Leah on the Line - Bonus 68: answering your personal questions!

Episode Date: January 12, 2024

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Go back to school with Rogers and get Canada's fastest and most reliable internet. Perfect for streaming lectures all day or binging TV shows all night. Save up to $20 per month on Rogers Internet. Visit rogers.com for details. We got you. Rogers. It's getting closer to midnight, I try to get closer to you. Hello, hi everyone! Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear and the Line. Happy Friday!
Starting point is 00:00:40 Happy Friday everybody. How are you? How's your week been? How you all feeling? Happy Friday everybody. How are you? How's your week been? How you feeling? So I feel really like, what's the word, disassociated. I've discovered this thing about myself guys, where I get utterly and completely obsessed with things, like obsessed to the point where it consumes me so this could be um a tv series money heist for example um wake up i think about it i think i'm thinking about tokyo i'm thinking about nairobi first thing in the morning i want to put it on i'm with i think i dream of the professor i dream of not like that but you know like it consumes me I'm obsessed right and then it ends and I feel this wave of depression and I miss it and I'm I feel empty and lost okay and then I get over it and I'm obsessed with nothing for a while and then I'll be obsessed
Starting point is 00:01:39 with something else and I've realized I do it in so many different areas like even food like I'll try something new and just discover that I really like it and I'm obsessed and I want it every day like these Samyang bulldog noodles if you know you know when I first tried them I was like whoa like they're so good I would wake up in the mornings and think, yes, only about five more hours until I can eat my noodles. Like I get obsessed. And you guys know I've been reading the After book franchise, right? I've got a change of opinion on it, guys, and I really need to just get off my chest. So the first book, I'm rating it nine of ten and it's that is probably a bit too high and I'll tell you why it is romanticizing toxic and controlling relationships and I'll
Starting point is 00:02:35 explain why Hardin is oh yeah I know I know that it's sexy and it's like oh my god he loves it so much he's obsessed with her listen if you know you know right first of all but someone being that controlling and jealous and violent like it shouldn't be sexy and like listen when i was a teenager and i read all my fan fics they were all like this and i know this was a fanfic so I really get it I really do get it they were all like this the one I wrote was like it like he was this angry out of control like messed up guy and it's like she's the one to save him like rubbish right but the thing is when I was first reading the book I was like oh god like but the thing is when I was first reading the book I was like oh god like it's a little bit toxic and it's a little bit crazy but kind of love it right and then after a while like after
Starting point is 00:03:33 the first half of the book as soon as I got to the second half I was a bit like fucking hell like the way she is just you know and like her mum would come in and be like you know this guy isn't good for you and she makes her mum out to be like so out of order and stuff like that but it's like any mum in their right mind who cares about their daughter would have something to say about her going out with a guy like that anyway so in the first book I was I was hooked like I love it it's really really good yeah but it did annoy me a bit was I was hooked like I love it it's really really good yeah but it did annoy me a bit how how it was like romanticizing it but then I thought just you're taking it a bit too seriously Leah do you know what I mean you're deepening it a bit much
Starting point is 00:04:14 and then I watched the first film and I was so disappointed guys I loved the characters like I think they casted it so well and it really suited it but just the way it was written I was a bit like where is the development in this relationship like it went from we've literally locked eyes twice to like finger me do you know what I mean I was like whoa like what the hell is going on like in the book you really got the vibe of like there is definitely a connection there like there is definitely something there and and it built up over a long time but not too long but then in the film it was like you're literally strangers and all of a sudden he's like i want to show you something actually no he's british i want to show you something
Starting point is 00:05:03 and like goes to this lake and like fingers her then, actually, no, he's British, I want to show you something, and, like, goes to this lake, and, like, fingers her, then doesn't finger her, but he's actually supposed to finger her in the film, in the book, or whatever, sorry, spoiler, oh my god, but yeah, I won't give away too many spoilers, but, you know, to be honest, it's very predictable, but I really enjoyed it, okay, I really enjoyed it, and I do really recommend reading them, but I really enjoyed it. Okay. I really enjoyed it. And I do really recommend reading them. And then I got to the second book and I got about a third of the way through and guys, I was, I was just a bit bored. I was a bit like, oh my God, like we know where this is going. Like she's going to forgive him. So let's just get on with it because I miss them I miss them together like to be honest like just get back together like I love it you know but yeah and
