Leah on the Line - Bonus 66: 2024 NEW YEARS SPECIAL!

Episode Date: December 29, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Go back to school with Rogers and get Canada's fastest and most reliable internet. Perfect for streaming lectures all day or binging TV shows all night. Save up to $20 per month on Rogers Internet. Visit rogers.com for details. We got you. Rogers. This is an ad by BetterHelp. How often do you compare yourself to others?
Starting point is 00:00:19 It's easy to envy friends' lives on social media. But comparison is the thief of joy. And in reality, nobody has it all together. Online therapy can help you focus on what you want, not what others have, because your best life is better than the idea of someone else's. Stop comparing and start living with BetterHelp. Visit BetterHelp.com to learn more and save 10% off your first month. That's BetterHELP.com. Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Here on the Line. Happy Friday!
Starting point is 00:01:13 Happy Friday everybody. Oh, it's been a while since we said happy Friday, hasn't it? So there wasn't an episode on Tuesday because I was going to upload one but I thought it's Boxing Day. It's Confusion Week. It's the week of, what day is it? You know, they don't actually have, it's not Monday, Tuesday, it's Christmas Day, Boxing Day and then it's the day of what day is it you know they don't actually have it's not monday tuesday it's christmas day boxing day and then it's the day after boxing day and then it's just confusing no one knows what day it is so i was like no one's gonna know it's a tuesday to even think it's near on the line day also i've been so busy you know you guys know what this time of year is like you know family around all the time you're spending quality time together so yeah and then i thought i really wanted the next episode to be a new year's special let me check the date on Friday worked out perfectly
Starting point is 00:01:50 so that's why we're a little behind but that's okay I hope you guys all had an amazing week and to everybody that celebrates I hope you all had an amazing Christmas if it was more of a quiet one for you this year I love you I'm thinking of you if you're missing somebody this year if you're far away from home I love you oh guys you remember I said I have a sneaky suspicion that the present Jamie got me was a coffee machine can confirm that's correct oh honestly I'm so excited about it I'm so happy I was so grateful I was like why have you done this like we said we was gonna just do little presents but to be fair he passed the test because when you say little presents don't get little presents I did actually mean it I actually meant it I know a lot of people say like if she says let's not do presents this year she doesn't mean it I actually did mean it but I
Starting point is 00:02:38 still got him presents but secret Santa was amazing my mum smashed it my mum had me and she got me the nicest pajamas that I'm wearing right now like picture a sheep that's me I'm literally a big fluffy pink sheep from head to toe I'm in heaven right now and um I had my brother's girlfriend you guys remember she's expecting a little baby so I had her which was amazing because I thought brilliant I've got loads of things I could get I got her let me think I got her some maternity pajamas they're really cute you know like the classic Primark sets so it's like a black set with uh white what's it called like lining detail I don't know and it says mama on the pocket and the maternity so it has like the thing in the
Starting point is 00:03:21 waistband so you can expand them as you expand. Which she loves. And she's been living in. Which is perfect. I've got some claw clips. You know mum life. What else did I get her? Oh I got her this like.
Starting point is 00:03:34 This really cute diary. That said like a busy mum. And I thought. I don't want to get her like. Okay we get it. You know. I'm expecting a baby. Anything else.
Starting point is 00:03:41 So I got her just cute bits for that. But then I also just got her like. Me bits. Like I got her like a cute pair of fluffy slippers um a necklace what else did I get uh I can't even think now oh I got like a top from Zara so yeah I was really pleased with what I got in the end everybody did so well like everybody was so happy with their presents even though it's not what it's about to be honest that's kind of the reason we do Secret Santa and my family because it's not about money it's not what it's about to be honest that's kind of the reason we do secret santa in my family because it's not about money it's not about presents it's literally we do it because it's like a fun game and it's so fun because we genuinely all keep secrets this year like normally especially my sister she's always like as soon as we do the draw and everyone gets the
Starting point is 00:04:18 email of who you buy for i get a text from her straight away who you got and I'll be like I got George who'd you get she's like I got mum but this year it stayed a secret and it was really really good um I honestly had a really nice Christmas um I don't know what else I have to fill you in on to be honest this is the new year special you we you we you may or may not remember last year I did a tarot card reading for my yearly whatever and we reflected on that together. I went a little bit through the one for this year and we're going to reflect on that today. We're also going to talk about all of our New Year's resolutions, our goals, you know, how this year was for us us just a lot of questions that I put on the Instagram we're going to be having a nice good old chat we're going to talk dream boards vision
Starting point is 00:05:10 boards all of this stuff and yeah I'm really excited I haven't actually done a tarot read for this next year to come 2024 I haven't actually done that and I'll explain why when we get into the reflection of this one but yeah um I'm really excited for this episode I love these I feel like it really sets the tone for me it really gets me in the spirit of motivated you know to make it a good year but then also I feel this immense pressure but then that's why I'm going to be careful that that is not the message of this episode you know what I mean it's not about like set goals. And if you don't achieve them, you failed. Do you know what I mean? Because that's not what it is. That's not, that's why I kind of don't believe in like New Year's
Starting point is 00:05:51 resolutions as such. But yeah, we'll get into it. But I hope you guys are all feeling good. Thank you so much for joining me today on this episode. I know it's a very crazy busy time of year. So if you have taken the time out of your day to tune in, I love you appreciate you hope you're all feeling really really good so good to be back together again let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Okay, everybody. 2024. Do you know what I've been thinking about recently, which is crazy? Next year, 2025, it will be 10 years. 10 years since I went to uni. Oh, I'll actually be sick. That is crazy. 10 years. I could cry. Life is going so fast. But no, no, no, that's too negative. Shut up, Mia. But that's crazy to me. I
Starting point is 00:06:57 couldn't believe it. I was like, I'm just a girl. I'm just a girl. I'm just a teenage 26-year-old girl. You know, it's crazy. But crazy but okay we're gonna start this episode by having a look through my tarot reading for my year of 2023 so if you listened to the new year special last year you may or may not remember that i went through this last time of my 2022 reading and we reflected and it was scarily accurate she predicted things i don't even see coming okay it was moving now it was breakups which could have predicted but you know at the same time not not the time i read it so she knew she knew more than me well you'd like to think so she is a tarot reader and i'm not but it was crazy accurate okay I said, let's do another one for 2023. And I must admit, this one isn't resonating with me as much upon reflection.
