Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump CAN’T ESCAPE DC Case as WORLD IMPLODES

Episode Date: July 30, 2024

The video receipts are in proving that Trump and his aides and lawyers created fake elector certificates and then tried to get them handed in to VP Pence on 1/5 and 1/6 to steal the election. Michael ...Popok explains why this evidence is so important to keeping 2 of the 4 criminal counts against Trump alive in the DC ELECTION interference criminal case. in his latest Hot Take. Head to to get 15% off your first order when you use LEGALAF at checkout. Visit for more! Join the Legal AF Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Michael Popak, Legal AF. I love video cameras because they create evidence and receipts. And what do we have again now? We've got new reporting about video camera footage on Jan 6th of Donald Trump's election day coordinators, Donald Trump's lawyers, Ken Chesborough, with giant envelopes under their arms as they acted as mules to take fake elector certificates, fake elector certificates, I repeat, from Michigan and Wisconsin and try through a circuitous route all the way through aides to Representative Mike Kelly in Pennsylvania. Yes, yes, the same Mike Kelly who's on the June 13th commission to try to figure out what happened in Pennsylvania with Donald Trump, that Mike Kelly, to try to get it to Mike Kelly through his aides to get it to Mike Pence.
Starting point is 00:00:49 And we'll show you a video. And we'll show you a video that when that failed on January the 5th, and the main election day coordinator, G. Michael Brown, who worked with a guy named Mike Roman, who's been indicted a couple of times, who's the election day coordinator for Donald Trump. They kind of wandered around, confused what to do with these giant envelopes they had. I'll show you the video. And how do they get it to Mike Pence? So there was a mad scramble. On January the 6th, the actual election counting day, when they got it over from Mike Kelly's aides, the ones that work for Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, and they got it over to Ron Johnson's aides of
Starting point is 00:01:29 Wisconsin to try to get it into the hands of Mike Pence at the last moment on Jan 6th as the insurrection raged just outside the doors. But fortunately a combination of Mike Pence guided by who? Judge Ludig, friend of the show, been on the show a number of times with me giving interviews. He decided not to take or recognize the fake elector certificates, so he had the Senate parliamentarian refuse the big fat envelopes filled with the fake elector certificates. How do we know all this? First of all, G. Michael Brown testified before the grand jury that was impaneled ultimately in DC through Jack Smith, the special counsel. And he testified, he testified a year
Starting point is 00:02:15 ago in June to the grand jury about his role in the fake elector, what I call the mulling of the fake elector certificates, getting them from these various states signed or unsigned and trying to get them into the hands of Mike Pence as the flask gasp effort to stop the peaceful transfer of power. We knew about all of this. By the way, G. Michael Brown is apparently represented by the same lawyer that represents Walt Nauta, the co-conspirator with Donald Trump in the recently dismissed Mar-a-Lago indictment, Walt Nauta being the Butler valet body man for Donald Trump. His lawyer, Stan Woodward, which is bought and
Starting point is 00:02:59 paid for by the Trump PACs, also represents G. Michael Brown Brown. I'm sure that Stan Woodward is also being paid for that representation from Trump. So a Trump lawyer paid for representing G. Michael Brown testified a year ago June to the grand jury about his role in the fake elector scandal. Now, Jack Smith has the very video. I want to show you the video now that we have of Ken Chesbrough, the disgraced lawyer, election lawyer for Donald Trump, and G. Michael Brown kind of wandering around with these giant envelopes on Jan 5, trying to figure out a way through the aides of Mike Kelly to get it in the hands of Mike Pence unsuccessfully. Let's show that video.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Now we know that's Chesborough and G. Michael Brown because there's a text message from Ken Chesborough the next day confirming that he was wandering around and that's what was in those envelopes. So we've got that going for us. Then there's the mad scramble on the sixth and I think we trying to get it in the hands of Ron Johnson's aides because now they really are running out of time to get it over to Mike Pence. But the last firewall of defense is that Mike Pence was getting unbeknownst to these two, and for the Trump campaign, was getting advice from former federal judge J. Michael Ludig, who's of course I've interviewed, and Judge Ludig told Mike Pence in no uncertain terms, you cannot fail to recognize the lawfully cast certificates of the real electors
Starting point is 00:05:07 and try to recognize this other thing, these fake elector certificates, which is also known in the prosecution business as fake evidence. Let's take a quick break to talk about our next sponsor, Zbiotics. If you're like me, you've probably skipped a workout because of drinks the night before.
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Starting point is 00:06:28 I was shocked at how good I felt the next day and so was my wife. Give Z-Biotics a try for yourself. Go to slash LegalAF to get 15% off your first order when you use LegalAF at checkout. Z-Biotics is back with 100% money back guarantee. So if you're unsatisfied for any reason,
Starting point is 00:06:49 they'll refund your money, no questions asked. Remember to head to slash Legal AF and use the code Legal AF at checkout for 15% off. So now we'd always heard about the involvement. Here's the lineup. Here's the cast of characters. Mike Roman, election day coordinator for Donald Trump, indicted in Georgia, indicted in Arizona. Mike Roman worked closely with Ken Chesbrough. Ken Chesbrough designed, along with John Eastman and others and Peter Navarro, this idea of using fake electors and fake elector certificates to have them certified somehow,