Starting point is 00:05:50 it just it just felt a bit unrealistic like the way the the mums were like arguing in the apartment and stuff I was like okay I don't know I don't know I just found it very unpredictable but then again I remind myself it was a fanfic and they was all so unpredictable but the other thing that I'm so aware of is when you write on Wattpad because like I said I used to write on Wattpad as well when you write on Wattpad you typically upload a chapter at a time and when I did it I had no idea where I was going with the story so a lot of it could have been scrapped and didn't have any relevance to the ending and stuff like that and I found that in this book as I'm reading them I'm a bit like you know I'm so aware of the fact that none of this was really planned or at least not a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And it feels so like she's just winging it. Do you know what I mean? But I really loved the second and third film. I watched it because I thought, oh, do you know what? Like, I can't get into this book. I can't do it. I just can't do it. And then I thought, let me just watch the films because and then I'll decide if I want to continue with the books and I have decided that I will so I am continuing with the books okay but the second and third film because that's all I'm up to at the moment I would loved it I love them like don't get me wrong they're predictable and unrealistic but like I said I'm I love it i live for that i don't care that none of that would ever happen in the real world i don't care but i love it and it i do feel like
Starting point is 00:07:35 in the second and third films they cut out the parts of the book that made him borderline abusive do you know what i mean and like they scrapped that and they made him make more sense you know like his emotions made a lot more sense in the second and third films because i feel like when when we were younger and we write these like what pad fan and we read them we think it's sexy to have this guy that's so possessive and jealous and controls you and doesn't want a man to breathe anywhere near you like we guy that's so possessive and jealous and controls you and doesn't want a man to breathe anywhere near you like we think that's so sexy and then when you grow up and you're an adult you're like no that is so fucked up when a guy is like that so yeah I get it I
Starting point is 00:08:18 really get it but yeah that I wanted to talk to you guys about it because it's been really consuming me. And like I said, I've been obsessed. I'm obsessed with Tessa and Harden. When I tell you I'm obsessed, I wake up in the morning, wake up in the morning with the sunlight in my eyes. Is it eyes? Yeah, I don't know where that came from. Anyway, I wake up in the morning
Starting point is 00:08:42 and it's the first thing on my mind is tessa and harden and you know what it is i need to know if there's anyone else out there like this it it really i don't think it's good for my mental health that i get this obsessed with things it absolutely consumes me and all senses and and fucks with all my senses of reality it makes me feel so out of touch from the real world i'm like like i don't know it's something that i know nobody else is feeling and experiencing around me so i'm like oh just i can't tell i just need to go up in my room and read i need to go up in my room and watch it like it's it's annoying i don't know what it is and it consumes me and it
Starting point is 00:09:23 happens all the time in my life the book that I told you guys at uni, I remember when I finished the book, there was no film, like, it was just, that was the end, and I couldn't deal with it, I couldn't cope with it, I literally closed the book, and I cried, I was so obsessed with the characters, and the story, I was so invested, I cried, and I used to read it really slowly and I'd reread pages because I didn't want I didn't want to have to turn it and I get obsessed and attached isn't that weird because it's only with like things that aren't fucking real like I don't get obsessed and attached like to that extent and that level in in my real life like things that really exist but like little things like certain things that I eat or something
Starting point is 00:10:14 but it's like characters and tv shows and books and I don't know what else but yeah guys there's something wrong with me I get seriously obsessed so stay away from me because I'll be obsessed with you and think about you first thing in the morning but anyway yeah I just really wanted to get off my chest but either way I'm loving it and I cannot wait I'm gonna watch the fourth one when I get into bed tonight I've not heard good things about the last one guys I'll be honest I really haven't but I'm absolutely loving them I think they're amazing especially the films and I know that's an unpopular opinion I know I know most people prefer the books but I just I can't cope with
Starting point is 00:10:54 the toxicity in the books this just feels a bit too much and a bit I don't know it's just it is crossing the line for me and when comes to control, coercive control. It's giving coercive control. But anyway, guys, I hope you're all feeling really good. This episode, I'm actually really looking forward to because I was tossing and turning, thinking about Tessa and Harden, thinking about the pod, thinking, what should I do? Like, what have we not done in ages and I thought you know what I really enjoy the episodes where we just sit and chat about anything nothing