Starting point is 00:07:50 But it could just be me. It could just be that I'm not clocking or I'm not putting the dots together. You know what I mean? So the way that she does it is she puts it in chunks from January to April, May to August and September to December. She gives you key dates, a lot of detailed paragraphs about each month and what might be in store. She pulls oracle cards for you. She gives you what crystals might benefit you, your aura for the year and yeah and a personal
Starting point is 00:08:20 year, your personal year. Your personal year is a year-long cycle of energy running from one birthday to the next. It describes the events and opportunities being presented for the upcoming year. The personal year runs sequen... Oh no, a word I can't pronounce. Sequentially? Sequentially. Sequentially.
Starting point is 00:08:37 One, two, three, up to nine, at which point they start over again. And my personal year for 2023 was one. I'm not sure what that means. But it says it starts at the beginning of the year but intensifies around your birthday the number one personal year can mean new beginnings feeling really independent that i will admit i have felt quite independent this year very independent actually the things you start or plant or plant
Starting point is 00:09:01 now will grow over the next nine years you may be feeling fatigued at the beginning of this but keep going it'll be worth it and it's time for a clean slate so that was my personal year but having a look through just quickly because i don't want to bore you because obviously this is personal to me but i know that i'd probably find it kind of interesting so it says that january april i had quite a few key dates. I will be honest, none of them rang too much of a bell. And I have been going through this throughout the year, like typically. So for the first chunk, it's January to April. What I would do is when it gets to April or May, I'd look back at the first section and see, you know, how much of this is resonating? What do I need to look at for the
Starting point is 00:09:41 next couple of months? And it's it said basically that January was going to be an exhausting month for me emotionally and that was a long time ago now a whole year ago actually and it's hard for me to remember but I do remember that when I read this at the time I was like yeah okay correct it was quite an exhausting month um February said it was going to be it said February is much better month for you so ride the wave of January however when I read this at the end of this section I was like February for me actually felt a bit worse so there's that um and it also said that people aren't being honest with me when it comes to money so avoid investing or giving anyone new money from the 18th to the 26th of Feb March is one of the best times of year for
Starting point is 00:10:26 your career you get recognized on a wider scale and get rewarded for it in some way um my love life feels great in march um focus and put everything into yourself in april i definitely did do that a shift in power has come. A huge shift at the end of April for your life to change quite drastically. And yeah, when I read this at this time, I was thinking it sounded a lot better when I read it. And then reflecting, I was like, I just felt a bit stuck and I didn't feel like any huge transformation or anything. But I was like I just felt a bit stuck and I didn't feel like any huge transformation or anything but I was like you know what the universe knows what it's doing we're gonna let it take the reins as always um May June July August it said August I focus very heavily on my career and
Starting point is 00:11:16 finances this period of the year is the most important um and yeah I mean sure like I feel like it didn't stick out as like oh yeah August was a big month for me um in May there's a lot of other people's energy that could be interfering with yours protect your social media and online details in general and I was like I don't really know how to do that but this is like my job but you know I definitely listen to these things like when I when I hear these warnings I definitely take them on board and do listen to them and I take them kind of seriously low-key um and it said spirit wants you to know that you've done the hard work and it gets easier now and I wasn't sure what this was referring to whether that meant like career-wise or personal life-wise relationship wise relationship wise healing wise like whatever it
Starting point is 00:12:06 meant um but I will say that I definitely resonated with that I felt like I'd put in a lot of hard work and from this time of year to now like things felt a lot easier in something quite personal to me so yeah I definitely would agree with that I see some celebrating for you in June some good news comes in and I remember reading this and being like I might have missed that I may not have been there for that celebration because I don't remember that I feel like not to be negative but I feel like this year felt quite stagnant for me and the year before felt massive. It felt really transformational. It felt like I was a caterpillar in a cocoon and I've turned into a butterfly in the year 2022. Year 2023 felt really stagnant. And I've spent a lot of this year feeling very like lost, I'll be honest, and quite lonely,
Starting point is 00:13:01 even though I'm surrounded by people that love me and care about me I think one thing that's got worse for me this year by the way this will not be a negative podcast but it's good to be open and honest because I'm sure so many people can relate one thing that has become new in the year 2023 is I don't open up as much and I feel very closed off and I think that's probably why I feel more lonely when I feel stressed and anxious about something I don't talk about it and that's something I never used to do I used to really open up and it's almost like I don't know why I don't know where that came from because I know there's people that care um and yeah it's just become this thing that I do now where I will just just ride it alone and it's weird because it's not nice and and it's worse for me like I feel really lonely when things are
