Leah on the Line - Bonus 9: Reacting to your ICKS! Part 2

Episode Date: July 2, 2022

Hey guys! Wow I honestly laughed so much during this episode. You guys are toooo funny with these icks I can't. Thank you so much for all your love and support, I literally cannot tell you how much it... means to me. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of here on the line happy sunday if you're listening to this on release day it actually feels like a sunday today it's not obviously sunday as i'm recording but it's raining outside it's so great it's cold like I'm in a hoodie I'm under my duvet I've got no makeup on I look like death and I'm actually really happy and all I wanted to do right now was just like get on the mic and talk to my best friend so I thought let's record a little bonus episode I am so excited you guys remember I did an episode about ics a couple weeks ago and you loved it. I absolutely loved it. So I thought let's bring the ics back. Let's do more ics. They honestly never get old to me and I put up a story and I was like send me on your ics. I'm ready to talk about boys.
Starting point is 00:00:57 We hate boys. Boys are disgusting and you guys did not disappoint. I mean I would never expect you to disappoint because you're literally like the best people ever but honestly they are so good I even came up with some of my own and this isn't like ones that I'd seen and been like oh my god yeah I love that one this is like things I've experienced that have given me the ick that I just added to the list because I've been making this list over the previous like few days and I'll just like it come across things or experience things or just think of things and I'm like that would literally make me want to go underground if I saw a boy do that so yeah I am so excited to read through these ics how are you happy Sunday how was your week I hope it was all right the weather's a bit miserable here I don't know about everywhere else in the UK or wherever you're listening um but yeah it's not
Starting point is 00:01:39 it's not the most gorgeous day I can't lie and it's been a bit of a shit week I can't lie I can't lie to you oh I don't know I don't know if I should be doing an American accent my podcast isn't the most popular podcast in America um I think you guys give me 2.5 out of 5 which is a bit rude considering um I grew up listening to American TV and now consider myself an American just based on that fact but you know what it's whatever i i'm no i'm not gonna lie i was upset by it when i saw it i was like oh my fucking god why the fuck do they hate me but like i couldn't get my head around it i think maybe because i swear a lot maybe i'm just not very likable to american culture who knows who knows but
Starting point is 00:02:19 the aussies you love me i love you we are the UK, my UK girls, do you know what I mean? We're all best friends, that goes without saying. Ireland, love you, babes. Where else to listen? My podcast was in the charts in Germany recently. So hey, Germany, if you're listening to this, random, that's so crazy. I was like, wow, I'm a world wide baby.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I'm Mr. World Word I'm literally pitbull okay how was your week anyway let me know hope you had a good week how are you feeling about going back to work tomorrow if you're working I mean I used to work weekends when I had my bar job so I hate it when people be like happy Friday I was like yeah maybe for you yeah Friday's hell for me in this place so but um yeah depending on what line of work you're in hopefully you had a nice weekend off if not maybe you've got tomorrow off um but either way we don't talk about work we relax and enjoy life when we're listening to Leah on the line don't we everybody yes yes we do okay I'm just gonna dive straight into the icks I think babes kicking it off
Starting point is 00:03:22 somebody actually dm'd me this the other day they was like okay leah i need to explain this to you i feel physically ill um i've just witnessed my boyfriend eating cereal with a teaspoon and i honestly died imagine like one cheerio on a teaspoon swimming in milk like on a teaspoon like what how much cereal you're getting on that one one piece it actually makes me feel fit one little cheerio if i mean if he eats cheerios that's an ick for me like cheerios what the fuck i like grow up there's the most boring the most boring cereal i've ever heard in my life cheerios i've never liked cheerios but then if he eats cocoa pops i think i'd probably vomit as well
Starting point is 00:04:05 actually is that an ick like a boy eating Cocoa Pops no actually a boy eating cereal makes me uncomfortable I hate cereal I don't hate it but I hate milk I don't hate it but I'm not a fan so if he's eating cereal not a fan of that let alone with a fucking teaspoon imagine he was using like a fucking ladle though getting his whole fucking god brown there oh gross anyway love that one and then somebody just sent me a dm yesterday saying i've just seen something that's giving me the ick his his snapchat bitmoji has automatically put its pjs on because he's sleeping and i honestly could have thrown up if he's on snapchat anyway ick for me it's no offense to any of you guys that love snapchat I haven't been part of the snapchat community for about
