Legal AF by MeidasTouch - FED UP Judge SMACKS DOWN Trump’s Lawyers in OPEN COURT During Trial

Episode Date: November 3, 2023

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Judge Arthur Engoron calling out Donald Trump’s lawyers for their behavior in attacking his principal law clerk.  Head to get a 14 day FREE trial with your own personal trainer. Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Habalini, you're in court today. Tell us how it all went down down. Junu is there. I believe testifying is what tell us Yeah, we had a very strong day today. There you go. That's us Dawn was clear concise made it very clear that he relied on professionals and and I think the testimony speaks for itself frankly You know, they did nothing wrong. We know this, Eric. This is not a witch hunt that has any meat to it.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Most of them are completely nonsensical as we know, but it was an event for LaTisha James to show up and have her press moment. And that's why, you know, this is all happening. Let's just not get it twisted. It's political. Yeah, no, Alina. You did not have a good day at trial.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Don Jr. and Eric Claim, they had no knowledge of statement of financial conditions. And then when they were shown that they did have knowledge of the statement of financial conditions. And they were shown that yes, they certified that the statement of financial conditions were true and accurate. And that banks relied on them and other third parties relied on them. Don Jr. statement was rinse and repeat 2017 2018 2019 2020 rinse and repeat when you use the words rinse and repeat in a fraud case, Alina Habba. Pete in a fraud case, Alina Habba. That is not a good thing. I've been my sales from the Midas Touch Network and Judge Engoron is just so over the despicable and disgusting tactics by Donald Trump and his lawyers. And there was a moment where Judge Engoron just dropped the hammer
Starting point is 00:01:42 on Donald Trump's lawyers and basically said, I'm going to impose, I'm about to impose the same gag order that I have on Donald Trump with you because you can't control yourselves and you keep attacking my law clerk. Stop attacking my law clerk. And it also seems your attacks on my law clerk are misogynistic and just so unprofessional and disgusting and so while Donald Trump's behavior that's like this may appeal to his audience in Sue City Iowa play this clip and they're proud they're clapping they're gonna cry, I can't do it mama kid. And while Donald Trump's behavior like this may appeal to his audience in Houston, Texas
Starting point is 00:02:37 of Maga Republicans play the clip. And just bad news, bad things are happening. I'm sorry. Yeah, I could go through all the cities he speaks and that's what he does in every single one of his speech. But in the world of civility, where people conduct themselves and try to behave like adults, especially in a courtroom, it shouldn't be a shock that judge and gore-on is just utterly repulsed by the behavior of Donald Trump and Donald Trump's lawyers who just can't control themselves. It is so odd. As a lawyer for 12, 13 years, who behaves like there's no examples I can give other than maybe in like a criminal court where
Starting point is 00:03:28 Someone who shackled just kind of lashes out because they have other things that are kind of wrong with them And that's so that's how like Donald Trump and his lawyers are behaving So what went down in court on Thursday? After Eric Trump was done just I guess you can't make a fool out of fool So he can't make a fool out of himself any more than he already is. But after Eric tried to act like he doesn't know about the statement of financial conditions, and he would show all these emails that clearly showed that he did. It was the same thing with Don Jr.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I guess to overcompensate for how horrible Eric and Don Jr. did Chris Kice and Alina Haban, all the lawyers for Donald Trump. Try to, again, say these negative things about Judge and Goron's principal law clerk, the one that Donald Trump threatens and attacks, the one that Donald Trump defamed and said was having an affair with Chuck Schumer, the one that Donald Trump posted on his social media platform and kept it on his website. Remember Ron Philip Kowski at Midas Touch was the one who broke the story that even though a gag order was imposed on Donald Trump for threatening and harassing Judging Gorons Law Clerk, Trump kept it on his website.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And then Donald Trump attacked Midas Touch for breaking the story. By the way, shout out to Ron Philip Kowski. And if you want to know the impact of the independent journalism at Midas Touch for Breaking the Story. By the way, shout out to Ron Philip Kowski. And if you want to know the impact of the independent journalism, it might as touch the fact that Donald Trump and Don Jr. were attacking us here at Midas Touch based on the stories we're breaking. If you want to support the network, remember go to slash minus touch. But yes, the same law clerk that Trump was attacking.
