Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Secret Footage of Trump Interview SURFACES that SINKS his Defense

Episode Date: September 26, 2023

Kristin Welker’s disastrous Trump interview just offered a new unknown gift to prosecutors: 9 minutes of the Trump interview that NBC edited out, including another version of Trump’s election frau...d lies that the prosecutors will likely use against him at his trials.  Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Salesforce, we're all about asking more of AI. Questions like, where's the data going? Is it secure? Are you sure? Are you sure you're sure? Get answers you can trust from Salesforce at This is Michael Popok, legal AF. Did you know there were nine missing minutes
Starting point is 00:00:18 from the Kristen Welker Meet the Press interview of Donald Trump and they were right at the beginning. Meet the press took one look and NBC news took one look at the first nine minutes and basically gave Kristen Welker and the interview of Mulligan, a doover by cutting that out and not showing that on television. But we have the clip right here. In fact, I'm going to show you the clip that the prosecutors, Jack Smith, Fawney Willis and others are going to find the most clip that the prosecutors, Jack Smith, Fawney, Willis and others are going to find the most intriguing from the quote unquote, missing nine minutes. So edited out as anticipated, you will see by Donald Trump himself.
Starting point is 00:00:55 You'll see right in the middle towards the end of the interviewer. So Donald Trump says your network isn't probably going to air this. And he was right. I think the producers and editors heard that and said, we just got a great idea from Donald Trump. Cut that out. Start the interview later. No one will ever know. We'll just slice and dice it. Well, we do know. And it is out. And here's the rest of the interview. And when you listen to this clip, I'm going to play right now in its entirety about the election and the false statements that Donald Trump continues to make on this show.
Starting point is 00:01:26 In order to try to cover his tracks and make it more difficult for prosecutors to prove criminal mind and criminal intent by Donald Trump, actually at Backfires and he actually will help them prove it. Let's play the clip and then we'll come back and talk about it. I'm looking to appoint an attorney general who's going to be tough on crime and fair. Very simple. And go after your political enemies? No, no. I would never do that.
Starting point is 00:01:49 But Biden has done that. Look, Biden, these aren't indictments against me. These are Biden indictments. This isn't God coming down and very fairly said, Joe, you spoke badly about an election. The election was rigged. There's no question about that. There's so much proof on it. Even if you go to the more modern-day proof with the, they call it Twitter files,
Starting point is 00:02:08 FBI and Twitter, or you take a look at the Amazon stuff, or the Google stuff, or you take a look at 2000 mules, you take a look at all of the ballot stuff that's on tape, you take a look at the fact that the legislatures didn't approve a lot of the things that were done in the elections and they had to approve, and we could go on forever. We could go on forever. But, but no, I want somebody that's going to be strong, respected, tough and fair. Just to go back to a couple of the points you said, the ballot stuffing, that's something that's been debunked. It hasn't. As you know, let's on camera. But let's, I do want to keep moving forward. Of course it's on camera hundreds
Starting point is 00:02:46 at even thousands and thousands of people you take a look through the vote take a look. It's on camera But Mr. President you know thousands of officials and I know because you can't say it. I have thousands of people. I know you have to say that for your network but you shouldn't say it that because that's the problem the news has lost such power let's stay on track though mr. president let's say what you're saying to be it hasn't we have thousands of essentially motion pictures of people stuffing the ballot boxes mr. panes of that they're not stuffing the ballot boxes and you've been told that by your top law enforcement officials but let's stay on track because we have so much ground to come. You have people that went and voted in one place, another place, another place,
Starting point is 00:03:31 as many as I understand, 28 different places in one day with seven, eight, nine ballots a piece. They can't do any more. Pisa would look too phony. These were professional people. They were stuffing the ballot boxes. It's there. I mean, it's there to see a lot of people do like looking at it. 60 different cases all across the country. You lost that, but let's stay on track. We lost because the judges didn't want to hear them.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Mr. President, if this were ever before a court, we would win so easy. There is so much evidence that the election was rigged. And you may not even put the section on your show And you'll have to decide what you want to do, but people know it was rigged Look the media when I first got involved in politics, you know there's no evidence of that We have so many different topics. I want to talk about what I just get this you agree that was Twitter files, right? Mr
Starting point is 00:04:20 President you agree that were 51 intelligence agents that lied you agree with that I'm not the one who's being interviewed. Let's stay on track because I want to talk about that. That's bringing the election. That's what voters want to hear about, Mr. President. Let's talk about what's happening on Capitol Hill right now. So from McCarthy, announcing he was launching. Okay, Kristen Welker, listen, I hope you get better at what you do. I admired you before you took this job. I know that's a tough get to do Donald Trump when he comes on with his talking points, but you got to do better. Thank God we got that nine minutes.
Starting point is 00:04:55 You just saw about two and a half or three minutes of it. What we heard was an unstable, deranged Donald Trump who's either crazy as a fox or he's just crazy, in which he keeps clinging to this falsehood that there was ballot stuffing in dead people voting and people voting out of precinct enough to overturn the results of the election. In other words, a despositive fraud, right? Election, despositive fraud enough election fraud to overcome Joe Biden's electoral advantage
Starting point is 00:05:30 in each state of the seven battleground states that he won. Boxing streaming services, that exercise app to show your friends you bike 20 miles in the rain and your hometown newspaper for that one homecoming game score? There are subscriptions for everything these days and sometimes it feels impossible to keep tabs on what you're paying for every month. That's why I'm such a huge fan of rocket money. Rocket money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions.
