Legal AF by MeidasTouch - House GOP TORCHES ITSELF with Final DESPERATE MOVE

Episode Date: June 18, 2024

MAGA Congress leadership—including notorious jan6 and election deniers, & trying to appease Trump, have proposed a House resolution to declare the 3 year old Jan6 committee “illegitimate” and to... vacate the subpoenas and convictions of Steve Bannon before he reports to prison next month, and Meadows, Scavino and Navarro for good measure. Michael Popok explains how this campaign ad masquerading as a legitimate House bill is doomed to fail. Head to and use code: LEGALAF to get $100 off your Lumen! Visit for more! Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Your team requested a ride, but this time not from you. It's through their Uber Teen account. It's an Uber account that allows your team to request a ride under your supervision with live trip tracking and highly rated drivers. Add your team to your Uber account today. So Michael Popak, legal layoff with some breaking news. We've got three leading MAGA Congress people, Andy Biggs, Tom Massey, and Eric Burleson, all Jan 6 deniers, all those who have turned their back on their patriotic duty, who have turned their back on the Capitol Police and an American democracy, who are about to propose or have proposed a resolution in Congress, in the House, to try to get it passed through MAGA to declare that the Jan 6th committee is illegitimate, that all of its work
Starting point is 00:00:53 was illegitimate, that all of its subpoenas were illegitimate, and that they should be vacated, those subpoenas. And therefore, the people that got prosecuted and convicted like Peter Navarro and Steve Bannonannon who has yet to report to jail, that's scheduled for July. All those subpoenas should be vacated and ultimately their crimes should be vacated. Now, let's take a look for a minute at these three, Biggs, Massey, and Berlison, because some of them may ring a bell with you. Let's start with Andy Biggs. Andy Biggs was one of several members of MAGA Congress who were actually subpoenaed as sitting members
Starting point is 00:01:31 of the House by the Jan 6 committee and refused to cooperate, refused to appear in front of the Jan 6 committee and talk about his role, his relationship, his communication with Donald Trump and those around him who tried to overthrow democracy. That's Andy Biggs. Andy Biggs is also the subject of the criminal investigation in Arizona where he is a sitting congressperson led by the Attorney General there, Chris Mays, and he and
Starting point is 00:02:02 another representative were called before a grand jury which led to the indictments ultimately of people like Giuliani, Meadows and others in Arizona. So that's Andy Biggs, not covered with any glory there. Tom Massey has been all over the map. Tom Massey, a representative, has in the beginning, when Jan 6th was first, the Jan 6th committee was first doing its work, and after Jan 6th had happened, Massey issued a statement in which he said that he was appalled by the violence, that this was inappropriate to happen at the Capitol, and words to that effect. However, later on, he votes, Massey votes,
Starting point is 00:02:56 against giving Capitol Police medals of valor, the Congressional Gold Medal, to U.S. Capitol and Metropolitan Police because he didn't like the fact that the resolution said that it was an insurrection and depicted Jan 6 as an insurrection and called the Capitol the temple of our American democracy. He didn't like those. He said there were pending cases and therefore if they wanted to just give police recognition they could have done it without trying to make it partisan and he voted. He was one of 21 Republicans who voted against giving medals
Starting point is 00:03:31 to the Capitol Police for heroism. So Massey's all over the map. Then he goes on various news organizations and declares that after having seen the Jan 6 footage or some version of it, he believes that everything was just totally okay. That it was just a walk in the park. There was very little violence there. And so we've got that being Tom Massey. Then you got Eric Burleson, who's from the 7th in Missouri,
Starting point is 00:03:59 who also believes that there was no insurrection on January 6th and has publicly declared that in numerous ways. Let me read to you from the resolution so you know where we're going with this. This is a resolution not yet passed by the House, but of course by a slim majority, very slim, there is a majority remembering that there's also a group of Republicans that still exist that voted for Donald Trump's impeachment and to censure him after January 6th. But this group of three that I just read to you really focused on Baden because Baden's about to go to jail.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Some people out there might be wondering, aren't we a little late on this story, Popok? This is summer of 2024. The Jan Six Committee has been long since disbanded, spent a year and a half of their work. There's been over 2000 criminal prosecutions by the Department of Justice. There's been hundreds and hundreds of Jan Six insurrectionists and defendants
Starting point is 00:05:00 who have already pled guilty and or have been convicted at bench or jury trials and or have been sentenced and or have served their time. And now we're getting around to the resolution. I wonder what could have triggered that. Maybe the fact that Steve Bannon is about to go to prison in July. It can't be Navarro because Navarro already
Starting point is 00:05:22 is about to come out. So let's just keep this in perspective. Here's the resolution. Resolution, rescinding the subpoenas issued by the Jan 6th select committee on September 23rd, 2021, three years ago. October 6th, 2021 and February 9th, 2022 and withdrawing the recommendations finding Bannon, Meadows, Dan Scavino, and Peter Navarro in contempt of Congress. They blame Nancy Pelosi. It's always great to blame one of the greatest speakers of the House we've ever had. And boy, don't we miss her watching the revolving door of speakers and the kindergarten that's broken out in MAGA Congress. Apologies to all kindergartens.
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Starting point is 00:07:50 with at least five of them being Republicans, but they claim on the second page of the resolution, whereas Speaker Pelosi refused to seat Republican members named by minority leader, at the time, Kevin McCarthy, to the select committee, resulting in a solely partisan exercise determined to vilify President Trump and his advisors for the January 6th breach of the U.S. Capitol. That's what the MAGA like to call what happened on Jan 6th. They can't say it was just a tour that got out of hand. So they got to call it the breach
Starting point is 00:08:19 of the U.S. Capitol. Okay. So what they're claiming is when Nancy Pelosi set up the panel, because the Republicans refused to participate, and the only ones that Kevin McCarthy was willing to put on under a lot of pressure, because his speakership or his minority position was hanging by a thread, were really the ridiculously right-wing MAGA,
