Leah on the Line - Bonus 67: How to be "that girl" in 2024

Episode Date: January 5, 2024

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, hi everyone, welcome back to a brand new episode of Lea on the Line. Happy Friday, happy Friday everybody. How was everybody's first week back to work from the Christmas break? To be fair, I'm sure a lot of you probably haven't even gone back, not until next week. Well, maybe not a lot, maybe some of you. But I hope you had an amazing week. It's good to be back on the Friday episodes hype, on the Friday episodes. Guys, let me tell you about my day with my sister, right? on the Friday episodes guys let me tell you about my day with my sister right so we we went to get our nails done and I haven't had my nails in ages because I don't know if I said this but I absolutely hate getting my nails done it's so boring it's painful it is so boring I can't I
Starting point is 00:01:00 don't really go on my phone because I don't like to be that annoying person where they're like can you give me a fucking hand do you know what I mean so I just I only go on my phone because I don't like to be that annoying person where they're like, can you give me a fucking hand? Do you know what I mean? So I just, I only go on my phone when I know that she's going to be a while on one hand. So yeah, it's just so boring, right? And also I am that bitch that you could be doing the most hideous design on my nails. And I'm like, that is bloody love. What is bloody love?
Starting point is 00:01:23 But from once I did tell them because he filed them down so short that it wasn't even you know when you turn your hand over and you see your nails poking above your fingertips you couldn't even see them i was like wow what a fucking waste of 40 pounds you cannot even see the tip of my nails right he'd done them so short and i was like oh and this is at the time where i used to get really long acrylics right so i was like what am i gonna do and i was sat there like having this wasn't today this is a while ago i was sat there having a proper dialer in my head of like what am i gonna do here like what am i gonna do he's just filing and filing and filing away and eventually he was literally about to paint he was about to paint i felt like such a right such a i had to paint. He was about to paint. I felt like such a c...
Starting point is 00:02:05 Right? Such a c... But I had to do it. I was like, I'm paying 40 odd quid for these. I had to just buck up the courage. And yet it might have taken me too long, but I had to tell him, I was like, I'm so sorry. They're just a bit too short.
Starting point is 00:02:18 And the thing is, normally they ask you, like, is that right? You're happy with that length? Happy with that shape? Blah, blah, blah. So I kept saying to myself, I'm just going and when he asks me I'm gonna say they're a bit short but he didn't ask me so I kept like looking at them and going like hmm yeah he was just not saying anything anyway and then I just had to go so I'm so sorry they're
Starting point is 00:02:44 just way too short for me like I've been trying to had to go I'm so sorry they're just way too short for me like I've been trying to get on board with it but yeah they're way too short and they only get shorter do you know what I mean when you wear them down but I suppose they do actually just get longer don't they just grow but then how hideous anyway so I was just like oh I'm so sorry and he soaked them all off and had to do them again I thought I'm so embarrassed I'm so embarrassed but at the end of the day you got you got to say you have got to say it it shouldn't have taken me that long but I was in all fairness I was waiting for him to ask me if I'm happy and he didn't so maybe if he'd asked me if I was happy at the right time you know like once he'd filed and
Starting point is 00:03:22 and shaped the first nail there would have been an opportunity there for me to say hello darling not too happy with that anyway so yeah apart from that I'm I will never complain and my sister is the same right and we both decided to get the same nails today we went for the rounded white tip square nails I went to one of the girls who I know is pretty good she's good okay you can't go wrong they're nice and thin I don't like a chunky thick acrylic that the shape's good you know she does it nice I thought brilliant I'll sit in this in this chair my sister went to a guy who I've never who's never done my nails before so I didn't know if she was in good hands or not. Anyway, bearing in mind, my sister has her nail shop, right?
Starting point is 00:04:06 But there was a hour wait in her nail shop. And we were like, fuck that. Let's go to mine. Let's go to mine. There was no one there. We should have known. It's been getting quieter and quieter, my nail shop. So yeah, I don't think it's just us.
