Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump DELAY SCHEME Gets QUICKLY SWATTED DOWN By Judge In NEW Criminal Case

Episode Date: August 7, 2023

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports how the Magistrate Judge who presided over Donald Trump’s arraignment in the Washington DC Federal Courthouse was prepared for Trump’s delay tactics with the ...federal judge on the matter and quickly rejected it.  Head to and sign up for a subscription using code LEGALAF at checkout, and automatically get 30% off your first order and FREE SHIPPING! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Ben Myceles from the Midas Touch Network. Donald Trump lost a pretty significant motion during his arrangement that's not getting a lot of attention because it wasn't a written motion. It was more in the form of a somewhat informal oral motion by his lawyer, John Loro, who sought to try to cause delay in the process already in the new criminal case brought by special counsel, Jack Smith, against Donald Trump for Trump's crimes relating to the 2020 election in the new criminal case brought by special counsel, Jack Smith against Donald Trump for Trump's crimes relating to the 2020 election and the January 6th insurrection and The magistrate judge was not having it. It was very prepared and I think caught Trump's lawyer John Loro off guard
Starting point is 00:00:40 Just how prepared she was and it shows you what a great team of judges have been randomly assigned to this new case brought by special counsel, Jack Smith. So just so you know when we're talking about a magistrate judge, magistrate judges are not appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. That's only Article 3 federal judges. The magistrate judges are actually appointed and selected by the Article 3 judges within the federal courthouse. So the federal judge who is assigned to the Trump cases, federal judge, Tanya Chutkin and Obama,
Starting point is 00:01:18 appointee who's really the only federal judge who has sentenced January 6th insurrectionist to a longer prison sentence than what the Department of Justice had actually requested. She also ruled on a previous case filed by Donald Trump against the January 6th Committee and the National Archives that presidents are not kings and Donald Trump is not the president. And she ordered that all of these documents created during the Trump disgraceful administration be turned over to the January 6th committee back in 2021. So she's the judge randomly assigned to this case, the exact opposite of Judge Eileen
Starting point is 00:01:57 Kenham, the magistrate judge who made this order that I'm going to be talking about in a moment where Trump lost this kind of oral motion that was filed during a Raymond is magistrate judge up a dia and they were obviously up a dia the magistrate and the federal judge Tonya Chutkin. They were in close communication and coordination before this hearing and knew exactly what Trump's lawyers were going to try to do. Delay, delay, delay. So let me kind of paint the scene of what went down at the arrangement, which takes place before a magistrate judge.
Starting point is 00:02:34 They signed search warrants. They're the ones who handle arrangements and lots of discovery disputes go to the magistrate, not the federal judge. So Donald Trump goes in, magistrate judge op a dies not there waiting for him. She makes him wait for 25 minutes. She shows up, takes the bench, asks him to state his name, asks him, asks him how old he is, according to some reports, one by the independent Donald Trump said, I'm seven, seven years old and then corrected himself and said that he's
Starting point is 00:03:05 77 years old. The magistrate judge asked Donald Trump if he was under any drugs or alcohol or anything that would impair his judgment in the past 24 to 48 hours. He said no, the magistrate judge then explained to him that if he engaged in any further criminal conduct, while this case was pending, he would go to prison immediately that she would order that he be remanded immediately. She set conditions of his appearance release.
Starting point is 00:03:35 He can't speak to any other witnesses about the case itself. That was one of the conditions. Donald Trump led not guilty to all four counts and special counsel Jack Smith's indictment. But then Donald Trump's lawyer, John Loro, said, you know what? We are going to oppose the time frame of the Speedy trial act, which says that cases need to be brought to trial, basically within 70 or so days of the, uh, arrangement of that first appearance, pursuant to the sixth amendment. And Trump's lawyer said, we want, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:11 trial date that's going to be far out. So we're not looking for a speedy trial. Trump's lawyers brought that up right away. Uh, the magistrate judge was ready for it. She goes, funny that she say that because we are setting another hearing, I spoke to the federal judge, Judge Chutkin, and Judge Chutkin would like to hold a hearing on August 28th to set the trial date. So, Donald Trump's lawyer, no, you're not going to delay this thing indefinitely. Denied, here's what I'm going to do though,
