Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Jack Smith gets MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE that could END Trump

Episode Date: June 6, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF details all the jaw-dropping new audio, video, and handwritten attorney notes evidence in the Mar a Lago stolen documents case raining down on Trump just this past week, and... that is going to be used as part of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s criminal indictment recommendation to Merrick Garland in June. Learn more than ever from important non-fiction books at and receive 5-days of unlimited access and an additional 25% discount on the annual subscription. SUPPORT THE SHOW: Shop LEGAL AF Merch at: Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popeye, legal AF. It's time for my hot take an analysis on two major developments in the Mara logo criminal prosecution led by the special counsel, Jack Smith, two amazing pieces of new evidence that have come together in a confluence, like a hand and fingers closing, like a fist to punch out knockout Donald Trump, all coming from either his attorneys or secret recordings and videotapes in and around Mar-a-Lago. We've really got three major tranches of new evidence. One is just mind blowing. Evan Corcoran, the former lawyer for Donald Trump, we reported on legal AF here on the Midas Touch Network at in real time that Judge that judge, barrel howl of the, who at
Starting point is 00:00:47 the time was supervising all the grand juries in Washington, DC, had stripped Donald Trump of his attorney-client privilege relationship with Evan Corcoran and forced Evan Corcoran to testify in front of the grand jury about all of his conversations, the deepest, darkest, secret conversations privilege at the time. He had with Donald Trump about everything related to Mar-a-Lago, because she found it was more likely than not that a crime or fraud had been committed by the then president of the United States.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And afterwards, Donald J. Trump. We reported that. We also reported that there was an entry that he was forced to turn over his attorney notes. I mean, that is just unprecedented. That's how bad the crime and fraud Judge Boseberg judge, Barrel Howell, found had happened. And so we now learned on, you know, sad news for Donald Trump and great news. Let's celebrate for democracy and justice that this particular lawyer, Evan Quarker,
Starting point is 00:01:43 took really copious notes, like 50 pages of detailed notes, almost like a word for word diary and transcript of his interactions with people like Donald Trump, his AIDS, Walt Nauta, his personal assistant who was busy moving documents in and out of Mar-a-Lago. That's all recorded by Evan Quarker in these, I don't know, binders or, or, or, or mull skin books or three-ring binders, whatever he had, even facial expressions of Donald Trump while he was giving him advice as his lawyer, well, my client reported this way, how he was screwed around by Donald Trump and, and misled by Donald Trump is also in, not only in those notebooks, but there are recordings. Apparently, he went one step further.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I've been doing this for 32 years. I do not have never in my life that I make an audio recording of my deepest darkest thoughts about my client or the case I was handling for that client and kept the tapes. I mean, I don't know what that purpose was other than a future CYA should he get into hot water with the federal government. And here he is. And now that set of audio tapes. Let's keep track of this at home. Audio tapes of of Evan Quarker, it's private musings as an attorney for for Donald Trump about Donald Trump and the Mar-a-Lago case. That greatest hits, you can't get on Spotify,
Starting point is 00:03:09 but you can get with Jack Smith or Jack Smith as it. That's an audio tape, powerful, powerful evidence. One that almost never, there's your opponent or your prosecutor get to hear or see. That's one, two, the notes, 50 pages of Evan Corcoran notes. Can you imagine what that's going to be like a roadmap? I mean, they must be at the prosecutor's office for Jackson Smith. They must be salivating because they don't normally get any of this kind of information. And here they get to see Donald Trump said this and Evan Corcoran said that
Starting point is 00:03:42 and Donald Trump reacted this way. And things like we've reported on, like Donald Trump said this and Evan Quarkron said that and Donald Trump reacted this way. And things like we've reported on, like Donald Trump spoon fed documents to Evan Quarkron, hoping he wouldn't look anywhere else and didn't allow him to look anywhere else at Mar-a-Lago, telling Evan, they're all in the storage room. A storage room that was rigged and cooked by Donald Trump working with people like his maintenance worker who now has a criminal defense lawyer and Walt Now to to move boxes in and out of the room before Evan Corcoran even got to go there. So Evan Corcoran certified a diligent search That was completely manipulated and cooked and interfered with by one Donald Trump That's in the notes. That's in the audio recordings.
Starting point is 00:04:29 That's ultimately the testimony of Evan Corcoran telling the truth to the grand jury. That's audio information evidence number one. That's documentary evidence number one, exhibit one, exhibit A. Now we turn to video surveillance cameras that are overlooking the storage room and all other aspects of Mar-a-Lago, but particularly the storage room because of course Donald Trump asked you criminal that he is the best the greatest the most had the best greatest and most surveillance camera running video that was available to the prosecutors with time stamps showing movement in and out of the storage room as the FBI was on site
Starting point is 00:05:08 Before the search warrant trying to negotiate the release of the hostages in this case the in the documents the national defense documents being improperly and illegally with help by Donald Trump So you have the video then you've got the missing video. You know, it's like, it's like Richard Nixon with the missing, the missing 18 minutes on the watergate tapes that allegedly his, his secretary are raced by accident, you know, just at the moment when they want, when he was, you know, with either a McGruder or one of the other henchmen that Richard Nixon used for his plot against America, you know, you have the 18 minutes missing. Here you got videotape missing at a very key moment when the boxes were moving in and out of this with the FBI waiting in the wings trying to get in there.