Starting point is 00:11:30 in particular do you know what I mean so I thought let's literally just put up a questions box you can ask me about me you can ask me about my opinion on something you can ask me for advice whatever it is I've put up a questions box and we are just going to literally chat for the next however long so I'm really looking forward to it and hope you are too I love you so much thank you for being here I appreciate that so much and let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to Leah on the line head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Okay, everybody. So I'm going to kick it off with this one. It says, random, but do you believe that dreams have meanings I love searching dream meanings so I'm
Starting point is 00:12:26 not one of them people that will have a dream and then wake up and search what it means I don't think I've ever done that but you made me feel like I kind of want to start doing it because I know that like there's some I don't know if they're myths or but either way there's some tales out there that apparently certain dreams mean certain things so I always heard that your teeth you know everybody not everybody but so many people have dreams of your teeth falling out yeah I heard that that meant you were scared of getting old but Jamie heard that it meant you were self-conscious so I don't know true that is but yeah I always heard that it meant you were scared of getting old and then also something I realized on just through chatting to you guys on TikTok is I'm not alone in the
Starting point is 00:13:13 sense in the fact I don't know that I have a reoccurring dream or nightmare should I say of a tsunami and it is a real genuine fear should I google what that means tsunami dream meaning okay um it might be a deadline at work marriage oh it can occur due to pressure in life it might be a deadline at work marriage or moving to a new level it's not uncommon to feel disorientated after a dream well yeah but okay enormous waves represent big problems and emotional anguish in everyday life as a result the waves in your dream are a representation of your current situation it can be rough peaceful or filthy filthy if you have imagined yourself alone in the ocean it suggests you've begun to explore your subconscious thoughts okay but then this page says it represents great transformation okay powerful emotions overwhelming situation
Starting point is 00:14:20 a sense of being out of control see i think it means I've got a fear of a tsunami and I I do I really do listen tell me I'm not alone I've probably said this on the pod before I can't remember if it was just on TikTok or if we spoke about it on here but I am again obsessed with the idea oh my god that's so interesting actually because when I went to counseling about my health anxiety she said it sounds like OCD she didn't like diagnose me but she said like you know you could be dealing with a bit of OCD obsessive compulsive disorder because I'm obsessed with it maybe I just get obsessed with everything anyway I'm obsessed with this fear of tsunamis as well.
Starting point is 00:15:07 To the point where when I'm booking a holiday, yeah, and I'm looking through the gallery, oh, look at that beautiful room. Oh, beautiful shower. Beautiful. Lovely bar. Lovely, lovely buffet restaurant. Boom. We're at the rooftop. I can see palm trees and the ocean in the distance. Automatically automatically my brain can see them palm trees going one at a time falling down falling down the wave is flying towards the hotel you're dead that is literally all i see when i look at hotels online when i'm out on holiday like we when we was in tenerife just gone it was really windy in the evening so so fucking windy i don't think i've ever experienced wind like that and it was warm so it's weird
Starting point is 00:15:54 and you're sat we were sat by the beach and the wind is so crazy to the point where like all the places are outside like they normally are on the beach and all the staff are like pulling down all these things like trying to stop the wind all i could think was tsunami incoming like i could literally hear the i could hear it and i'm i have this awful fear of tsunamis um anyway anyway my mum always used to have a reoccurring nightmare of a tsunami as well how interesting so anyway i made a tiktok about it and loads of people were like oh my god i always used to have this dream have i ever spoken about alice in wonderland yeah i have not that long ago actually and loads of you were talking about it alice in wonderland syndrome
Starting point is 00:16:41 it's basically to anybody that hasn't listened to episode it's basically something me my sister my mum and her sister have my auntie shout out we all have it but we don't really get it anymore as you you experience it more as a child typically everything is just this what's the word this oh fuck it happens to me a lot where i can't think of things basically things are just fucked like really good vocabulary things are just fucked like you either feel tiny like this tiny tiny little bean and everything's crushing you or you feel like this giant you're like a huge giant or you feel like everything's in slow motion or you feel like everything's sped up really really fast and you know it's not you know you're not a giant and stuff anyway we discovered that it's a genetic thing and i searched for years what this was and then i found this thing called alice in wonderland syndrome which is that and i spoke