Starting point is 00:13:52 difficult I do not talk about it and I will just put on a front and I'll be like hey like you're right and it's really it's horrible so going into the next year that is something I definitely don't want to do I think it's because the year before I felt so not independent and I felt like I leaned on people so much and then I spent so much time being like okay let's build up our independence you know I want to have my own back from now on I don't want to rely on on everyone for everything anymore like obviously I am so grateful for my family and the friends that I have and the boyfriend that I have that are so supportive and and are really good listeners and give amazing advice but I think I felt like really incapable because I leaned on people so much so I wanted to just feel more capable so where I built so
Starting point is 00:14:44 much independence especially after a difficult relationship. So where I built so much independence, especially after a difficult relationship and stuff, and I lost so much independence there, I wanted to build that independence massively. And because I feel like I successfully did that, and I feel like I've got my own back and you show yourself, you can get through shit. Now I'm on the other end where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:15:04 I feel like I can't lean on people now so that's that that's the goals for next year is I want to find a good balance of being independent but also being able to reach out and say like I need some support or just say like I need a hug do you know what I mean that's kind of deep but that's what this is you know it's all about I think at my age especially to anyone that's at a similar age of me to be honest I feel like this probably goes for our whole lives but I think this is the first time in our lives where we're confronted with the building who you are and who you want to be as a person because you decide who you want to be you
Starting point is 00:15:39 decide what kind of person you want to be and I feel like when you're mid now approaching late 20s it's that time of your life where you're like okay who do I want to be as an adult as a woman like who do I want to be who do I want to present myself as and how do I want to be perceived and I think it's a really difficult thing to navigate of who am I as a woman because I think I spent so much of my life trying to figure that out as if there was an answer that I was supposed to discover and go, oh, that's who I am. But realistically, it's you decide, you mold yourself into the person that you want to be. Obviously, there's the way you think and the way you feel and the way you emotionally respond to things is just natural. where you emotionally respond to things is just natural but in terms of like okay who who do I want to be to to other people you know is is your choice so yeah I think that's what I've been
Starting point is 00:16:36 dealing with over the last couple of years to be fair it's like the first time I feel like a woman like I've said this a few times before is I spend so I spent so much of my life feeling like a fucking kid and I felt like a fucking kid to everyone you could be younger than me and I'd feel like a kid to you and I hated that it made me feel so incapable I lost so much confidence at the start of this year I felt like I said this on the podcast at the time as well I felt like I just became so shy and so fragile and like I could just break at any moment and I've I've not felt like that for a long time and I felt so this year for me was difficult emotionally I feel like I really struggled mentally and emotionally I just felt so fragile like I could just break down and I just felt like
Starting point is 00:17:26 things weren't getting easier and I was really struggling with that mentality of glass half full do you know what I mean and I'd go off track with my spirituality and trust in the universe and tarot and I was getting into that negative headspace of like what the fuck when are things gonna work out and then I had this moment like towards probably the second half of the year where I was like do you know what I am so fucking lucky I have so much to be grateful for I have so many incredible people around me there are so many things in my life that are I am so blessed to have and I just had this like epiphany of like grow the fuck up Leah do you know what I mean and that's not to say that you can't spend time feeling like things are difficult because sometimes
Starting point is 00:18:12 they just are difficult and it doesn't matter that somebody else is struggling more than you or somebody's struggling less than you because it doesn't make what you're feeling any different you're feeling what you're feeling um and I definitely had a moment of like wait stop this woe me you know like I am in a position now that I have dreamt of I love what I do I love my podcast I have a home that is my childhood home and I'm lucky to have that it makes me feel like this I feel like this the way I feel in my own bedroom you know like I'm lucky and that was emotionally really important for me to get there so for me this year was about it was a very emotional year I think is how I would sum up my year
Starting point is 00:19:01 and I'm not I'm definitely not I haven't cracked it put it that way like I haven't got to a point where I'm where I want to be or mentally where I want to be emotionally where I want to be financially where I want to be physically where I want to be like I I think this year was mostly about feeling stronger and feeling less afraid of everything. I was very scared of what my life was looking like. And I feel more confident. This time now, where I am now, I feel more confident. I feel less shy. I definitely feel like I have definitely still lost some of my confidence. And I still a little bit shyer more shy than I used to be but I'm definitely there has
Starting point is 00:19:50 been a lot of growth and for that I'm really proud of myself and I think what we all need to do is be prouder of ourselves like this age because I know a lot of my listeners were of a similar age and I think this age is really difficult to navigate and yeah I just think we should all be proud of ourselves for where you are oh my phone's on loud woohoo anyway what we are going to discuss next is all the questions that I have on my stories so I popped up quite a few questions and one of the things that I want to know from you guys is what was your biggest lesson sorry lesson in 2023 so let's have a little look okay trust your gut when something's not right it's not right the grass is greener where you water it absolutely it is
