Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump Gets SCREWED by Georgia Co-Defendants and it’s AMAZING

Episode Date: August 29, 2023

Legal AF hosts Ben Meiselas and Karen Friedman Agnifilo report on how Trump’s co-defendants in Fulton County, Georgia have utterly messed up his plans to try and delay the RICO case being prosecuted... by Fani Willis.  Try Mosh today and use LEGALAF to save 20% plus free shipping at Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Ben Myselis from Legal AF joined by our co-host Karen Friedman Agnifalo. You know, yesterday there was so much breaking news. It was happening fast and furious. In Fulton County, Georgia, you had the superior court judge presiding over the sprawling Rico case, scheduling the arrangement of Donald Trump and his co-defendants for September 6th in 15 minute increments. We had Mark Meadows testifying in federal court in the Georgia federal court. Then we go north to Washington, DC, where we had Judge Chutkin setting a trial date in the case against Donald Trump brought by special counsel jack smith for trumps
Starting point is 00:00:48 Tempt to overthrow our democracy setting that trial date for March 4th of 2024 so things were happening fast and furious I want to get into the weeds a little bit on this point Karen because with judge Maccifee the superior court judge in Georgia setting these arrangements for all of Trump's co-defendants and Trump taking place very soon on September 6th. McAfee is moving this case along. And I think that Donald Trump's co-defendants Ken Chesbro, Sidney Powell, we hear John Eastman's gonna do this, in demanding this speedy trial with Chesbro,
Starting point is 00:01:30 kind of being the first to do it and other seeming to join, it seems like they kind of screwed over, if you will, the plan of the other co-defendants who were hoping to delay, delay, delay, including Donald Trump. We know that's Donald Trump's big tactic, delay everything, push everything back and then try to use kind of extra judicial pressures to try to interfere and metal with the normal
Starting point is 00:01:59 stream line judicial processes. So first we hear Chesbro makes this speedy trial demand under Georgia law. Let me just explain what a speedy trial demand under Georgia law is. It's a very kind of unique procedure. Other states, of course, have speedy trial laws, the Constitution, the United States under the Sixth Amendment has a speedy, right to a speedy trial. So this is a concept that's not unique, but it's applicability in Georgia is unique, because speedy means very speedy. If a criminal defendant in the case invokes the speedy trial, a trial has to take place. A jury has to be seated during
Starting point is 00:02:38 the term where the demand is made or the following term. And if it is, and if a jury is seated one day after the following term of that court, the case automatically gets dismissed. Dismissed on the merits can't be brought back. Double jeopardy applies and the person's innocent if the prosecutor can't bring it to trial. And so in Fulton County, we're currently in a July term, which ends at the end of August. That then starts the next term, the September term, which ends at the end of October. So Fulton County District Attorney, Fony Willis, had to respond when Ken Chesbro, Donald Trump's co-defendant, and a former lawyer of Trump, who was involved in the fake electors scheme and
Starting point is 00:03:23 trying to pressure state legislatures. And there's all these documented stuff with Chesbro. When Chesbro demanded a speedy trial, you had a situation where Fonney Willis had to say, all right, I'm ready to go October 23rd, but she didn't just say that, Karen. She said, I want to try everybody's case now, October 23rd. I was thinking March of 2024, but hey, Chesbro's ready. So I'm ready for Trump. I'm ready for everybody else.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And if Chesborough thought he was gonna somehow separate himself from team crazy, he was wrong because Sydney Powell and Johnny Smith, they requested the speedy trial as well. So Karen, this may have real serious implications on everybody, there's a world where, you know, after the Arame, we hear Macafe saying, you know what,
Starting point is 00:04:03 I wanna bring this whole case in October of 2023. And it makes Trump's case harder to try to delay, delay, delay. Yeah, I mean, look, what's crazy, and the reason this really screws Trump is because it's really hard for Trump to say, you know what, I need, you know, two years to prepare, there's too much evidence here. If you've got people, if you've got his lawyers, right, not just team crazy, but you've got Ken Chesbro, who's, you know, somewhat of a respect
Starting point is 00:04:32 he used to be a respected lawyer. You know, if you've got him saying, I can be ready. And Johnny Eastman saying, I can be ready. And Sidney Powell saying, I can be ready. It's really hard for Trump's lawyers to say, you know what, gee, we need more time. We can't be ready.