Starting point is 00:04:52 three years now maybe even four years it makes me ill like when a boy that wash your snap I'm like excuse me I'm a grown woman okay I don't use snap all right but then I know like every single one of my friends uses it like all the girls I know especially in London like all the girls I know snap is is the thing like that's how you communicate it just makes me so uncomfortable like a guy that doesn't use snapchat green flag green flag for me so nice so relaxing not saying that that makes him like a good person but you know it's nice it's reassuring for me but anyway back to the x okay um we'll carry on from this one because we were talking about cereal drinking a glass of milk what are you doing what are you doing imagine he gets a glass out the cupboard opens the fridge i'm like where are you going what are you doing in that fridge there
Starting point is 00:05:55 better be a bottle of orange juice in there and he pulls out a carton of milk i'm like no no no no no no no no no no no you better put that back right now that is for cups of tea and cups of tea only and then he oh my god he takes the lid off and pours it into a glass and then he sips it and it goes all around his fucking choppers no no no no that actually makes me ill can anybody else relate to that if your boyfriend sat there with a glass of milk are you not breaking up with him because there's something wrong with you if you would and like what the actual fuck do you want a glass of milk hon to be fair my ex used to drink chocolate milkshake every day but then that didn't give me the ick i used to want to make it for him so that we'd that he'd be like oh she loves me but a glass of white milk white a glass of white cow's milk the blue one disgusting gets all stuck around your vocal cords and that no no no don't do it don't do it boys
Starting point is 00:06:56 okay this is one that i've come up with that i don't know why i said it's my sister and she cannot she she gets icks but she doesn't get this one if he eats beans for some reason it makes me feel so awkward like if a boy was like oh i'm just having breakfast and i was like what do you have and he was like beans on toast i'm like oh what do you mean you eat beans what are you doing that for but i love beans like if i've got fry up and there's no beans involved i'm f***ing f***ing about that do you know what I realised the other day baked beans are actually white aren't they are they or aren't they what colour are they because I just always picture orange but then that's actually the tomato sauce baked beans are actually white I think I tried to
Starting point is 00:07:40 like take the sauce off and have a look but I think they were stained. I'm sure they're white though. Isn't that interesting? Anyway. Yeah, if he eats beans. Or like scraping the last bean off the plate. A singular bean. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:07:59 No, a single bean. Imagine that. On a teaspoon. Gross. Okay, next one. A photo or video from the barbers like with a fresh trim you know like when the barbers do it and they put it on instagram that does give me the ick i can't lie like when they're just like staring forward like they're just looking forward in the mirror and then there's the guy you just picture him like with a phone like fresh trim look at that look at that look at the skin pain on that honestly it gives me the ick even though i do love a fresh trim and a boy like you go from like a 10
Starting point is 00:08:38 to a 15 when you get a fresh trim like you look so sexy but honestly don't let your barber get a video of it makes me makes me ill anybody else get that or is it just me because I've never heard that one before but honestly if I see that and especially if he shares it on his Instagram oh my god if he shared it on his Instagram oh wait I've actually witnessed this recently oh my god no I can't for some reason it just cringes me out I think it's the way that they're like facing forward and then the guy's just going around his head oh fuck off literally okay next one for some reason me and my best friend Jess was talking about this the other day and
Starting point is 00:09:21 it gave me the ick like when he gets his covid jab and i don't mean getting the jab like i've got my jabs i'm not saying getting you getting your covid jab is an ick i mean just the actual thought of him like with his sleeve up just sat on the chair with his sleeve up just like not looking and then like someone's coming at him with a needle it just creeps me out like lifting his sleeve up and just being like just sat there waiting for someone to put a needle in honestly i don't know why it just probably gave me the ick okay this one next one's a good one okay when he repeats a joke because he didn't think anyone heard it honestly that we've all witnessed this I mean it's it's it's
Starting point is 00:10:07 an ick when anyone does it let alone when like a guy you're seeing does it but it's so awkward like and he'll just say it again and then everyone's like yeah and then they still don't laugh the second time and then he realizes oh maybe they did hear me the first time and I've just made myself look like a massive dick oh no it's so cringy okay this next one another one me and my best friend came up with but like just if he has allergies it's so mean like it's so mean and I don't mean like severe allergies like I've got you babes you know i mean but if he's like lactose intolerant fingers like if a girl's lactose intolerant i'm like oh my god like queen and if a guy's lactose intolerant i'm like that is childish that is pathetic honestly i'm so sorry to anybody is it just me or is that just so embarrassing like imagine like having a conversation with a
