Leah on the Line - Confession Diaries 3: My BFF sl*gged me off so I slept with her DAD!

Episode Date: June 30, 2022

HEY HONEYS! We're back with another Confession Diaries and boyyyy have you guys been up to no good... I LOVE IT! Thank you so much for all the love and support on the pod, you mean the world to me! As... always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leah on the line how are you happy friday happy friday what a week what a week we've had I'm saying this at the start of the week so I actually don't know what kind of week we have in store but happy Friday I hope your week was kind to you I hope you had some good news this week I hope there was something positive just remember the universe is always working in your favor okay so don't you worry about that I'm looking at my crystals right now I should probably them. I haven't charged my crystals for a while, but like, do I charge them with my energy? Do I charge them in the sunlight? Do I charge them in the moonlight? How do you charge them in the moonlight? Do I literally put them in the garden? Should I put them in my garden
Starting point is 00:00:59 tonight? Should I just put them on my table? Maybe I have a table in the garden, but then I'm really scared that I'm going to come out and it's's gonna be gone and somebody's run away with all my energy oh my gosh no it'll be okay a fox will just come and fucking run off with my with my crystal and then because they've taken my rose quartz they're gonna be running around with all this self-love and confidence oh whatever you know anyway anyway enough about me it's Friday which means it's about you and all the terrible awful horrendous embarrassing things you have done okay I love these episodes honestly it just makes me feel so good about myself no okay what I mean is what I mean is it makes me feel less horrendous about some of the things I've done and I hope it I hope it does
Starting point is 00:01:44 that for somebody else listening right now you know because we've all done things like we've done some questionable shit in our lives and I'm not having it right you're telling me you're I don't know how old you are you have to be at least 18 to be into something like this podcast I'm assuming um so at our age you're telling me you haven't made at least one decision that you think that was questionable. Okay. 20 year old Leah probably shouldn't have done that. Or 24 year old Leah will probably never talk about what 20 year old Leah did. I'm acting like I have something in mind when I say that. I literally don't. But you know, I've got some secrets. I've got some, what's that saying something about closets
Starting point is 00:02:25 some something in your in your closet what is that actually called some oh who knows you guys are probably getting so annoyed you're just screaming it at me right now and I can't even hear you I can't hear you but anyway oh my god why am I so exhausted? I need more, something just literally just wrapped its arms around my throat and I just started choking. That was so scary, guys. Oh my God, I saw a ghost in my sleep. I literally saw a ghost in my sleep. I'm 100% convinced.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Did I already tell you guys about this? If I didn't, then I'll tell you. But if I did, then I'm really really sorry I'm going to tell you again but the other week I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw a boy literally right next to me literally like I'd say he was the height of like a six year or seven year old boy and he was literally stood right next to me and my automatic reaction was just to start swinging, like, I just started beating up this child in the sleep, in my sleep, but, okay, I didn't harm him, like, for some reason, like, I just couldn't get to him, like, I couldn't reach him, but I wasn't, like, trying to hurt him, like, I was more just trying to figure out if he was there or not, I literally woke up in the middle
Starting point is 00:03:40 of the night, and something told me to, like, sit up and have a look around. I don't know, maybe I just felt like I wasn't alone. And then I look over and I'm like, you, who the fuck are you? What the fuck are you doing in my room? And why are you staring at me? Why are you actually sitting there staring at me, you freak? So then I start like waving my hands to see like if he's there. And I'm not like feeling anything. So then I tried to find my phone and I
Starting point is 00:04:05 just could not find it anywhere so I then I felt a cable like a charger wire on the floor started like feeding that like it was a bloody fishing rope fishing rope what's a fishing rope fishing line anyway finally get to my phone at the end of the charger get my torch on look up nothing there i was like right well how am i losing the plot or or is there a little boy haunting me right now because you always hear about the haunting girls don't you you always get the girls that are haunting you but you don't often get the little seven-year-old boys he seemed like a nice boy he was just so sweet he was very tiny very petite and i was just like just start swinging for him poor kid anyway he hasn't returned thank goodness because i did have a word out loud
Starting point is 00:04:52 the next day and i said if you're listening to me please leave me alone please i'm just going to say this again now hi if you're listening to me i'm not ready for this communication and i would like to be left alone please unless you have a very important message for me in which case maybe maybe you just have a job to do maybe you're here to deliver some new anyway what the fuck literally shut up Leah let's get into the confession shall we also little heads up you have an episode coming on Sunday obviously because I don't upload every Sunday you never really know if they come in, but there is an episode coming on Sunday. So just a heads up, be ready for it. It's an X episode.