Starting point is 00:05:51 This is why they got the search warrant. This is why we know now the FBI and the Department of Justice was able to convince a federal magistrate that they needed to go in unannounced knock on the door with FBI agents and conduct this rate because of all of the improper secreting and hiding of documents from almost moment one in the White House all the way through Mar-a-Lago by Donald Trump and his henchman and lawyers around him. And remember this, if you remember, nothing else on this hot tech. Donald Trump has lied to every one of his lawyers that he hired to represent him related to Mar-a-Lago and the documents every one and there's been at least five. And the government knows he's lied to every one of them and it's part of their case.
Starting point is 00:06:35 So you've got the all things Corcoran, documents and video, the video surveillance outside of the storage room and the missing video. And then you've got to end this hot tick. This is like, hmm, this is this is the piece of resistance, as they say, an audio of Donald Trump himself blowing away every defense that his defense team has tried to float in the public to stop him from being indicted for espionage act violations and for obstruction, every one of them. In his own words, in his own voice. So, how did that happen? Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, part of the Rogues Gallery of advisors soon to be indicted by either Fony, Willis, and or by Jack Smith. We're meeting in Mar-a-Laga to talk about a book that Mark Meadows thought he was going
Starting point is 00:07:37 to be writing. I think he'll now be writing an untoilet paper from the local federal penitentiary, but at the time, he thought, oh, I'm a former chief of staffer for Donald Trump. So I better write a memoir, right? Why not? I get a million or two million dollar advance. It'd be great. So they had a little confab in Mar-a-Lago. Donald Trump himself and Mark Meadows and a assistant for Donald Trump, who records all of these things and has now been subpoenaed as with March and turned over all the tapes to the prosecutor. I don't know why I'm whispering, but you know, I thought that was interesting. And on those tapes is right on the heels of Donald Trump being triggered by the chairman
Starting point is 00:08:21 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, forced our General Milley, who went out in the public and let it be known that he was protecting America from a coup, that he would lay down his body and step in front of a bullet for America and stop Donald Trump from starting a war, invoking martial law, suspending the government, suspending the election, or pushing the nuclear football. And he told people like his counterpart of Chinese general and others and it all got reported. And all of that, of course, drew the eye of one Donald Trump. It was pissed off that Millie was getting more publicity than he was.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And he didn't like the fact that he was making Donald Trump look bad. Oh, this is one of our favorite new partners. Short form. Short form isn't just some run of the mill product. This is truly amazing. At its core, short form is condensed books. Look, we're all incredibly busy, and reading an entire book, that's challenging in 2023. Well, with everything else going on in our lives, I mean, I read a lot to prepare for legal AF in my law career, but that's exactly why short form is great for so many people like you and me. First, I love the condensed information. Short form provides the most important information
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Starting point is 00:10:31 Join Short Form through the link slash Legal AF. That's a free trial and an additional 25% discount on the annual subscription of shortform at slash legal AF. So Donald Trump did a couple of things. He went to Mar-a-Lago and started calling Millie an effing idiot, which we know is not true. And during this recorded session said, in effect,
Starting point is 00:10:59 Millie, I'm not the war monger, you don't have to worry about me and national security. It's Millie that wanted to go to war with Iran. And I have a follow these words, a classified document that I could show you, but I don't think I can show it to you that shows the war plans against Iran. Let's stop right there. Donald Trump's recording, which the government has known
Starting point is 00:11:22 about since March, the public hasn't known about it until just this week. which the government has known about since March, the public hasn't known about it until just this week. His lawyers, Trump's lawyers knew that that recording existed. It wasn't the hands of Jack Smith when Donald Trump took the stage at the CNN town hall. And when he was asked about Mar-a-Lago, he said they asked, have you shown these documents to anybody that you had? And Donald Trump said, not really, not, not no, but not really, which I'm sure led to a collective
Starting point is 00:11:53 forehead slapped by all of his lawyers, because I'm sure that peak Jack Smith's interests, knowing that they, he claimed to have had and used and shown this document during the recording with Mark Meadows and his assistant about Mark Meadows book. Now one of five things or whatever is possible. And the reason this piece of the hot take is so important. And when you tie them all together, the audio and the records of his lawyer, the video of Mar-a-Lago off the Trump organization and the missing video that the prosecutors are getting to the bottom of.