Starting point is 00:11:12 guy or like you know you sit down in a restaurant and they go does anyone have any allergies and he's like yeah i'm alone i'm lactose intolerant oh my god kill me kill me i could not do it dead dead okay next one um licking fingers after eating crisps yeah somebody who said this they were like like what's this or something ew i mean actually i don't really think that gives me the major ick something about boys eating i just find sexy and i know that's strange because a lot of a lot of girls get the opposite effect but i find it attractive sometimes i think this is the way that they like wolf food down i'm like god you're just an animal um when his socks are wet and makes wet footprints on the floor oh my god yeah why is that gross that gross, like the little toes,
Starting point is 00:12:06 the little toe prints, oh no, what have you been doing, did you go outside, take the bins out, put your shoes on, now you've got wet feet, now you're walking on a laminate floor, oh, so cringe, when they get the lyrics wrong in a song, oh god yes so cringe why is that cringe it's just cringy but then i do it all the time and i cringe at myself um guys who use sunbeds somebody says okay i don't actually think this is an ick for me like i think it's not an ick like i'm i don't support it because it's very dangerous but it doesn't give me the ick like i actually i i find it attractive when a guy like takes pride in their appearance and they're like yeah I like myself with a tan um obviously there is ways to do that
Starting point is 00:12:51 safely but the way if you lie about it like if you get sunbeds and you lie that that gives me the ick because I'll be like just fucking admit it you freak like why are you denying it you're not that color are you like you're not on a holiday 24 7 every single day of the year you're not that sand babe so just admit that you like a sunbed nothing wrong with it i mean health-wise there is but like you know i'm not judging you i couldn't give a shit what you do yeah that gives me the when they lie um a picture of their pint on stories omg yes if they take a picture of their pint and put it on the instagram story but worse when they like put their location of like their local pub and it's like oh my god go on fucking legend legends like beer, legend, or it's just like,
Starting point is 00:13:47 that time, it's five o'clock somewhere, oh, fuck off, literally fuck off, you just have a beer and enjoy it without making people feel like, wow, that's so cool, legend, legend, legend, I mean, ick, major ick, flexing in the mirror, um, I mean, I don't't know that doesn't give me the ick I feel like I look in the mirror all the time and lift my lift my top up to look at my stomach and be like just checking I'm still skinny like I feel like boys do that like it's just like a looking in the mirror checking your body especially if you're working hard on it that doesn't really give me the ick I think that's I think that's fine the walk back from bowling yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm not going bowling with you i don't like bowling
Starting point is 00:14:29 anyway bowling's so boring is it just me or is bowling so boring boring i'm literally bored as soon as it's not my girl i'm like boring bored i'm so bored it's so boring i don't care when you bowl i literally could not give a fuck what you what you do when you get up and bowl i don't care how this goes for you but do you know what does give me the ick when they like stand there and watch the ball like they've just thrown it and then they have to stand there and watch it that is pathetic it gives me the ick majorly obviously it's not pathetic that's that's how you play the game but it gives me the ick like him just watching the ball go rolling down and like he doesn't know how to stand so he's like a little bit a little bit leaning on one hip but like he doesn't really know what to do with his arms because obviously he's just throwing the ball so they're just like sort of hanging next to him
Starting point is 00:15:16 and the ball's just like going down and if it goes down the gutter then he has to turn around and go oh or if it just hits a couple then he's just like and like does that little shrug like not bad not bad or if he does a strike he has to like turn around and pretend he's not buzzing his dick off about it he's like yeah and you're just like i literally don't care i literally don't care what just happened ick yeah i'm not going bowling um ice cream in their beard i've never experienced that but I'm sure if I did it would give me the ick I'm like can you get that fucking dairy product out of your hair yeah no I'm not fine with that um licking a spoon clean yeah I can actually I can relate that does give me the ick or like a yogurt lid when they open like a corner yogurt and they're like
Starting point is 00:16:06 no no no no no no no no no no no absolutely do not do that makes me ill or when they're eating a corner yogurt and they're like smashing the the plastic where they're trying to scrape every last bit of yogurt boys eating yogurts in general is an ick. We're just eating yoghurt. Yoghurt's an ick. Maybe I have an issue with dairy, I'm realising. Like, don't drink milk, don't eat yoghurts, don't be lactose intolerant. Although if you are lactose intolerant, at least I don't have to experience the icks that dairy gives me. What is it?
