Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Georgia Prosecutor FINAL TOUCHES on Trump Indictment Spell Doom for Him

Episode Date: August 14, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on breaking news that Fulton County DA Fani Willis will use computer hacking crimes led by Trump and his lead attorneys to break in and gain illegal access to voting in coordination with Republican county officials as the basis of her sweeping criminal conspiracy indictment. Thanks to our sponsor Nom Nom! For 50% off your no-risk two week trial, visit Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popok, legal AF, cyber hacking, computer trespassing is going to form the foundation of Fannie Willis's Fulton County DA's indictment. She's going to obtain next week from her grand jury. There's going to be two components of the RICO RACATERING Influence Corrupt Organization at Conspiracy, organized crime conspiracy, that she's gonna bring against Donald Trump and at least 11 others, and I'll give you some names, I think, are likely to be on the list. In order to show the criminal enterprise
Starting point is 00:00:33 under Georgia law, the prosecutor has to show two underlying predicate-accer crimes. One of them, of course, is gonna be the election direct interference by Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, and others to try to interfere with the absentee ballots and mail-in ballots, as Donald Trump called to pressure the Secretary of State of Georgia to try to get rid of 12,000 votes. That wasn't all they did to interfere. They also put pressure on elected
Starting point is 00:01:02 officials in the Georgia State House to try to get them to recognize fake elector certificates in lieu of the real elector certificates to decertify the electoral vote in advance of January 6th for Georgia. That's part of the election interference crime. You need a second crime. The second crime will be based on reporting starting a year ago, will be the break in, just like the Watergate break in, of the coffee, county, election office, and the downloading illegally of election data from servers connected to dominion voting
Starting point is 00:01:39 system, voting machines that was then turned over to a band of lawyers for Donald Trump and election deniers to try to use around the country to argue there were some sort of fraud when there was none. The leader of that gang we've always known was Sidney Powell, but now we know based on new text messages and evidence that we believe are in the hands of Fony Willis and her team. Based on some really great reporting by CNN, Zach Cohen and Sarah Murray, particularly, the text message and emails paint a wider picture with more dots to connect and links back to Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Let me walk you through the people that are at the heart of the scheme. And I'll connect it to a middle of December 2020 White House meeting that's also been reported to Jack Smith and to Fony Willis, in which a coup was discussed with Donald Trump, including Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Flynn, the guy Patrick Byrne, and others. There are witnesses to that,
Starting point is 00:02:44 in which that group, including Donald Trump, discussed seizing voting machines, suspending the Constitution and imposing martial law on the country. Until Rudy Giuliani had a great idea and that December meeting, why do we need to seize voting machines? Why don't we just access voter data,
Starting point is 00:03:04 meaning serotoniously, illegally, falsely, trespassing crime, access voter data in machines that we can get access to? That meeting is December the 18th of 2020. By the time, beginning of January rolls around, and the runoff election for Senator, now Senator John Ossoff happened. A band of lawyers led by Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and others hired a consulting firm. This is all in the hands of the prosecutor. That's why I'm reporting it here.
Starting point is 00:03:43 They hired Sullivan Strickland, a right-wing election denying consulting firm, paid them a couple hundred thousand dollars. They hired Cyber Ninjas and It's Head, which is Doug Logan, also of Arizona and Michigan infamy, and put that group together. But in order to get access, they needed an invitation, they needed a key for the door, and they got it based on reporting now that we have. They got it in the form of Kathy Latham, who also served as a fake collector. She was the head of the Republican Party in Coffee County, where Donald Trump, by the way, won 70% of the vote. It just, it had Dominion
Starting point is 00:04:21 voting machines, and we know what Sydney Powell thought about them, because that got Fox News in trouble, because they defamed Dominion based on false representations of Sydney Powell. So we know at that moment in time where her head was at. And what they needed, this band of thieves, like the Watergate burglars to break in, is they needed somebody to give them a key to the front door. And they got it in the form of not just Kathy Latham, who we always knew about as the
Starting point is 00:04:49 right-wing election denying Republican chairperson of Coffee County. But now we know that Misty Hampton, a former obviously Coffee County election official who had not only created a video suggesting that falsely, the Dominion voting machines and their software could not be trusted while she was an election official. She also failed to certify on time that county delaying the certification in Georgia to give Donald Trump more time to try to turn Georgia from Biden to Trump and steal the election. So she purposely dragged her feet.