Starting point is 00:05:30 We're laughing about boys again, just slagging all the boys off. All right. But yeah, let's just get straight into some confessions. I'm going to kick it off with, before I moved in with my boyfriend, we had sex on the kitchen counter and forgot to wipe the counters down until I saw my flatmate cooking on them okay that is filthy did you ejaculate on these counters or your boyfriend if that is the case that is ultra ultra filth okay how do you forget to wipe them down actually to be fair I suppose like immediately after you you wipe yourself down and clean yourself up probably put your clothes back on and that and then before you know it wipe them down actually to be fair i suppose like immediately after you you wipe yourself down and clean yourself up probably put your clothes back on and that and then before you know it your flat
Starting point is 00:06:10 mate's cooking chopping up a salad all over your juices that's disgusting but i love it i love that i love that for you and your boyfriend you raunchy dirty dogs i love it Okay. This one I don't get. Okay. Listen, my ex once hid under my bed whilst I went on a date. So he'd be there when I got back. Okay. So was your boyfriend already with you in your house? Ex-boyfriend. So your ex was already in your house. Surely he didn't break into your house. So he's in your house, assuming with you. you're like anyway I'm off on a date now and he's like okay gets under your bed and was he there so that when you come back he's there or when you bring a boy back he's there and if that is also the case why would he want to be there underneath somebody else having sex with his ex-girlfriend i fully can't get my head around
Starting point is 00:07:07 this like i don't i'm gonna need a bit more information on that one i think um am i just being stupid or does that literally leave everyone everyone else with so many questions also also while we are on confessions week i mean confessions day to the girl that got fingered in thought park listen listen to me the people need to know more do you know the amount of dms i've been getting like um to the girl that got fingered in thought park we need more information how on what ride and were there not cameras did you not get your picture taken before the before the big drop was his fingers in you mid mid pick like if you're you're listening, which I hope you are, I hope you don't just send in a confession and run away
Starting point is 00:07:49 and don't even listen to me. I always think that, like, to the people that actually send in my dilemmas to me on Tuesdays and stuff, like, do you even listen? Like, I sit here giving you advice, do you even listen to me? And also, no one ever gets back to me, ever. Although we did have one person get back to me, which I will read today about one of their confessions from last week but anyway literally all i do is whinge don't i way way way um so yeah just wanted to say that well before i forgot thought park girl send me an email we need more girl we need more okay last night i
Starting point is 00:08:22 had sex with oh i had a sex dream about the boy I cheated on my boyfriend with years ago. Oh, fucking hell. He's still on the brain. Is he actually still on the brain though? That's, that's a madness to me. I mean, whatever girl. It's just a dream. Like Maura says, I once had a dream where I was being chased by a giant tomato. Do you remember that anyway tomato i love maura anyway anyway i don't okay i don't really think this is a bad confession but here i had a drunk three-way and no one knows because i'm too embarrassed i think so many people have had drunk three ways there's been loads of people that have had to throw someone they're pissed up okay so i i think that's fine i think it's a fun story and i think no one knows who cares no one needs to know that's it that's