Starting point is 00:04:22 But I'm having bad experiences. But anyway, so it's quiet we sit straight down bear in mind there's like six chairs to get your nails done in this nail shop she sits one of us at the one end and my sister at the other end like so we couldn't speak so unless we were shouting across the shop which we're not gonna do we couldn't like we went out for a nice little sister day we couldn't even fucking communicate so anyway we were texting each other right i'm like how's how's it going sis like how's the nails looking she's replying to me like i'm in agony like i'm this is killing like it kills she was like i'm bleeding I've got tissue all over my hands I was thinking
Starting point is 00:05:05 and she said it was like you know when your dad shaves right and he comes on his head he's got patches of tissue all over his face she's like that's literally in my hands right now I was like dying to see it I was like gagging to see these hands right she was bleeding all her cuticles were bleeding she said that her nails were like throbbing like she was in so much pain and then she was done quite a bit before me and my sister was having an anxiety day right if you're an anxious babe you know that some days you can literally you're so fine you feel confident you feel good like you can just be out there be you know hi babe yeah yeah other days it's like hello yeah hi can i get a full set please oh and like she was having an anxiety day so i was kind of i was leading the way today
Starting point is 00:05:48 i was the one that had to walk into the shop well we had like an argument outside not argument but it was always outside like you going first no because for some reason i'm i do this all the time i'm i'm absolutely okay with walking in the nail shop and saying how long's the wait please but i think it was the sister in me was like you fucking do it and she was like just go in there and say say how long for two full sets no you do it and then outside you do it you do it anyway so yeah she was having an anxious day so I was leading the way hi how much I mean how long for two full sets please blah blah blah like and I'm texting her she's in agony bleeding, right? Then she's finished before me. She comes and sits next to me
Starting point is 00:06:30 and she literally looks like she's going to cry. I was like, what the fuck have you just been through up there? She showed me her nails. She was like, they are absolutely howling, are absolutely howling right she was like they are hideous she showed me they're like bridges i can't explain it but they're like hooks not not when they're growing down and curling down it's like from left to right of her of her nail bed was like an arch like each nail was like a big bridge like i know it's just really thick with acrylic she said that when he was doing the acrylic it was like dripping off he was painting it on like it's like flooding off but anyway and she couldn't say nothing and so i've i felt really sorry for her because they cost like 45 quid for a fucking white tip and i
Starting point is 00:07:22 think that's extortion especially when she's just nearly blood to death she's like i was like we're losing her we're losing her she's losing too much blood anyway so i was like oh fucking else it's like you've had a bit of a nightmare and we're talking about it but really quietly because we don't want to be rude you're not going to be like oh what the fuck right so then um we're talking about and i'm like oh i don't think they look too bad like it's fine like maybe give them a little file when you get home and she was like yeah i know it's just really annoying like look at them look at them look at them right and i was like yes they do look quite bad and she was comparing them to mine who they look kind of slay right and i was like they do look quite bad anyway the girl that's doing
Starting point is 00:08:03 mine was like is everything all right with them and i was like um I'm so sorry but like we're just talking about the shape but the shape's a bit weird and she was like oh yeah yeah let's be fair and then we waited for the guy to come back to have another look at them she sits down with he's sorry he sits down with my sister again and just starts filing them shorter and my sister goes oh like honestly don't worry about it like you you they're just gonna get shorter like don't sister goes. Honestly don't worry about it. They're just going to get shorter. Don't worry about it. Please don't worry about it. And then it all starts getting into this big kerfuffle.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And everyone's getting involved. And the two women that are also now doing nails as well. Including my woman as well. So there's like three women. And the man that did my sister's nails. And there's obviously more people in there at this point as well. their nails done so it's so embarrassing and it's this all big discussion and then they're like all arguing between them and my sister's like honestly don't worry about it like I was just saying about the shape but it's not a big deal like don't worry about it
