Leah on the Line - Confession Diaries 1: I stole my best friend's sex tape

Episode Date: June 9, 2022

Oh my gosh everyone welcome to the very first episode of The Confession Diaries! I am so excited. This was so much fun and I hope you absolutely love it. Send in your confessions to leahontheline@gmai...l.com! Thank you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. It's Friday. Happy Friday. And it's not a bonus episode. This is the first of many Confessions Diaries, everybody. This is how our Fridays are going to work from now on. We are going to be here every single week and I'm going to be spilling the tea on all the naughty things you guys have been up to in your lives. You know, it's nice because it makes us all feel a little bit better when we can hear that somebody else has been up to no good. Do you know what I mean? So I'm feeling good. I'm feeling really excited.
Starting point is 00:00:50 This is so exciting for me. It's something I've just like, I love. We used to do YouTube videos where we talk about confessions and stuff. And I love it. I love spilling the tea. I love when you guys are doing terrible things. And it makes my boring life feel more boring actually. It makes my life feel more boring. actually it makes my life feel more boring but it makes us all feel a little bit better for all the shit things we've done so and also do you
Starting point is 00:01:11 know what sometimes when you've done something bad it's nice to just get it off your chest you know what i mean it's nice to just get out there in the open anonymously for sure um please do know if you ever send me in send me in anything always, always, always keep it anonymous. I'm not going to tell the world what you got up to. So yeah, how this is going to work is we are going to sit here every Friday and we are going to just read out people's confessions. You know, they're not, you guys aren't asking me for advice like the Tuesdays. It's not like a, you know, advice moment. It's a, oh my oh my fucking god Leah you ain't gonna believe what I did when I was 18 okay so if there's anything that comes to mind when I say that you gotta tell me you gotta tell me about it like you can't give it to yourself you have to tell me
Starting point is 00:01:58 tell us all so if there is anything that comes to mind head head over to my website. You can go on my Instagram, click the link in my bio. The Instagram is at Leah on the line. Click the link in the bio and it will take you to the website. And then you can either click submit a confession or submit a dilemma. And of course, please do not neglect the dilemmas. We're still going to be doing them every Tuesday. So, you know, my emails were flooded with confessions this week, which is amazing. Like, thank God. I was actually really worried that you guys were just going to be all angels and have nothing bad to say. Boy, was I wrong. Let me just say that, which I'm, I'm grateful for. Um, but it means I haven't actually had that many dilemmas this week. So don't neglect them. Don't forget about
Starting point is 00:02:43 them. Um, but yeah yeah i guess let's just dive straight in actually wait first how are you how are you guys um love ireland right now and i'm missing it so i am upset but my brother won't let me watch it because there's football on and apparently that's important like who actually gives a fuck i don't remember asking just put itv2 on hun so yeah um no one tell me what's happened because i haven't seen it yet how are you how's your week last time i spoke to you it was sunday no no it wasn't it was tuesday hun it was tuesday it's today it's tuesday today well oh i hate saying things like that because it really makes people all disorientated because you're obviously not listening to this on a tuesday i mean you might be you could be if you're playing catch up actually send me send me a message if you're listening. How you found the pod? Like, did you find the pod
Starting point is 00:03:28 because you already knew me from like TikTok or YouTube? Or have you recently found it? Like, are you a new listener? Are you a long-term listener? When did you start becoming a listener to Lear on the Line? I'd just like to know where you all came from. Where did you come from? Where did you find her? So yeah, let me know. But honeys, I'm going to dive straight into the confessions. I'm going to start with the Instagram ones, which these ones are a little bit shorter because they are just from the question box situation so let's have a look okay now what I need to get clear is this is a safe space okay you can tell me anything you've done and I was gonna say I won't judge you but I'm gonna fucking judge you do you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:04:19 um but what I'm saying is you're safer okay you Okay, you're safe. You can tell me. Tell me what you've done. And I will never hold it against you. Okay, we're best friends for life at the end of the day. So yeah, please, if you have a confession, tell us. Tell us everything. Okay, let's just dive in. First one.