Starting point is 00:09:11 your story for you girl and do not be embarrassed three ways can be fun um i came in so drunk from a night out i weed on my boyfriend's bedroom floor while he was asleep now this is the thing i know somebody that he came home from a night out walked into his sister's room and started pissing on the bottom of her bed like over her feet like what the hell and i also know somebody that came home and he was so drunk that he pooed in his bedroom bin like fully pooed in it like somebody explained that to me I I don't get it um I also know somebody that weed in their wardrobe drawers like they open the wardrobe drawers and weed in it so it is a thing where people just don't know what they're doing when they're drunk when they're going for a wee I mean bedroom floor it's kind of funny did he have carpet though because if he had
Starting point is 00:10:02 like wooden hard floor that would have just been a big old puddle but if it was a carpet then it would have soaked in so I don't know what would be better um do you know what like when I was drunk once I was at my auntie's house and she I had I'd gotten quite drunk I was working in a bar and me and my friend Giselle shout out to you Giselle if you listen to this I don don't even know. We were just drinking when we were closing up and it was my first time drinking Hendrix. I love gin by the way. I'm a gin girl all day. And it's my first time drinking Hendrix. So I don't know what percent Hendrix is. I'm pretty sure it's literally normal, like 40%. Maybe I was, I'm just blaming the drink. Maybe I was just
Starting point is 00:10:41 lightweight. And I drunk quite a lot of it. And I didn't realize that I was actually quite drunk until I got home. And I started spinning out when you get in bed and that. And then the next day, my auntie gets home from work. And she's like, what about you? Nearly sleepwalking out the door butt naked last night. And I was like, wait, what? And she was like, do you not remember?
Starting point is 00:11:08 And when she said it, I was like, holy shit, I remember. I literally literally remember and if she'd never said it to me I would never have remembered but basically what happened was I was butt naked and I never ever sleep butt naked like I always sleep with at least pants on always just because I just anyone else find that when they when they feel when they sleep naked they just feel sweaty literally everywhere if you know what I mean do you know what I mean I feel like I need some sort of pants on at all times but anyway anyway and I remembered that I literally went to open the door like unlock the door and she was like Leah where are you going it's the middle of the night and I was like oh my god no I said to her I'm going to the toilet and she was like you're literally going out the front door and her front door is one that locks automatically behind you like a latch so god knows what would have happened to me if she didn't stop me like
Starting point is 00:11:52 when would i have woken up and also another thing that's when i was drunk i was at my ex ex ex-boyfriend's house and i got up in the night actually Actually, no, that isn't what happened. Basically, all I remember is hearing Lee. He was Northern. Lee, what are you doing? And I was like, he's like, Lee, what are you doing? And then I was like, I'm going for a wee. And then he was like, you're at the balcony door. And I was stood at his balcony door. And he was like, what are you doing? And I was literally stood there. And then I got really annoyed because I was stood at his balcony door. And he was like, what are you doing? And I was literally stood there. And then I got really annoyed because I was embarrassed. I was like, just fuck off, all you.
Starting point is 00:12:31 All right. And then I think I was just asleep. I think I was just like stood at his door just asleep. By the way, we will get back to the confessions. But it's just reminding me. And I don't actually think this was after drinking. Or maybe it was after drinking, actually. But yeah, I was just stood at his balcony doors, just asleep.
