Leah on the Line - Bonus 7: Reacting to your ICKS!

Episode Date: June 4, 2022

Hey honeys! This episode was so funny to record, I was cracking UP at your icks! I hope you are excited to soon have episodes twice (and sometimes three times) a week! I can't wait to read out some of... your confessions next week. As always send in your dilemmas/confessions to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello everyone welcome back to a brand new bonus episode of leo on the line i know what you're thinking leo what what are you doing here it's sunday I wasn't expecting to see you here on this cloudy summer's day. What are we doing? Things are changing around here, everybody. All right. They are really changing. Things are about to be shaking up a notch. No, taking up a notch. Yeah, that is a fact. Okay. So I can confirm that the weekly episodes are now going to double. Actually, they are going to double. I am going to make Sunday the day for any bonus content. So don't expect to see me here every Sunday.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Okay, hun? Not going to happen. However, you can expect to see me here every Tuesday as always and every Friday. Yeah, I'm going to be here every Tuesdayuesday every friday tuesdays are gonna stay the same i'm not gonna change anything i feel like it's working you know like don't what's that saying oh my god what's that saying no but what is that saying like don't fix something that ain't broke or something like that do you know what i mean but don't fix what ain't broke do you know what i mean and it's not we love the tuesday apps love it we love our Tuesday catch-ups we love our Tuesday phone calls but Friday I am gonna introduce something a little bit different a little new I don't know how long this structure
Starting point is 00:01:37 will last in terms of like maybe I'll change what the Fridays include include involve I don't know oh fuck's sake I've had enough of me already how long I'm literally two minutes in I can't be bothered with myself um I'm a little bit hungover though I will say that but that's the good thing about Sunday bonus content like I'm we're probably going to be hungover together most Sundays I mean I don't know not everybody drinks Leah and I definitely certainly won't be drinking every weekend I don't know, not everybody drinks, Leah. And I definitely certainly won't be drinking every weekend. I don't know why I'm literally saying that. Like, I'm like, yeah, I'm going to be hanging every Sunday because I've got such a crazy lifestyle. No, not at all. But so the Friday episodes are the Confession Diaries. It's not a, it's not a confirmed solid name, but that's what I'm thinking at the moment. And so, you know, on Tuesdays you send in your dilemmas. This is
Starting point is 00:02:24 happening to me. I need some help. I need some advice. What have I done? What should I do? What advice do you have for me, Leah? And then Fridays is going to be like, I did this when I was 15 years old and it still eats me up to this day and I still hate myself for it. Like secrets. I want to know your deepest, darkest secrets. like I want to know the worst thing you've ever done so if something has just sprung to mind instantly of course I feel like this goes about saying the Friday episodes just like Tuesdays will remain anonymous I'm not going to be like um Millie Brown from Leeds says this like no I'm literally just gonna read out your secrets and your stories. No, no identity attached. So if something has sprung to mind, get up in my DMs or get up in my emails,
Starting point is 00:03:12 leahonthelineatgmail.com. Tell me the worst thing you've ever done. Just spill all your confessions because I'm reading them out next Friday and we're going to be here every week reading out people's confessions so that we can all feel a little bit better about the things that we feel guilty about. Do you know what I mean? Because we've all done some bad shit in our life that we regret or maybe just are a bit embarrassed about or just, you know, maybe you just want to get out there, get off your chest, get out into the open. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:40 So if anything comes to mind, give it a little think if it doesn't. Send me an email email send me a dm on on insta leah on the line or leah on the line at gmail.com and i literally cannot wait it's going to be so much fun so yeah we're going to be seeing each other twice a week we're really stepping up this relationship aren't we i feel like we're really connecting on a deeper level of all this time we're going to be spending together so yeah you know i don't let you down on tuesdays i've been a little bit vacant on the fridays but that's just because they're bonus episodes the content is bonus content where whereas when i take away the word bonus and it's just it's episode content i'm gonna be there every
