Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Fulton County DELIVERS MOST DEVASTATING BLOW to Trump

Episode Date: August 15, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF unpacks the 19 defendant, 42 Georgia criminal charges and 4 conspiracies, contained int the Fulton County sweeping indictment against Trump and his closest advisors and attor...neys. Lomi: Visit and use code LEGALAF and checkout to save $50! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Michael Popok, legal a F, what are we doing tonight? We're unpacking 19 criminal defendants. 41 claims against them for different conspiracies as we look deeply into what Fawni Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney and her team have delivered through the grand jury in Fulton County late tonight after bringing in five or six more witnesses to end her presentation after four weeks to the regular grand jury. We have our indictment, Donald Trump, and others have been indicted now. Donald Trump's been indicted for the fourth time, two by Jack Smith, one by the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, and now Fannie Willis's 100 page indictment with 19
Starting point is 00:00:47 co-defendants or 18 co-defendants in Donald Trump. And I'm not going to keep you on the edge of your seat for long. I'm going to tell you who those people are, including some who have been indicted by Fony Willis that are cooperating with Jack Smith in the federal investigation. I'm going to talk about that as well. We're going to be unpacking this document and what it means and the federal investigation. I'm gonna talk about that as well. We're gonna be unpacking this document
Starting point is 00:01:06 and what it means and the actual counts. There are dozens and dozens of conspiracy counts and acts of conspiracy for which all 19 of these co-conspirators, including Donald Trump, are responsible under the indictment. That's the beauty of a Rico-aracadtering type conspiracy. You can charge everyone and they're all responsible for every aspect and every act of the conspiracy, even if they themselves didn't do it
Starting point is 00:01:33 because they're part of the conspiracy and it binds them all together in this criminal conduct. The besides Donald Trump, let me go through the indicted defendants, including his closest advisors, attorneys, and even a handful that are cooperating with Jack Smith on the federal side, just shows you that Fawni Willis not only threw everything at Donald Trump and the others, but the kitchen sink. She threw the kitchen sink at them as well. These are the list of indicted people, Rudy Giuliani, who's got some limited immunity others, but the kitchen sink she threw the kitchen sink at them as well. Rudy, these are
Starting point is 00:02:05 this is the list of indicted people. Rudy Giuliani, who's got some limited immunity deal with Jack Smith, but not full immunity deal. He's been indicted. John Eastman, along with Ken Cheeseboro, who worked together as part of team crazy to come up with the electoral scheme, the fake elector scheme. Jeffrey Clark, the number four, the Department of Justice under Donald Trump, that tried to leapfrog and become the acting attorney general in the waning days of the Trump administration, and also he threatened and entered into a conspiracy to threaten election officials around the country, including in Georgia, claiming there was voter fraud when there was no voter fraud. And this indictment is not just about all the bad things
Starting point is 00:02:51 that happened in Georgia, led by Donald Trump and others. It goes beyond Georgia as we always predicted and suspected and goes into the other battleground states. There's almost as many allegations about things that happened to Michigan and Pennsylvania and Arizona as there are about Georgia. And she's allowed to do that as the under Georgia Rico statute, racketeering influence corrupt organization act statute, because she has an extra territorial reach as long as it's part of the conspiracy. The conspiracy gives her long arm jurisdiction. It's what it sounds like to go out and grab acts and actors and bring them into a courtroom
Starting point is 00:03:29 in Georgia, as long as it's part of that same conspiracy. So we have Trump. We've got Giuliani, we've got Eastman. We've got Mark Meadows, who we know is cooperating with Jackson Smith, but that doesn't matter to Fony Willis. She has indicted him for his role in interfering with the election process in Georgia and making him responsible for all. If you're in for a penny,
Starting point is 00:03:51 you're in for a pounding conspiracy world. Even if you only did one bad thing, like Mark Meadows flying into Georgia and meeting with election officials and putting pressure on them, he's, and he makes one other phone call with Donald Trump. You know, that quote unquote, perfect phone call to help find 12,000 more votes. He's now responsible for everything that happened in every battleground state and in coffee county,
Starting point is 00:04:14 where others like Sydney Powell indicted broke into and hacked computers to get voter data illegally. Mark Manos is responsible for that because he's part of the conspiracy. The gang was responsible for every criminal act somebody in the gang commits. So we've got Mark Meadows, we've got Jeffrey Clark, the Department of Justice, we've got Ray Smith, who they used to do voter analysis and fraud analysis and he made all sorts of fraudulent statements
Starting point is 00:04:44 about absentee voting being done improperly, dead people voting, people voting out of district and the like. We've got Michael Roman. That's an interesting now indicted defendant in Georgia because we believe he's cooperating with Jack Smith. Michael Roman was the head of election day operations for Donald Trump's campaign and for Donald Trump. More importantly, he's the one that implemented the fake electors scheme on the ground and
