Legal AF by MeidasTouch - LATINO Trump Voters SUDDENLY REGRET it ALL
Episode Date: January 30, 2025Trump is focused on deporting and scaring into going underground, the one group of people that are working on rebuilding American’s homes, business districts, schools and churches after natural disa...sters in primarily MAGA states—the Undocumented who make up the majority of the “resilience” or “disaster recovery workforce” Michael Popok reports on how MAGA voter remorse is setting in as Venezuelans, Somalians, mexicans and caribbean undocumented, subjected to workplace and church raids, are stopping recovery efforts in the South and LA. Uplift Desk: Elevate your workspace and energize your year with Uplift Desk. Go to for a special offer exclusive to our audience. Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Well, Donald Trump is busy deporting the undocumented,
who are the very workers that are helping
with disaster recovery in the states that voted for him.
Because the vast majority of the resilience or recovery workers that go into unstable
buildings that subject themselves to open gas lines, to environmental disasters, while
they're helping Americans rebuild their houses, their communities and their buildings.
The vast majority of that are undocumented, including a group from Venezuela, which is
now the subject of a new eviction order by Kristi Noem revoking their temporary protective
status because she equates all undocumented with criminals when she knows or should know
that the vast majority of crime in this country is committed by good old-fashioned
Americans and that there's a very very small percentage by contrast of undocumented that commit crimes
The vast majority I'm talking about 95% of undocumented or more are here to earn a living
To try to pursue the American dream any way they can not commit crime. I'm Michael Popak
You're on the Midas Touch Network and Legal AF,
and let's talk about this law of unintended consequences.
I thought this group of people that are in this region,
Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia,
and now Los Angeles,
where in the Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia region,
over $60 billion of damage has happened to houses
and buildings and infrastructure,
and in California,245 billion.
Who do they think in the MAGA world, who do they think is rebuilding these buildings? It's not
Americans. It has been a dirty secret for a long, long time in America, starting back before
Hurricane Katrina, that the vast majority, up to 70% of what they call it resilience workers, or
we used to call it disaster recovery workers, are undocumented.
They're working hard, doing dirty jobs that we don't want to do, and many of them are
here in our country rebuilding other people's homes while their own homes have also suffered
from the same natural disaster.
They're leaving Honduras, they're leaving Venezuela, they're
leaving the Caribbean and other places where the hurricane may have already hit there to
come here to help Americans rebuild theirs to make money. And the first thing that Donald
Trump wants to do is instantly make this false equivalency between the undocumented and criminals
and then have Kristi Noem, which did just in the last 24 hours say, oh, you know those 600,000 hardworking Venezuelans,
many of them in the construction industry
and in the disaster recovery industry,
get them out of the country.
We don't want them here for 18 more months
so they can commit crimes.
How about 18 more months so they can rebuild houses
in Florida, in Texas, in North Carolina, in Georgia,
in Los Angeles, how about that?
And at the same time, Donald Trump is also telling
his voters that he should get rid of FEMA.
So FEMA is going to go in Donald Trump's mind.
It's gonna be replaced by what?
States who are already undertaxed, underfunded,
and they're gonna pay for disaster recovery
going into the hundreds of billions of dollars
in their region?
That's the reason we created FEMA,
because states aren't going to do that on their own.
Private government's not going to do it on their own.
I mean, private industry's not going to do it on their own.
There's no private-public partnership
that forms after a disaster.
Who's going to pay the freight?
The insurance companies?
So we're going to leave it to the insurance companies
to rebuild your house and your school and your gas line.
Oh, good luck.
This is the law of unintended consequences.
The vast majority of resilience workers
come from places like Venezuela
that Kristi Noem just evicted from the country.
The last time we saw something like this
was after Hurricane Ida in Florida.
And in that one, pardon me, after Ron DeSantis
went after the undocumented, they dropped their tools
and went underground and disappeared,
which meant that recovery is still going on.
And recovery was stretched out longer, harder,
making Americans suffer.
