Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Republican Judge TORCHES Trump Follower TO HIS FACE

Episode Date: August 10, 2024

In a stinging response to Trump’s claim that nothing bad happened on Jan6 and it was just a walk in the proverbial the park, Republican Federal Judge Royce Lamberth just sentenced MAGA Trump followe...r David Dempsey —-the MOST VIOLENT INSURRECTIONIST of them all who beat police and called for hangings— to 20 years in prison, while denouncing the deluded rhetoric of MAGA elected officials. Michael Popok breaks down why Trump can’t be allowed to open up the jails and let these violent criminals back into society. Zbiotics: Head to to get 15% off your first order when you use LEGALAF at checkout. Visit for more! Join the Legal AF Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:12 to the second highest amount of time in jail of any of the Jan 6 insurrectionists, 20 years. David Dempsey, the most violent of the insurrectionists, heeding the call of Donald Trump at the most violent battle scene, yes, battle scene at the Capitol in the West Portico. That was the scene where this guy, David Dempsey, now convicted and now sentenced by Royce Lamberth, a Republican-appointed judge who has seen it all, who has called out in prior proceedings MAGA elected officials like Marjorie Taylor Greene and others and Donald Trump by name or at least by observation and said that he is shocked that elected officials would try to
Starting point is 00:02:03 minimize the carnage and the attack on the Capitol. You know who knows for a fact what happened on Jan 6th and it wasn't a walk in the park, it wasn't political prisoners, it wasn't a tour that got out of hand, but rather was a bloody carnage led by Donald Trump's minions? The trial judges of the DC courts, dozens of them, who have sentenced all of these people to some of the highest sentences possible. You know that David Dempsey's actions had to be bad because he wasn't a proud boy and he wasn't an oath keeper and he got the second highest sentence of 20 years. The only person that beat him was Enrique Tarrio, who was the leader of the Proud Boys. He got 22 years.
Starting point is 00:02:51 This guy, and I'm going to read to you what the Department of Justice in asking for 21 years, the judge gave him 20 years, so there you go, proved that he did. First of all, he climbed up on human scaffolding on the backs of other people. He climbed up and then grabbed whatever he could, a broken crutch, a broken piece of furniture, a bear spray, and attacked the police hand-to-hand combat medieval style. He was convicted of at least two attacks on law enforcement, violent attacks on law enforcement. He attacked Detective Nguyen with pepper spray, not just like a spray, but a torrent of pepper spray, like a fire hose of pepper spray.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Then he took a crutch and almost brained Sergeant Mastoni in the head, left him dazed and confused with a gash and stumbling around. But he did other things as well. Now, Donald Trump wants you to believe that nothing happened untoward on January 6th. These are political prisoners. These are people that we should admire. The Jan 6th choir and all. Forget it. I'm going to read to you the list of people who have already been convicted of between 10 and 22 years in prison for good reason. And now David Dempsey. David Dempsey, who was identified by online sleuthers who helped the Department of Justice track this guy down, and he was known by online sleuthers as flag gator cop hater because he wore a flag gator around his neck over his eyes up to his eyeballs and obviously he was beating up cops.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So he was flag gator cop hater and they found him and they delivered that with a ribbon to the Department of Justice who was still trying to find other people involved. Could you believe we're this many years out from Jan 6 and they're still trying to track down diligently all these people? Another good reason to make sure we vote blue with a blue wave in November, to make sure the Department of Justice continues to do its job. David Dempsey, this was David Dempsey versus Judge Royce Lamperth, who was appointed by Ronald Reagan of all people. He's literally seen it all. And here's what we learned from the sentencing memorandas and the rest related to this particular occurrence. As we age, balancing our social life with next day responsibilities becomes trickier.