Starting point is 00:20:42 I do not have to put up with people's shit yeah too right i love that always put yourself first self-care is so important um one best friend is better than a group of friends trust your gut no one will make me happy i have to do it myself you can't control everything um you have to be at peace within yourself and what happens and with what happens to let new things in stop waiting to be invited to things and make your own plans yeah i know what you mean actually to be fair i could probably take that advice i don't make plans often i you saying that has kind of made me realize that i actually don't I'm not often the person to say shall we do this yeah well I've never actually realized that about myself thank you for that
Starting point is 00:21:33 relationships friendships that are meant for you are not hard let go of people who weigh you down um never ever settle for less um no workplace is worth your mental health, oh yeah, absolutely, I second that, life is too short to be with the wrong person, I knew it in my gut for a long time, oh I'm proud of you for getting to this place, oh step out of your comfort zone, this, I, do you know what, I'm with you, that was my biggest lesson of 2023, I stepped out of your comfort zone this I do you know what I'm with you that was my biggest lesson of 2023 I stepped out of my comfort zone so many times this year you know whether that be going to events going to places that make me nervous going to doctors all these things I'm so with you on that one I stepped out of my comfort zone a lot this year. I'm so proud of myself for that.
Starting point is 00:22:25 And to anybody else that did, I'm so proud of you. You should be so proud of yourself as well. Family truly are everything. Yes, abso-fucking-lutely. Cut out toxic people from my life. Yes, yes, yes, yes. What's meant to be will be and stop stressing over things that i can't change yeah that is so true like if you cannot change it why sit back and worry you know
Starting point is 00:22:53 um not to rush life things will happen when they're meant to yes oh i needed to hear that myself yes feelings are temporary yes I love this from all of you um be more open towards people yeah I'm with you I'm so much stronger than I ever thought I was I'm so independent and I can get through anything don't beg for love friendship is just a word until this until they put the same effort in you only have yourself um i let go of my ex as he was no longer needed in my life oh round of applause we love you be kind to be happy and just be a little more carefree life's too short yes fuck yeah yes fuck yeah that there are nice guys out there yes there are there are um trust in the universe never leave anything unsaid it's okay for life to be boring it can't be fun 100 of the time yes um that you can say no yes If you don't want to do things,
Starting point is 00:24:05 because this is the thing, when I say step out of your comfort zone, that's, you know, if you want to do something, you've always wanted to do it, but you say no out of not feeling capable, imposter syndrome, fear, things like that. These are things that is good to step out of your comfort zone. If it's just like, for example,
Starting point is 00:24:21 take me and going out clubbing. It ain't for me. And I'm now at the point where, no thanks. And I don't feel like a fucking loser for it. So yeah, I'm with you. Yeah, another one. Learn to say no to things you don't want to do. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Learning to love my own company. Yeah, that's such a lovely one. That is a really nice one. You have to put yourself first, set boundaries. Yes. That mental health can affect anyone at any point. Yeah, big lesson. Okay, amazing. These are all really good things to learn. Okay, I'm really proud of you all. These all sound very, very good. okay I'm really proud of you all these all sound very very good okay what goals did you guys achieve this year so for me my goals were I wanted to do more I wanted to do more things that scare me and be surrounded by people that I felt that I wasn't good enough to be around so at these events
Starting point is 00:25:20 that I get invited to my answer was always no it was can you come to no I can't make it because I was fucking petrified I was like no I'm not I'm not like them like I'm not pretty enough I'm not popular enough like I don't have any friends there and I wouldn't go and there's been a couple this year that I said yes to and I had the best time I've reconnected with an old friend from school like so many amazing things have happened from stepping out of my comfort zone so that was a big goal for me absolutely let's hear about your goals um took myself on a solo holiday to Thailand wow that's so amazing oh that's so amazing amazing. Oh, that's so amazing. Ending my going nowhere relationship and doing my master's degree.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Wow. Big slay. Got into my dream uni. Oh, that's amazing. Congrats. I left toxic boys behind. Absolutely, you did. Good girl. I got an apartment all by myself. Oh, that's so amazing. I'm so happy for you. I learned so much about myself and how to set boundaries. I also started some new hobbies. What an incredible year for you. That sounds amazing. Well done. Got my driver's license. Oh, guys, I can't wait for the day I can say I've fucking done it. I'm still scared, but I'm going to do it. I I can say I've fucking done it I'm still scared but I'm gonna do it I feel like this year is the year that I'm gonna do it oh I'm scared um career change I met the love of my life wow amazing I lived in Spain for four months oh muy bien hola okay love it oh by the way actually we went up in the charts in spain so shout out españa españa hola this is my gcse speaking assessment that i'll never forget
Starting point is 00:27:18 it's probably wrong hola me llamo lia uh normalmente voy a vacaciones al sur oeste de España con mi madre, mi padre y mi hermano gemelo. Pero es muy barato en el... I'm actually making this up now. I don't remember if barato means cheap or expensive. Either way, I don't think it's cheap or expensive. I think it's fine. Let's have a look. Is it cheap or expensive. I think it's fine. Let's have a look. Is it cheap or expensive? Okay, what does barato mean in Spanish? Oh, it means cheap. Oh, I just said