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Starting point is 00:07:07 Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and manage your money the easy way by going to slash legal AF. That's slash legal AF. Rocket slash legal af. So for instance, in Georgia, there's fraud at every election. You know, there's always somebody voting their mother-in-law's ballot or somebody's mother-in-law died in voting that ballot, right?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Or out of precinct voting by mistake or on purpose. But they'd have to show that there was enough of that to overcome in Georgia, for instance, 11,758 votes. And there isn't. That usually happens at the most infinitesimal level. .001% is the stat I've seen about fraud in any given election. He'd have to show like a single digit fraud, you know, single digit fraud, you know, like 2%, 3%, 5% in a state not happening. But Donald Trump continues to even, as you heard on
Starting point is 00:08:11 that clip, refer to things like, you know, 2000 mules completely debunked, right? Completely debunked BS documentary that claims that there,000 people that stuffed bags of with ballots for Biden and shove them into voting machines and shove them into ballot boxes. That's the 2,000 mules, right? Election vote mules, as opposed to drug mules or other types of mules. Or true the vote, which is a completely underhanded right wing organization that's been challenging votes and trying to act like there was voter fraud at which competent investigators and law enforcement have looked into it and found that they were completely wrong. But Donald Trump keeps referring to it as he pushes Kristen Welker and he keeps talking
Starting point is 00:08:57 about, for instance, true the vote in 2000 and 2000 mules and there was ballot stuffing and ballot stuffing and ballot stuffing and all Christian Wilkirk and do help Basically, you say but there wasn't but it's been debunked. It's been debunk. Let's move on. Please let's move on Well, Jack Smith and Faudi Willis aren't gonna move on They're gonna get that nine minutes. They have that nine minutes. I have it And they're gonna use that to throw up on the board and show how Donald Trump throw up on the board and show how Donald Trump against the tremendous weight of evidence of testimony of lawyers around him that he appointed in his department of justice in his White House counsel's office, his outside counsel, his election officials all around told
Starting point is 00:09:40 him that he had lost the election. His head of cybersecurity, the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security, his own attorney general, Bill Barrett at the time. Everyone told him that there was nothing to the allegations of fraud. He chose instead to listen or at least act like he was listening to Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Powell, Ken Chesborough, John Eastman, Peter Navarro, Jim Troopus, Jenna Ellis, and the like, because they told them what he wanted to hear, because their bootlickers is the first order. Instead of listening to all the people that he appointed and had confirmed in office,
Starting point is 00:10:16 like his White House counsel, deputy White House counsel, attorney general, deputy attorney general, acting attorney general, acting deputy attorney general, and I can head of cybersecurity, home insecurity, and the like FBI and the like, right? And there's a concept in the law, you can't bury your head in the sand. It's called willful blindness. It's a reasonable person standard. Is it reasonable for a person possessing the knowledge and information that Donald Trump had from all of these very mature adults about the results of the election to continue to claim to documentaries like 2000 mules or organizations that are outside the periphery on
Starting point is 00:10:57 the fringe at the QAnon level like true the vote? And the answer to the jury is going to conclude is, no, it's not. Right? You know, he can continue to try to go on television and say the same thing over and over again, but we know on the very moment back in the dining room when he was watching the election results, he turned to his communications director at the time and she's already testified and said, can you believe I lost to this effing guy, meaning Joe Biden? Yes, we believe you lost to that effing guy. And you did it by seven million votes and seven battleground states.
Starting point is 00:11:34 But the interesting thing about the clip is not, you know, what some of the press is. Kristen Welker was worse than we thought. That okay. If this was a journalism intake, that would sort of be interesting. Although I felt sorry for her, it certainly, I felt like somebody needed to throw her a life preserver and an all-dontal Trump was thrown or was like an anvil. Okay. And bullying her as he always does, especially women in positions of authority or power. We saw it with Hillary Clinton on the debate stage. We just saw it with Kristen Wilker, and we saw it with other people around him. But having said that, that's not the headline. The headline is, how does the prosecutors use that three-minute clip I just showed
Starting point is 00:12:16 you against Donald Trump as they play it in courtrooms to juries? And I just explained you the way they do it. They talk about the concept and the jury will be charged instructed by the judge on willful blindness that a reasonable person with the information that is in front of them can't also in their mind maintain at the same time the concept that they are lost by fraud in the election, given the overwhelming title wave of information and evidence arrayed around him and witnesses that have testified. And he couldn't possibly have held that view at the time he committed the crimes for which he's been charged for the 91 felony counts across four indictments in three jurisdictions. And that's going to be the way using a clip like that, right?
Starting point is 00:13:06 That I know NBC was embarrassed about and tried to hide it so that we wouldn't see it. We wouldn't see how bad Kristen Welker did so they could edit their way around it. But the American people are smarter than that. I believe American juries are smarter than that. And I wouldn't run from this if I were Jack Smith or Fonday Willis, I would embrace it and make it a feature in my opening statements to the jury at the time of these trials. I'll continue to take information that we learn at the intersection of law and politics in only one place, the Midas Touch Network, and bring it to your attention with the benefit of my 32 years of trial experience in courtrooms and cour court houses, just like the ones I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I do it right here as one of the leaders of legal a F, the leading podcast at the intersection of law and politics, along with Karen, free minicnifalo and Ben my Salis. And then we tie it all together. And on Wednesdays and Saturdays, right here, same place, YouTube channel might as touch free. We bring you legal AF. Yes, it's what you think.
Starting point is 00:14:07 We do it just like I just did it except five or six stories and two of us at a time talking about it and bringing it to you in a way that we don't blow smoke or sunshine. And we hope is at least marginally both informational and educational. And so until my next hot take, until my next legal AF,
Starting point is 00:14:27 this is Michael Popock reporting. Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.
Starting point is 00:14:39 you

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