Starting point is 00:04:41 First confession of the series. Let's do it. Okay. I slept with my boyfriend's best mate after my boyfriend cheated on me. I see no problem. Like I literally don't hear anything bad about that at all. Like what is the confession? As you should, my queen. Do you know what I mean? I don't know who needs to hear this right now, but fuck his okay yeah um that's all I have to say on that one next next confession um okay this is a good one I was fingered on a thought park ride
Starting point is 00:05:13 when I was 16 no regrets I'm not being funny I can't get my head around that. First of all, you were 16. I mean, to be fair, I had sex at 16. So I don't know. But then when you're 24 years old, 16 sounds like so like an actual minor. Like I, I can't believe I was having sex at 16 years old. That's just wrong. That was what the fuck. Anyway, that's not that's not what this is. You were being fingered on a park ride. I was actually too scared to go to a park ride at 16, let alone to be fingered on one. Um, so I don't know. Also, how does that happen? Like, did you, did you have a conversation? Like, let's go on what? I don't know. A thought park ride. Let's go on this ride and I think you should put your fingers in my vagina. Like, how does that
Starting point is 00:06:07 come about? Like, where, where does this conversation start? Like, hey babe, um, so I think we should go to Thought Park on Saturday and it's always been like on my bucket list to get fingered at the top of the roller coaster. Like, I don't, I can't figure that one out and then the second question I have is not only did it come about how did it come about but how did that go down like you're on a ride which means you're probably all over the shop do you know what I mean on a roller coaster did it feel good like was it like whoa or was it like, I don't know. It's interesting to me. Like I can't picture it. I just can't, but I like it. It's definitely unique. And I bet that really does bring up some nice conversations when you play like drinking games and stuff for sure. Like, I like, I love
Starting point is 00:07:01 that. I love it for you, babe. Okay okay I'm not sure about the age though to be doing that but like I said I can't talk myself okay I slept with an RAF lad after a night out woke up to see he had multiple texts from his girlfriends oh fuck what a wanker I mean you didn't do anything wrong there you didn't know um but what did you do after, is what I would like to know, I'm assuming nothing, I'm assuming the secret stayed with you, I would just love to know that, how many girls are you doing that with, like, how many girls are you actually doing that with, you're disgusting to that man, and his poor girlfriend, I hope they're not together anymore, for her sake, but, and his poor girlfriend. I hope they're not together anymore for her sake.
Starting point is 00:07:50 But I mean, you know, there's a story, hey? Okay, next. Every single one of my ex's friends has tried it with me since we split up. Every single one of my ex's friends has tried it with me since we split up. I, do you know what? I'm going to say it now. Boys boys friends are fucking snakes when you break up they come straight in the dms hunt that hasn't happened to me my recent ex okay so don't start thinking like he has some loyal friends okay he does i will give him that but you know i've experienced this not like all of them like i haven't experienced what you're saying where they were all up in my dms okay you must be pretty amazing but guys friends they are little fucking snakes i'm telling you now like they will slide into your dms when you and your boyfriend break up like they just do um and i kind of love that for you because if he was
Starting point is 00:08:38 a wanker then you win at the end of the day don't you really next next confession two years ago i had a threesome with my boyfriend and my best friend's ex-boyfriend it didn't end well okay so there's no issue with you having a threesome with your boyfriend the issue is you slept with your best friend's boyfriend like threesome or not oh my fucking god I'm not surprised it didn't end well hun I'm not I'm not gonna lie to you okay next one oh I was doing anal with my boyfriend got poo emoji on his pee pee pee pee thank god we both just saw the funny side I know this has happened to so many people, like, hands up if this has happened to you, not me, touch wood, I mean, it would never, like, no, it's not for me, but I've heard this, I've heard this a lot, I feel like it's a common,
Starting point is 00:09:39 it's a common thing to happen, um, yeah, it's nasty, I'm not gonna to lie. It's nasty. But you know, you both saw the funny side, which is great. At least he was your boyfriend though. Jeez. Okay. Similarly, it gets a little worse. This girl says, I once had sex on a balcony, did anal, forgot, forgot then sucked him off what yeah well yeah well um ew first of all first of all ew second of all ew no I mean it's nasty isn't it I'm sorry that happened to you you you did clarify in brackets that you were drunk um first of all I just want to know to you. You did clarify in brackets that you were drunk. First of all, I just want to know how you're forgetting that you've just had anal. I don't think I'll forget that for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Let alone in that moment. But I bet he was thinking, you dirty bitch. I bet he was actually thinking, dirty bitch. She does not give a fuck. What does it taste like? Oh, God god i can't all know no kind of tell me no i don't okay next girl i don't know babe i don't know what you're doing but this girl's confession is i have snapped four banjo strings banjo strings what the fuck are you doing to these boys willies like i would love to know what are you actually like are you like slut dropping and rolling on these boys willies like i have you ever snapped a banjo girls like i know it happens but has it ever happened to any of you? Touch wood, it's not been one of my sexual experiences.
