Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump Co-Conspirator VANISHES as Prosecutors CLOSE IN

Episode Date: August 22, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on a Proud Boy is now a fugitive from justice, escaping from house arrest before his felony sentencing for his role in the attack on the Capitol, and what that will m...ean for him sentencing wise when he is finally captured by the FBI after a manhunt. Head to and sign up for a subscription using code LEGALAF at checkout, and automatically get 30% off your first order and FREE SHIPPING! Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Michael Popok, legal AF, we got a proud boy on the run. Got a proud boy who's now a fugitive of justice because he refuses to surrender himself and have the sentencing imposed on him for his role in Jan 6th. We have a separate group of leadership of the proud boys. The Department of Justice is seeking up to 33 years for each of them, almost double, much higher than the oath keepers, because not all right-wing paramilitary soldiers for Trump are built the same. They're not all monolithic.
Starting point is 00:00:31 There's some that are worse than others. As I said before, if you put an oath keeper and a proud boy in an alley, the oath keeper is going to be scared of the proud boy. And now we've got one of them on the run, right? We got a fugitive. His name is Chris Warrell. Chris Warrell was supposed to come in to judge Royce Lamporth to be sentenced. He's been on get this home confinement since November 2021,
Starting point is 00:00:59 because the judge decided that when he was injured in jail, his medical treatment wasn't sufficient and that he found the Bureau of Prison in contempt of court for not properly giving him medical attention for a broken hand. So, talk about no good deed goes unpunished. The judge lets Warrell out of federal detention, where the leadership of the proud boys has been sitting for over two years and for good reason in the DC jail. Let's them out. Let's him serve his time with an ankle bracelet in Naples, Florida. Isn't
Starting point is 00:01:38 that nice? And then when it comes time for his sentencing last Friday, this past Friday, he skips out. And they still haven't found him yet. And so now we've reached the point where there's an arrest warrant that's been issued. This skipping the sentencing is a bad, bad thing in the world of federal judges. And now he's just bought himself pursuant to the Department of Justice, a new count. So not only is he going to be sentenced now for the participation where he pepper sprayed some of the police. It wasn't charged with seditious conspiracy, but he was charged with some other felonies. Now he's just basically doubled his sentence because he's decided that he's
Starting point is 00:02:26 going to be able to do that, which no one really has been able to do in the history of the FBI or the Department of Justice, which is to skip town, become a fugitive and avoid being sentenced. I assure you, the next hot take I do is going to be about the capture of Chris Warrell, because somebody's going to give him up, right? This isn't the underground railroad, right? All the people in his world are not going to subject themselves to being prosecuted themselves for aiding
Starting point is 00:02:56 and abetting a fugitive. And so somebody's going to drop a dime on him. His family, somebody that he's friends with, an old girlfriend, and he's going to be spotted, picked up, if he's outside the state, extradited, sent by federal marshals, put bounding, not gag, but bound around the waist with chains and dragged into now a very perturbed a Royce Lamporth, the judge, the guy who cut him a break because he got a broken hand and even liked the way the medical treatment was going and let him sit out the rest sitting
Starting point is 00:03:30 at home. All he had to do was return for sentencing. I don't know exactly what the sentencing would be. The sentencing memo has already been filed. I think he was looking at, you know, certainly less than 10 years. I think he was looking at, you know, somewhere between five and eight years In any event, he's got to come in. Now, we just double it. Right? And when he, and his cellmate says, what are you in for? Why are you in for so long? He can say to, he can, he can proudly say, I ran away. I was a coward. I was a fugitive of justice, and I had to be picked up. You know, this is what
Starting point is 00:04:02 goes through their mind that laws don't apply to them, right? Laws don't apply to seditious conspirators, stormers of the capital, people who consider themselves to be patriots, but are nothing but treasonous terrorists, domestic terrorists against democracy in the constitution. Because that's how their brain is wired, those very same people
Starting point is 00:04:25 that allowed themselves to participate in this quote unquote 1776 moment led by the proud boys who are responsible for every bad thing that's happened at the Capitol. That's according to the Department of Justice. Every bad thing that happened on Jan 6th, you can trace it back to the problem. Right? Everything. Trees are a renewable resource, but not an unlimited resource. Because let's be honest, trees don't grow on trees. Everyday companies are clear-cutting forests, just to produce toilet paper. Trees in wood aren't amazing resource, but it doesn't make sense to use them to make a product that we use once and flush away.