Starting point is 00:04:18 week hun see you every tuesday see you every friday i can't wait so yeah just wanted to let you guys know that's why i'm here on a sunday you're probably thinking what the fuck Han where the fuck were you on Friday well don't panic all right because I'm about to give you extra content so don't start giving me shit okay okay but let me talk about this episode so I have people have been asking me to do this episode for so long um and I've never wanted to because I've I just assumed people were bored of this kind of thing now but apparently you guys aren't which i'm over the moon about because i am not bored of this content either we are going to be talking about ics yeah yeah ew ick if you guys don't know what
Starting point is 00:04:55 ick is which is probably unusual but just in case anybody doesn't know what an ick is it's like where a guy does something and you literally want to throw up in your mouth and never look at them again like it's over for me like it'll hit it um and i'm so excited so i put up an instagram story a few days ago and i'm gonna read them out let's have a go first one imagine them changing their bitmojis outfit oh my god literally grow up like literally get away from me like take your belongings never never talk to me again never communicate with me again because if you've if you're changing your bitmoji outfit but then to be fair like what if they're just like bored scrolling through the phone phone's a bit dry no grow up get life no no no no no it's not i can't look past it unfortunately that that would be game over um okay um running after a ping pong ball that actually
Starting point is 00:05:56 doesn't give me the ick you know does that give you guys the ick let me picture somebody running after ping pong ball no it doesn't give me the ick i if anything i admire the confidence especially if you're like in public like in like a bar that has like ping pong tables. No, it doesn't give me the ick. If anything, I admire the confidence. Especially if you're in public, like in a bar that has ping pong tables and stuff, and he was just jogging after it. I respect it, actually. So I'm actually going to go ahead and disagree with that ick. But let me know what you guys think.
Starting point is 00:06:19 When he has one single chin hair. Oh, my God. I actually can can't even that makes me feel ill no why does that actually make me feel ill imagine do you know i actually get one single chin hair actually i've just such you realize i'm an ick i get a single chin hair and it's always really spiky and wiry and black like it's a dark black hair growing out of my chin like it's not like a little fluffy blonde like no it's a spiky wiry black hair that comes out of my chin frequently it just came up one day maybe a year ago now um and i have to tweeze the fucker out please tell me that happens somebody else is it if not so but yeah if it was a boy no not acceptable i'm afraid do you guys what do you guys feel like about towards facial hair like is it a thing for you for me it's so sexy like i love facial hair
Starting point is 00:07:12 i actually think i'm more attracted to a guy with a beard than without but not beard beard if you got a beard beard no no no no no no it's not for me i don't fancy you but if you've got like a nice sexy stubble great if you've got a good beard I think it's sexy like my ex had a great beard it's very he's a very lucky boy with his beard I think beards are sexy I like stubble not like a big long no no no no no um when their mums tidy their rooms um okay hear me out hear me out my mum would never tidy my brother's room that's for sure but I know mums that do but I kind of get it because it's like it's their house so I kind of get it I get it like I kind of get it it's like this is my house do you know what I mean I'm tidying my house but then it gets to the point where you're tidying up after somebody and for me it's an ick when when he like his he's babied by his mum so i
Starting point is 00:08:12 think it depends like it really does depend i don't mind if it's like it's her house you know like she's just gone around with the hoover whatever but if she's like putting his washing away for him like folding it up like putting his socks and boxes in the drawer for him, changing his bedding for him is too far. Like that is, that's not your job. And if your son is making you do that, I'm sorry for you. But it will never be me. Maybe you, but never me.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Okay, I'm not changing my son's bedding. No, no, no. He'll be lucky if I step foot in that bedroom to be honest I barely tidy my own room let alone tidying up after somebody else but yeah you guys are saying it's an ick what do you guys think is that an ick I'm not over like I'm not I'm not overly offended by it like if anything I kind of I I know those type of mums and usually they're just like lovely mums that just tidy in the house and they're not like oh darling i'm just gonna put your washing away for you like no oh my god fair enough if you put a pile of it in his room but
Starting point is 00:09:15 realistically he should have his own laundry basket and do his own laundry if he's living with his mum um dropping his keys and bending over to pick them up. What do you want him to do? Well, there goes my BMW. He's just dropped his car keys. He's like, well, not really too bothered about that car. Can't possibly bend over and pick those keys up in public in front of these women. Gonna have to say goodbye to that car, I suppose. Like, guys, come on.