Starting point is 00:12:51 He had like a little Juliet balcony in his bedroom. I was just stood there, facing the glass door. And I was just asleep. Just stood there, asleep. Like, what the fuck? And then he, when he woke me up and made me realise what I was doing, then I just really didn't know where I was was and i just remember thinking like where's the fucking door to this bedroom how do i get to the toilet how freaky is that it's so weird anyway back to your confessions um i slept with a guy then his brother an hour later lol so drunk fuck really did they know like did they give a fuck or i mean guys are just like
Starting point is 00:13:29 i feel like they don't really care about that kind of thing as much as girls do i feel like but that's kind of fun i kind of love that for you um i'm a girl and all i watch is lesbian porn even though i'm straight is that weird no? No, I actually keep seeing TikToks about this recently, about how like every girl under the sun just watches lesbian porn. So I've actually spoke about this before that like I've never really been a porn watcher. Like it just, I literally just see them as actors. It does not turn me on at all. Maybe that's just me. But all I know is so many, like all of my friends, I've seen many, many TikToks. All they want to watch is lesbian porn. Maybe it's because girls are more attractive.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Maybe it's because we don't like seeing big, fat, sweaty willies. Big, wrinkly ball sacks. Like maybe that's what it is. I don't know. I would love to know the psychology behind it because I know it's a fact. I know it's a fact. I know there's so many of you listening right now. And I reckon most of you listening right now can agree. Is that, is that a statement or not? I
Starting point is 00:14:30 don't know. I feel like, let me know guys. Let me know. Let me know for the next confessions episode. Hey, um, had a one night stand, couldn't get him to leave. So I staged my flatmates Nan dying, started crying and everything. Best performance of my life. my god it's genius I mean why would you cry over your nan I mean your flatmate's nan dying doesn't say your nan's flatmate your nan's flatmate just died I mean that's not funny is it Leah but the fact that you made your flatmate act and she i mean surely your flatmate had to be involved here um but you start crying everything i mean a star gcse drama really came into play hey love that for you i mean yeah sometimes when when i'm i've never had a one-night stand but sometimes if you have had a one-night stand the last thing you want is to wake up to them, I imagine.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Do you know what I mean? So, you know, girl, you do what you had to do. I sold a picture of my penis, and it's now on Pornhub photo gallery. You're joking. You're joking. Oh, my God. So I'm just zooming into this. That is insane.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I mean, how much did you sell it for, of all because you could have been scammed if it's now on Pornhub I like to think you sold it for quite quite a bit of cash um I slept with my oh my god listen to this one guys I slept with my best friend's dad and then had dinner with his wife and my best friend smiley face very proud of herself teaches my friends not to slag me off behind my back to be fair though the dad was worth it lol i mean i mean i hope you're not my friend i hope you're not my friend because you terrify me i mean i mean girl if all it took was your friend slagging you off behind your back so you literally fucked you you broke their family apart like you said his wife this man is married let alone it being your best friend's family you've just done that too that is a terrible confession if i've
Starting point is 00:16:38 ever heard one part of me would like to believe that isn't true to be honest part of me would like to think that that was this is for content purposes only but that was a real submission unfortunately did she ever find out did you tear apart this poor family i mean listen let's hold the dad accountable as well but as as her best friend come on girl i mean are you still her best friend you called her your best friend is she still your best friend who knows anyway let's get into some more I'm actually going to go over to emails now so those ones that I just read out they were um Instagram so now I'm going to go to emails some of these tend to be a bit longer so get comfortable okay I'll start off with a short one actually
Starting point is 00:17:19 I accidentally hooked up with two guys in the same friend group did not realize they were friends until I saw them at a club together. Whoopsies. I mean, that is literally purely just by accident, to be fair. But imagine their face when they saw you. And he goes to his mate, I fucked her. And he's like, wait, are you being serious? Because I fucked her as well.