Starting point is 00:27:55 barato. It's very cheap. I didn't mean it, guys. I'm just trying to sound Spanish. I don't actually know what I'm saying. when i was in tenerife they there's they obviously a lot of them speak english there because it's like a very holiday place but low-key like they always come over to me and jamie speak in spanish like they'd go to one table and speak english then they'd come over to me and jamie speak spanish and i was like big slay like they actually think we're what they think we're from tenerife hola how do you say i live vivo en el tenerife um del sur my accent's so bad i can't run my r's these days i used to be good at in school actually do you know interesting fact most most roles i've ever played are Spanish, and there's not a drop of Spanish in my blood.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I wish there was. I always wanted to be Spanish. I was told everyone I was. Si cantando el camino por toda su vida, respira. I also did, um, no llores por mi Argentina. I think I'll to shut up. But anyway, to all my Spanish listeners, gracias por escuchar a Leah in the line. This is an ad by BetterHelp. How often do you compare yourself to others? It's easy to envy friends' lives on social media.
Starting point is 00:29:29 But comparison is the thief of joy. And in reality, nobody has it all together. Online therapy can help you focus on what you want, not what others have. Because your best life is better than the idea of someone else's. Stop comparing and start living with BetterHelp. Visit BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com to learn more and save 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp.com. Oh, honestly, I'm so cringy. I just want to be a Spanish babe so bad. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:29:59 let's get back to the responses. What goals did we all achieve this year? let's get back to the responses what goals did we all achieve this year um i need to get back on duolingo i think and uh boost up my spanish but okay run a marathon do you know what i always wanted to be a marathon bitch but i'm just never going to be a marathon bitch do you know why because i'm lazy nothing i'm lazy at the moment i would listen i'm not i'm actually one thing I'll give myself a lot of credit for thanks to my mum this one thing my mum really taught me I'm not quitter and that's not out of pressure don't fucking quit none of that it's just that my mum was never a quitter my mum's got two degrees and four kids two of them are twins so she had a handful she's got two degrees she's a fucking legend and for that reason i was i was raised we don't quit we can achieve whatever we fucking want
Starting point is 00:30:53 if we work hard enough and put our mind to it but marathon yeah i'm quitting i'm actually quitting that i'll i'll do 1k and i'll go how long's left and they'll go how long's the marathon fucking miles long they'll be like 50 miles I'll be like okay right I'm off the fault was there do you know what I mean I'll give myself enough credit I'm like do you know what I did really well to get this far 1k I did really well to get this far you deserve a drink anyway um new job and traveled more amazing congratulations that's actually such a sleigh new job and traveled such a sleigh traveled a lot and got engaged oh big sleigh went on the trip i've been saving for my whole life traveling australia and asia oh i hope you lived up to expectations to be be fair, having a little sneak peek, your profile picture is you in a beautiful sea. So it looks like you had an amazing time.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Bought and renovated our first home together. Oh, that's amazing. Started the gym in January and I still go four times a week. I can't believe I stuck to it. Oh, that's sick. That is so sick. Well done. You should be so proud of yourself. is so sick well done you should be so proud of yourself um two pay rises okay big bucks we love it um turned my new house into a cozy home that i love oh that's amazing starting uni amazing saved up 5k so far for my wedding wow can i come i love that i started a new job i got over my social anxiety yes that's amazing well done moved out of my parents got engaged got a job sorry got got a dog got married and started a new job fucking hell that was a big year for you that's unbelievable wow i started running signed up to a 10k with five other girlies i barely know for next year
Starting point is 00:32:45 that's fucking amazing i'll i'll run one of those k with you um i won a boxing championship that's a fucking legendary thing to say imagine that i won a boxing championship in 2023 oh what did you do uh i uh booked it booked a doctor's appointment big goal all right that's actually amazing well done everyone well done everyone should be so proud of themselves for all the things you achieved this year take a moment now just to say do you know what fucking go me do you know what i mean okay what was an unexpected obstacle you faced this year okay let's have a look i lost some close friends to me but realized it was for the best and i was stronger without them yes i love that shit a level results but i still got into my uni of choice
Starting point is 00:33:40 well there we fucking go do you know what i mean well done having to choose between two boys oh oh god it's so what do i do it's so difficult the emoji she's used as well cracking me up she's got the painting the nails emoji and the laughing face choosing between two boys love it um broke up with my ex i learned that just because something is hard to do doesn't mean it's the wrong thing. I say it all the time. I'm absolutely with you. Well done. So proud of you. Ending a three-year relationship and finding the love of my life three months later. Wow. A breakup. Lots of breakups this year, guys. Qu quitting a well-paid corporate job to fulfill my dream and start my own business that's kind of amazing to be honest well done um i kind of fixed my mental
