Legal AF by MeidasTouch - NY Judge Sends STUNNING MESSAGE in Trump Fraud Case

Episode Date: February 7, 2024

In breaking news, Judge Engoron presiding over the up to $500 million dollar civil fraud case against Trump, have given Trump’s lawyers until 5 pm tomorrow to tell him whether Trump former disgrace...d Chief Financial Officer LIED UNDER OATH and perjured himself when he testified to help Trump. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on how the Judge plans to use the new devastating information against Trump and his companies and family. Get 10% off plus free shipping of your estate plan documents by visiting Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Michael Popak, legal AF with some breaking news in the New York civil fraud case against Donald Trump. We've been waiting for Judge Angoran to issue his judgment, which we expect to be a half a billion dollars against Donald Trump. And now the judge has just sent out yesterday a high importance email correspondence directly to Donald Trump's lawyers as quote unquote officers of the court to tell them what happened with the former chief financial officer disgraced Allen Weisselberg who went to jail already for
Starting point is 00:00:34 tax fraud, a lead witness for Donald Trump in the case of the New York civil fraud case, in which he denied remembering any of the attempts by Donald Trump to cook the books related to his statement of financial condition. But now there's new reporting that it's bubbled up to the judge, of course, and we did it here on Legal AF and the Midas Touch Network, that Alan Weisselberg is in talks with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office to plead guilty to perjury lying under Oath at least twice in their discussions with the Manhattan DA's office about overlapping issues that are also in the New York Attorney General's civil fraud case. And that, as a lead witness, about to take a plea deal to perjury, including
Starting point is 00:01:20 perjury related to testimony in front of Judge Angoran, he wants to get to the bottom of it now and has warned the lawyers that if A, they need to be truthful with him, which is an unusual admonishment by a judge to an officer of the court. But when you're dealing with Alina Haban and Chris Keis, in this kind of case, you got no choice. I'm going to read to you now from the email. It is remarkable. I've been doing this for a long time. I've never received an email like this. And it tells
Starting point is 00:01:49 and it signals to Trump side that they are in for a world of hurt based on this particular results from this particular findings, if the judge were is to conclude that that perjury, of course, tried to influence his ultimate decision. So let me read to you now from the actual email, and we'll take it from there. You can put it up on the board here. The judge starts it with a high importance email.
Starting point is 00:02:23 He addresses it to, yes, the lawyers for the attorney general, but really addressed to Alina Habba and Cliff Robert and Chris Kice. And here's what it says, dear counselors, as you are undoubtedly aware in an article in the FEB 1 online edition of the New York Times, headline Trump's former finance chief in negotiations to plead guilty to perjury. That article writes that defendant Allen Weisselberg is, quote, negotiating a deal with Manhattan prosecutors that would require him to plead guilty to perjury. The judge goes on to say what's more, quote, he would have to admit that he lied on the witness stand
Starting point is 00:03:05 in the case pending before me and during a pretrial interview plaintiff conducted. As the presiding magistrate, the trier of fact and the judge of credibility, judge and Goron continues, I of course want to know whether Mr. Weisselberg is now changing his tune and whether he is admitting he lied under oath in my courtroom at this trial.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Although the Times article focuses on the size of the Trump Tower penthouse, his testimony, Weisselberg's testimony on other topics could also be called into question. Sure, the judge is acknowledging that, yeah, he lied about the size of the Trump Tower penthouse, the triplex, saying that it was 30,000 square feet and not 10,000 square feet, which tripled the amount of that asset being listed on Donald Trump's statement
Starting point is 00:03:55 of financial condition from $30 million to over $100 million. But also if you say that you perjured yourself and you committed the crime of perjury, you completely take off the board all of the testimony that would have been helpful for Donald Trump. Anything that, that inculpated him, in other words, absolved him of any type of liability related to the fraud, you just have to take that off the board and completely discounted as the trial of fact. And that's what the judge is saying here. What, what the judge continues to say is, um, although the Times article focuses on the size of Trump tower, his testimony and other topics,
Starting point is 00:04:35 uh, could also be called into question. I may also use this as a basis to invoke falses in Oona that I can't believe. That's a concept that says I can't believe, that's a concept that says, I can't believe anything that the witness said, and there's an adverse inference as a result. As the article notes, perjury, particularly in a high profile trial, undermines the broader ends of justice
Starting point is 00:04:57 and cannot be ignored. I do not want to ignore anything in a case of this magnitude. Again, the judge mentioning how large of a judgment for disgorgement he could be entering in the next week or so. So he gives them a deadline by Wednesday at 5 p.m. Please submit as officers of the court a letter to me detailing anything you know that would not violate any of your professional ethics or obligations about the plea deal.