Starting point is 00:17:40 And then you're like, sorry, guys. Sorry, boys. So I actually love that for you i can't lie babe um hi so my confession is when i was 16 i had sex in the movie theater with my mormon boyfriend we were surrounded by our friends and the theater was packed he then came on the theater seats we decided to keep it a secret and i've told no one lol holy shit oh my god i would hate to be that person that had to go in and clean that movie theater because like would you automatically do it with like just wipe it with your hand and try to see what it was like or do they wear gloves because you'd probably just assume it was just some sort of like drink or like melted sweet oh my god that would not be your first thought i mean maybe it would be i would like to know
Starting point is 00:18:32 how common that is for anybody does anybody work in a cinema like how how often do you see semen or condoms or anything in the cinema because i've heard so many people chat shit yeah i i've given someone a blow job in the cinema no you haven't listen every time i go to a cinema with a boy which isn't isn't very. Every time I go out with a guy. No, but whenever I've been to the cinema with a guy, I think to myself, no one's fucked in this fucking cinema. Everyone would see you. Like, I've had so many stories.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I gave my boyfriend a blowjob. No, you haven't. You actually haven't. I don't believe you all. I don't get that. Like, did you say you gave him a handjob? But, like, people literally say like oh my god we had sex in the cinema and or like when you play never have i ever a party they're like never
Starting point is 00:19:30 have i ever had sex in the cinema and so many people drink and i think lies lies lies how are you having sex in a cinema like when i look around i think everyone would see me everyone would hear me everyone would just not that i'd be like, you know, loud at all. But you would just hear movement. You know, the cinema's quiet as fuck when there's a film on. I don't know. Oh my god, my voice. Sorry, that was probably so horrible in your ears.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Okay. When I was 17, I had a one night stand at a house party with a boy I'd just met. I had to shave my foof with the host's razor in the bathroom. And when I had sex with this boy, I bled all over the host's bed. It went all the way through to the mattress and just everywhere. I wasn't even on my period. I spent the next morning scrubbing his sheets and mattresses. Oh, and mattress with cleaning stuff with a girl I'd just met.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Oh my God, what a queen to that girl that helped you. I also flipped his mattress and wonder if he ever knew it was me whoops wow what a fucking shambles why are you bleeding so much I mean did you lose your virginity you said you had a one night stand so that's not your virginity and obviously I'm not saying your virginity can't be a one night stand I'm just saying you would have said I lost my virginity not I had a one night stand Jesus I'm not saying your virginity can't be a one night stand. I'm just saying you would have said I lost my virginity. Not I had a one night stand. Jesus, I'm getting so stressed defending myself. I mean, you shaved your puss in the bathroom with the host razor. Okay, whatever. You know, I've heard worse confessions.
Starting point is 00:21:02 But then you bled all over his bed and it went all the way through to the mattress and just everywhere. mean that's so sweet that you actually spent the time scrubbing it and this lovely girl that helped you the next day i guarantee you so many people would have just fucked off without a doubt do you know what i mean so i mean i hope the sex was worth it i hope it was good sex um i hope the boy helped you clean up not just you and this poor girl it doesn't sound like you did though what a prick um me and my boyfriend got caught by police having sex in his car it was two female officers and so embarrassing they put their full beam on and the whole car lit up like a christmas tree he never went back to that spot love you bye oh my god do people actually like have sex in cars then because am i just really boring like is everyone
Starting point is 00:21:45 shagging in cinemas and shagging in cars and getting caught by the police and like is like is this how everyone lives their life and i just don't like am i boring as fuck or what that is insane though did they come over and like literally catch you catch him balls deep in you and you're like oh that's not what it looks like, officer. Oh, my God. I feel like it's better that it's two female officers, though. I think I would... No, I'd prefer it to be blokes. I can't lie, actually.