Starting point is 00:08:59 don't worry about it don't worry about it and and then he starts finding them again and my sister said oh no please like don't worry because they're just going to get shorter i don't want them any shorter and then the woman who works there went to my sister asked for them longer then we were like i'm sorry whoa like what do you mean ask for them longer like it didn't make no sense we was well confused right and then she she then she was getting involved and said to my sister like what what don't you like about it and my sister bless her like she was having an anxiety day the last thing she wanted was all this attention and then she's like no no i'm not like whinging i'm not complaining i was just
Starting point is 00:09:39 literally saying to my sister that the shape was just a bit different i've never really had this shape before like trying to be polite and she was saying like they're arched and she and she went well if you wanted them flat you should have asked for them flat sorry we have to say hiya can i get a full set please but can i have them like touching my my hands not not raised above thanks oh and my sister bless her she had like tears in her eyes and then we left he was like what the actual fuck like that was hell that was horror and then we went to subway right bear in mind we got soaked in the rain like we went to her original nail shop which they are so lovely in there like they are the nicest people ever but it's too busy went to mine had an absolute nightmare then we're getting soaked in the rain then we're going right i'm fucking hungry
Starting point is 00:10:34 let's get a sub we went to subway and i was like can i get a wrap please yeah and then he straight away takes the the wrap to the salad and I was like whoa no no no because normally I always get a wrap I only ever get wraps okay and they always just heat up the meat in like the oveny microwavey thing whatever it's called and then they do the salad after with the hot meat in the wrap because I've always nobody wants hot soggy lettuce hot hot soggy cucumber so anyway um I said oh can I can I have the meat heated up please and he said I can't um I can't open it and I was like no no no just like can I just have the meat heated up with the cheese on like blah blah and then we'll do the salad you know and then he was like um so you want me to make the wrap
Starting point is 00:11:25 and then get the meat out and I was like no darling no literally what is not making sense and I was trying so hard just to be like oh no no sorry like I'm one of the people that I am making perfect sense you are the one not getting it but I will still apologize oh no sorry sorry what I'm trying to say is can I just put like the chicken can we eat the chicken up and then just put that in there and he's like no I can't he was and then he's like yeah oh I can't wrap it otherwise if it's hot and I said darling I normally okay don't worry about it and then my sister was like what's going on I said I just want a hot chicken man their chicken's dry as fuck when it's cold and then he's talking to my sister and then now somebody's queuing behind me I was like fucking hell what is going on today I just wanted a bit of hot chicken anyway and then he's like oh you just
Starting point is 00:12:27 want me to put the chicken in i was like yes darling he said of course i said brilliant right so we're finally on the same page the chicken's being heated up we're making up the salad he's like what salad you want i said can i please get this my order by the way if anyone's curious can I please get lettuce, cuke, loads of olives please, bit of red onion, not too hard on the red onion because the breath is honking after a Subway, the breath is its own thing right, it is a unique smell Subway breath and it's all down to the onion and some red peppers on there please honey and can I get some light mayo right you're like yeah of course of course chickens make chicken makes its way over chickens in mayo little drizzle i'm a saucy girl in both ways right no but seriously ask jamie i have more sauce than food
Starting point is 00:13:20 like in my mcdonald's fries i'm scraping up that sweet curry dip with one fry okay like i love i love my sauce i love my dip i love a saucy wrap saucy sandwich loads of butter loads of mayo like that's me so anyway i was like oh sorry can i just get a bit more mayo please can i get a bit more mayo and he basically emptied the whole bottle into my wrap and me and my sister i think because of the day we was already having we just we lost all composure and i i didn't even think before i speak and i went oh fucking hell it's like can i have a bit more may please yeah literally empties the whole bottle i was like oh brilliant a bit more please it's like fucking hell and then he did the same on her she got a sub and he had loads she put loads he put loads sorry fucking hell he put