Starting point is 00:09:43 What do you actually expect the boy to do there? Tank tops, I'm with you. Yeah, no, ick no it just take it off t-shirt or take it off for me personally i'm not into the tank top vibe the vests it's not for me um when they roll their shorts up so that they're shorter jack greelish did this vom okay if it's football shorts i i don't i i quite like it like i don't care like i'm like get those sexy legs out if it's like oh my god if they were like denim shorts i don't think i can actually deal with a boy wearing denim shorts um do i mind denim shorts i don't know why i can't picture like a attractive pair of denim shorts right now oh my my god, interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Standing in the bathroom naked and wet asking for a towel. It doesn't bother me, you know. I've actually realised that ics don't bother me as much but I think it's because I've been in such long-term relationships that like you see this, do you know what I mean? Like I have seen people stood there naked asking for a towel I don't mind it you know their hair's dripping like they've got like water dripping down their body they're like covering their willy because it's all cold and they're like can you get me a towel babe I don't hate it if anything I just want to fucking jump on them like I don't mind I don't mind that um when they trip when they're walking but try to pretend
Starting point is 00:11:06 they didn't oh my god yeah i agree i agree like i'm the type of person that like if i trip i'm just gonna be like oh fucking hell kill me like i'm not gonna be like oh yeah like that's cringy if a boy doesn't just like own his embarrassing moments that makes me feel really awkward but if they like own it i feel like it's a less awkward do you guys agree on that one um somebody says stinginess like you owe me 50p oh my god yeah it's cringy you know like when you're out for dinner and there's like a whole big group of you and they're like i'm not splitting the bill because because you had steak and i and i only add the club sandwich yeah so you guys can all split but I'll just
Starting point is 00:11:46 take mine off and pay no no ick get away from me it's fucking vile I can't bear it yeah I agree with you stinginess no mate you guys split I'm actually not gonna split because you you guys all got steaks and cocktails and I and I only got um club sandwich and a beer listen it's fair enough but just stop being such a fucking idiot I stop making it awkward for people then to be fair if you are a bit skin and you came to that meal thinking right I'm not going to order the steak because I can't really afford to eat like that at the moment and you know payday's approaching maybe I'll just go for the club sandwich and a beer I get it but then it does give me the ick I get it but it gives me the ick sorry um when they've just had a go at their crazy golf and are shouting
Starting point is 00:12:32 their score to the score writer oh no no um one that's a one have you got that did you get that mate one I got that in one. Two, mate? Did you write my school down? Two. Got that one in two for that hole. Oh, my God. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:12:54 That's horrible. I can't bear it. Sneezing and then having to get a tissue because snot came out. Oh, my God. I can't say I've ever experienced that. I can't say I've ever witnessed that. Oh, sorry. I just need to go get a tissue. But then also, what do you want him to do? oh my god i can't say i've ever experienced that i don't think i've ever witnessed that oh sorry i just need to go get a tissue but then also what do you want him to do what do you want the boy to do i know i suppose that is it's just an icky situation like don't get yourself in that
Starting point is 00:13:13 situation in the first place all right um seeing people run for the bus slash train and miss it oh my god guys it reminds me of that story remember i told you a few weeks ago when he jumped on the train head first and snapped his fucking glasses? Oh my God. Imagine, imagine if you was on a date with him and he did that. To anyone who missed this episode, I was on the train in London and a guy, the tube doors were about to shut. Now let me just remind everybody, the tube doors are not like an elevator. They are not going to sense you and reopen.