Starting point is 00:22:15 That's a fucking fantastic confession. I can't lie. That's a really good one. Me and my ex had sex in his best friend's parents' bed and used their lube. That is some interesting behavior to me like using their lube i mean like to be fair it's literally fresh out of a bottle like why is it strange but for some reason it makes me feel sick do you know what i mean like i don't i don't know like did you open a drawer? And he's like, Lube! Fantastic! Thank you, Mary and Stephen! Do you know what I mean? I don't know why that is so weird to me.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I've been with my boyfriend eight years, but got with his best friend five years ago. Oh my god, best in capitals. Oh, sorry, his best, best friend. So we're talking brotherhood here. Five years ago, he found out at the time but chose to believe me when i lied and said it never happened it still eats me up oh my god so like you so you've been with your boyfriend eight years three years into the relationship you get with his best best friend he finds out you go no babe that didn't happen that literally never happened he's he's lying i don't know who said it she's lying it's all a lie and then but it was true and still to this day he doesn't know the truth fuck how do you live with yourself with something like that though
Starting point is 00:23:38 because it wasn't like it was like a month into the relationship like a little mistake you were three years in and you got i don't know what got with means like did you just have a little kiss or did you like fuck him because that that changes things if you slept with him are they still friends are you still friends oh my god i need you to send me the full story to that i literally need the full story please if that's possible um hey loving the podcast thank you so much i love you i was on holiday with my boyfriend and went on a long walk okay guys we've got a poo dilemma there's always poo every episode is involved with poo do you know what when i told my my auntie's best friend about this she said i bet there's loads about poo and i was like yeah there is always anyway i was on a holiday with my boyfriend and went on a long walk were you on
Starting point is 00:24:29 your own on this walk or was your boyfriend there because that is crucial information i started having a poorly tummy all of a sudden and it was the dreaded runny period poos that ain't waiting for no one let alone a toilet the closest toilet was a two-hour walk so i had no choice but to climb in a bush and poo the worst part was we weren't just on any walk we were at the hollywood sign oh yeah he was with you on this walk we were at the hollywood sign and the only private place was up past a sign that was warning me of the rattlesnakes and also a sign threatening me a ten thousand dollars fine if you're caught trespassing further than the sign i'm sat shitting in a bush and the security helicopter is just doing the rounds above me luckily i wasn't caught and i made it out with no
Starting point is 00:25:19 no fine and no snake attack love you bye babes i cannot believe this story you risked you risked your life for a poo i think i'd just like rather poo myself like i literally don't think i could but then your brain doesn't let you does it like your desperation takes over i remember when i was so desperate for a wee in the car and um my ex-boyfriend he was like right i'm gonna have to come up because we were like on a motorway he's like i'm gonna have to come off and you're gonna have to get out and have a wee somewhere because i was like i'm gonna be sick like you know when you need a wee so bad i genuinely don't think there's any worse feeling than when you need a wee like when you're desperate desperate desperate for a wee in the car i genuinely don't think there's a worse feeling
Starting point is 00:26:00 than that um and he like pulls off the motorway the next turn in and then he's like we're like on this other main fucking road and there is nowhere and he's like babe i don't know what to do and i'm like you're gonna have to pull over i'm gonna piss my ass out i'm gonna piss all over your car and i was getting like i could i literally had tears rolling down my face but i was so desperate and then he was like right let me turn off here turned off into a military base i was like i can't he was like leah this is the best i can offer you you're gonna have i was like i'm not getting out of this car and getting my fanny out at a military base okay but i don't remember what we did oh i held it for a bit longer and then
Starting point is 00:26:42 we found a nice local pub and it was the most amazing relief of my life I literally cried I literally cried with relief when I was on that toilet I was like that was the worst 45 minutes of my life yeah it was hell but anyway your story's worse for sure your story beats mine but I love that I I you still together with your boyfriend because I don't know if I can ever look at someone the same if that was me um next confession hi girl want to start start off by saying I love your podcast I genuinely feel like I'm talking to a best friend so I wanted to thank you for creating such a safe oh such a great and safe space oh thank you so much I love you oh here look this is the girl remember last week she said