Starting point is 00:17:39 about it on here before and quite a few of you like i've never in my life heard anybody else talk about alice in wonderland syndrome never in my life met anybody else that's got it and neither have I apart from my own family anyway so do I believe there's a meaning behind dreams what was going on with me oh I'm really stuffy one sec oh sorry um I don't to be honest it's interesting that I'm gonna say no because i believe in so much i believe in the spirit world i believe in tarot i believe in i don't i'm very spiritual i'm very spiritual so to say i don't think there's a meaning behind dreams it doesn't really make sense but yeah i don't know i'm not sure dreams fucking freak me out the more i deep dreams the
Starting point is 00:18:23 more it freaks me out like like what do you mean I've just experienced oh do you know what else I want to say about dreams you know how we've discussed before how not everybody has an internal monologue like some some people fucking crazy people they can just not think like they when they do think there is no voice in their head they don't hear a voice thinking whereas i hear my voice my own voice i don't know i don't know it's not clear enough to have a sound in my head wait let me think do you know what i just did in my head that's so weird in my head i went do i have a sound in my own head then let me have a let me have a chat with her one sec yeah that sounds like me she sounds just like me I'm okay seriously I'm okay but anyway there are people out there where the voice and you don't have a voice in your head yeah I have no idea where I'm going with this oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
Starting point is 00:19:23 so what I was gonna say is you know when you dream you don't hear a voice in your head and that's the only way I can understand or imagine what it must be like to be one of those people where there isn't a voice in your head like there isn't a voice in your head in your dream is there there can't be a voice in your head in the head in your head what there can't be a voice in the head in the head in your head wait there can't be a voice in the head in your head that's it i don't need to add another head right anyway so yeah do you know what i'm literally just gonna ask another question let's lighten up a bit sleeping with people at work right or wrong sleeping with people at work do you know what i don't think it's a matter of right or wrong i think well to be fair it depends
Starting point is 00:20:15 where you work if you work in somewhere corporate probably wrong if you work somewhere like hospitality maybe you're a waitress bartender whatever it's you know it's whatever like fuck around you know what i mean i don't know about whether it's right or wrong but i feel like professional professional or unprofessional appropriate inappropriate is the question my opinion is do what you fucking want to be honest like if you want to sleep somewhere i think you should go for it as long as you're both single you know and you want to sleep together you should sleep together okay if you get sacked that's your fault not mine okay biggest beauty makeup tips okay my biggest beauty tips are do things that are high maintenance that help you stay low maintenance
Starting point is 00:21:02 for example lash serum I cannot recommend a lash serum enough. Rapid lash is my go-to with the rapid brow as well. I love the rapid brow. Okay. And then a lash tin. I like the Eyelore one and a brow tin. Again, Eyelore one. Brilliant. A face tan. You cannot go wrong. Let me me let me name you a couple of good ones I really like the Bondi Sands face tan the I think it's called the Express face tan the Saint-Tropez mitts is amazing and it smells so good and I recently started using the Forever Sundays sculpt stick or contour stick can't think what it's called incredible and I switch between those three all the time so it means that when you wake up in the morning you got nice lashes nice brows
Starting point is 00:21:52 and you look healthy because you've got a nice healthy glow so especially if you're a fake black hair slash brunette hair girly like me um you can look ill sometimes if you know you know like if you've dye your if you dye your hair really dark like me and you're not naturally dark it can really wash you out so i i like to keep topped up on my face tan um what else always prep your skin before your makeup. The way you prep your skin is going to change the way your makeup looks. So my morning skincare might be, I always wash my face. Actually, this is another tip while we're here. Every single morning for about 10 years, maybe more, I've done it since like year eight or nine I wash my face with ice cold water every single morning sometimes I'll just do like I'll make a cup of water in my hands and rub and like
Starting point is 00:22:55 wash it over my face or other times I will literally put the cold tap on ice cold on blast and just hold my face under it and I love how it feels like it's just de-puffing my face it brings it starts the blood flow going it wakes you up it makes your eyes feel clean rather than all gunky in the mornings yeah i do that every single morning without a fail no matter where i am um so yeah my skincare when i'm prepping for my makeup always cleanse so just to get rid of that extra bit of texture if you have texture on your nose or just t-zone in general because I get a lot of texture on my nose sometimes ever since I started to put a bit a bit of Paula's Choice BHA toner just on my nose it looks so better. That fucking shit breaks me out everywhere else.