Starting point is 00:13:44 They are going to crush you, okay? This boy did not have enough time to process his movements before he decided to dive head first, not shoulder first or, you know, whatever other body part, face first into the tube doors. It's rush hour. The train was busy was busy okay his face gets completely crushed in this tube door his glasses come flying off his face and crack on the floor could you imagine if that if he was on a date with somebody and they did that i'd fucking be sick i would literally get off at the next stop and leave him on that train and say no i'm so sorry i'm never going to be able to get that image out my head so for my own sake i'm going to have to call it call it day here literally there's another train in two minutes there's where are you going there is
Starting point is 00:14:36 another train in two minutes i just don't get it anyway i'm going off topic um mirror pictures agree just don't do it don't do it but then also i kind of cringe when i don't know i don't know boys have pictures i don't know selfies no like the thought of a boy getting his phone out oh but then but then like when i'm in love with someone and they do i don't care this but then i suppose they say that you shouldn't get the ick if you're in love anyway so that kind of makes sense. When they wear tight white skinny jeans. I'm so sorry to anybody who listened to this. And maybe you're listening and your boyfriend's in the room and he's got a pair of white skinny jeans on. Take them off. You're fucking embarrassing. I'm joking. No, yeah, it's personal preference. It's not for me. White skinny
Starting point is 00:15:26 jeans are not for me. No, no, no, no. A friend, what? Oh, a friend said when they bring their own reusable bag shopping. I actually respect it. I think it's sexy. I think a man even doing his shopping is sexy to me because it's un-fucking-heard of. Like, I don't see it. Every boy I've ever been with, that was my job. So if I saw a guy walking around the supermarket, especially a good-looking one, and he had his own recyclable, no, recyclable, reusable shopping bags, I would be like, daddy, like, dad, do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:04 Like, he is a future husband for me like I would literally look at him and be like yeah I'm okay with that like would you like to do a weekly shop for our house and our children like I I respect it I fancy it if anything I'm attracted to that isn't that interesting um tomato sauce staying around the mouth classic it's a classic at the end of the day but i'm not actually gonna lie it doesn't give me the ick and i feel like it's probably one of the most popular icks isn't it but i don't really get it like if a boy had tomato sauce around his mouth i'd probably be like wipe your
Starting point is 00:16:41 mouth on got a bit of fucking ketchup on your mouth starving was you couldn't wait you just had to cram it in like i would yeah i would i would just happily be like wipe your mouth will you darling or just wipe it for them quite quite romantic actually um running for the bus running for the bus i think just running in general agree to be honest but then it feels like it feels like a runner do you know what I mean no running doesn't really turn me on it doesn't do it for me to be honest you know like like a footballer like that's an attractive sport to to do or like the gym weights and stuff but like running doesn't really do it for me like it doesn't make me feel anything in particular like if you're a runner I'd just be like oh cool like could never be me but whatevs um but then some people find
Starting point is 00:17:30 that sexy don't they um running to cross the road okay i'm actually gonna flip the script here my ick is when they don't run to cross the road and they know that so let me let me give you a real situation he's about to just cross the road um but the the light's green the cars the cars are going no no no no no no he's just stepped out in the middle of a normal running road okay there's no there's no zebra crossing there's no traffic lights it's just you've just stepped out into the road and you've instantly realized oh fucking hell that car's a bit close i probably haven't got much time to cross this road that car's gonna have to slow down now and let me let me pass because i i've just run out in the road and rather than jogging and go sorry mate like like a nice
Starting point is 00:18:12 person they just like are too fucking cool that they have to like stroll and they you know they're embarrassed you know they're embarrassed because that car's just had to slow down so that you can cross now well done and rather than just going oh shit sorry mate which i think would be more attractive to be like oh and like pick up a little bit of pace put his hand up sorry mate and the car's just like yeah whatever he doesn't have to slow down because he's picked up the pace that the car can just keep going no one's no one's affected by the situation when they're like too embarrassed to to admit that they they've just fucked up and they shouldn't have stepped out onto the onto the road and they just like don't look at the car and
