Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Georgia Judge Makes MAJOR RULING in Trump RICO Case

Episode Date: August 28, 2023

Legal AF Hosts Ben Meiselas and Karen Friedman Agnifilo report on Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee scheduling an arraignment date in the Georgia criminal RICO case. Get 10% off plus shipping of your estate plan documents by visiting Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Ben Myceles from Legal A.F. joined by co-host Karen Friedman Agnifalo. Today has been one of breaking news after breaking news. And earlier we learned that Donald Trump and his co-defendants in Fulton County, Georgia will be arraigned on September 6th. This is in connection with the sprawling Rico or racketeering cases before Judge Scott McAfee and earlier in the day Judge McAfee set an arrangement schedule for September 6th. Donald Trump will be the first of the 19 defendants to be arraigned on September 6 starting at 9 30 AM and then
Starting point is 00:00:45 Judge McAfee scheduled all the other arrangements in 15 minute increments meeting Giuliani's arraignment will take place at 9 45 AM Eastman will take place at 10 AM Sydney Powell 10 15 AM Mark Meadows 10 30 AM Kathy Latham 10 45 AM and so on until Misty Hamptons
Starting point is 00:01:09 Arraignment at 3 p.m. I've been very impressed by Judge McAfee taking command of his court. He's been a judge for about six months. Even with all of these filings that a lot of these defendants have been doing, removing the case, defederal court will do a whole hot take on what's going on with the meadows removal. We've done a lot of hot takes on the mark meadows removal as well as the Jeffrey Clark removal as well as Kathy Latham and some of these other fake electors trying to remove it. But got to say judge Maccafee's been steady, been moving the case along, signed all of these consent orders, doing everything he should be doing. And now set this arrangement. And I believe based on all the prior reporting that we're going to be able to have our cameras from the Midas Touch Network
Starting point is 00:02:00 there as well, if the court will allow these proceedings to be on video and I think they will. Karen, anything that you see here, any surprises? Yeah, look, I mean, the arrangement is, you know, when the each defendant is told what their charge is and they enter a formal plea, I suspect everyone is going to enter a plea of not guilty, which is, you know, typically what what they do at arrangements. And then the case gets adjourned for motion practice, any motions that anyone wants to make. What's complicated here is there's so much going
Starting point is 00:02:37 on, right? As we speak, as we're doing this recording right now, there is a hearing going on with Mark Meadows who's trying to get his case removed to federal court. So if his case gets removed to federal court before September 6, his arraignment would happen in federal court. So and it's unclear if the judge in federal court, if he decides to remove one case, if he'll remove the whole case, right, all 19 defendants or just mark meadows or none. So it's very interesting to watch all the things that are happening here. And don't forget, we also have a speedy trial that has been demanded that is going to be happening in October, right?
Starting point is 00:03:21 Ken Cheesebro and what's her name? The Sydney Powell, you know, both demanded, but the crazy lawyer have both demanded a speedy, a speedy trial, and that's supposed to happen this October, right? October 24th, but that could get moved depending on whether or not this gets removed to federal court, et cetera. So although there, but it's, it's continuing, right? The arrangements happening and this judge, it's fantastic that he's not letting any of these motions or any of the things that are going on to derail him. He's doing business as usual
Starting point is 00:03:54 and conducting this arrangement in September 6, which is very, very, very soon. One thing I just want to point out though that is struck me that I think we all have to remember is there really is Unfortunately two tears of justice in our system Donald Trump continues to be treated differently than other defendants right most defendants who go to the rice county jail for arrest don't get to pre-arrange their bond Normally you get a rain right away and you have to spend time at least 24 hours
Starting point is 00:04:26 in this horrific environment. You know, they're under a consent decree because it's such a terrible place, but he was in and out within an hour. So, you know, it's ridiculous that even though thank God he's being held accountable, finally, with these foreign indictments, it's still frustrating. For those of us who've been in the practice of criminal justice for decades to watch how he gets treated differently in all his cases, not just this particular case, but in all his cases. Because it's complicated, right? He's running for president and he's got First Amendment rights. And so everybody's very conscious of not treading on that, but I still, it still irritates me to no end.