Starting point is 00:23:46 But on my nose. I'm good with it. I stick to my skin and me on my face. And I use the Paula's Choice just on my nose. In the mornings. And my texture is so much better. A thick. Nice thick layer of moisturiser.
Starting point is 00:23:59 But of course it depends on your skin type. Maybe a little bit of setting spray on the base just to add a bit of moisture. Help everything blend together. Yeah, they're my beauty tips, babes. What is your biggest regret? Do I have a major regret? Hmm. I really don't know because I try in life to never have regrets I I have guilt I have guilt
Starting point is 00:24:30 like the way that I handled like my first ever breakup I have guilt for I can't bear the thought of like ever hurting someone's feelings and I know somebody was hurt and I can't deal with it even though unfortunately that is just a breakup so people people get hurt sometimes but yeah I have guilt but I don't think I have regret to be honest to be but then does that make me sound really whatever the word is like sure we've all got regrets you know but then I I don't know I'm one of the people I think what's the point in regret what is the point it's such a waste of an emotion you can live and you can learn but um what else have we got what form of contraception do you use i'm trying to come off of the hormonal pill so i am currently free from hormonal contraceptions and i me and babes we just use condoms to be honest girly pups like i as you guys know i'm in the midst of trying to understand what's going on
Starting point is 00:25:35 in my body so i am hormone free sorry contraceptive hormone free hormone contraceptive free hormonal contraceptive free i don't know basically i don't take hormone you know what i'm trying to fucking say i don't need to say it anymore leah just shut up what's wrong with you so yeah i'm not on the pill i'm not on the coil i don't i don't have the coil sorry but yeah i it's a process it's journey. I will keep you all updated with that one. When do you see yourself having babies, if you want them, of course? To be honest, kind of on this topic, really, I don't know how easy it's going to be for me. Obviously, I have polycystic ovaries, so we know there's complications with that anyway. But, you know, a lot of doctors have said it's
Starting point is 00:26:27 just going to be a case of trying to time it because obviously I don't get frequent periods but I get periods I think me and my sister worked out that I get about eight eight periods a year which is still quite a lot for someone with polycystic ovaries because there's some women that don't get them at all or some people that get like one a year so yeah I think I'm hoping it's going to be a possibility for me I don't know how easy it's going to be but um when is something I cannot answer I have no idea will you do musical theatre again even just for fun rather than a job I would love to I miss it so much but I feel so I don't know I I definitely fell out of love with it for a while and I didn't I didn't associate myself with that community like I didn't feel like I was like them and I didn't feel the same as them like people would get an audition and put their they would lose sleep over trying to get their sides down and and learn the song and
Starting point is 00:27:36 you know people would would work so hard and I just didn't have it and it wasn't that I don't have work ethic it's just that I didn't I didn't think I loved it enough in the end which is really sad I didn't want it enough but then I can't figure out if it's that I didn't want it enough or that it caused me so much stress and emotional exhaustion that that that's why I didn't want to put all my time into it in the end because it was it was draining me do you know what I mean so I don't know like put it this way right when you get an audition you're working some random job just to get you by right you're living in London because that's where it all is and then you your your agent sends you a message audition tomorrow 10 a.m you think fuck okay you go to your manager
Starting point is 00:28:31 I'm so sorry I can't work tomorrow I've got an audition come through you battle back and forth okay you can have the day off you know best case scenario you might get three days but there are a lot of last last minute auditions okay here's here's what you need to prepare two contrasting songs um the first bit of the audition we're gonna do choreography right we're gonna dance bring these shoes bring these shoes bring this and you're like okay you bring your songbook you bring your audition book you bring your cv with your headshot you get there you're hi leah levain blah blah blah yep you get your number whatever it is and then you sit and you wait to be called in you might go in first in a group and do all your choreography sometimes also by the way
Starting point is 00:29:19 you might need to go and buy something to wear because the character, you want to dress appropriate for it. You don't dress in a costume, but like, you know, say you're auditioning for Mean Girls, you might want to wear something pink, right? But you haven't got anything pink. So you go and buy something pink, yeah? You need some heels, whatever. Well, to be fair, every actor will have their pair of audition heels,