Starting point is 00:14:14 loads of mayo on there and then we just sat in the car in silence eating our mayo sandwiches it was nice though i won't lie the thing about subway mayo to bang him but yeah so we just had the day from hell although my nails are looking absolutely gorgeous i will admit but i just think 45 quid for french tip like white tip is a bit atrocious especially considering like they don't give you a nice like hand massage after like I used to go to this place in London and it was the exact same price but they'd properly prep your nails they'd give you like a little hand massage when it's finished it was really nice vibes they was really quick as well this one you're fucking bleeding walking out the door. I need to change nail shots. I think I'm
Starting point is 00:15:06 going to go to my sister's one because I used to go to my sister's one, but then I moved to this one. But yeah, I think I'm chickening out. Yeah. But anyway, that is my day. That is my day. Who's watching the new Michelle Keegan series? It's really good. I recommend it. I'm on episode six at the moment. So I'll probably get that finished tonight darling finished berlin that was brilliant um eastenders has really dropped off i'll be honest i'm not sure where all the drama's gone not loving it not loving it like where's all my girls at kianni is just rotting under a table in the calf what no one can smell that do you know what i mean like dead bodies apparently the way i'm like trust me dead bodies stink no you know it's just it's just a well-known fact but yeah apparently they smell and i don't know how there's not even
Starting point is 00:16:01 a dog been sniffing around outside that calf like do you know what i mean also they've literally rocky's gone to prison for setting the calf on fire surely that calf is now a crime scene that is going to be investigated let me um drop a little something here there's a dead body under the fucking floorboards. So did they think that one through? I'm not too sure. But anyway, yeah. Oh gosh. I've just spent nearly 20 minutes talking about this
Starting point is 00:16:34 fucking Nels and Subway Mayo disaster. Has any other disasters happened today? Oh my god, guys. I'm amazing at painting. Did I say this in the last ep? I probably did probably did no I think I said I was gonna do it anyway the last three days straight I have absolutely smashed out this painting and it is definitely my new uh hobby it's not good for the old back mind my back is breaking but I don't know what it is I'm actually fucking good at it I painted the most beautiful sunset beach with waves going through the sea I did copy it mind this is the thing right I can't just paint something I can't just think of a picture in
Starting point is 00:17:26 my head and paint it like I really wanted to paint a lily right but for the life of me I could not think about what a lily looked like I was like what the fuck's a lily look like who knows what a lily looks like so I had to get a picture up of a painting of a lily and just copy it and bear in mind it was it was amazing I won't lie it was actually really good like maybe even better than the one i copied not gonna lie modest but i don't understand people that are so talented that they can just picture something and just paint it it's crazy like you picture a beach you can picture where the sun's gonna hit the water you can picture where the sun's going to hit the water. You can picture how a wave looks when it's crashing into the sand. Like how are you so
Starting point is 00:18:12 intelligent and so talented that you can just picture it and just paint that? It's crazy. You guys are so talented. You know what? Like people that paint dogs and stuff, like I used to be friends with this girl that paints dogs. Like that's literally her business. You know what like people that paint dogs and stuff like i used to be friends with this girl that could that paints dogs like that's literally her business you know like the ones that look so real i'm sorry i painted my dog it's very good like it's given cartoon but it's good but i'm sorry how are the how people so good at painting that it looks real like what it's insane i was always so jealous of people that was really really good at art in school i never did art do you know what people that had really neat handwriting still to this day i've got the shittest handwriting
Starting point is 00:18:58 i can't i can barely write on a straight line i'm really not neat at writing and i was so fucking jealous did we all copy someone else's handwriting as well because I used to copy this girl called Megan's I copied her handwriting um so now I've got like writing dysmorphia like I just don't know what my real handwriting is like some days I write like Megan some days I'll just do like this italic thing sometimes I've got like some weird wriggly writing shit going on I don't know I don't have my own signature handwriting do you know he has a really neat handwriting Jamie he writes like a princess like it is so pretty his handwriting is so stunning it's like a royal it's. He's also very good at art, actually.
Starting point is 00:19:46 He's really good at art. So I'm going to get him to paint me a night. Paint me. It doesn't say paint me a nice picture, but I'm going to get him to paint me. That would be cool. All right, guys. I haven't even said what this episode is going to be. I've just been chatting and chatting and catching up.