Starting point is 00:18:49 they're just like really slow like yeah i'm like pick up the pace you're annoying it like my ex used to do it we'd both walk out walk out into the road and i'd be like oh shit so i'd i'd run to the other side turn around and he's like halfway like yeah fuck it mate you can wait to the other side, turn around, and he's like halfway. Like, yeah, fuck it, mate. You can wait. To the car, and I'm like, you're embarrassing. Like, you're actually embarrassing. So I'm actually the opposite. I would rather he ran across the road. Trails us halfway down their ass.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Honestly, sort it out. Same. Does anyone even do that anymore? I feel like that was an old, old, old school thing. Imagine them learning to drive at a roundabout taking ages to move and then they stall is stalling an ick though still i don't know i remember like when we was a bit younger it was an ick but i just feel like as you're older it's not so much of an ick like when you're like you've just you know you're maybe like 17 18 you just learnt to drive, if they stall, it's like, ah, so embarrassing, embarrassing,
Starting point is 00:19:47 you can't drive, shit driver, it's so embarrassing, awkward, and then when they, when they're like older, it's just like, oh, nice one, hun, just stopping here for a bit, are we, do you know what I mean, um, what else have we got, when you can't get a seatbelt on, do you know what, that is one of the most infuriating feelings in the world, I say it's probably up there it's got to be up there nothing makes my blood boil more than when you can't get that fucking thing in or when it isn't and it's just not clicking nothing makes my blood boil more nothing honestly so infuriating i'm like get to know you like it just makes me mad, when he eats chicken wings and gets saucer all over his hands and face. Okay. But why do I actually find a guy that eats chicken
Starting point is 00:20:29 wings quite sexy? Cause I'm quite scared of chicken wings. Cause I'm like, Oh my God, like all the veiny, gross chicken, gross, gross, gross. And then if the, if there's a guy that's just like fucking sucking the bone dry, I'm like, you just don't give a fuck, do you? Like, it's just sexy. So why do i actually disagree with all of these x why is why do i actually just like love men that much that they can literally do anything um guys that run for the train you guys really basically what we're learning from this boys if you're listening is do not run for anything like you can have the most important meeting of your life but if there's an attractive woman there you're gonna have to miss that meeting um trying to pull up
Starting point is 00:21:05 their pants while their legs are wet and they all roll up and get stuck oh um men in matching long checkered pjs okay matching set no but i do quite fancy a boy in like checkered pj bottoms and like you know like on sims i would always put this sexy dad in like his pjs would be no top obviously just fucking pure abs and like sexy pj bottoms i think i'm attracted to that am i attracted to this yeah but a matching set no i'm with you on that that's disgusting putting up a broken umbrella classic yeah no no or if their umbrella flips inside out oh i'll just die oh god just get wet like it's over for you at this point um jeans with bare feet ew shazamming a song in a club no i'm not being funny boys don't do that do they i'd actually throw his phone on the ground and
Starting point is 00:22:07 stand on it till it cracked like no that is so embarrassing that is actually so embarrassing a guy going down the escalator in a shopping center why do i find all of these things attractive like that's when i have my main character moment and i like lock eyes with somebody really attractive and i feel like we're having like movie moment, but realistically we just don't actually ever talk to each other. Why is it the things you guys think it is, I actually find quite sexy. Why is that? Oh my god, this one.
Starting point is 00:22:38 This is the best one. Are you ready? Okay. The thought of him. The thought of him being hit by a car how embarrassing no i'm not being funny no i couldn't do that being hit by a car that is so embarrassing that is actually so embarrassing imagine getting run over okay run over that's a bit far jesus he could actually get a serious injury or worse but no if he could just got like hit by a car that's like if say let's just say he's okay like i don't
Starting point is 00:23:17 if he got genuinely hurt i don't think i'd have time to get the ick i'd probably be panicking but if he like for example let's take the walking out into the road situation so he walked out into the road and that car never slowed down and he just got like nudged by the car but it actually hurt oh my god i'd be sick i'd like just run him over just literally run him over i'm joking that's disgusting oh my god um when they lick the sauce of the lid um yeah if it was like a yogurt sauce off the lid I can't think of what you're talking about like I can only think of like yogurt um you don't like open a ketchup bottle and lick that do you oh ketchup water that gives me the ick um a tall boy in a bath i can't picture it i think a boy in a bath in general is quite
Starting point is 00:24:12 difficult for me to comprehend like the way their willy just like floats oh god it's no it's not my god floating willies in warm warm water disgusting um boys sitting cross-legged at a picnic yeah i'm not sure i think at a picnic you've just got to sit on your ass knees up hands back you're relaxed do you know what i mean or like you can put your arms on your knees do you know what i mean don't sit, you can put your arms on your knees, do you know what I mean, don't sit on your knees, don't sit on your knees, and definitely don't sit cross-legged, Jesus, a top on with no bottoms, no, I'm not being funny, imagine like, not even boxers, just a t-shirt without the boxers, oh my god, I'd literally throw up, oh my god, put some pants on now get away from me it's making me sick um when boys pout with their lips right up to their noses when boys pout in general like