Starting point is 00:29:43 their go-to audition heels. Luckily, mine were pink. But anyway, so then you've spent your money on your heels, or your new top, or your new dress, or your flats, whatever, and then you've spent your money on your train, or your Uber, wherever, and then you've took the day off work, so you've lost more money there, and then you get there, right, you've done your CV, everything you've been called in you're doing your dance you learn it it's difficult but you're getting it it's stressful it's all right and then you you're making friends there hey oh and people are going to you what drama school did you go to and i'm like i didn't go to drama school and they're like oh no way and then you're just like yep and then oh I went to Mountview oh I went to here
Starting point is 00:30:26 it's like okay and then you do your dance you get cut people get cut and then if you're lucky you go through and then they want to hear you sing sometimes it's the other way around singing first and then you walk in the room and they'll say what have you prepared and you'll say I've got this from this show and they're like okay have you got anything else or they might go can we hear it blah blah you sing and they go okay and what's your second song you tell them blah blah can't yet can we hear it yeah of course you sing it you you sorry you go over to the pianist you explain start here end here jump to there whatever and then you sing and then it's thank you so much and then you're just okay thank you have a good day see ya you leave you are exhausted right you get back on youtube you go home you're either
Starting point is 00:31:14 going to get a call from your agent saying you've got a recall it's tomorrow you come in tomorrow you've got more dancing more singing to do they've given you these songs to prepare they want to hear you sing these songs tomorrow you're like fucking hell or you don't get it and that was for nothing but good experience right most of the time anyway you get your recall you go through you do the same thing but there's less people there you're dancing you're singing you're singing the songs that they've asked you to prepare so you stayed up late last night learning the songs you had to get another day off work you go in you sing you dance and it's yep we want you to the next round and you keep going you keep going or you know you get cut and then eventually it's thank you so much for your time and that's it and it's the end of your auditions and you didn't get it and there I don't know for me there are only so
Starting point is 00:32:05 many times I could do that before it just felt like I was never gonna get another outcome I was never gonna get a you got the part you know like you get so close and I know it's part of it I know I was so prepared for that and I didn't care at first I was like that was fun it was amazing it was so nice you know like I added a new song to my audition book and you know I learned a new style of dance and I met new friends and it was really really fun and I'm expanding my audition wardrobe and you take you take something from every audition but then for me in the end I just felt like when I'd get an audition through it's like it didn't say you've got a meeting tomorrow with this person for this role in this show. It said, hey, be prepared to be exhausted for the next however many days, sometimes weeks, once you go through an audition process, just don't get the fucking role.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And that's how my mentality ended up in the end. And I knew that's not the right mentality to have. And I don't deserve to be walking in them doors and that's how my mentality ended up in the end and and I knew that's not the right mentality to have and I don't deserve to be walking in them doors if that's if that's how I feel so I stopped going and I I didn't I didn't want I didn't want to audition anymore so yeah but the thing is it's difficult because I really miss it I really miss singing and you know what more so which is so funny because I haven't really felt like this until now I really miss acting and playing characters and and like experiencing different emotions and experimenting different feelings and stuff like I really miss
Starting point is 00:33:39 it like so much and I would love more than anything to do that again it's just that I struggled with the process of of being in something I struggled with that part of it which is a shame but maybe it just means I wasn't cut out for that I didn't have thick enough skin who knows but you never know um if you had to stereotype yourself into a high school clique or group, what would it be? That's such a difficult one because I, do you know what? I definitely consider myself to be quite different. No, I don't mean that in terms of like, I'm not like other girls. Like I don't mean like that. And it's not a good thing. I find it really hard to connect with people. So I don't know. I don't think I'd be in a
Starting point is 00:34:26 clique I think I'd probably have my group of two maybe one and it would just be us but if you to be fair you said if I had to stereotype myself into a high school clique what would it be so I can't use a cop-out answer to be honest maybe like the drama kids to be fair the music kids yeah what's your fave thing to do for an at-home date night p.s love you and your pod oh i love you so much thank you so me and jamie did the paint and pass the other day i think i mentioned that recently in the last episode where we started and we and we paint for 10 minutes and then we swap and then he paints on my picture and i paint on his picture and then we swap. That was such a fun day.
