Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Fani Willis Gets Ready to DROP THE HAMMER on Trump Co-Defendant

Episode Date: August 25, 2023

Legal AF Host Karen Friedman Agnifilo breaksdown what will happen at Mark Meadow’s mini-trial in Federal Court Monday where he will try and get his case removed from State Court. Fani Willis has sub...poenaed Brad Raffensperger and one other to testify. Go to and use code legalaf for a first deposit match up to $100! Visit for more!" Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Rathensberger and Georgia Election Investigator Francis Watson has been subpoenaed by Fannie Willis to testify on Monday at what people are deeming a mini trial that's going to take place in Georgia federal court in front of federal judge district judge Jones. What is this about and what is going on? In some ways, this is going to be a preview of some of the evidence that Fannie Willis has in her blockbuster Georgia case against 19 defendants. And why are we in federal court on Monday and what's happening? So three of the 19 defendants have asked that their case be removed to federal court.
Starting point is 00:00:49 What does that mean? What is federal removal? There's a statute that dictates when civil and criminal cases get sent to or removed to federal court, essentially saying that state court is not the appropriate place for the cases to be tried. to federal court, essentially saying that state court is not the appropriate place for the cases to be tried. Now, for a criminal case, which is what we have here, right? We have a 19 count Rico indictment. We, that what the defendants have to allege in federal court is that number one, they were a federal officer. Number two, that they were acting under the authority of their job. So they were basically
Starting point is 00:01:26 doing their job at the time and acting under their authority of their job. They call it the color, under the color of the authority of their position of a federal officer. And number three, that there's a plausible federal defense. So that is what they are alleging, and Mark Meadows has indicated that he wants to remove his case to federal court, and he has alleged those three things. He has, however, in some ways really hurt his case, because in addition to asking for this removal to federal court, what he said in his motion was very much that he was doing his job, that this was part of his job. He essentially made admissions that he was making the phone calls,
Starting point is 00:02:17 arranging the meetings, and doing all the things that he's alleged to be doing. And he's saying, well, what do you think the job of chief of staff is? But one thing he's alleged to be doing. And he's saying, well, what do you think the job of chief of staff is? But one thing he's not thinking about for some perplexing reason is that the chief of staff is allowed to work for and do these things for the president of the United States, right? That's his job.
Starting point is 00:02:39 He's not allowed to do these things on the taxpayers' dime for candidate, or for candidate Donald Trump. And that's what he was doing. There's a federal law called the Hatch Act. And what it basically says, and every single federal employee knows about it. And frankly, when I was at the Manhattan D.A.'s office, we had our own version of this, because I worked for an elected official. You're not allowed to spend taxpayer
Starting point is 00:03:06 dime and time and money and work and resources on political campaigns. You're just not. It's not allowed. It's actually illegal. You're not allowed to use government telephones, office space. You're not allowed to even use paper and Xerox machines. I mean, it's a very, very strict. And Mark Meadows was working on behalf of candidate Trump, not president Trump, when he did all of the things by trying, in Georgia, by trying to steal the election and help candidate Trump steal the election. So again, by asserting the facts he needed to assert in his motion, he was admitting to violations
Starting point is 00:03:49 of the Hatch Act and essentially confirming that he wasn't acting as a federal officer. Yes, he was a federal employee, but he wasn't acting under the color of his job description. He was acting as a, as a, as a, someone who worked for Donald Trump's candidacy. So I think it really hurts him that he's doing this,
Starting point is 00:04:10 but he did get to federal court. Now, there's going to be a hearing, Judge Jones ordered there to be a hearing. He also, by the way, tried to not get himself arrested. He asked, he asked Judge Jones to stay his arrest and, and put a temporary restraining order so that he wouldn't have to show up. But the judge denied that and said, no, we're going to continue on carrying on with the
Starting point is 00:04:35 state process, but we'll have a hearing on your removal on Monday. And so that's what's happening this Monday to see if removal for this defendant is appropriate. So in one question is if he does get removed or if any of the defendants get removed, does the whole case get removed? And that's unclear, but we do know that if he does get removed to federal court, then he, all of the charges against Mark Meadows would go with him as well. So that hearing is happening on Monday, and don't forget that Brad Raffinsberger, the Georgia Secretary of State, the one who has been subpoenaed by Fannie Willis to testify at the hearing,
Starting point is 00:05:19 he was the recipient of the perfect phone call, that infamous perfect phone call, where President at the time, Trump, but really candidate Trump called him to and asked him, told him, defined the 11,780 votes, which was the number. It was one more needed to overturn Biden's victory in Georgia. So, you know, Meadows was on the line, Meadows was on the line along with candidate Trump at the time. And so, Fannie Willis is going to preview some of the evidence against him at this mini-hearing.
