Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Federal Judge Gives SIMPLE ROADMAP to Throw Trump in Prison

Episode Date: August 15, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF analyzing a federal judge recently jailing until trial the founder of FTX Sam Bankman Fried for violating terms of his release from custody on criminal fraud charges, with that could mean for Trump when, not if, he violates Judge Chutkan’s commands not to interfere with witnesses, future jurors, or the proper administration of justice in her courtroom. Go to for up to 50% off Qualia Senolytic and as a listener of The LEGALAF use code LEGAL at checkout for an extra 15% off your first purchase! Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popak, legal AF. There's a lot of talk right now based on the new protective order that was entered by Judge Chuck in against Donald Trump and his team as they continue to try to interfere with the proper administration of justice, witness tamper and impact improperly and pollute the future jury pool. Judge Chuck in unlike judge cannon down Florida, has made it clear, based on words that she said in the courtroom, and that's reflected in her protective order, that this is just another criminal defendant in front of her, one that is currently out on bond
Starting point is 00:00:37 conditions, which require him not to tamper with witnesses or evidence, and that his day job, her words not mine, may be running for the presidency of the United States, but to her, politics stays at the courthouse steps before he enters the room, and she's not going to give him any slack or quarter. In fact, she said she's very concerned that anything that he says or his lawyers say, and they've been they've been pound in the pavement going on every new show that'll have him, especially John Loro and Sarah gets for Donald Trump like his former lawyers that already left or got fired like Jim trusty who were trying to stay relevant
Starting point is 00:01:18 or Evan Quirkland. They're all going on television as shills, right, as proxies for Donald Trump. And the judge has said, if you, if this crosses lines and starts looking more like witness tampering and jury interference and less like legitimate First Amendment speech for a campaign for the presidency, I'm going to do whatever's necessary to protect the sanctity of the trial and the judicial administration process, because that's the job that I was appointed to do whatever is necessary to protect the sanctity of the trial and the judicial administration process because that's the job that I was appointed to do. And with that in mind, some people might be thinking, oh, idle words, what could a federal judge do if you violate their orders, their edicts, their directions, their instructions?
Starting point is 00:02:04 And I'm here to tell you, as a practicing federal trial lawyer, for more than 32 years, don't mess around with a person who's wearing a black robe and has a lifetime appointment. There is no more serious direction or instruction that you can get than in a criminal case by a federal judge. And just to show you the comparing contrast here
Starting point is 00:02:23 or the comparing compare, what could happen? We have a version of it that Donald Trump and his lawyers must be aware of because a judge that they are in a, in effect, related to and have a case in front of just sent a lead criminal defendant to jail to federal detention because he violated the terms of his release from custody, from his bond conditions. And it doesn't matter who it is. In this case, it's Sam Bankman-Free, the former founder of FTX, the cryptocurrency concern in firm and judge Lewis Kaplan, a federal judge who's up in New York and the Southern District of New York, but very well respected. He just out of hearing brought together by a filing by the Department of Justice, arguing
Starting point is 00:03:19 that Sandbankman freed improperly leaked almost like revenge porn, romantic writings and musings and pieces of diary. Sound familiar with the Hunter Biden and the daughter for Joe Biden being leaked by Republican operatives. Sandbankman freed sitting and awaiting a multi billion dollar fraud criminal case brought by the Eastern District of New York through the Department of Justice decided he was going to leak his former girlfriend who's testifying against him, right? Her most private intimate thoughts contained in a diary that he
Starting point is 00:03:58 had because he used to be the boyfriend and he leaked it to the New York Times and they published it and right away the Justice Department, the Eastern District of New York Times and they published it and right away, the Justice Department, the Eastern District of New York, US Attorney's Office, put it in front of Judge Lewis Kaplan. What's the link between Judge Lewis Kaplan and Donald Trump? That's where the E. Jean Carroll sex, assault, battery, and defamation cases have been tried against Donald Trump. And he's lost at every term, every turn against, against E. Jean Carroll. One of the reasons is because Lewis Kaplan, the judge, has ruled against Donald Trump every time because there's no merit to any of his
Starting point is 00:04:36 arguments. Why am I comparing or showing you what could happen? Because Sam Bankman freed was such a narcissist and so full of himself that he thought under house arrest, it would be appropriate to try to bash and undermine the credibility of a witness against him, in other words, witness tamper. And by doing so, releasing, like I said, like revenge born, her diary and intimate thoughts that ended up publishing the New York Times, almost like a shot across the bow, telling his old girlfriend, I have more. And if you don't stop testifying against me and cooperating with the government, you're