Starting point is 00:25:12 what are you doing no um boys who don't shower after sex and then just get dressed and go out that's disgusting if that's ever happened to any of you I'm so sorry that is disgusting um my boy for spelling his phone using the phonetic alphabet oh my god alpha lima I don't know the phonetic alphabet do you is it lima e for e, I don't know, E. A for alpha. H for heebie. E for eebie. B for weebie. And E for hello there mate. If you guys don't know that reference, it's from Friends, um, long fingernails, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, I actually don't mind a boy that bites his fingernails, I know a lot of people fucking hate it, a lot of people say that's an ick, but I don't know, the thought of, like, a boy, like, clipping his nails, oh, it kind of makes me feel ill, clipping them, gross, i'm not a fan of that designer polo shirts i'm not no
Starting point is 00:26:28 polo shirts in general give me the ick i i can't bear them polo shirts no no no no no i've never liked them never in my life have i been a fan and i don't think i ever could be transformed transformed basically you ain't changing my mind unless well david beckham nah zach efron dwayne johnson in a polo yeah dwayne johnson could literally do whatever he wanted and i'd be like you are just so sexy um boys putting extra letters at the end of words e.g yeah or please grow up yeah agreed agreed um the thought of a boy with an umbrella just put your hood up yeah that is true actually yeah like why why do i feel like they're for girls only like these are for girls only why do i actually feel like that that would have been such a good TikTok when that sound was trending um oh my god I just um looking at the menu at a restaurant what are you talking about they're just supposed to just
Starting point is 00:27:33 know what they want okay but I kind of get it actually now I picture it I kind of get it uh no I actually get it I actually get it just tell me what you fancy and I'll pick yeah no I get it it's kind of why does it make me feel awkward um there's got to be so many restaurant ics that's why I just avoid first dates in a restaurant at all costs guys I'm never going on a first date in a restaurant I mean I probably will at some point in my life I should probably tick that off but yeah there's so many first date ics involved in restaurants like there's one when they we say like when they when you when they tried to get the waiters attention and they
Starting point is 00:28:11 they accidentally get ignored oh god oh my god let's just leave let's just leave um when guys are telling a story and do sound effects what are you talking about I can literally cannot picture what you mean so I was walking down the street boom boom boom I literally don't get what you mean I have no clue um running with a backpack on voice notes on dating apps I love that I am not on dating apps but I love that that's a that's's a thing on Hinge. I think it's like what makes it so much better. Also it makes it safer. Do you know what I mean? Um, and not, not massively safer, but you know, it definitely helps. Um, my boyfriend got hit by a garage door at work and was the biggest ick. Oh God. Like just stop being, I think boys being
Starting point is 00:29:03 clumsy, but then if they're like cheeky like cheeky essex lads and then they're clumsy i think it's like part of them but like if they're like one of those guys that try and act really like swanky and cool and just like sick and then they they something bad happens like that then it's just like oh god i literally just want to cry for you um okay listen to this one so i was at a lad's house, he was putting music on and he said, hey Google, and I just lost it. Let me picture that. So you're just at a guy's house and you're like, should we put some tunes on? He's like, yeah, yeah. Hey Google, did I just set off any of your Googles? Hey Google, play Lear on the Line on Spotify. Sorry if I did that to any of your
Starting point is 00:29:49 Googles. Now am I on in two different places and in any of your rooms? I don't know. Okay, when he trips while walking down the street and tries to play it cool. Yeah, yeah, you're not alone. else said that ankle socks on men okay so i saw the new love island um original cast i'm so excited by the way i literally cannot fucking wait i'm so excited to watch it also how fit is luca jesus i've seen him on tiktok um my sister showed me his sister's account. Jeez. Get me in there. That's all I'm saying. Get me in there because I'll be on him. Yeah. And one of the girls said about socks, right? And she said she doesn't like when a guy wears socks with trainers. And I actually think when a guy doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:41 wear socks, it gives me the ick. if you take your air force off and you've got bare foot under that i'm actually going to be sick i think like the oh i can't do it imagine they take off their air force and their toes come out their wriggly toes oh them shoes must stink your sweaty crusty dusty toes having all all sweaty and living freely in them trainers. No, I find it disgusting. When they jog on the spot waiting to cross the road, like just stop and wait. I've never seen that before. What, like they're just like, maybe they're like, I want to run.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Maybe that's why they would do it. When a boy has a pic of him and his mum on a dating app trying too hard. when a boy has a pic of him and his mum on a dating app trying too hard uh but maybe maybe he's just wanting to let you know what's important to him and his mum is but then i see what you're saying maybe that is just trying too hard like we can just get to that do you know what i mean um a tall person with a tiny suitcase oh my god why is that so funny ew yeah but then what if they what if I just defend them all the time? Oh my god. I mean, you can see a guy's teeth when his mouth is resting. Oh god, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. Oh my god, there's a bug on my bed. My washing's been out in the garden. My laundry. Um, um um car meets oh speaking of the engines oh when they're like