Starting point is 00:04:46 So that's why it screws Donald Trump and others completely for sure. You know, it's interesting how it's the lawyers who are starting to break off, right? Because that's the thing that three of them have in common. The lawyers are gonna want to mount a united defense. Apparently it seems where they're gonna say, look, we were just giving legal advice
Starting point is 00:05:05 you know we're just the lowly old lawyers here we we weren't part of any of this we're just we just give you know the whole range of advice this if this then that and you know it's kind of a layup for you know for for the team Trump who can then turn and say see they were just giving legal advice we were just relying on legal advice and therefore Trump can avail himself of the advice of council defense So that's clearly what that whole thing is shaping up to be Note that anyone can withdraw any of these defendants can withdraw their request for a speedy trial at any time The judge for judicial economy reasons will if anyone who's requesting a speedy trial at any time. The judge for judicial economy reasons will, if anyone who's requesting a speedy trial, help set them all on the same date because the cases are joined, right? He won't sever them. He'll keep them together to have as few trials as
Starting point is 00:05:55 possible. But, you know, we still don't even know if the case will be in the state court because we've got the removal proceeding going on with Mark Meadows right now as well as we speak. And that case, if the judge could decide not to remove, could remant him back, right, to stay court, or he can choose to remove Mark Meadows to federal court, additionally he can say, you know what, the whole case is going up to federal court. If that happens, then the speedy trial demand will not apply. The federal rules of evidence will apply, including the fact that it will not be televised because don't forget in Georgia, that would require the case to be televised, because that's what the law is there, but cameras typically aren't allowed in federal court.
Starting point is 00:06:42 So it's very interesting what they're trying to do here. I think Ken Chisbro was a little bit chasened by the fact that Team Crazy has hitched her wagon to his. That does not, if I were him, I would not want that. I'd want to separate myself from her and everybody else and say, look, Team Crazy is the one giving the crazy criminal advice. I was just trying to give actual real legal advice. That's what he's going to want to do. But if they are all lumped
Starting point is 00:07:11 together now, that does not help his defense. So we'll see, stay tuned. If that's really going to happen in October, I'm not sure. I'd say it's a 50-50 chance at this point, whether that actually happens in October, but it's set for it. So, it's something to watch for sure. As the year progresses, it's so important to stay on top of your mental health and fitness. We here at Legal AF and the Midas Touch Network are constantly bringing you the latest news and updates, so we have to stay sharp between the ears at all times. Frankly, life gets busy, busy, busy, and sometimes you end up sacrificing food and good foods and snacks for unhealthy ones, strictly because they seem more convenient. I am guilty of that.
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Starting point is 00:10:29 at Sydney Powell and Eastman and goes, oh man, I'm shoulder to shoulder with team crazy. And so what am I going to do? I'm going to say, I was the normal one. And then you're going to have a Sydney Powell going to testify. I mean, you got Sydney Powell talking about seizing voting machines. You got Sydney Powell talking about, you know, space lasers and satellites that are hooked up to Hugo Chavez and I'm gonna be, it's gonna be a very clear message
Starting point is 00:10:58 to the jury. Hey, you were part of that legal team, what were you not? And then what? Chesbro is gonna point his finger at Sydney Powell.vel is going to point her finger at Chesbro. Then Eastman's going to, there's going to be videos of Eastman from the day of the insurrection, basically calling on the insurrectionists to storm the Capitol. You're going to have all of that going down.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah, yeah. And on top of that, just to add to what you're saying, two things. Number one, don't forget John Eastman. It was in civil court, but in California, he was already found to be more likely than not the crime fraud exception applied to the attorney client privilege, right? In the Chapman, the guy, the law professor who works at Chapman, I can't remember his name now. But in that case, he was already found by a federal judge to be more likely than not basically a co-conspirator. So John Eastman has some pretty bad facts against him.
Starting point is 00:11:51 And on top of that, cheesebro, until that December 6th memo came out recently, I would have said there was a thin case against him. I think the December 6th memo where he's basically outlining the crime, as well as the fact that he was on the ground with Alex Jones making sure that there was chaos. He's no longer just the lawyer in a law firm sitting back giving giving advice. Now he's given a criminal road map and then making sure it's implemented by being on the ground, you know, following around Alex Jones on the day of by the Capitol of January 6th.