Starting point is 00:16:43 What's my problem with dairy, hey? It's a serious issue i have um when what oh when they lower themselves into the bath oh my god that is so true i mean we've learned that we have issues with boys and bathtubs we have learned that with the float and willy thing that we spoke about and last time we did it we did the ics so yeah the picture of them like with their hands on the side of the bath and they're lowering themselves in for sure gives me the ick it really does but then if I picture like a really sexy man doing that that doesn't give me the ick but when you picture like a bit of a loser like someone in mind that you just don't find attractive enough
Starting point is 00:17:25 do you know what i mean that gives me the ick but when i think of someone really sexy now imagine like zach ever on lowering himself into the bath i would pay some serious money do you know what i mean so yeah maybe i don't know throw that in throw that spanner in the works hey um waiting at a zebra crossing. Yeah, true. It's like, just walk, just walk. Their car has to stop. Just like, but then, but then if you, you know, I don't know. Yeah, no, I agree. I do agree with you actually. Um, what else have we got? Laying on his front on his bed. Yeah. Especially if he like lifts his feet up and starts kicking them about. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I don't have a major issue with the front laying, as long as you're not kicking your feet, to be honest. Wearing the cape. The cape. Wearing the cape in the barbers and keeping their hands underneath it. Oh, my God, yeah. What is that called, the cape? What is it called? Gown?
Starting point is 00:18:29 Barber's gown? No what is it called gown barber's gown no is it a gown no it's not a gown that's like a that's like a dress like a ball gown what's that actually called who knows it's so annoying that you guys probably listen to me again it's this it's this and i just can't hear you can't hear you sorry can't hear you, sorry, can't hear you. Anyway, hands underneath, yeah, it does, it does. Like, imagine his hands just, like, crossed, holding each other. What's that called? And then just, like, you crossed your fingers, like, locked your fingers, and then just, like, sat on his lap, and he's just, like, looking in the mirror. Something about the barbers does give me the ick, and it clearly gives some of you guys the ick as well um trying on shoes in a shoe shop and doing the walk oh my god yeah doing the little little practice little practice don't
Starting point is 00:19:12 run imagine if he ran he was running runs on the spot oh god um asking the cab driver if he can take you to your location um it's kind of awkward if they're not like sexy and and just like really what's that what's it called alpha male but the picture of like what's the one below alpha beta or is that above i don't know i literally don't know um the thought of like somebody like that doing it and being like excuse me mate um could you take me to um to this place how how much how much to hear mate but if it was like some sex like all right fella yeah how much to hear oh yeah cool sweet thanks mate get in opens the door for you you get in you didn't have to say a word because you don't know they're talking that's sexy yeah um shivering when they're cold yeah oh my gosh that this is for girls only literally skin tight jeans or trousers yeah i'm not a skinny jean girl
Starting point is 00:20:20 skinny trousers girl um no no don't find that sexy but then I'm not I'm not really against it like I've dated people that wear skinny jeans and skinny trousers and I still think they look really good looking and really handsome so yeah I'm not too sure about that one when they say they can rap oh my god nothing makes me more uncomfortable when someone starts rapping honestly they're like and then they they put like a instrumental on yeah and then at the beginning they go yeah yeah and they're just trying to think of something yeah yeah so true though isn't it yeah yeah uh-huh yeah no just and you're just sat there waiting like oh god oh god he's gonna get it come on let's go and he's like yeah yeah yeah i sound like ariana grande yeah yeah anyway yeah no agreed that i agree with you that gives me the irk
Starting point is 00:21:22 um posing with the fish oh god when you go fishing and you get your fucking fish out get your big fucking fish get down on one knee and hold your fucking fish all loud and proud ick ick ick ick ick if he goes fishing I actually find that quite sweet if like you go fishing with your mates I'd rather you go fishing with your mates than go iron appa do you know what I mean if I had to pick but if there's a picture of you on your dating profile with a fish I'm it's automatically going in the group chat for me like I didn't have a group chat I did you I have a family group chat that is it we should make a group chat somebody messaged me saying we should do a facebook page but i actually don't use facebook so what could we do well we can talk about lear on the line and like any new ideas you can send in we like for example we could have done x all in the group chat is
Starting point is 00:22:18 that like an app i'm not sure somebody get back to me on that one one of you is gonna be a genius and come up with something, love you, um, eating corn on the cob, I love a corn on the cob though, I can't lie, I do love a bit of sweet corn, I love corn on the cob, especially if it's doused in butter, like doused in butter, do you know what does shit corn on the cob, Nando's, it is shit, like it's just boring, and I want that like juicy crunchy corn I don't want that like old sweaty one that you've just like soaked in a bag no um sleeping with their mouth open yeah that does actually give me the ick I think I do actually agree um okay saying nom nom nom when he's excited about food sorry no no one's experienced this since they were a teenager surely nom nom nom imagine that nom nom nom oh my god what you have for your dinner spag bol nom nom nom oh my god no no one does that surely not