See, Donald Trump wants to make Americans suffer in order to make some sort of political point.
He's so doubled down on this undocumented workplace raids, raids in churches, raids in schools,
all the places that were sanctuary and forbidden. Because why? What are we getting rid of? It's not
criminals. As I've said before,
the vast majority of crime in America is committed by Americans, period. Very small amount by the
undocumented. You do the math and we need them in certain industries. Look, it's already been
shown statistically that the regular construction industry,
having nothing to do with resilience or recovery
construction or rebuilding,
the regular good old fashioned construction industry,
building your homes and apartments and condos
and schools and infrastructure and your local main street,
that kind of construction,
all of that depends on the undocumented.
It's again, the dirty underbelly of America,
but it's the reality.
One major Houston developer, just as a point of reference,
he said if he had to get rid of the undocumented,
which apparently he has,
he would get rid of 50% of his workforce
and it wouldn't be replaced by anybody because no one's going to replace it.
Now it's even worse in the disaster recovery arena because now you've got to get somebody
who's willing to go into an unstable building that's about to collapse or go up on a roof
that's half blown down or go into a pond that's covered with environmental leakage from something and do that disaster
recovery. I have news for Donald Trump and MAGA. MAGA doesn't want to do the dirty jobs.
The only dirty job they ever did was to attack the Capitol on Jan 6th, but the real dirty job,
they don't want to do that. Donald Trump's going to have to look the American people in the eye
soon, and the Republican Party is going to have to do the same thing and say, we got rid of
the undocumented.
Therefore, your recovery efforts are going to be delayed by years if ever.
We're going to get rid of FEMA and we're going to leave it to the states and the insurance
companies and we're going to leave you to their clutches.
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There's an old line about the government
that people seem to have forgotten.
The government is my enemy until I need a friend.
Well, as soon as your house blows away, right, or blows down or burns
down or whatever is going on in your life, then you need a friend. And that's supposed to be
the federal government doing something that the individual states can't do collectively,
just by sheer volume because of the logistics around it and the dollar amount around it.
because of the logistics around it and the dollar amount around it.
And so Donald Trump is totally ignoring that
and issuing these statements.
And I got more news for him.
I live in Florida, I've lived in Florida,
I have very close friends
in most of these immigrant communities forever.
They are proud, they are hardworking.
Whether it's the Haitian community in Miami,
the Venezuelan community in Miami,
the Brazilian community in Miami,
the El Salvadorian community, the Mexican community.
They are tremendous.
And I'm just doing a list, but I'm not complete.
And they are personally insulted by the suggestion
that those from their countries that have come
here and are currently undocumented because of a lack of a dignified immigration policy
in this country, that they are criminals.
Because right next to the undocumented Venezuelan in Miami, as an example, is a good old fashioned
regular hardworking documented Venezuelan, and he or she support
that undocumented person emotionally, morally, culturally, and otherwise, and they don't take
kindly to that. That's why I can't believe that there was any aspect of gain by Donald Trump in
the Latin or Hispanic community during this last election. His policies hurt and demean these very communities.
For those that say, well, I'm already here
and I've got my, and my grandfather came here
or I got my green card and they should too.
Look at how the undocumented contribute to our society.
I've said it before, let me tie it together here.
Last year alone, undocumented, undocumented,
paid in federal income tax, $65 billion. That's
about $65 billion more than Donald Trump did, and they're undocumented. So what we're watching
consistently with the Trump administration is a complete lack of any holistic 360 degree evaluation
about a policy issue before it's implemented.
There's no thought process.
There's no thinking ahead on a chessboard.
I mean, they're playing checkers or parcheesy
and they're losing because there's no thought.
And there's no thought if I do this, this will happen,
and this will happen, and this will happen. No deep thought or policy analysis. I'm not talking
about analysis paralysis. I'm talking about deep thought and deep thinking that has to go into a
complicated policy decision. How could that be? He'll never do that. First of all, that's
inconsistent with the nanosecond of attention span of Donald Trump. That's one. Two, he's already sold his soul and whatever else is left of him to special interest
groups that have him by the brass ones. So he's got a warped sense of what is appropriate national
security and economic policy or immigration policy for America because he's in the back
pocket of big oil, big tech, big crypto, and you
name it.
