Leah on the Line - Bonus 8: An honest Q+A!

Episode Date: June 25, 2022

Hi besties! I hope you enjoy this episode of answering your questions, it felt like a very cute and cosy chat. I absolutely love these episodes where it feels like you can get to know me just that lit...tle bit better! Thank you so much for all your love and support on the podcast, I really cannot thank you guys enough!! As always send in your dilemmas/confessions to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone brave of me showing my face around here isn't it look listen calm down okay i have a very valid excuse as to why there was no Tuesday and Friday episode this week. I just cannot tell you what that is currently. I will be able to tell you what it is. And when I do, you're gonna die. Like you are going to die. But I just can't. I can't tell you right now.
Starting point is 00:00:43 But I will be able to, I promise. And everything will make sense. So just fucking get over it, all right? Just get over it. It's one week. I can't tell you right now. But I will be able to, I promise. And everything will make sense. So just fucking get over it, all right? Just get over it. It's one week. I'm joking. I totally understand. I say to you every week, I will never let you down on Tuesdays.
Starting point is 00:00:52 You guys can rely on me every Tuesday. This is your safe space. And then one Tuesday, little old Leah just disappears off the planet of the earth. But listen, I was out of my control. I wasn't allowed, okay? I will explain everything eventually. But I am here, it's a Sunday, it's a bonus episode. And I just wanted to make sure I gave you something this week, okay?
Starting point is 00:01:14 I should be back to normal next week, who knows? But if I disappear, again, just know there's an excuse on its way. But, you know, it's unlikely that I will. It's unlikely, very unlikely but if I do just under just understand that there is a reason coming okay so this week I am going to do a Q&A I put this up on my insta story on atlierontheline follow if you're not already um and I just picked some nice light light-hearted, but then some deep, some light-hearted, some fun questions to just like have a little chat, you know, have our weekly catch up. And then things will get back to normal pretty soon. So, yeah, I'm going to dive in with the questions.
Starting point is 00:01:56 First one being future goals. So, definitely for me. Oh, wait, sorry, I forgot to ask. How are you? How are you? How's things is anyone going for a breakup recently anyone got broken up with anyone need a friend right now like what what's going on babe talk to me send me a dm anyway yeah first question future girls so my future goals starting with a podcast i really really want this to be like my full-time job like I have never loved anything as much as I love this like I am stupidly passionate about it it brings
Starting point is 00:02:32 me so much joy I absolutely love the audience that we've built I love the community that we've built all of us girls together and now we all have each other's backs I just it just makes me feel like I'm I'm in such a safe space when I'm here talking to you guys I feel like I can really open up and be honest um and I love that you guys feel like you can open open up and be honest with me so future goals podcast wise is I would love to keep growing this fucking baby and make it as big as we can make it because I've never been so proud of anything in my life like I'm so proud of this it was like I started as like a little passion project that's what my friend called it she's like the key of your little passion project I was like fuck you no she was joking but we always joke about how she just
Starting point is 00:03:13 always accidentally sounds really patronizing oh little passion project honey nice good luck but I would love to just build this up to be something amazing that I mean it is something amazing I'm so proud of it but I would love to like have management for it um and yeah it be my full-time thing I absolutely love it um any other goals obviously you guys know West End always that will always be in my heart like I'll always keep trying with that one, but I am still really happy that I found this because it means that I don't feel unfulfilled all the time. Like I feel like I'm actually achieving something in my life, which is nice. What else my future goals? I really just want a nice, happy, healthy relationship.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Like eventually whenever that comes, I just really am ready to be loved and to love my friendships. I need to really keep them how like I have amazing friends around me that I really took for granted, I think. And my future goals in that sense is to just make sure my friends know how much they mean to me and how much I love them and always be there for them when they need me. Next question is, what do you look for in a relationship? I, for me, like moving forward into my next relationship, my crucial like non-negotiables are like, if you can talk about your emotions like we're gonna get on definitely we that is definitely one less problem um I need a guy who is ready to communicate um a guy with emotional intelligence for sure um but what do I look for honestly that is my main thing I look for a guy