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Starting point is 00:08:27 also subpoenaed Raffinsberger's investigator, Francis Watson, who Trump also called to falsely claim he had won the election in Georgia. So this claim that Meadows making, that arranging these calls and meetings qualifies him for protection from state prosecution under the US Constitution's supremacy clause I think will not fly and I like I said I think he's also admitted to another federal crime this violation of the Hatch Act But we will see what happens on Monday Meadows who was arrested is out on a hundred thousand dollars bond and He will be prosecuted like everybody else in this case. And we have a lot to unpack with respect to Mark Meadows.
Starting point is 00:09:17 He is probably the most perplexing defendant to me because for the longest time I would have sworn he was brought, he was cooperating with Jack Smith because in Jack Smith, Smith's indictment, the one count, I'm sorry, the one defendant for count indictment for January 6th, Jack Smith mentions many unindicted co-conspirators who pretty much, I think there's six of them, and pretty much we've been able to figure out who each of them are, right? It's Rudy Giuliani, Ken Cheesebro, Boris Epstein, Jeffrey Clark, and it'll come to me in a minute, who the other two are. But he lists out who the undiated co-conspirators are,
Starting point is 00:10:15 but not Mark Meadows, which makes no sense, because Mark Meadows was just as culpable in there with the rest of them. So we will see what ends up happening because if he did cooperate with Jack Smith, I don't think Jack Smith would give him full immunity given all of the crimes that he has committed. I think he'd have to admit what he did and plead guilty or at least admit what he did with an eye towards in the future
Starting point is 00:10:46 pleading guilty in exchange for not being prosecuted. But if that were the case, then his lawyer, Mr. Tawiliger, who has a good reputation, I don't know him other than by reputation, he would have absolutely tried to negotiate some sort of deal with Fanny Willis as well. tried to negotiate some sort of deal with Fannie Willis as well. The fact that he's been prosecuted and charged and indicted by Fannie Willis says to me, number one, what I've been saying all along, that there is no coordination between Jack Smith and Fannie Willis, because there wouldn't be. I mean, look what's happening. You've got Speaker McCarthy holding hearings now on Fannie Willis and whether there's any
Starting point is 00:11:24 federal funding given to our office and, you usual what they're trying to do to interfere with the criminal justice process, frankly. And of course, neither Jack Smith nor Fannie Willis would put themselves in a position where they could ever be accused of coordinating. So I guarantee for many reasons, including that one, there was no coordination. And again, if there was coordination, then that would have been resolved. So maybe Mark Meadows is cooperating with Jack Smith just from a without any deal. Maybe he's just talking to Jack Smith and giving him information and doesn't have any deal set up, but he didn't do the same with Fannie Willis. I do think Mark Meadows is less concerned about Fannie Willis' case, because I do think
Starting point is 00:12:10 his lawyer has made a calculation that he will ultimately be immune from prosecution based on the supremacy clause. I don't know that that will fly, and I think it's a really risky strategy to let your client get indicted and then hope to have a defense like that. But we will see, like I said, it's confusing and perplexing to me because he should be an unindicted co-conspirator based on what we know he has done and did in the Jack Smith case, but he's not listed in there as an unindicted co-conspirator. So, stay tuned for Monday to see if some
Starting point is 00:12:50 or all of Fannie Willis' case will be removed to federal court, or if it will be allowed to proceed in state court where she brought the case. If it does get removed, look, remember that it's still a Fannie, it says the prosecutor, it's still Georgia laws that will apply. The only change that would happen is its federal court, so cameras typically are not allowed in the courtroom the way they would be if it's in Georgia State Court.
Starting point is 00:13:20 The jury pool is expanded from just Fulton County to several other counties surrounding that area. So there's a chance of getting a different jury pool if it will remove to federal court. And that's pretty much what would happen. Oh, and a state conviction, whether it occurs in federal court or state court in Georgia, is somewhat pardon proof because it's not, the governor of Georgia does not have the unilateral authority to pardon,
Starting point is 00:13:55 it would go before a pardon board. So, but certainly the president of the United States cannot pardon a state court conviction. So that is what we have here for Mark Meadows and we will get a preview of some of the evidence based on the testimony that will happen at Monday's hearing in federal court. So thank you for watching. I'm Karen Friedman Agnifolo, co-host of Legal AF. Watch us every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and thank you so much for listening. Hey, Midas Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:14:44 to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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