Starting point is 00:05:30 If you were watching an election night, you know, whenever, what's his name for CNN went up to his board and started pushing counties, one of the counties that failed a report on time was little tiny coffee county, but 70% for Donald Trump. Now we know why, Mr. Hampton was working in conspiracy to delay the certification to buy more time for Donald Trump to throw over the apple cart. Mr. Hampton is now the focus of Fannie Willis in her investigation, because apparently she sent out an email and a text inviting Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell and the Trump lawyers into the server room in coffee county, opened the door for them, gave them access, let them download off the computers
Starting point is 00:06:13 that housed the Dominion voting system software, all of the private confidential voting data for you, me, independent, Republican, Democrat, whoever voted. You all should be up in arms about this. And that's called, that's a crime. So I might be thinking, are they allowed to go in and download data and information when they don't have the, they're not election official, and they're not doing it for a proper purpose? The answer to that is no. That was a very good question you asked, and I had a ready answer for it. So it's also a crime in most states, almost all states, in some form of computer hacking or computer trespass,
Starting point is 00:06:47 which is what it sounds like. You're somewhere you're not supposed to be. In this case, in a computer and downloading information. And they have the people to do it, right? Once they had the can opener to get in, they had the people that could go and muck around in there and throw sand in those gears. They had, you know, they had of cyber ninjas, Doug Logan.
Starting point is 00:07:06 They had the, the Strickland, the Sullivan Strickland people a consulting firm that does forensic audits and works with computers. Doug Logan was so confident about what he was doing. He actually left a business card next to the server that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the GBI, found when they went in there and heard there was basically a broad daylight break in under the permission of local election
Starting point is 00:07:32 officials by outsiders and elections and ire is working for Donald Trump. But the key takeaway on this hot take is the direct link we have now back to Donald Trump. Your pets a member of the family, my lily certainly is. Don't feed them like they're in the doghouse. Give them no-no-m. No-no-m delivers fresh dog food with every portion personalized to your dog's needs, so you can bring out their best.
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Starting point is 00:08:46 off your no risk to week trial at slash legal AF spelled try n o m dot com slash legal AF for 50% off slash legal AF. We always knew that that Sydney Powell was running this operation and that she got the money from the campaign for Donald Trump and laid out the money to hire the consultants and brought in cyber ninjas. But what is the missing link? We finally have it. And now more importantly, Foni Willis has it.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And that is in the form of Catherine Price, or Frees, F-E-R-F-R-E-I-S-S, Catherine Frees. You might remember that she's a lawyer that had worked with Rudy Giuliani, and you also may remember, if not, I'm going to tell you here, that she's been missing in action, and nobody's been able to find her, including a federal judge in the District of Columbia, in a defamation case that's going south fast for Rudy Giuliani, brought by two Fulton County Georgia election workers, mother and daughter, Shay Moss and Ruby Freeman, who were suing for defamation because Rudy Giuliani,
Starting point is 00:09:53 Sydney Powell and Donald Trump defamed them saying that they were, you know, using fraudulent ballots for Biden and stuffing them into the ballot box. What all they were doing was their job, which was counting election votes and putting already counted votes away in a locked case underneath their desk, which when they ran the tape backwards, like Rudy Giuliani's brain works, they said that they were taking ballots out of the box and putting them into the and stuffing the ballot box with Trump votes. We all know that's false. That's the heart of the defamation case. Catherine Freese has been subpoenaed for deposition
Starting point is 00:10:32 related to her role in working with Rudy Giuliani to bash these two. This is the same Catherine Freese. So what did she do? She got the email or the text from Misty Hampton, the erstwhile or rogue election official for Coffee County, who was dragging her feet, not certifying. And she actually got an invitation by email.