Starting point is 00:20:01 But that's why I was just in the mood to do that. I was just proper in the mood mood to just sit back, relax and catch up with the girls, you know. So today, this episode is going to be all about how to be that girl. Now, obviously, I know not all of my listeners are girls. It's just a figure of speed. So don't worry. To my gays, you're still that girl. Do you know what I mean? We love you. But it's basically going to be what's in this year, what's out this year, how we're taking care of ourselves this year, what we're doing to stay motivated, you know, all these kind of questions we're going to be chatting together. So I'm really looking forward to this. I hope you guys are feeling good today. Thank you so much for joining and tuning into this episode. I love you. I appreciate you more than I can ever explain. Please, if you have two seconds, leave me a five-star review or rating, depending if you're on Spotify or Apple,
Starting point is 00:20:48 or the rest, actually. Love you. Yeah, it means the world to me, and it really, really helps me out. So thank you so much for being here with me today, and let's get into the episode. Thank you so much for listening to Lear on the Line. Head to learontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates enjoy the episode love you okay everybody so whilst we are here on a friday episode I wanted to use this opportunity to remind you all that you can always suggest any Friday episode ideas if you want to do a confessions episode send me in any confessions that you have babes I'm sure a lot of you might want to get some off off your chest you know
Starting point is 00:21:38 moving into the new year let's get things off our chest that maybe we did in 2023 or before and move into 2024 with it released released from our life and our energy you know um what else if you have any updates of course send in your dilemma updates we love the updates but yeah any friday episode ideas anything you want me to talk about in particular whether that be another breakup episode friendship dilemmas career manifestation um anything anything you want guys let me know because i am absolutely here for it i love hearing hearing your ideas okay so this episode as i said is going to be all about how we are going to be that girl. Okay. So my first question for all of you is what is out in 2024? And that does not mean fashion trends or makeup trends. It's about what is out in terms of your energy what are we letting go of what are we not what habits are we letting go
Starting point is 00:22:48 of whatever it is you know so let's have a little look for me actually for me so far it's been vaping a lot of you may not even know that i was a vapor chick right oh cringe but yeah so I if you guys remember when I was a single girlie I was going out not loads but like I would go out drinking partying like woo party chick even though I really didn't even enjoy it that much um and that's when I would like vape when I'd go out like vape like vape like anyone got vape and then it started by I would just continue to use that vape the next day and then before you know it I had a vape in my hand every second of every fucking day and it was I hate it like it's it's so bad for your health like I can't fucking breathe properly I can't sing like I used to be able to sing. My stamina is just horrendous. It's just a horrible
Starting point is 00:23:47 habit to have, right? And I never used to. So I was like, what, why have I done this? This is so pointless. And I decided I was having a nice lavender bath the other night. It was literally the night before New Year's. Actually, I think two nights before New Year's Eve. And I thought to myself, do you know what? I felt so good having a proper self-care night I had an everything shower I had a lavender bath and I was like I feel so good I feel so at peace I feel so in love with myself and my higher self and my energy and like you know and I thought well I'm gonna get out of this bath and have a fucking puff on a vape like it's just not the energy so I was like you know what new year's day I'm done with it and I have done it and I'll be honest with you to anybody that vapes which I know there is a lot of people in our age group
Starting point is 00:24:36 generation that are vapers okay the word vapors or like I vape like it cringes me out but it's just there's no other way to say it right yeah anyone that is a vapor let me tell you it's actually not as hard as you think what I noticed is that it's such a habit it's not even that I'm craving this like nicotine hit like it's not that right it's literally that I'm so used to it so normally while I'm podcasting as soon as I say um you know let's get into the episode and there's a little break and there's music oh that's when I'll take a hit of my vape so I've just noticed that it's a habit I would be doing my makeup makeup brush in one hand fucking vaping the other I'm vaping and blending at the same time that is so pathetic right so embarrassing like when I look at it I'm like what what are you actually doing like what and it just became a habit like I was just so used to having it in my
Starting point is 00:25:43 hand that that's sort of what became the problem like having it in my hand all the time so that's the only thing not the only thing like obviously yeah it's but it is the hardest thing was was noticing just not having it in your hand and you know what all I want to fucking do is eat like i just want it i want something in my hand to put into my mouth so i'm like i want sweets i want crisps i just want a constant snack going on which is not good but yeah i feel really good about it i feel like i won't vape again like i genuinely don't don't get me wrong when i'm on a night out i might be like anyone got a vape anyone got a vape what flavor you got but like i'm not gonna be a sober vapor i really won't i really won't so yeah that is out for me and this is your sign if you have been meaning to do it do it like just do it just fucking chuck