Starting point is 00:05:01 with emotional intelligence and that's not even a joke someone that has a heart of gold like I just want to be with someone that is just like so kind and lovely but the issue with me I'm toxic as fuck and I'm kidding but if you're like too lovely and too kind I will literally eat you alive so I need like that and I hate that toxic thing of like you know keep me on my toes like treat me like shit like no I just mean like I think we need to be right for each other like you're either going to be way too nice to me way too much of a dick for me I need the perfect in between like I don't mind if you if you're a dick every now and then as long as it ain't that deep do you know what I mean so what do i look for in a relationship emotional intelligence um and kindness and love and balance that is what i look for and trust um next question how do me and
Starting point is 00:05:55 my brother start a pod we have zero followers slash platform just vibes listen all you need is the vibes okay anyone listening that wants to start a podcast do it so I went into this completely blind I had no idea how it worked I didn't know where to start I just knew I wanted to do it so um a mic I recommend is the Shure SMV7 or MB7 which is it MV MV one of them sm7v let me google that sm7b sm7b is the best one or mv7 i think it's called shaw mv7 i think yeah shaw mv7 is is like a more affordable version but sm7b is like the the big boy so yeah get yourself a good mic it doesn't have to be like one of the fucking 300 pounds 600 pound mics you can start lower but just have a good nice quality recording um mic and you want a platform to upload it so i use a cast and you can upload it to your chosen websites eg spotify apple podcast you just have to get them approved and honestly it's
Starting point is 00:07:07 way easier than you think push it tiktok is your best friend if you're trying to reach an audience there is no better platform than tiktok right now to build a profile to build an audience to go viral anyone can go viral on tiktok make sure you're filming your podcast i haven't been doing it for a while but it was definitely key to my growth at the beginning film your podcast even if you're just going to set up one of your iPhones yours are your brothers get some good lighting going on get a mic each set the camera up and get little clips of some funny funny moments between the two of you or you said there's vibes so just get some good vibes and clip it and put it on TikTok and just keep posting on TikTok be active because one of them videos is going to blow up and then someone's going to go, that looks like a fucking good podcast. Where's that? And
Starting point is 00:07:47 then they're going to go and find it and they're going to go listen. So honestly, you don't have to be like, you don't have to have followers. You don't need to be followed or have a big profile on any social media to start a podcast. Anyone can do it and you can do it. So this is your sign to start. What's your type on paper so I definitely don't have a type like every guy I've ever been with looks nothing like each other like they all look totally different but at the moment I'm very attracted to like hunky men which is just like not my type previously like every guy I've ever been with has been like a pretty boy or like yeah like I've always gone for a pretty boy and I still do love a pretty boy but just like hunky like muscly and sexy with tattoos like fucking hell I'm literally describing somebody that I have in mind right now and I can't tell
Starting point is 00:08:37 who it is but yeah my type at the moment is just sexy as fuck like sexy tan tattooed italian men but honestly i don't have a type like one minute i'll just be like i want a blonde blue eyed gorgeous prince and the next minute i'll be like i want a big six foot four sexy hunky man and the next minute i'm like i just want like a cute lovely boy like a really nice guy next one i'm like I just want like a cute little lovely boy like a really nice guy next one I'm like I want a cheeky lad that's gonna ruin my life do you know what I mean so but right now my type is that um my number one non-negotiable looks wise I have to be attracted to their teeth if you don't have good teeth it's a no from me like I need good teeth that's my thing with a guy I can deal with like I don't care about teeth, it's a no from me. Like, I need good teeth. That's my thing with a guy.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I can deal with, like, I don't care about your eye color. I'm not bothered about your body. Like, it's not an issue for me. If you ain't got good teeth, you ain't going to work, unfortunately. I'm not bothered about height either. But I have learned that I do like a tall man. I have learned it. But, like, I've been with guys that are like five foot ten or five nine