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Starting point is 00:06:52 hand combat outmatched police. One person described it as like some sort of scene out of game of throes with weapons, bicycle racks, police shields, pepper spray hand hand combat. That was led by the proud boys, right? The break into the Senate, the first time the line was broken, where they actually got into the building, that's a proud boy with a police shield, broke a window and got everybody in. And then the leadership behind it, right? The way that they used a wedge formation, and they brought in people who didn't even have military training, who just happened to be around. I mean, they had 200 proud boys.
Starting point is 00:07:29 That went there, but then they quickly led these other, quote unquote, civilians to attack and how to attack and where to attack and where the vulnerabilities were on an outmatched Capitol police and DC police. And so, Warrell is guilty. He was found guilty. He was sent. He's been sitting because he's a dangerous criminal. He's been sitting, had been sitting in federal detention. I think in the DC jail. But he got released and had, and he repay the favor, tip his hat, the federal judge, who now he's going to see in a whole different light. He ran away. He became a fugitive of justice requiring taxpayer dollars to go track in, down drag his ass back to back to DC for his
Starting point is 00:08:16 sentencing. And like I just said, he's just doubled his sentence. I mean, it is mind boggling to me his sentence. I mean, it is mind boggling to me that they're, they were so proud thumping their chest, pounding their breast, um, thought they were doing their 1776 moment, right? They were protecting democracy. What all they were doing was leaving a stain on democracy. And then when it's time for them to pay the piper, right? To stand up and, uh,, or as Burrito once said, in an old TV show, if you can't do the time,
Starting point is 00:08:50 don't do the crime. And these guys don't wanna do the time, right? They wanna be on social media, they wanna like pound their chest and whip it up and say we did it, and we're after the traders, and we're gonna attack the Capitol and drag Nancy Pelosi out by her hair and hang Mike Pence and, and kill in a blood curdling scream elected officials. Tough guys, tough guys until they're brought in in chains around their waste and
Starting point is 00:09:21 around their ankles before a federal judge. And then when they got to come in and stand and deliver, it's sack up. their waste and around their ankles before a federal judge. And then when they got to come in and stand and deliver, it's sack up. They run away, they've become fugitives requiring the Department of Justice and the FBI to do dangerous things, which is the track down a convicted felon, right? FBI agents get assassinated for doing less, for executing search warrants, let alone trying to now find like bounty hunters this guy. So I wish, you know, safety and prayers of safety
Starting point is 00:09:56 to the FBI, the others, they're gonna have to track this guy down because he's definitely could be armed and dangerous. We'll follow Chris Warl and what happens to him next when he is inevitably captured and brought before the federal judge. Who will now double or triple his sentence and he'll sit in a federal penitentiary for a lot of his natural born life. We do it in one place, I do it in one place, the Midas Touch Network only on their YouTube channel. But you knew that,
Starting point is 00:10:25 because you're watching me right here right now. I do this about every day at the intersection of law and politics, because I've been practicing for 32 years in courtrooms, just like the ones I'm describing, and I give you the benefit of that information. If you like hot takes, you're gonna love our podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Also on the Midas Touch Network, I'm the co-anchor and co-founder of it. It's called Legal AF. We do it on Wednesdays and Saturdays on YouTube. Free subscribe. Let's get Midas Touch to 2 million. And then we drop in an audio everywhere you pull your audio podcast from every platform.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And if you like all of this, you can look for it in two places, this type of content. One, you can go over to the Midas.YouTube channel, slide over to playlists, you'll find legal AF, you'll find Michael Popakall, my work there. And you can go to the new website that MidasTouch has come out with called You'll find video content, written content, all the podcasts, merchandise, everything you can, you'll be able to live there all day at the intersection of law and politics and law and politics. Only one place
Starting point is 00:11:31 If you like what I'm doing, give me a thumbs up here. It helps with the algorithms. And you can follow me, Michael Popak on all things social media. Now threads included at MS Popak. This is Michael Popak until the next hot take for legal AF. Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram.
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