Starting point is 00:26:40 it in the bin chuck it in the bin now that They're so shit for you. And do you know what? It's not even the physical reasons I did it. Like obviously I'm a things lady queen. So I know a lot of you are like, this doesn't make any sense why you'd vape, but whatever. Okay. But it wasn't so much that, like, obviously that was just a massive plus of cutting it out was the physical improvements in your health. Right. but it was also just a mental thing like I don't want to be somebody who depends on something or like has an addiction to nicotine or like has a constant fucking puff like I got to the point where like I go to the cinema for what's a two-hour film and I'm like I'm not gonna be able to vape for two hours oh like are you actually joking so yeah I'm being very open and honest because I feel like
Starting point is 00:27:30 like it ain't cool like obviously I would never mention it before so it's not because it's not fucking cool but I do also want to encourage anybody that did pick up vaping or even to be honest any just bad habit that you do want to let go of like I do want to encourage people where I can to make healthy life choices you know so yeah that's what's out for me what else is out for me um I I really want to practice um imposter beating imposter syndrome. And I definitely give it a kickstart last year. I went to big events that terrified me. I went to an event alone. Like I definitely, definitely did things I would never imagine I could have done. And that is what I want to continue to do so in 2024 what is out is saying no to things I really want to do yeah that makes sense um what else is out
Starting point is 00:28:34 laziness like I again I think this also ties into like somebody that vapes and like it makes me feel lazy like all of it as a collective like I'm not going to events I sit at home and I fucking puff on a vape like and I feel lazy and unproductive so just being lazy and and not doing enough with my life not seeing enough not spending enough time with people that is out for me I just want to prioritize my own happiness I think I spent so much of last year being like why am I so unhappy why is my life so stagnant and like doing fuck all about it and like not actually going out and chasing anything and when I look back I think you absolute idiot like did you not add the dots up together and like realize you are a product of your own
Starting point is 00:29:26 like do you know what i'm saying so yeah okay let's have a look what's out for you guys being a people pleaser absolutely absolutely i'm with you on that putting pressure on ourselves um toxic workplace environments yes trying to make people like me clana and clear pay has got to go vaping yep worrying over pointless shit vaping being a doormat yeah babe good for you good for you that is out energy sucking friends okay that's a brilliant one. That's a brilliant one. Negative self-talk. Overworking. My situationship. Oh yeah, good girl. Love that. Good girl. Feeling like I'm chasing. Yeah, absolutely. Unnecessary apologizing. Oh, that's a really good good one i think there's so many of us that have that habit oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry do you mean talking bad about yourself
Starting point is 00:30:32 yep um putting myself down and being confident overthinking um not being myself due to worrying about what people think of me um overthinking people pleasing going back to my toxic ex yes vaping taking things to heart yeah do you know what i think taking things to heart is a difficult one because i think being sensitive is a really good thing but we definitely need to draw the line between being a sensitive emotional person who is emotionally available in tune with their emotions and someone who takes too much on as their fault and it's personal and it's you know so yeah I'm with you on that that's something I can definitely practice this year as well. What is in in 2024? Okay, what are we doing? What are we doing different? Living and not just surviving. Absolutely, I'm with you on that journey. Cute down to earth insta dumps. So lush, so cute. I want to jump on with that as well.
Starting point is 00:31:47 so cute. I want to jump on with that as well. Appreciating the small things. Lovely. Self-love, knowing my worth. Re-wearing outfits. Yeah. Let's get over that. I wear the same fucking outfits over and over and over and over and over again. Of course I do. More cardio, exercise for the heart. more cardio exercise for the heart oh lovely oh my god oh my god i've just realized something for the first time in 26 years of living is this dumb did all of you clock i'm fucking dumb i'm an idiot how did i not right okay i've just realized cardio you're saying exercise for the heart i was like oh it is like you know it raises your heart rate it's all good that's literally why it's called cardio because cardiovascular like cardio cardio literally means heart i literally just thought it was the name of a type of exercise like weight training
