Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump Employee has COMPLETE MELTDOWN on Stand, TANKS THE CASE

Episode Date: November 23, 2023

Trump’s long time financial officer just confessed under heavy cross examination that both Trump and Eric Trump committed fraud by approving financial statements to use with lenders that were inflat...ed by hundreds of millions of dollars. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on new documents used by the New York Attorney General in week 7 of the civil fraud case with Jeff McConney‘s handwriting all over it directly, tying the fraudulent statements at the heart of the case back to Donald and Eric. Go to right now to get your special offer! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:02:36 in the New York civil fraud trial case is the gift that keeps on giving his testimony and cross examination by the New York Attorney General, Mr. Amor establishes the conspiracy between Alan Weiselberg, Jeff McConney and Donald Trump and by extension Eric Trump and the fraudulent statement of financial condition of Donald Trump and the Trump organization used by them to obtain giant loans. They were entitled to obtain insurance. They were entitled to get approvals. They weren't entitled to obtain insurance. They weren't entitled to get approvals. They weren't entitled to get project approval.
Starting point is 00:03:08 They weren't entitled to get sure. He bonds for construction. They weren't entitled to and all the rest, which is at the heart of the civil fraud case. What did Mccony do? He did the thing that Donald Trump denied that he was involved with. Donald Trump has consistently denied, including when he was on the stand, just a couple of weeks ago, seems like yesterday, that he had very little involvement.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Donald Trump said, with a statement of financial condition, said the heart of the case, the listing of assets and liabilities, to show net worth, which was a requirement of many of the banks that Donald Trump, for instance, Deutsche Bank required, Donald Trump to show a personal net worth of over two and a half billion with a B dollars and about, you know, a $500 million of liquid assets. So you have to have assets on a sheet that show that and that's the statement of financial
Starting point is 00:03:58 condition at the heart of the case. Donald Trump tried to be hands off. I didn't know about it. Never saw it. Never looked at it. When they showed him in his deposition, Donald Trump handwritten blue ink notes that were from McConney, annotating the financial statements and putting a note that this needs to be reviewed by Donald J. Trump before it goes out the door for approval, tying Donald Trump to knowledge of the falsity and the financial
Starting point is 00:04:25 statements. He said, I don't know who's ink. I don't know who's bluing. That is. The New York Attorney General knew who it was. It was Jeff McConney when Eric Trump testified at the trial, just at the trial itself, I wasn't involved with the statement of financial condition, constantly trying to dump on measures, the outside accountants by saying, I rely on accounts for that. I don't get involved with statements of financial condition. He had to walk that back after he was cross-examinated, a cross-examined with a document that showed that Jeff McConney wanted Eric Trump while he was running things while Daddy was in
Starting point is 00:05:01 the White House to review the statement of financial condition the same way daddy Trump did. For all the years at issue prior to him becoming president, Eric Trump took over that job. He got the big desk like in succession. And he had a then respond to to McConey. When McConey, this is the bombshell out of his testimony tying him to the conspiracy with Alan Weisselberg, Donald Trump and Eric Trump, and then of course, Don Jr. to the fraudulent financial statements. They put a document when he was being a direct exam.
Starting point is 00:05:35 And McConney said that this was the order of operation. This was the flow chart. This was the workflow, right? That he would prepare an initial draft, the statement of financial conditions. He would give it to Alan Weiselberg, the now disgraced felon chief financial officer who's not a CPA, not a certified public accountant for Donald Trump, who would then send it to measures to look at it and then they would print the final. And he purposely left out until he was crossing Xamarin by Mr. Amor for the New York Attorney General's office,
Starting point is 00:06:07 the pit stop in between. Here's how it really went based on the testimony that was induced at trial and crossing examination, right? Compel testimony. It went from Alan, it went from Jeff McConney preparing it with lots of notes and lots of scribbles. He was known as the Zarb the spreadsheet, keeping track of everything, making questionable, making notes for questions to be answered by the owners of the company.
Starting point is 00:06:31 For instance, on the statement of financial condition, should we list deals that aren't yet closed, but are forecasted, meaning deals we'd like to do. That would be like you and me listing on our personal financial statement, some multi-billion dollar house down the street that we have our eye on, but we haven't gotten around to buying yet. And listing that is part of our financial assets. So that financial statement, let's just take 2014 or 2015, for an example, according to the New York Attorney General was inflated, was cooked about two or three hundred into the New York Attorney General was inflated, was cooked about two or three hundred million dollars more than it was worth, right? Already a fraud, a three hundred million dollar fraud sitting on that financial statement.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And what it, how it really went is it went mccony to Weiselberg and then for the given time period to Donald Trump himself. In fact, they put up an exhibit. We'll show it here on this hot take, DJT to final review in blue ink. That was from McConney. And when it wasn't Donald Trump, it was Eric Trump. The Eric Trump already said, as I said earlier, on his testimony, I wasn't involved. I was pouring concrete. He never, this guy touches hands.