Starting point is 00:12:33 And now the audio tape of Donald Trump talking about classified documents, knowing they're classified, saying he wished he had a declassified but didn't. Firstly, how did he know where the document was? I mean, he had such a good index in his mind that he could just say, hey, go get me a Diet Coke and by the way, grab the Millie War Plan for Iran.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Okay? Now, he has another problem because the federal government was listening to the tape. And now they've subpoenaed, we've learned just recently, they subpoenaed from Donald Trump's and Donald Trump's lawyers all the documents that he was referencing on the tape about Iran and a battle map or battle plan or war plan. Where is it? Give it to us. And now they can't find it.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Or it never existed. Which is both equally bad for Donald Trump. If it existed and they can't find it, it plays right into the case that they're making against Donald Trump, that he can't be trusted with any national defense materials. This is why you can't leave it with him and why you have to execute search warrants to get it back and claw it back from his hands. Right? Or it's in one of those empty classified document folders that we know about from the pictures and other reporting back in August when the search warrant was executed. Or he made it up because he's a fabulous and he makes up things. And if he did that, it still goes to criminal intent, criminal mind and ruins all of his defenses, because it at least it indicates that he knew things were classified, that he hadn't declassified them to accept that that mattered. And all those defenses that like Jim trustee,
Starting point is 00:14:16 it was one of the last remaining lawyers left for this guy. It's like, everybody took one step back and the only lawyer left is Jim trustee for Donald Trump and the rest headed for the exits. Jim trusty, you know, he tried out, floated a trial balloon a few weeks ago before the CNN town hall where he wrote a letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee and said, Oh, it was just a matter of overpacking. You know, it was chaos leaving the White House, yeah, because they didn't want to leave. So they waited until the last minute
Starting point is 00:14:48 and they finally had a good outcome because Joe Biden literally was being sworn in. They got to get them out. That's how the turnover happens in America on that day with moving trucks and movers. And it was chaos and we overpacked the boxes and some things ended up in there. And Memento's that he was allowed to keep and national security documents that he wasn't allowed
Starting point is 00:15:07 to keep all got mixed together and and that's not his fault. I mean, Joe Biden did it and Mike Pence did it and there are other people have done it. And that's one of our defenses. That's now blown away because Donald Trump, first of all, we have evidence that he packed his own boxes. A many of them. And he told AIDS, these are mine. These are not theirs, meaning the National Archive and the American people. And AIDS have already testified to that. And then he's there popping up afterwards,
Starting point is 00:15:36 talking about classified documents that he had retained that he knew they were classified. And they went to the National Defense and national security, meaning he violated the espionage act and threatened to reveal them and did reveal them. Even if he didn't show the document, he revealed the content of the document. Even if it was an imaginary document, he revealed the content of it to those around him to third parties in violation of the espionage act. He said they were war plans for Iran. Stop right there. That's enough. That is a secret that goes to our national
Starting point is 00:16:10 defense that you've just compromised by telling your assistant and anybody else who will listen and put it on an audio tape. So when we see the final indictment, the prosecution memo recommendation and the indictment of Donald Trump for moral logo, look for these pieces of evidence and how I've just tied them together on this hot take. Evan Corcoran's testimony without attorney client privilege naked to the world like the day he was born, if you will, his audio recordings and musings of his own voice commenting about his client in real time and 50 pages of copious notes that he kept, along with an audio transcript of Donald Trump and a video, missing video and real video outside the storage room.
Starting point is 00:16:55 These will all figure prominently in the prosecution memo in the ultimate indictment when it comes down. And it is coming down. The reason we are hearing about these things in real time in the last month or so, this drum beat, this constant refrain, this loud drip, drip, drip is strategic placement by the prosecutors in order to pressure hold out witnesses like Walt Now to and others. That's what we are watching. And they are giving us every day, another puzzle piece, another puzzle piece, another puzzle piece, another puzzle piece. And eventually
Starting point is 00:17:33 you look down and you have the Eiffel Tower. That's what they're building every day. And it's freaking Donald Trump out because he's already been told we know for reporting by those closest to him, you're going to get indicted again. Get ready. Get emotionally physically, you can't financially, you probably can't, but get ready because federal prosecutors, state prosecutors, Alvin Brackett, New York, they're going to prosecute you again. By time you're in your primaries for the Republican nomination, he's been told. You will probably be indicted at least three times for criminal violations with penalties up to 20 years or more in prison. And he will be in the middle of a trial on one of those indictments in New York for the Stormy Daniels Hush buddy cover up, which will be March of 2024. There you have it, Republican party,
Starting point is 00:18:32 and MAGA, that's your candidate for the Republican nomination, a Thrice indicted, twice impeached, once a judge sexual abuser who's in the middle of a criminal trial facing penalties up to 15 years in prison. This is the best that the Republican party can put up. I mean, I mean, I hate to leave the hot tick on that, but that's about it.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I follow events, moments, data points like this at the intersection of U.S. law and politics about every day, but only on the Midas Touch Network. We curate the best of these stories on Wednesdays and Saturdays on a podcast that I co-founded and co-incured called Legal AF also on the Midas Touch Network. You can get us on YouTube. You can free subscribe to the YouTube channel the Midas Touch Network. You can get us on YouTube. You can free subscribe to the YouTube channel for Midas Touch. You can follow me on hot takes like this
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Starting point is 00:19:48 Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. At Midas Touch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now. you

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