Starting point is 00:32:49 and cardio which i know i know it is but it's called cardio because cardio was literally your heart wow how am i so dumb that i never clogged on that wow beautiful okay but yeah i'm with you i definitely want to do more cardio this year um good routine reading oh yeah i really want to get into a nice book i think it will help me sleep better so i'm good i've my mum bought me some beautiful lavender sets for christmas because i really wanted them i mentioned it to her once and she absolutely spoiled me with lavender sets I was so excited had the most beautiful lavender bath slept like a baby that night by the way so I'm like I really want better sleep that is in for me in 2024 better sleep and getting up earlier and going to sleep earlier because I go to sleep at fucking 4am it's a joke right so I need a lovely book now let me tell you the kind of books i like i like pathetic
Starting point is 00:33:48 books that are like fucking fanfics that are just ridiculous i love that shit i used to read who remembers like danger and danger's back the justin bieber fanfictions right i read these books in uni that were really similar like he was like a bad boy and like she was like a like a girl next door like from out of town like and they like fall in love and he's like yeah like it was just honestly such a good book like i want another book that i can get sucked into like i love a romance book but i need some drama in there but nothing too dramatic actually maybe yeah I don't know so if anyone has any recommendations just based off of what I've
Starting point is 00:34:30 just described please hit me up on my dms okay back to you guys exercise and positive vibes beautiful um drinking more water yeah do you know what need to do that, I need to carry my bottle around the house, because I've got one of those big Stanley dupes, and yeah, I love that bottle, I need to carry it around the house with me more, because I just keep it next to my bed, so when I get to bed, I drink a lot of water, but then I'm pissing all bloody night, it's really not good for my better sleep idea that I've got um time with friends and family yes 70 30 70 30 eating approach i'm not sure what that is okay love it though self-love self-care going with the flow feeling confident absolutely new job yes studying for my post grad degree. Wow, babes. Trusting yourself and shamelessly making decisions that are best for you. Self love and not giving a fuck for focusing
Starting point is 00:35:35 on yourself. Positive energy and lots of traveling. Gorgeous. Yeah. Okay. Lovely. Fitness and self care. Quality time with my boyfriend, meeting new people, travel, journaling, meditation, gym, taking a rest, oh, that actually is beautiful, you cannot burn out, okay, everybody, this is your sign, when you feel that burnout coming on, it's okay to just stop, right, productivity, skincare routine routine which brings me on to one of my next questions actually what is your self-care must-haves okay because i knew i knew lots of us would be prioritizing self-care in 2024 i feel like we're all getting older together okay we're getting to that age where it's like we're settling down with the with the skin you know the
Starting point is 00:36:25 evening skincare we got to protect it we got the spf out in full flow right what are your current uh self-care must-haves so let's have a little read candles yeah beautiful cuticle oil lovely being able to ask for alone time and not feel guilty about it especially with a partner absolutely this is crucial me and my sister was saying earlier we love our alone time i feel so much more productive when i'm alone like i love the days where i am home alone i love these days i will do so much more productive, positive shit that day. And I feel good when I have a day like that every now and then. I fucking love it and I enjoy it a lot. So yeah. Boundaries. Yes, absolutely. SPF, face mask, tinted moisturizer. I find it way
Starting point is 00:37:22 better than fake tan. Do you know what's my favorite tinted moisturizer is the garnier one garnier the orange bottle is really good also the palmer's one is really really good is it called palmer's yeah like the like cocoa butter one yeah they're really good um hair oil a good cleanser gentle hairbrush and silk pillowcases um but body exfoliation face mask calming music sleep pillow spray see i really want some lavender sleep pillow spray but i'm so scared it'll break me out because i've got such sensitive skin especially to fragrance i really don't want to be sleeping on it maybe i should spray like my headboard that's not a bad idea i don't have a headboard i just realized it's fucking metal poles um i'll think i'll think that one through um gradual tan moisturizer and my podcast oh lovely cozy pjs oh my god i'm such a pj girl
Starting point is 00:38:22 it's a joke honestly if anyone ever needs to buy me a present, you're safe with PJs. I'm sure you guys are the same. To be honest, even a massive T-shirt. If someone bought me a big baggy T-shirt, I'm in heaven. Right. Oh, this girl says, Girlies who struggle with sleep,
Starting point is 00:38:43 get yourself a weighted eye mask. Best thing ever. I have never heard of them. That's interesting. Let me imagine that. Okay, I might have to invest. Once a month, I book a massage. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:00 That is absolutely the life I want to live. Do you know i've never ever had a real massage i'm too nervous it makes me really nervous i think you know what i'm gonna do it in january i'm gonna book a fucking massage i am i'm gonna do it and let you know how it goes fingers i'm so fucking ticklish I'm really ticklish what kind of massage do you get like what do you say what do you do I've never done it like what do you what do you do when you go in there someone please send me a dm and tell me what I'm supposed to say and what I'm supposed to book and if you live near Somerset please give me some recommendations where to go all right so my next one is how are you becoming that girl in 2024 okay let's have a little look okay new gym plan new job and no man the rhyming really the helped with the delivery there that was power