Starting point is 00:08:43 election-denying, Jan six denying people like Biggs, Massey and Burleson. And she refused because this was going to be talking about a futile exercise. They eventually put on as you know, Liz Cheney, who became the vice chancellor, and Adam Kinzinger, who's no longer in Congress, but was also a Republican to represent the Republican point of view, because the rest of the Republicans took the ball and went home. Or as I like to say, they took the practice ball home while the game was played with the actual ball. And that's not the Democrats' fault or Nancy Pelosi's fault. That's how the Republicans decided to walk away from their responsibility in a way we've never seen before. When Richard Nixon at the time had led the largest corruption
Starting point is 00:09:27 scandal in the history of the American presidency, until now, there was a Watergate committee. It was bipartisan. People were patriots first before they were MAGA or anything else. Or as Massey likes to say on occasion, where he accuses Congress of being more Zionist than Patriot. I mean, he's a weird, weird-ass dude, and he's the one sponsoring this resolution. But I digress. Let me continue. They say that whereas the select committee held hearings, issued subpoenas, and published a flawed report without the number of members required by the original resolution, that's a lie. And just to be clear, that August body of the Jan 6 committee has been cited by federal courts all across the country. None of that has been properly challenged because nothing
Starting point is 00:10:23 was wrong with the committee other than the Republicans decided that they didn't want to participate on it. Then they talk about Cheney being selected. They don't like that. And then they go on, it's on page three, whereas House Democrats failed to draft and pass a resolution in a manner giving the select committee chair unilateral authority to issue subpoenas, again attacking the subpoena process. This already got litigated in federal court, by the way, the ability of the Gen 6 committee to subpoena. We had a federal case in the central district of California presided over by Judge Carter, already legitimized all of this. Whereas the select committee promoted numerous theories
Starting point is 00:11:02 without first verifying the veracity of the allegations by interviewing witnesses with actual firsthand knowledge of the allegations. I don't even know what they're talking about here. It's a 400, almost 400 page report. That's just the report. They had thousands of witnesses and witness statements. They had tens of thousands of live video from the Capitol showing what transpired.
Starting point is 00:11:28 They had other social media video from people that were on the ground. They took depositions. They had unsworn and sworn statements. I mean, there's no suggestion at all that they didn't speak to everybody. And for Andy Biggs, who's one of the sponsors here, to say you didn't talk to somebody with first-hand knowledge, he had a subpoena against him and he refused. Now, he's not going to be able to refuse ultimately what the Arizona attorney general wants to talk to him about through the grand jury, but there you go. They go on to say that, whereas the select committee was a partisan exercise from the beginning, and its hearing and final report are tainted by the unprecedented
Starting point is 00:12:06 partisan decisions by made by speaker Pelosi. Whereas for nearly two years the Jan 6 committee presented uncorroborated evidence that fit its narrative with the intent of disgracing President Trump, his advisors and supporters in effort to influence future elections. Have any of these gentlemen sat in on one of the Jan six committee, sorry, one of the Jan six trials where evidence was presented in abundance in which the right now, the Department of Justice is like 50 and O in trials
Starting point is 00:12:38 where they've been put to the test of their evidence. Have they sat through any of that? Have they talked to any federal judge who's presided over the evidence? No. This is talking about partisan screed. That's what this is in an attempt to save Bannon. Whereas members of the Gen 6 committee withheld and destroyed information that could have provided, that would have provided evidence that former president Trump did not engage in an insurrection. That's a lie. That's a lie. And all the evidence has been presented all around the country, including in other states, proved it was an insurrection. That's a lie. That's a lie. And all the evidence that's been presented to all around the country, including in other states, proved it was an insurrection. It's already been
Starting point is 00:13:08 established. Even the federal courts, even the Supreme Courts, almost acknowledged it was an insurrection. And then they go on, whereas the imprisonment of Peter Navarro and the impending imprisonment of Steve Bannon, there we go. There's the tell I've been waiting for. Why is this coming now? So many years after the Chan Six Committee and its report. Maybe it's because Steve Bannon's going to jail. Represents an unprecedented attempt to silence and marginalize political opponents. Now, therefore be it.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And so they have this resolution. What happens next? I feel like I'm doing a little bit of ABC Rock, Schoolhouse Rock, about how a bill becomes a law. But this has to be voted on and there has to be a majority. Then the Senate has to be involved as well. And so this is never going to result, let me just, should have maybe said this upfront, this is never going to result in vacating the sentences or the subpoenas or any of it by the Gen 6 committee or declaring it illegitimate. This is just a futile masturbatory exercise by MAGA Congress who were bored in the middle of the summer and haven't passed any legislation, talk about it, do nothing Congress. And so
Starting point is 00:14:22 they just pass these things and wave them around. So Donald Trump can wave them around while he's trying to run for election. And this was all choreographed, obviously, by the Trump campaign. This is just a Trump campaign ad masquerading as a resolution on the House floor. That's all it is. But we got to call it out. I'm not saying it's news, but it's certainly something that I have to analyze here on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF. And so we do this about every hour right here on the Midas Touch Network, and then join me on Legal AF. Now you know why we call it that.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It's our podcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Eastern time. And then right here on this YouTube channel for Midas Touch, and then wherever you pick up your podcasts from whatever platform. And if you like what I'm doing, leave me a thumbs up and a comment. It helps with the algorithm, keeps us on the air.
Starting point is 00:15:12 We're building this network with our bare hands and we really appreciate you being here for the ride. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Heary, heary, Legal AF Law Breakdown is now in session. Go beyond the headlines and get a deep dive into the important legal concepts reporting.

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