Starting point is 00:32:11 what what do you like do you actually think girls are gonna like get your cock out i'll suck it like what do you actually think girls think when you do that like i just would love to know like what is your genuine thought process when you start revving your engine do you think we just go massive cock massive for sure dick is huge do you know what i mean no you look you look like an idiot okay um putting that arm out and waving for a bus i personally would just rather a boy not take the bus because there's too many icks involved the stumbling around if the bus starts moving before he sat down the like you said waving for the bus the running for the bus if he's about to miss one like there's just too many risks like can we just please opt for another method of transport because there's too many icks involved with a bus um
Starting point is 00:33:06 washing his bum in the shower oh yeah to be fair that is something i just hope i never have to see but do they what do they do like how how do they let you know don't they just let the water run down maybe give it a little you know how in depth are you picturing they're washing their ass um let's go for a couple more because i am about to go and watch the new katherine tate movie um running up the stairs on all fours what is he a fucking demon i'm sorry why are you running up the stairs first of all well actually who walks up the stairs that would actually be a bit psychotic i think walking up the stairs is odd if you actually think about that now that i've just said who runs up the stairs everyone does if you actually picture somebody walking up the stairs
Starting point is 00:33:53 it's odd isn't it like you're probably old which i understand but like somebody young don't we all run up the stairs how weird is that why are we running we don't run in public we walk what the hell if you actually think about that why when we're at home do we run upstairs and skip like two three steps at a time weird um let's find one more wearing a helmet um what is wrong with me because everything that i I read out, I just, I'm realizing I disagree with. What is wrong with me? My opinion on men is too positive. They just really can't do wrong in my eyes, can they? I'm really not one to be doing icks because I find things men do too attractive. That's my problem. Like things that you, that give you girls ick, actually I find things men do too attractive that's my problem like things that you that give you girls
Starting point is 00:34:46 it actually I find attractive but to all the boys listening to this because I've discovered I have a lot of male listeners well not a lot in comparison percentage wise it's very low but I didn't expect to have any male listeners really because I thought this was all just going to be like us slagging boys off really um but then obviously we've got the gays and the days who are with us on slagging off the boys which is perfect um but like i've had a lot of straight male listeners like messaging me being like hey i'm a straight male like love your podcast i'm like oh you really weren't my target audience honey but you are more than welcome to stick around um and take notes basically um you're
Starting point is 00:35:25 learning a lot about the female brain i feel like with with leah and the line and us besties so yeah um stay tuned for the new format um make sure you're following me on instagram so i can really update you on everything and you can make sure you're in the loop and never miss an episode never miss a story never miss your chance to get involved as always send me any thoughts or dilemmas and now confessions to leahontheline at gmail.com or at leahontheline on instagram any thoughts any dilemmas any confessions they're all welcome my honeys and i absolutely cannot wait to see you two days a week guaranteed it's going to be two days a week, guaranteed. It's going to be three days a week sometimes because I'm going to do bonus episodes as well on Sundays.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Not all the time. You guys know me. Probably not very often. But they're going to be coming and isn't that lovely? So we're guaranteed to spend two days a week together, which is perfect. And I'm so excited. And, yeah, thank you so much for all your love recently all the support all your amazing response to the last few episodes and all the just support like you guys are just really room for me and I absolutely love that that's all I just needed to say um and you make me feel so good
Starting point is 00:36:38 and yeah I just love you guys so hope you all have the best week, it's Sunday, let's have an amazing week ahead, did you have a good Jubilee weekend, what did you get up to, I, I didn't do too much, but I did have a good weekend, um, what we doing this week, I haven't got many, many things planned this week, I'm gonna go hang out with my bestie, probably spend time with my sister, um, and yeah, out with my bestie probably spend time with my sister um and yeah that's pretty much it you guys thank you so so much i hope you have the best week um don't text your ex as always text me all right i will see you on tuesday for a brand new episode love you bye Hãy subscribe cho kênh Ghiền Mì Gõ Để không bỏ lỡ những video hấp dẫn

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