Starting point is 00:09:45 and stuff i'm like i don't really give a fuck to be honest but at the moment i'm attracted to the taller taller men men um next question what's your dream holiday destination so i don't really have one i'd i'd love to go to australia you guys know i'd walk over and i'm like hello how are you i'm from around here where are you from i'm from the gold coast yeah me too yeah and I'd be like, hello, how are you? I'm from around here. Where are you from? I'm from the Gold Coast. Yeah, me too. Yeah. And I'd love to go there. I'd also love to go to Greece and I'd love to go to Mexico, but anywhere, to be honest, I'm a holiday girl. Get me on any plane, get me anywhere. Somebody says, how are you doing mentally, girl? I am really, really good. Thank you. I'm really happy. I'm a little bit stressed at the moment because of the whole thing that the whole reason I couldn't record last month but I mean last week but I mean this week Jesus but I will explain so but yeah that's making me a little bit stressed out but
Starting point is 00:10:35 apart from that I am doing really really well I hope you guys are all doing really well mentally as well and if you're not that's okay time the time will pass um and there is always like the end of the tunnel love you so much okay next question um somebody says oh my god please do a story time on getting your agent and auditions and everything mt so i could always do like a whole episode based around mt to be fair but long story short i left uni i did perform an arts at uni which was a waste of fucking time especially at the uni i went to um but then i came out and I was like shit what am I gonna do and then I saw an advert for um a production called In The Heights by a production company called Ricknick which they do productions for 16 to 21 year olds and I was fresh out of uni so I was 20 my birthday's in August so I was always like a few months behind the normal wage to leave
Starting point is 00:11:23 um and then I saw it and I was like fuck it I'm gonna audition auditioned got the part of Vanessa played Vanessa for the summer in the Stockholm Playhouse in London an agent came saw me watched me approached me outside at the end of the show and was like here's my card like give me a call I would love to get you in for a meeting went went in for a meeting, signed to them, was dropped by them, because my agent left, and she dropped all of her talent, and I was left with no representation, and I was a little bit fucked, so I sent a ton of emails out to more agents, and I was like, help me, help me, help me, and I sent them videos of me singing, and I was just like, look, I've never went to drama school, I'm an aspiring singer-actress, it's, you know, like, I'm just looking for representation please represent me and then
Starting point is 00:12:08 my now management got back to me um I had a couple meetings but I went to a meeting with you management who is my management now and they were like the most incredible best people ever and um knew it in my gut straight away I was like yeah like I want to be with them my agent and me we actually have the same birthday so I was just like I believe in things like this so I was just like yeah I want to be with them and that's how I got my agent and basically they submit me for auditions so like um cast and directors will send them information like oh we're casting for this show we need people that are that you know fit under the following profile eg brunette like slim build around this high playing age 16 to 21 like whatever
Starting point is 00:12:55 and then she'll just go here's the following clients that fit that brief and then they'll go yep we want to see this person this person this person and then my agent will come to me and go the casting director won't see you for this. You have a meeting on this day. This is your audition. Prepare this material. See you then. Well, she doesn't see me then. I see them. So I hope that makes sense. But yeah, I can do an episode that I can go into more detail if that would be of interest to anybody. Okay, next question. I love this question. Somebody said, do you think you'll ever host a Leo on the Line social event or party? I'd love to attend that. Do you think you'll ever host a Lear on the Line social event or party?