Starting point is 00:05:05 For indictments, this would be the fourth arrangement in six months. We are kind of used to what Donald Trump's propaganda machine tries to spew during these arrangements. They normally have Alina Haaba and others waiting outside to talk about Hunter Biden's Nudes or the laptop or whatever they want to talk about. What's going to make this unique though is Fulton County, Georgia has a lot of provisions in Georgia in general that allows unique transparency into court proceedings. So as I mentioned at the outset, unique transparency into court proceedings. So as I mentioned at the outset, you know, and based on prior orders of the court, I don't want to get everyone's hopes fully up. But from all that we know and all that's been reported and all we can gather, I believe we're going to be able to
Starting point is 00:05:57 have our Midas Touch Network cameras in the courtroom. And we will be able to see the proceedings throughout the day, beginning at 9.30, concluding at 3.00 Eastern. Many of you may not know this, but I'm about to embark on an amazing life-altering event. See we build up our lives with bright moments of joy, pride, and success, and however you define those moments, securing your future should be part of the journey. Traditional estate planning can cost thousands of dollars, and one size fits all templates may not capture all the important details of the life you've built. With trust and will, you can protect your legacy from the comfort of your own home, starting
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Starting point is 00:07:30 Gain peace of mind today with Trust in Will. Get 10% off plus free shipping of your estate plan documents by visiting slash legal AF. That's 10% off and free shipping at slash legal AF. You know, and I also think that to your point, Karen, we can't just look at judge mac a fee setting this arrangement date in a vacuum because there's so much other news taking place today as well. You know, we learned earlier, for example, that right around the same time,
Starting point is 00:08:01 the federal judge in Washington, DC, judge Chuck Ginsett, the trial date and the case against Donald Trump being prosecuted by special counsel, Jack Smith for Trump trying to overthrow our democracy, which is very much related to the case in Georgia in the sense that the Georgia case is about trying to overthrow the election results in Georgia, but Judge Chutkin set that trial date for March 4th of 2024. You referenced this earlier in the video, you know, this speedy trial demand by a number of the co-defendants now, specifically to Ken Chesbro, one of Trump's co-defendants in Fulton County, Georgia, as well as Sydney Powell, I mean, really seems to have backfire,
Starting point is 00:08:47 because remember, here's what's happened. You had Fulton County District Attorney, Fony Willis, a day or two after bringing the indictment after the grand jury returned, the true bill, to return the indictment. She requested a trial date of, actually, the same trial date date March 4th of 2024 Obviously, that's not going to slow down which X mitts going to do at all or what a federal judge like judge
Starting point is 00:09:13 Chutkins going to do at all But that was only a proposal by Fulton County District Attorney Fony will us recall Jack Smith's proposal Was that he requested a trial date of January 2nd, 2024, and ultimately you had a trial date that was selected by the judge of March 4th of 2024. So just because you're proposing it doesn't mean it's actually going to go that day. But the interesting development where the disorganization of Trump's co-defendants and Trump in everything, but also in Fulton County, Georgia was Chesborough and Sydney Powell demanded a speedy trial. Chesborough probably wants to
Starting point is 00:09:52 separate himself from the other co-defense and maybe try to call Fulton County District Attorney Fony Willis's bluff, but she was like, I'm ready to go. Okay, October 23rd, 2023. And you know what, Chesborough, if you're ready to go, I want to do all the defendants now, October 23rd, 2023. So I may have said March before, but now I'm ready. October 2023, because if Chesbro can prepare, everyone can prepare. Then Sydney Powell made a demand, which must have been Chesbro's worst nightmare, because at the very least he's probably going to have to be shoulder to shoulder with the craziest one of the bunch. Sydney Powell and a jury may have to see them combined, not necessarily, but they likely are potentially probable that their case could be joined in October of
Starting point is 00:10:35 2023. But it also allowed Fony Willis to move up her demand and say, okay, October 2023 is when I want to do all of the trials right now. And so, just things are moving quicker because of, I think, great loyering on the part of top-notch prosecutors. And I think really, we'll just say, disorganized loyering and in many instances, poor loyering by Trump and Trump's co-defendants here. I'll give you the final word, Karen. Yeah, look, the trial just to pick up on what you just said about Will, Will Sydney Powell be with Ken Chesbro, the answer is 100% yes.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Because don't forget, the cases are, the defendants are currently all joined. So that would require the judge to sever them. And he's not going to do that. There's no reason to sever those. So if the trial is starting October 23rd, anyone who's ready is going to go October 23rd. He might agree to sever the ones that want more time. But if you want to speedy trial, those will go at the same time. For, you know, the judges are going to want to make the witnesses and everybody testify multiple times. They're probably going to already, but he won't add to that. So I think we're going to see, unless they withdraw
Starting point is 00:11:52 their speedy trial request, we're going to see a trial on October 24th, or unless it's removed to federal court. But I see this happening on television, because in Georgia, these proceedings are televised. I see this happening on television because in Georgia these proceedings are televised I see this happening in October 20 on October 24th. You think potentially for everybody It it all depends it could but something unless it gets removed to federal court or The two of them with draw their request for a speedy trial. Those are the two things that could happen.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Those two cases will go unless those two things happen 100% on October 24th televised together because they are currently joined, right? So the judges, then they both asked for a speedy trial. The judge will not sever them for no reason. So, and obviously, Chesbro can say, look, I don't wanna be with her. for a speedy trial, the judge will not sever them, for no reason. And obviously, Chesbro can't say, look, I don't want to be with her, she's crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:50 You can't do that. So that's not a reason. I agree with you, it's his worst nightmare. He wanted to separate himself and say, oh, I was just a lawyer. Look at me, I'm a good lawyer. I'm just a lawyer, giving good legal advice. I clerked for Harvard Lawyer, Lawrence Tribe. He's a legend. I'm giving good legal advice. I clerked for Harvard Lawyer Lawrence Tribe.
Starting point is 00:13:05 He's a legend. I'm respected. He's going to be with Team Crazy. That's his worst nightmare, right? Well, his worst nightmare is something that he brought upon himself. And it's good to see the levers of justice that we've been talking about on the legal AF podcast while
Starting point is 00:13:25 they moved slowly. Once they kind of kick into gear, justice can also be swift as well. And we're seeing that being delivered right now with all the breaking news we're reporting on today. Everybody make sure you check out legal AF just search it wherever you get audio podcasts. Search legal AF We have new episodes every Wednesday and every Saturday We do the live show just download legal AF podcast go to as well for all the breaking news That's and have an excellent day
Starting point is 00:14:00 Hey, Midas mighty love this report Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. Afmide is touched to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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