Starting point is 00:05:11 went around to the seven battleground states collecting the fake electors certificates. Somebody had to do it. He was like the UPS of the conspiracy and then delivered them both to the National Archive and to Mike Pence in the Senate, in the, in the Senate chamber for the January 6 certification. Michael Roman does not escape the reach of Farnie Willis. And he's not insulated because he's cooperating with the feds. Jenna Ellis soon to be disborded, the right hand person of Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell in all of their presentations to state house
Starting point is 00:05:46 legislators around the country. She's been indicted. We also have, of course, Sydney Powell, co-captain of Team Crazy, along with Rudy Giuliani. She's the one that promoted the suspension of the Constitution, implementation of martial law and seizing of voting machines. And she put together the little scheme for Donald Trump to break into the coffee county servers for the Dominion voting system machines and download all of the data. Misty Hampton, I did a hot take on her just today.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Misty Hampton, an election official in coffee county that actually sent out an engraved invitation. I always wanted to see one of those. in coffee county that actually sent out an engraved invitation. I always wanted to see one of those, a email inviting in Sydney Powell and the lawyers, including Catherine Freese and Drew D. Giuliani to come on down to coffee county, where Donald Trump won by 70% and go hack my computers,
Starting point is 00:06:42 which is a crime and it's listed in the indictment. I'll get to the 41 counts of the indictment and I'll read from parts of it next before this is over. So Miss the Hampton, she's indicted as well. Look, there's another handful of people that easily could have been indicted, but haven't been indicted. And I'll go through some of those as well as we get to the 19 41 counts topped off by a very robust Georgia racketeering influence corrupt organization act count all 19 co-defendants, including Trump are lumped under that. Then we have
Starting point is 00:07:15 solicitation of a solicitation of the violation of a public officer's oath. We have three counts of that false statements and false writings three counts of that. False statements and false writings, three counts of that conspiracy to commit forgery. Most of these things go to the fake electors scheme and the fake certificates that were created forgery in the first degree. That's the fake electors certificate conspiracy to pressure a public officer impersonating a public officer conspiracy to impersonate a public officer impersonating a public officer, conspiracy to impersonate a public officer, that would be the electors.
Starting point is 00:07:49 If you wanna play dress up and act like an elector when you're not, then you're gonna get charged in Georgia with conspiracy to impersonate. And so you have 41 of those counts, those counts I'm gonna go with it. And then you have the underlying predicate acts which are required under Rico conspiracy. You only need to, at last count, Fony Willis has like 20 or 25 predicate acts around the
Starting point is 00:08:12 country, including in Georgia, by chapter and verse and date and time with emails and texts and meetings, including social media tweets of Donald Trump all wrapped up into the conspiracy in what we call a speaking conspiracy, which is exactly what we thought we would ultimately see. This is sponsored by Lomi. I have a big family, and that means there's usually a lot of trash left over by the time the week comes to an end, and frankly,
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Starting point is 00:10:21 Again, legal AF might as touch. We're going to be unpacking this for days. But let me give you the first reading right here on this particular hot text so you know what's going on. In addition to the people that I mentioned, David Schaeffer indicted head of the Republican Party in Georgia. You also have a bunch of people that were involved with trying to influence a election worker in Ruby Freeman, who's also suing Rudy Giuliani for defamation, and you have a hairdresser from Texas, Treviancy Kudy, who came down heat, he or she's been indicted as well. And then the other accounts that we talked about
Starting point is 00:11:07 are criminal attempt to commit, to commit improper influencing of witnesses, false statements and writings and the like. Now, when you get into the actual document itself, which I'm gonna read parts of it, it goes literally has a table of contents breaking down each of the counts. And it says the grand jurors, a force said in, in the name of behalf of the citizens of Georgia, do hereby charge and accused Donald John Trump,
Starting point is 00:11:40 Rudolph, William Lewis, Giuliani, John Charles Eastman, Mark Randall Meadows, Kenneth John Cheeseburg, Jeffrey Bozer Clark, Jennifer Lynn Ellis, Ray Stolling Smith, the third Robert David Chilli, Michael Roman, David James Schaefer, Sean Micah, Tresher still, Stephen Cliff card Lee Harrison, Prescott Floyd many of these Republican operatives in Georgia Trevian C. Cooty Sydney Catherine Powell Kathleen Austin Latham Kathy Latham the head of the Republican Party in coffee county that let the burglars in to steal the election data Scott Graham Hall and Misty Hampton with the violation of the Georgia Rico Act for the said accused on and specifically on and between the fourth day of November 2020. That's when all the bad things
Starting point is 00:12:36 happen in Georgia and the fifth 15th day of September 2022, all of these things happen. And then it goes off to list in the remaining 70 pages, the particular enterprise. And it says that the enterprise operated in Fulton County, Georgia, the rest of the state of Georgia and Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and in the district of Columbia. And then it went through the manner and means of the Rico or conspiratorial enterprise. And it says, we start with, and this is on page 16 of the indictment, false statements to and solicitations of various state legislatures and legislate and legislative bodies, including in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and the pressure campaign put on them.