Starting point is 00:13:24 I'd love to attend that. I would absolutely love to do it. If anyone has any ideas what you would want me to do, let me know. Like, I'm literally thinking, like, we just all get drunk in a bar together. Is that pathetic or what? I think it'll be so fun for us all to just get together and have a really good night out. But then I understand that a lot of you, like, don't drink. But then you can still come, like, you don't have to drink.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Do you know what I mean? We can just, like, all have the best time. But then it's like, a lot of you don't live in London, so you'd have to pay for somewhere to stay in london because we'd definitely be having a late night do you know what i mean because it's so crazy because we're just all crazy gals over here um but you know what i mean like let me know any ideas you have i don't know what event i could host maybe like maybe if there's any brands listening that like want to arrange that just let me know um yeah let me know what ideas you guys have because I do love that okay next question will you be downloading hinge or tinder in the near future so I would never download tinder I had that like a few years ago that's not for me I actually
Starting point is 00:14:16 downloaded hinge like a couple weeks back and I quite like hinge like it's it's fun I like the prompt thing but I deleted after a few days because I was like this is like it's it's fun I like the prompts thing but I deleted after a few days because I was like this is like I'm just not interested I just couldn't be bothered so I was on Hinge for like two days um and I'm no longer on Hinge so I don't know maybe in the near future who knows but yeah I'm just enjoying my life right now I'm actually more no nothing nothing next question how are auditions going um I haven't had an audition for a while actually I the last one I had was a self-tape yeah auditions are quiet they're quiet for me at the moment um but you know it is what it is you go through sort of waves with auditions and
Starting point is 00:15:00 ups and downs and shit like that so you know I'm not I'm not overly concerned um go to Starbucks order so my go-to is a iced oat milk latte no syrup because I'm a skinny queen no it's just because I don't like really sweet coffee um that's honestly it I used to have vanilla syrup but then I had it without and I was like actually way prefer the taste of genuine coffee and not like really sweet milk like I don't know just kind of tastes like cereal milk sometimes um are you mainly looking for MT work or would you also do tv tv slash film so yeah if we're talking my acting career um MT all the way oh MT means musical theater by the way if anybody didn't know that and I feel like I just pointed out the obvious but just in case um yeah my my heart is in musical theater and it always will be
Starting point is 00:15:49 but i also love pop singing and i'd love to make music one day i just feel like i don't have the facilities to do that but you know i might be having a couple of meetings about that at the moment um and tv film wise i would love to do TV. I think like I'd like to be myself on TV, but I don't think I'd really enjoy acting for screen. I've done a little bit of it, like just like major, minor, major, minor, majorly small, um, stuff, but I, I don't get an adrenaline on the screen when I'm acting anywhere near as much like when you're on a stage you go through that journey like the curtains the curtains come up you are in your position you're in costume like you're ready you're about to go on this full journey is the
Starting point is 00:16:34 interval you have like 20 minutes to just whatever change your costume have some water have a snack like whatever and then curtains are back up you're back on for another however long and then you take your bow at the end the the audience are like oh my god fantastic you're amazing and then you're just like oh my god I love my life this is why I do this and then repeat the next night and that is what I love like I love that journey of the show um and you don't get that with tv and film you you could film the end scene first you know what I mean you you go on a whole weird uh journey like you don't go through it in chronological order usually so yeah um that's how I feel about that but you know never say never um your dream car make and color so I'm literally not a car person like I could not give a fuck um but I this is just gonna make me sound really
Starting point is 00:17:23 like predictable and boring and basic but I I is just gonna make me sound really like predictable and boring and basic but I I do love a Range Rover just because I love the look of them I love like a white Range Rover also because you feel safe in a big car um but saying that I always used to like the thought of a mini like the new the newer ones like the bigger ones I do actually quite like a mini um but if I had to choose, I'd probably choose a Range Rover. I'd be such a basic bitch, like such a Range Rover mom. And I love it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:50 But I do like a white one, which makes me even more basic, but whatever. Okay. Next question. It's a bit of a dilemma, but we're just going to do it anyway. How do I stop thinking my ex is with another girl? So my advice is you don't need to worry. Like if your ex is with another girl like it's kind of irrelevant to you at this point you don't mean they're your ex and that's what you should just
Starting point is 00:18:09 keep telling yourself like who actually cares you're not together you don't want to be with them anyway okay you don't want to be with them so if they are with another girl they're with another girl babe and you know it is what it is and you're going to meet somebody amazing and your time with that person was probably hopefully great and it's come to an end and that's okay and it's time for you to focus on yourself and whatever your ex is doing with their life is none of none of your concern because you're way too important for them to take up any more of your time you know in your brain that's honestly my thought process on that one um how tall are you lol i am five foot three and a half okay the point three i mean the point three the point five is important so i get people message