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Starting point is 00:07:31 Who could he have been referring to? Well, how about Representative Andrew Clyde of Georgia, who said the rioters behaved in an orderly fashion like tourists. What about Marjorie Taylor Greene who called the Jan 6 inmates political prisoners? What about Elise Stefanik who was in the running to be Donald Trump's vice president who echoed Trump and called the Jan 6 criminals hostages? And what about the Republican National Committee which passed a resolution which called the Jan 6 events legitimate political discourse. And what Judge Lampert said at a prior sentencing, he said that the court is accustomed to defendants who refuse to accept that they did anything wrong. But in my 37 years on the bench, I can't recall a time when such meritless justifications of criminal
Starting point is 00:08:22 activity have gone mainstream. He says, I've been dismayed. This is the judge. Not at this sentencing, but you see, I want you to understand what's going on in the mind of the judge when he's sentencing David Dempsey to the second highest sentence of any Jan 6 insurrectionist ever. He said, I've been dismayed to see distortions and outright falsehoods seep into the public consciousness. The court fears that such destructive misguided rhetoric could presage a further danger to our country. And Lampert knows.
Starting point is 00:08:53 He was a former judge advocate general, a captain for the JAG Corps, who served in Vietnam. He said you cannot condone the shameless attempts to misrepresent what happened on Jan 6. David Dempsey knows what happened on Jan 6. David Dempsey knows what happened on Jan 6. Courtroom observers noticed that after he was sentenced to 20 years, he made some sort of symbol, I won't repeat, that demonstrates that he allies himself with white supremacists. He made that symbol. Other Jan 6 defendants, as they ever let away, usually crying to their ultimate punishment and placement by the Bureau of Prisons, they usually yell out, Trump won or some version of that. What did David Dempsey do? David Dempsey,
Starting point is 00:09:34 not only, as I referred to you, not only did he scale other rioters and use anything he could get his hands on, at least six different weapons to attack the police, but he stood in front of the gallows. Remember those gallows? He stood in front of them and made some incredible statements about it as he called for the assassination and hanging of elected officials and their staff. Again, the most violent Jan 6 defendant located at the most violent location in the West Portico is going to jail for a long time. Here's what Dempsey said, cover your ears, put the children to bed. He said in front of the gallows, string all these effing worthless bastards up from the top of those pointing to the gallows. These tree lines, the rafters,
Starting point is 00:10:23 the rooftops, the statutes, I don't care where they go, string them up, string them up high and let everybody know this is what happens when you are a treasonous piece of s who doesn't belong in this effing country and has this effing country's worst objective at heart. Right? He had already been involved in a 2019 incident where he doused demonstrators in California with bear spray while he wore a Make America Great again hat, a MAGA hat. He was wearing a MAGA hat that day too. For those that think it was some sort of inside job, FBI responsible, Joe Biden, it was a
Starting point is 00:11:00 false flag event, it's not. False flag event, Dempsey on the way out made a white supremacist signal. Supporter Trump to this day. If we allowed him to vote, he'd vote for Trump in November. And David Dempsey, thank God, with judges, not lawfare, not weaponization,
Starting point is 00:11:23 judges who actually heard evidence, saw hundreds of thousands of hours of video provided by the Capitol cameras and saw evidence presented by the Department of Justice, they know better. Here's the sentencing lineup, just so you can get a sense here. Because some people think people haven't been brought to justice and they have. Here's the sentencing. We'll start with, and I'll tell you the judge too, this is from 10 to 22 years. This is the worst sentences or the best sentences being handed out to Jan 6. Christopher Warrell, 10 years, proud boy, Judge Lamberth. Dominic Pizzola, 10 years, Proud Boy, Judge Kelly. Thomas Webster, 10 years, Judge Mehta.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Alan Hostetter, 11 and a quarter years, he's a 3%er. Another white supremacist MAGA movement. By Judge Lampert, again. Kelly Meggs, she got 12 years, Oathkeeper Head, by Mehta. Daniel Rodriguez, 12 and a half years, by Judge Jackson. Peter Schwartz, 14 years, by by Mehta. Daniel Rodriguez, 12 and a half years by Judge Jackson. Peter Schwartz, 14 years by Judge Mehta. Zachary Rell, 15 years, a Proud Boy leader by Judge Kelly. Joe Biggs, Proud Boy leader, 17 years, Judge Kelly.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Republican, Trump nominee by the way. Ethan Nordeen, 18 years, proud boys, Judge Kelly. Stuart Rhodes, that's the guy that in cleaning a weapon blew out his own eye, went to Yale Law School. He's the eye patch wearing, now in jail, head of the Oath Keepers, 18 years by Judge Mehta. And now in this hall of infamy, this hall of shame, welcome David Nicholas Dempsey,
Starting point is 00:13:09 20 years, Judge Lampert, only beaten by Enrique Tarrio, 22 years at Proud Boys, and Judge Kelly. Now, what does all that mean? All those people I just listed, and all the thousands more that were convicted or pled guilty, they could all be released from jail if Donald Trump got back in and did a blanket pardon or commutation of their sentences. Think about what I just said.