Starting point is 00:27:25 um she's secretly hooking up with somebody a co-worker and no one knows remember that and i said i've done that but then as soon as everyone found out i was like oh i'm actually not into this okay she says i've got an update to my confession about sleeping with a co-worker we've been caught making out outside of work by someone oh my god so somebody's been out and they're like um is that lily and ryan from work and you're just snacking each other love that so obviously the news spread out quite quickly what a bitch what a bitch um fortunately management doesn't know yet as i think there would be an issue with that people reacted quite neutral to it as there wasn't any drama but few guys that are into me now think they've got a bigger chance getting with me as they said one already has oh literally put your
Starting point is 00:28:17 dick away and don't come anywhere near me who the fuck say that's disgusting the coming out hasn't killed the flame at all it actually made it more exciting and we're having the best time let's see how long it will last any girl or lads out there sleep with the co-worker that you fancy listen you heard it here first i don't know who needs to hear this right now fuck your co-workers everybody everyone go fuck your co-workers unless unless you're already in a relationship definitely no cheating ever ever ever oh my god i absolutely love it i love that it's coming out and like it was it was a bit of gossip around the around the office and it's like oh my god did you hear about lily and ryan oh my god yeah i know literally david told me about that last week did you see that coming yeah actually
Starting point is 00:29:02 i had a feeling about that actually honestly i love it i find it so exciting but i love that it hasn't put the put the flame out because it definitely did with me i was like oh snooze do you know what i mean this isn't the secret anymore like now i just i'm sleeping with somebody that's boring i'm a fucking bitch but honestly i love it good for you let me know if management ever finds out. Let me know what happens. I wonder if one of you will get sacked. One of you two is getting rejected. Do you know which one it is? Do you know who it is? Wrong. It's you. Get out. One of you two is being rejected. Are they even Australian? They don't sound very Australian, but they sound a bit Australian, that audio on TikTok. One of you two is getting rejected. People have been doing it about Love
Starting point is 00:29:44 Island, haven't they? Anyway, I'm just rambling on and on here. And actually, Love Island is about to start in seven minutes, so I'm going to get my ass downstairs. And honestly, guys, I absolutely love these episodes. I think you're amazing. All your dirty confessions, I really, really do approve, actually, even the girl that ruined her best friend's family, I, you know what, fuck it, I'm joking, I don't know, I don't know how I feel, but honestly, thank you so much, if you send in your confessions, I know it's a big thing to ask of you, I know it's a lot to be like, tell me the worst thing you've ever done, and I'm gonna read it out in front of thousands of people, and we're all gonna judge you for it, so if you do do that,
Starting point is 00:30:24 honestly, I love you, obviously, they're always anonymous, but get sending, because I've run out, of thousands of people and we're all going to judge you for it so if you do do that honestly i love you obviously they're always anonymous but get sending because i've run out i've literally read every single one at this point bar a couple that i physically cannot read um not because they're that bad but it would just be for whatever other reason um but yeah i absolutely love doing these episodes and i now need more confessions. So make sure you send me an email. And if you've got nothing to do, nothing to send, it's the weekend. So go out and do something bad because I need the content. Okay?
Starting point is 00:30:54 Brilliant. Thank you. I appreciate you. That's what, if you were my real friends, that's what you would do. That's all I'm saying. That's what friends are for. Hey, okay. Mess up your life so I can have good content.
Starting point is 00:31:05 All right, guys, I will see you on Sunday. Remember, it's the day after tomorrow. And then it will be the day after that. No, the day after the day after that. Oh, fucking hell, Leah, just shut up. Basically, I'm going to see you every other day for a good one, two, three, four, five days straight. I don't't know fucking who fucking cares you literally know don't you basically see you sunday and i'll see you again on tuesday and then i'll see you again on friday just as always okay love you guys so much thanks for everything you do thanks for all your support for leaving ratings leaving comments on instagram sending me dms share it on your story i love that i love seeing where you are take a picture of where you are when you listen that's what i love if you're just like out on a walk um if you're at the gym take it take a sexy
Starting point is 00:31:49 mirror selfie so i can see your fat juicy ass yeah and tag me in it with a little screenshot of the spotify or apple thing i just love it i love i love seeing the vibes where i'm in your ear hello i'm in your ear do you listen to me in headphones or do you listen to me out loud i know there are people that listen on their TV with their windows open and get told off by their neighbours. So hello neighbours. Complain. See what happens. Yeah? Nothing's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Literally nothing. I'm a pussy. Alright guys. I love you so much and I will see you on Sunday for a brand new episode. Have the best weekend. Be careful. Be safe. And as always don't text your ex. Text me. I love you

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