You never had a president who was so transparently manipulated by outside interest groups.
Then you add into that that Donald Trump has his own business interests that are not aligned
or aligned with American values and America's best interest,
because he's not making decisions
about domestic and foreign policy
based on what's right after a deep thought.
We have policy institutes, think tanks.
There's no think tank in the Trump administration.
There's no think, and he's in the tank there.
See, I knew if I went long enough, I put it together.
There's no thought, there's no thought process.
And so before you decided to get rid
of 600,000 Venezuelans, somebody should have done a study.
But we're only 11, 12 days into the administration.
So who did that study?
Nobody, but somebody should have done a study
to look at what will be the impact,
the impact on the economy,
the impact to the areas
where they are contributing to society.
But since you're making the false narrative that they they are contributing to society, but since you're making the false narrative
that they're not contributing to society,
that they're criminals, you don't bother with the analysis
of how they'll negatively impact or their removal
from society will have a bad impact on us
because you want to argue they're criminals
and removing them is a good thing.
Tell that to your neighbor whose house just burned
down, who can't get a disaster recovery worker to work for him or a company to work for him,
or in Texas, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, who can't get a roof on their house, who can't move into their house, who has no fresh running water or other utilities
because of this failure.
And let me just do a special comment about them.
This group of undocumented resiliency workers, they are threatened and abused by their employers.
There's no protection for them because they're undocumented.
They'll work hard a month or two, they won't get paid.
And then the employer will try to,
or the contractor will try to beat them out
and say, if you argue with me, I'll have you deported.
So they go underground and they don't have to be paid.
They don't have healthcare.
They don't have just normal basic OSHA protections
around them, safety protections around them,
because they're always living under threat
that if you don't do this job for cheap or nothing,
I'm gonna have you deported.
There's even violence being perpetrated against them.
They are doing God's work.
They are doing an honorable day's job
for less than the minimum wage.
And our thanks for that,
our gratitude is repaid how? To have them deported.
I'm going to continue to follow what we're watching, which is an erratic, unstable,
thoughtless administration that does not think through any of its policy decisions.
We've got other hot takes up right now about the freeze. We're going to freeze federal funding.
We're going to impound it.
We're going to throw the entire American economy off kilter and off its axis.
And then a judge blocks it.
Oh, sorry.
We're going to unfreeze.
This is the thought process.
As I said, there's no think tank.
There's no think and Donald Trump's in the tank for all, he's wrapped up in ethical
business conflicts because of all the businesses that he owns. He's got foreign powers that are
investing in him that's having him make decisions not for the American people, but for himself.
And he's beholden to these special interest groups like the ones that want him to continue
to go after the transgender community, continue to go after the women in America and degrade them.
Go after immigrants because it's a good talking point.
All immigrant, in their mind, like you took an X-ray of their mind or a snapshot of their
mind, it says immigrants equal criminals. Criminals need to be deported.
I mean, this is how they think. Instead of undocumented immigrants who are doing a very
hard job and doing a lot of dirty jobs in our country. Workplace raids, go ahead. See
what happens to your food supply. See what happens to your fruit and vegetable supply.
See what happens to your construction. See what happens to your rebuild of your house. Come back to me here. Let's meet here
in three months and see what happens. I don't want that kind of social experiment. Let's push
this button and find out what happens. I don't want to do that. And that's not the way you run
a government. I'll continue to follow it all right here on The Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF. I'm Michael Popok. Wednesdays and Saturdays, 8 p.m. Eastern time, regular
show Legal AF on the podcast here on The Midas Touch Network and a brand new channel, Legal
AF of the YouTube channel, Legal AF MTN. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal
AF contribution, I'm Michael Popok and I'm reporting.