Starting point is 00:12:28 So I think he's now, there's a strong case against him now, but I think that was the reason he was also separating. I think there was, he believes there was a thinner case against him. Yeah, and then that was a federal judge, David Carter right out here in the Central District of California Southern Division who made that ruling that Eastman was involved in a coup in search of a legal theory with Donald Trump. So now you have coup Eastman. You're going to have Chesbro and you'll have Sydney Powell who's the craziest of the bunch and and you know and I shouldn't
Starting point is 00:13:01 make light of it because also a very dangerous, dangerous person who's engaged and very heinous acts as well. By the way, to your point, Karen, if that goes at that date, and again, one of the reasons that you go, maybe it doesn't, is Chesbro going to say, I'm out. I don't want to be a part of this. I'm going to withdraw the speedy trial request now. But then you still have the trial of Sydney Powell and Eastman that would take place in that time period. That will be televised. We're going to cover it here on the Midas Touch Network. So you'll see that live streamed on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:13:34 We may have to even create a whole new YouTube channel just for showing all of these joracle of Midas Georgia trials. I'll think about what we can do with that. But if there are convictions there, then you're going to see a lot of, I think, plea agreements that are going to be reached by the other co-defendants there who are then going to agree to cooperate against Donald Trump for Trump's trial. If Trump's trial is at a later date, and I think that it's actually, when Chesbro did that, if he thought that he was calling Foni Willis's bluff, Foni Willis is like, this is a gift.
Starting point is 00:14:11 This is great, this is what I want, and I've been preparing for this moment. And you have to have that mentality as a prosecutor, Karen, I mean, obviously for all of our viewers who watch Legal AF, they know your background as the former number two at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, but I'll let you close it with this.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I mean, you basically ran the Manhattan District Attorney's Office for many decades. And so as a prosecutor, if you're bringing a case like this, if Chesborough thought you're calling out the prosecutor, that's something that is very mistaken. A prosecutor will actually, a good prosecutor will be like, that's what I wanted. Yes, I'm ready to go. Yeah, like a good prosecutor, a pro, which Fanny Willis has proven to be over and over
Starting point is 00:15:00 and over again. I'm just so impressed with her. You're a master chess player. You're ready for whatever is going to be thrown at you. And certainly, she was aware of her, this Georgia speedy trial, potential demand. It's unlike any speedy trial I've ever seen, even in the rocket-docket jurisdictions,
Starting point is 00:15:19 having to be ready in, you have to have a jury sat and sworn before the end of either the term in which you presented the case or the next term That's a matter of like two months three months. That's that's a very very fast Speedy trial even for the rocket docket jurisdictions So she obviously is well aware of her Speedy trial laws and so, when she said last March, after, you know, don't forget the special purpose grand jury ended in January of this year, and issued its report, she said in March
Starting point is 00:15:55 that her decisions were imminent. We were all very frustrated by how long it was taking, but clearly the reason it was taking so long was she knew she had to be ready to try the case immediately. She had to have the entire trial ready. So she's ready. And don't forget when when she when Chesbro asked for a speedy trial, he asked for November. And she said no, let's do October because she's giving herself enough time to have the jury seated and sworn because that's what has to happen. And, you know, it's going to be, it's still under the wire.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And I found that head scratching. What if people say I can't be fair or I can't sit for a trial this long or I can't be fair because I have strong opinions. I'm a Trump supporter or I hate Trump. Whatever it is, this is going to be no easy task to find a jury. So it's not hurt, it won't be hurtful necessarily. So what happens then? Because if she doesn't have a jury sworn by the end of the next term, the case gets dismissed
Starting point is 00:16:57 on the merits, it's an acquittal, it's no one's responsible. And so my understanding is what happens is the judge will work seven days a week, 18 hour days, anything they have to do to get a jury because they know what the stakes are if they don't. So this is intense, she was ready, and she is a real pro. I'm so impressed by Bonnie Willis. Couldn't agree more with you.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Everyone check out legal AF wherever audio podcasts are available. Make sure you subscribe to legal a F and check out for all the breaking news that we cover here and elsewhere throughout the mightest touch network. Have a great day. And Karen and I will be back with we call these are legal duets. We'll be back with some more legal duets. So you have a great one. Hey, mightas Mide.
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