Starting point is 00:11:28 It terrifies me. Like, that would be so scary. Sometimes, you know when they, like, go to ram it in and it doesn't quite go in, then you just think, oh, God, please don't be snapped. It's never actually snapped with me. Touch fucking wood. Because I would literally run a mile and he would be alone in that i'd be like yeah sounds like a problem babe like i'm out of here like all this blood this sounds like a
Starting point is 00:11:51 problem at the end of the day it's not for me so you've snapped how many four at this point i'm gonna say you're the issue babe what do you do like are you just like oh don, don't worry. I've been here before. Like, lay down. I know what to do. You've probably learned how to repair the bloody thing. But apparently, apparently when you snap your banjo, like it really hurts. And apparently the repair feeling, no. Yeah. It repairs itself, right? Or do you have to get it like stitched? Maybe you have to get it stitched. I'm not sure but the way like the healing process apparently is so painful like even when they wee and everything I was listening to
Starting point is 00:12:30 waffling and someone snapped their banjo I can't remember who it was um could have been Theo and he was talking about how painful it was I mean I imagine it's pretty painful but do we have an equivalent of that like do we have an equivalent of snapping the banjo I feel like we don't luckily for us I mean we deserve to have something that is on our side because women's bodies go through it times a billion more than men's so they can have their banjo snap every once in a while do you know what I mean um okay next next one okay more anal more anal oh wait to the girl that this happened to don't worry because listen to this was doing anal with my boyfriend he was
Starting point is 00:13:12 going super hard pulled out his dick to find shit on it don't worry guys don't worry basically moral of the story is don't do fucking anal guys because you're gonna shit on your boyfriend's dick at the end of the day that's fucking gross that is actually gross I'm not here to judge you and I'm so sorry this has happened but it's fucking mad isn't it like yeah put your willy up my ass babe I'm sure it'll come out all right oh goodness anyway next one but at least you guys know you're not alone, hey? Love you. Message my old school teacher as a rebound and spent the weekend in a hotel. Lol, oops. Now, if you used to watch our YouTube videos, you know that this was always a fantasy of mine.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I've always wanted to have sex with my teacher. I have honestly thought about it every day of my life. Like, honestly, I had a history teacher in school and I was too young to think this I was literally a teenager but I really felt like we had a connection and then one day he shouted at me and I cried and I walked home because I was that upset bearing in mind I was such a little kiss ass in school like I was so like I was I was a gobby little shit like I wasn't like really smart and intelligent but I was i hated getting into trouble but i was i was one of those girls that was like yeah she's really smart but she just lets herself down because she always talks yeah i was that i was that girl and i thought we really had a connection like we used to banter all the time oh my god sir oh my god sir and one day he like sent me out because apparently I was getting a bit too bit too loud and he come
Starting point is 00:14:46 outside he was like you're taking the piss in my classroom I started screwing my face I was like oh my god do not talk to me like this no I literally started doing that you know that cry when you like you go you like fully can't breathe and then he like didn't even feel bad like he just kept shouting at me and I find that a bit fucked that you can do that as a teacher. Like I'm a teenage girl. Like when you actually think back, like you're a 40 something year old man. I'm a teenager. Look how you're making me feel.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I think it's time to put a lid on it. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, so I walked home. I was upset. But this is completely off topic. I wanted to fuck him is what I'm telling you. And then when I was at uni, I had a teacher who, oh oh my god I'm convinced he wanted to shag me and like my friend I was talking to him like after our lesson and my friend was like Leah I'm not
Starting point is 00:15:32 being funny the sexual tension between you two is real and I was like I know and I'm so glad somebody else has been here to witness it because I literally felt like we had the most insane sexual connection like I just wanted so badly for him to just lay it on me and I wasn't saying I would have cheated on my boyfriend for him at the time but I wouldn't have looking back I would love I would love it now not to cheat on my boyfriend Jesus Christ but I would love if he was like Leah can you stay behind oh my god could you imagine yeah he's so behind actually I need to have a word with you i'm like i know i know i know what this is actually i know what this is i know i know exactly what's about to happen um but it never happened and i'm so upset but i'm really happy
Starting point is 00:16:15 that you got to live out that fantasy for me for both of us so congratulations to you babe um me and my ex had sex in a public toilet at a beach whilst others were there. Okay, my main concern with this is beach toilets are fucking vile. Like, they actually are gross, are they not? Like, beach toilets are disgusting, or maybe it's just my local beach. What's your local beach? Mine's Weymouth. If anybody lives near Weymouth, I'll see you there most of the summer, to be honest. But yeah, I'm not going to be shagging in their toilet so I mean anybody want to sleep with me we can have sex in women's toilets at this point I'm desperate I'm joking I'm literally joking that was a literal joke um but yeah I you know I I respect it I like the idea of you having public sex because your sexual tension is so real that you just can't possibly wait like i love it for you