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Starting point is 00:07:22 In other words, these lawyers might say, well, these are confidential negotiations that we're not negotiating. And for full and complete disclosure or information here on this hot take, the lawyer for Allen Weisselberg, Seth Klayman, is not one of the lawyers that this email is being addressed to. So they would have to reach out to Seth and ask him what's going on with the plead deal that's now been reported in the paper. We have an obligation
Starting point is 00:07:50 to get to the bottom of it for this judge. And that's what I expect that the judge is expecting them to do, to reach out and find out exactly what is going on with the plea deal. I would also appreciate knowing how you think I should address this matter, if at all, including the timing of my final decision. And that's really addressed to the New York Attorney General. Tell me what to do with this information and how I should use it against them. just this past week at weekend, we expected that one of the reasons that the judge was delaying the issuance of the order that we expected last Wednesday against Donald Trump for half a billion dollars is that he was, he had just gotten this information from the Times, which we all did. And now we have a confirmation from the judge that he did not get that information any other way. Like the New York Attorney General didn't alert him to it.
Starting point is 00:08:45 He read it himself and is now reaching back out. So now we have confirmation that the judge has really has been waiting on this issue and is now struggling, not so much struggling with what to do about it. Cause he knows he's gonna disqualify Allen Weisselberg as a witness basically and all of his credibility. And he's going to, he's even threatened to apply this doctrine under the law, falsis in uno,
Starting point is 00:09:17 which means false in one thing, means false in everything. And it's the legal principle that a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not credible in testifying about any matter. He's going to do that as well. Or as I said on a prior I take take Alan Weisselberg off the wall, off the wall of credible evidence in favor of Donald Trump, do the same thing with his four experts, which he's already discounted. And that this is the same judge has already found that Donald Trump has lied on under oath.
Starting point is 00:09:43 So this number for me, as I said earlier, I don't think it's the $370 million discorgement number that the New York Attorney General put on the board plus interest. I think it's a half a billion dollars. And I think the judge can use this kind of I got lied to during the trial as a way to ratchet up and increase the amount of the award. They have a deadline. We're going to follow their response to this deadline in only one place. The Mid-East Touch Network on on Legal AF, got a midweek edition coming up on Wednesday at 8 p.m. on YouTube, but we'll hit it earlier. They have until Wednesday at five o'clock, right on time for legal AF on Wednesday, we'll be able to report on it live
Starting point is 00:10:25 after it's happened. Because that letter that the judge is looking for has to go back to and be docketed and filed in open court. It won't just be an email back to the judge, we'll see it on the docket, we'll be able to report on it. So we'll continue to report on what's going on and as all these new data points come into the judge, including perjurious witnesses on behalf of Donald Trump and what he does about it,
Starting point is 00:10:51 as he continues drafting, I'm sure it's almost completely done, and the ink is almost dry on the final judgment against Donald Trump and all the Trump organizations, including barring and banning Donald Trump, Don Jr. and Eric Trump from ever being officers or directors or board members in New York of a New York corporation, borrowing money in New York from a New York bank, transacting business in New York, in real estate or otherwise, these are the remedies that are being sought
Starting point is 00:11:19 by the New York Attorney General and are also in play along with the dissolution of the Trump organization as under the monitorship of a court appointed monitor. It's breathless what I'm talking about, but you can see the magnitude and the scope of what's happening here to Donald Trump. He's circling the drain financially and in the business world. We'll continue to report on it on on the 2 million strong Midas Touch Network. So my next hot take, so my next legal AF,
Starting point is 00:11:48 this is Michael Popak reporting. Hey Midas Mighty, love this report? Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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