Starting point is 00:18:58 me all the time being like you look really tall on tiktok or like i just look like average height and then whenever people meet me in person they're like you're fucking tiny I don't think I'm tiny like I think five foot three is like short but I'm not like fucking like oh my god hello down there like I'm not like that small do you know what I mean but a lot of people do assume that I'm quite tall I think I think for my size I know like height I think for my height I have pretty long leg I think I'm not sure I'm not actually entirely sure I was sitting next to someone that's six foot the other day and our legs were the same length and I'm five foot three. So I must have a tiny, tiny torso or they must have had tiny, tiny legs. So yeah, I'm five foot three and a half, but yeah, people'm I'm too low and until they meet me which is interesting next question opinion on buying or renting your home in your 20s my opinion is I don't give a
Starting point is 00:19:52 fuck what anybody does and as long as it's right for you honestly I just think people are so like opinionated on this stuff like why would you spend thousands and thousands of pounds renting a house like oh my god what actually got to do with you like imagine being that passionate about someone else's life i just cannot imagine do you know what i mean like if you're renting in your 20s you rent in your 20s babe if you're buying in your 20s you buy in your 20s babe and don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks you don't have to explain yourself to anybody okay that's my opinion do whatever is best for you there's pros and cons to both i think um How do you decide what to eat for dinner literally every night of your life?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Don't, because me and my mum, every single night we're like, what are we gonna have then? It's like, oh, don't, I don't know. So it's fucking stress, it's really long. I'm having stir fry tonight. If anybody's trying to think of a dinner idea, let me throw some dinner ideas at you.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Lasagna, stir stir fry veggie burgers with like guac or hummus and stuff like a banging one um do you know what i had the other night that was really nice in audi you can get these like fish burgers they're like cod burgers it's literally just like a square piece of cod basically isn't it um breaded and with that you have like the the melted cheese singles that you have like in a burger and tartar sauce in like a brioche bun and it's like a fillet fish from mcdonald's and it was fucking gorge i can't lie so yeah there's some inspo for you guys if you need some dinner ideas for tonight um somebody said could you please do another girl talk episode i love them so yeah i think what you mean by that is when i did the taboo topics and like the girl the girly topics
Starting point is 00:21:28 i will 100% do that send me any topics you want me to talk about via email leahontheline at gmail.com somebody said would you ever uh would you ever work as cabin crew for an airline and are you scared of flying i would never honestly every time i'm on a i'm on a plane i look at the cabin crew and i think you're another breed you are we are not the same person like i just pray i don't fall to my death the whole time i'm on a plane and like you know like when you get a bit lower and you think okay well if we crash now i'll probably survive like this is the shit that goes on in my head the whole time so my answer to your question is no and am i scared of flying yeah i hate flying but i've done it alone a few times now and i'm quite proud of myself for that because i do find it very overwhelming and sometimes i think about the fact that like in a plane like
Starting point is 00:22:15 once you're in the air like if anything goes wrong you are dead you know what i mean like you're dying you're not in a car crash because people go oh but you're more likely to get into a car crash but it's like yeah but if i crash my car i'm not going to fall out of the sky do you know what i mean so you have more of a chance to survive in a car crash but in a plane crash you're dead you know what i mean like you you've already died essentially and like if you think about it the second you leave the floor your life's at risk so like when you think about it we literally risk our lives for a week in the sun like as you think about that I'm risking my life in October so that I can go and spend a week in Tenerife yeah it's
Starting point is 00:22:50 not what it's not it's not normal is it it's actually quite strange but then that is just how I think about things um I get the feeling that you're like cabin crew for saying that which I think is actually really sick I honestly admire anybody that's cabin crew because I could never do what you do I literally think you're amazing um and you make me calm as well like if you are cabin crew anyone listen to this if you're cabin crew you are what makes me calm you know when there's really bad turbulence there was oh my god I hate turbulence it's so scary when I look at the the cabin crew that's when I'm like okay they didn't look like we're falling to our death so I'm sure we're fine okay next question um oh do you have any holiday holidays booked yes I do I'm going to Tenerife in
Starting point is 00:23:30 October with the fam I actually have a spare ticket if anyone wants to come um what are your goals for this year oh I kind of answered that yeah I kind of answered that um how do you learn to understand that you have no idea what you're doing with your life so I have been winging my whole life since birth like I've never had a plan I've had like places I would like to to be and places I'd like to get and things I'd like to achieve um but with no further thoughts than that like I'm I have no clue how I'm going to get to where I want to get to. I just pray that I do and hope that I do and know that I will. So I learned to understand that I have no idea what I'm doing with my life because things can change so quickly. Like honestly, I said this in the last couple episodes about how one minute you're like so depressed living in a place that you never thought you'd leave.