Starting point is 00:17:05 but oh sorry i'm missing an important part of this story whilst others were in there i mean yeah geez i whilst others were in there it's fun isn't it it's naughty it's wrong you gotta be quiet i wonder if they knew it's fun i like it I respect it I think it's I think that's a great confession okay more shit stories I do OnlyFans and someone paid me 500 pound to film myself shit on the floor and film it I mean it's 500 pound at the end of the day would you guys do that for 500 pound like genuinely think about that now if somebody messaged you and said will you film yourself like genuinely let's let's like take away the only fans you're just like minding your business you get a dm on insta hey babe um it's a legit profile normal normal normal looking guy hey babe um i just i know this is random i just wondered
Starting point is 00:18:00 if you would film yourself shitting on the floor for £500. What are you saying to that? What are you saying to that? My friend, my best mate, got a guy messaging her, asking her to make videos just talking down to him. Like, literally being like, you worthless little shit. Like, not even, like, sexy. Just, like, literally talk down to him.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Not even in a horny way. And he wanted to pay her for it weekly and she she considered it but she wants to be an actress so I said you know maybe let's not put that kind of content out there to come and bite us in the ass in in five ten years time but honestly there's some interesting requests out there so if there's anybody with a bit of cash that wants me to do anything weird I'm up for it I'm joking I'm literally not joking I'm joking I'm obviously joking fucking hell guys but would you shit on the floor for 500 pounders question I don't think I would I don't think I would do that would you guys do that let me know um next one I'm I'm sorry this one we've all done it okay I pee in the shower if you don't pee in the shower right you're telling me you're in the shower you're like oh fuck I need a wee you're turning
Starting point is 00:19:11 the shower off putting a towel around you walking to the bathroom sitting on the toilet seat getting the toilet seat soaking wet no you're weeing in the shower and washing it away everyone wees in the shower don't they I know there's gonna be people listening like no ew that's disgusting i literally would never wee in the shower you're literally weird then you're literally weird if you don't wear the shower you're weird of course you are um i fucking love this one by the way okay next one i had sex on lond London Bridge during the pandemic. I literally don't get it. Like, I love it, but I literally don't get it. Like, what do you mean on the bridge?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Like, just out there in the open on the bridge. Just like, just like ass up on London Bridge. I fucking love it. I'm going to need some more details on that one, actually. really I really do quite like that story during the pandemic as well like were you meeting up or were you locked in together first of all like when we're breaking lockdown regulations huh I don't give a fuck it's too late at this point but where you ass up on london bridge that's what i want to know ass down face up is that how it went down on london bridge i love it i love that for you darling okay moving on i slept with an ex in my other ex's bed at a party I then went downstairs and slept with
Starting point is 00:20:47 the other ex ha ha ha love you I love you too like I love you even more for that um you fucked your ex in his bed sorry okay you fucked your ex in another ex's bed and then you went and fucked that ex oh my god you literally had two guys coming you within a matter of minutes oh my god i kind of love it but i kind of hate it oh okay um i mean to be fair like is there anything that wrong with it i don't know like is there anything that bad if they're not emotionally attached to you if they're if you've got two exes at the same party like do they really is it really that deep if you what is it what's that bell quote why do i quite bell in every episode at the moment when you take a step back and you look at the severity of the situation is it that deep is it though do you know what i mean i slept with my next-door
Starting point is 00:21:41 neighbor on multiple occasions even though he was living with his girlfriend. Worst thing being, I then ended up best friends with the girlfriend and she has no idea. They're now engaged and first baby on the way. We haven't slept together for a couple of years now, but the guilt is just there. And we are all friends and spend so much time together. You bitch. I can't believe that. You dirty bitch. That that's fucking mental that's actually crazy to me but i mean what you can do about it now you can't okay guys if this was if this was you would you tell would you tell them like say you'd slept with somebody's boyfriend and then like two three years later you were like i feel really fucking guilty are you telling them two three years later are you letting that one just bury itself what a fucking question oh my good nosh okay next confession oh this this one's got