Starting point is 00:34:35 health hashtag love therapy yes we love it breaking my ankle and being unable to walk for over six weeks ouch babe health anxiety for the first time hours of googling symptoms oh oh girl i don't know how to tell you this you got this let me let me just give you one piece of advice google is not your friend you leave that fucking thing alone it is never your friend it will never be your friend it will never even be an acquaintance okay you block and report that thing all right um having a shit boss so having to stick up for myself well done for sticking up for yourself honestly a breakup finding out i'm pregnant such a shock but so grateful oh congratulations falling pregnant jealousy in the workplace having to leave a job i miss the people finding a dream job after university wow a breakup then a guy
Starting point is 00:35:36 ghosts me then a guy isn't over his ex lots of rejection you know what that is the universe protecting you, remember that, um, okay, lots of breakups from reading this, okay, so, lots of unexpected obstacles, but, you have proved to yourselves that you have the strength to get through these things, you know, so proud of you, I want to know, did you guys create a vision board for 2023? So, I was actually kind of shocked. This is really weirdly for the first time in a long time. It's the first year I didn't do one. I had all intentions to do it. I don't know if I did and I just fucking forgot about it or lost it. But as far as I can remember, I never made a vision board for 2023, which may explain why it was kind of a stagnant year. Like nothing really went down nothing major nothing
Starting point is 00:36:27 too transformational so that could actually explain it so you better fucking believe i'll be making one me and jamie are going to do one together i've actually ordered these books off amazon so you guys still have time because they are part of prime so they can come next day um i can't remember what they're called but I basically just searched vision board clip art books and it comes up with loads of options and it's just a book full of pictures that you can just cut out and there's like over 300 pictures in this book. There's quotes and I thought it's such a nice fun activity. I've got one for men and one for women and we're going to sit down together and make them and I thought
Starting point is 00:37:04 every time I've made one I've made a digital. And this will be the first time that I've made a physical one. So I'm really excited to do that. Such fun activity. So yeah. So did you create a vision board for 2023? 74% said no. I never either. So I don't know what was in the air last year, but we weren't making vision boards for 2023. So yeah, 26% of you did. So my next question was how much of the vision board became reality? All of it, most of it, or hardly any. Now only 5% said all of it, which to be honest is fucking amazing. Like imagine making a vision board and at the end of the year, you're like tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Do you know what I mean? Big say. Everything. Thank you universe. Thank you spirit. You know, like that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I love that. But 57% said most of it, which is fucking great to be honest. And then 38% said hardly any. So I don't know where we were going wrong that year but to be fair i've i've got a few vision boards in my past that not much of it happened and became reality and it's now i look back and i think thank fuck you know it could be like previous relationships or previous jobs like whatever it is that i was manifesting. I look back and I'm like, oh, the universe protected me though. You know, I was trying to manifest something that really was not right for me, you know? So think about it like that. Don't panic. Don't worry. Okay. Will you be creating a vision board for 2024? Only 54% of you are saying yeah, and 46% are saying no. So I'm kind of intrigued. Like,
Starting point is 00:38:46 what's the reason we think now I'm not bothering? Because I'll be honest, like in my experience, vision boards haven't been all that successful. But then I'm telling myself maybe it's because they were all digital. You know, I made it on an editing app. I didn't sit there and get my crystals out and get into the mood. Maybe that's why. But I'm confused why I didn't even bother last year I don't know if I didn't it even crossed my mind did we talk about it in the last new year's episode I don't remember I was probably giving it the big and going yeah I'm gonna make one tonight and then I just never so yeah anyway only 54% of you are doing it with me this year okay on that note what are your biggest goals for 2024 mine i'll start with mine mine a massive one for me is always health and happiness for myself my family the people i love
Starting point is 00:39:35 and people i care about but also when it comes to the other things are i want to continue doing things that scare me step out of my comfort zone and reap the rewards from those things. I want to just every year, I want my finances to get stronger and stronger, you know, as we all do. I really want to learn to drive. I definitely want to learn to drive. I want to go on holidays. I want to spend time with the people that I love. And I want to just feel like I'm developing in my career, in my personal life, you know, in all those ways. So they're my goals. I will obviously get specific in my vision board to move into my own home. Love that. Yeah, absolutely. You can definitely do this. Be happy. Yes, yes, yes, yes yes find a new job and focus on my
Starting point is 00:40:26 fitness to find a hobby that i will not quit travels changing jobs and being a better person beautiful goals becoming mentally and physically healthy beautiful goals being the cool aunt to my best friend's baby that she'll have in summer. That's so amazing. Being happy and in a healthy loving relationship and staying in touch with my best friends. To be fucking happy please. Start journaling. Do shit for the plot and let the universe take you wherever and get more sleep. Yeah to be fair I need that. I need more sleep to be honest.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Just be content. Move out with my partner. Get engaged and throw myself into my business amazing travel to fall in love with myself to seriously save for a house deposit yes you can do this creating creating my first fashion collection and getting that diploma amazing be happy grateful and live in the moment spend money on experiences and trips rather than clothes um stop spending more than five minutes worrying about the things that won't matter in five years how saving and travel and work make more friends to travel control my anxiety to feel genuinely happy within myself regardless of what's going on find more confidence at work move out get a mortgage conceive and start a family to
