god she was lovely about it and ended things oh we love her the other day she walked in my place of work for an interview so awkward no that's so awkward oh bless her heart she didn't get the job thank god oh bless her oh oh no poor girl did she see you hopefully not um anyway girlies it's your sign to make sure you stalk that facebook before meeting love you bye yeah guys never forget the facebook i always forget the facebook who uses facebook these days but even I don't use it but I'm still like in a
Starting point is 00:36:06 relationship on Facebook yeah so true babes well done for the reminder all right guys I'm so sorry to everyone that sent in them stories and have been cheated on but I'm so proud of you and how how most of you handle these situations is really quite impressive and yeah teach us all your ways but yeah I love you guys so much thank you for sending them in let's wrap up the episode okay everybody thank you so much for listening to this episode if you stayed for the outro I love you I appreciate you thank you so so so so much i hope you all enjoyed this episode it has kind of made me feel a little bit crazy but that's okay obviously again i'm not saying that they're cheating but it's completely unacceptable why
Starting point is 00:36:55 should we accept these things no way no way it's a statement saying you're a prick and it actually is but i hope you guys all have an amazing weekend whatever it is that you're getting up to i think i'm ready to start my festivities. You know, Winter Wonderland is booked in the diary. Can't remember when it is. Sometime in early December. I'm fucking buzzing for it. Can't wait to spend £5,000 on shit there.
Starting point is 00:37:15 But I do it every year. I just love it. Hopefully we all bump into each other there. That would be so fun, wouldn't it? All right, guys. I love you so much. I hope you all have an amazing weekend. And I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. All right. I love you so much i hope you all have an amazing weekend and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode all right i love you

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