Starting point is 00:22:33 two this girl's got two okay she says i teach children not in school hours it's after school and i'm currently sleeping with one of my little students 40 year old dad makes pick up a little more interesting I fucking love it I absolutely love that I hope he's not with the mum like I hope he's a single man but if so I'm I fucking love that that's I hear no confession there's nothing wrong with that at all um I mean maybe your boss would have something to say about it but I'm not your boss so so keep going, girl. Her second one is, my ex was always interested by the thought of me with other men when we were together, but we never acted on this. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:23:14 When we were broken up, I FaceTimed him and let him watch me have sex with another guy. My ex watched the whole thing and loved it. I felt like I was an only fan star oh my god so your boyfriend when you were together he was always like I love the thought of watching another man fuck you okay and you're like right and then you broke up you're having sex someone else and you're like let me just facetime actually, because I feel like he'd be quite into this. You're on FaceTime to Ben. Hey, babe, I'm here with something I just thought you might want to watch. Say hey. Hey, say hey to Ben. Interesting. I mean, it's fucking dirty, isn't it? Dirty bitch. I feel like that's going to be
Starting point is 00:24:01 the catchphrase of the Confessions series. Dirty bitch. My auntie used to call me a dirty bitch I feel like that's gonna be the catchphrase of of the confessions series dirty bitch my auntie used to call me a dirty bitch like I lived with her a few years ago right and anytime I'd like go out because I went through like a summer where I was fully single and I was like seeing like a couple guys at the same time and like fully in my dating era and I would like go to work and I was sleeping with my colleague at the time and I would like go to work and I was sleeping with my colleague at the time and I would like go to work have sex with this guy and then I'd come home and I'd be like yeah like I I thought oh I just said his name I'm gonna have to make sure I cut that I'm like oh yeah I fucked thingy today and she'll be like dirty bitch and it just became like a thing like I'd come home and be like
Starting point is 00:24:45 yeah I had sex with thingy earlier oh I had sex with thingy last night and she'll be like you're a dirty bitch listen I was going through my single girl phase I haven't actually talked with that many people you know guys I think because of how open I am talking about sex people think that I've had sex with a ton of people but I actually haven't I think I've probably put my body count on the internet out there at some point um okay my first time with somebody else since my breakup I was told the boy sleeps with a lot of girls midway through oh the boy that you were having sex with midway through the condom slipped off and I announced that he should get another one because he might have the clap safe to say that accusing him of having an STD during sex killed the mood and we had to stop.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Mortifying but managed to awkwardly laugh it off and I'm seeing him again. Oh my Jesus Christ. So wait, did you think it slipped off? Midway through the condom slipped off. Does that happen? I've not had much experience with condoms. Only because, only time I use a condom is if i'm having sex with somebody for the first time um and most people i sleep with i'm in like a relationship
Starting point is 00:25:51 with so like we're both like tested and safe and having sex with only each other i mean but that has never happened to me um interesting i mean you're fucking and then you're like oh you should probably get another one because you may have chlamydia yeah i'm not surprised that that killed the mood to be fair that's funny okay this next one is actually probably my favorite confession this is probably my favorite confession and it was the first one that I received are you guys ready to hear this I don't know if you're ready for this guys okay this girl says I don't know I don't know if I can read this out it's quite bad guys it's actually quite bad she says I was on my friend's phone and her and her boyfriend filmed a sex tape I air dropped it to myself and now that's my go-to
Starting point is 00:26:48 if I want to please myself. She says, tell me how wrong I am. I just can't get myself to delete it. I'm not attracted to my friend nor her boyfriend, by the way. So she's gone on her friend's phone, found a sex tape of her and her boyfriend sent it to herself and now she literally plays with herself over it i mean i'm actually gobsmacked that okay do you know what there's actually a lot of a lot of things wrong with this and i know this isn't a dilemma you're not asking for my advice this is just a confession and you're supposed to feel safe to confess things here but fucking hell you're so there's so much that's fucked up about
Starting point is 00:27:34 that it's crazy um do you know what i don't know i think you should do the right thing and delete i know this isn't a dilemma i know you're not asking me for my advice, but I think it would eat you up eventually. Like the guilt. I could not live with myself. That is next level. Honestly, I literally can't even deal. You are a dirty bitch. That is a dirty bitch if I've ever seen one. Honestly, that is a dirty bitch if I've ever seen one honestly oh it's bad isn't it in that bad quite it's quite bad girls don't you think but do you know what I mean this is confessions this is the confession diaries and your confession will stay with me I will never expose who you people are um but they are going in the diary who likes the diary that I put on to, on the cover, by the way, I made that myself. I literally made it. You guys are like, yeah, I can tell. It's fucking shit. But I made like a burn book. It looks like the burn book. Don't you think it's cute?