Starting point is 00:41:55 be happy and healthy travel travel travel pass my paramedic degree oh yeah i'm a paramedic who needs help i'm a paramedic travel be happy and focus on good health finish planning the wedding save money to go to poland enjoy new experiences and graduate amazing to become completely happy work on not holding grudges and letting things go from the past i love that there's some beautiful goals selling our flat and moving into a house and hopefully a new car oh slow slow slow stop stressing and have more time to work on myself stop caring what others think put myself first be a better version of myself myself travel get a new job finally move out pass my online college program buying a house pass on my driving test saving saving saving
Starting point is 00:42:42 getting flat money together moving with my. Lots of financial goals this year. A lot of saving, a lot of mortgages, a lot of cars, a lot of traveling. Yeah, I love it. I love it. I love it. What are you most grateful to be taken into the new year? I think this is a beautiful question. So I am most grateful to be taking my health as you guys can probably guess into the new year um the people around me I feel so blessed and lucky to have and um taking into the new year the perspective of I feel capable that's what I I feel grateful to be taken into the new year. I feel like, my mum always says this to me, I've said this so many times, that feel the fear and do it anyway, and showing yourself that you're capable, no matter how scary something is, you're capable of it. And that is what I'm grateful to be taken into the new year, because that is a big lesson I learned.
Starting point is 00:43:40 I'm more than capable. Okay, what are you guys grateful to be taking into the new year my boyfriend my health and true love my dog my best friend my peace grateful to have learned so much about myself and have more confidence um a very good relationship with my parents my partner and our sausage dogs, my partner, my friendships, my boyfriend, the people around me, my supportive family and friends, my same man from 2015, the same family and friends, my family and boyfriend, pregnant with a healthy baby boy after a pregnancy loss in early 2023 so grateful oh i'm so happy for you oh i love you my amazing family and friends my my boyfriend and family my best friend and my
Starting point is 00:44:34 boyfriend my son my parents and a new job sign in january oh that's so beautiful guys my new friendships that's lovely my dog she's so cute she always teaches me to love every moment oh we love our dogs dogs just such such a blessing aren't they um my little boy and my new pregnancy to still have my partner after a rocky year for us both yeah my angel boy aka my dog i love this more self-respect and positive attitude towards myself yes my husband friends and family so lucky to have the support of them all my gorgeous boyfriend my family and boyfriend having a family who stick together and a job where i get to support the elderly oh beautiful my fiancee right showing off joking my own self-worth family boyfriend memories that's a beautiful one my mom and my best friends um my best friend that i've been friends with since i
Starting point is 00:45:42 was little i love her millions oh this is so amazing okay what a beautiful chat so much to be grateful for so much to look forward to and you know what i'm so proud of you all i'm so proud of all of us what a year what year it's been so one thing i wanted to ask you guys is what are your plans for new year's eve because i am definitely a victim to that mentality of the pressure the pressure to be having fun to be surrounded by people for that countdown 10 9 no okay last year we actually had an amazing new year's we went to a random hotel literally the most random hotel ever in the middle of nowhere for us we've never even been there before we got really drunk in the hotel bar did the countdown don't get me wrong i had so much fun we had the best night but the way i felt the next day i was like this is just not how i want to be feeling on the first day of the new year so this year i'm not drinking i'm not going out i think
Starting point is 00:46:42 me jamie my brother and his girlfriend we're all going to go out for a nice meal and we're just gonna I'm gonna just relax I'm gonna chill and just I want to be very present and I want to spend the evening creating my vision board writing my goals you know do a bit of journaling a bit of reflection over the last year what I look forward to in 2024 that is how i'm personally spending my new year's eve i'll be out for dinner and then i'll be at home so you know what i'm happy with that that sounds perfect to me let's see what you guys are doing um italian tapas meal and drinks lovely i love a bit of italian tapas fuck all yeah fair
Starting point is 00:47:24 sleeping waking up at 12, watching some of the fireworks and go back to sleep at quarter past 12, love it, big slime, chilling with the boy from getting the Chinese, fucking lovely, partying in Budapest, you crazy girl, that's crazy girl, I love that, you know, there's fun, fun night in with girls, drinking, eating, playing games, lovely, that sounds so good, quiet night in with girls drinking eating playing games lovely that sounds so good quiet night in with the boy games night around my mum's house oh i love a family games night getting shit faced babe pjs and movies then off to see the elders i look after oh lovely house party taking it old school and saving money that sounds sick to be there house parties were
Starting point is 00:48:04 the good old days, weren't they? Chilling with one friend because I don't have many friends yet. But you know what? You have that one friend. You're spending New Year's with them. That's beautiful. It's lovely. You know, let's always look at the positives here.