Starting point is 00:23:24 oh my god here we go when they put food in their mouth and it's too hot and they do the thing i love how she's put hair hair and i know exactly what she means no when he puts food in his mouth and it's too hot and they do that. That is so true. I'll make that noise right now while you're listening to this. That is so funny. When they use the wrong there in spelling. Yeah, you know, like the there as in it belongs to them or there as in they are or there as in over there. Do know what i mean if they get them mixed up that definitely is a turn off for me um dirty air
Starting point is 00:24:13 force yeah dirty air force i mean look sometimes our all of our air force get a bit out of control then you need to replace them or give them a wash but if you don't if you don't have if you don't have that part of you that needs clean fresh trainers at all times yeah ick for me um drinking a frappuccino yeah and she said especially if they put the straw at the side of their mouth i feel like how else would a boy put a straw in their mouth? Let me imagine this. I don't know, like in the middle. That's weird for me. Or in the side. I really don't know. I feel like the side's okay for a boy to put a straw in. If a boy's listening to this right now, he's probably thinking, we literally cannot do anything right for you fucking bitches.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And the answer's no, you can't. you're lying cheating robbing pigs robbing robbing i just tried to think of any words there anyway yeah drinking a frappuccino i get it's just like maybe again all that fucking dairy like all that whipped cream all wrapped around your vocal cords oh phlegmy in your throat um using nail clippers instead of biting them yeah i've said this before like i find it unattractive when someone long nails no no no if you have long nails no right but a lot of girls are like if he bites his nails disgusting get your fucking fingers out your mouth but for me i'd rather someone like bites their nails off than someone like the picture of them like getting their clippers out and really feminine like i think it's super pretty actually like i don't know i just imagine the really you know
Starting point is 00:25:56 that that really feminine hand gesture that that you do where you like look at your nails and then you flip your hand over can you you're picturing what i'm picturing right now you like your your hands your hands your fingers are like folded into your hand and then you flip your hand over and straighten your fingers out that that's what i picture a boy doing if he uses nail clippers and he obviously just doesn't like they obviously just don't like my best friend's boyfriend does it but he just literally clips them over the sink and i was like oh okay that's like quite a man way to do it I could I could probably accept that um if he kisses his mum on the lips okay controversial isn't it because do you remember Paul from um the Sam and Billy show kissed his mum on the lips and literally the whole of the internet blew up and I'm like surely if you think that's weird that makes you weird surely but then
Starting point is 00:26:43 I I at the same time I agree like I'm like I don't really want to see you kiss your mum the lips but then that's your mum do I mean like surely if you think it's weird that makes you the weirdo even though I kind of agree and think it's weird as well but you know I'm not sure how I feel about that one like I'd rather not I'd rather I'd rather you didn't but yeah no that is fucking weird actually if I actually picture it and think about it it's kind of weird but then does that make me weird I don't know
Starting point is 00:27:11 when he slurps spaghetti yeah imagine nope ew ew ew but then again I don't mind it if a boy just eats like a pig I just kind of think go on babes get it down ya do you know what I mean when he can't cook yeah fuck that shit okay fuck off fuck off fuck off literally be an
Starting point is 00:27:32 adult cook for me look after me cook for yourself cook for your family no putting his arms up on a roller coaster oh my god imagine imagine he's at the top of a ride in fort park getting fingered if you didn't listen to the confessions episode you have no idea what i'm talking about while we're talking about that actually whoever was that girl everybody is desperate to hear more of that story my dms went crazy over your confession so if you're listening to this please give us more information um anyway yeah imagine him at the top of thought a thought park ride and it's about to drop and he puts his arms up waiting for the drop waiting the arms are already up the arms are in the air straight fingers are up and pointing upwards, and then it drops, he's like, woo, woo, oh my actual, I would literally stare at him, like, no, no, them arms have got to
Starting point is 00:28:35 come down, babe, they've got to come down, I think, yeah, they're going to have to come down, I'm afraid, okay, let's do one one more tying his shoelaces oh my god though but like this is another one that I'm like what do you want him to do though babe I had this one a lot tying his shoelaces I think that's I think that's unfair you know and that's coming from me who I've really gone in on boys this episode. Last episode, I was like, yeah, no, that doesn't give me the ache. That doesn't give me the ache. That doesn't give me the ache.