Starting point is 00:28:35 It says confession diaries. And I was thinking, is there like a company that can make books? Because I could literally make them into like diaries and we can all have them. You don't actually have to like write your confessions in there but you can keep it as a diary or just as a notebook or whatever wouldn't that be so cute if we all had matching notebooks or manifesting journals but then would you want it to say confession diaries on the on the front or would you want it to say something else let leah on the line I don't know also the t-shirts they are coming um but i'm just i need some help with it so be patient i love you so much oh yeah what did you guys think did you enjoy the first episode of confession diaries i loved it i love it you guys are disgusting
Starting point is 00:29:17 it's so fun i honestly love it so much i'm so excited to just sit here and do it every week it's just gonna be because obviously Tuesdays they can be a bit deep sometimes they can be stressful they can be emotional and like Fridays it's getting us ready for the weekend it's putting us in a silly goofy mood like we're gonna be talking about the most vulgar like it's just things that to be fair I should probably have said this at the beginning but I probably wouldn't listen to this in public or like around your parents or anything I mean my my mum will definitely listen to this but like I always tell you I have a very
Starting point is 00:29:53 close relationship with my mum we have absolutely no boundaries but yeah um Fridays we're just going to be able to talk about whatever we want we're literally going to be able to just sit here have a laugh and just like just feel better about because we've all done some shit in our lives haven't we and we're going to be able to just sit here every friday laugh forget about the stress of the week get in a good mood ready for the weekend and yeah feel free to share any confession that you have like Like I said, you're safe. You're safe. You're safe to fucking hell. I just started glitching them.
Starting point is 00:30:30 You're safe to offload all your secrets and all your guilt onto me. Because although I may sit here and tell you you're a terrible person, I would never say you're a terrible person. But you know what I mean? You know, your secret is going to actually stay with me. I am going to tell all of the listeners and all of us besties are going to have a secret judgment or opinion on you but it's like a way of getting your secret out without it ever coming out do you know what I mean that's why I love this so much so yeah if you have anything that you just want to get off your chest please send me an email let me know or just an Instagram DM I'm honestly so excited
Starting point is 00:31:03 and let me know what you think to this new feature to Lear on the Line I love it I literally am so excited I think it's a little bit different as well um I absolutely love our Tuesdays but I never want you guys to get bored so I feel like we're gonna have such two like two different very different and drastically um different energy from Tuesday to to friday like tuesdays as you as i said it's like the bestie day it's gonna be like i got you babes like i'm your best friend like everything's gonna be all right you're strong you're beautiful you're amazing and then fridays it's like i had anal and shit on my boyfriend's dick and like i just couldn't think of a better friendship than having that sort of balance you know so thank you honestly
Starting point is 00:31:45 thank you so much if you listen to this um who likes the new cover art I literally love it so much make sure you head over to instagram at leah on the line and leave a what emoji should we do I feel like we need something is there a book emoji I think there's a book emoji leave a book emoji just in terms of like a little nod to the confession diary. You know what I mean? Little book emoji. I think it's blue, which is kind of ugly. I wish it was pink, but yeah, leave a little book emoji in the comments and I will stalk you as always. I actually do do that by the way. Like I don't just say go and comment and I'll stalk you. Like I genuinely do stalk you guys. So yeah. And I just like a load of your photos so honestly love you guys so much this was so much fun thank you so so so much for
Starting point is 00:32:30 listening thank you so much so much to everyone that sent in a confession thank you for trusting me of your secret it will always remain secret with me I'll never tell anybody your name or instagrams or whatever I'll always remain private so yeah i love you guys so so much have the best weekend be safe if you're going out don't text your ex text me and i will speak to you on sunday or tuesday depending on if we get a bonus app out or not let me know what you want it to be if you do want one but yeah all right i'll speak to you on another day okay thank you guys so much for listening i love you bye

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