Starting point is 00:05:14 going to be terribly embarrassed in the paper. Well, the Department of Justice brought that to Judge Lewis Kaplan's attention. And he looked over the bond conditions and the conditions of his release, just like conditions that have been put against Donald Trump and said, I think, sir, that you have violated them. And now you don't get the luxury of staying out of jail or on house arrest on a bond while you await trial. Now for the next six or eight months, you get to go stay in an orange or I think they're Gray jumpsuit in the federal detention center and we'll see you at the appropriate times at different intervals in your case. So Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:05:55 Who continues to play with fire? Right, he's not like the little child that puts his hand on the stove. He at times puts his entire face on the stove to see what he can get away with until somebody puts him in his place. Now, Judge Chutkin, who's in presiding over the criminal Jan 6th indictment case against Donald Trump, has also similarly first warned Donald Trump and his lawyers just in the last couple of days. She is set up as I said on the legal AF podcast this past weekend, trip wires, trigger wires, right, attached to mine to landmines, waiting for Donald Trump and his lawyers to trigger them and blow off their legs. And Donald Trump is so undisciplined and is so rogue that he'll set these things off.
Starting point is 00:06:46 He'll trigger these bombs that have been set. And he'll do it, and I'll try to argue with some sort of first amendment right to do it while he's on the campaign trail. Have you heard of sentissant cells? Also known as zombie cells? These old worn out cells no longer serve a useful function for our health, wasting our energy and nutritional resources. These zombie cells tend to accumulate in our bodies as we age, leading to the aches,
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Starting point is 00:08:48 symptoms. Go to slash legal for up to 50% off quality as catalytic. And as a listener and viewer of legal AF, use code legal at check out for an extra 15% off your first purchase. That's slash legal to try quality of satellite with code legal and start aging on your terms. So all that's going to happen is in the next, I don't know, 30, 60, 90 days, it took Sandbankman free about four months to screw up. I think it'll happen sooner for Donald Trump. For the Department of Justice, who is scouring the internet and the dark recesses of the dark web and right wing media, looking for anything that Donald Trump says anywhere
Starting point is 00:09:33 on a podcast, on an interview, at a rally, at a fundraiser, in a, in a, in a mallar, in an email, in a social media posting, and take that, type it up, and send it right in to Judge Chut Chuck and say, see, you told him not to witness tamper. You told him, your honor, not to interfere with the administration of justice. You told him not to interfere with the ability to pick a fair jury pool and impartial jury pool. And he's done just that. Here's example, A, B,
Starting point is 00:10:05 C, D, E, F, down to double Z. And they, they don't play either, Jack Smith in the Department of Justice. And they're smarter and have more power and have more bandwidth than the lawyers representing Donald Trump, which are apparently so outmatched and don't have the resources that remember when they argued against the protective order that just got entered, they said they wanted volunteer lawyers and other consultants to be able to assist them. That's because Donald Trump is running out of money. I'll do another hot take about how low the coffers are. Right? Every, you know, this dollars aren't going on radio, radio, uh, uh, buys radio ad buys or TV ad buys
Starting point is 00:10:52 or to hold a giant rally. That's why he hasn't had a lot of him lately, where if he's had him, nobody shows up because he's running out of money because the lawyers are sucking it out. Right? And he's upset about it. Talk about that in another hot tick. But my point here is judge Chutkin is going to pull him into a hearing. And he's going to say, you and your two lawyers, I gave you a warning once before one more time. And you're going to be taken off the campaign trail and you're going to be cooling your heels in a federal detention center, how'd you like that? So just wait. If somebody at the level of sandbank been freed who thought he could turn over, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:34 his former lovers notes to the New York Times with impunity, thought he could get away with it, you know, Donald Trump thinks he can get away with anything until he's proven other until proven otherwise. And that's why Judge Chutkin is so important here for democracy and for justice and drawing that line in the sand and digging herself in. And she let him, she let him, she let it be known to the lawyers on the protective order hearing that they asked for who's in charge. As I said on the Saturday, legal AF, it was like a laser beam.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It was like, you ever saw the movie, Honey, I shrunk the kids? This was, this was federal judge shrunk former president. It was like a laser beam that shrunk Donald Trump down to about two and a half feet tall as she sat appropriately 10 feet above everyone on her bench wearing a black robe and having the American flag behind her, and reminding him that he is a criminal defendant. In fact, she said more than once in that hearing, his first amendment rights have to yield to the fact that he is a criminal defendant and the administration of justice is my primary concern.