Starting point is 00:13:33 False statements to and solicitation of high ranking state officials in Georgia, in Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, for which they are all responsible. The creation and distribution of false electoral college documents, not just in Georgia, but in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, the harassment and intimidation of Fulton County election worker Ruby Freeman to get her to say the things that she was working for the Biden campaign and doing things improperly in the election office when she was not. The solicitation of high ranking United States Department of Justice officials, which is getting Jeff Clark to contact others. And here's a quote from the indictment.
Starting point is 00:14:22 In one instance, Donald Trump stated to the acting United States attorney general, Jeff Clark, just say that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me in the Republican Congressman. I'm sorry, that's actually to Jeff Rosen, who was on the side of justice at the time. The next step in the Rico conspiracy for Farni Willis, solicitation of the vice president of the United States,
Starting point is 00:14:44 trying to get him in on the act to not recognize the duly certified electoral votes of the American people. Seventh step, the lawful breach of the election equipment in Georgia and elsewhere and the stolen data from coffee county and in other places. And all and all of that then goes in on detail in the remaining 78 pages. And I'm not kidding, she only needed, just to show you she threw the kitchen sink at Donald Trump and the others.
Starting point is 00:15:17 She only needed two underlying predicate acts to support her conspiracies. And I'm not done counting, hold on. I to get the total count for you here on this hot take. She has no less than. She has over 70 criminal acts chapter and verse naming each person that's involved in witch act, but remember under the conspiracy theory They are all responsible for all of it right all of it and therefore That's how the conspiracy gets tied together. What's the next steps? They'll be following only on the minus touch network. There's gonna be an arrest a
Starting point is 00:16:03 Surrender arrest and an arraignment and I think is going to be like none that we've seen so far, right? The sheriff of Fulton County has already been quoted on the record as saying he's going to treat Donald Trump like any common criminal and the rest. They all have to surrender. They all have to be arrested. They all have to be fingerprinted in Georgia. And they may, many of them have to be. They all have to be arrested. They all have to be fingerprinted in Georgia, and they may, many of them have to be handcuffed. I wouldn't be surprised if Donald Trump is handcuffed in Georgia. He will certainly be mug shoted, as he was digitally in the most recent indictment in the District of Columbia.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Georgia's no joke. I go down there quite regularly. They are not going to treat him with kit gloves as he makes his way through the surrender process and arrangement, which I expect to be early next week. I don't think McBerney is going to be the judge that's going to be doing that part of it, having been really involved with the grand jury process. I think it's going to be another judge and we'll find out who it is, but they don't play in Fulton County and Trump and the others are about to find out about that. Now we're gonna see all sorts of statements made by all sorts of lawyers that are all getting paid
Starting point is 00:17:14 somehow through Donald Trump, that this was a witch hunt, and this is some sort of liberal activist prosecutor going after what she's doing. She's going after people based on the evidence and the facts, which are all reflected. Why don't you, what, I tell the, the critics, why don't you read the hundred pages and all the counts and then tell me and debate with me each of the facts there and why those facts are false, right?
Starting point is 00:17:41 That's a fun parlor game. You can play with your friends and family that happen to be on the other side of the aisle. Tell them to go through this indictment, the Jackson myth, two indictments, and maybe even the Alvin Bragan indictment and go through allegation by allegation back by facts and documents and texts. And in some cases, videos and have them tell you to bait that with you. Give, give you the counter side. Give you the evidence on the other side. And I don't want to hear about first amendment and I don't want to hear about because you don't know the first amendment right to go up to somebody and say, Hey, I got a gun. Give me all your money.
Starting point is 00:18:14 That's called a crime. That's not called the first amendment. And that's all Donald Trump and the other people have done here. We're going to follow what happens next because that's really, really important for justice and democracy. Only one place the Midas Touch Network will do it on hot takes just like this one. We'll do it on the legal AF podcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays where we pull all this together with my co-anchors Ben Mycelis and Karen Friedman, a Knifala who's a former prosecutor. And I'll do it like this almost by the minute. It only one place, but you know where it is. It's the YouTube channel for the Midas Touch Network,
Starting point is 00:18:47 almost pushing 2 million free subscribers. You can pull our podcast, legal AF, everywhere you get podcasts from, which includes Spotify, Apple, Google, and the like. If you like what I'm doing on Michael Popak, you can get me on the next hot take and everywhere you pull social media at MS Popak until the next hot take.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And certainly to unpack this unprecedented sweeping indictment of Fannie Willis who brought the goods, right? She said she was gonna do this. She said she was gonna follow the facts. She said she was gonna indict by this exact time at the middle of August and she has. In fact, she's probably about two weeks earlier than we thought she was going to indict by this exact time at the middle of August and she has in fact She's probably about two weeks earlier than we thought she was going to be and now we've got a four times Indicted Donald Trump as he moves towards the various trials before the election Michael Popok
Starting point is 00:19:36 Legal a f reporting. Hey, Midas mighty love this report Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram at might as touch to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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