Starting point is 00:10:56 It was, the rail line was invitation to come and download election data. And of course it went to the Trump lawyers. It got in the hands of a lawyer for Donald Trump working with Rudy Giuliani named Catherine Freys or Catherine Freys. She then sent it off to Sydney Powell and a bunch of other people
Starting point is 00:11:16 and they got their little team together for the break in involving Sullivan Strickland who was all excited. Sullivan Strickland was so excited that they said, we were just with the mayor, meaning Rudy Giuliani. And we have a way into the servers now, which is exactly Rudy Giuliani's hair brain idea and scheme. And part of the conspiracy that he hatched in the Oval Office on the 18th of December, when
Starting point is 00:11:40 he, Sidney Powell, guy and others suggested rather than seizing voting machines under Marshall Law and suspend the Constitution and ABS Corpus, why don't we just steal it from the machines? And how do we know that? Because a lawyer in the White House happened to be in the room and he's already given testimony to the Jan 6th Committee and his name was Derek Lyons and Derek Lyons said that that hair brain idea was Mayor Giuliani. So that's on the 18th. So by the 7th of January, the day after Jan 6th, they implement their plan, break in through
Starting point is 00:12:19 an invitation of Misty Hampton and Kathy Latham, soon to be a fake collector, or had been a fake collector, as part of her part in the plot. And there, we're often running with the download of illegal, illegal download of information that goes off to election deniers and gets used, I guess, in court houses all around America. But all I know is they lost 70 of those cases. You know, that team was 0 in 70 because nothing on that data showed that dominion voting systems was susceptible to fraud or that there was fraud in the election or fraud
Starting point is 00:12:52 dispositive, meaning enough fraud to overcome the, you know, 12,000 vote advance for Joe Biden in Georgia. And that's the problem. So what is the conspiracy wheel or the predicate act wheel for this particular thing I'm talking about? Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Catherine Freese, right? They're the lawyers. They get an invitation, as I outlined, from Misty Hampton, an election official who basically says in her email, welcome, come on down, open house. You can have whatever you want inside our servers,
Starting point is 00:13:25 you can download it, we'll help you with it, we'll open the door and Kathy, let them, the head of the election office does the same thing. In fact, we got a video, we're going to run here in my hot take of the break in of them being invited in to download all of the information, right? So you've got that, right? You've got Powell, Giuliani, and Price as the lawyers. Then you've got the non-lawyer hackers who get in there, and that's Doug Logan for Cyber Ninjas and the guys from Sullivan, Strickland.
Starting point is 00:13:57 You also have Jim Pearsawd, who is a former NSA officer who worked for Sydney Powell as well. And so when you put all of that together, you've got the second thing, the second shoot a drop, that at least that the Fulton County District Attorney, Fondie Willis needs, in order to show a criminal enterprise, she has to have two independent predicate acts, two bad acts. She's got them both, right? Now she's going to use this computer, a hacking and trespass as her crime. Interesting, now cannibalism has broken out among all of the lawyers for Donald Trump and their lawyers, because of course, Maga make attorneys get attorneys.