Starting point is 00:48:17 You're going to have an amazing night with your amazing friend. Six of us, three couples, have an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere, games and drinks. That actually sounds unreal that sounds sick um drinks with the family nothing i hate new years and spending it in my room probably watching netflix well fair enough you know that's fair relaxing chilling at the end of the day it is just another day it is literally just another night you know having neighbors and family friends around gonna get all dressed up oh lovely chilling on my own coloring and family games that sounds lush that actually sounds lush spending it with my boyfriend and his family playing games and having
Starting point is 00:48:56 drinks lots of lovely family games nights vision board reflect spending it alone cute little self-care night fucking stunning that sounds lovely chinese and prosecco with my nan and dog oh that's amazing it's my first year not going out and pretending to enjoy it yeah that was me nothing i find it so overwhelming i'm in bed before 12 no same because i actually find it so overwhelming as well it's so overwhelming i'll be on a flight to new zealand oh my god that's crazy i've never actually thought about people that are in the sky during that time that's actually kind of confusing because the time what what's the time where you are in the sky you might be there in a few time zones especially flying to new zealand assuming you're from the uk to be fair i don't know but if you're from the uk you're going to experience a few a few hit in
Starting point is 00:49:45 the the clock striking midnight up in the sky going through all these time zones it's kind of crazy that would fuck me up okay guys oh I love you so much what a lovely episode I hope you're all feeling good and if you're not that's literally okay there is no pressure at the end of the day it is just another night and the clock will strike midnight no different to how it's going to strike midnight tonight and it's a new day in the morning it's just like literally the number on the calendar has changed but there is no pressure so i just find comfort in doing the vision boards and the reflecting and stuff like that because it's just something i enjoy i just find comfort in doing the vision boards and the reflecting and stuff like that because it's just something I enjoy. I just find comfort in it.
Starting point is 00:50:28 But there should literally not be any pressure. At the end of the day, it's just another night. The clock's striking midnight just like it will tonight and the next night and the next night, you know. All right, guys. Thank you so much for joining me on this episode. Please stay for the outro. Let's wrap it up. please stay for the outro let's wrap it up okay everybody this is the last podcast episode of 2023 that's kind of crazy it's just going quick like it's actually freaking me out but i can't talk
Starting point is 00:50:59 about that because it would just stress me out but yeah i hope you all enjoyed this episode thank you so much for listening. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day just to sit and chat with me. It's been so nice. Whatever it is that you're setting yourself up for in this next year, I believe in you. I have so much faith in you. Whatever your goals are, I believe in you.
Starting point is 00:51:17 But remember, if it doesn't go the way that you think it's gonna go, it's just not meant for you. It's just not meant to happen, at least not yet. So it's all well and good setting these goals and it doesn't hurt to do it as long as you don't feel like a failure if these things don't happen just remember that they don't happen for a reason because better things are aligned for you okay i love you you're so amazing thank you so much for spending 2023 with me it's been an
Starting point is 00:51:38 amazing year i'm so proud of you all for everything you've gone through and accomplished and achieved this year no matter who you are no matter where you are i love you i'm proud of you all for everything you've gone through and accomplished and achieved this year. No matter who you are, no matter where you are, I love you. I'm proud of you. Give yourself some credit. What a beautiful year for Lear on the Line. The friendship group is just getting bigger. Remember, tell a friend. Tell a friend about Lear on the Line. Leave me a five-star rating, five-star only. Please. Please. I'm sensitive, so all right. But yeah, I love you. Have an amazing new year's whatever is that you're doing, I adore you. And in reality, nobody has it all together. Online therapy can help you focus on what you want, not what others have,
Starting point is 00:52:46 because your best life is better than the idea of someone else's. Stop comparing and start living with BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com to learn more and save 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp.com.

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