Starting point is 00:13:32 As heinous as what I just described happened, the beating of police almost within an inch of their life, the attempt to hang and assassinate elected officials and their staff, the comments that were made with impunity, all of those people, David Dempsey, Tario, the rest, the proud boys, the oath keepers, the three percenters, the people making white supremacist signals out of their way out of their sentencing could all be released from jail if Donald Trump gets elected. If that doesn't set a chill down your
Starting point is 00:14:07 spine and motivate you to get off the couch, I'm not really talking to my audience here right now, I'm talking in general. If that doesn't motivate you to get off the couch and go vote, no matter how long the line is, no matter how hard or how many hurdles you have to jump over to be registered or to early vote or to mail in vote or to absentee vote, whatever you have to do legitimately without fraud to vote, you need to vote. Because otherwise he's going to empty the jails of the Jan 6th violent, most violent criminals and put them back on the street as political prisoners.
Starting point is 00:14:41 How do I know what he has said it? And if he hasn't said it, he's had his proxy say it. That's what's going to happen. How do you stop it? I never like to leave a hot take with sort of this apocalyptic dystopian American carnage view. I'm hopeful. I'm joyful. I am. I'm a happy warrior for democracy. To paraphrase our next vice president, Tim Walls, and Kamala Harris, there's a joy that we now have renewed to be progressives and Democrats. How do you stop it? Easy. If you're in a state that's going to go blue, go to a state that's red and help. Right? And help. And make sure the states that are blue stay blue. Help with voter registration even if you're not from that state. Be a poll watcher even if you're
Starting point is 00:15:31 not from that state. Make sure things, shenanigans don't happen at the polling place. Vote. Get your family to vote. Get your friends to vote. Get your kids at college to vote, get your family members to vote, even the ones that are housebound or in assisted living facilities like my mother or in our nursing homes. Get them to vote the way they want to vote and make sure these violent criminals against democracy that almost, almost accidentally on purpose toppled our democracy, stay in jail for as long as possible. And they don't have a criminal in chief in Donald Trump open the jailhouse doors and let them out. This isn't Arkham. This isn't some lost episode of Batman.
Starting point is 00:16:20 We're not letting them all out and release them into society. He's not supposed to be president Joker. I mean, he's a Joker, but he's not president Joker. So we got to do, we got to learn the lessons of Mr. Dempsey and his jail sentence and judges and patriots like Judge Lampert and vote and do our part for democracy. We'll continue to follow it right here on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF. Fired up on this hot tick. Every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Eastern Time,
Starting point is 00:16:54 follow us while we live record the Midas Touch Legal AF at the intersection of law and politics. We curate the top four or five stories and we bring it to you the way we know how. Uncensored, sometimes unhinged. Got to get angry. Got to get angry for democracy. It's a participatory democracy. It's a contact sport. I mean that metaphorically. And then you can find us if you like what we're doing on Legal AF. Here's the logo. Go find it on, just plug it into wherever you get your podcast from, your audio podcast from. And then I do hot takes like this about every hour. Leave me a thumbs up, watch the whole hot take and leave a comment.
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Starting point is 00:17:57 no outside investors. We are your network. You are our network. We are in this together. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. on legal AF exclusive content you won't find anywhere else. All for the price of a couple of cups of coffee. Join us at slash legal AF. That's slash legal AF

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