Starting point is 00:24:26 depressed, living in a place that you never thought you'd leave. And then a couple months later, you're happy living in a whole nother place and you never saw it coming. And it's just like, I think that's why I can accept that things are out of my control most of the time in terms of like what's going to happen and what's going to come into your life and how things are going to be affected and stuff. And I find peace peace in that a lot of people find that they they don't like the thought of having no control but I find peace in it because then I don't feel responsible so yeah honestly I just think whatever's meant for you will never pass you by that is I genuinely genuinely believe it and every single thing that happens in your life is meant to happen and you know it's not until you look back like it can take years it
Starting point is 00:25:05 can be a couple of weeks but it's not until you look back at something and be like god if that didn't happen then that wouldn't happen and then that wouldn't have happened and then i wouldn't be here do you know what i mean um what are your plans and goals oh did that one as well are you getting guys sliding into your dm since you've been single okay i'm not trying to suck my own dick or anything but yeah i actually am feeling like hot stuff at the moment I'm not even joking like as soon as I was single I was like hey boys like this was all up in my dms and I was not expecting it I think because I've been in a relationship for so long and before this relationship like my account was like I wasn't I wasn't private but I was private for a bit before so like my account was like I wasn't I wasn't private but I was private for a
Starting point is 00:25:45 bit before so like my account was just not like it barely existed and this is like my first time being single where there's like TikTok and Instagram we're like well not Instagram but I have more of a following on Instagram but like where there's TikTok and a lot of guys have messaged me from TikTok which is interesting because if anybody follows me on TikTok you know that I look like a big bag of shites most of the time on TikTok. So yeah, I'm not going to lie. I'm not actually just saying it, but yeah. Yeah, babes. Who's happy for me? And I've enjoyed it. Listen, I'm having a good time. All right. I'm enjoying the attention. No, I'm kidding. Listen, I don't reply to many of them, if any, to be honest. But it's nice to get a bit of attention, okay? I haven't had attention in a few years. Not properly,
Starting point is 00:26:35 anyway. So it's nice to just, like, have people flirt with you and fancy you. It feels good. So, yeah. I think I'm going to end end the questions there because that's quite a nice one to finish on um so yeah I'm so sorry about the lack of episodes this week I said I would never do it but here we are when I explain hopefully everything will make sense and you'll be like okay fair enough do you know what I mean um but yeah I don't know when I'll be able to explain but hopefully I will eventually just like bear with me for a bit I think is what I need to say I'm not going anywhere like I will always do this podcast I think I made that clear like this podcast is my life you guys are my life like I will never quit this podcast you can never get rid of me I mean you could just
Starting point is 00:27:20 literally stop listening and then then I suppose that's really easy a really easy way for you to get rid of me but please don't do that um so yeah don't panic like if things get a bit weird I mean they might not things will literally it's very likely that things will just get back to normal next week but just in case is what I'm saying just in case and yeah I will speak to you hopefully on Tuesday and I love you guys so much um be safe be smart be careful and make good choices or if you make bad choices make sure you send me an email what you did so i can read it out on fridays as always don't text your ex text me and i will see you next week i love you Bye! with our new 7% ABV Vizzy Max Pack or indulge in a leisurely afternoon brunch with our refreshing Mimosa Pack,
Starting point is 00:28:26 Vizzy has got you covered. Discover our other variety packs for even more flavors like papaya passion fruit, blackberry lemon, and pineapple mango. This summer, bring a splash of extra to any occasion with Vizzy Hard Seltzer. Find Vizzy at a retailer near you. For more info, visit VizzyHardSeltzer.ca.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Must be legal drinking age.

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