Starting point is 00:14:46 So Giuliani has an attorney. His name is Robert Castello. You may recall he was also or is still a lawyer for Steve Bannon, right? Because these guys can't afford to get like independent lawyers. They all have to try to share lawyers and create ethical conflicts built into those representations. Be that as it may, Castello reached for comment
Starting point is 00:15:04 about the cyber hacking and Giuliani's role in it. Remember, the Sullivan Strickling guy was all excited because he said in his own text, hey, just with the mayor, we've got a breakthrough. We're going to be, I think you meant break in. We're going to be able to get into coffee county and get all the election data. Castello said, don't associate my client
Starting point is 00:15:23 with any of that crack pot Sydney Powell stuff. Crack pot Sydney Powell. First of all, we've already had testimony to Jack Smith and the Gen 6 committee that Giuliani, what Ann Powell were the captains, co captains of team crazy. That's Eric Hirschman's words, the White House deputy general counsel and other people's words. So to say now, this is the catabolism, right? This is a, I'm not as crazy as Sydney Powell, you know, some sort of crazyometer that we have to use to measure who's crazier in this thing.
Starting point is 00:15:55 But Giuliani's got a, is going to have a tough argument here. Since he's the one based on Derek Lyon's testimony to the Jan 6th Committee wearing his White House Deputy General Council hat that suggested, why don't we just break into computers housing voting data rather than seize the machines. And then within two weeks later, they're doing just that led by Sydney Powell who's in the same meeting. And you've got the Sullivan Strickland guy saying, with the mayor, every time there's a text
Starting point is 00:16:24 involving voting and interference referencing Giuliani internally guy saying, with the mayor, every time there's a text involving voting and interference referencing Giuliani internally, they call them the mayor, it's only one of the mayor. And the mayor is all excited too. So look, Castello, I mean, this constant, you know, I know you get paid to do a job, but like, you know, you're trying to tear down all sorts of witnesses and trying to act like that person's create,
Starting point is 00:16:42 you know, like T-shirts, he's crazier than me or she's crazier than me. This is not going to work in a court of law. So this is the takeaway for today. The new information is in the indictment that we're going to see starting as early as this Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, we're going to see computer hacking, computer trespassing and that group of people. We may even see in the Popok Porter Board that I used on LegalAF yesterday.
Starting point is 00:17:08 We may even see the number 12 spot filled with somebody like Misty Hampton, the former election official who dragged her feet to certify in order to and let everybody in and invited them in to hack the computers. She could be number 12 under the rest of these people in Georgia for Fony Willis. But we'll have to see where we're going to end up. But that is the hottest of hot tags right now in advance as we as we start getting more information out there. Three more witnesses
Starting point is 00:17:41 left, apparently, for Fony Willis to bring in on Monday, Tuesday, next week. That's it. Everything else she did with the reading of transcripts from the 75 witnesses she developed at the other grand jury, the non-indighting special purpose investigatory grand jury. She already had witness testimony there, but she's bringing in three, a former journalist for the Atlantic, uh, journal constitution who, who stumbled into the room as the fake electors were meeting in the Georgia State House to sign their certificates, including Kathy Latham. And he wrote, and he'll report about what he saw and what they told them, which was when he said to them as a good journalist, what are you guys doing here?
Starting point is 00:18:22 And they said, oh, it's educational meaning, right? Because it was already in the Jan 6th Committee, Republicans are testifying against other Republicans and Donald Trump. These are not primarily democratic people, Democrat people that are coming in, if you will. They're all in the Republican camp. We'll follow it in one place. The YouTube channel for the Midas Touch Network, free subscribe there. We're pushing towards two million subscriptions. It's all free.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Hot takes like this one also comes at you free. I sit at the intersection of law and politics and I do it on hot takes about every day. Only one place you knew that it's on the Midas Touch Network. You can follow me, Michael Popak, on all things social media at MS Popak and I co-anchor the leading podcast on the intersection at the intersection of law and politics on Mightest touch network called legal AF we film it live we tape it live on Wednesdays and Saturdays And you can come on we had 300,000 people that joined us just in the last day while we did the weekend edition And then we take that podcast we put it everywhere you get your podcast from, including all the platforms, Spotify, Google, and Apple.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And that's what we do. And if you like what we do, give me a thumbs up here in this hot tick. It helps leave a comment or DM me and I'll come back at you. This is Michael Pope, I could tell the next hot tick for legal AF. Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report.
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