Starting point is 00:07:44 He's, there's no calluses on those hands. He never poured concrete. He never, this guy touches hands. He's, there's no calluses on those hands. He never poured concrete, but he certainly was involved with the statement of financial condition because McConey put it in front of him with notes that said, have ET, whatever his initials are. I like ET have ET review Eric Trump review these financial statements when daddy was in the White House tying Eric Trump to the fraudulent financial statements when daddy was in the White House, tying Eric Trump to the fraudulent financial statement before it was presented to counter parties like Lenders and insurance companies, heart disease, blood clots, strokes, and kidney failure.
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Starting point is 00:09:27 bottle. Just go to slash legal AF right now to get your special offer for being a part of the legal AF audience. That's slash legal AF to pick up your bottle of native path krill oil. See the way that McConney misled or tried to mislead the judge is that he tried to argue that it was all an internal issue and the last stop on the train was mazers, the outside accounts, and Donald Trump and Eric Trump
Starting point is 00:09:54 weren't involved, but his own penmanship did him in on the stand. You can't write notes and have questions in there for the boss and then and and then take the same position at the same time that's completely inconsistent and irreconcilable that the boss never saw these things or wasn't involved with these things. In fact, the attorney general can conclude in front of the judge and argue in front of the judge that not only was Trump involved, but he made the ultimate decisions to include several hundred millions of dollars of deals that hadn't yet been actual.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Actualize hadn't yet been accomplished, had only been forecasted on his financial statement in order to boost the numbers, right? In order to cook the books and his handwriting is all over it because McConney's handwriting is all over it. And Ericney's handwriting is all over it. And Eric Trump's handwriting is all over it and fingerprints are all over it because McConney's handwriting is all over it. And that's where we're coming with the case. There's another issue that came up.
Starting point is 00:10:54 These documents with McConney's handwriting, right? The handwriting on the wall from Jeff McConney was not turned over by the Trump organization during discovery in the case. It was turned over, you know, by pulling teeth from measures, the outside account in a subpoena process in which measures tried to battle with the New York Attorney General in front of the judge and was then compelled to turn over all their documents. And there was the cash of documents with McConney's signature on it that Trump organization and Trump conveniently either destroyed, which is called spoliation of evidence, which is a bad
Starting point is 00:11:31 thing in a crime, or they just don't have a document retention system, again, an indicator that there's persistent fraud going on in an organization. And so Jeff McConney had to testify to all these things. I mean, they put up just to show you how meticulous the New York Attorney General is. They put up the exhibit, which is people's exhibit, three thousand fifty four. That's how many documents the New York Attorney General put up in the case so far, three thousand exhibits. For those that question, why does judge and go on need a law clerk to help him process information and understand a case as the trial or a fact?
Starting point is 00:12:09 Because there's been 3000 exhibits presented. But these are key exhibits, right? Handwriting is not just on the wall. Handwriting is on the documents. McConney's handwriting, directing traffic, sending the documents that are fraudulent to Donald Trump and Eric Trump when he was in charge to approve, to make the key decisions about whether pay boss, you know, I'll put this in my speech, hey, boss, shall we include the assets we haven't acquired
Starting point is 00:12:35 yet on your asset sheet? And the answer to that from Donald Trump was yes, yes, please do it twice. And those are the very statement of financial conditions that are fraudulent and inflated, used by Donald Trump in the organization to go get more money than he was entitled to at banks, to get insurance companies to ensure projects, to pull permits, to do construction. And that is the case and who better to tell it, even if he didn't do it in a cooperative fashion under penalty of perjury than Jeff McConey, the same, the same controller who's been with the Trump organization reporting to Alan Weiselberg, the chief financial officer for more than 30 years, who got immunity
Starting point is 00:13:17 in order to testify against the Trump organization last year in the tax fraud case in which a jury, a state Manhattan jury found 17 counts of felony tax evasion by the Trump organization. Wal-McConney was on the, was on the switch, right? Well, he was on watch. And so this is compelling testimony. This linkage, the McConney didn't want to make in his direct testimony, but had to make in his gross examination by the New York Attorney General, this linkage that, hey, you left out something,
Starting point is 00:13:49 Donald Trump and Eric Trump's involvement in approving the fraudulent financial statements which lie at the heart of the case. We'll continue to analyze trial testimony, just like this one. I've been a trial lawyer for a long time in courtrooms, just like this one. And I bring this kind of analysis. One place might as touch network legal a f it is what you think that title at the corner of law, justice and politics on the might as touch network Wednesday nights, Saturday nights, 8 p.m. audio podcast platforms, wherever you can get it. Leave me a thumbs up for this hot
Starting point is 00:14:22 ticket. It helps with the ratings and me on the air. So my next hot dick, until my next legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for?
Starting point is 00:14:38 Follow us now. you

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