Starting point is 00:04:43 because we talked about this. We expected, perhaps perhaps that you were going to make this request. So, Trump lawyer, John Loro, you have five days. Submit your motion about why when you think the trial date should be or what delays you're going to seek, then the Department of Justice will get five days after that, and you better be prepared on August 28th when you go before Judge Chutkin to be prepared to set a trial date. Now, let's stop cutting down trees to make toilet paper. It's true, humans are cutting down tens of thousands every day just to supply the American need for toilet paper. And the worst part is that when we use trees for toilet paper, it's just one use and
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Starting point is 00:07:29 based on the law and order judges assigned to it, and based on the way Special Counsel Jack Smith crafted this indictment. Special Counsel Jack Smith could have charged Donald Trump with literally hundreds of counts, hundreds of charges. Special Counsel Jack Smith could have charged Donald Trump with literally hundreds of counts, hundreds of charges. Special counsel Jackson Smith could have brought money laundering, wire fraud charges against Donald Trump akin to what the Department of Justice brought against George Santos,
Starting point is 00:07:57 Magger Republican from Long Island Third Congressional District, disgraceful, lying individual, but it was one of the faces of the modern-day Maga Republican Party. All of Donald Trump's packs all of that still under criminal investigation, but I think special counsel Jackson said, look, if we make this case into a case of financial crimes, it's going to require forensic accountants and economists and all this stuff, this case will never go to trial It will be five years like lots of financial crime type cases
Starting point is 00:08:29 It is just gonna take forever discover he's gonna take forever and this case won't go to trial So special counsel jacksmith said four counts We're gonna talk about a conspiracy against voting rights a conspiracy to stop the electoral count obstruction of an official proceeding which carries within a 20 year sentence, and obstruction of the overall role of Congress and trying to overthrow the electoral process, overthrow our democracy to try to change votes from Biden to Trump. So let's focus on these very narrow issues.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Why focus on these narrow issues? Discrete, concrete, the discovery will be limited, the case can go to trial at an earlier expedited schedule. That's how special counsel, Jack Smith, crafted this. And Donald Trump was, for the most part, treated like a fairly ordinary criminal defendant at this federal hearing the way the magistrate judge said, what's your name? He was fingerprint at this time, granted it was digital fingerprinting.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And court observer said Donald Trump looked very nervous. They said he looked sweaty. They said he looks scared and fidgety compared that to a very confident special counsel, Jack Smith. And, you know, here is a clip of Nancy Pelosi saying that by all accounts in which she saw Donald Trump looked like a very scared little puppy here. Play this clip of Nancy Pelosi. To see the president of the United States be arraigned. It was interesting to hear Mr. Down to talk about half thought for him in the courtroom. When I was in the courtroom, of course, but when I saw his coming out of his car and this
Starting point is 00:10:17 or that, I saw a scared puppy. He looked very, very, very concerned about the fate. Look at that. I didn't see any bravado or confidence or anything like that. He knows of truth that he lost the election and now he's like to face the music. And so already Donald Trump's attempt to try to delay, delay, delay was shut down by a magistrate judge who was prepared for it because she had spoken with the federal judge, a judge, Chutkin, who's previously said, President St. Kings, Donald Trump ain't the president.
Starting point is 00:11:03 She put that in her order. So of course, what is Donald Trump doing? Complaining unfair judge, unfair venue. Everybody's out to get me the usual Trump BS. But we're going to see here what law and order really looks like. And it's very, very, very fortunate that you've got pro democracy law and order judges here. But count that as another L for Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I've been Myceles from the Midest Touch. No, we're kids subscribe. We're on our way to 1.5 million subscribers. Thanks to your support. Check us out slash and Midest Touch wherever you get audio podcasts. Subscribe to the Midest Touch podcast and have an excellent day. Hey, Midest Mighty. Love this report.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. to the Midas Touch podcast and have an excellent day.

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