Starting point is 00:29:09 These, I purposely picked ones I can agree with. But, yeah, tiny shoelaces. I really can't get on board with that one. Do you know what I can get on board with? If he had Velcro shoes. Imagine he had Velcro shoes. Imagine your boyfriend had velcro shoes don't put them on imagine that no no no no no oh that would be so cringe imagine a boy come
Starting point is 00:29:37 around your house and he sat down took his shoes off and and the noise was i'm like can you actually tie shoelaces or do people wear velcro shoes like do adults wear velcro shoes or is it a child thing like surely that's not a fashion thing surely that's a practicality thing like because kids can't tie shoelaces surely that's not that's not like a choice people make in life surely not i imagine though i mean maybe it is maybe velcro shoes are coming back one day bring them back i say you never know all it would take is kim kardashian to wear a pair of velcro trainers and that's it plt screaming do you know what i mean so yeah basically it's all up to kim k all right guys i've absolutely loved this episode it was so
Starting point is 00:30:28 fun i've had a right laugh with you all my mom always cracks up she's like i'll say to her i'm gonna go upstairs and record a podcast and then i'll come down and she'll be like it just makes me laugh how you just crack up up there like laughing your head off you're not even talking to anyone i'm like excuse me yes i am I'm talking to my best friends thank you very much I don't want to call out them like that again but yeah honestly guys had a great time I hope you were appreciative of the three episodes this week I just wanted to make up for last week and also I've really missed you I generally got withdrawals I had to just have a proper catch up with my best friends so yeah honestly I've had the best time ever um and thank you so much for all your submissions get sending in all your dilemmas definitely sending confessions because I
Starting point is 00:31:11 literally used all of them on the last episode I have none left so um I need some more please please send them in um and yeah thank you so much for all the love and support on the podcast I say every week but you guys literally are the best best best friends ever thank you so much for all the love and support on the podcast. I say it every week, but you guys literally are the best, best, best friends ever. Thank you so much to everyone that writes a review on Apple, everyone that leaves a rating on Spotify. Like, it really, really helps. I just want this to be my job one day. Like, that is the dream.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I absolutely love it. I've never loved anything more. I also really want to go on somebody's podcast one day and experience what that would be like because I feel like it would be really helpful for me to experience being on the guest side for when I start having guests on again. And yeah, let me know if there's anybody you have in mind that you'd like to have on. And yeah, as I say every episode, don't text your ex. Text me.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Have the best, what day is it? Sunday. Have the best week next week. And I'll see you not tomorrow, the next day. I'll literally see you on Tuesday, what day is it? Sunday. Have the best week next week and I'll see you not tomorrow, the next day. I'll literally see you on Tuesday. How amazing is that? I've only got two sleeps. Well, one if you listen at midnight, only one sleep if you listen at Monday, midnight, midnight on Monday night, Jesus. Anyway, yeah, thank you guys so much. You guys are the best friends ever and you mean the whole world to me. I will see you in a couple of days. Take care.
Starting point is 00:32:27 All right. I love you. Bye.

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