Starting point is 00:35:09 We also had a games date night where we played like frustration, kind of weird to play that with two people, but it was fun. Yeah, I think there's at home date night, you said to be fair. I was going to say those dates where you stay in, but that actually what you're asking me sorry um cooking a really nice dinner together cooking together is really nice but then also doesn't hurt to be wined and dined now does it I think it's really sweet like cooking a three-course meal like maybe you can do the starter and dessert they can do the main or vice versa i think that's a really sweet idea um oh we love to do our massage nights like we do facial massages so we'll have something
Starting point is 00:35:54 on the telly where you don't need to watch it so you can shut your eyes like friends and lay down and get all my facial tools out because i've got a lot some of them vibrate some of them don't and they're just the nicest tools we get all my facial tools out because I've got a lot some of them vibrate some of them don't and they're just the nicest tools we get all the facial oils out little rose hip oil put it on each other's face one at a time and just give each other a massage with the gua sha a little draining you know lymphatic drainage lymphatic I don't know how you say that but yeah that's my recommendations um can we please organize a meetup in 2024 honestly i would love us all to get together i just i wouldn't know where to start or where to go or how to arrange it so if anyone has any
Starting point is 00:36:40 ideas hit me up in the dm um thoughts dating someone who's just come out of a relationship how do you feel about that i definitely think it depends on how the relationship ended did they mentally check out before they physically checked out how did you meet what what are their intentions who ended it with who it definitely depends but a hundred percent there are scenarios where you can meet someone immediately after being single and although it doesn't feel like convenient timing things just align the way they're supposed to you know um what else do we have what's your best funniest memory from your single days did you do anything wild I'm not really a wild gal but when I was 22 I was single
Starting point is 00:37:31 at 22 and that was probably my wild year where I just did things I wanted to have done before I died and part of me wants to just go right out and say the things I did but then the other part of me thinks keep some things to yourself Leah fucking hell so I won't you know ticking anything off the bucket list before I met the love of my life which you know I hoped would have been one day soon so I thought right whilst the single days are here I'm gonna live it up so I thought, right, whilst the single days are here, I'm gonna live it up, so I didn't really live it up that crazy, I wasn't exactly, I didn't go clubbing to like, go out, and I've still, to this day, never had a one-night stand, it's never really been something I wanted to do, so yeah, it's just that on its own proves I wasn't that wild.
Starting point is 00:38:28 so yeah it's just that on its own proves I wasn't that wild um let's end it on this one the thing you're most looking forward to in 2024 I think for me the new year always feels fresh and it feels like any mistakes you made any regrets anything you wish had gone differently or whatever, we can let it all go and leave it behind and start a whole new chapter. Not a whole new chapter, a whole new book. Each month is a chapter, but this is a whole new book. It is blank. The pages are blank. It is untouched. No one has written in this book. No one has touched this book and it's yours to write and that's what I feel excited about every year so honestly I'm excited for the unknown I'm excited for what is to come I'm excited to talk to 2025 Leah January Leah and say how was it you know and I'm excited about the fact that we don't know how it's going to be yet and the apprehension behind all the incredible things that could be approaching me and all of you guys that we have no idea are coming and how amazing
Starting point is 00:39:32 is that that they're so amazing all these amazing things are coming our way we don't we don't well and we don't even know it i really do struggle to speak sometimes anyway thank you so much for sending those questions I absolutely loved chatting with you all today I really enjoyed it well to be fair I say that every week like I like I'm shocked that I enjoyed chatting with you I enjoy this like I literally love I love our podcast chats I love our chats they're the best but thank you guys so much for listening sending in your questions just sitting here and chatting with me today please stay for the outro and let's wrap up the episode okay everybody thank you so much for listening I really appreciated you all tuning in with me
Starting point is 00:40:19 today I hope you all have an amazing weekend whatever it is that you're getting up to send in any dilemmas that you have leahontheline.com of course I'm here to help you guys as much as I can and I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right I love you bye

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