Starting point is 00:40:09 love it lovely somebody says i'm in my journal era beautiful focusing on myself new job so better routine listening to more audiobooks journaling and meal planning beautiful maybe i should try an audiobook getting up earlier yeah i'm with you i'll be doing that as well decorating my bedroom in the beach girl theme oh i've not seen that sounds so it sounds so happy that sounds like such a happy vibe i feel like i want to redecorate my bedroom i'm kind of sick of it it's very boring um it's very boring um sleeping eating and moving gorgeous absolutely gorgeous hitting the gym setting my goals and working towards them getting my driving license guys are you gonna hold me accountable to this because i've said i'm gonna do it this year all right we'll see you with me i will um vision board yes i did my vision board guys she's beautiful she's beautiful hopefully it
Starting point is 00:41:06 all comes true setting goals reading more books focusing on self-care and fitness lovely read more digital planning vision board journal and meditate more self-care sessions once a week that sounds amazing early rises more walking more reading yep i'm with you really gonna knuckle down on saving and be consistent with my workouts yes saving that's a big one this year not caring what others think um eating my greens prioritizing me solo dates using my walking pad while walking from working from home what's a what's a walking pad while working from home. What's a walking pad? Is that like where you, it's like a treadmill.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Let's have a little look because I'm actually intrigued what you're up to while you're working from home. Walking pad, let's have a little look. Oh yeah, it's literally one of those treadmills. Oh, where you like, you put your laptop on it. It it's basically a treadmill it's basically an at-home treadmill okay darling that's that is fucking genius like you're sat there sorry stood there walking doing your work oh i'd really pack that in to be honest if that was me I'm not gonna lie I'd be like oh that that I'll be on it for a couple of days and then I'm back sat on my ass drinking my coffee and it's folded up getting dusty down the side of the wardrobe
Starting point is 00:42:37 but you're gonna do it you you are gonna do So well done. I have all faith in you. Well done. I love you. I am feeling so motivated after this episode and all these. You've actually really given me some great ideas and advice, guys. So thank you. I love you and appreciate that so much. I hope all of you guys are feeling good off the back of this episode. I hope that you feel you know you might have taken some ideas some inspo you feel like oh she's doing what i'm doing this year where you're like this is great also on that note reminder there is a post on the leader on the line instagram page it's actually pinned now where you can go and comment where
Starting point is 00:43:20 you're from what your interests are or look at all the other comments find somebody that lives near you or sounds similar to you and pop them a message and just make friends so if you are hoping to make friends in the year of 2024 this is your sign you already have one thing in common and it's that you listen to leo on the line so yeah all right guys let's wrap up the episode stay for the outro okay I loved this episode guys I hope you did I hope you really enjoyed it I hope you're feeling good and positive and motivated because I just you can all do this whatever it is that you are setting your mind to this year that you want to accomplish and achieve you can do it I just feel like 2023 was such a strange year although I've heard so many people say like this
Starting point is 00:44:10 was the best year of my life like and I'm like whoa that's actually crazy like isn't that so funny like so many people have different experiences that everyone's life is just so different and we're just all in this living thing and we're just all together like I thought I don't know I find something really beautiful about that and I feel really connected to people like on moments like this when we're all connected we're all going into a new year you know we're all leaving some things behind people behind whatever habits whatever in 2023 and we're all moving into 2024 and we all you know it's just crazy I just I don't know I love people I'm such a people person okay I love you guys thank you so much for all of your responses
Starting point is 00:44:51 for this episode thank you for bringing it all together thank you for basically this wouldn't be an episode this wouldn't even be a podcast about you guys so yeah I love you and I appreciate you please remember if you do have two seconds to leave a five star rating. I would love you and appreciate you more than anything in the whole world. So yeah. All right, guys. I hope you all have an amazing weekend. Whatever it is that you're getting up to.
Starting point is 00:45:14 If you're getting drunk, don't text your ex. Text me instead. And I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. All right, guys. I love you bye

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