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Starting point is 00:07:06 trainer and take a backseat and let co pilot help you reach your fitness goals. And that a gag order violation was found on October 20th. Another one was found five days later. Chris Kies basically said, you know, look, I think that I'm fighting a two front war here. I've got two adversaries here. I've got you and your law clerk and judge and Goran's like, shut up. Be be be quiet. And judge and Goran said, my law clerk is a civil servant.
Starting point is 00:07:35 She's doing what I ask her to do. And it feels like Mr. Keiss what you were saying and what Donald Trump are saying. And you're attack on her. It sometimes feels like there may be a little bit of misogyny. Mr. Kice, what you are saying and what Donald Trump are saying and you're attack on her. It sometimes feels like there may be a little bit of misogyny right here. And then Christopher Kice goes, well, it seems like she's sending you notes here on a very frequent basis.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I don't understand the notes of what she's sending you. And then judge and go around says, be quiet, Mr. Keiss, you're right. You don't understand the notes. They are the notes that the clerk is sending me. They are confidential notes. They are private notes. They are notes for me so that we are preparing our facts and the ruling that we are going to make. In Goran, this is how Lisa Rubin described it, In Goran seemed calm but furious, noting that the obsession with his law clerk seems misogynistic to him, and any further reference to his law clerk will result in expanding the gag order to include attorneys because the conduct is so outrageous.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And when they were saying, oh, the notes, the notes, the notes, that's when a goal goes you're right. Be quiet. I'm going to conduct my court the way I conduct my court and just ask your questions and go about this in a civilized manner You know, and then at the same time you've got Donald Trump who showed up to Michael Cohen's testimony But did not show up to his own kids testimony. Trump's gonna have to testify next week You know is posting the rig trial
Starting point is 00:09:26 by racist New York attorney general, sleaze bag. sleaze bag never told him to inflate the values. $18 million is what the judge said. Mar-a-Lago is worth. Everybody knows it's worth a quad trillion dollars or $1.5 billion. And I've got a disclaimer clause that lets me lie to everybody. And I can lie to everybody. Everybody knows that. And then Trump goes, leave my children alone and go on. You are a disgrace to the legal profession. I mean, again, how unhinged can you be here?
Starting point is 00:10:01 And like, I just think Donald Trump is trying to like blow up the trial so that he doesn't have to testify because I think he's too scared to testify Leave my children alone. I mean their adults They were the people who led the Trump organization And they admitted during their testimony To claiming that they had no involvement with the statement of financial conditions and then they were shown The certifications that they signed a testing to the validity and veracity of the statement of financial conditions, but then said that they relied on
Starting point is 00:10:30 accountants and lawyers and that they had no involvement in, I guess, what fact-checking, what the lawyers and accountants did, even though they're fiduciaries and they were obligated to, like, that stuff may work on right-wing media networks, but that's not an accord of law. That's not the way things are done in court. And you know, everything Donald Trump states is just so utterly false. And we've now had the testimony of people in the Trump organization. The people in the Trump organization said, Mar-a-Law goes valued at under $27 million because it's a commercial property, not a residential property. It would be valued at under $27 million, because it's a commercial property, not a residential property.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It would be valued more if it was residential, but it has subject to a deed and historical easement restrictions, and that's why the Trump Organization paid less property taxes for it because they suppressed the value, they being the Trump organization. Intentionally, they were the ones who certified
Starting point is 00:11:25 the valuation. These are undisputed facts. You don't have disclaimer clauses that disclaim fraud that doesn't exist, nor could it exist. That's not what it says, nor could it say that. And it's just lie after lie after lie. And you have to wonder to the Maga splainers out there. Like you just love being lied to. Certainly judge and Goran doesn't, and other judges don't, who care about law and order. Maybe judge can and likes it. Trump appointee, but all the other judges out there,
Starting point is 00:11:57 including ones that Trump appointed, a lot of them are like, just stop the gas sliding. And again, this to me, this is not a political thing. This is about just behaving yourself normally, acting with integrity, behaving like an adult. This, I'm Ben Myselis from The Midest Touch Network. Hit subscribe, we're on our way to two million subscribers, thanks to your support.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Have a great day. Hey, Midest Mighty, love this report? Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at Midest Touch, to keep up with the most important news of great day.

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