Starting point is 00:07:33 stamped and sealed, on or about before the Jan 6th concave, and then have them sent to Mike Pence. Now, Chesbrough has said, well, they were supposed to all have a warning label on them, like some sort of only break glass in case of emergency. And the warning label was going to be only if a court of law finds that any of our lawsuits try to overturn some of these election results and some of these battleground states prevail. But that was too long to put on a warning label. And so Mike Roman was like,
Starting point is 00:08:05 who needs warning labels? Just get the electors to sign. Or as Mike Roman once put it, and this is in testimony, F them. F the fake electors. Just get their signatures. And when they couldn't get their signatures on real fake certificates, they made fake fake certificates that were copies without the signatures on them. This is seriously what I'm describing here. This is the Keystone Cops at this point. This is a comedy routine. It's like a circus act. They take the fake fake electric certificates from Michigan and Wisconsin, and Mike Roman, who's the lead mule trying to bring these fake elector certificates into the Capitol, he's using his assistant, who is the special assistant Election Day coordinator, G. Michael Brown, to work for the campaign to connect with Chesapeake and to carry these packages with them from Wisconsin and Michigan and get them in somehow,
Starting point is 00:09:01 get them into the Capitol, get them into Mike Pence's hands. And so when the fifth, January 5th, and all their efforts there, you see them wandering around with these packages, all that fails. They try again on the 6th. And that's when that last firewall of Mike Pence guided by J. Michael Lutick, who then instructs the Senate parliamentarian, don't accept any packages from any strangers. I mean, I'm paraphrasing. Because Mike Pence had no intention to reject the real valid certificates and somehow recognize the fake evidence, the fake elector certificates, or to throw up his hands, which is what they wanted as an alternative, and say, well, I can't figure it out. There seems to be two contingencies from Georgia and from Michigan and from Arizona and from fill in the blank. Can't figure it out. Turn
Starting point is 00:09:50 it over to the Congress, throw it over to the House. Let each state delegation decide and there's more state Republican delegations than Democratic and that would have resulted in Donald Trump being elected president over the will of the people. That was the scheme. Now we've got the receipts, got the videos, got the text messages, we got the testimony. The whole DC election interference case, which is still going on, we're going to be back in court in the week that's coming up in early August before Judge Chutkin, led by Special Counsel Jack Smith. It's part of that indictment, the four counts against Donald Trump is the use of the fake electors. And the fake electors and that component, that link in the chain of the conspiracy
Starting point is 00:10:38 is so important now since the Supreme Court ruled on July 1st in the immunity decision. Why? Because in the immunity decision, Why? Because in the immunity decision, even though it's been reported various ways as absolute immunity under all circumstances for any bad act, that's not true. The absolute immunity, regardless of activity, is for core presidential function, really that seven or eight categories listed in the Constitution. Then there's that category of official conduct stretched to its outer boundaries that gets a presumption of immunity but can be overcome by the prosecutors. Then there's that last category of unofficial or private conduct that has no immunity at all. But even in their analysis, they said both in the immunity decision and in the decision about
Starting point is 00:11:28 immunity decision and in the decision about whether the obstruction of an official proceeding count could apply against Jan 6 defendants, remembering that two of the four counts against Donald Trump in DC, two of them are for obstruction of an official proceeding meeting in Congress. Even when in the same breath as the immunity decision, the Supreme Court said, when in the same breath as the immunity decision, the Supreme Court said, unless you're physically ripping up documents or evidence or certificates, I don't see how this particular claim maps onto the conduct of the Jan 6 defendants. On page eight of that decision, taking a page out of Judge Sotomayor when she was on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals before she got elevated to the Supreme Court, one of her opinions, they said if there's fake evidence involved, the manufacture of fake evidence, that means fake certificates in the analysis we're doing here,
Starting point is 00:12:14 that count could stand. Donald Trump, your count's standing. You got fake certificates. You're going to have the testimony of G. Michael Brown against you, Ken Chesbrough against you, video evidence that we've seen on this hot take, documentary evidence that we've seen once that case gets up and running. So not only at where we're at right now,
Starting point is 00:12:38 the end of July, not only does it look like that Donald Trump is likely to lose his bid to restore himself to the presidency, but he's going to get convicted and sentenced in DC. He's going to get sentenced in New York for fraud. He's going to have a $500 million plus judgment to pay at the end of 2024, the beginning of 2025 for fraud. I believe that the Mar-a-Lago case is going to get back up and running after Judge Cannon is reversed on appeal to the 11th Circuit. Even that will be upheld by the United States Supreme Court. Oh, what a difference two weeks make at the intersection of law and politics. We cover it
Starting point is 00:13:17 all here on the Midas Touch Network on Legal AF every Wednesday, Saturday at 8 p.m. Eastern Time. And I do hot takes like this, I don't know, about every hour at the intersection of law and politics as a practicing lawyer who knows what he's talking about at the intersection of law and politics. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Heary, heary, Legal AF Law Breakdown is now in session. Go beyond the headlines and get a deep dive
Starting point is 00:13:43 into the important legal concepts you need to know and we discuss every day on Legal AF. session.

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