Starting point is 00:12:45 So all you have to know, that means she's on the right path compared to the judge in Miami in Fort Pierce, in South Florida, who always seems to get off on the wrong foot in her analysis, because she starts with the premise that Donald Trump should be given special accommodations, special dispensation, and Judge Chuckin
Starting point is 00:13:06 let it be known, not in my courthouse, not in my courtroom, and not in this case. Which is of course, if let has led Donald Trump to then mercilessly attack her, the only one he doesn't attack is Eileen Cannon. You never see him say anything nasty about Eileen Cannon, but against Tanya Chuckin, oh, an Obama liberal
Starting point is 00:13:26 appointment. She was confirmed almost without opposition by the Senate in 2009. I think it was 95 to zero. Okay. Her husband is also a judge who was appointed by Obama to be a DC superior court judge. So being a judge runs in the family. She had been a corporate lawyer, and including doing very complicated cases and defensive cases, mainly on corporation side, not on some sort of liberal grassroots side. She was with Boy Schiller, one of the largest law firms
Starting point is 00:14:04 in the country that does this kind of corporate dispute type work. And she was a partner there and tried more than 20 cases. And she's tried hundreds of cases or had them tried as she presided over them in the district of Columbia. She shortlist for the Supreme Court as far as I'm concerned had been for a long, long time. If Joe Biden never gets another chance to appoint somebody on the Supreme Court. So the takeaway on this particular hot tick is, Tonya Chutkin has drawn lines, multiple lines in the sand. I like to think of them as tripwires. Donald Trump will invariably trip over them and blow off his limbs. And as a result, he'll be back in that courtroom
Starting point is 00:14:47 for violation of her orders about protecting and preserving the sanctity of the administration of justice. And if he doesn't cut it out and knock it off and stop trying to abuse the process, future jurors and witnesses who as the judge noted can't protect themselves. She'll have to.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Part of it may be putting him off the campaign trail and in some sort of house arrest or detention. We shall see what happens next. We'll follow it closely in one place that I know of the minus touch network on YouTube. We're pushing two million subscribers. It's all free, but you'll get this type of content on hot takes like this one at the intersection of law and politics by a practicing lawyer for more than 32 years in courthouses just like this one. And in
Starting point is 00:15:36 cases just like this one, only on the Midas Touch Network, we curate the best of these stories. You like hot takes? Wait, till you see our podcast every Wednesday and Saturday on the YouTube channel for Mightest Touch. It's called Legal AF. And then we put it out on podcast platforms. We're in the top 50 worldwide in news, top 20, in news analysis, all podcasts. Think about how many podcasts are out there.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And that's because this is the quality and the quality of the things you're gonna see from us here and only here. You like what I'm doing? I'm Michael Popak. You can follow me on all things social media at MS Popak. And if you like what I'm doing here, give me a thumbs up and leave a comment
Starting point is 00:16:21 and it helps with the algorithm. Until the next hot take, I Pope, Pock, Legal AF. Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Follow us now. you

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